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Uwagi o "wapieniach serpulowych" dolnego sarmatu strefy progów zewnętrznych południowej krawędzi Wyżyny Lubelskiej


Academic year: 2021

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't. J 0 h n IS 0 n J. ilL - Limestone-bu'lld'ing and aJ.gal limestones. Colorado, 1961.

8. JUIt'-kiew.ie~ K. - Miclawaja formacja Lu-blllasJroj Gubierni. Warszawa 1).8'72.

9. iK. 0 W ale w IS k ~ IK. - ' Sprawozdanie ,z badaiJ. geologicmydl


'Czt:9cl .polud'Dlowo-zadhoomej Wyiyny Lu.bel:skiej. Poll. N-wk PIG, 1925, !Ill" 11. 10. K r a.ch W. - StratygJrafla.


faullla miocenu o.k:olic Zaki1:i,kowa ·i Mod~borzyc. Ptrace IG. 1962, t.30', C'z. .IIlI.

. 11. K



a -c

h W. -.:... Miooem okolic Gr·zy!bowa. Aeta ge()L pol. 1967, rol. XV.II, z. 1. .

12. K udr in L. N. - Ob oo\roidn<>-rifogfiennych zooach fIli±niego


natierritorii jUfO"'za,pad-IIlOj okrahly Rua;:]roj PNitfarmy. Dokl. .AlN SSSR. 1'951,




2-;l3. IK utelk J .. R aowailsdti A. - UiPpe:" JUIl'SS-ISLe ankolites of the HOly Cross Mts. Bull. Acad. Po!. Sc., 1'9&5, ser,


et geogr., t . .13, IIlr 2. 14. Lu''Cas G. - Deux exemples actuels de

,,bioli-iihosores" .oooILS'truit>S parr des Annelides. Bwll. Soc. ,g.eoJ. Fr8lIl!ce 19'509, serr. VIII. t. I, nr 4.

15. Ma!ca.:roov!ici N., Jes.n~enaud P. - Re-vue generailoe'.dou lNe!>.gene de p1atef.Ql~ne de la Moldavie. Anal. :s'Uin. Uniw. ..All. J. Curza" .1958,





fasc. 2 Jast

1'6. M a SI h> w W. P. - Izwiestkowyje

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Giool. .AIN SSSR, 1956, wyp. 1-60..

17. M a s low W. P. - Lsslropaj emyje bagria!l"Ilyj e

~doroeJ.i SSSR i ich swiaz oS facjoami. libLdem wyp. 196'2, 53.


T.h:e paper presents a series ,()f new data concer-ning O:f.fllology, palaoontolo.gic-ecoLogi-cal composition and ~t.rUctuTes of biogenk 'limestones o(Jf Lower SB!l'-matian age, found 'i:n the sou1ihem oed'ge of the Luib-lin UPland. Microsco.pe examinaUons of these lime-stones, so far determined as "serpula limestanes" hav-e shown the presence of new, unknown skelet-o-n eIements,90 fa'l' not described f.rom these formatioos. These are reef-building algae belonging to the sub--family Melobesieae (g,enera: LithophyUum (De1'11U1-toZithon) and Melobesia (Lithoporella), benthonic cal-careous for,aminifsr:s '9imiaar


thOiSe of 'tohe genilS Nubecularia, and problematic structures of green algae (Dasydadaceae, Codiaceae) and Cyanophyceae. The facts .anow to draw a ·condusi.on that the Lower Sarmatian Ibiogemc limestones B!l'e o.f 7)oophy-t·ogenic pr·ov-enance. MoQ'l'phologicat:ly, the biogenic limestones of Lower Sarmatian a~e occur in the form of sphaeroidal biohermites (onkoids, dilophoids) and of in'egular, drapery-JUke :covers of' bi-ostll'omal character, and all'e bound together, formine: greater reef massIfs. M{)'I.'e-Qver, a oompar1SQn of ·the biolitlhs was made ·wtth the simlla!f formations of TOl"tonian age from P.odolia 'Il1ld Geor4tia. BIIld of Sarm-atian. in Moldav.ia, Bulgaria and CzeChoslovakia. The facl.s" here ascertained throw new light on the !feef genesis of the Lower Samatian biogenic limestones of the area under cQIlsiderratian.

18. M


low W. P. - Biogiemmyje i zelwalkowy,te

li,zwiestnlaJri i ich mac7Jelll.ije pl'i ki:as8i,fjkecjl

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19. Maslow W. P. - MtkrokodU. Paleoot.


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'20. M i ~ i k M. - ·Milkrofacies art the Mesozoic and Terti.a.ry Limestones of the West Carpatlrians. Wyod. Slov. A:k. Vlied. Bratislava, 19616'.

21. PIOPOW N., K·oj urn d·ziJ ewa !}m., D i-k 0 w a P., De j k 0 w


Zl. - Strral\J.g:rafija i Utologija na Sarmata w siewier0zaJP8.dna Bal-;gBirdja·. Ann. de la


Gen. de Geologie, 1964, ser. A. v'oL XIV (1963).

22. R a od wa il-s k i A. - Problematyka rnloceruwoh etrll'ktur U.f;ora,J.nycll 'lWl poludniowycb stoks.ch 1G01" Sw!1f:tokr.zyskldh. Roc1m.

Pot Tow. Geol., 1967,

vol 3'1, .Jli1' 2.

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Polsce. Acta geoo. pQol. 196'8, v. XVI!II, nr 1. 24.T'l"'E!jdoedewic'Z J. - 0 utworacll

trzec1Ol'Z«:-,diawyeh Guhernii Luhel9kiej. Pam. Fizjogr. 1983,

It.. In, Wa:t'ISzawa.

25. Wolf IK. H. - Petnogenesils and paleDenviron-m-ent of Dev·onian algal limestones of New S!>utlh Wailes. Sedimentology" 1965, vol. IV, nl" 11'2. -28.


u r

a: w

J. i e



I. T. - RalllIlliekiembrijskijoe

organogiennyje ,PQogtrojki fIla tier:citorii SibiTSk-oj !Platformy. Organizm i 9I.'ieda



prosziom. Izd. "NaUoka", Mos:k:wa, 19&ft.


B pa60Te Dpe~CTaBJIeEl pH,Jl; ElOB&IX ~aHHhIX Ha TeMY JIJ!lTOJIOl'K'lOOKOro, naJIeoH'l'OJIoro-9lt'OJIOl'K'IecB:()ro OOCTa-Ba K TeKCTYP HHlKHecaPMa~HX w.mec'1'HSB:OB OKOreH-HOr() DpoHCXOX~eHKR,' pacnPQCTPaHemn.IX Ha· IOXHOft OltpaHHe JII06JIKHCKOA: BOISBMUIeHHOCTJf. B H"l'Ore

MH-KPOCKomAecDt'X Ha6JIIO~eB:KA: B 9mx H'3BecTHRKax. Ba3hIBaeMldX ~o CHX nop "cepnyJIeBbDOI", OIdJI'H BbUlB-Jlem.I HOBble ()praBH'3MhI: PH!l>oo6pa3~ K3BeCT-KOBble BO~OPOCJIJ!l nO~ceMeA:CTBa Melobesieae (po,JPol

LithophvUum) (DeTmatoIUhon) H Melobesia

(Lttho-poretla), OeB'l'OHWI'OBLIe ir.JBecTIroBbIe <PopaM'JfBH<iK!PbI,

HanoHHH8IO~e NubeculaTia H npe~DOJIarae:MbIe eKe-JlE'l'bI 3eJIe:HhlX (DaBydadaceae, Codiaceae) H cmmx

(Cyanophllta) BO~opocJIeA. .

. 3m tPaB:ThI IJPHBO~RT K 3aKJIIO'IamuO, 'ITO HHX-HeCaP'Ma~J.[e 6HoreHHhle K3BeC'r'HRltH mpaKTepH3YIOT-CR 300cPHTOreHHhIM npoocXOX,l{eHHeM.· Mop<pOJIOrH-'IecJO{' 3'1"M: IGBecTHRXH OOpaGYIOT c<PepQo~HbIe 6HOreplmTbI (OHKOK~bl, ,qKJIO~hI), H IreperYJl$lpHbIe,

mrna~'IaTbIe nOKpoBhI OHOCTPOMaJIhHoro TH'IIa, oIn.e~·

RSlIICh' B . 60JIee Iq)ynm.le pmP005pa3HhIe MaccKBbI. PaCCMaTPHBaeMble 6KOml'l'bI CpaBlmBaJmCh 00 -cxo;q-HI>IM'H' 06pa3(?B&HKJIM'K B' TOpTWre fiop;oJDIH K' I'py:mK, capYaTe MOJIp;amm, -BoJIra]lKK Sf qexOCJIOBaKmf.· Ilo-JIY"lE'BHbIe p;8HHbIe npommalOT HOBbIA CBe'!' Ha . PKcPo-aoe IJpOKCxo:m:p;eHH''E! HmKHecapMa'l'CIOIX' 6KoreHBldX w.mecTHRKOB pacCMaTPHBaeM()rO paftoHa.


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