• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

Presently, in addition to the Urological Department of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital (LOKL) with 70 beds (head Dr. Roman Sheremeta), there are seven more inde-pendent urology units in Lviv:

The Department of Urology in the 5

th Lviv City

Clinical Hospital (60 beds, 9 doctors), Chief Dr. Ljubomyr Skolozdra. The Hospital was founded in 1966.

The Department of Urology of the City Emergency Hospital care Lviv City Clinical Hospital, (60 beds, 12 doc-– tors), Chief Dr. Oleg Lesnjak. The hospital was opened in 1973. Dr. Valentina Kushpil became the first head of the Ward of Urology in the surgery department. The Department of Urology was opened in 1982. Volodymir Ivashko became the head of this unit. Under his leadership the department came to be a well -known facility in the city. Since 1980 Dr. Oleg Lesnjak has guided the work of the facility, and has also been chief Urologist.

The Department of urology and Nephrology in the Military Hospital (35 beds, 5 Physicians), chief Dr. Mykola – Polishchuk.

The Department of Urology of the Veterans’ and Victims of Reprisals’ Hospital (45 beds, 5 physicians), headed –

by Dr. Igor Buchma.

The Railway Clinical Hospital, Centre of Endourol-ogy (30 beds, 7 doctors), chief Yurij Hrystana. Department – of Urology (30 beds, 2 doctors), chief Dr. Bohdan Fedorchuk.

The Department of Urology, Centre of Mini -invasive Operations in Lviv City Children’s Community Hospital – (30 beds), head Dr. Z. Stupnitskyy.

The Urology Department of the Regional Extrapul-monary Tuberculosis Hospital Phthisiourology (70 beds, – 4 physicians), chief Dr. Yurij Matvijiv. The department was opened in 1989. The head of the department was then Dr. Jaroslav Matvijev. Since 2005 Yurij Matvijiv has led the department.

In 2011, altogether, there were 330 urological beds in different hospitals in Lviv.

Statistical data from 2013 show Lviv to have about 734,000 inhabitants. University of Lviv has 11.649 students.

For the location of The Lviv University Urological Clinic, see picture (Fig. 10) [28, 31, 34, 35, 36].


In the post -Soviet era the Ukrainian system of health-care and academic education completely differs from that of the West. In Ukraine the goals of the Medical University are to teach students and to conduct postgraduate educa-tion of physician. Only a few Ukrainian Medical Univer-sities have their own clinics with beds. In Lviv there are no university clinics. Departments of Urology are based in hospitals. In these hospitals there are offices, and they have staff and managers. For example, the Medical University of Lviv has 20% of the beds in the Department of Urology of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.

In the history of medicine important developments are mostly reduced to a single person’s work and ideas. However, nowadays such important developments can rarely be reduced only to the heads of the departments or the institutes. The special regulation and situation in urological services in Lviv also shows that many other top urologists have contributed to the modernisation of urology in the city in the last 2 dec-ades. Not only have the heads of the urological departments enormously contributed to urology, but also their associates and many other co -workers and other clinics. It is especially worth mentioning some of the chiefs of the urological units in Lviv who have done this. Other doctors, associate profes-sors and profesprofes-sors: Pyetro Maxymovich Kovalchuk, Pyetro Kondrat, Mykola Artyshchuk, Roman Sheremeta, Andryi Cezarovich Borzhyievsky and Oleksandr Shulyak can be credited with improving our speciality here [28, 34, 36].


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R O C Z N I K I P O M O R S K I E J A K A D E M I I M E D Y C Z N E J W S Z C Z E C I N I E 2013, 59, 1, 170–3