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Hybrid methods for function generation


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REPORT NO. 153 November, 1961.



Hybrid Methods for Function Generation b y

-R. J . A. Paul, B , S c . ( E n g . ) , A . M . I . E . E . , A - M . I . M e c h . E .


A m.ethod of function generation is discussed based on the use of hybrid digital analogue techniques.

A brief description of a quantizer is given together with some experimental r e s u l t s . The purpose of this unit is to give the derivative with respect to time (in quantized form) of a v a r i a b l e . Units of this type used in conjunction with pulse modulators, which a r e also described, a r e shown to be capable of performing a wide variety of analytic functions. The application to correlation functions, using magnetic core storage for time delays, is also discussed.

Another application is a fast analogue/digital converter with an Incrementsil bit resolution time of one m i c r o - s e c o n d .

The possibility of extending the application to generation of a r b i t r a r y functions of one or m o r e variable is considered and one possible form of instriunentation, based on the use of magnetic core storage, is described.


Introduction 1 Generation of Functions by Integration Techniques 1

The Basic Modulation System 3 The Basic Computing Units 4

4 . 1 . The Quantizer 4 4. 2. The Modulator (M) 8 4 , 3 . The Integrator (I) 9 High Speed Incremental Analogue Digital Converter 11

5 . 1 . The basic arrangemient 11

5.2, The Counter 11 Simulation of Dead Time (Transportation lag) 12

6 . 1 . Principle of Operation 12 6 . 2 . The Shift Register 13 Correlation Functions 14 7 . 1 . Introductory Remarks 14 7 . 2 . Generation of C r o s s - c o r r e l a t i o n Function

^ (-T ) 15 ^yx o

Generation of Arbit r a r y Functions 18

Conclusions 18 Acknowledgements 19

References 19 F i g u r e s



-1. Introduction

With conventional analogue techniques the multiplication of two o r m o r e v a r i a b l e s , generation of functions of one o r m o r e variables and the simulation of dead time (transportation lag), present a difficult problem usually requiring special computing devices for each p a r t i c u l a r c a s e .

The aim of this paper is to extend the ideas, outlined in references 1 and 2, as a method of overcom^ing some of the difficulties associated with pure analogue or continuous variable simulation techniques.

The basic idea is to effect the differentiation with respect to time of a variable, say X, in d i s c r e t e digital form, i. e, 2 ^ . If such a signal is used to modulate another


signal representing a variable y. then the output of the modulator is y jr-' If this


Si ƒ

y • "KT*^* "^ / y '^'

The facility for generating the function y. dx provides a b a s i s for function generation s i m i l a r to that which naay be achieved by a mechanical differential analyzer, but at a significantly higher computing r a t e .

2. Generation of Functions by Integration Techniques

As already stated the basic problem is to generate the function / y. dx which involves the multiplication of y by dx and then integration of the result. This combined operation i s the b a s i s of the conventional D . D . A. (incremental) computer.

In t h e m e t h o d presented in this paper the function / y. dx is derived in an approximate

r sx

m a n n e r , from the function / y. T—. dt, with the restriction imposed that the variables X and y must be single -valued functions of the independent variable, t i m e .

The generation of rr- is based on sampling and quantizing the variable x, in that it is measured only at discrete time intervals separated by 6 t = T (where — = ssimpllng rate) and in d i s c r e t e amplitude steps 6x = - q, where q is a constant quantization level. It is n e c e s s a r y therefore, that the amplitude change in x should be l e s s than one step or quantum q in the time T.

max In fact a s discussed l a t e r ,

^ ^max

If this condition is satisfied, 6x may be expressed In the form

6x = q . u (2.3)



magnitude and constant width (less than T) and with positive or negative sign according to the time r a t e of change of x (see Fig. 1).


Jf =


= au


ot T x X

where a is a constant = 3; • (2.5) The variable x may be reconstituted for the signal u by integration with

r e s p e c t to time i . e .

a / u ^ d t = / u ^ . a . d t = / 1 | - d t = / dx = x . (2.6) It should be noted that this integration p r o c e s s implies a zero initial condition for x, F o r a finite initial condition a constant must be added.

The multiplication —y . -rr- is achieved in a modulator unit, which modulates the signal y by the signal ku to give , an output signal y . u . Note k is a scaling constant to suit circuit conditions. This modulator unit is basically a saunpling switch giving samples of y of width T modified by the sign of u (see Fig. 1).

The function / y. dx i s derived by integrating the product y. u with respect to time in a conventional analogue integrator, having a time constant = — so that

fy.dx = a fy.u^ dt . (2.7)

In special cases in which y is also in digital form the integrator may be in the form of a r e v e r s i b l e digital counter,

The three basic computing units proposed are therefore as

follows:-(i) a quantizer Q which for an input variable x, gives an output = k^ j— = k^ a u = ku . (ii) a modulator M , giving an output signal y. u , where y and u .k a r e input signals. (iii) an integrator I, which in general will be a conventional analogue device with a

time constant = —. a

These units are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. The pulse train of the quantizer is shown in naore detail in Fig. 5, and comprises the two waveforms F and G. The negative and positive impulses a r e separated for convenience of circuit conditions. Typical detailed waveforms involved in the modulator a r e shown in Fig. 7.

Four simple applications of such units a r e illustrated in Fig. 2. (a) Multiplication of two variables x and y,

i . e . xy = j ( x ^ + y ^ ) d t = a j ( x u + y.u^)dt . (2.8) (b) Differentiation of y with respect to x, i . e . -^ ,

dy dy . dx . 1 dy 1 dy dx dt • dt • au dt x ' a dt




-(c) Function of n ' v a r i a b l e s Including independent variable t i m e , i . e . f(x. X. X t) ,

^ « n

f(x,.x^...x^, ... t ) = j [ ^ - . _ + _ . _ + . . . _ _ H . _ J d t

= a / -— . u + r— . u + . . . - — . u + - rr- dt (2.10) ƒ ax. x. 8x, X, ax X a at

'' L 1 1 a s n n J

(d) Differential equation with an independent variable which i s a function of t i m e . 2

i ^ + A ^ + ^ y = f(x) . (2.11) dx "^

i . _ [.,U),.ASl^By] . (2.12)

^ • / a f - - ' / i - f - ^ ' T a / S . u , d . . (2.:3,

3. The Basic Modulation System

The operation of the quantizer is based on the application of delta modulation principles'3.4)^ This application to electronic computation was first proposed in 1956, (Refs, 5 and 6). A broad survey of the problem based on these latter unpublished papers was given in Refs. 1 and 2.

A brief description of the delta modulation system, which was first published in 1947 a s a communication link, is now given.

A block diagram of the basic equipment is shown in Fig. 3.

At the transmitting end a pulse generator, which produces pulses of constant height and repetition frequency, is fed to a modulator. In the latter the polarity of the pulses is controlled by a difference voltage, obtained in a comparator, by comparing the modulating signal with an approximate s t a i r c a s e waveform. This approximating waveform is produced by integrating the output pulses from the

modulator, so that a positive pulse r a i s e s the integrator output voltage by a discrete step, whilst a negative pulse reduces it by the same amount.

U at any particular instant when a new step is formed, the modulating signal is g r e a t e r than the s t a i r c a s e signal, the polarity of the e r r o r is such that a positive pulse is fed to the integrator so that the staircase waveform falls by one step. The output from the pulse modulator is also fed to the t r a n s m i t t e r , which however, only t r a n s m i t s the unchanged or positive pulses, with the negative pulses represented by gaps in the pulse train.


Essentially the t r a n s m i t t e r arrangement is a feedback control system with the transmitted signal as the e r r o r t e r m .

At the receiving end the s t a i r c a s e waveform is reconstructed from, the received pulses by means of equipment s i m i l a r to that used in the t r a n s m i t t e r . A local pulse generator, which is synchronised with the one in the t r a n s m i t t e r , i s fed to a modulator which determines the polarity of the pulses according to the p r e s e n c e , or otherwise, of the received p u l s e s . The output from the modulator is integrated to form a replica of the original s t a i r c a s e waveform, which i s then passed through a low-pass filter to give a continuous waveform reseriibllng the original modulating signal.

As already stated a modified version of the technique is used in the design of the quantizer,

4. The Basic Computing Units 4 . 1 . The Quantizer

4 . 1 . 1 . Mode of operation

A block diagram of the unit Is shown in F i g . 4(a) and it is seen that it is essentially a feedback control systena, the purpose of which is to maintain a correspondence

between Y and the input signal X.

The circuit diagram of a prototype unit which was built at the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, U.K. is shown in Fig. 4(b).

All relevant waveforms In the unit a r e shown in Fig. 5. Referring to F i g s . 4 and 5, the analogue input signal X is added to the integrator output signal Y, which i s of opposite sign to X, and the resultant signal is amplified by a directly coupled amplifier to give the waveform A. The latter signal is applied to a two state t r i g g e r circuit, which gives a well defined i*ectangular wave output B. This is fed to an "and" gate together with a pulse t r a i n L, which is derived from the basic clock pulse t r a i n , having a periodic time between pulses of T s e e s , as shown in Fig. 5. The "and" gate gives an output pulse when a pulse of L occurs when B is negative, thus producing the waveform C. To avoid any possible variation in pulse width, signal C is applied to a naono-stable multivibrator with an output E, the pulse width of which is just l e s s than T. This waveform and its inverse a r e strobed by a strobe pulse t r a i n K in two "and" gates producing waveforms F and G respectively, which a r e pulse t r a i n s having well defined pulse widths and each pulse leading edge

occupying a definite position in t i m e . The strobe pulse train K is also derived from the basic clock pulse t r a i n with the pulses occurring in the mid-position of the clock p u l s e s , to achieve the desired result of definite location In t i m e , of pulses F and G. The summation of pulse t r a i n G and the inverse of F constitute the quantized waveform k u m.entioned in previous sections. However, for convenience in operating the

quantizer integrator and the modulator units, the waveforms F and G a r e applied to a bi-stable multivibrator to give rectangular waveforms H and 1 which a r e naore suitable for switching p u r p o s e s . Waveform H i s applied to the integrator/diode gate combination producing, at the input of the integrator,waveform J,to give the desired forna of integrator output Y. The diode gates a r e used so that the forward path r e s i s t a n c e to the integrator input is low, thus allowing the integrator time constant to be chosen low enough to suit dynamic operating r e q u i r e m e n t s . In the r e v e r s e



-direction of signal flow the diode gates present a high impedance and thus, in respect of leakage effects of the integrator, a high time constant is obtained which mininaizes long term integration drift. Waveforms H and I are used as switching waveforms to operate modulator units. These waveforms are in a more suitable forna for this purpose than waveforms F and G which constitute the quantized waveform k u as already stated.

It will be noted that the waveforna Y is a series of ramp functions forming an approximation to input signal X with a time delay = T seconds. In this respect it differs from the delta modulation system. Space limitations do not permit a more detailed description of the circuit configuration and it is hoped that this topic will be the subject of a further paper. However, it will be apparent that the most critical parts of the system are the analogue components, i . e . the directly coupled amplifier and the output integrator. These two components provide a source of drift error and need special attention in this respect.

4 . 1 . 2 . Dynamic Performance

Let q represent the amplitude quantization level, and T " " periodic time of the clock pulses.

The maxinaumi rate of change with respect to time is therefore ^ volts/second. Assume now that the variable, say x, which is to be quantized is of the form

x = E Sin ut where E is the maximuna amplitude, (4.1)


^ = uE Cos wt (4. 2) dt


For quantizer noise not to exceed 2q peak to peak,

wE = ^ 3 . . » a (4.4) L e . u, = ^ . a . (4.5)

max 2T E

a is a measure of discrimination accuracy.

E •^ If I = N , (4.6) then u = ~r . (4.7) max 2T As an example, . If N = lO" -6 T = 10 seconds ^0-4 max -„ = 50 rads/sec. (4.8) 2 X 10'


Computing frequency may be increased at the expense of discrimination accuracy. As an exanaple,

if now N = lO"^ (4.9) u = 500 rads/sec . (4,10)


Thus it may be seen that N deternaines the discrimination accuracy and specifies the maximum drift and noise levels allowable in the quantizer unit.

The choice of T obviously affects the maximum conaputing frequency which may be applied to the unit.

Consider now the integrator of the quantizer unit - If the effective forward time constant of the integrator is T , and the effective input voltage through the diode gate = V, then we have the condition,

f = I . (4.11)


Some flexibility in the choice of V and T. is therefore obtained, However.the feedback capacitor of the integrator should be as high as possible to minimise long term, drift effects. Consider now the required bandwidth of the quantizer integrator.

Assimae that the input signal x to the quantizer is of the form,

X = E sin wt , (4.12) where w is the highest radian frequency which satisfies a discrimination accuracy

of say 0,1%.

This signal results in a symmetrical rectangular waveform J, with a periodic — , applied to the input of the integrator.

The real Fourier series expansion of the function J(t) is given by n=

4E \ sin(nu)t)

J(t) = ^ L. ^^'^f^ <4.13) n=l

with n odd.

The bandwidth of the integrator should just be high enough to pass the highest

significant harmonic of — f j ( t ) d t , (4.14) 1

where T. is the time constant of the integrator The kth harnaonic may be expressed as ,


7 -and •^k m£ix F o r this to be the Now for F o r E =


4E 2 wT^k 4E a - I I irT^k* highest 4 E w T . k * ( j . ' . k^ q = E X V ^ i 100 volts '4E V U) u sin(k(jt) k dt

- Cos(kwt)1 ,

• significant harmonic, E ^ 4 X lO' wT^ w 1 0 ' ^ , u naax

= a =

T E X 10 X 10"^ • = 500 r a d s / s e c , 10-3 -6 E x lO' Assume V = 10 n "i (4.15) (4.16) (4.17) (4.18) (4.19) (4.20) (4.21) T = V x lO"^ seconds . (4.22) T, = lO""* seconds (4.23) k^ , 4 ^ I P ' = ^ x l O * (4.24) X 10 X 500 I . e . k > 160 . (4.25) Thus the minimum bandwidth of the integrator is

1 6 0 x 5 0 0 = 8 x 1 0 * r a d s / s e c . (4.26) A filter having this bandwidth should therefore be inserted between the diode

output J and the input of the integrator.

This filter has not yet been incorporated in the experimental unit and its effectiveness has not therefore been investigated.

4 . 1 . 3 . Experimental results - prototype unit

Two prototype units have been built based on the circuit diagram shown in F i g . 4(b), to investigate the possible limitations and difficulties of the unit. The units have been operating satisfactorily with a clock rate of one megacycle per s e c , ( i . e . T = one microsecond). The discrimination level of the unit is l e s s than 5 milli-volts in a total range of 50 volts. The input t r a n s i s t o r s of the


differential amplifier a r e high frequency m i c r o alloy germanium type 2N501 as are the output pair of t r a n s i s t o r s . Surface b a r r i e r germanium type SB 240 t r a n s i s t o r s are used in the remaining stages.

T e s t s were carried out with a commercially available electronic valve quantizer integrator with a relatively poor open loop frequency response of 100 cycles per s e c . At the clock rate of 10* c yc l e s/ sec this limitation in bandwidth was apparent as noise products and a t r a n s i s t o r integrator with a significant improvement in bandwidth will be used when available.

Temperature effects of the input t r a n s i s t o r s was investigated. F o r zero input voltage to the quantizer, the balance was adjusted to give z e r o output voltage of the quantizer integrator at a certain t e m p e r a t u r e . The temperature was then altered in stages and the r e s u l t s obtained are given in tabular form below.

TABLE 1 - INPUT VOLTAGE ZERO Voltage figures in milli-volts

Output Voltage (increasing tenaperature) Output Voltage (decreasing temperature) Temperature ( C) 0 2.2 -21.5 22 4.5 6 2 23 24 7 3 25 8 4 26 9.2 5 27 10.5 6.0 28 10.8 7.5 29 12.5 9 30 14 10 31 15 11.5 32

These tentative figures give an average drift rate of about 1 milli-volt per degree centrigrade. As the unit will be temperature stabilized to t 1 C. these figures seem to be satisfactory,

F u r t h e r investigations into the effect of the t r a n s i s t o r integrator bandwidth Will proceed when the unit at present under development becomes available. 4 . 2 . The Modulator (M)

4 . 2 . 1 . Mode of Operation

A block diagram of the unit is shown in Fig, 6(a) and the circuit diagram of a prototype unit in F i g . 6(b).

Waveforms H and 1 from the quantizer a r e fed through passive differentiating circuits, and the negative going pulses Q and R fed to a bi-stable multivibrator which regenerates symmetrical rectangular waveforms N and O, identical to H and I respectively, with positive and negative limits of 4.5 volts. This procedure is adopted to prevent possible loading effects on the quantizer output, Wavefornas N and O are used to gate the analogue signal M through two diode gates A and B.


The sign of M is r e v e r s e d before being applied to gate B. The output signal from gate A is signal S whilst that from gate B is signal U. The summation of these two signals constitutes signal P which forms the input to an integrator. The output signal P r e p r e s e n t s the quantity y, u for the particular case shown in Fig. 6(b).

4 . 2 . 2 , Limits on performance

The main limitations on dynsmaic perfornaance a r e due to the finite r i s e time of the switching waveforms N and O and the hole storage effects of the silicon diodes. However, a limit is imposed on the function being switched by the modulator in that its amplitude cannot change by m o r e than 3. in the sample period T where q is the quantization level. Under these conditions it may be shown that, provided the time taken to switch the function of the positive max value to the max negative value, is l e s s than T, the effect of finite r i s e time is negligible.

Hole storage effects become m o r e significant as T is reduced.

The linearity of the naodulator is dependent on the non-lineat c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the diodes under the operating conditions and the matching of the two diode bridges. These considerations r e s t r i c t the accuracy to a value of about 0.1 per cent, of the maximuna value of the computing variable y.

4 . 2 . 3 . Experimental Results - Prototype Unit

The circuit diagram of the prototype unit is given in Fig. 6(b). The main limitation is the limit on voltage amplitude of the t r a n s i s t o r s feeding the diode b r i d g e s . With a voltage range of 30 milli-volt to 3 volts, up to a switching rate of

1 m e g a c y c l e / s e c . , the linearity of the unit was found to be about 1%. Silicon diodes type 1 S 914 were used in the diode bridges.

Improvements in the circuit now under development a r e as follows; (i) A significant i n c r e a s e in voltage range.

(ii) A method of obtaining good matching in the diode bridges,

It is hoped that an overall accuracy of better than 0.1% for a voltage range of 30 millivolts to 30 volt will eventually be achieved,

4 , 3 , The Integrator (1)

A chopper stabilized t r a n s i s t o r integrator is at present under development. An electronic valve integrator has therefore been used in experiments using the quantizer and modulator.

It i s interesting however, to consider the required dynamic response of the unit. Consider the product y. u which forms a possible input signal to the integrator.


Let y = E Sin u t (4.27) and u be represented by a s y m m e t r i c a l waveform J

of periodic time — .

The r e a l F o u r i e r s e r i e s expression of J(t) is again given by n= oo

j(t) = i V iln<Iïi£l) . (4.28)




The product of y. u will consist of a number of t e r m s having frequencies which a r e the sums and differences of the multiples of — .

If this product is integrated in the integrator with time constant T., the required bandwidth of the integrator is determilned by the highest frequency conaponent having a resultant amplitude, after integration, l e s s than the chosen quantization level.

Consider the product J, . y where J. is the kth harmonic of J(t).

Let z = Jj^.y (4.29) 4 F

z = ^ (sin wt.sln kwt) (4.30) Trk

i.e. ^ = ^ rCos(k - Dut - Cos(k + Dutl . (4.31)

To find the minimuna bandwidth the simamation t e r m s need only be considered. Consider now the integral

- i - f z dt = 7 ^ f ^ Cos ( k + 1) ut dt (4.32)

T.J T J .rk

^ ^ S i n ( k + l ) u t . (4.33) T 7rk(k + l)u

F o r this to be the highest significant harmonic

< r ^ - for 0.1% accuracy (4.34) wk(k + DT^u 1000

k ( k + l ) > ^ 4 ^ • (4.35)

irT.u 1 F o r u = 500 r a d / s e c k ( k + l ) > ^ . (4.38) i


1 1 -Let T. '= la 1 then k(k + 1) > with T = lO'* ; k(k + 1) >

and hence k Is dependent on the choice of 1.

5. High Speed Incremental Analogue Digital Converter (Modified Quantizer) 5 . 1 . The basic arrangeoaent

If the analogue Integrator of the quantizer (see Fig. 4) is replaced by a r e v e r s i b l e counter, as shown in Fig. 8, this modified quantizer becomes effectively an analogue to digital converter.

The waveform designations in F i g . 8 have the same significance as in Fig. 5. Signal F , which is the pulse t r a i n representing positive increnaents of the input function, and signal G, representing negative increments, are used as the inputs to the counter as shown in Fig. 8(b). Signal F is used as an "add" input and signal G a s a "subtract" input. The purpose of the naono-stable naultivibrator on each input line is to provide a buffer stage to avoid loading effects on the quantizer and also to reduce the width of the pulses in F and G. The voltages at each binary stage of the counter a r e applied to appropriately scaled r e s i s t o r s which a r e connected to a common summing point which is effectively the input of the d . c . amplifier. The contributions from all the currents from the binary stages constitute the analogue feedback signal which is of opposite sign to the input signal x(t) and, in the ideal case, is equal in magnitude to x(t).

With x(t) = 0, the counter is arranged to be half full, i . e . a voltage - V

representing a "one" on the thirteenth digit of a fourteen digit counter, is present. V r e p r e s e n t s the maximuna amplitude range of the input signal x(t). To give a zero output voltage, for the d . c . amplifier with the input x(t) at zero level, a bias voltage +Vis applied through a r e s i s t o r equal to that of R to the input of the amplifier.

The arrangement shown in Fig. 8(a) has operated satisfactorily with a periodic time between pulses of one micro-second. The binary representation of x(t) is fed fromi the counter to any form of storage device for future manipulation. Fourteen binary stages a r e used at present but further stages could of course be added if required.

5 . 2 . The Counter

The block diagram of three stages of the fourteen stage counter is shown in Fig. 8(b). The operation may be described briefly as follows:

-Assume that all binary stages are 0 in the output of the binary stage as indicated in Fig. 8(b) with the exception of the thirteenth stage which has a "one",

where a = ^ and 1 > 1 1.27 (4.37) (4.38) q = 10 1.27 X 10" 1 ( 4 . 3 9 )


i . e . the counter i s half full. With a z e r o in the output half of a binary stage the output voltage is zero and with a "one" the output voltage is -5 volts. The gates a r e effectively "and" gates and will only transnait a pulse when both input

voltages a r e negative.

With the a r r i v a l of a pulse signal, say F , the first binary stage is changed from " z e r o " to "one" and opens gate A, but closes gate B j . Due to the delay in switching the binary stage the pulse i s , however, not transmitted through gate A^. With the a r r i v a l of a further pulse in signal F , this pulse is transmitted through gate A, and changes the 2nd binary stage from a " z e r o " to "one" which opens gate Aj and closes gate B^. The same pulse also changes the first binary stage from

"one" to z e r o , closing gate A^ and opening gate B^. The sequence of operations for adding is repeated in this way.

If now the pulse occurs in signal G this effectively subtracts "one" from the first binary stage, i . e . adds the complement of - 1 .

In an experimental version of the unit, five t r a n s i s t o r s a r e used in each binary stage with each gate comprising one t r a n s i s t o r .

The unit has operated satisfactorily with a periodic time of one micro-second and, as already stated, when used as the Integrator of the quantizer, r e s u l t s in a v e r y high speed analogue-digital converter.

6. Simulation of Dead Time (Transportation lag) 6 . 1 . Principle of Operation

A block diagrsim. of the basic arrangement is shown in Fig. 9(a) and the associated waveform.s in F i g . 9(b).

The function x(t - nt) a x(t - T ) is derived from x(t), where T is the

o o desired dead t i m e , by passing x(t) through a quantizer unit to give an output

k u with the negative pulses interpreted as an " 0 " signal and the positive pulses a s a " 1 " signal. This latter signal is applied to a ferrite core shift r e g i s t e r , to which is also applied two shift waveforms which a r e derived from a pulse generator having the same periodic time as the sampling frequency of the quantizer. The shift r e g i s t e r conaprises a number of ferrite c o r e s , connected in s e r i e s , which naay be switched to one of two possible s t a t e s , i. e. 0 or 1, by the application of a 0 o r 1 pulse.

The arrangement is conventional in that after each cycle of the shift waveforms, the state of each core is transferred to each adjacent core. Thus for n cores

connected in s e r i e s , the original pulse appears at the output of the nth core after a period of nT seconds where T is the periodic time of the sampler. In this way the original pulse train k u a f(t) is regenerated at the output of the r e g i s t e r but with a time delay of nT seconds, i . e . the output is f(t - nT).


This signal is fed to an analogue integrator to give an output which closely' approximates to x(t - nT) a x(t - T ) as shown in Fig. 9(b). The dead time T^ ' is therefore determined by the nunaber of cores and the sampling period T.



-In a proposed experimental version, n = 1000 and T is variable frona 10 seconds to 10 seconds, giving a range T =10 seconds to 10 seconds. The lower value obviously may be reduced further by taking the output at the mth core where m < 1000.

Note; - The total nunaber of cores n e c e s s a r y with the single diode transfer loop used shown in F i g , 10 i s 2n. i . e . 2000.

6 , 2 . The Shift Register

The basic arrangenaent used in the experimental unit is shown in Fig. 10(a) using ferrox-cube magnetic cores type FX 1508 (2 mm outside diameter) with an idealised h y s t e r e s i s loop characteristic as shown in Fig, 10(b) with the +B state

R interpreted as a " 1 " and -B state interpreted as a " 0 " .


Referring to Fig. 10 assume initially that all cores a r e in state z e r o . Now apply an input pulse train of the form shown in F i g . 9(b). The first positive pulse will switch core 1 to state one. On application of shift current pulse D (also called clock pulse or advance pulse), core 1 will be switched to state zero and the resulting large flux change will induce a large positive voltage a c r o s s output winding n

of core 1. This voltage will drive current through the diode to magnetic core 2 to state "one", i. e, application of D has transferred whatever digit was stored in core 1 to core 2 and r e s e t core 1 to state z e r o . By use of the diode in the transfer loop, the transfer is isolated to these two cores only. Therefore at the sanae time digits can be transferred frona core 3 to 4, core 5 to 6 and so on, by the SEime shift current D. Now shift current pulse E is applied. This signal t r a n s f e r s all the digits to the next odd cores from the even c o r e s . Thus the information in the form of a train of pulses can be stepped along a s e r i e s of cores by a pair of shift p u l s e s .

Transfer occurs only when shift pulses are applied. During the absence of the shift pulses the digits a r e stored in the m a g n e t i c medium of the cores by the residual naagnetism.

The associated drive circuits are transistorised based on the use of high frequency power t r a n s i s t o r s type OC23 with maximum collector current of 1 a m p e r e .

With regard to the number of t e r m s associated with each core figures chosen for the experimental version were as follows :

-Input winding a^ = 5 turns Shift winding n^ = 25 " Output winding n^ = 25 "

F a c t o r s affecting the choice of turns include the size of the core, back e.na.f. a c r o s s the shift winding, storage capacitances and inductances. The number of turns in the input winding depends on the transfer current required in the t r a n s f e r loop. The choice of output winding turns is chosen to be about five times that of the input winding to nainimize the backward flow of information.

With the single diode transfer loop, two cores are required to give a delay of T seconds where T is the periodic time of the input pulse train. F o r T = lOOOT,


2000 cores are necessary, half the number being driven by the shift waveform D and the other half being driven by the shift waveform E. In addition 2000 diodes are required.

It was found that at least 20 cores with shift windings connected in series could be operated frona the shift pulse generator. In the final version of the device a series parallel arrangement of connection of windings is envisaged fed from a number of shift waveform generators. A possible alternative transfer loop based on capacitor delay is being considered (Ref. 7), which may result in a reduction of the number of associated components.

It was found that the shift register operated satisfactorily at a pulse repetition rate of 10' cycles/sec.

7. CORRELATION FUNCTIONS 7 . 1 . Introductory Remarks

These functions are of fundamental importance in the statistical analysis and synthesis of dynamical systems.

The auto-correlation function 6 (T ) of a signal x(t) may be defined as XX o ° </> ( T ) = Lim ^;p- / x(t) . x(t + T )dt (7.1) XX o ' ^ ' Lim T, - ~ Lim T •• «0 1 2T, 1 2T, T , /* x(t) . x(t + T )dt



1 x(t) . x(t - T ) dt * o (7.2)

That is it naakes no difference whether the function x(t) is shifted ahead by T seconds and multiplied by x(t) or shifted back before multiplication and time averaging.

As is well known 0 (T ) is qualitatively a measure of the regularity of the function x(t).

It will be noted from the above definition that determination of 6 (T ) XX o requires three distinct operations.

(a) shifting the time axis to generate x(t - To) (b) multiplying x(t) by x(t - TQ)

(c) taking a time average over a period 2T which is much longer than the delay period T .

The cross correlation function 0 (T ) between two signals x(t) and y(t) may be defined a s : - •'



-* (T^) = Lim -—• ƒ x(t). y(t + T )dt. (7.3)

T . •• <» 1 "^ - T

' 1

^ (T ) is not an even function because in the general case shifting y(t) ahead xy o by T seconds does not give the s'ame result as that obtained by retarding y(t) by T seconds.

However, since a shift in y(t) must yield the same result a s a shift of x(t) by the same amount in the opposite direction then


i . e . 0 - T n ) = Lim - i - / y(t). x(t - T )dt . (7.5) ^ ° T, - „ ^^1 '' -T °

^ (-T ) naay be regarded in a certain sense as a measure of the interdependence of x(t) and y(t) since if both time functions a r e random signals with no d. c.

components and are derived from independent s o u r c e s , the c r o s s - c o r r e l a t i o n function is z e r o .

Again it will be noted that the same three distinct operations a r e required a s for the autocorrelation function, in the generation of the c r o s s correlation function. Several practical types of c o r r e l a t o r a r e in use today based on these three


An arrangement using hybrid techniques will now be described. The c r o s s -correlation function is taken as an example, a s the application to the generation of the auto-correlation is obvious.

7 . 2 . Generation of C r o s s - c o r r e l a t i o n Function i (-T ) yx o

The instrumentation is based on a time average over positive time i . e . T


where T i s much l a r g e r than T . The sample T must be sufficiently long to indicate the lowest frequency components of significance in the signals. A rough guide to a first estimate is that T, should be about ten times the largest period of the signal conaponents. If this choice is appropriate then the tinae averages for a number of different sets of samples for the same T should be the s a m e .

The'time T required is obviously of practical significance in generating the function.

Having chosen T^ a plot of ^ (-T ) as a function of T is required so arrangements naust be provided to change the value T .


The block diagram of a system having these facilities is given in Fig. 11. The signal x(t) is delayed in the dead time simulation by a time T = nT seconds where T is the periodic time of the sampling frequency and n is the number of p a i r s of c o r e s in the shift r e g i s t e r .

Note: T may be altered by changing either T or n. The signal x(t - T ) is multiplied by y(t) in a form of multiplier described e a r l i e r . This product is then integrated in an analogue integrator for a period T . Arrangements must be made to scale the result according to the function






x(t -




Although an experimental version of the dead tinae simulator has operated successfully, t e s t s have not yet been made on the operation of such a c o r r e l a t o r .

It should be noted that for many applications such as "on-line" correlation, i . e . c o r r e l a t o r s which a r e incorporated as elements of a control system, the quantization naay be quite c o a r s e , or in other words, the nvmaber of d i s c r e t e levels naay be a small number. F o r such applications ten or l e s s d i s c r e t e amplitude levels may be satisfactory and a considerably simplified unit would r e s u l t .

Several workers a r e studying this aspect and consideration is given to this topic in Ref. 8.

8. Generation of A r b i t r a r y Functions

A generalized naethod for function generation is indicated in Fig, 2(c), based on the assumption that signals representing partial derivatives of the function a r e available. Where the function is analytic these derivatives may be generated without undue difficulty.

However, if the function is a r b i t r a r y , either an analytic function which approximates the function must be used or alternatively a naethod is required for setting up the partial derivatives. This latter method is considered first for the specific example of the generation of an a r b i t r a r y function of two v a r i a b l e s .

Consider the function z, where

z = f(x, y) (8,1) d^ . ^ . ^ + | 1 . ^ . (8.2)

dt ax dt ay dt

dx dy

As in previous examples approximations to — and -^ may be obtained by feeding x and y respectively through quantizers so that

z ^ ^ a f / p - . u + l ^ . u V d t (8.3)



X ay

y J



-T h e p r o b l e m i s t h e n b a s i c a l l y the g e n e r a t i o n of —- for a l l v a l u e s of y and the g

g e n e r a t i o n of — for a l l v a l u e s of x .

T h e b l o c k d i a g r a m of a p o s s i b l e a r r a n g e m e n t i s shown in F i g . 1 2 . T h e s i g n a l x i s p a s s e d t h r o u g h a q u a n t i z e r Q whose output (wavefornas F and G) i s c o n n e c t e d to a r e v e r s i b l e c o i m t e r .

N o t e : W a v e f o r m d e s i g n a t i o n s in t h i s t e x t h a v e the s a m e m e a n i n g a s t h o s e in F i g . 5 .

T h e r e v e r s i b l e c o u n t e r a c t s a s a d i g i t a l a d d e r and p r o d u c e s a b i n a r y output which r e p r e s e n t s the v a l u e of x at any t i m e . A six s t a g e b i n a r y c o u n t e r i s t a k e n a s a s p e c i f i c e x a m p l e giving 64 p o s s i b l e v a l u e s of x , r e p r e s e n t i n g the a m p l i t u d e r a n g e -x to +x . T h i s , with t h e c o u n t e r half full, r e p r e s e n t s

° m a x m a x

the condition t h a t x i s z e r o . With t h i s c h o i c e of c o u n t e r the q u a n t i z a t i o n l e v e l f o r t h e s i g n a l x i s t h e r e f o r e ^ — , x , i . e . the q u a n t i z a t i o n i s r a t h e r c o a r s e f o r the s a k e of e c o n o m y .

T h e 64 p o s s i b l e v a l u e s of x a r e d e r i v e d frona the six b i n a r y outputs b y c o m b i n i n g the l a t t e r in an a p p r o p r i a t e m a n n e r and feeding the c o m b i n a t i o n t h r o u g h g a t e s .

T h e p r o c e d u r e of the y c h a n n e l i s i d e n t i c a l to that for x .

T h e 64 output l i n e s for x and a l s o t h o s e for y a r e connected to two 64 x 64 m a g n e t i c c o r e s t o r e s a s i n d i c a t e d in F i g , 12. T h e b i n a r y s t a t e of e a c h c o r e in the f i r s t s t o r e i s r e a d in, b y m a n u a l s w i t c h i n g o r b y punched t a p e , b e f o r e t h e s t a r t of t h e c o m p u t a t i o n and r e p r e s e n t s _ in a s a m p l e d q u a n t i z a t i o n f o r m w h e r e

ax J 1

t h e q u a n t u m i n c r e m e n t s in x and z a r e -rrr- . x and ^^r- . z r e s p e c t i v e l y . ^ 32 m a x „ 32 m a x ^ ''

a Z

T h e b i n a r y s t a t e " one " r e p r e s e n t s a p o s i t i v e i n c r e m e n t r— and the b i n a r y s t a t e ox

" z e r o " r e p r e s e n t s a n e g a t i v e i n c r e m e n t -— ,

8 X

In a s i n a i l a r n a a n n e r t h e s e c o n d s t o r e r e p r e s e n t s -— for a l l p o s s i b l e d i s c r e t e


v a l u e s of x and y. F o r p a r t i c u l a r d i s c r e t e v a l u e s of x and y , only one c o r e in e a c h s t o r e will change i t s s t a t e to give an output p u l s e on the c o m m o n output l i n e c o r r e s p o n d i n g to i t s b i n a r y s t a t e . T h e m e t h o d for a c h i e v i n g t h i s condition i s b a s e d on c o n v e n t i o n a l l i n e s with the x and y l i n e s for p a r t i c u l a r v a l u e s of x and y fornaing a m a g n e t i c c i r c u i t for a p a r t i c u l a r c o r e . T h e c o m m o n output line i s t h r e a d e d t h r o u g h e a c h c o r e . A r r a n g e m e n t s m u s t a l s o be m a d e t o r e t u r n the p a r t i c u l a r s w i t c h e d c o r e to i t s o r i g i n a l b i n a r y s t a t e , i . e . the o r i g i n a l i n f o r m a t i o n naust not be d e s t r o y e d .

T h e outputs from, s t o r e s 1 and 2 t h e n r e p r e s e n t in a s a m p l e d quantized f o r m — and — r e s p e c t i v e l y . T h e p u l s e t r a i n s r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e s e q u a n t i t i e s a r e p a s s e d t h r o u g h p u l s e s h a p i n g n e t w o r k s to o v e r c o m e the d i s t o r t i o n p r o d u c e d in the s t o r e . T h e s e shaped p u l s e s a r e t h e n c o n v e r t e d into r e c t a n g u l a r w a v e s of c o n s t a n t a m p l i t u d e whose sign i s p o s i t i v e when a p u l s e i s p r e s e n t and n e g a t i v e when t h e r e i s no p u l s e . A two s t a t e t r i g g e r c i r c u i t could be used for t h i s p u r p o s e .


These rectangular waveforms a r e then fed to the respective modulators where they a r e switched by the waveforms H and I from the respective quantizers in the manner already described in Section 4. 2.

The outputs from the two modulators a r e added and fed to the input of the


analogue integrator 1. with a time constant — to give an output voltage


representing K z(x, y) (see equation 8.3). Note: K is an amplitude scale factor.

A digital representation of z could, of course, be obtained by replacing the analogue integrator by a reversible counter.

Other arrangenaents for the generation of functions a r e obviously possible and the above method i s included as an illustration of one possible arrangement.

It will be noted that even for the r a t h e r coarse quantization level of — maximum amplitude range two s t o r e s are required each having a total number of 4016 c o r e s .

F o r the generation of a function of three variables based on a sinailar arrangement, three s t o r e s a r e required each having a total nunaber of 262,144 c o r e s (64'), Thus this method would not appear to be economic for this application.

It would appear therefore, on economic considerations, that for the generation of functions of three or more v a r i a b l e s , the best approach would be to generate analytic approxinaations to the required partial derivatives,

This problem is being actively considered at the mioment and further work may indicate a better approach to the problem.

9. Conclusions

The basic conaputing units conaprising a quantizer, a modulator and an integrator provide a flexible naeans for function generation. The main advantage i s that integration may be performed with respect to a variable other than t i m e . Experimental r e s u l t s with transistorized prototype units a r e promising and satisfactory operation has been obtained with a sampling rate of one megacycle per second.

The simulation of dead time is obtained in a relatively easy naanner and experimental r e s u l t s a r e again very promising up to a sampling rate of 100 kilo-cycles per second. This rate is probably faster than that required for most applications.

It would appear that the generation of functions of two or naore variables is possible but no experimental evidence is a s yet available, to confirm this view.


i g

-l o . Acknow-ledgements

Thanks a r e due to P r o f e s s o r G. A. Whitfield, Head of Electrical and Control Engineering Department, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, for his continued encouragenaent of this work.

Thanks a r e also due to Mr. H. B. Gatland who has been responsible for the detailed design and development of the quantizer and modulator and to

M r . D. E. Hyndman for the developnaent of the reversible counter, both of whom a r e menabers of staff of the department.

Finally the author would like to pay tribute to students in the department who have assisted in the developnaent of apparatus in the form of thesis or project t o p i c s .

11. References 1. Paul, R . J . A . ,

Maxwell, M . E .

Digital and Hybrid Simulation Techniques.

Control, v o l . 3 . No. 22, April 1960, pp 120-124. Paul, R . J . A . ,

Maxwell, M . E .

The General Trends towards Digital Analogue Techniques.

- Proceedings of the Association Internationale pour le Calcul Analogique.

- Second International Conference on Analogue Computation, Strasburg, September 1959.

3. Delta Modulation.

Wireless World, 1952, p. 427. 4 . Schouten, J . F .

de J a g e r , F . , Greefkes, J . A ,

Delta Modulation, a new Modulation System for Telecommunication Techniques.

Phillips Technical Review 13, 1952, p. 237. Maxwell, M . E .

6. Paul, R . J . A .

Delta Modulation and its application to Electronic Analogue Computers. Short Brothers & Harland L t d . , Belfast, U.K. Research Technical Note No.RD.40, April 1956. (Unpublished)

The Possibility of Combined Digital and Analogue Techniques in Electronic Computation,

Short! Brothers & Harland L t d , , Belfast, U.K. Research Technical Note No, RD,49, May 1956, (Unpublished),

7. Kodls, R . D , , Ruhman, S . , Woo, W,D. 8. Suskind, (Editor)

Magnetic Shift Register using one core per bit. I. R . E . Convention Record P a r t 7, p. 38, 1953,

Notes on Analog Digital Conversion Techniques, Chapter 1 (Wiley 1957).



h | - | | = k, o.Ux - h U x






NOTE k, IS a constant chosen to suit circuit conditions



y.U„ + 7-Ux tiZZ^





lb) MODULATOR y.Ux 1 o / y . U x * » ? / y d x ( a INTEGRATOR

FIG. 1 (a) (b) and (c) BASIC COMPUTING UNITS

y -' ! •




1 y u .









> = f ( " l . t t • • • » » . < ) »^ . bx, • » ƒ éXï " *X b ** >. »X„» X r i to ' * » * • dbT • Q Q - — Q h.Ux, k.Uxt h..Uxn M i L M j 1 M . »f


< ^ * ^ * öf ,1 .öx.- " X 4 -


• f JL öt ö

^ = 0/(11.. Ux. + ' 4 ^ Ux^^ ~ ^ „ • U,„ ^ 1 - ^ ) dt = ƒ ( « . x^ ;•• « n , +) F I G . 2(c) G E N E R A L I Z E D F U N C T I O N GENERATION 1 2 + AiZ + by =f(x-) d x ' dx ANALOGUE ADDER ,f(xVA^^A R / B W ^ A -R/A

I ^

L. dx' M 1 . ^ dx «*- -»• dx • U , M tt.u, F I G . 2(d) S O L U T I O N O F D I F F E R E N T I A L EQUATION






















+ 4 5 V - 4 5 ? + 4 - 5 V - 4 - 5 9

' I n n r - i n r i r T — n n — i r

T ~ T ~ i n — n n r

' ^JTïiTTinnTTnnnnrirTT


n n r r


+ e o

_nn_jTLjrT_r^_nrLJi TL

J f u L T i J L r u - u — u j - u — u









I J ^



+ 4 - 5 V o - 4 S V + 4 - 5 V o - 4 S V + 4 - 5 V o - 4 - 5 V + 4 S V - 4 - 5 V TIME

j u u i n - J i n ,

T — r r r rr

—f—r~T r r r"





w m j u














® (y-ux)




n C . 8. (a) and (b) ANALOGUE DIGITAL CONVERTEB (modified Quantizer)

— V

R | - R | 4






1 . H—ILJL-^


x ( t )

J . L

j n _ n _ n j n j n j i J i J ' L j a j n j n _ r L n








« ( t - s r ; (G) - * - TIME Cb) WAVEFORMS

FIG. 9. (a) and (b) SIMULATION OF DEAD TIME (T = nT) o "3 7 n, © —»—^^W!(5^ SHIFT n PULSE ssmJ


-•'wnrL-2 NOTE: -:- 7 mm msü



® 1 _





«> H




xU) fe.Ux s f W Q -, SHIFT nesisTCR fCt-nT)



'a^j/'itlt-TojyiVdt |5 0y,lTo)


3- =ï(x.y^



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