• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

Since 1987 Professor Andrzej Sikorski (born 1945 in Kalisz) has held the urological chair of this Urological Department. This period is characterised by profound -political changes in east Europe. New political situation,

laid the foundation for rapid and revolutionary moderni-sation of medicine and further cooperation with western urologist.

During his leadership almost all contemporary diag-nostic apparatus and therapeutic equipment and treat-ment methods of urological diseases have been introduced and improved in the department. Under his supervision extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (E.S.W.L.), percu-tanous nephrolitholapaxy (PCN), endourology and laparo-scopic urology were introduced, developed or modernized.

Prof. Sikorski organised two Congresses of Polish Urolo-logical Association, in 1993 and in 2003 in Szczecin. His urological clinic belongs to the leading urological institu-tions in the country and is known through the Europe. He organized numerous under EAU supervising international meetings and urological courses. In recognition of his uro-logical service, Professor Andrzej Sikorski was appointed in 2009 to organise the 3d North -Eastern European Meet-ing. The focus his clinical activity is operative urology, urooncology and especially minimal invasive urology.

He and his co -worker (staff, team) have been recognized as a leading urological laparoscopic surgery in Poland.

In 1993, Prof. Sikorski and his staff have performed the first laparoscopic nephrectomy in Szczecin. His associ-ate Dr. Marcin Słojewski, together with Dr. Piotr Chłosta has edited “Atlas of urological Laparoscopy in urology”

in 2008. It is the first comprehensive handbook of this subject in Poland. Prof. Sikorski is engaged in urological

politics in Poland and abroad (Fig. 17). He authored or co -authored over 300 scientific publications and book chapters [3, 12, 25, 34].

Statistical data from 2003 showed the population of Szcze cin to have 415 399 inhabitants. The number of the hospital’s beds at Pomorzany (Pommerensdorf) decreased to 573, inclusive 62 urological beds. The number of talized patients was 389 per day, and the number of hospi-talized patients per year reached 31 078, respectively uro-logical patients daily 39 and 4509 per year (Pomorzany Hospital Statistic Office). In 2011, the number of inhabitants of Szcze cin decreased to 381 484.

Presently, in addition to Urological Clinic there are three more independent urology units in Szczecin.

The Department of Urology with 28 beds, in Woiwod-schaft Hospital (Arkońska, Nemitzer Strasse, German:

Kückenmühler Anstalten) founded in 1983. The first Chef of the urological department was Dr. Stanisław Tarasz-kiewicz (*1929). Since 1996 Dr. Jerzy Switała has headed urological department.

The urological Ward (20 beds) in Municipal Hospital (founded in 1989, was located on Carolus Boromeus Stift).

The first chef of the facility was Dr. Stanisława Spoz (*1941).

Since 2003 Dr. Marek Grabowski (*1956) has headed uro-logical department. In 2008, the Department of Urology was relocated to Independent Public Specialists Hospital in Szczecin -Zdroje. Now, the urological unit is equipped with almost all modern diagnostic and treatment methods of urological diseases have been improved and introduced modern methods of treating urinary calculi (E.S.W.L., PCN, URS and laparoscopic operations). Today the department has 24 beds.

The urological ward (30 beds) of the military hospital in Szczecin (known until 1945 Landesfrauenklinik) was duly opened on. July 1, 1987, headed by Dr. Jan Mickie-wicz. Who has permitted two residents in urology. Actually, Igor Frulenko heads the department of 20 urological beds.

There are four urologists as his co -workers.

Fig. 17. Prof. A. Sikorski (right), Dr. T. Zajączkowski (left) Ryc. 17. Od prawej: prof. A. Sikorski i dr T. Zajączkowski


The Szczecin Urological Clinic is located still on the ground floor of block B (house A) of Independent Public Clin-ical Hospital No. 2, as it was 94 years earlier (Fig. 18).

The ambitious plans to build a new hospital fitted out with modern equipment, drawn up in the 20s and 60s of the previous century failed to be implemented owing to the lack of funds [1, 2, 3, 4, 22, 25].


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1. : Kranken - und Heilanstalten in Stettin (I. Teil und II Teil).

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urology in Szczecin (Stettin). How political changes influenced me-dicine. Historia Urol Europ. 2005, 12, 23–52.

Peter H.

4. : Vom Glauben und Wissen. Entwicklung der Heilkunde in Stettin. Teil I und II. Nordost -Archiv. 1983, Heft 71 und 72, 1–18 u.


Schuchard K.A.

5. : Ueber gutartige und krebsige Zottengeschwülste der Harnblase nebst Bemerkungen über die operative Behandlung vorge-schrittener Blasenkrebse. Langenbeck’s Archiv. 1896, 52, 53–76.

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6. : Ueber die Callusgeschwülste der männlichen Harn-röhre. Dtsch Med Wochschr. 1890, 16, 43, 993–494.

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7. : Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Ärzte des neunzehn-ten Jahrhunderts. Verlag Urban und Schwarzenberg, Berlin – Wien 1901.

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8. : Die Urologische Abteilung. In: Die Städtischen Krankenan-stalten Stettins. Eds: A. Gottschalk, O. Meyer, E. Mühlmann. Selb-stverlag 1931, 85–87.

Zajączkowski T., Wojewski -Zajączkowski E.M.

9. : Entwicklung des

Städ-tischen Krankenhauses in Stettin. Anfänge der Urologie in Stettin (1. Teil). Urologe [A]. 2005, 44, 73–80.

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10. : Recherche Felix Hagen. Berliner Medizinisch -Historisches Museum (BMM) der Charité Universitätsmedizin. Berlin 2004.

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12. : Beginning of urology

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13. : Über funktionelle Störungen der Harnwege. Medizinische Klinik. 1930, 26, 34, 1247–1253.

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15. : Über Hämaturie ohne Lokalsymptome. Medizinische Klinik.

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18. : Chirurgen in Berlin. 100 Porträts. Publisher Walter de Gruyter, Berlin–New York 1983, 103.

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1936). Bearbeitet vom Presse - und Propagandaamt der Stadt Stettin.

Verwaltungsbericht der Stadt Stettin 1935 und 1. April 1940 bis 31. März 20. 1941. Bearbeitet vom Städtischen Informationsdienst Stettin.

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22. : Klinika Urologii. Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis.

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23. : Städtisches Krankenhaus

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Prof. Alfons Antoni Wojewski (1912–1992), Urologie. 2006, 45, 1006–1016.

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24. : Professor Alfons Antoni Wojewski (1912–1992) the founder of Urology in West Pomerania. Died 10 years ago. Eur Urol Today. 2002, 13 (4), 15.

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25. : History of development of urology

in North -West of Poland. In: 50 -years of the Polish Urological Associa-tion. Ed. A. Borkowski. Remedy, Warszawa 2003.

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26. : Restoration of the entire skin of the penis after a scalping injury. Urologia. 1961, 28, 550–553.

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27. : The evaluation of the methods applied in the diagnosis of the prostate cancer. Urol Int. 1962, 14, 140–159.

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28. : A true hermaphrodite. J Urol. 1962, 88, 539–541.

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29. : The influence of stilboestrol

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30. : Personal modification of the Fabre -Thiermann radical prostatectomy for cancer. Urologia 1965, 32, 1.

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Fig. 18. The Department of Urology in Szczecin today, ground floor Ryc. 18. Klinika Urologii w Szczecinie, stan obecny, parter

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Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis – Annals of the Pomeranian Medical University

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