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Społeczna AkaTemia NaukH ParVzawa InTiana UniverViWy-PurTue UniverViWy InTianapoliV




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TUe auWUor of WUe book enWiWleT InWerculWural RUeWoric in WUe PriWing ClaVV-roomH Ulla ConnorH iV a CUancellor’V ÖrofeVVor of NngliVU in WUe ScUool of Liberal ArWV aW InTiana UniverViWX-ÖurTue UniverViWX InTianapoliV in WUe U.S. SUe iV a worlT renowneT experW in WUe VubjecW area covereT. TUe book waV publiVUeT in 2011 bX WUe UniverViWX of MicUigan ÖreVV in TUe MicUigan SerieV on TeacUing MulWilingual PriWerVH wUicU iV eTiWeT bX Miane ŁelcUer anT Jun Liu. IW iV a VuccincW accounW of reVearcU on VeconT-language wriWing wUicU incluTeV explanaWionV of keX concepWV in InWerculWural RUeWoric (IR). TUe au-WUor eÜpUaViYeV in iW WUe evoluWion of WUe reVearcU paraTigÜ froÜ ConWraV-Wive RUeWoric (CR) Wo IRH wUicU ÜarkV WUe preVenW VWaWe of affairV in WUiV area.

TUe book conViVWV of Vix cUapWerV preceTeT bX a ForeworTH wriWWen bX WUe VerieV eTiWorVH wUicU brieflX inWroTuceV probleÜV relaWeT Wo WUe reVearcU area TiVcuVVeT anT enTorVeV Connor’V work VWreVVing Uer experWiVe in WUe fielT. TUe firVW cUapWer iV An InWroTucWion wUicU conWainV a TeWaileT explana-WorX TefiniWion of WUe WerÜ “inWerculWural rUeWoric”. ŃirVWH iW TeVcribeV WUe eÜergence anT TevelopÜenW of reVearcU in CR anT WUe Üajor influenceV wUicU VUapeT WUe currenW reVearcU fraÜeworkH i.e. InWerculWural RUeWoric. NexWH iW ÜenWionV iWV iÜpacW on VWuTieV in oWUer TiVciplineVH beXonT VeconT language wriWing. ŃinallXH iW VeWV WUe book’V aiÜV anT ouWlineV iWV conWenW.

In WUe VeconT cUapWerH WUe auWUor referV Wo Uer earlier book froÜ 1996H ConWraVWive RUeWoricJ CroVV-CulWural AVpecWV of SeconT-Language PriW-ingH VWreVVing WUe inWerTiVciplinarX naWure of WUe reVearcU revieweT in iWH anT


Neofilolog 41(1)


WUen VUe liVWV nuÜerouV publicaWionV on WUiV VubjecW bX oWUer auWUorVH wUicU giveV eviTence Wo an increaVeT inWereVW in croVV-culWural VWuTieV of wriWing car-rieT ouW in CR fraÜework in WUe laVW TecaTeV. NexWH WUe auWUor reVponTV Wo a few poinWV of criWiciVÜ concerning WUiV areaH expreVVeT bX oWUer VcUolarVH eÜ-pUaViYing WUe uVe of linguiVWic WexWualITiVcourVal ÜeWUoTV in IR exploraWionV. TUenH in WUe nexW four parWV of WUiV cUapWer VUe elaboraWeV on VucU relaWeT wiWU IR areaV of VWuTX aVJ New LiWeracXH TranVlaWion SWuTieVH SWuTX of CulWure aV well aV NngliVU for Specific ÖurpoVeVH wUicU Uave cerWainlX influenceT re-VearcU carrieT ouW in IR fraÜework. IW VeeÜV WUaW WUe TevelopÜenWV wUicU ÜaTe WUe greaWeVW iÜpacW on WUe VUifW of WUe reVearcU paraTigÜ were in WUe VWuTX of culWureH Vo WUe auWUor poinWV Wo WUe reTefiniWion of WUe concepW in WUiV conWexW. TUiV cUapWer enTV wiWU WUe TeVcripWion of work on TiVVeÜinaWion of reVearcU reVulWV in WUe area TiVcuVVeTH wUicU waV Tone in InTiana CenWer for InWerculWural CoÜÜunicaWion (ICIC) - WUe Üain reVearcU cenWer relXing on IR principleV - TirecWeT bX WUe auWUor of WUe book. IW liVWV publicaWionV anT profeV-Vional evenWV VucU aV VXÜpoVia anT conferenceV organiYeT bX or in coopera-Wion wiWU WUiV inVWiWucoopera-Wion. In WUiV waX iW alVo eÜpUaViYeV an increaVe of inWereVW in IRH iWV evoluWion anT VUifW awaX froÜ WUe olTH CR approacU Wo reVearcU.

In WUe WUirT cUapWerH enWiWleT CulWure in InWerculWural RUeWoricH WUe au-WUor brieflX TeVcribeV WUe evoluWion of WUiV coÜplex keX concepW in IR re-VearcU. AfWer TiVcuVVing WUe WUeorieV of culWure bX VucU WUeoriVWV like U. HannerYH A. AppaTurai anT G. MaWUewVH VUe focuVeV on Wwo concepWV ÜoVW cloVelX relaWeT Wo IR reVearcU conWexWH i.e. large culWureV anT Vmall culWureVH referring Wo workV bX AWkinVon (2004) anT HolliTaX (1999). NexWH WUe iÜ-porWance of iÜpleÜenWaWion of accommoTaWion anT negoWiaWion noWionV inWo workVUopV anT VeÜinarV riVing croVV-culWural awareneVV iV TiVcuVVeT. ŃinallXH WUe auWUor preVenWV WUe inWerculWural coÜÜunicaWive coÜpeWence ÜoTel bX M. ŁXraÜ aV a conVWrucW VWronglX aVVociaWeT wiWU IR anT ofWen uVeT in inWer-culWural coÜÜunicaWion inVWrucWion. SUe alVo eÜpUaViYeV WUe TXnaÜic na-Wure of WUe noWion of culna-Wure anTH following oWUer VcUolarVH VUe VuggeVWV iWV WreaWÜenW aV a “ÜeWapUorical verb” (p. 35).

TUe Wopic receiving WUe largeVW coverage in WUe book iV WexW analXViV. IW UaV alwaXV been WUe Üajor reVearcU approacU in WUiV conWexWH WUaW iV wUX WUe fourWU cUapWer iV enWiWleT TexW AnalyViV in InWerculWural RUeWoric. TUe auWUor firVW referV Wo WUree iÜporWanW WUeoriVWV in iW (N. ŃairclougUH J. Ö. Gee anT O. HXlanT) anT VkeWcUeV WUeir approacUeV Wo acaTeÜic TiVcourVe analXViVH wUicU VUe regarTV aV eVpeciallX Uelpful in IR reVearcU. TUenH VUe TiVcuVVeV WUree Üain ÜeWUoTological approacUeV Wo WUe VWuTX of wriWing in IR fraÜe-workH i.e. corpuV analXViVH genre analXViV anT ÜulWi-ÜoTal viVual analXViV of WexWVH eÜpUaViYing WUe iÜporWance of conWexWH Vocial-ViWuaWeTneVV anT




ceVVeV involveT in wriWing in VucU inveVWigaWionV. AfWer WUaWH WUe auWUor giveV guiTance on WUe ÜeWUoTologX of reVearcU in IRH focuVing on uVing coÜpara-ble corporaH WUe ÜeWUoT wUicU VUe aTviVeV Wo VuppleÜenW wiWU eWUnogra-pUieVH obVervaWionV anT inWerviewV for Üore conWexW-VenViWiveH qualiWaWive exploraWionV. TUen VUe preVenWV general principleV anT VWepV Wo be followeT in IR reVearcUH anT finallX TeVcribeV in Üore TeWail a few WXpeV of VWuTieVH VuÜÜariYing exaÜpleV of WUoVe wUicU were conTucWeT wiWU WUe uVe of WUe WUree ÜeWUoTologieV TiVcuVVeT earlier in WUiV cUapWer (i.e. conWexWualiYeT WexW analXViVH corpuV analXViV anT eWUnograpUic approacUeV).

TUe fifWU cUapWerH enWiWleT InWerculWural RUeWoric anT TeacUingH poinWV Wo WUe iÜpacW of IR WUeorX on VucU areaV aV WeacUing wriWing in NngliVU aV a VeconT or foreign language anT iWV aVVeVVÜenWH WeacUing NngliVU for Specific ÖurpoVeV (NSÖ)H NngliVU aV a lingua francaH aV well aV coÜpoViWion in WUe U.S.H anT WUe influence of WUe WUeorX on pracWiceV of wriWing cenWerV WUere. In WUiV cUapWer WUe auWUor referV Wo ÜanX valuable reVourceV wUicU can be recoÜ-ÜenTeT aV follow-up reaTingH anT poVeV queVWionV worWU furWUer eÜpirical exploraWionH eÜpUaViYing coÜplexiWX of ÜanX iVVueV in IR. SUe giveV exaÜ-pleV of Uow WUe WUeorieV anT concepWV connecWeT wiWU IR can be applieT in WUe wriWing claVVrooÜ anT probleÜV wUicU ÜaX ariVe. TUe auWUor alVo pre-VenWV Wwo NSÖ inVWrucWional prograÜV for CUineVe MiniVWrX of Ńinance offi-cialV anT for inWernaWional poVWTocWoral laboraWorX reVearcUerV working aW an AÜerican univerViWXH TevelopeT anT aTÜiniVWereT in WUe ICICH Wo VUow Uow cenWral concepWV in IR WUeorX are iÜpleÜenWeT in WeacUing.

TUe laVW cUapWerH InWerculWural RUeWoric anT HealWU Care Communica-WionH TeVcribeV Uow concepWVH WUeorieV anT IR reVearcU reVulWV can be applieT in Wraining inWernaWional ÜeTical VWaff in WUe U.S. IW proviTeV VuÜÜarieV of VWuTieV wUicU were conTucWeT bX WUe auWUor of WUiV book anT oWUer VcUolarVH buW VWaWeV WUaW WUe exploraWionV of UealWU care TiVcourVe wiWU iÜplicaWionV for inVWrucWion in NngliVU aV a VeconT language are aW a verX earlX VWage of Tevel-opÜenW. TUen WUe Vpecific probleÜV linkeT wiWU coÜÜunicaWion in NngliVU faceT bX inWernaWional ÜeTical graTuaWeV are TiVcuVVeTH anT iW iV VuggeVWeT Uow WUeX can overcoÜe WUeÜ WUrougU parWicipaWion in language anT culWure Wraining offereT bX WUe ICICH aV well aV in workVUopV on inWerculWural coÜÜu-nicaWion. In WUiV inVWiWuWion alVo a baWWerX of language aVVeVVÜenW WeVWV waV TevelopeTH wUicU iV VUorWlX TeVcribeT in WUiV cUapWer. All WUeVe acWiviWieV anT WoolV are baVeT on relevanW WUeorieV anT reVearcU finTingVH UoweverH aW WUe enT of WUiV cUapWer WUe auWUor eÜpUaViYeV WUaW ÜucU Üore reVearcU iV neeT-eT. ATTiWionallXH in an AppenTix following WUiV cUapWer WUere are Wwo WaVkV preVenWeT for pracWicing rUeWorical analXViV of viVualV (ÜagaYine aTverWiVe-ÜenWV)H Wo wUicU WUe auWUor referV in one of WUe VubVecWionV of cUapWer four.


Neofilolog 41(1)


TUiV iV in ÜanX reVpecWV a VignificanW anT recoÜÜenTable book. How-everH wUile reaTing iW an error anT a weakneVV can alVo be noWeT. IW ÜuVW be poinWeT ouW WUaW on page 48H wUen TiVcuVVing WUe keX concepW in corpuV VWuTieVH i.e. WerWium comparaWioniVH T.Ö. OrYeVYowVki VUoulT be creTiWeT aV WUe invenWorH aV iW waV Tone in U. Connor’V book froÜ 1996 ÜenWioneT above. AnoWUer feaWure of WUe book wUicU can be regarTeT aV a weakneVV iV WUaW WUe Üain boTX of WUe WexW UaV onlX 106 pageV. Mue Wo WUe facW WUaW iW coverV a large nuÜber of iVVueV (WUeorieVH VuÜÜarieV of VWuTieVH applicaWionV of reVearcU finTingVH reVearcU ÜeWUoTologXH eWc.)H reaTing iW can leave a Üore inVigUWful reaTer wiWU a feeling WUaW ÜanX of WUeÜ VUoulT be conViT-ereT Üore exUauVWivelX. SucU reaTerV will Uave Wo reacU for WUe ÜanX VourceV WUaW WUe auWUor referV Wo wUile awaiWing nexW publicaWion – a reVulW of furWUer TevelopÜenWV in WUe area. On WUe oWUer UanTH WUe book’V breviWX ÜaX be regarTeT aV an aTvanWage becauVe iW can be uVeT on VUorW univerViWX courVeV in linguiVWicVH applieT linguiVWicV anT oWUer. ConViTering WUiV purpoVe of WUe bookH WUe inVpiring TiVcuVVion queVWionV placeT afWer eacU cUapWer are alVo verX Uelpful – WUeX can VWarW inWereVWing TebaWeV. ATTiWionallXH for uVerV’ convenience WUere iV a VubjecW anT auWUor inTex aW WUe enT of WUe book. OverallH WUe WiWle of WUe book iV an accuraWe inTicaWion of WUe conWenW anT I woulT recoÜÜenT iW aV an invaluable reVource boWU for WUe beginnerV anT Üore experienceT reVearcUerV in WUe fielT.


AWkinVonH M. 2004. “ConWraVWing rUeWoricVIconWraVWing culWureVJ PUX conWraVWive rUeWoric neeTV a beWWer concepWualiYaWion of culWure”. Journal of NngliVU for AcaTeÜic ÖurpoVeVJ Special IVVue on ConWraVWive RUeWoric in NAÖ 3J 277-289. HolliTaXH A. 1999. “SÜall CulWureV”. ApplieT LinguiVWicV 20J 237-264.


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