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Andrzej Ślączka


Academic year: 2021

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(1937 – 2012)

Tullio S. Pescatore – em i nent ge ol o gist, Hon or ary Mem ber of the Pol ish Geo log i cal So ci ety, my dear friend and Pro fes sor of Ge -ol ogy at the Uni ver sity of Sannio in Benevento – passed away on May 30, 2012, at the age of 75. His pro fes sional ca reer was pri -mar ily spent as Pro fes sor of Ge ol ogy at the Uni ver sity of Na ples (1962–1994), where he held the post of Di rec tor of the In sti tute of Ge ol ogy and Geo phys ics (1976–1978). In 1994, he was in vited by the Fac ulty of Sci ence, Uni ver sity of Salerno, to be the Chair of Ge ol ogy. In 1998, he moved to the Uni ver sity of Sannio in Benevento and from 1998–2001, he was the Dean of the Fac ulty of Sci ence. From 2001–2004, he was the Di rec tor of the De part ment of Geo log i cal and En vi ron men tal Stud ies. It should be em pha sized that he con trib uted to the cre ation of the Uni ver sity of Sannio in a ma jor way and be came the co-founder and co-or ga nizer of the Fac ulty of Sci ence at the Uni ver sity. He also con trib uted sig nif i -cantly to the de vel op ment of the De part ment of Geo log i cal and En vi ron men tal Stud ies, and later on, skill fully steered this De part -ment on its course.

Pro fes sor Pescatore was born on 27.11.1937 in Benevento and grad u ated from the Uni ver sity of Na ples in 1960. In 1961, he was em ployed as an As sis tant at this Uni ver sity and in 1962 as an As sis tant Pro fes sor, teach ing sedimentology and gen eral ge ol ogy. In 1974, he gained the rank of Uni ver sity Pro fes sor in the dis ci -pline of strati graphi cal ge ol ogy and was in vited by the Fac ulty of Sci ence, Uni ver sity of Na ples to be the Chair of Ge ol ogy, first as an Ex traor di nary Pro fes sor and, later, in 1978, as an Or di nary Pro fes sor. From 1994, he was in vited by the Fac ulty of Sci ence, Uni -ver sity of Salerno, to be the Chair of Ge ol ogy. Later on, af ter the cre ation of the Uni ver sity of Sannio, from 1998, he was ap pointed as the Chair of Ge ol ogy, giv ing lec tures on re gional ge ol ogy, geo -log i cal sur vey ing, and ap plied ge ol ogy. Be tween the years 1980 and 1994, he also lec tured on ap plied, ma rine ge ol ogy and li thol -ogy at l'Istituto Universitario Navale, in Na ples, and or ga nized ocean o graphic cruises in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas to re search the ge ol ogy of the seafloor. In 1969, he was elected a Mem -ber of the Acad emy of Sci ences, Let ters and Arts in Na ples and in 1994, an Hon or ary Mem ber of the Pol ish Geo log i cal So ci ety. Pro fes sor Pescatore also held func tions in other sci en tific or ga ni za

-tions, in clud ing as the co or di na tor of sev eral sci en tific pro jects of the Na tional Re search Coun cil (CNR) and the Di rec tor of the Cen -tre for Stud ies of the Campi Flegrei vol ca nic phe nom ena.

Tullio made nu mer ous, very im por tant con tri bu tions to geo log i cal re search. He was one of the first ge ol o gists to ini ti ate mod -ern, sedimentological stud ies of flysch de pos its and ba sin anal y sis in the Cen tral Apennines. In par tic u lar, he helped to clar ify the trans por ta tion and depositional pro cesses, as so ci ated with the flysch of the Cilento area and to elab o rate a palaeographical model of the re la tion ship be tween the south ern Apennines and their foredeep. This laid the foun da tion for mod ern in ter pre ta tions of that part of the Apennine orogen. Dur ing his work at Na ples, he was an im por tant mem ber of the Na ples Group, which also was called the Na ples (Geo log i cal) School. His achieve ments in the field of sedimentology were the rea son for elect ing him as Na -tional Co or di na tor of the In for mal Group of Sedimentology (GIS) of the Na tional Re search Coun cil (CNR) in the 1990s.

A very im por tant part of his re search was de voted to re gional ge ol ogy, not only in the Cen tral Apennines, but also in Sic ily. The re sults of his re search car ried out ei ther alone or with co-work ers, had ma jor im pli ca tions for the un der stand ing of the gen eral ge ol ogy, lithostratigraphy and tec ton ics of these ar eas and was pre -sented in nu mer ous pa pers. These stud ies made him an ex pert on the ge ol ogy of the South ern Apennines. He also took part in the prep a ra tion of the lo cal and re gional, geo log i cal maps of the Cen -tral and South ern Apennines, such as the Struc tural Model of It aly (1:500 000), the Geo log i cal Map of South ern It aly on a scale of 1:250 000, the Geo log i cal Map of Cen tral Lucania (South ern Apennines) on a scale of 1.50:000 and geo log i cal. map sheets on a scale of 1:50 000. His next field of in ter est was ma rine ge ol ogy. He con ducted re search on the shelf of the Tyrrhenian Sea, where for ex am ple he proved that in the Gulf of Pozzuoli, a com plex, se-dimentary fea ture had de vel oped, in re sponse to sea-level change, vol cano-tec tonic move ments and sed i ment sup ply. He worked also in the Gulf of Tarranto, where he and his coau thors, suc cess fully traced the pro lon ga tion of the Apennine, and foredeep tec -tonic struc tures to the SE, un der the sea. He also was in ter ested in geoarchaeology, car ry ing out in ves ti ga tions on the plain of the






Sele River (Paestum), Pom peii, Basilicata and Benevento. He and his co-au thors pre pared sev eral pa pers on a new, palaeogeographic re con struc tion of these ar eas dur ing the Ho lo cene. Last, but not least in im por tance is Tullio's work, in con nec tion with the very im por tant prob lem of re duc ing the ef fects of fu ture earth quakes in the ur ban ar eas of Cam pania and es pe cially in the city of Bene-vento. Many of his nu mer ous pub li ca tions are still con sulted to day and are cited by con tem po rary workers

We can not for get the close re la tion ship of Pro fes sor Pescatore with Pol ish ge ol o gists. He was the ini ti a tor of fruit ful co op er a tion be tween ge ol o gists from the Jagiellonian Uni ver sity and the Uni ver sity of Na ples, and later, the Uni ver sity of Sannio. This co op er -a tion re sulted in -a num ber of joint p-a pers, re g-ard ing the lithostr-ati- graphic and sedimentologic prob lems of the Cilento Flysch. I per -son ally am grate ful for his kind as sis tance in in tro duc ing me to the geo log i cal prob lems of the Apennines in the early 1970s. This con tact later turned into a last ing friend ship, which I al ways val -ued highly.

In ad di tion to the wide range of geo log i cal prob lems in the Apennines, noted above, Tullio also was de voted to com mu nity work.

This short re view of Tullio's work can not do full jus tice to all of the achieve ments that earned him rec og ni tion as a sci en tist of dis tinc tion. Most of all, he will be re mem bered as a kind, mod est, gen er ous and very hos pi ta ble per son.

Andrzej Œl¹czka

Se lected pub li ca tions of Tullio S. Pescatore

Pescatore, T. 1961. Ulteriori osservazioni sul Flysch a sud-est del

Matesa (gruppo Cimini-Sabatini). Bollettino della Societ´

Geologica Italiana, 80:133-145.

Pescatore, T. 1961. Una serie stratigrafica nel Flysch a sud-est del Matese (Sannio). Bollettino della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 80: 39–43.

Pescatore, T, & Vallario. A., 1964. La serie Mesozoica nel Gruppo del Monte Maggiore (Caserta). Memorie della Societ´

Geo-logica Italiana, 4: 699–727.

Pescatore, T., 1966. Strutture sedimentarie del flysch de Cilento occidentale. Geologia Romana, 5: 99–116.

Pescatore, T. & Ortolani, F., 1973. Schema tettonico dell'Appe-nnino campano-lucano. Bollettino della Societ´ Geologica

Italiana, 92: 453–472.

Pescatore, T., 1978. Evoluzione tettonica del bacino irpino (Italia meridionale) du rante il Mio cene. Bollettino della Societ´

Geologica Italiana, 97: 783–805.

Pescatore, T. & Slaczka, A., 1984. Two evo lu tions mod els of flysch bas ins: the North ern Carpathians and the South ern Apennines. Tectonophysics, 106: 49–70.

Pescatore, T., 1986. Evo lu tion of a flysch ba sin dur ing con ti nen tal col li sion: Irpinian Ba sin, south ern It aly. Giornale di

Geo-logia, 48: 121–127.

Pescatore, T. & Senatore. M. R. 1986. Com par i son be tween a pres ent day (Taranto Gulf and a Mio cene (Irpinian Ba sin) foredeep of the South ern Apennines (It aly). In: Allen, P. A. & Home wood, P. (eds), Fore land Ba sin. Spe cial Pub li ca tion In

-ter na tional As so ci a tion of Sedimentologists, 8: 169–182.

Pescatore, T., Renda, P. & Tramutoli, M., 1987. Fa cies ed

evolu-zione sedimentaria del bacino Numidico nelle Madonie occi-dentali (Sicilia). Memorie della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 38: 297–316.

Abate, B., Pescatore, T., Renda, P. & Tramutoli, M., 1988. Schema geologico dei Monti di Ter mini Imerese e delle Ma-donie occidentali (Sicilia). Memorie della Societ´ Geologica

Italiana, 41: 465–474.

Di Nocera, S., Lazzari, S., Pescatore, T. & Tramutoli, M., 1988. Aspetti geologici e geotecnici dell'area ur bana di Potenza.

Memorie della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 41: 373–389.

Pescatore, T., 1988. La sedimentazione Miocenica nell'Appennino Campano Lucano. Memorie della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 41: 37–46.

Senatore, M. R., Normark, W. R., Pescatore, T. & Rossi, S., 1988. Struc tural frame work of the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea).

Memorie della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 41: 533–539.

Coren, F., Giorgetti, F., Pescatore, T. & Senatore, M. R., 1993. Le successioni sedimentarie della Baia Terra Nova-Bacino Dry-galski (Mare di Ross, Antartide): interpretazione di profili sismici monocanale. Giornale di Geologia, 55: 155–163. Budillon, F., Pescatore, T. & Senatore, M. R., 1994. Cicli

deposi-zionali del Pleis to cene superiore-Olocene sulla piattaforma continentale del Golfo di Salerno (Tirreno meridionale).

Bo-llettino della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 113: 303–316.

Cieszkowski, M., Oszczypko, N., Pescatore, T., Slaczka, A., Sena- tore, M. R. & Valente, A., 1995. Megatorbiditi calcareo-marnose nelle successioni flyscioidi dell'Appennino meridio-nale (Cilento, Italia) e dei Carpazi settentrionali (Polonia).

Bollettino della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 114: 67–88.

Pescatore, T., Improta, L., Ro meo, R. & Iannaccone, G., 1996. Geologia della citta di Benevento: caratteristiche litostratigra- fiche di base per una microzonazione sismica. Bollettino della

Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 115: 307–324.

Di Nocera, S., Matano, F., Pescatore, T. S., Pinto, F. Quarantiello, R. Senatore M. R. & Torre M., 2006. Schema geologico del transetto Monti Picentini orientali-Monti della Daunia meri-dionali: unit´ stratigrafiche ed evoluzione tettonica del settore esterno dell'Appennino meridionale. Bollettino della Societ´

Geologica Italiana, 125. 39–58.

Ferraro, L., Pescatore, T., Russo, B., Senatore, M. R., Vecchione, C., Coppa, M. G. & Di Tuoro, A., 1997. Studi di geologia ma -rina del Margine Tirrenico: la Piattaforma Continentale tra Punta Licosa e Capo Palinuro (Tirreno Merdionale).

Bolle-ttino della Societ´ Geologica Italiana, 116: 473–485.

Pescatore, T., Make, P. & Tramutoli, M., 1999. Geo log i cal Map of cen tral Lucania (South ern Apennines) Scale 1.50:000. L. Sol- omon, Rome.

Pescatore, T., Renda, P., Schiattarella, M. & Tramutoli, M., 1999. Strati graphic and struc tural re la tion ships be tween MesoCe -no zoic Lagonegro ba sin and co eval car bon ate plat forms in south ern Apennines, It aly. Tectonophysics, 315: 69–286. Pescatore T; Senatore, M. R. Capretto, G. &; Lerro, G., 2001. Ho

-lo cene coastal en vi ron ments near Pom peii be fore the AD 79 erup tion of Mount Ve su vius, It aly, Qua ter nary Re search, 55: 77–85.

D'Argenio, A., Pescatore T. & Senatore M, R., 2004. Sea-level change and vol cano-tec tonic in ter play. The Gulf of Pozzuoli (Campi Flegeri, East ern Tyrrhenian Sea) dur ing the last 39 ka. Jour nal of Vol ca nol ogy and Geo ther mal Re search, 133: 105–121.


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