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"La giurisdizione voluntaria del tribunale dei crematisti", R. Taubenschlag, "Studi in onore di Calderini e Paribeni" : [recenzja]


Academic year: 2021

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t h e aversion to personal enterprise among the propertied class, and their appeal t o small contractors a n d lessees.

A. F u k s , Κολωνός μίσθιος: Labour Exchange in Classical Athens (Eranos X L I X , 171—173).

The labour exchange was a well established institution at least since t h e beginning of t h e Peloponnesian war. The institution of t h e L a b o u r E x c h a n g e a t Kolonos b e c a m e so b o u n d u p with the wage workers at Athens t h a t t h e y came to be called in daily usage κολω-νέται. T h u s t h e n o t inconsiderable n u m b e r of A t h e n i a n words for hired labourers was enriched by a new one. This dissertation altho-u g h not papyrological is mentioned here as it can be also of altho-use for papyrologists.

H . J . W o l f f , Neue Quellen zum Zessionsrechi der Papyri ( E s t r . dagli Studi in onore di Ugo Enrico Paoli [1955] p . 725—740). The a u t h o r points out t h a t t h e assignment in t h e Graeco-Egyp-t i a n L a w consisGraeco-Egyp-ts in Graeco-Egyp-t h e cession of Graeco-Egyp-t h e πράξις i.e. of Graeco-Egyp-t h e righGraeco-Egyp-t Graeco-Egyp-to s Graeco-Egyp-t a r Graeco-Egyp-t t h e executional proceedings against t h e d e b t o r (or his property) who did n o t meet his obligation at t h e d a y of p a y e m e n t and t h a t t h e cession of this right contains t h e a u t h o r i z a t i o n t o receive the d e b t and t o accomplish t h e acts necessary for t h e a c q u i t t a n c e of t h e d e b t o r . T h e n t h e a u t h o r t r e a t s of Ryl. 585 ( I I с.В.С.) which deals w i t h t h e cession of t h e salary of a soldier (cf. m y Law2 4182) a n d

R y l . 580 (I c.B.C.) (cf. m y Law2 3441β) in which Herakleides, a m e m

-ber of t h e soldiers-association, leaves his ταφικόν t o t h e bearer of a d o c u m e n t called σύμβολον. T h e a u t h o r explains t h a t in this case t h e πράξις — clause was n o t inserted as t h e ταφικόν could be clai-med b u t a f t e r t h e d e a t h of Herakleides a n d therefore it was n o t possible t o insert a πράξις — clause r u n n i n g on his n a m e . Conse-q u e n t l y was forbidden t h e drawing u p of a συγγραφή which a f t e r the d e a t h of t h e promisee would give t o a t h i r d person t h e r i g h t t o exact t h e ταφικόν.


R . T a u b e n s c h l a g , La giurisdizione voluntaria del tribunále dei crematisti (Studi in onore di Calderini e Paribeni).

T h e autor examines the jurisdictio voluntaria of t h e c h r e m a t i s t s on t h e basis of E n t . 8 (218 B.C.), P S I 1310 (135/4 B.C.) cf. m y Law2


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