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"Juristische Papyruskunde", Erwin Seidl, "Studia et documenta historiae et iuris", XV, 1949 : [recenzja]


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SURVEY OF LITERATURE 1 8 5 0 - 1951 245

E r w i n S e i d l , Juristische Papyruskunde (Studia et documenta historiae et iuris X V (1949) p . 319—354).

I t is t h e 10-th report of S e i d 1 containing t h e new publications from September 1939 till September 1949.

H . G e 1 z e r, Gedächtnisrede auf Ulrich Wilcken (Sonderabdruck aus dem Jahrbuch der deutschen Akademie d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1946—1949).

M. H o m b e r t e t C l . P r é a u x , Pierre Jouguet (Chronique d'Egypte № 50, Juillet 1950 p p . 3 6 5 - 3 8 1 ) .

G e o r g e M a n t e u f f e l , Pierre Jouguet (Journ. of Jur. Pap. IV pp. 8 - 1 8 ) .

E . W e i s s , Ein neues Werk über die juristische Papyrusforschung (Journ. of Jur. Pap. I V p p . 125—142).

R. T a u b e n s c h l a g , Survey of the Literature chiefly from 1948 till 1950 (Journ. of Jur. Pap. I V p p . 3 4 8 - 3 7 4 ) .

R. T a u b e n s c h l a g , Survey of the Papyri published chiefly from 1948 till 1950 (Journ. of Jur. Pap. I V p p . 375—388).


V. A r a n g i o — R u i z , Intorno agli άστοί delV Egitto greco-romano (Revue internationale des droits de Vantiquité vol. I V p p . 1—20). In this article t h e a u t h o r — on the basis of a rich material under-takes to f i n d out t h e meaning of the word άστός . According to t h e author άστός w i t h o u t a n y other addition means t h e a p p a r t e n a n c e (of a m a n or woman) t o t h e Greek c o m m u n i t y of Alexandria while Άλεξανδρεύς or a m a n indicated b y giving his deme is a full-right citizen. T h e a u t h o r concludes t h a t no one t e x t even of the I I I centu-r y A. D. does show t h a t a non—Alexandcentu-rian would be called άστός . V. A r a n g i o - R u i z , Sul problema della doppia cittadinanza

nella Republica e nell'Impero Romano (Estratto dagli Scritti giuridici in onore Francesco Carnelutti, vol. I V p p . 53-77).

In this brilliant essay t h e author points out t h a t t h e option between two courts did not presuppose double citizenship. Double


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