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Characterization of the shallow water wave environment: prediction techniques and modeling facilities


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Robert J. Johnson

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September 1970 . . .. Report 3401











Robert J. Johnson

This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distri-bution is unlimited.






Beach il

Surf 13








Figure Figure Figure 3 Figure Figure 11 -a LIST OF FIGURES Page

i - Changes in Form of a Shoaling Wave 26

2 - Comparison of Maximum Wave Slope for the Linear and

Non-linear Wave Profile 27

- A Time History of Solitonic Interaction Showing the Decrease in the Amplitude of the Composite Wave With

Subsequent Increase in Amplitude of the Primary

Solution when the Interaction Abates 4 - A Typical Beach Profile as a Result of

Action Showing Slope Contour Elements 5 - A Cape Cod Beach of Slope 1:100 With a

Submerged Bar

6 - A Barless Beach Profile so Transformed

Horizontal to Represent a Beach of Any

Initial Slope

7 - Global Areas Where One Might Observe Heavy Surf as a Consequence of Strong, Steady Winds and Long Fetch

8 - Frequency of Wind Speed Occurrence in the North Atlantic

9 - Wave Breaking Characteristics

Heavy Surf

in the

Schematic Dìagram of Variable Beach Proposed for NSRDC MASK Facility 33 111 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 27 28 29 29 30 31 31

Figure 10 - Computed Surf Height Statistics for Three




Page Table i - Comparison of Sea State Characteristics for Deep and

Shallow Water as aResuit of Applying Linear

Wave Shoaling .. 34

Table 2 - U.S. West Coast Beach Statistics 34

Table 3 - Wave Height and Wavelength in Model Scale Required to Simulate Surf on Three Uniform Slopes Resulting from a

Shoaling Swell of 7.6-Second Period 35

Table 4 - Ten U.S. Wave Tanks Most Readily Adaptable to Surf Zone and Shallow Water Studies in Relation to

Investigations of Amphibious Craft Motions in a Nearshore

Seaway 35

Table 5 - Minimum Scale,Ratio (À) Required by Test Facilities to Simulate a Speçific Surf Height Condition on a Numbêr of

Uniform Beach Slopes 36

Table 6 Preliminary Cost Estimate for the Variable Beach

Proposed for the NSRDC MASK Facility 37



ACV Air-cushion


CERC Coastal Engineering Research Center

H Wave height

H Deep water


H Model wave height


H/2 Wave amplitude

Eb Surf height

H Model surf height


h Water depth

hb Wave breaking water depth

i Initial' beach slope at the shoreline

L Wave length

L0 Deep. water wave length

L Model wave length


'b Length of surf zone

'bui Model surf zone length

X Linear scale ratio

MASK Maneuvering and Seakeeping Basin at NSRDC

MLLW Mean low low water

NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office

SR.N5 Peripherial skirted ACV

SWL Still water level

T0 Deep water wave period

X Distance from shoreline

Y Bar crest depth



This. is a brief presentation of the state of the

art regarding the theory an4 modeling techniques of

shallow water wave phenomena. A disc-uss.ion is

incor-porated pointiñg up a substantial need for the modi-fication of an existing f acuity or the development of a new facility capable of characterizing a

realis-tic, shallow water wave environment by including

uneven bottom topography. Beach and surf statistics

are presented to serve as guides in setting the re-quirements for stich a facility. Existing U.. S.

tow-ing tanks and seakeeptow-ing basins that possess a surf zone testing capability of amphibious assault, craft

are evalúat.ed and a beach: design is proposed for the

Maneuvering and Seakeeping Basin (MASK) at the Naval Ship Research and Development Center (NSRDC).


This study was funded under the NAVSHIPSYSCOM Amphibious

Assault Landing Craft Program, Sub Project. Sl4-l7 Task 14174.


Interest in high speed amphibious operations points up the


continuing need for methods of predicting the character of in-shore wave and surf conditions and the response of amphibious


èh'±c-ies to Although shallow water research

programs were init:iated4uring World. War II,. technology still

does not provide reliable definition of:

the transformation which a deep-ocean-seaway undergoes as it propagates inshore over ag.ven bottom topography.

the inception, extent and character of breaking waves:.

which are produced by this seaway energy propagating inshore..

(c). the changes in for.m.which indivi:thia,l non-breaking waves

undergo during these transfornations.

(d) the response of landing craft to this environment, both

in terms of gross effects such as broaching, swamping, pitch-poling, capsizing and also in terms of specific vehicle motions

and accelerations in pitch., heave, surge, etc.

Over the years a great deal of experimental and analytical effort has been expended on specific phases of the overall

problem, much of it in connection with related problems such as

beach erosion, but a satisfactory unification, of all the parts

has yet to be achieved.

In addition there are at present no facilities in this

country which have the capacity of testing suitably sized

am-phibious models in realistic inshore wave conditions.


This section'describes the various shallow water phenom-a thphenom-at phenom-affect the operphenom-ation of nphenom-avphenom-al crphenom-aft together with phenom-an



* References are listed

on page 38.


assessment of the current technological ability to

represent these phenomena analytically.

Wind imparts energy to the sea surface in

a random fashion

generating a general confusion of waves traveling in a

multi-tude of directions.

The height of the waves is a function of

,the strength of the wind, the duration for which It blows and the size of the surface area over which it acts.

The waves

travel out of the generating area in the direction of the pre-dominant wind and gradually assume a regular profile

and long-crested appearance. This indicates the high


compo-nents of the wave system are quickly damped out by vàrious mechanisms of energy dissipation,

leaving the low frequency

waves, known as swell, to propagate considerable distances from

the point of origin. Eventually swell will

encounter a

shal-low water regime where the wave will

transform and finally

dis-sipate the remainder of its energy by

mechanisms of breaking

and run-up on a beach. It is this long,

regular wave form with its subsequent transformations that characterizes

the nearshore oceanic area. Superimposed on this

gross system of waves will be the wave system produced by the local meteorological


The form that a deep water wave assumes

as it propagates

inshore becomes increasingly non-linear as a result of


decreasing water depth. A number of non-linear

wave theories

have evolved since the initial developments



Korteweg and de Vri:s2 to describe this phenomenon, but each is restricted in its specific application by virtue of the bound-ary conditions imposed for the solution of the wave equation. In particular, in the last half decade there has been much

ac-tivity in the field of non-linear ocean wave research which has

help-ed to clarify many of the observed phenomena. However a

mathematical model predicting the continuous non-linear

trans-formation that a deep water wave undergoes as it propagates inshore has not been achieved. The ability to model

analyti-cally the non-linear wave environment as a function of distance

from the shoreline is at most a possibility of the future and depends on the successful matching of the existing, piecewise wave solutions together with the incorporation of improved

dis-sipation terms. Thus, the only way to gain a priori knowledge of amphibious craft response to inshore wave and surf condi-tions at this time is to employ a realistic, physical model of

the nearshore seaway.

In deep water, waves are dispersive and can be represented as sinusoidal undulations of the water surface as in the

classic linear approach. This representation is satisfactory

when the water depth h is at least twice the length of the wave L, and the amplitude H/2 can be considered infinitesimal

in comparison to the length. As the wave propagates shoreward over decreasing water depth it will shorten in length,

result-in in a greater wave steepness. The curvature of the wave


wave equation as higher order (non-linear) terms. For depths

falling in the range of one-half to one-tenth the wavelength,

StokesTi theory of finite amplitude gravity waves characterizes

the non-linearity of the wave profile adequately. As the wave

continues to shoal it becomes progressiveIy asymmetrical about the horizontal plane of the still water level (SWL) with the crest height becoming much greater than the trough depth. For

extremely shallow water depths the wave becomes non-dispersive and assumes an appearance of sharp, nàrrow crests and long,

flat troughs. The cnoidal wave theory initiated by Korteweg

and de Vries2 sufficiently characterizes this wave in water depths less than one-tenth wavelength up to depths where the wave becomes asymmetical about a vertical plane through its

crestline. With continued shoaling the wave profile becomes increasingly skewed in relation to the two planes of symmetry with extreme steepening of the forward face of the wave. When

the face or a portion thereof becomes vertical, the wave

be-comes unstable and breaks. The theory of Biesel3 sufficiently

predicts this apparent wave-slope asymmetry prior to breaking as supported by Adeymo4 and also characterizes a breaking phase

of the wave. To assist the reader, Figure 1 is presented to show the continuous change a deep water wave assumes as it propagates to a depth of twelve feet.

The point is made that the foregoing segmentation of the various wave theories into regions of applicability is somewhat arbitrary as there is sufficient overlap in these regions to



allow more than one of them to be used at a specific finite

water depth. It will b the ability to concurrently represent the form and characteristics of the wave in two analytical models at the transition zone that could eventually lead to a

unified wave theory.

In a recent analytical examination of the shallow water environment it was established that wave slope is the seaway characteristic that most seriously influences the roll and pitch motions of naval craft. Linear theory can be utilized to predict the change in maximum wave slope cL as a wave

propa-gates into shallow water, but as the wave begins to assume a horizontal plane asymmetry, linear theory under predicts that

slope obtained from a non-linear wave profile. This is

dramatized in the twenty-four foot depth case shown in Figure 2 where the dashed profile is a sinusoidal wave having the same

length and height as the non-linear wave. As the wave

pro-gresses into very shallow water there is still the effect of vertical plane asymmetry one should consider when establishing

change in maximum wave slope. The theory of Biesel3 might be used in future analyses for this purpose, but to date the wave slope asymmetry displayed by a wave in water with a depth less than one-fourth the wavelength has not been investigated ex-plicitly to discern its effect on the response of naval craft.

Four secondary wave properties that influence the response



shallow water craft to varying degrees will now be discussed



llarmonicdéep water waves propagating over shallow,

hoti-zontal bottoms teñd tò decompose. into solitons (solitary waves)

.5 6

as pointedout by Calvin and Madsen. The phenomenon occurs

for a water.depth region define4 as i/h greater than .ten

and/or h/H less.than twenty. On a shallow bottom characterized

by an initial slope of .1:60 one then might expect a wive of

length 100 feet to decompose at a distance of 1000 feet from

the shoreline., or a 200-foot wave could start decomposition as

far as two-thirds of a mile from the shore. This indicates

that an amphibious craft may experience this phenomenon over a considerable distance in a beaching maneuver. .

An interesting feature of solitary wave interaction is the noticeable decrease in composite wave amplitudes which is

shown in Figure 3. This implies the invalidity of applying linear superposition techniques to this System of waves ánd

the resultant craft motions.

As a wave propagates toward shore part of its energy is

reflected seaward as a consequence of bottom gradients o The

arnoûnt of energy reflected is enhanced as the bottom slope

increases beyond an angle of 40 (1:14) as presented by Wiégel.7 Gradients of this order are characteristic of beacheS riot

exposed to heavy surf and are also established by thé seaward

face of longshore bars. Wave energy thus réflected back

through an approaching wave system can originate Standing wave patterns in shallow water areas with amplitUdes possibly being. hazérdous to amphibious craft operation.


A äve crest is eerally refracted as it passes over a

bottom geometry exhibiting contours otier than parallel

straight lines. This may result in focusing. wave energy at

caustics where the phase of the wave is altered by 90° and the amplitude is possibly increased thus affecting naval craft

motions. Also, in the general case, the wave crest approaches the shorel-ine at an oblique angle as a consequence of

refrac-tion thereby inducng a lonshore. currnt with speeds anging to four knots as reported in Reférence 8.. Currents of this

magnitude greatly enhance the probability of an assault craft of the displacement type to broach at the shoreline while landing on or leaving from the beach.

To conclude, i has recently beeñ shown that regular waves mechanically generated in a tank completely lose their physical identity as they propagate considerable distances from the wave generator (Benjamin and Fier9). The phenomenon is attributed

to an energy leakage f:rom the .predominant frequency into

side-bands as a consequence of the wavemaker placing a slight per-turbation on the carrier wave In that this disintegration

results from the lack of pure frequency in a harmonic wave,

this phenomenon should, be prevalent in the oceanic environment.

Knowledge of its manifestation may shed. some insight into the

:spectral energy shifts observed in deep water wave systems as

they shoal.

These changes in form that deep water wave systems assume


inshoaling should be reflected in a simulated environment



'used in the test of amphibious craftmodels. Ideally this testing should be. psfor.med in a basin capable of

cháracter-izing realistic periods and.heights of waves and surf. over

representative bottom configurations and at adequate scale

ratios. The requirement fôr such a facility will be discussed

in a subsequent section; no such testing capability exists within the United States today.

If amphibious testing must be carried out in a current

facility where 'the waves generated are essentially in deep

water, then an effort should be made to alter wave making programs to introduce as much realism as possible into thé.

generated seaway for shallow wate.r testing. A simple pproach

involves characterising statistics Of the shallow water sea,

e.g. significant wave length, in the' generated deep water wave

system. The shallow water statistics are judiciously chosen as those most influential on the modes of craft motion to be

investigated for a 'particula.r design. 'Clarification of the,

procedure can best bè accomplished by presenting the' following

examples. Experience dictates that the rolling.mo:tion of

round 'bilge hull forms subjected to beata seas is influenced

mostlyby change's in maximum wave slope, and wave period.

Therefore, these two characteristics should be modeled in the deep water wave system as representative of the expêcted

shàl-low water conditions. In the case of an amphibious vehicle.

approaching the beach at surf speed, shallow water wave heights and phase velocities should be realistically reflected in the



model environment. Asa final ex.ample consider au ar-.cushion vehicle proceeding over ashailow bottom at high speed ii

astern seas Here the significant height and length of the

waves affect the response of the craft to the greatest:extent, thereby making them the prime wave characteristics in the

sea-way simulation. Table 1 is presented to illustrate the change required. in modeling for the last example ata particular

depth of 50. feet. As the depth decreases the change required

becomes more dramatic.

This discussion indicates that the present policy o.f

specifying the seakeeping performance requirements of shallow water craft in terms of fully-developed, Pierson-Moskowitz seas

is erroneous. This practice could possibly lead to drawing faulty conclusions when comparing the performance of various amphibious çraft designs. . .

A complete development of the. theory of water waves prior


to the mid-1960s may be found in Neumann and Pierson,

11 7.

Kinsman, and Wiegel.


In the previous section the influence of bottom topography

on dynamic. wave behaviour in the nearshore area was discussed,

and it is indicàted that realism in a model environment can . best be achieved by incorporating some basic bthymetry in a


required for amphibious model testing is established by con-sidering the physical properties of beaches and surf on a

global scale.


The limited amount of field data available indicates the general appearance of a beach is unchanged when viewed over considerable periods of time, e.g. in the order of a year, but the short duration beach processes continually erode or build

up the beach face. Such processes initiate the development and migration of offshore bars, features characteristic of most

beach profiles. Longshore bars are most pronounced when the beach is being attacked by storm änd hurricane waves of the fall and winter months as depicted in Figure 4. The depth and seaward steepness of the bars regulate the amount of shoreward propagating energy reflected back toward the sea resulting at times in the establishment of a standing wave pattern in the

nearshore area. It was pointed out in the preceding section that such a system of waves may have a pronounced effect on the

response of naval vehicles operating in this environment should the period of the system be critical in comparison to the

natural response frequencies of the crafts. Also, a bar can trigger wave instability manifesting itself as a wave breaking or the formation of multiple crests behind the bar as pointed

out by Byrne,12 whose field observation is presented as

Figure 5. These wave transformations can significantly



influence the behaviour of assault landing craft in. the

imme-diate beach line area.

This discussion points up the important hydrographic func-tions of longshore bars and indicates the necessity of this beach eÏement in an effective simulation of the shallow water


The most significant feature of the profile is the

con-tinuous decrease in the beach slope with increasing distance

from the shoreline. Keulegan13 was able to characterize this feature of barless beach profiles by an empirical relationship

establishing the bottom depth as a fimnction of the product of

distance from the shoreline X and initial beach slope i. This is reproduced graphically as Figure 6.. With some simplifica-tion though, beach profiles can be partisimplifica-tioned into two slopes

as done in Figure 4, the foreshore and the offshore slopes. Both play important roles in wave modification as the gradual

slope can create asymmetry in a wave and initiate wave decom-' position while the steeper slope with associated bars

deter-mines breaking of 'the wave and the extent of the reflected

energy. This signifies an inadequacy of modeling beach

ter-rain in the vicinity of the shoreline by a uniform slope.

Table 2 presents sorne beach statistics extracted from the.

profile data of Johnson and Bascom14 for U. S. West Coast. beaches. It is observed that the foreshore slope of exposed

'aches (which are the predominant case) in the proximity of thé mean low low water (MLLW) line, ranges from: 1:50. to 1:80



with an average of 1:65 while the fo'reshore slopes of less

exposed beaches range from 1:33 to 1:40. Wiegel7 presents a number of sheltered beaches with foreshore slopes of 1:5 to

1:10. Typical:ly', the offshore slope of aIl U. S. West Coast

beaches is steeper than 1:200 with an average of 1:160 while

the East Coast offshore slopes are much more gradual with marty

falling between 1:250 to 1:500.

The data presented above will be. considered typical of

the world oceanic beaches and will be used to'set the design requirementsof the f cility presented 'in a following section.


The most recent Navy performance specifications set for

amphibious logistic and trpop landing cr'afts Indicate they need

-only to negotiate an eight foot surf for compliance with

con-tract requirements. As it is estáblished that landing mission's

might have to be accomplished in a number of world beach areas' where a surf of ten feet ór more can be expected over a

sig-nificant portion of the year, the inadequacy of this surf,

requirement is now addressed.

The wind wave generation mechanism has been pursued since

'the initial undertakings of Sverdrúp and


It has been

confirmed that the initial wind energy arises 'the high

fre-i quency end of the 'seaway spectrum .in a short period of time

and with continued wind, excitation of the lower frequency



reversed with high frequency energy. being viscously. damped ut

or absorbed 1eavin the low frequency content to propagate away fromthe generation area. It is this long period wave as

indi-cated earlier that one finds pre4ominantly in the surf zone

area near the shoreline. As the long wave approaches the surf zone its profile transforms characteristically shortening in

length and steepening its forward face, i.e. Figure 1. By

invoking the empirical shoaling characteristics obtained by


Nakaniura et al., the inc±ease in breaking height can be

predicted to be as much as a factor of two over t:he deep water

wave height should the initïal wavelength be long enough and

the bottom slope be sufficiently steep.

The amount of field data available for verifying surf heights and surf periods is quite limited but the compilation of surf data of Helle17 indicates that a seven to nine, second

surf period is about the average observed oh the northwestern

U. S. coast. This surf period is a consequence of the shoaling storm waves generated in the North Pacific. Similar deep ocean

seaways are arisen in the North Atlantic and the other geogra-phical locals designated in Figure 7 where there exists a long

fetch in conjunction with strong, steady wind systems.

To establish a reasonable surf height as.spciated. with this

seven to nine second period range the following discussion . presented. The wind wave generation theory of


in4i-'te.s that .a constant thirty knot wind c'an produce that part


sEconds within ten hoúrs. A25 knot wind generates this sea in about 17 hoúrs while a 40 knot wind accomplishes the same

in approximately 6 hours. This rangeof wind speeds is a sig-nificänt portión of the wind speed distribution observed i

the North Atlañtic as presented by Roll19 añd shown in Fig-ure 8, thus making the occurrence of wave perlcds of seven to

nine seconds quite probable. In fact, Roll indicates that the above wave period range with an associatEd waveheightrange 6.7 to 11.5 feet constituted 21 percent of the total two year

wave observation taken in the North Atl.aùtic -though no clear

indication is made to the concurrent meteorological conditions. If waves of a 7.6 second, period (T0) and heights (H)of

6.7 and 9.0 feet are shoaled acco.rding to the empirical;

rela-tionships of Nakamura et


and presented in Figure 9, one will obtain the surf heights (Hb) displayed in Table 3 for the three uniform beach slopes of 1:10, 1:30 and 1:50. The

great-est surf is found to be 11.5 feet as aresult of shoaling the 9.0 foot high wave on a 1:10 slope. This same wave shoaled on a 1:30 slope provides a surf height of 10.1 feet. This

greater than 10-foot surf, height is readily supported by field

observations of Helle17 and Johnson and Bascom14 for the

U. S. North Pacific coast.

The, Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) uses the

Sverdrup-Munk forecasting procedure to produce the statistics

displayed in Figure 10. These valu-es further indicate that as

a rEsult of long fetch length along with strong excitation



winds, the beaches of. Ireland (III, Figure 7), w.. Pakistan

(II, Figure 7), and Iror Coast (IV,.Figure 7 expect a'suf

condition in excess of 9 or 10 feet ovér a significant portion

of the'year. In. particular, a greater than 10-foot suri shows

an occurrence, frequency of 26 percent on the west and southwest

coasts of Ireland during the fall and winter months, and during the southwest monsoon season the West Pakistani coat is

sub-jected to a 'greater than 9-foot breaking wave at a rate of one

out of every four.

Other geographical areas possessing high surf potential

as a result' of shoaling storm waves are:

Western Australia (VI, Figure 7)

Tasmania and S. New Zealand (V, Figure:7) and Southern. Chile (VII, Figure 7).

In view of the surf values presented in the foregoing

discussion, it appears reasonáble, that: the performance

speci-fications of amphibious craft should include the negotiation

of a 10-foot high surf. Thus, the capability o.! testing

am-phibious craft' models in simulated' 10-12-foot surf heights

with periods ranging as high as 14 seconds should be available

to, the design. contra&or. .


A number of U.' S. seakeeping facilities including those

».0 .

of NSRDC were evaluated for théi.r modeling' capacity of a


facility is to model the nearshore seaway as realistically as possible by incorporating basic bottom topography. The study is now presented.

The dimensions of the facility and necessary wave making capability are established by requiring a scale ratio A of five or six, thereby allowing for the test of a five-foot model of a 30-40-foot amphibious craft in this environment. By imposing

this requirement viscous scale effects can be kept to a mini-mum while promoting adequate response resolution. Table 2

implies that a scale ratio of nearly six necessïtates the beach to be in the order of two hundred feet to incorporate the area

of submerged bars. This two hundred feet of beach length is further required to allow for sufficient water depth at the toe of the slope to permit deep water waves generated at the wavemaker to propagate onto the slope without appreciable height attenuation or breaking at this point. It is granted

that the wave will be transformed at the foot of the slope into a non-linear wave form, the degree of transformation de-pendent on the initial height and length of the wave.

As established in the last section, a surf height of at least ten feet should be included as a moderate upper limit in a test designed to effectively evaluate the capability and survivability of an assault landing craft. This implies that

the craft be tested in a seaway severity (surf height to craft ,,. length) of 1:4 instead of the established requirement of 1:7

or greater.


Based on these requirements the .number of facilities

cap-able of modeling the nearshore seaway was reduced to the .ten

presented in Table .4 along with their size, maximum regular

wave capability and.necessary modification. The facilities are

listed in order of their preference, this order' being based on

their physical size and the scàle ratio required to simulate the nearshore conditiòns as presented in Table 5. These scale

ratios were obtained by limited information consisting mainly of thé facility's highest deep water wave and associated

period. Empirical energy and power relationships for a water wave presented inWiegel7 were used to establish the character-istic curve of maximum wave height vs. period for each facility where such a curve was not available.. Cross-curves of L vs.


H with beach slope a parameter were established for four

's'pe-cific breaking heights. The shoaling is according to .Nakamura

16 . . .

et al.. as presented in Figure 9. The wave making capability

of each facility, was compare.d to the cross-curves to define the

'miflimum scale ratio required for each facility to attain the

four wave breaking conditions. .

The scale ratios presented in Table 5.should be a modést over-estimate for the facility. Generally, the facility will require a slightly larger scale factor to accomplish thé

spé-cific wave condition as a result of over-estimating the. wave

height capability at a specific period. Also, a requirement .wá°s imposed that the deep water wave to be simulated be at

least 150 feet long, this establishing a 'lower limit of



approximately 5.4 seconds for the wave pe-riòd T. This is not

unrealistic when cônsidering that a test is being designed to

estab-lish an upper limit n the craft cápability bearing in mind realistic surf observations, It is acknowledged that the majority of the scale ratios in Table 5 epresent a wave period below the seven seconds indicated earlier as a desired moderate teit limit with an associated 10 foot surfheight.

By virtue of the above discussion the proposed MASK

facil-ity is found to be the best suited to accomplish a realistic surf zone and nearshore wave environment suitable for testing amphibious craft models f adequate size while operating in a

variety of wave conditions. The facility will be discüssed in

detail in the next section.

It should be noted before concluding this section that experimental investigations which attempt to define thé extent of the surf zone are often handicapped by viscous scale effects as exemplified by the recent work of Horikawa et al.2° who

attempted to define the ràte of energy dissipation in the surf

zone. The viscous effect is significant as the wave becomes

less than one inch in height and/or less than two feet in length as shown by Plakida and Perepetch.21 This indicates

that, as in all modeling processes, the larger the model, the

better the representation. Surface tension effects aré

negli-gible as they become noticeable for w ves possessing leng,ths

less than four inches.



FLCILITY FOR THE MANEUVERING AND SEAKEEPING BASIN OF ÑSRDC The shallow water facility discussed below is proposed as an integral part of the Maneuvering and Seakeeping Basin (MASK)

of 'NSRDC. This basin is 360 feet long by 240 feet wIde and

20 feet .deep with two adjacent sides of, the tank equipped with

segmented banks of pneumatic typewave generators capable of producing regular, irregular long-crested4 and

multi-directional short-crested seaways. As, shown in Tablé 4 the

wave makers are designed to generatè up to a two foot high deep water regular wave with a length of forty feet, but it is

known that' a wave with a height of 1.75 feet and length of

50 feet can readily be attained.

The' variable beach 'is presented schematically as Figure 11

'and consists of 28 modules each having a plane dimension of

'20 feet by 20 feet and a six-inch thickness. The modules are

constructed of ¼-inch aluminüm sheeting weldedbetween a rec-tangular grid of six-inch I-beam such thateach section con-tains four symmetrically located, floodable compartments. When hinged together the sections forma contourable surface 200 feet long by 40 feet wide with a 40-föot ramp at the deep water end and a 40-foot shoreline slope at the other. The

surface 'is supported by a system òf 39 hydraulic jacks capable

of raising and lowering the false bottom through a total

V' ' '

'vertical distance of five feet. The jacks are set atop posts attached to'a concrete stabilizing bed on the basin floor.


The posts are so jointed, braced and hinged t allow them'.to

coIlapse horizontally beneath the false bottom 'when the

.facil-ity is not in use and lying flat against the concrete base. When the beach is needed the modules are made buoyant simulta-neously by forcing air into the floodable compartments causing

- the sections to float to the surface as a unit. The system

then lócks itself into position by design of the braces and hinges at the bottom of the posts. The assembled beach is ¡nade

secure by pinning it to the permanent concrete wave absorber along the short side of the basin. A preliminary cost estimate

for the facility, is presented as Table 6 with the total cost

being approximately $300,000.

The variable beach is of practical design to allow it to be set into position and adjusted in the minimum time of one to two work shifts without the aid of divers. The hydraulic jacks

can be actuated individually or concurrently to allow for

inul-tiple. slopes and canting of the surface relative to approaching

wave systems. This unique feature allows for the refraction bf

the wave crests as they approach the shoreline and the

induce-ment of littoral currents. It was pointed out earlier that this current enhances the broaching probability of a displace-ment type landing craft as it beaches or retracts through the


Inclusion of this current in a shallow water facility allows one to evaluate the ability of'the craft to reach or

leave the beach in an acceptable orientation.

The multiple slope capability allows for testing an

as-sault craft in realistic surf condïtions in that the bottom


contour controls the extent of breaking (length o,f surf

zone see Table 3), the height of. breaking and the breaker

type. The difficulty that an amphibian experiences while

pass-ing through and retractpass-ing through surf is dependent on all

three coñditions. There is indication that the problem of

re-trat1ng can be alleviated in the case of an ACV by passing

back through the surf at an angle much less than 900 relative

to the crest line.. An SR.N5 found the least resistance and

sevérity of craft motions at a retraction angle of 450 in

ten-foot breaking wave.s (Ha.rmen22) . The proposed shallow water

facility is suitable for conducting model studies of the above

maneuver at a number of retraction angles and surf conditions, thereby allowing a more complete evaluation of the craft's performance. in inshore wave conditions.

The facility is large enough to allow for the test of a

five-foot model representing a forty-fopt craft in a simulated twelve-foot surf with 7.6-second period. The surf óapability of the facility for a number


beach slopes is partially indi-cated in Table 3. Also, the facility is designed to accept

molded forms to represent submerged bars and other typical

bathymetry, thus allowing for induced non-linear, wave forms,

multiple crests and reflected wave patterns. These shallow

water properties have been shown to influence the. operation of

an amphibian in this seaway.


The facility has twò inherent problems. .The beach is.not

long enough to prevent the introduction of some transformation

to. the wave profile of. the very long waves as they propagate



over the 40-foot ramp onto the toe of the slope. With,

subse-quent shoaling on a very gradual slope the. waves may decompose

into shorter, non-linear, solitary wave forms rather than prop-.

agate as a single wave. As long as the water depth at this point over the slope is kept greater than six feet for the long wave cases, the problem can be minimized at some expense of

realisth in therepresentation.

Seco'nd, the proposed facility design necessitates removing

two feet of the twenty-foot water depth of the basin over the

collapsed beach. The reduction in wate'r depth will have two

effects on the wave systems employed, in the seakeeping tests

conducted in this basin. There. will be a slight height and

length attenuation for waves with lengths greater than 36 feet,

plus a refraction effect at the. edges of the collapsed beach.

Neither effect appears to, alter the deep water seaway

substan-tially. It was established that a fifty-foot wave (L) of

two-foot height (H) sustained oniy a 0.2-inch reduction in height and


reduction in length as a consequence of

reducing t.he water depth from twenty feet to eighteen feet.

The Arthur et al'.23 ray equation indicates for the same wave

only a refraction of 1.6 .degrees at a distance óf 50 feet 'from

the' forward' edge of the collapsed beach. An interaction of the two effects has not been investigated. .

Both .of the problems can be moderated if the concrete

stabilizing bed can be dispenséd with by attaching the support-Ing posts directly to the basin floor. "This would .then


beach. Also, it is mentioned, other beach designs are being considered for the MASK-which would circumvent the storage problem discussed here.


- The need for a nearshore and inshore environmental test

facility has become pronounced in the past few years, since, for one to gain more fruitful design and character assessment of amphibious vehicles operating in a wave system in the

prox-imity of the shoreline, realistic test conditions will have to be employed. It has been shown in the foregoing discussion that a facility incorporating the major features of the near-shore wave environment including bathy-metry can be developed.

There Is indication that the resultant hydrography may have a significant Influence on response characteristics of small

naval craft. The versatile facility proposed for the MASK of NSRDC could serve as a general purpose laboratory for the study

of- many aspects of the total oceanographic problem such as the

identification of the principles controlling the transforma-tions exhibited in a shoaling deep water seaway.

Investiga-tions of this phenomenon will allow the naval architect to more realistically define the shallow water energy spectrum of this seaway, it being necessary for meaningful prediction of ship

response to this wave system. The facility will also allow for .ácurate modeling of multi-body problems incurred in salvage,

launch and recovery operations; man-in-the-sea experiments, and



investigations of shallow water wave forces on off-shore drill-Ing and observationplatforxns.


The author wishes to thank Professor P. R. Van Mater,

Jr.-and.Mr. R. Wermter for their suggestions and technic-al

assist-ance in this project. The preliminary cost estimate for the beach designed for the MASK was performed by the Systems

Engi-neering Branch of NSRDC.



WATER DEPTH 30' 24' 13' 12'. WAVE NEAR BREAXU t- .25L -si )- 22L-4 L 160'-k2: 9993 H 7.3' : 73'

L 2W-1

I2= .912 26 H = 7.6' 1:238'



Figure 1 - Changes in Form of a Shoaling Wave

LSU4USOIÛALJ h1 H h1 (CH O1DAL) L DEEP L.x 33ß' '4




3fl5' 'I






Sinusoidal max. wave slope (ci) = 0.113 Cnoidal max. wave slope () 0.149

For both waves

L 216 ft.

H 7.8 ft.

h =24 ft. = 360 ft. = 8.0 ft.

Figure 2 - Comparison of Maximum Wave Slope for the Linear and Non-linear Wave Profile


I!!!!! !I1I!IU


11111111 11111 111111


111111 111111


Iii IllIllilIl 11111111

111111111 11111111 iIiIIIIiIIII


11111 liii liii 11111 IIIIIlIIlIflulIIIII





Figure 3 - A Time History of Solitonic Interaction Showing the Decrease in the Amplitude of the Composite Wave with Subsequent Increase in Amplitude of the

Primary Soliton when the Interaction Abates

(The measurement is of waves propagating in approximately one-half foot of water and was made at a distance of many wavelengths away from the wave generator in

the 96-foot wave tank at the Coastal Engineering Research Center. The scales are

not defined, but the solitofts are of about one-second period and the height of the primary soliton is about three inches. Time -increases toward the right).








Figure 4 - A Typical Beach Profile as a Result of Heavy Surf Action Showing SlOpe Contour Elements

(Continuous change in the beach gradient which is charaçterized here by two uniform slopes)




Figure 5 - A Cape Cod Beach of Slope 1:100 With a Submerged Bar

(The bar increases the number of wave crests ob-served in Area B by a factor of two in comparison to that in Area A. In this case the relative bar

depth (Y/L) was approximately 0.045; the ratio of wave height to bardepth, 0.45; the wavelength L

was near 25Q feet.

O 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40


Figure 6 - A Barless Beach Profile so Transformed in the Horizontal to Represent a Beach of Any Initial Slope





Figure 7 - Global Areas Where One Might Observe Heavy Surf as a Consequence of Strong, Steady Winds and

Long Fetch I - U.S. Pacific Coast II - W. Pakistani Coast III - S. W. Irish Coast

IV - Ivory Coast

V - Tasmanian and N. Zealand Coasts VI - W. Australian Coast

VII - S. Chilean Coast

T T - I I








i....4 i ... L... L :


0.28 0.00 o 4 Figure 8 -10 20 30 40 60 80 100 Le/Ho

Figure 9 - Wave Breaking Characteristics

F s s I ..ss s .--. I i I I I I I




1 .1 1.0 0.9 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 ¿0 1.2

Wind Speed, knots


Frequency of Wind Speed Occurrence in the


North Atlantic

(as indicated by Roll'9)

0.6 0.5


2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5


1.3 1.2 , F


/ / I F F




%\ s s 0.24 0.20 0.16 g o 4, o, o o o 0.12 0.08 4, g

j 0.04



Beach Area number is that defined-by the


and Swell

Section of NAVOCEANO. All waves are shoaled on n 1:50 bottomsiope.

Figure 10 - Computed Surf Height Statistics for

Three Geographical Locations AND BEACH AREA (S.W. 3 BEACH AREA S.W. 4 BEACH AREA 5 (W. BEACH AREA 6 W. BEACH AREA N.W. 7 - BEACH AREA 8A N.W SURF HT. ft. > (Z) 10 (Z) >1. (Z) >8 (Z) >10 (Z) >16 (Z) >8 (Z) >10 (Z) >16 (Z) >8 (Z) >10 (Z) >16 (X) >8 (Z) >10 (Z) >16 (X) >8' (Z) >10' (X) >16' (Z) SEASON Wintei 42 29 14 30 23 lo 30 23 10 40 31 13 25 14 4 11 8 2 Spring 25 15 5 16 11 3 15 10 3 24 17 5 11 6 1 2 1 0 Sumner 23 14 4 16 11 3 15 10 3 23 16 4 9 6 2 2 0 0 Fall 40 29 13 30 23 10 28 21 9 39 30 13 19 13 5 7 5 0 FAK5TAN BEACH AREA 3 -BEACH AREA 4 BEACH AREA 5 BEACH AREA 6 -BEACH AREA 7 SURF HT.(ft.) 6' 9' 6' 9' 6' 9' 6' 9' 6' 9' SEASON Nov.-Mar. 4 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 6 3 Apr. 16 6 12 5 14 4 15 5 18 10 May-Sept. 58 34 53 27 51 28 1 22 56 36 Oct. 7 2 5 2 7 2 7 2 13 7





SEASON Winter 7 3 2 Spring 17 9 6 Summer 17 10 6 Tall lO 5 2




BEACH 322'-6" $ORTh tLAvOkEft Figure 11

- Schematic Diagram of Variable Beach

Proposed for



Comparison of Sea-State Characteristics for Deep and Shallöw Water as a Resu1t of App1ying Linear Wave Shoaling


US. WestCoast Beach Statistics


(Johnson and Bascom )

34 WATER sEAzTATE* CHARACTERISTICS . -deep water. Significant Wave Height 1.0 2.0 ¿.0 6.6 10.2 16.2

- deep Vater Ayerage Period 2.0 3.3 ¿.3 5.3 6.3 7.6

50 ft.


Wave Height 1.0 1.? 3.7 6.0 9.4 15.0

50 ft. Average Period 2.0 3.3 4.2 4.9 5.5 6.2

* The sea-state definition is in accord with that developed by Wilbut Marks. The deep water wave data is obtained from faired.çurves of statistics from the Wilbur Marks sea-state chart.

NM FORESHORE SLOPE OFFSHORE SLOPE X1, ft. ft. ft. Greenville Bay 1:55 1:200 Copalis 1:83 1:143 600 3 Ocean City 1:77 1:160 850 1200 6 Leadbetter 1:42 _1:16O 600 1600 2 Oystervifle 1:45 1:166 800 1700 6 Solando Wreck 1:28 1:93 600 1200 ¿ Co]ubj Beach 1:72 1300 Mansanita 1:71 1:89 700 1650 5 Cape Lookout 1:50 1 :84 800 1600 5 Camp Meriweather 1:55 600 1700 5 Lookout Cove 1:52 750 1200 Coos Bay 1:63 700 10 Table Bluff 1:71 1800 6 Pismo Beach 1:57 Surf Beach 1:65 Sea Bright 1 :36

Sea Cliffe 1 :36 X1, X2, Y1 and beach slopes are Moss Landing N. 1:36 aadèfined in Figure 4. Moss Landing S. 1:50

Fort Ord Sta. À 1:20

Fort C'rd Sta. B 1:22

Fort Ord Sta. C 1:24 Point Joe 1 :47

Standard Oil Pier 1:36 Hotel Cup 1:73 Miramar 1:41. Municipal . 1:40 -. Carmel River 1:15 -¿ u, Carmel Beach 1:33




Wave Height and Wvelength in Model Scale Required to Simulate Surf on Three Uniform Slopes Resulting from a Shoaling Swell of

7.6-Second Period


Ten U.S. Wave Tanks Most Readily Adaptable to Surf Zone and Shallow Water Wave Studies in Relation to Investigations of Amphibious

Craft Motions in a Nearshore Seaway

35 H0, it. H SLOPE ft. h 1b ft. ).. 1bin' ft. 11be ft. Lome ft. HP ft. 6.7 0.02 1 1O 1.35 9.0/. 0.96 8.67 0.29 87 6 14.5 1.5 50.0 1.12 19 4.6 0.1.8 15.8 0.35 9.0 0.03 1110 1.28 11.5 1.00 11.5 0.38 115 6 1'.2 1.97 5(V 1.50 19 6.0 0.60 15,8 0.47 6.7 0.02 1230 1.20 8.0/. 1.01 8.12 0.81 2/.4 6 1.0.7 1.31 5'.O 1.12 19 12.8 0.42 15.8 0.35 9.0 0.03 1 230 1.12 10.1 1.01 10.8 1.10 330 6 55.0 1 .8 50.0 1 .5 19 17,/. 0.53 15,8 0.47 6.7 0.07 1150 0.99 6.63 1.12 7.1.2 0.56 168 6 78.0 1,10 50.0 1.12 T 8.8 0.35 5.d 0.35 9.0 0.03 1:50 0.94 8.46 1.13 9.56 0.77 231 6 38.5 1.41 50.0 1.50 19 12.2 0.1.1. 15.8 0./.7 * (16)

On slopes greater than 1:50 the surf zone extends to the shoreline (Nakamura et al).


(length x width x depth)


(deep vater)


MSRIC MASK Facility 360' x 21.0' x 20' 24" x ¿0' (See section en proposed MASK facility)

Chicago Bridge & Iron 250' x 33' x 18' 18" x 30'

No major sdification except fnr

ex-tending the present cootcurable beach.

Bydronautics 308' x 21.' x 18' 16" x 1/.' A beach has to be installed

Univ. of Michigan 360' x 22' x 12' 12" x 15'

Iaprovesnt of irreg. wave capability.

Slight modification of existing beach.

Langley 2800' x 2/.' x 8.5' 12" x 30' A beach has to be installed

General Dynamics-Convair 300' x 12' x 6' 1/." x 12' A beach has to be installed

Stevens Tank #3 315' x 12' X 5.5 7" x 15' A beach has to be installed

Offshore Technology 120' x 1.8' x 15' 11e" x 15'

This tank is short for shallow water studies, and also recuires a beach.

CE3 635' x 15' z 20' 72" z 70'

To be destroyed In '72; bas no irreg. wave capability; carraige modification.



Minimum Scale Ratio (A) Required by Test Facilities to Simulate a Specific Surf Height Condition on a Number

of Uniform Beach Slopes

* The bar () signifies a marginal case implying this surf condition could more readily be achieved at the next higher scale ratto.


Beach Slope 1:10 1:30 1:50 1:100

Proposed MASK Facility 4




Chicago Bridge & Iron 5 5 6 8

Hydronautics 7 7 8 11 IJniv. of Michigan g 9 10 13 Langley 7 8 9 12 General Dynamics-Convair 8 8 10 13

Stevens Inst. Tank #3 12 13 18

Offshore Technology 7 8 10 12





U.S. Naval Academy 4

4. 4 5

Proposed MASK Facility 5 7


Chicago Bridge & Iron 6 6 7 9

Hydronautics 9 10 13 Univ. of Michigan 10 11 12 16 Langley


T 15 Genera]. Dynamics-Conva±r 10 lo IT 15

Stevens Inst. Tank #3 16 23

Offshore Technology lo 10. TT 15

CEEC 4 4

4. 4

U.S. Naval Academy 4 4 5 6

Proposed MASK Facility 6 7 g ii

Chicago Bridge & Iron 7 7 8 10

Nydronautic s 10 11 12 15 Univ. of Michigan i 2 13 15 20 Langley 10 11 13 13 General bynainics-Convair 11 12 13 13 Stevens nst. ank Offshore Technology 11 12 13 13 CERO 4 4 4 4

U.S. Naval Academy 5 5 7

Proposed MASK Facility 7 8 9

Chicago Bridge & Iron 8



Hydronauti cs 11 12 li

Univ. of Michigan 14 15


Lang]; e IT 13 15

General Dynamics- Convair 13 14 16

Stevens Inst. Tank #3 i 3 2 i 23

Offshore Technology 13 14 16

CERO 4 4 4

U.S. Naval Academy 5 6





Preliminary Cost Estimate for the Variable Beach Proposed for the NSRDC MASK Facility




Beach Modules 28 $ 4500 $ 126000

Outboard Positioning Jack and Post Unit

26 915 23790

Inboard Positioning Jack and Post Unit

13 1025 13325

Support Braces i0000

Concrete Base 1 36000 36000

Est. Cost for Mfg. 209115

Hydraulic System 25000

Air System 150b0

Beach. Design 25000

Subtotal 274115

Contingent Items 25000



Stokes, G. G., "Onthe Theory of Oscillatory Waves,"'

Mathematical and Physical Papers., I, Cambridge University

Press (.1880)

Korteweg, D. J. and de Vries, G., "On the Ch ange of Form

of Long Wàves," Phil. Nag., No. 5, Vol. 39,p. 422 (1895). Biesel, F., "Study of Wave Propagation in Water of

Gradually Varying Depth," National Bureau of Standards

Circular 521, Nov. 1952.

Adeymo, M. D., "Effect of Beac.h Slope and Shoaling on Wave

Asymmetry," Proc. of 11th Conf. oñ Coastal Eng.. (Sep 1968).

Benjamin, T. B. and Feir, J. E., "The Disintgration öf Wave Trains.on Deep Water, Part I -- Theory," Jour. of Fi. Mech., Vol. 27, pt. 3, pp. 417-430 (1967).

Galvin, ,C. J., Jr., "Finite Amplitude, Shallow-Water Waves

of Periodically Recurring Form," Unpublished Memo of

Research Division, Coast. Eng. Res. Cent.ér (Rev Mar 19.68).

Madsen,.O., "Long

Waves Over

an Uneven BottOm," MIT Thesis (to be published in 1970).

Wiegel, R.,, L. , Oceanographical Engineering, Prentice-Hall,

Inc., Englewood Cliffs,, Ñew Jersey, xi + 532 p. (1964).

Commander Amphibious Force, AtlanticFleet1 and Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet, "Joint Surf Manúal,"

Commander Amphibious Force,. Atlantic Fleet Instruction

,,"384O.lE and Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Instruction

= 3840.3B (May 1967).

. .


10 Neumann, G. and Pierson, W. J., Jr., Principles of Physical

Oceanography, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, xii 512 p. (1966)

il. Kinsman, B., Wind Waves-Their Generation and Propagation on The Ocean Surface, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, xxiii + 676 p. (1965).

Byrne, R. J., "Field Occurrances of Induced Multiple

Gravity Waves," Jour. of Geophysical Res, Vol. 74, No. lO

(May 1969).

Keulegan, G. H., "Depths of Offshore Bars," Beach Erosion Board Technical Memorandum 8 (Jul 1945).

Johnson, J. W. and Bascom, W. N. "Beach and Surf Atlas," Univ. of California at Berkley, Dept. of Engineering, Rpt. HE - 116 - 174 (1949).

Sverdrup, H. V. and Munk, W. H., "Wind, Sea and Swell: Theory of Relations for Forecasting," U. S. Hydrographic

Office Publication 601 (1947).

Nakamura, M. Shiraishi,

J. and Sasaki,

Y., "Wave Decaying

Due to Breaking," Proc. of


10th Conf. on Coastal Eng.,

ASCE (Sep 1966).

Helle, J. R., "Surf Statistics for the Coasts of the United States," Beach Erosion Board Technical

Memorandum 108 (Nov 1958).

moue, T. , "On the Growth of the Spectrum of a Wind Generated Sea According to a Modified Miles-Phillips

Mechanism," New York University School of Engineering and

Science, Geophysical Sciences Lab. Rpt. TR 66-6 (Apr 1966)..



Roll, H. U., "Height, Length and Steépness of Seawaves in the North Atlantic nd Dimensions of Seawaves as Functions of Wind Force," SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin i

-19 (Dec -1958).

Horikawa, K. and chin-Tong Kuo, "A Study on Wave

rransformation Inside a Surf Zone," Proceedings of 10th

Conf.. on Coastal Eng., ASCE (Sep 1966).

Piakida, M. and Perepetch, N., "The Investigation of the Waves at the Bay on the Model of the 'ixed Bed and the

Estimation of the Scale Effect," Coastal Engineering Conf., Inst. of Civil Engineers, Paper 54 (Sep 1968). Harmen, J. M., "Cushionborne Surfboard," Air-Cushion

Vehicles, The International Hover Craft Journal, Vol. 12.,

No. 76 (Oct 1968).

23 Arthur, R.. S. et al., "The Diréct Construction of Wave

Rays," Trans. Of the Amer. Geophysical Union, Vol. 32,


DDFORM 1473- (PAGE 1)




-(Security classification of title, bodr of abstrertand indeaing ennoition musi be niered wSen the oreretl report le cIaIaIfIod) t. ORIGINA TUNG ACTIViTY (cr(e author) .

-Naval Ship Researçh and Development Center

Washthgton,. D.C. 20034 -



-3. REPORT TITLE - - -



-4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type el report and IncluaSve dal..) -

-5. AUTHOR(S) (First name. niiddló miSiá!. Saat nOme)

Robert J. Johnson - - -. - - - -.


September 1970 - .






-b. PROJECT NO.S 14.17

-- Task 14174

-- d.




OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any oth.t numb.,. that may be oaltod this report)


-This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distribution is






-This is a brief presentation of the state of the art regárding the theory and modeling techniques of shallow water wave phenomena. A

dis-cussión is incorporated pointing up a substantial need for the modifi-cation of an existing facility or the- development of a new facility

- capable of.characterizing a realistic, shallow water wave environment

- by including uneven bottom topography. Beach and surf statistics are presented to serve as guides in setting the requirements for

such-a fsuch-acility. Existing U.S. towing tanks and seakeeping basins that

-- possess a surf zone testing capability of amphibious assault craft

-- are evaluated and a beach design is proposed for the-Maneuvering and


-. Seakeeping Basin (MASK) at the Naval Ship Research and Development

Cénter (NSRDC).

-'54 -

-S/N 0101.807.6801 Security C1assifiction





Sccurty CIassi1icati,n

flfl FORM t473 (BACK)

i P4OVC5

(PAGE 2)

.14 .





Anphibious Assault Landing Craft


..-Nonlinear Wav.é Forms

Shallow Water Wave Transformations

Beach and Surf Statistics .

Shallow Water Tèst Facility




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