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Integrating biological As(III) oxidation with Fe(0) electrocoagulation for arsenic removal from groundwater


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Integrating biological As(III) oxidation with Fe(0) electrocoagulation for arsenic removal

from groundwater

Roy, Mrinal; van Genuchten, Case M.; Rietveld, Luuk; van Halem, Doris



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Published in

Water Research

Citation (APA)

Roy, M., van Genuchten, C. M., Rietveld, L., & van Halem, D. (2021). Integrating biological As(III) oxidation

with Fe(0) electrocoagulation for arsenic removal from groundwater. Water Research, 188, 1-11. [116531].


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Water Research 188 (2021) 116531



































a Water Management Department, Faculty of Civil engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, 2628CN Delft, The Netherlands b Department of Geochemistry, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen DK-1350, Denmark












Article history: Received 7 August 2020 Revised 13 October 2020 Accepted 16 October 2020 Available online 17 October 2020

Keywords: Arsenic Electrocoagulation Drinking water Iron Groundwater









Arsenic(As)isatoxicelementpresentinmany(ground)watersourcesintheworld.Mostconventional As removaltechniques requirepre-oxidationof theneutral arsenite(As(III)) speciesto thenegatively chargedarsenate(As(V))oxyanion tooptimizeAsremoval andminimizechemical use.Inthiswork,a novel,continuous-flowAsremoval systemwasdevelopedthat combinesbiologicalAs(III)oxidationby bacteriawithFeelectrocoagulation(EC),anFe(0)-basedelectrochemicaltechnologythatgenerates reac-tiveFe(III)precipitatestobindAs.Thebio-integratedFeECsystem(bio-FeEC)showedeffectiveoxidation andremovalof150μg/LAs(III),withouttheneedofchemicals.ToremoveAstobelowtheWHOguideline of10μg/L,10timeslowerchargedosagewasrequiredforthebio-FeECsystemcomparedtoconventional FeEC.ThislowerFedosagerequirementreducedsludgeproductionandenergyconsumption.TheAs(III) oxidizingbiomasswasfoundtoconsistofbacteriabelongingtoComamonadaceae,Rhodobacteraceaeand Acidovorax,whicharecapableofoxidizingAs(III)and arecommonindrinking waterbiofilms. Charac-terizationoftheAs-ladenFesolidsbyX-rayabsorptionspectroscopyindicatedthat bothbio-FeECand conventionalFeECproducedsolidsconsistentwithamixtureoflepidocrociteand2-lineferrihydrite. Ar-senicboundtothesolidswasdominantlyAs(V),butaslightlyhigherfractionofAs(V)wasdetectedin thebio-FeECsolidscomparedtotheconventionalFeEC.

© 2020TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

Arsenic (As) contamination of drinking water sources, espe-cially groundwater, has been a major global concern affecting many countries in the world, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Mexico, the United States and Vietnam. It has beenestimated that around 94–220million people world-wide havebeenexposed togroundwaterwithtoxicAs concentra-tions (Podgorski andBerg, 2020). In water sources, As is mainly present in two inorganic forms: arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V) (Wan et al., 2011), with the As(III) species being more toxic and more prevalent in reduced groundwater aquifers than As(V) (Katsoyiannis and Zouboulis, 2004; Nicomel et al., 2015). Chronicexposureto Asindrinkingwatercausesvariousdiseases, such as skin, bladder and lung cancers, reproductive disorders

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: m.roy-1@tudelft.nl , mrinalroy1994@gmail.com (M. Roy).

and neurodevelopmental disease in children (Kapaj et al., 2006; Tseng,1977).Hence,itisessentialtoremoveAsfromcontaminated watermeant fordrinkingpurposes,withtheprovisional drinking waterguideline of 10 μg/Lset by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO)(WHO,2004).

ManytechniqueshavebeenproposedtoremoveAsfrom drink-ingwater,such ascoagulationandflocculation, ionexchange, ad-sorption toactivated alumina oriron based sorbents andreverse osmosis (Feenstra et al., 2007; Mondal et al., 2013). The effi-ciency of these techniques is improved by pre-oxidation of the neutral As(III) species to the negatively charged As(V) oxyanion (H2AsO4−/HAsO42−) (Goren et al., 2020; Kim and Nriagu, 2000),

which is removed more readily by ion exchange, precipitation and adsorption (Kumar et al., 2004; Wan et al., 2011). Effective As(III)oxidationcanbeperformedwithchemicaloxidants, includ-ingO3,NaClOandKMnO4(KimandNriagu,2000; Sorliniand

Gial-dini,2010).However,chemicaloxidantscanbe expensiveandcan generateunwanted by-products (JackmanandHughes, 2010)that require additional treatment, which increases the cost and com-plexity of treatment (Katsoyiannis and Zouboulis, 2004). Hence,



newmethodsareneededthatcanovercomethedrawbacksof con-ventionalchemicalmethodstooxidizeandremoveAs(III).

The biological oxidation of As(III) by arsenic oxidizing bacte-ria (AsOB) is a promising alternative to chemical oxidation be-cause AsOBs do not need auxiliary chemicals to oxidize As(III), which reducesthe supplychainandcosts ofAs removal( Kamei-Ishikawaetal.,2017).Native AsOBshavebeendetectedinawide rangeofconditions,includinginAscontaminated waterand sed-iments (Ito et al., 2012), and are hypothesized to oxidize As(III) as a detoxificationor energy generation (for growth) mechanism (Mulleret al., 2003; Santinietal., 2000). Recently, biological ox-idation ofAs(III) hasalsobeen reportedinlaboratory and indus-trialscalerapidsandfiltersystems,duetogrowthand accumula-tionofanAsOBcommunityinfilterbeds,ripenedwithAs(III) con-taminated groundwater (Crognaleet al., 2019; Gude etal., 2018; Lytleetal.,2007).

AfterbiologicalAs(III)oxidation,anadditionaltreatmentstepis subsequentlyrequiredtoremovethedissolvedAs(V).Onelow-cost and chemical-freemethod is Fe(0) electrolysis,also known asFe electrocoagulation(EC),whichinvolvesin-situgenerationofFe(III) precipitatestopotentiallybindAs(Holtetal.,2005; Mollahetal., 2004; Moussa etal., 2017). In EC, a smallelectric currentis ap-plied to Fe(0) electrodes in contact with contaminated water to generateFe(II) ions,which arethen oxidizedbydissolved oxygen (DO)toproducereactiveFe(III)precipitateswithahighAssorption affinity(vanGenuchtenetal.,2012).AfterAssorption,theAs-rich Fe(III)precipitatesgeneratedbyECcanberemovedbyrapidsand filtration or gravitational settling. While FeEC can remove both As(III) and As(V)from water,the removalof As(III)requires sub-stantially more Fe (proportionalto charge passed) andtreatment time thanAs(V)(Amroseetal.,2013; Wanetal.,2011).Therefore, pre-oxidizingAs(III)shouldbeconsideredtodecreasetherequired energyandamountofproducedsludgeforequivalentAsremoval.

In this study, biological As(III) oxidation andFeEC were com-binedinacontinuousflowsetup.Thistypeofbio-FeECsystem, ac-cordingto ourknowledge,hasnotbeendemonstrated previously, buthasthepotentialtosubstantiallyreduce Fesludgeproduction andenergyconsumption.Weevaluated theAs removalefficacyof bio-integrated FeECandconventional FeEC inview ofthe biolog-ical conversion ofdissolved As(III) andthe molecular-scale struc-tureandAs uptakemechanismofthe generatedsolid Fe(III) pre-cipitates.

2. Materialsandmethods

2.1. Chemicals

Dutch non-chlorinated, tap water (characteristicsin Table S1) wasusedasthemodelwaterforallexperiments.BothAs(III)and As(V) were added to the tap water from As(III) and As(V) stock solutions that were prepared by dissolving defined amounts of sodium (meta)arsenite (NaAsO2) orsodium arsenate dibasic



ultra-pure water. The pH of the experimental solutions was adjusted withNaOH orH2SO4 (Merck Millipore)andthewater

conductiv-ity wasincreased to 1200 ± 300 μS/cm by adding NaCl (Sigma-Aldrich).

2.2. Experimentalsetup 2.2.1. FeECbatchreactor

Batch EC experiments were conductedto understand the im-pact of charge dosage (CD), charge dosage rate (CDR) andinitial AsoxidationstateonAsremoval,whichinformedourselectionof operatingparametersduringthepilot-scalecontinuousflow exper-iments.TheFeECbatchreactorconsistedofa1Lglassbeaker

con-taining0.8 LAs solution (tap waterspiked withAs(III) orAs(V)) andtwoFeelectrodes(onecathodeandoneanode,SteelS235)in contact withthe solution (Fig. 1(A)). The electrodes had dimen-sionsof50mmx20mmx0.5mm,witha totalsubmerged sur-facearea of12cm2 each andaninter-electrode gapof 1cm.


for2minandabradedwithsand papertoremove anyscaleand rinsedwithdemineralizedwater.Theelectrodeswereconnectedto adirect current(DC)power supply(TENMAR 72–10,500)to

gen-eratethe Fe precipitates.The initial pHof thesolution inall ex-perimentswasmeasuredusingamultimeter(WTWTMMultiLineTM

Multi 3630 IDS) and was maintained between 7.0–8.0 by man-ual additions of 0.01 M H2SO4 and 0.1 M NaOH. Inall EC batch

experiments, the solutions were stirred using a magnetic stirrer (LABINCOL23) at150rpm.TheinitialDO wasmeasuredbetween 8.0–9.0mgO2/Lusingthemultimeter.

In FeEC,the As removal efficiencydepends onthe amount of Fegeneratedinthesolutionandtherateatwhichitisgenerated Amroseetal.,2013). TheamountandrateofFe generatedis pro-portionaltotheCD,(qinC/L)andCDR,(dq/dtinC/L/min)by Fara-day’slaw(Eq.(1)and((2)).

W = qM nF = itM nFV (1) dq dt = i V (2)

where, W = amount of dissolved electrode material (mg/L); i = current (mA); t = electrolysis time (min); M = molecular weight ofFe (mg/mol) = 55,845; F= Faraday’s constant (96,485 C/mol);n= numberoftransferred electrons(2 forFe);V = solu-tionvolume(L).

Thebatchexperimentswere performedbyapplyingarangeof CD and CDRs to tap water containing 150 μg/L As(III) or As(V). Table1showstheappliedCDandCDRsforthebatchexperiments alongwiththecorrespondingelectrolysistime,appliedcurrentand the theoretical amount of Fe generated by Faraday’slaw. To de-termineAsremovalforagivenCD,watersampleswerecollected beforeandafterEC(withoutadditionalmixingtimeorprecipitate settling)andanalyzedfortotalAsandFe,aswellasaqueousAs(III) andAs(V).

2.2.2. Biologicalfiltercolumns

Biologicalfilter columns were used to establish an As(III) ox-idizing microbial community in the filterbeds, through ripening withAs(III)water.Thesetupconsistedoftwoduplicatedownflow cylindrical columns (2 m high, 9 cm diameter, made from PVC) containingananthracitelayer(sizefraction=2.0-4.0mm)coarse sand layer (sizefraction = 1.4– 2.0 mm)and garnet layer (size fraction= 0.3-0.6mm), each 30cmhigh(Fig.1(B)).Before the experiments,the columnswere backwashedwithtap wateruntil thesupernatantwasvisuallyclear.Thecolumnswerethenloaded continuously withtap water spiked with 150 μg/L As(III) for 49 daysata flowrateof1m/htoestablishtheoxidizingbiomass.A supernatantlevel of 40cm wasmaintained above the anthracite bed. The development of As(III) oxidation in the columns was monitoredbymeasuringAsspeciationintheinfluentandeffluent at7dayintervals.

Afterripening,columneffluentsfrombothcolumnsweretaken from the bottom location of the anthracite bed (As speciation showed >95% oxidation of 150 μg/L influent As(III) in the an-thracite bed at 49 days) and FeEC was applied in batch mode. Theseseparate experiments were performedto verifythe perfor-manceofFeECinsolutionswhereAs(III)wasoxidizedbiologically andtodeterminetheminimumCD(i.e.Fedosage)requiredto re-move150μg/LoxidizedAs(V)below10μg/L.


M. Roy, C.M. van Genuchten, L. Rietveld et al. Water Research 188 (2021) 116531

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the various experimental setups (A) batch FeEC experiments, (B) biological column experiment and (C) integrated bio-FeEC and conventional FeEC systems used during this study.

Table 1

List of operational parameters varied during FeEC batch experiments.

CD CDR EC Time Solution Volume Applied Current Theoretical Fe conc.

(C/L) (C/L/min) (min) (L) (Ampere) (mg/L)

10 5/15/60 2/0.67/0.17 0.8 0.07/0.2/0.8 2.90 25 5/15/60 5/1.67/0.42 0.8 0.07/0.2/0.8 7.26 50 5/15/60 10/3.33/0.83 0.8 0.07/0.2/0.8 14.51 100 5/15/60 20/6.67/1.67 0.8 0.07/0.2/0.8 29.02 150 5/15/60 30/10/2.50 0.8 0.07/0.2/0.8 43.53 200 5/15/60 40/13.33/3.33 0.8 0.07/0.2/0.8 58.04 2.2.3. Bio-FeECsystem

After performing the FeEC batch experiments and establish-ing the As(III) oxidizing biomass, the integrated bio-FeEC set-up was assembled. The setup for the bio-FeEC system consisted of a similar down flow column as described in Section 2.2.2, aug-mented withan FeEC electrochemicalcell. The columncontained the ripenedanthracite layer(containingoxidizingbiomass)atthe top followed by an FeEC cell, consisting of two Fe-electrodes (60 mmx30mm x0.5mm)connected totheDCpowersupply. Thebottomofthecolumncontainedsandlayerstocollectthe gen-erated FesolidsduringFeEC (Fig.1(C)). An identicalcontrolFeEC flow-throughsystemwascreatedthatconsistedofonlya conven-tionalFeECcellwithoutabiologicaloxidationpre-layer(Fig.1(C)). Tapwaterspikedwith150μg/LAs(III)wasintroducedtoboth sys-temsat1m/h.

The bio-FeEC and conventional FeEC systems were run for 3 days,withanexperimentalruntimeof6heachdayduringwhich the FeEC cell wasoperated.After 6 h,the currentapplied tothe

FeECcellwasstoppedandtheAs(III)-spikedtapwaterwasallowed to flow through thecolumns continuously.After 3days, the two systems were backwashed to collect the As-laden Fe solids that were trappedin thebottom sandlayers formolecular-scale char-acterization by Fe and As K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS).Forbothcolumnsystems,theAsremovalefficiencywas de-terminedoverthe6hoperatingcyclesbymeasuringthedifference indissolved As concentrations atthe influent andjustabove the lowersandlayers.

2.3. Chemicalanalyses

Water samples (in triplicates) were collected (1) unfiltered, (2)filteredover 0.45μmpolysthersulfonefilters (Macherey-Nagel GmbH& Co.KG),and(3)filteredover0.45μmfiltersandan an-ionic resin(for As speciation). After collection,the sampleswere acidified using ultrapure nitric acid (ROTIPURANR Ultra 69%) to


4 °C before analysis for total As and Fe, as well as aqueous As(III) andAs(V) by inductivelycoupled plasmamass spectrome-try (ICP-MS,AnalytikalJena modelPlasmaQuantMS).ForAs spe-ciation, an anionic exchange resin (Amberlite∗ IRA-400 chlorite form resin)wasused following the Clifford methodasexplained in Gudeetal.(2018).

2.4. X-rayabsorptionspectroscopy

SolidsforFeandAsK-edgeXASanalysiswereobtainedby back-washingthebio-FeECandconventionalFeECcolumnsandfiltering thebackwashedwaterwithfilterpapers.Thefilterpapers contain-ing the solidswere then storedat −80°C before preparationfor XAS analysis.Fe andAsK-edge XAS datawere collectedatbeam line 2–2oftheStanford Synchrotron RadiationLightsource(SSRL, MenloPark,USA).FeK-edgeXASdatawererecordedatroom tem-peratureouttokof13 ˚A−1andAs K-edgeXASdata wererecorded atliquidnitrogentemperatures(≈80°K)influorescencemodeout to k of 14 ˚A−1. Beam calibration was performed by setting the

maximum of the first derivative ofFe(0) to 7112 eV or Au(0)to 11,919 eV for Fe and As K-edge XAS data, respectively. The Six-Packsoftwarewasusedforspectralalignment,averagingand back-ground subtraction (Webb, 2005), following standard procedures (van Genuchten et al., 2012). The EXAFS spectra were extracted using k3-weighting andwere Fourier-transformed usinga

Kaiser-Besselwindowwithdkof3 ˚A−1 overthek-range2to11 ˚A−1 for

Fedataor2to13 ˚A−1 forAsdata.

The As K-edge XASdata were analyzedby linear combination fits(LCFs)oftheXANESspectraandshell-by-shellfitsoftheEXAFS spectrausingtheSixPacksoftware.TheLCFswereperformedover theenergyrangeof11,860to11,880eVusingreferencespectraof As(III) andAs(V) adsorbed to two lineferrihydrite (2LFh),which were collected previously at beam line 4–1 of SSRL under simi-larconditionsasthecurrentdataset.Theshell-by-shell fitswere performedinR+

R-spacebasedonalgorithms derivedfrom IF-EFFIT (Newville,2001).Theoretical phaseandamplitudefunctions forsingleandmultiplescatteringpaths usedinthefitswere cal-culatedusingFEFF6(Rehretal.,1992)andwere derivedfromthe structureofscorodite(Kitahamaetal.,1975).Additionaldetailson XASsamplepreparationanddatacollectionandtheshell-by-shell fittingprocedureareprovidedintheSupplementaryMaterials. 2.5. Microbialcharacterization

To characterize the As(III) oxidizing biomass that grew and accumulated in the biological sand filters due to ripening with As(III)-rich water, a set of duplicate up-flow biological sand columns(1mx4cmdiameter,PVC)containingquartzfiltersand (size fraction= 0.7–1.25 mm; bedheight = 75 cm) wasripened withtapwatercontaining100μg/LAs(III) foraperiodof60days (Figure S1). After establishingthe oxidizing biomass on thesand bed, sandsamples(100ml)weretakenforDNAextractionatthe bottom(15 cm)ofthecolumns(locationofinfluent)to character-izethebiomassbyhigh-throughputsequencing(HTS)of16SrRNA genes.

TotalgenomeDNAofthebiomassonthesandsampleswas ex-tracted using CTAB/SDS method.The concentration and purity of the DNAwasmonitored on1%agarosegelsandtheDNAwas di-lutedto1ng/


Lusingsterilewaterdependingonthe concentra-tion. The bacterial 16S rRNA genes were amplifiedusing specific primer andthe PCR reactions were carried out with a PhusionR

High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs). The PCR products were mixed withsame volume of 1X loading buffer to operate electrophoresis on 2% agarose gel for detection.Samples with a bright main strip between 400 and 450bp were consid-ered for further analysis.The PCR products were then mixed in

equidensityratiosandpurifiedusingQiagenGelExtractionKit (Qi-agen,Germany).NEBNextR UltraTMDNALibraryPreKit(Illumina)

wasthenusedtogeneratesequencinglibraries.Thelibraryquality was assessed on the Qubit@ 2.0Fluorometer (Thermo Scientific) andAgilentBioanalyzer2100systemandsequencedonanIllumina platform to generate 250 bp paired-end reads. Paired-end reads were merged usingFLASH (V1.2.7) (Magoˇcet al., 2011) to gener-aterawtagsonwhichqualityfilteringwasperformedaccordingto the QIIME(V1.7.0)(Caporaso etal., 2010) to generatehigh-quality cleantags.The tagswere thencomparedwiththereferenceGold databaseusingtheUCHIMEalgorithm(Edgaretal.,2011)toobtain effectivetagsbydetectingandremovingchimerasequences.

Uparse software (Uparse v7.0.100) (Edgar, 2013) was used for sequence analysisand sequences with ≥ 97%similarity were as-signed to the same Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). To ob-tain taxonomic informationthe representative sequence foreach OTUwasannotatedbytheRDPclassifier(Version2.2)(Wangetal., 2007)algorithmusingGreenGeneDatabase(Desantisetal.,2006). 3. Resultsanddiscussion

3.1. AsremovalinFeECbatchexperiments

In order to understand the dependency of As(V) and As(III) removal on different EC operational parameters in the specific testwatermatrix,batchFeEC experimentswereconducted. Fig.2 shows the changes in dissolved As(III) and As(V) concentrations over the various applied CD values (0–200 C/L) at a CDR of 15 C/L/min. It wasobserved that asthe CDincreased, thedissolved As concentration decreased, which is consistent with previously reported EC batch studies (Amrose et al., 2013; Delaire et al., 2017; Goren etal., 2020; vanGenuchten etal., 2012; Wan et al., 2011).TheconcentrationoftotalFeincreasedlinearlywithCDand matched the theoretical Fe concentration based on Faraday’slaw (Eq.(1)), (i.e.Faradaic efficiency= 1) (Müller etal., 2019). AtCD valuesof100C/Landabove(i.e.Fedosages>29mg/LorFe:As> 260(mol:mol)),the dissolvedAs leveldecreased belowtheWHO guideline of10 μg/Lregardless the initial As oxidationstate, and reachedaslowas≤ 2μg/LforCDsof 150and200C/L.Since As removalinFeECoccursviasorptiontoco-precipitatedFe(III) (oxy-hydr)oxides (Kobya etal., 2016), the enhanced As removal at in-creasingCDcan be explainedby ahigher concentrationof Fe(III) precipitatesandthecorrespondingavailabilityofmoreAssorption sites.

AlthoughbothAs(III)andAs(V)removalwasobservedinFeEC batch experiments, solutions initially containingAs(V) required a lower CD (10 C/L or Fe:As= 26 (mol:mol)) than As(III) (100 C/L orFe:As=260(mol:mol))tomeettheWHOguidelineof10μg/L. Thisresultcanbeexplainedbythehigheraffinityofthegenerated FeprecipitatesforAs(V)thanAs(III)(Robertsetal.,2004).

WithAs(III)astheinitialspecies,theoxidationtoAs(V)in so-lution was observed for CD values of 10, 25 and 50 C/L, which is consistent withthe formationof reactive intermediatesduring FeECoperation thatoxidizeAs(III)toAs(V)(vanGenuchtenetal., 2012).AthigherCD,dissolvedAs(V)wasnotobserved,whichcan beexplainedbythepresenceofexcessFeleadingtocomplete ad-sorptionof dissolved As(V)(DixitandHering, 2003; Ravenet al., 1998).

When CDR wasvaried, slightly more effective As(III) removal wasobservedatthelowest CDRof5C/L/min(FigureS2 andS3), consistentwithpreviouswork(Delaireetal.,2017; Lietal.,2012).

3.2. BiologicalAs(III)oxidationinfiltercolumns

TheAsspeciationintheeffluentoftheduplicatedown-flow bi-ologicalfiltercolumnsover theexperimentalperiodof49daysis


M. Roy, C.M. van Genuchten, L. Rietveld et al. Water Research 188 (2021) 116531

Fig. 2. Dissolved As concentration after FeEC in batch mode by applying various CD (0–200) C/L at 15 C/L/min CDR in tap water containing 150 μg/L As(V) (left) and As (III) (right) as initial As species.

Fig. 3. As(III) and As(V) concentrations in the effluent of the duplicate biological filter columns during 49 days ripening with 150 ± 30 μg/L As(III) spiked tap water. shownin Fig.3.Atthestart ofthisripeningstage(day 1–28),30

± 10% of the influent As(III) was recovered in the filtrate. How-ever,by35days,completeoxidationof150μg/LAs(III)developed inthecolumns,whichremainedstableuntiltheendofthe exper-iment. The pH, DO,electrical conductivityandtemperature were steady duringthe experimental period at7.5± 0.5, 8 ± 1 mg/L, 300 ± 100


S/cm and 20 ± 2 °C, respectively. Also, it must be noted that the total As concentration in the effluent was con-sistently lower (3–26%) than in influent, indicating adsorption to thefreshfiltermaterials (anthracite,sandandgarnet).Onday49, additional samples were collectedforAs speciation afterthe an-thracite layer, revealing that >95% of As(III) was oxidized inthe

top layer.Therefore,this 30cmlayer wasconsideredsuitable for biologicalpre-treatmentandwasshiftedupwardpriortoFeECfor follow-upexperiments.

AsimilarAs(III)oxidationpatternwasobservedinthetwo up-flow columns, whichwere used for characterization ofthe accu-mulatedAs(III)oxidizingbiomass(FigureS4). High-throughput se-quencing (HTS)of the biomass DNA generated OTUs of 730 and 811,and609and562fromduplicatesamplesofeach column, re-spectively. Fig. 4(A)depictstherelative abundance(RA) (percent-ageoftotalOTUs)ofthetop10classes,whichaccountedformore than 97% of the entire biomass in each sample. Alphaproteobac-teria and Betaproteobacteriawere the two mostabundant classes


Fig. 4. Relative abundance (% of total OTUs) of the predominant bacterial communities in the accumulated As(III) oxidizing biomass of the duplicate up-flow biological columns at class (A), family (B) and genus (C) level. (C1, C2 = 2 columns; S1, S2 = duplicate sand samples from each column).

in the two columns havinga RA of 55–67% and21–28%, respec-tively,whichisinagreementwithfindingsof Cavalcaetal.(2013). Both of these classes belong to the most abundant phylum Pro-teobacteria (Figure S5). Furthermore, classification at the family levelshowedthepresenceofmicroorganismsaffiliatedwith Coma-monadaceae(RA:15–20%;Class:Betaproteobacteria) and Rhodobac-teraceae(RA:7.5–10%;Class:Alphaproteobacteria)(Fig.4(B)),which are known to oxidize As(III) (Crognale etal., 2019). Additionally, the As(III) oxidizing genus Acidovorax (RA: 0.6–1.4%) in the Co-mamonadaceae family was also observed (Fig. 4(C)), which is a genus that is common in the rapid sand filters of drinking wa-ter treatment plants treating As freewater (Vandermaesen etal., 2017), but that also oxidize As(III) (Cavalca et al., 2013). While As(III) oxidizingbiomass iscommonlyreportedinsandfilters for groundwater treatment (Crognaleet al., 2019; Gude etal., 2018; KatsoyiannisandZouboulis,2004),ourresultsindicatethata sim-ilar As(III)oxidizingbiomass canalsodevelop insandfilters run-ningonchlorine-freetapwater,sourcedfromasurfacewaterbody. 3.3. As(III)removalbybio-FeEC

3.3.1. Batchexperiments

After ripening of the biological columns, batch FeEC experi-ments were performed on the column effluent, which contained 150 μg/L As(V),to determine the optimaloperational parameters for the continuousflow experiments. Fig. 5 showsthe change in dissolved As(III) and As(V) concentrations after applying various CDs (0–200 C/L) at a CDR of 5 C/L/min to the column effluent and to an unoxidized As(III)-spiked tap water solution for refer-ence.TheAsremovalinthecolumneffluentwassimilartothatof the FeECexperimentusingtapwatercontainingAs(V)asthe ini-tialAsspecies(FigureS2(left)).ForFeECexperimentsinboththe

biological columneffluentandtheAs(V) solution,a CDof10 C/L (at CDRof 5C/L/min)wasable to remove150


g/LAs tobelow the10


g/LWHOguideline,whereasaCDof100C/Lwasneeded toachievethesamelevelwiththereferenceAs(III)solution.

TheFaradaicefficiencyfortheFeECexperimentsinthecolumn effluentscontainingoxidizedAs(V)wasnear1,whichwassimilar tothevaluesobtainedforFeECexperimentsinstandardAs(V) so-lution(FigureS2 (left)).This resultsuggeststhat biological As(III) oxidationdidnotimpacttheelectrochemicaloxidationofFe(0)and thereleaseofFe(II)tothebulksolution.

3.3.2. Continuousflowexperiments

The operatingparameters ofCD= 10 C/L appliedat CDR= 5 C/L/min were selected for the continuous flow bio-FeEC experi-ments based on the results from the batch EC experiments us-ing the biological column effluent. The voltage observed in the DCcurrent supplier toachieve the required CDandCDR in both column systems was 2.1 V. Fig. 6 depicts the results during the 3day experimental duration forboth the bio-FeEC (left) andthe conventionalFeEC(right)continuousflowsystems.Theresults in-dicate that both systemsremoved As,but onlythe bio-FeEC sys-temwas ableto decrease As levels to belowthe WHO guideline of10


g/L, despite identical operating parameters (i.e.flow rate, CD,CDR). In thebio-FeEC system, the dissolved Asconcentration decreasedfrom150± 30


g/Ltoapproximately2± 1


g/L(98% removal). Thedissolved As concentration wasconsistently higher than the WHO guideline in the conventional FeEC system, with approximately38 ± 4


g/L remaining insolution (73% removal), whichconsistedof75± 5%As(III).

It wasalso observed that theAs(III) removal efficiencyof the conventional FeECcolumn washigher(73% As removal)than the FeECbatchexperimentsusingtheAs(III)-spikedtapwater(42%As


M. Roy, C.M. van Genuchten, L. Rietveld et al. Water Research 188 (2021) 116531

Fig. 5. Batch mode bio-FeEC (left) and conventional FeEC (right) treatment of 150 μg/L As(III) as a function of CD applied at 5 C/L/min CDR. The bio-FeEC experiments were conducted with the effluent of the biological anthracite layer; the conventional FeEC experiments are shown again in Figure S2 (right).

Fig. 6. Average As(III) removal during continuous flow mode bio-FeEC (left) and conventional FeEC (right) during 6 h experimental run time (executed in triplicate). FeEC was operated under 10 C/L CD at 5 C/L/min CDR.

removal), despite the similar operating parameters (CD = 10 C/L andCDR = 5C/L/min).Thisresultcan beexplained bythe accu-mulation ofFesolidson topofthesupporting filterlayersinthe continuousflowsystem.Thisexplanationisbasedonthemeasured total Feconcentrationofapproximately7mg/Linunfiltered sam-plesoftheconventionalFeECcolumnsystem,whichisgreaterthan thetheoreticalFevalueof3mg/L(Eq.(1))expectedbasedon Fara-day’s law. The accumulatedFe solids allow for extended contact time with dissolved As,resulting ingreater As adsorption per Fe mass.Although theFeconcentration wasalsosignificantly higher thanthetheoreticalFaradaicvalueinthebio-FeECcolumn,no

dif-ferenceinAsremovalpercharge passedwasobservedinthe bio-FeECbecauseofthenearlycompleteremovaloftheoxidizedAs(V). However,theaccumulationofFe inbothcontinuousflowsystems suggeststhatthebio-FeECcolumncouldbeoperatedatevenlower CDandstillachieveAs(III)removaltobelow10



3.4. CharacterizationofFe-Assolids

Afterthe6hoperatingcyclesoverthe3-dayexperimental du-ration, the filter columns were backwashed and the solids were characterizedbyFeandAsK-edgeXAS(Fig.7).TheFeK-edge


EX-Fig. 7. (A) Fe K-edge EXAFS spectra of the solids produced in the bio-FeEC and conventional FeEC columns plotted below reference spectra of lepidocrocite (Lp) and 2-line ferrihydrite (2LFh). (B) As K-edge XANES spectra of the solids produced in the bio-FeEC and conventional FeEC columns plotted below reference spectra of As(III) and As(V) adsorbed to 2LFh. The arrow in B highlights a small shoulder indicative of As(III). (C) As K-edge EXAFS spectra of samples compared to the reference spectra of As(III) and As(V) adsorbed to 2-line ferrihydrite (2LFh). (D) Fourier-transformed As K-edge EXAFS spectra (data in dotted lines) and output of the shell-by-shell fits (model output in solid lines).

AFSspectrashowednonotabledifferenceinlineshapeorphaseof the oscillationsforsamples collectedfromthebio-FeEC and con-ventional FeEC columns,indicating a similar average structure of the generated Fe(III) precipitates. Based on characteristic finger-prints inthe EXAFS spectra,includingthe asymmetric first oscil-lationfrom3to5.5 ˚A−1,thesolidsareconsistent witha mixture

of lepidocrocite(


-FeOOH)andpoorly-ordered Fe(III) precipitates (e.g.2-lineferrihydrite, 2LFh)(Fig.7(A)).The formationofa mix-tureoflepidocrociteand2LFhcanbeattributedtothecomposition oftheAs(III)-richtapwater(TableS1)andisconsistentwithsolids formed inpreviousFeEC studiesatsimilarpH andtotal As/Fe ra-tios(vanGenuchtenetal.,2014; Wanetal.,2011).Previousstudies on Fe oxidizingbacteria haveshown that Fe(III)precipitates pro-duced by various types of bacteria often have unique structures because biogenic dissolvedorganiccompounds can interferewith Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxidecrystallization pathway(Toner etal., 2009). However,theFeK-edgeEXAFSspectraofsolidsfrombothsystems weresimilar,indicatingthatthebacteriaupstreamoftheFeECcell didnotinterferewithFe(III)polymerization.Instead,theinorganic composition ofthe solutionplayed amore importantrole in de-terminingtheFe(III)precipitatestructure.Theformationof

poorly-orderedsolids,suchas2LFh,inthebio-FeECandconventionalFeEC system can be advantageous for As adsorption because of their higher proportion of reactive surface area per mass (i.e. specific surface area) compared to more crystalline Fe phases (Dixit and Hering,2003).

TheAsK-edgeXANESdataforsamplescollectedfromthe bio-FeEC and conventional FeEC systems indicate that the oxidation stateofAs boundtothesolidswaspredominantlyAs(V)forboth systems based on the position of the absorption maximum near 11,875 eV (Fig. 7(B) and (C)). The predominance of solid-phase As(V)intheconventionalFeECsystemisinlinewiththeoxidation ofAs(III)duringFeECduetothe formationofreactive intermedi-ates (Li etal., 2012; vanGenuchten etal., 2012). Although As(V) wasthemajorspeciesinboundtobothbio-FeECandconventional FeEC solids, the LCFs of the XANES spectra indicated a slightly higherAs(III) percentage forsolids inthe conventional FeEC sys-tem (8%) compared to those of the bio-FeEC system (2%). These resultsconfirmthat theAsremovalpathwayforbothcolumns in-volvedAs(III) oxidation.However,unlike thebio-FeECsystem, the abioticAs(III)oxidationpathwayoftheconventionalFeECcolumn wasnot sufficient to oxidize all As(III). Consequently, As(III) was


M. Roy, C.M. van Genuchten, L. Rietveld et al. Water Research 188 (2021) 116531

observed boundtotheFesolidsoftheconventional FeECcolumn andwasthedominantformofAsineffluent, whichwas substan-tiallyhigher(38± 4


g/L)thanthebio-FeECsystem(2± 1


g/L). The AsK-edgeEXAFSspectraofthesolidscollectedfromboth continuous flow systems were similar, consistent with the As K-edge XANES data, and both matched the reference spectrum of As(V) adsorbed to 2LFh. To confirm the exact As bonding mode totheFe(III)precipitatesinbothsystems,shell-by-shellfitsofthe Fourier-transformedEXAFSspectrawere performed.Theoutputof the fitsisoverlainto thedatain Fig.7(D) andthefitting param-eters are summarized in Table S2. The fitting results were iden-ticalforboth conventionalFeEC andbio-FeEC sampleswithin fit-derived standard errors,indicating asimilar Asuptakemode.The fittingoutputforbothsamplesalsomatchedthat ofthereference spectrum of As(V)adsorbed 2LFh. Thefirst shell fits ofthe sam-plesreturnedvaluesfortheAs-Ocoordinationnumber(CNAs-O)of

4.3to4.6andAs-Ointeratomicdistance(RAs-O)of1.69 ˚Awhichis

consistent withtetrahedrally-coordinatedAs(V)(Waychunasetal., 1993).ThesecondshellfitsofbothsamplesyieldedCNAs-Fevalues

of1.4to1.6andanRAs-Feof3.28 ˚A,whichwasidenticaltothefits

ofAs(V) adsorbedto2LFh, withinfit-derived standard errors (Ta-bleS2).Basedonthesefit-derivedparameters,weconcludethatAs wastakenupbythesolidsproducedinbothbio-FeECand conven-tional FeEC systems via the binuclearcorner-sharing (2C) surface

complex,whereAs(V)tetrahedrabindtotheapicaloxygen atoms oftwoadjacentedge-sharingFeO6octahedra(vanGenuchtenetal.,

2012; Waychunasetal.,1993).WenotedthattheXANESLCFs re-vealedaslightlylargerfractionofAs(III)intheconventionalFeEC samplethat wasnot reflected inthe shell-by-shellfitting results, whichcanbeexplainedbythehighersensitivityofXANESanalysis to smallchanges inAsoxidation state.Therefore,the conclusions obtainedwithshell-by-shellfitsoftheEXAFSdatadidnotaccount forthe additionalcomplexityoftheFeEC solids,which contained 8%sorbedAs(III).

3.5. Benefitsandchallengesofbio-FeEC

Ourresultsindicatethat integratingbiologicalAs(III)oxidation withFeECcanbeadvantageoustotreatAs(III)contaminatedwater becauseofthelower FedosageorCDrequirementtoachieve suf-ficientlylowAslevelsintheeffluent.AtaCDvalueof10C/L,the bio-FeEC columnremovedAs(III) towell below10


g/L, whereas As in the effluent of the conventional FeEC column was consid-erably greater than the WHO recommended limit. Based on the results of the batch experiments, the conventional FeEC column could haveeventuallyachievedAsremovaltobelow10


g/L, but a much higherCD would be needed. Thishigher CD for equiva-lentAs removalrequires asubstantiallyhigherapplied currentor electrolysistime,whichwouldleadtogreaterelectricity consump-tion anda larger amount ofFe sludgegenerated. Forinstance in thebio-FeEC column,theaverageenergyconsumptionandsludge production to remove 150μg/L As(III) below10 μg/Lfora CD of 10 C/L under a constant voltage(U) of 2.1V was0.006 kWh/m3

(by Eq. (3)) and 0.007 kg/m3 respectively. Similarly for the

con-ventional FeEC columnto remove 150 μg/LAs(III) below 10 μg/L a CD of 100 C/L might be necessary (as observed in the batch FeECsystem, (Fig.2)),whichis10timeshigherthanbio-FeEC, re-sulting in a tenfold increase in energy consumption and sludge generation of 0.06 kWh/m3 (by Eq. (3)) and 0.07 kg/m3

respec-tively.Comparedtootherremovaltechniques,thepowerrequired fortreatingtheAs-contaminatedwaterbybio-FeEC(0.06kWh/m3)

is nearlytwo ordersofmagnitudelower thanthe power require-ment(3–4kWh/m3)reportedforAstreatmentbymembrane

tech-niques (Schmidtetal.,2016).Furthermore,becauseFe(III) precipi-tatesforminthepresenceofAsduringFeEC,theamountof reac-tivesurfaceareaavailableforAssorptionpermassofsolid(50μg

As/mgFe)issignificantlyhigherthanforotherFe-basedstrategies, includingadsorptiontopre-synthesizedFe(III)oxideadsorbentsor Feoxidecoatedsandfilters(Thirunavukkarasuetal.,2003). There-fore,theamountofsludgegeneratedbybio-FeECforagiven elec-trolytecompositionislowerthanothermethods.However,itis im-portanttonotethatdirectcomparisonsofthepowerrequirement andsludge productionof differenttechniques isdifficult because these parameters are highly dependent on solution composition. Hence,thevaluesofpowerconsumptionandsludgegeneration ob-tainedforthebio-FeEC systemare relevanttothesolution condi-tions used inthis studyandmight not reflect exactlythe values obtainedinothertypesofAs-contaminatedwater.

Cenergy=Uq (3)



Theadvantageofpre-oxidizingAs(III)inFeECintermsoflower CDandFe requiredforcompleteremovalhasbeen reported pre-viouslyinsystemswhereAs(III)wasoxidizedbychemicalor elec-trochemicalmethods(Floresetal.,2013; Zhangetal.,2014). How-ever, inthe bio-FeEC system, the oxidation is performed biologi-callywithouttheneedofchemicalsorelectricity,whichisa ben-efitbecause chemicalscan createsecondaryby-products inwater (disinfectionby-products forNaClO;(JackmanandHughes, 2010)) and more electricity would lead to higher energy consumption. Furthermore,a separatechemicaloxidation stepcanleadtomore complexsupplychainsforAs treatment,whichisa majorbarrier tosustainedoperationoftechnologies,particularlyindecentralized areas.Finally,thelowerFesludgeproductioninthebio-FeEC sys-temcomparedtoconventionalFeECalsorequireslesswaste man-agement (i.e. landfill disposal) and reducesthe backwashing fre-quencyof the postfiltration step dueto lessclogging ofthe fil-ter beds. Although the bio-FeEC systemproduces lessAs-rich Fe sludgethanconventionalFeEC,properhandlinganddisposalofthe sludgeisstillimportantfromtheperspectiveofsafetyand circular-ity.Identifyingthemostappropriatesludgedisposalmethodis be-yondthescopeofourstudy,butonemethodcouldbetodewater thesludgebypassivesettlingandsubsequentdryingforre-usein industry(e.g.,brickproduction)(Hassanetal.,2014; Sullivanetal., 2010). Anotherapproachcanbe stabilizingthesludgeinconcrete for re-use in local construction (Roy et al., 2019). However, in both cases, the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test must be performedfirst to identifythe leaching behavior of the waste, which ensures minimal environmental contamination (Sullivanetal.,2010).

Althoughourworksuggeststhatthebio-FeECsystemcanbean effectivealternativetoconventional FeECorother standardAs re-moval techniques,some potential challenges of the system must be investigated before implementing it in practice. For example, whereas the biological layer can oxidize ammonium (NH4+) in

groundwater (Gude et al., 2018), which is an added benefit, the biologicallayercanalsoenhanceFe(II)andmanganese(Mn(II)) ox-idation(Gülayetal.,2018; Vandenabeeleetal.,1992). The oxida-tionofFe(II) andMn(II)inthebiological layercanresultintheir removaldue to deposition ofthe solid oxidation products in the layer,butthiscanalsobedisadvantageousasthedepositedsolids canclogthelayer,requiringmorefrequentbackwashingora con-ventional aeration-filtration step prior to bio-FeEC. Furthermore, the presence of high concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM)andtotalorganiccarbon(TOC) ingroundwater canimpact thespeciationofaqueousFe(II)bycomplexation(Sundman,2014), which altersFe(II) oxidation kinetics, can decreaseAs adsorption onFesolidsbycompetingforsorptionsites(Redmanetal.,2002), andcan enhancegrowthofthebiological layer(Kottetal.,1997), which canpotentially lead to increasedamounts of organic mat-ter in subsequent treatment stages due to washout of


biologi-cal material. However, we note that FeEC is effective at remov-ing organicmatter,whichsuggeststhatwashout fromthe biolog-ical layer might not substantially decrease the quality of treated water (McBeath et al., 2020). The bio-FeEC system also requires a startupperiod to establish the AsOB-containing biofilm on the sand bed, which can lead to additional energy needed for con-tinuouswaterpumpingduringripening. Thisdisadvantagecanbe avoided through accelerating the ripening phase by inoculating withalreadyripenedsandfromanexistingAs(III)treatmentplant orbyaddingmoreFeviaFeECtoachievesufficientAsremovalat the onsetoftreatment.Overall,theattractiveness ofthebio-FeEC system lies particularly in that it can be implemented using lo-cally available materials inconventional ordecentralizedsystems (with electricityconsumption offsetbysolarpanels) whichis ap-propriate for rural areas of South Asia, where As contamination of drinking watersources has led to catastrophic health impacts (Chakrabortietal.,2010).

4. Conclusions

In this study, the novel integratedsystem of biological As(III) oxidation and Fe electrocoagulation to treat As(III)-contaminated waterwasinvestigated.Comparedtotheabiotic,conventionalFeEC system, theintegratedbiological FeECsystemshowedmore effec-tive oxidation and removal of 150 μg/L As(III) to below 10 μg/L without theneed ofchemicals. The bio-FeEC systemreducedthe Fe dosagerequired(by10 times)compared toconventionalFeEC. Hence, we propose that this integrated biological and electro-chemical system can be a sustainable approachto remove As(III) fromwater,particularlyinareaswherecostlyandcomplexsupply chainsinhibitsustainedoperationoftreatmentmethods..


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


This project is supported by the Global Drinking Water pro-gram, TUDelftfocusingonremovalofhealth-basedcontaminants fromwater.TheauthorswanttothankDaviddeRidderandMarjet Oosterkampfortheirhelpwhileperformingmicrobial community characterization.WethankRyanDavis,MatthewLattimerandErik Nelson at SSRL for assistance duringXAS data collection.Use of SSRL,SLAC NationalAccelerator Laboratory,wassupported bythe U.S.DepartmentofEnergy,OfficeofScience,BasicEnergySciences, underContractNo. DE-AC02–76SF00515.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,at doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116531.


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