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Unravelling the removal mechanisms of bacterial and viral surrogates in aerobic granular sludge systems


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Unravelling the removal mechanisms of bacterial and viral surrogates in aerobic granular

sludge systems

Barrios-Hernández, Mary Luz; Bettinelli, Carolina; Mora-Cabrera, Karen; Vanegas-Camero, Maria Clara;

Garcia, Hector; van de Vossenberg, Jack; Prats, Daniel; Brdjanovic, Damir; van Loosdrecht, Mark C.M.;

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Water Research

Citation (APA)

Barrios-Hernández, M. L., Bettinelli, C., Mora-Cabrera, K., Vanegas-Camero, M. C., Garcia, H., van de

Vossenberg, J., Prats, D., Brdjanovic, D., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M., & More Authors (2021). Unravelling the

removal mechanisms of bacterial and viral surrogates in aerobic granular sludge systems. Water Research,

195, [116992]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.116992

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a Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology, IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education, P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, the Netherlands b Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ Delft, the Netherlands

c Escuela de Química, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, 159-7050, Costa Rica

d Institute of the Water and the Environmental Sciences, University of Alicante, 03690, Alicante, Spain












Article history:

Received 6 November 2020 Revised 29 January 2021 Accepted 27 February 2021 Available online 1 March 2021


Escherichia coli MS2 bacteriophages Nereda

Pathogens Sanitation Protozoa predation









Theaerobic granularsludge (AGS)processisaneffective wastewatertreatmenttechnologyfor organic matterandnutrientremovalthat hasbeenintroducedinthemarket rapidly.Untilnow,limited infor-mationisavailableonAGSregardingtheremovalofbacterialandviralpathogenicorganismspresentin sewage.Thisstudy focussedondeterminingthe relationbetweenreactoroperationalconditions(plug flowfeeding,turbulentaerationandsettling)andphysicalandbiologicalmechanismsonremovingtwo faecalsurrogates,EscherichiacoliandMS2bacteriophages.TwoAGSlaboratory-scalesystemswere sepa-ratelyfedwithinfluentspikedwith1.0× 106 CFU/100mLofE.coliand1.3× 108PFU/100mLofMS2

bacteriophagesandfollowedduringthedifferentoperationalphases.Thereactorscontainedonly gran-ularsludgeandnoflocculentsludge.Bothsystemsshowedreductionsintheliquidphaseof0.3Log10

duringanaerobicfeedingcausedbyadilutionfactorandattachmentoftheorganismsonthegranules. Higherremovalefficiencieswereachievedduringaeration,approximately1Log10forE.coliand0.6Log10

fortheMS2bacteriophagescausedmainlybypredation.The18Ssequencinganalysisrevealedhigh oper-ationaltaxonomicunits(OTUs)offree-livingprotozoageneraRhogostomaandTelotrochidiumconcerning thewholeeukaryoticcommunity.AttachedciliatespropagatedaftertheadditionoftheE.coli,anactive contributionofthegeneraEpistylis, Vorticella,and Pseudovorticellawas foundwhenthereactorreached stability.Incontrast,nosignificantgrowthofpredatorsoccurredwhenspikingthesystemwithMS2 bac-teriophages,indicatingalowcontributionofprotozoaonthephageremoval.Settlingdidnotcontribute totheremovalofthestudiedbacterialandviralsurrogates.

© 2021TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )

1. Introduction

The aerobic granular sludge (AGS) process has been shown to be an effective technology for wastewater treat-ment (Bengtsson et al., 2018; Nancharaiah and Kiran Kumar Reddy, 2018). The current full-scale AGS technology (Nereda®) operatesasanup-flow,anaerobicallyfedsequencingbatchreactor (SBR) with simultaneous feeding and effluent withdrawal and in between an extended aeration period (Pronk et al., 2015b;

de SousaRollembergetal.,2018).ThebiomassintheAGSsystem

Corresponding author. Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Tech- nology, Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ Delft, the Netherlands

E-mail address: M.L.BarriosHernandez@tudelft.nl (M.L. Barrios-Hernández).

consists of agglomerated bacteria that simultaneously remove organicmatterandnutrients(deKreuketal.,2007).This agglom-eration is possible due to microbial extracellular polymeric sub-stancesthatbindindividualcellsintogranules(LiuandTay,2002;

Lin et al., 2010; Shi and Liu, 2021). The bacterial community in thegranuleconsistsofphosphateaccumulatingorganisms(PAOs), ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidising bacteria (NOB) (Winkler et al., 2013; Szabó et al., 2017). These bacterial groups are responsible for organic matter and nutrient removal. Other organisms present, such as filamentous bacteria, protozoa and metazoans are related to the granule formation and system performance (Schwarzenbeck et al., 2004; Weber et al., 2007). Full-scaleAGSsystemscontainalargegranularsludgeandsmaller flocculentsludgefraction(Alietal.,2019).



In general, AGS wastewatertreatment systemsreport high re-movalefficienciesofcarbon,nitrogenandphosphorus(Pronketal., 2015b; Pronketal., 2017; Bengtsson etal., 2018). Besides a good treatment performance concerning the water quality parameters, two recent studies showed the capability of the AGS technology in removing bacterialandviral indicator organismsfromsewage.

Barrios-Hernández etal.(2020b) andThwaitesetal.(2018) com-paredremovalefficienciesinAGSandconventionalaerobicsludge (CAS) full- andpilot-scale wastewatertreatment plants. The AGS full-scale systems can justas effectivelyremove indicator organ-isms asthe CASprocess.Forexample,theLog10 removalforboth systemsrangedbetween1.7and2.6forbacteriaasE.coli,and be-tween 1.4and2.4forF-specificRNAbacteriophages.Bothstudies mentioned above emphasised that the presenceof the variety of protozoacommonlypresentinwastewatertreatmentscouldbe in-fluencingtheremovaloftheindicatororganisms.

ForagoodunderstandingofpathogenremovalbyAGSsystems, more mechanistic studies are needed. A large numberof studies can be found forother wastewatertreatment systems looking at biological (celllysis and predation) andphysical (adsorption and precipitation)removalmechanismsofpathogenicbacteria.Astudy by van der Drift et al. (1977) postulated that the faecal surro-gate E.coli waseitherbiologically predatedby protozoaorended up enmeshed into the sludge flocs. Hereafter, other researchers confirmed the importance ofprotozoa asgrazers inCAS systems (Curds, 1982; Mallory etal., 1983; Madoni, 1994); andtheir role asprimary predatorduringaeration (Curds, 1973). Morerecently, theremovalofvirusesinCASsystemshasbeenstudied,using bac-teriophages asasurrogateforviruses,showingthat their elimina-tion fromsewage canbechallengingduetotheirpersistence and abundance (Lucenaet al., 2004; Amarasiri etal., 2017). Bacterio-phages tend to either attach or detach from surfaces depending onthesurroundingwaterconditions(Balesetal.,1993).Theycan also be predated by heterotrophic flagellates (González and Sut-tle, 1993; Dengetal.,2014).AccordingtoStevik etal.(2004)and

Diasetal.(2017),theirretentionanddepletioninwastewatermay be affectedbysystemconfiguration,hydraulicretentiontime, wa-ter quality (temperature,pH andorganicmatter), andwaterflow velocity,amongotherfactors.

Itisstill unclearwhichremovalmechanismplays amajorrole in AGS systems, especially in the granular fraction,and how far these mechanisms are linked to the differentoperational phases. The main goal ofthis studywasto relate theoperational condi-tionsofanAGSlaboratory-scalereactorwiththeremovalofa fae-cal bacterialsurrogate E. coli anda viralsurrogate MS2 bacterio-phage.Moreover,theattachmentofthefaecalorganismsontothe granules,protozoapredationandthecontributionofthesettlingin thebacterialandviralsurrogateremovalprocesswasstudied.

2. Materialsandmethods

2.1. Researchdesign

Two laboratory-scale reactors were operated long-termas se-quencing batch reactors (SBR).Bothsystems developed a steady-statesituationwithmaturegranuleswhenfedwithonlysynthetic wastewater.When thesteady-statewasreached, theinfluent was spiked with known concentrations of two typical surrogates for bacterialandviralwaterquality,E.colibacteriaandMS2 bacterio-phages. Reactorswere monitoredweeklyforphysicochemical and microbiologicalwaterqualityparametersbeforeandaftereach cy-cleoperationalphase (anaerobicplug feeding,aerationphase and settling). Changesin the protozoacommunity were observed us-ing microscopy observation, andchanges in the eukaryotic com-munity were studied using 18S rRNA sequence analysis. Next to thelong-terminvestigation,additionalbatchexperimentswere

ex-ecutedtobetterunderstandpredation(usingafluorescentstaining technique)andattachmentof thesurrogates onthegranular sur-face.The contributionofthesettling phaseto theremovalofthe studiedsurrogateswasalsoevaluated.

2.2. Laboratory-scaleSBR

Two laboratory-scale SBRs (hereafter called AGS_E. coli and AGS_MS2) were operatedfor 154and 125days, respectively. The operational cycles follow the sequence of an anaerobic phase, aeration (reaction) phase, and settling and effluent withdrawal (Figure 1). During the anaerobicphase, the systems were fed in aplug-flowmodefor60min.Hereafter,anairrecirculationpump operatedat6L/minkeptthesystemcompletelymixedandaerated (1.8mg/L)for110min.A5minsettling timewasfollowedby ef-fluentdischarge, creating a sludgeselection mechanism resulting indensegranulesinthereactors.

Thereactorsconsistedofadouble-wallglassbubblecolumnof 2.9L (CBN, the Netherlands). Theywere operated andcontrolled witha Braun DCU4 controller, coupled withboth mass-flow and a multi-fermenter control system (MFCS), using acquisition soft-ware (Santorious Stedim Biotech S.S., Germany).The systemwas operated and controlled with an Applikon ADI controller model 1030,connectedtoacomputerwiththesoftwareBioXpert2 (App-likon,theNetherlands).Bothsystemswereoperatedat20± 1°C. ThepHof7.0± 0.1wasautomaticallycontrolledby addingeither 1MHClor1MNaOH.Bothsystemswereinoculatedwithcrushed sludge froman AGS full-scale WWTP(Garmerwolde, the Nether-lands)withaninitialtotalsuspendedsolids(TSS)concentrationof 8.3± 2.5g/L.

2.2.1. Syntheticwastewater

Thesystemswerefedwiththesyntheticwastewatercomposed of acetate (2.9 kg/m3/day), ammonium-nitrogen (0.48 kg NH

4 -N/m3/day), phosphorus source (0.08 kg PO

3-P/m3/day) andtrace metalspreparedaccordingtotheVishniacandSanter(1957)’ solu-tion.Thebacterialandviralsurrogateswereaddedoncethe granu-larstabilityinthereactorswasestablished,i.e.,afterday47inthe AGS_E. colireactorandafterday69ofoperationintheAGS_MS2 reactor.TheconcentrationintheinfluentfortheAGS_E.colireactor wasbetween1× 104and1× 107CFU/100mL.FortheAGS_MS2 reactor,concentrationswerebetween1× 105and1× 108PFU/100 mL.

2.2.2. Bacterialandviralsurrogates

Due to their importance for water quality regulations, two faecal surrogates were selected and enumerated,as explained in

Scoullosetal.(2019).,cultureandenumeration. TheE.coliATCC ref-erencestrain25922wastakenasbacteriasurrogateforfaecal con-tamination.E. coli wasinitiallyinoculated in asterilised Nutrient Brothmedium(MerckKGaA,Germany)andincubatedonashaking platform(150rpm)at37± 1°Cfor24hours.Astock concentra-tionofabout1× 109 CFU/100 mLwasobtainedandenumerated byspreadingthemediumonChromocult(Sigma-Aldrich,Germany) coliformagarplates.Later,thesuspensionwasspikedtothe influ-entof theAGS_E. coli reactorby dilutingthe stockcultureinto a vessel of10 Lto an endconcentration in the reactorof1 × 107 CFU/100 mL. For enumeration, viable counts were conducted in triplicate, accordingto ISO 9308-1(Anon 2000a). Aliquots of 0.1 mLofeitherpure ordilutedsamplewere spreadonthe coliform agarplatesandinoculatedovernightat37± 1°C.Undiluted sam-pleswithexpectedconcentrationslowerthan30CFU/100mLwere analysedinduplicateusingmembranefiltration.Thatis,100mLof


Figure 1. Cycle operational conditions of the AGS reactors.

theundilutedsamplewaspassedthroughacellulosenitrate mem-brane filters (0.45


m). The filterwasplaced on Chromocult col-iformagarplatesandincubatedat37± 1°Cfor24hours. Bacteriophage strain, culture and enumeration. The E. coli

bacteriophage MS2 reference strain ATCC 15597-B1 was used as the viral surrogate. The phage waspropagated in Tryptone Yeast Glucose Broth (TYGB) using another E. coli strain ATCC 15597 as host bacteria while shaking at150 rpm. The incubation temper-ature was 37 ± 1 °C for 24 hours to reach a stock concentra-tionof1× 1012PFU/100mL.Workingsolutionswerepreparedin saline water buffer before beingapplied to the AGS_MS2reactor by diluting the stock culture into a vessel of 10 L to a concen-tration 1× 108 PFU/100mL.TheMS2bacteriophageenumeration was determined based on ISO 10705-1 (Anon 2000b) as plaque-forming units(PFU).The hostbacteria(1 mL) wasculturedin 50 mL ofTYGBtoaconcentration ofapproximately108 PFU/100mL. Samples diluted 10-fold, 100-fold and 1000-fold were mixed in semisolidTryptoneYeastGlucoseAgar(TYGA)andpouredinsolid TYGAbeforebeingincubatedat37± 1°Cfor18hours.

2.3. Samplecollectionandprocessing

2.3.1. Physicochemicalwaterqualityparameters

Fortheperformanceofthereactor,10mLsampleswere taken fromtheliquidbulk beforetheaerationphase(62min)andfrom the effluent. The samples were filtered through a 0.45 μm fil-ter (Millex-HV, Germany) and subjected to the following analy-sis: chemical oxygen demand (COD),orthophosphate(PO4-P) and nitrogen-related parameters such as NH4-N, nitrite (NO2-N), and nitrate (NO3-N). For the COD measurement, the Closed Reflux-ColorimetricStandardMethod(APHA, 2012) wasused.Therestof themeasurementswereperformedusingLCK(Hach,Germany) cu-vette tests. To control the optimal biomass growth, the TSS and volatilesuspended solids(VSS)were determinedaccordingtothe StandardMethods(APHA,2012)forsludgesamplesandtreated ef-fluentsamples.

2.3.2. Microbiologicalsamplingprocess

For microbiological enumeration, samples were taken weekly from both reactors (AGS_E. coli and AGS_MS2) at the following

samplingpoints:influent(10 mL),mixedliquorattheendofthe anaerobicphase (25 mL), mixedliquor atthe endof the aerobic phase(25 mL) andeffluent(10 mL).From themixedliquor sam-ples,the sludgewasseparatedfromtheliquid(hereafterreferred tosupernatant) byletting thesludgesettle for5min.The super-natant(10mL) wasextractedwithasyringe andplacedina sep-arated vessel. Approximately 1 mL of the settled sludge fraction wascrushedandhomogenisedusingaglass/TeflonpotterElvehjem tube. All samples were enumerated in duplicate, asexplained in

Section 2.2.2. Results from the supernatant and sludge fractions afteranaerobicandaerobic phaseswere subjectedto astatistical analysis(Wilcoxon signed-ranktest) afternormalizationto deter-minewhetherpairedmeanconcentrationsweresignificantly(p<

0.05)differentfromeachotherornot.Thenumberofsamples(n) fortheanalysiswasbetween8and13.

2.4. Opticalmicroscopeobservationofprotozoa

Additionalsamplesofgranules(5mL) weretakenduring aera-tiontobeinspectedforprotozoapresence.Samplesof25μLwere observedunderopticalmicroscopesOlympusCH30(10x,20x,and 40x)andOlympus BX51 (10x,20x, and40x). Thestalked ciliated protozoaactivity(occurrenceandmobility)wasstudiedbased on aqualitative andquantitative scaleobservationoftheindividuals, asdescribedinAmaraletal.(2018).Forthe40xmagnification,an areaofapproximately37mm2wasmeasured,thehighestvalueof 100%wasassignedtotheonesthatshowedhighactivityandmore thansixindividuals/mm2inalltheobservations.Avalueof5%was assignedto samples that at least showedone individual/mm2 in anyofthemeasuredsamples.Sampleswerecheckedintriplicates.

2.4.1. DNAextractionand18SrRNAgenesequencing

Genomic DNA was extracted from approximately 0.25 g of crushed sludge collected on days 104 and 160 from the AGS_E. coli reactor, day 90 from the AGS_MS2 reactor, and the seed sludgeusingQIAampPowerFecalPRODNAkit(QIAGEN).TheDNA concentration was determined using an Invitrogen Qubit Fluo-rometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). The V4 region of 18S rRNAgenes wasamplified using the following eukaryote-specific primers pair 528F 5-GCGGTAATTCCAGCTCCAA-3’ and 706R 5 -AATCCRAGAATTTCACCTCT-3.PCR reactions were carriedout with


Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs). 1x loading buffer (contained SYBR green) was mixed with the PCR products and run on 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. Prod-ucts between 400bp-450bp were purified using the Qiagen Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen, Germany). The libraries were generated with NEBNext UltraTM DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (Illu-mina NovaSeq 2500, USA) and quantified via Qubit and Q-PCR. Paired-end reads were merged using FLASH (V1.2.7). Chimeras were removedusing Qiime (Version1.7.0), andsequences analy-sis were performed by Uparse software(Uparsev7.0.1001). Oper-ational TaxonomicUnits(OTUs)were obtainedby clusteringwith ≥ 97%similarity.TheanalysiswasperformedusingSilvadatabase for species annotation. The raw sequence data were uploaded to the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) under accession numbers: SAMN16526359, SAMN16526360, SAMN16526361, and SAMN16526362.

2.5. E.colifluorescencemicroscopyobservations

Toidentifyandrecordprotozoapredation,afluorescence stain-ing detectionmethod forE. coli wasused. Granulesfrom an ad-ditional AGS laboratory-scale reactor as well as granules from a full-scale WWTP were checked on the abundance of ciliates at-tached to the granular surface. The E. coli ATCC 25922 was la-belled using a dsGreen gel staining solution 10,000x Lumiprobe (Hannover, Germany).It wasanalysed withthe fluorescein isoth-iocyanate (FITC) filter set in the microscope. E. coli was 10-fold diluted as follows, 2 μL of the 10,000x dilution of dsGreen was addedtoa1.998μLofE.coliATCC25922toobtainthefinal work-ing solution of 1 × 104 CFU/ μL. Mini batch reactors were pre-pared in2 mL Eppendorf tubes in which1 mL ofgranules were spiked with 1mL of the solutionwith thepreviously labelledE.

coli. Thesolutionwasquicklymixedthreetimesina pulsing

vor-texmixer(VWR,Germany),thenincubatedinthedarkfor15 min-utes. Thetreatedgranules werewashed three timesin400μL of 1xphosphate-buffered saline (PBS) andcentrifugedat4,000rpm for5min(EppendorfMiniSpin,Germany);thenresuspendedin1x PBS to get a final volume of2 mL. Aliquots of3 μLwere placed on glass slides andanalysed underan Olympus BX51 fluorescent microscope coupledwithan XM10camera,an X-citefluorescence lamp (Lumen Dynamics, Series 120Q) and a FITC filter. Approxi-matelybetween8and12 setsofpicturesofdifferentvisualparts ofthe granulesweretaken. Foreach pictureset,bothphase con-trast and fluorescence imageswere taken atmagnifications from 10to100x.OverlaypictureswereanalysedusingFijiimage analy-sissoftware(https://fiji.sc/).

2.6. AttachmentofE.coliandMS2bacteriophages

TodeterminewhetherE.coli andMS2 bacteriophagesattached tothegranules,batchtestswereperformedatthesame tempera-tureasthelong-termstudy(20°C).Round-shapedgranules(from 0.2to3.8mm)fromanadditionalcontrolAGSlaboratory-scale re-actor were tested. The AGS reactor was fed only with synthetic wastewater. Therefore,there were no E. coli bacteria, MS2 bacte-riophages,norpotentialpredatorsmicroscopicallydetectable,such asfree-swimmingandattachedciliatedprotozoa. The experimen-tal testswere carried out based on Hendricks et al.(1979) with thefollowingmodifications.Threebeakerswere preparedwith50 g of thefresh granulesandfilled up to200 mL witha synthetic wastewatersolution.Thebeakersweremixedcontinuouslywitha magnet stirrer (250 rpm); then spiked with a known concentra-tion ofthetarget microorganisms(105 and107 CFU/100 mLofE.

coli bacteria,and106 and109PFU/100mLofMS2bacteriophage). Theinitialconcentrationintheattachmenttest(C0)wasmeasured bytaking1mLfromthesuspension(liquidbulk).Theexperiments

aimed to analyse the behaviour of the surrogates during the 60 minutes of anaerobic feeding, therefore, 1 mL was consecutively takenfromthesuspension afterlettingthesludge settleattimes (Ct) 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min. Since target organisms keep sus-pendedintheliquidphase,thedifferencebetweenC0 andCt was assumedtobecausedbyattachmenttothegranularmedia. Exper-imentswereperformedinduplicates,aswellasthespreadingand enumerationofthemicroorganism.

Kineticswere calculated usingthe pseudo-second order equa-tion(Eq.1) explainedby Simonin(2016), inwhicht corresponds

totheexposuretimeinminutesbetweenthetargetorganismand the granules, q is the E. coli bacteria (CFU/g) or the MS2 bacte-riophages(PFU/g) concentration attachedper gram ofgranule, qe

isthe maximumattachment capacityof theorganisms (CFU/gor PFU/g),andkisthefittedconstant.

t q=

1 qe


1 kq2 e


2.7. ContributionofthesettlingintheAGSreactor

The effects of the settling on the removal of the target mi-croorganisms were independentlyevaluated in an additional AGS reactor, operatedlike thelong termstudied reactors butwithout being fed with anysurrogate. The granules, cultivatedonly with synthetic wastewater, were spiked with either E. coli bacteria or MS2 bacteriophages andthoroughlymixedby aeration for5 min to reach an equilibrium between supernatant and granules. The test wasperformed twice withdifferent concentrationsper indi-cator(around105 and107 CFU/100mLforE.coli andaround103 and109 PFU/100mLforMS2)todeterminehowfarthe outcome of the test was affected by the concentration. At the end of the 5 minmixing, a samplewastaken to determine theinitial indi-cator concentration in the reactor. After turning off the aeration, a settling time of 5 min was allowed. After settling, the follow-ingsamplesof5mLweretaken:treatedsupernatantatthree dif-ferent heightsof the reactor column from the effluentdischarge point (20, 40 and 60 cm), and a final mixed effluent sample. To separate the liquid fraction from the solids, the mixed sam-ple before settling and the effluent sample were treated by let them settlefor 5min ina measuring cylinder.After that, micro-bial spreadingand enumerationwere carried out asdescribedin


3. Results

3.1. AGSreactorsperformance

The performance of two granular sludge reactors (AGS_E. coli

andAGS_MS2)forthe concentration ofCOD,PO4-P, NH4-N, NO2 -N,andNO3-Nare given inFigure 2. The reactors containedonly granularsludge,whileflocculentsludgewasabsentduetofeeding withsolublesubstrateonly.

ThemeasurementsshowedgoodperformanceintermsofCOD removal,seeFigure2aandFigure2b.Concentrationswerereduced attheendoftheanaerobicphasefrom402± 50mgCOD/Lto av-eragesof40± 22and65± 17mgCOD/Lafter47and57 daysof operationintheAGS_E.coliandAGS_MS2reactor,respectively.The effluentshowedfinalaverageconcentrationsof36± 21and34± 14mgCOD/ L,correspondingly.This effluentCOD wasmainly re-latedto thenon-biodegradable EDTA presentinthe influent. The systemsalsoshowedP-releasewithaveragevaluesof59± 16mg PO4-P/LforAGS_E.coliand61± 22mgPO4-P/LforAGS_MS2.The phosphate removal was always good, with concentrations lower than 1 mg PO4-P/L in the treated effluentfor both reactors. Re-gardingnitrogen, theaverage ammonia-nitrogen concentration in


Figure 2. Performance of the laboratory-scale AGS reactors fed with E. coli (AGS_ E. coli) or MS2 bacteriophages (AGS_MS2) for COD, phosphate and nitrogen removal.

the influent was 58± 13 mg NH4-N/L, which waspartially con-verted to NO2-N and NO3-N during the aeration phase. Effluent values were onaverage 20± 19mgNH4-N/L, 2± 2mgNO2-N /L, and4± 5mgNO3-N/Lforthe AGS_E. colireactor (Figure 2c andFigure2e).FortheAGS_MS2reactoraverageconcentrationsof 8± 9mgNH4-N/L,2± 2mgNO2-N/L,and0.6± 0.5mgNO3-N /L weremeasured (Figure 2dandFigure2f).It seemsthat copper fromthe feedingvalve negatively affectedtheammonia-oxidising bacteriacommunityintheAGS_E.colireactor.Thevalvewasinuse fromday90today148.Thedissolvedoxygenwasincreasedfrom 1.8to3.8mg/Ltostimulatethenitrificationprocess.However, af-ter replacing the valve, this wasnot necessary anymore. Oxygen wassetat1.8mg/L;afterwhichthesystemstabilisedagain.Since thebehaviouroftheN-conversionprocesswasassumednotbe in-fluencingtheremovalofE.coliandMS2bacteriophagethe nitrifi-cationwasnotoptimised.

3.2. Fateofthefaecalsurrogatesinthelong-termAGS laboratory-scaleSBRs

3.2.1. Faecalsurrogatesremoval

ThemeasuredmedianE.coli concentrationintheinfluentwas 1.0× 106CFU/100mL,rangingfrom4.5× 104to2.0× 107CFU/100 mLintheAGS_E.colireactor.TheMS2bacteriophageinfluent con-centrationsfortheAGS_MS2reactorrangedbetween4.0× 105and 7.5× 108 PFU/100mL,withamedianof1.3× 108 PFU/100 mL. Theeffluentconcentrationswerebetween1.0× 102 and7.1× 105 CFU/100mLforE.coli(medianof9.0× 104CFU/100mL);andthe MS2 bacteriophage concentrations were between 3.0 × 105 and 1.9 × 108 PFU/100 mL (median of 5.5 × 107 PFU/100 mL). The overall median of the E. coli and MS2 bacteriophage removal in thesystems,comparinginfluentandeffluent,was2.2and0.3Log10 (Figure3a),respectively.


Figure 3. Overall average removal of the target surrogates E. coli bacteria (n = 17) and MS2 bacteriophages (n = 9) in laboratory AGS reactors (a) and average depletion curves per operational cycle (b).

Figure 4. Log 10 concentrations of E. coli bacteria (a) and MS2 bacteriophages (b) in the supernatant and granular fractions at the end of the anaerobic and aerobic operational phases.

Table 1

p -values obtained from the Wilcox test comparing concentrations observed in the super- natant and the sludge fraction after each anaerobic and aerobic operational phase.

Organism Sampling point n W p -value

E. coli Supernatant Anaerobic-Aerobic phase 13 90 0.0005

Granules Anaerobic-Aerobic phase 13 83 0.0061

MS2 bacteriophage Supernatant Anaerobic-Aerobic phase 9 42 0.0195

Granules Anaerobic-Aerobic phase 8 29 0.4961

E.coliandtheMS2bacteriophagesremovalprofileswerefitted toaChick–Watsonmodel(Figure3b)usingtheaverage concentra-tions measured in the influent (C0) andthe liquid bulk fractions (C);attheendofboththeanaerobicphaseandtheaerobicphase andeffluent.After theanaerobicphase(attime62min),a reduc-tion of0.3 Log10 wasmeasured forAGS_E. coli andAGS_MS2 re-actors. Duringaeration,the E.coli concentration decreasedby 0.9 Log10,whereastheMS2bacteriophagesdecreasedby0.6Log10. Af-tersettlingtime,afurtherreductionof0.5Log10wasmeasuredfor


3.2.2. Surrogatesconcentrationsinthesludgeandliquidfractionsper operationalphase

Figure 4showstheLog10 concentrationsofthetarget microor-ganisms (E. coli bacteria andMS2 bacteriophage) measured after the fractionationofthe supernatantandthegranularsludge por-tionaftertheanaerobic/aerobicphases.Table1showsthep-values obtained from the comparison of the phases. At the end of the anaerobic plug flowfeeding, themedianof theE. coli concentra-tion for both supernatantand thesludge fractionwas 3.8× 105

CFU/100 mL (or5.5 Log10) (Figure 4a). At theend ofthe aerobic phase (110minutes of aeration),the E.coli median inthe super-natantwasreducedto3.6× 104 CFU/100mL,or4.6Log

10,while thesludgefractionkept amoreorlesssimilarmedian concentra-tionof1.4× 105CFU/100mL,or5.1Log

10).Bothreductionswere significantly different(p<< 0.05)than intheprevious anaerobic phase.

For the MS2 bacteriophage (Figure 4b), a median concentra-tion of 1.0 × 108 PFU/100 mL (or 8.0 Log

10) was measured at the end of the anaerobic plug flow feeding in the supernatant. The median of the counts in the sludge fraction was 5.4 × 107 PFU/ 100 mL (or 7.7 Log10). After the aeration phase, a signifi-cant difference (p = 0.02, Table 1) was observed in the super-natantportion with1Log10 unit reduction in themediancounts (1.1 × 107 PFU/100 mL or7.0 Log10). In the sludge fraction,no significant differences (p > 0.05, Table 1) were observed when comparing the median of the aerobic phase (3.7 × 107 PFU/100 mL, or 7.6 Log10) with the median of the previous anaerobic phase.


Figure 5. Attached ciliates abundance estimation (%) calculated based on the microscopic observations compared with the removals of E. coli bacteria (a) and MS2 bacterio- phage (b).

3.3. Relationshipoftheprotozoarelativeabundanceandthe


Higher organisms typically present in the crushed granular sludgeinoculumofthereactorwerenotmicroscopicallyobserved whenbothreactors(AGS_E.coliandAGS_MS2)achievedtheir sta-bleoperation beforeaddingE.coli andMS2.Thestabilitywas in-dicatedbywell-shapedgranulesthatwereformedandthe accom-plished stable CODandPO4-Premoval-after approximatelytwo months. As soon as the reactors were inoculated with E. coli or MS2 bacteriophages, a sudden bloom ofstalked ciliatedprotozoa attached to the granularsurfacewasobserved in the AGS_E. coli

reactor, butnot intheAGS_MS2system. Theattachedciliates oc-currence in the granularsamples was determined andcompared withtheremovalofE. coliandMS2 (Figure 5).Inthe AGS_E.coli

reactor,highactivity(abundanceandmobility)ofattachedciliates wasobserved on days48, 76,113,and after120.However, a de-crease in the stalked ciliated activity occurred between days 86 and105,whichalsocoincidedwithboththereductionoftheNH4 -Nconcentration showninFigure 1canda reductionoftheE.coli

removalinthesystem(Figure5a).Incontrast,intheAGS_MS2 re-actor, no massive changes were observed forthe stalked ciliated community whenthe systemwasspiked withthe MS2 bacterio-phage,coincidingwithlowerremovalsduringthestudiedperiod.

3.3.1. Microbialcommunityanalysis

The eukaryoticmicrobial communitywascharacterisedby 18S rRNA gene analysis(Figure 6 andFigure 7). The analysiscovered more than 99% sequencing depths (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1), whichissufficient tocover thewhole community.The indexusedto estimatethenumberofthe species(abundance) in a communitybelonging to individual classes,Chao1(Chao, 1984), showedthatthenumberofspecies(richness)decreasedcompared totheseedsludge.Thatisfrom818.3intheseedsludgeto589.5 and 493.3 in the AGS_E. coli day 104 and day 160, respectively. At the same time, it remained almost the same (818.4) for the AGS_MS2 reactor (day 90). Instead, the Shannon diversity index used to determine the variation of living organisms (Kim et al., 2017)showedareductioninthediversityinallthesampleswith valuesof5.39,2.03,3.01,and2.96,respectively.Itconfirmsan ex-pectedreductionoftherichnessandevennessofthespeciesfrom the seed sludge. The most abundant (top 10) species in all the studied samples are describedatthe phylum levels (Figure 6) of the eukaryotic phylogenetic classifications. Mostly free living or-ganisms such as nematodes, tardigrades, and rotifers were likely removed via the effluent along with other particulate and

sus-pended solids. Ascomycota and unidentified eukaryote were the mostabundantgroupsfoundinthelaboratory-scalesystems.

Figure 7 summarises the most abundant protozoa phyla at their class and genus level. The most abundant genera in the seed sludge were Rhogostoma (18.9%), followed by Telotrochidium

(12.4%), Opisthonecta(4.8%) andEpistylis (2.6%), whichbelongs to theOligohymenophoreaclass.Otherperitrichciliatesgenussuchas

Pseudovorticella, VorticellaandVorticellideswere inabundance be-tween0.1and0.7%.Mostofthetarget generawere reducedover time in the laboratory-scale samples, i.e., Telotrochidium to 2.7%


duringthelikelycopper contaminationintheAGS_E. coli reactor. Notably,on day160,when theAGS_E. coli systemwasagain sta-ble,Telotrochidiumhighlyrecovered to23.2%andEpistylis to1.8%. RegardingthegenusRhogostoma,irrespectiveofthecircumstances, the genus was prevalent and highlyabundant in the AGS_E. coli

reactor.Itappearedtobeslightlyaffectedonday104(46.2%)for theundesired copperaddition (Madoni etal.,1992), butfully re-coveredonday160(56.5%).Regarding theAGS_MS2reactor sam-ple onday90, apartfromthe genus Rhogostoma(with a relative abundanceof29%),Telotrochidium(1.7%),andEpistylisto0.2%were asconventionalastheAGS_E.coli onday104.Fortherestofthe community,theirrelativeabundancewasbetween0.01and0.25%, butmorediversethantheAGS_E.colireactor.

3.4. Predationrecordedusingfluorescentstaining

Figure8showspicturesobtainedwhenrecordingtheingestion oftheE.coli byattachedciliatedprotozoausingdsGreenlabelled

E.colibacteria.Thepictures confirmedE.colipredationbystalked ciliates.Thestainedbacteriawerevisibleinsidethevacuolesofthe organisms,andtheE.coli bacteriawere alsovisibleembeddedin thegranularsludgematrix.Uponingestion,thebacteriawere con-centrated,butthetechniquewasnotsuitable forquantificationof thepartitioningofE.colibacteriabetweensupernatantfraction, at-tachedtothegranularsurfaceorinsideofthegranularbiomass.

3.5. Attachmentkinetics

Attachmenttestswere carried out withthe surrogates (E.coli

bacteriaandMS2bacteriophages).Theattachmentkineticsare rep-resented in Figure 9. Twoconcentrations were testedversus the exposuretime. Regardless oftheconcentration andthetarget or-ganism, a speedy attachment occurred onto the granules in the first 15 min (Figure 9a and Figure 9b). Moreover, as can be ob-servedinFigure9candFigure9d,sharpercurvescanbeobserved


Figure 6. The relative abundance of the ten more frequent genome sequences at the phylum-level (a) and genus-level (a) taxonomy for the seed sludge, AGS_ E. coli and AGS_MS2 reactor samples.

forthelowerconcentrationsofbothorganisms,meaningthata rel-ative faster attachment occurred when compared withthe more concentratedsamples.

3.6. ContributionofsettlingintheAGSreactorstotheremovalofthe faecalsurrogates

Additional tests were carried out to better understand the surrogates’ removal in the liquid phase shown in the curve of

Figure3b,specificallyfromthepointmeasuredinthesupernatant attheendoftheaeration tothemixedeffluent.ForE.coli bacte-ria,itseemssettlingresponsiblefora0.5Log10removal;whilefor the MS2 bacteriophage,an increase of0.1Log10 ismeasured. Re-sultsfromthesettlingtest(Figure10)showsthatregardlessofthe initial concentrations(2.0× 105 and5.3× 107 CFU/100 mLforE.

coli,and2.4× 103 and4.7× 109PFU/100mLforMS2),no differ-encesweremeasuredintheliquidbulkrightaftersettling,norin theliquidfractionofthetreatedeffluent.Therefore,settlingforces werediscardedasfactorstoexplainthevariationsinthelongterm reactors.

4. Discussion

4.1. Reactorperformance

The AGS reactorswere both underoperational conditionsthat triggered quickgranularformationandan efficientreactor perfor-mance (De Kreuk andVan Loosdrecht, 2004; Adav et al., 2008). Overall,bothstudiedsystemsshowedcomparableperformancesto previousreportsusingsimilarsubstrates(Winkleretal.,2011).The addition to the E. coli and MS2 after day 47 for the AGS_E. coli

reactor and day 69 for the AGS_MS2 reactor did not affect the general reactorperformance. The measured waterquality param-eters shown inFigure 1 confirmed healthy systems withlow ef-fluentCOD values,andhighP-releaseafter theanaerobicfeeding of the AGS_E. coli and AGS_MS2 reactor, respectively. Except for thelowNH4-NremovalintheAGS_E.colireactor(fromday95to 120),goodconversionofNH4-NtoNO2-NandNO3-Nduring aera-tionwasobservedinbothsystems.ThelowNH4-Nremovalinthe AGS_E.colireactorwasmostlikelycausedbytheunexpected pres-ence ofcopperin thesystem. Copper can be toxicfor

ammonia-oxidisingbacteria(Satoetal.,1988)andotherorganismssuch pro-tozoa,whichcanalsointerfereinthenitrificationprocess(Leeand Welander,1994).Aftercopperwasexcludedfromtheinfluent,the systemrecoveredandshowedagoodperformanceuntiltheendof thestudy.

4.2. Fateofthetargetsurrogatesduringtheoperationalconditionsof thelong-termreactors

The overallE. coli removalefficiency(2.2 Log10) calculatedfor the AGS_E. coli reactor waswithin therange previously reported for E. coli in full-scale AGS systems. However, the MS2 bacte-riophage removal (0.7 Log10) was lower than reported (

Barrios-Hernández et al., 2020b). It is worth mentioning that full-scale AGS systems contain both a large granular sludge fraction and a smaller flocculent sludge fraction (Pronk et al., 2015b).

Ali et al. (2019) have shown variances in the bacterial assembly dependingonthedifferentsize oftheaggregates, includingflocs, largeandsmallgranularfractions.Reactorsherestudiedcontained onlygranularsludge,potentiallyimpactingtheremovalofthe fae-calsurrogates.Therefore,thefateofthetwodifferentfaecal surro-gates (E.coli andMS2 bacteriophages)focusedonevaluating only the contribution of the granular fraction during different opera-tionalstagesoftwoAGSsystemstobetterunderstandtheir influ-enceonthepathogensurrogatesremovals.

4.2.1. Faecalsurrogatesremovalsduringtheanaerobicplugflow feeding

In thisstudy,an averagereduction of 0.3Log10 wasobserved in the liquid fraction forthe faecalsurrogates during the anaer-obic stage inboth AGS_E. coli andAGS_MS2 reactors.In the AGS systems, the influent is fed in a plug-flow mode, causinga con-centration gradient from high to low in the water phase over the granular bed. A high concentration of the faecal surrogates present in the influent at the feeding point/bottom of the re-actor was expected, which is diluted with the “clean” water at thetop partof thereactor afterfeeding. Chongetal.(2012) and

Vymazal(2005)haveshownthatcoliformssurvivelongerin anaer-obicenvironments;thus,duetothefullyanaerobicconditions,and theshorttimethefeeding takes,thefaecalsurrogates’ decaywas


Figure 7. Heat map at the genus-level for AGS_ E. coli and AGS_MS2. Genera comprised of the most abundant protozoa phyla.

negligible.Furthermore,thebatchattachmenttestsshowedthat ir-respectiveoftheorganisms,theE. colibacteriaandtheMS2 bac-teriophage quicklyattach andsaturatethegranularsurfacewhen passingthroughthegranularmedia(Figure9).Theykeptan equi-librium concentration betweenthe granules and the supernatant fraction,ascanalsobeobservedinFigure4.Incasesludgewaste occurs at this stage, as is practice in full-scale AGS treatment plants,ahighconcentrationofsurrogates(approximately105CFU/ 100 mL and 107 PFU/ 100 mL) would leave the system via the mixed liquor, a combination of the sludge andsupernatant frac-tion here studied (Corpuz etal., 2020; Martín-Díaz etal., 2020). Sludge treatment and dewatering will result in (additional) re-movalofpathogens(Zengetal.,2019;Zhangetal.,2020). There-fore,basedonpreviousfindings,theminorreductionreported dur-ing the anaerobic period can be attained to a constant dilution effect of the influent with the remaining reactor media during steady-stateconditions.

4.2.2. Faecalsurrogateremovalduringtheaerationphase

Duringtheaerationphase,theself-immobilisedgranularbedis continuously mixed, andgranules are exposed to all the compo-nentsremainingintheliquidbulk.Besidesprovidingtheright oxy-gen concentration in thesystems (Lochmatteret al., 2013), aera-tionprovideshighshearstresshelpingtoformround-shaped gran-ules(VanLoosdrechtetal., 1995). Thisaeratedphaseis meaning-fulforsomeorganismsthatareoxygendependedsuchasprotozoa (Fenchel,2014).

Protozoa play amajor role in wastewatertreatment technolo-gies (McKinney and Gram, 1956; Madoni, 2011; Amaral et al., 2018);theyareunicellular,heterotrophsandeukaryoticorganisms fed either by the absorption ofdissolved nutrientsor the inges-tion ofparticulatematter, includingbacteria ororganism present during the assimilation (Nisbet, 1984). Pauli, et al. (2001) stated thatprotozoacould bindtobacterialconglomerates,suchasflocs. Inourlaboratory-scaleAGS reactors,thesludgebedswerealmost completelyformedofgranules.Smallergranuleswerequickly


dis-Figure 8. Phase-contrast picture (top), fluorescence microscopy (dsGreen) (middle) and their overlap (bottom), showing the ingestion of the bacteria by a colony of stalked ciliates (left side) and a single stalked ciliate (right side). The bar represents 50 and 20μm, respectively.

chargedduringtheeffluentwithdrawalinducing free-living meta-zoans such as nematodes, tardigrades, and rotifers to wash out (Figure6).

At the beginning of this study, a reduction of the protozoa was measured using a microscope; however, once E. coli was added to theAGS_E. coli system, a bloomof stalked ciliated pro-tozoaattachedtothegranularsurfaceoccurred.Thistendencyhas been previously reportedin laboratory-scale systems fed on par-ticulate material(de Kreuk etal., 2010; Barrios-Hernández etal., 2020a), and generallyin full-scale wastewatertreatment systems (Steviketal.,2004).AscanbeseeninFigure5a,ahigherE.coli re-movalwasdetectedwhenahigherabundanceofattachedciliated protozoa was microscopically observed. Ciliates are a dominant class inwastewatertreatmentsystems(Curds,1973;Varmaetal., 1975; Dubber and Gray, 2011); they move through cilia and are subdividedintothreecategories,free-swimming,crawlingand at-tachedorganisms.Examplesofthisarethefree-swimminggenera

TelotrochidiumandOpisthonecta,andtheattachedciliatesEpistylis, Pseudovorticella, VorticellaandVorticellides,whichwerepartofthe Ciliophora phylum-level found in this study (Gao et al., 2016;

Leal et al., 2016; Adl etal., 2019). The free-living genus

Rhogos-tomafromtheCercozoaphylumshowedtobethemostabundant intheAGS_E. coli reactorafterboth104 (46%)and160(57%) op-erationaldays.It growsquicklyundercontrolled(laboratory) con-ditions(Belar, 1921).Öztoprak etal.(2020)describethisgenusas abacteriapredatorwithahighdiversityofclades,abletocolonise avarietyofhabitats,includingwastewatermatrices. Somespecies suchastheR.micraarerelatedtodebrisandbacteria(Howeetal., 2011), others (R. epiphylla) have been recognized as food selec-tive with an affinity to predate yeast from the Ascomycota and Basidiomicota phyla (Dumack et al., 2017); organisms that were also present during steady conditions of the AGS_E. coli reactor (Figure6).

Concerningthe protozoafilter-feedingprocess called phagocy-tosis (Berman, 2012), the feeding starts by generating a water current, concentrating the particulate matter present in the liq-uid bulk while retainingthe particles insize between 0.3and 5 μm(Malloryetal., 1983; Lynn, 2008), itincludes ourE. coli (1-2 μm).Theprocesscontinueswiththeintakeoftheretained partic-ulatematterinvacuoles.Thisintake wasrecordedinthe individ-ualbatchtestswhenusingfluorescently labelledE.coli(Figure8). Phagocytosis wasanticipated to occur only duringaeration.


Bac-Figure 9. Attachment kinetics for: a) E. coli and b) MS2 bacteriophages. Linearized pseudo-second order kinetics for c) E. coli and d) MS2 bacteriophages. Fitted lines and equations are shown for each data set. Initial concentrations: E. coli 1.3 × 10 7 CFU/ 100 mL ( ) and 2.5 × 10 9 CFU/ 100 mL ( ♦ ); MS2 bacteriophages 1.6 × 10 6 PFU/ 100 mL ( ●) and 5.5 × 10 9 PFU/ 100 mL (  ).



in the samples (Hirakata etal., 2016). Interestedly, the anaerobic ciliates Trimyema (Plagiopylea) occurred but in a very low taxo-nomic abundance (0.002%) whenthe AGS_E. colisystem was sta-ble at day 160 (Schulz et al., 1990). Fenchel (2014) stated that someotherprotozoacouldalsoadaptandsustaintheirgrowth un-der oxygenlimitations.ItappliestoEuplotesandRimostrombidium

fromtheSpirotricheaclass.However, suchgenera werenegligible inthestudiedsystems.Matsunaga etal.(2014)reportedagreater diversity of uncultured eukaryotes, including phylogenetic affilia-tionsfoundinthisstudy.Overall,ourresultswereconsistentwith eukaryoticmoleculardiversitystudiesusing18SrRNAgene analy-sisindifferentsewagesystems.

For the MS2 bacteriophages, no significant changes were recorded when the bacteriophagewasadded to thereactor. Bac-teriophages, ingeneral,are veryselectiveontheirhost(Sahaand Mukherjee, 2019).Thehostspecificity ofMS2bacteriophageused inthisstudydependedmostlyonE.coliF-pili(Berzinetal.,1974;

Salas and de Vega, 2008). Therefore, infections of bacteria form-ing the granules (AOB, NOB and PAOs) were not expected and not measured based on thephysicochemical reactor performance (Zhangetal.,2013).Therefore,duetolackoffavourableconditions forreproducingtheMS2bacteriophage,includingalowhostrange of bacteria (Marks andSharp, 2000; Khan etal., 2002) andslow infectioncycles(Hantulaetal.,1991), celllysiswasassumed neg-ligible.

Indeed, the MS2 bacteriophages addition did not induce the samestalkedciliatedprotozoabloomrateasintheAGS_E.coli re-actor. As a particle, MS2 bacteriophage(27 nm) is muchsmaller

than the E. coli bacteria (1 by 2 μm) (Kuzmanovic et al., 2003). Besides thelow ratebacteria erosionexpectedfromthe granules (De Kreuk and Van Loosdrecht, 2004), and the lack of particu-late material or any other bacteria in the synthetic influent, re-sulted in the reduced protozoa growth; indirectly affecting the MS2bacteriophagesremoval.Overall,bacterivorousgenerasuchas thefree-swimmingTelotrochidium(1.7%)andstalkedEpistylis(0.2%) occurred. However, their relativeabundance waslower compared withthevaluesfoundfortheAGS_E.coli reactor,whichwere 23% and2%,respectively.Thegenus Rhogostoma(29%),whichwasalso themostabundantorganismfoundintheAGS_MS2reactor, poten-tiallygrewbypredatingsuchfreebacteriaandfungiderivedfrom thesludge granules,littlecontributingto theviralsurrogates’ re-moval.Dengetal.(2014)reportedthatthefree-livingSalpingoeca

(Craspedida)canusethephageasapotentialcarbonsourceby ac-tivelyfeedingonMS2.Itcoincideswiththerelativetaxonomic oc-currence of thisflagellate in the AGS_MS2 reactor (0.01%) which wasslightlylower thanintheseed sludge(0.02%),butnot abun-dantinthereactorfedonlywithE.coli.Hence,basedonprey se-lectioncriteria, the protozoafeedingrate determinedthe grazing pressureontheaddedbacteriophages(Jürgens,2007).

Regardingattachment,itwasassumedthatthegranulesurface reachedan attachment equilibriumwiththe liquidbulk right af-tertheanaerobicfeeding.Thisassumptioncanbeconfirmedwhen lookingatthelong termexperimentsinFigure 4a andFigure4b. TheE. coli medianconcentrationsofthe granularfractions atthe endoftheaerobic phasekept thesame orderofmagnitudethan thepreviousphase,about105CFU/100mLforE.coliand107PFU/ 100mLforMS2.Therefore,recognisingtheroleoftheprotozoain ourlaboratory-scalesystems,themainremovalmechanismduring


Figure 10. E. coli and MS2 counts obtained from the settling batch tests. Concentrations correspond to the medians of liquid bulk before settling occurred (BS) at 20, 40 and 60 cm height from the discharge point and treated effluent (TE).

aerationcanbedocumentedasaone-phaseprocess.Onaverage,1 Log10E.coliand0.6Log10MS2bacteriophagesweremeasured dur-ing aeration by filter-feeding protozoa(vander Drift etal., 1977;

Malloryetal.,1983)whichforthesystemfedonlywithMS2were lessabundantthanintheAGS_E.colireactor.

4.3. Contributionofthesettlingintheremovalofthefaecal surrogates

The settling batch testsexecuted inthe additionalcolumn re-actor showed that settling forces do not contribute to removing anyofthestudiedfaecalsurrogatesintheliquidphase(Figure10). Inthelaboratory-scalereactors,thetreatedeffluentisrapidly sep-arated from the biomass due to its high density (Beun et al., 2002).Thesurrogatesinitiallyattachedtothegranularsurface set-tle along with the granules (Figure 4). Therefore, the effluent is a mixtureof supernatant withhigh concentrationsof suspended organisms andverysmall granulesthat did notsettle duringthe shortsettlingtime(5min).Sucheffluentcompositionexplainsthe dynamic of the organism’s depletion curve during settling time shown inFigure 3b; whichforthe E. coli seemedthat settling is addingto theoverall removal.But forMS2 bacteriophage,similar concentrationsbetweeneffluentandtheliquidfractionafter aera-tion were observed.Therefore,the variationsfoundin the organ-ism’sdepletioncurve werebasedonthecompositionofthe efflu-entsamples,butnotcausedbyanyselectionpressure.

4.4. Therelevanceofthefindingsforfutureapplications

Inthisstudy,inthelaboratorygranularsludgesystemfedonly with synthetic wastewater, the removal of bacteria was higher

than theremoval ofbacteriophages. The granules were saturated withhighamounts ofthe surrogates (E. coli andMS2),achieving asaturationpointduringsteady-state.Aspreviouslymentionedin

Section4.2.1,suchsurrogatesandactualpathogenicorganismswill potentially abandon the systemvia waste sludge (Guzman et al., 2007;Gobernaetal.,2018).InAGSfull-scalesystems,sludgewaste normallyoccursbyaselection pressurethatwilldischargeahigh amount of flocculent sludge not commonly found in laboratory-scalereactors(vanDijketal.,2020).Somephysicalpropertiessuch as cell mobility (Pratt and Kolter, 1998), opposite charge attrac-tion(Tayetal., 2000), hydrophobicity(Tayetal., 2001;Liuetal., 2003),andtype ofsubstrateadded(Pronketal., 2015a) might in-fluencetheir attachment.E.coli andMS2bacteriophages are con-sideredgood indicatorsofactual bacterialandviralpathogens in wastewater(Diasetal.,2018).Theirremovalinfull-scaleAGS sys-temshas beenreportedandcomparedwithparallel CAS systems (Barrios-Hernándezetal.,2020b),alongwiththedynamicsof an-tibiotic resistance genes (Pallares-Vega et al., 2020). So far, fur-therresearchofthebehaviourofactualbacterial,viraland eukary-otic pathogenicorganism intheAGS systemismissing. Full-scale AGSsystemsarefed withcomplexsubstrates,they developa sig-nificant flocculent sludge fraction derived from the influent sus-pendedsolids.AccordingtoAlietal.(2019),bacteria enteringthe systemvia theinfluent may endup inthat flocculent fractionof theAGSsystems.Therefore,theinfluenceoftheflocculentfraction onthebacterialandviralpathogenremovaldynamicscanbe fur-therconsidered.Influentrawwastewatercanalsohavean impact onthediversityoftheeukaryoticstructures(Hirakataetal.,2019). Inourstudy,protozoapredationwasthedominantmechanismto the actual removalof the surrogates. As protozoaare ideal graz-ers,theirabundanceanddiversitycouldhelptoachievepathogens


imately 1 and 0.6 Log10, respectively. Protozoa predation was the main contributor to the removal of E. coli during aeration. The 18S rRNAsequence analysisconfirmedthe occurrenceofthe genera Pseudovorticella, Vorticella and Vorticellides, which are at-tached ciliatesfrom thephylum ciliophoran. A higherabundance of free-living genus Rhogostoma and the free-swimming ciliates


bacte-riophages,asimilareukaryoticcommunitywasobserved,although at much lower amounts. Bacteriophagesremoval waslow inthe system spiked only with MS2. In full-scale AGS systems proto-zoa growthon thegranularsludge fractioncan significantly con-tribute to the removal of bacteria from the influent. The floccu-lent sludge fraction is responsible for further reducing bacterial numbers and bacteriophages andneeds moreattention infuture research.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


M.L. Barrios-Hernández acknowledges the Technological Insti-tuteofCostaRicaforprovidingthefellowship(GrantNumber 007-2014-M) topursueher PhDprogramme(2016-2020)atIHE-Delft, the Netherlands. K. Mora-Cabrera acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana (GRISOLIAP/2017/173) and the European Social Funds (BEFPI/2019/065)fortheirfinancialsupport.Theauthorsthankthe staff atIHEDelftlaboratoriesfortheirtechnicalsupport.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.116992.


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