Shipbuilding Laboratory Technological University Deift
In 1966 werd door zes Nederlandse rederijen een reeks onder-zoekingen opgezet met het doel enige passieve slingerdempende tanksystemen te vergelijken. Gedeeltelijk werd dit programma uitgevoerd in samenwerking met het Nederlands Scheepsstudie-centrum TNO.
Vier verschillende ontwerpbureaus werden uitgenodigd een voorstel in te dienen voor een tanksysteem dat geschikt moest zijn orn in een snel iijnvrachtschip te worden geinstalleerd.
De specificatie voor het ontwerp omvatte behalve de
nood-zakelijke gegevens van het schip, de eis dat de tanks niet meer dan een voorgeschreven volume zouden innemen.
Deopgeleverde ontwerpen,te wetentwee werkende volgens het ,,vrije oppervlakte"-principe entwee volgens'het U-tank-principe,
werden onderworpen aan een beproevingsprogramma dat uit
twee delen bestond, namelijk uitmetingenop een slinger-oscilla-tor met modellen van de tanks (schaal 1:16) door het Laborato-rium voorScheepsbouwkunde van de Technische Hogeschool te Delft en uit proeven met een model van het schip, voorzien van de slingerdempende tanks (schaal 1:40),. door het Nederlandsch Scheepsbouwkundig Proefstation. Deze Iaatste serie, proeven orn-vatte osciliatieproeven in vlak water en proeven in regelmatige dwarsin komende golven, in onregelmatige dwarsinkomeride gol-ven en in regelmatige achterinkomendegolgol-ven.
Nadat de metingen beeindigd waren zijn alle verkregen resul-taten ter beschikking van het Scheepsstudiecentrurn gekomen. De geste van de Stoornvaart Maatschappij ,,Nederland" N.V., de Koninklijke Java-China-Paketvaart Limen NV., de Konink-lijkeNederlandsche Stoomboot-Maatschappij N.V., de N .V. Ko-ninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij, de KoKo-ninklijke Rotterdam-sche Lloyd N.V. en de NV. Vereenigde NederlandRotterdam-sche Scheep-vaartmaatschappij orn ook het door dezerederijen gefinancierde
deel van het onderzoek ter beschikking te stellen zu hier met erkentelijkheid vermeld
iestetd mag worden dat dit onderzoek nuttige resultaten heeft
opgeleverd, hoewel er enige punten uit naarvoren zn gekomen die nader onderzoek behoeven
In dit eerste rapport worden de belangrijkste resultatenvande proeven gegeven en wordt de rekenmethode voor het opstellèn van cen prognose geverifleerd.
Een tweede rapport is in bewerking, waarin de gegevens verder worden uitgewerkt.
Geconcludeerd kan reeds worden dat deproeven geenabsolute superioriteit van een van deze tanksystemen hebben aangetoond Bovendien zijn voor sommige tanks weer gewijzigde uitvoeringen ontwikkeld,zodat voorelk schip apart zal moetenworden bezien, welk systeem de voorkeur verdient.
Gaarne wordt hier nog gememoreerd de medewerking van het Nederlandseh Scheepsbouwkundig Proefstation en het Labora-torium voor Scheepsbouwkunde.
Ook de schrijver van dit rapport komt dank toe voor het ver-zamelen, analyserenen samenvatten van de beschikbare gegevens.
In l966six DutchShippingCompanies initiateda programme of investigations to compare anumber ofpassive rolldampingtank systems. Partly this programmewasexecuted in cooperation with the Netherlands Ship Research Centre TNO.
Four different design offices were invited to súpply their proposal for a tank system, suitable for installation in a fast
cargo liner.
Design specification for the tanks, besides the necessary data of the ship, required that the tanks should not occupy more than a prescribed volume.
The tank designsdelivered, viz. two systems-of the free surface type and two of the U-tank type, were submitted to -a test
pro-gramme that was split up in two parts: bench tests with tank
models (scale I :16) at the Shipbuilding Laboratory of the Technological University Delft and tests with a model of the
ship, equipped with the roll damping tanks (scale 1:40) at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin. The latter experiments included oscillation tests in still water and tests in regulár beam waves, irregular beam waves and regular quartering waves.
After the experiments had been finished, all results obtained were put at thedisposal of the Ship ResearchCentre. The gesture of the Nederland Line Royal Dutch Mail, the Royal Interocean Lines, the Royal Netherlands Steamship Company, the Royal Packet Navigation Company, the Royal Rotterdam Lloyd and the United Netherlands Navigation Company, also to hand over
the results of the investigations financed by these shipping
companies, is gratefully acknowledged.
-It may be stated that this research programme has provided
useful results, although it has indicated some points that need further investigation.
In this first report the most important results of the
experi-ments are presented and the calculation method to predict the behaviour of a-ship with a passive tank is verified.
A second report is being prepared in which the data will be elaborated further.
-It may be concluded already that the experiments have not shown an absolute superiority of any of these tank systems.
Besides, for some tank systems already modifications have been developed, so that for every ship the type of tank that is to be preferred must be decided separately.
The cooperation of the Netherlands Ship Model Basin and the Shipbuilding Laboratory is gratefullyacknowledged Also thanks are due to the authorfor collecting, analyziñgand summarizing the data availablè
72 The ship data and the condition of loading
83 The tank installations
84 The bench tests
5 The prediction of the rolling of the ship with and without tank
116 The predicted and measured roll response
The experimental programme
.. . 116.2
Theoscillation tests
The tests in regular beam waves
Discussion and conclusions
138 Acknowledgement 13
Ship's breadth
Ship's centre of gravity
Virtual mass moment of inertia' about the rolling axis
General moment producing roll
Roll exciting moment, due to the waves
Amplitude of K
Roll exciting moment, due to the tank
(its phase is such that it counteracts the rolling motion)
Amplitude of K,
Damping coefficient against rolling
R4,Restoring coefficient
T4, =
Natural roll period
Ship's draught
Tank breadth (measUred across the ship)
Acceleration of gravity
Water depth in the tank at rest
k ='
Wave number
Transverse radius of gyration
Tank length (measured. forward and aft)
Distance from tank bottom to axis of rotation; positive iftank above axis
Effective 'depth for the exponentially decreasing wave slope
w = kCa
Maximum wave slope at the surface
Weight of displacement
Volume of displacement
Phaseangle between wave moment K and rolling motionçb; positive if K,,, leads
4)Phase.angle between tank moment K and rolling motion 4); positive if K leads
Wave amplitude
2Ca = H
Wave height
Wave length
Kia 3Qgb /
N4, 4,Non-dimensional amplitude of tank moment
Non-dimensional roll damping coefficient
Mass density of water
Mass density of tank fluid
Roll angle
Roll amplitude
Circular frequency
The relative merits of different passive roll damping
systems are an important qúestion to ship owners and
officers. It is certainly not so that one system is superior
over all other systems in any desired application; B
sides, several modifications are possible to adjust each
tank more or less to the case under consideration, thus
smoothing the differences between specific designs.
Only if the respective qualities are known and
under-stood, ship owners can make a justified choice for the
specific circumstañces applyiig to their ship.
As a contribution into, this matter the Netherlands
Ship Research Centre TNO initiated bench tests with
four different tank designs to investigate their basic
performance. Each tank was designed by its own
producer or advocate for the same ship in a specified
conditiOn of loading. The loss in cubic capacity by the
tanks had to be the same. The tests were carried out at
the Shipbuilding Laboratory of the Technological
Uni-versity at Deift.
At the same time a group of ship owners had the
tanks installed in the model' of the ship, which was
subjected to a test programme at the Netherlands Ship
Model Basin at Wageningen.
The information obtained from the latter tests has
also been placed at the disposal of the Ship Research
Centre for further consideration in an extended
com-parative study. The results of this study are reported'
here.The paper comprises the predicted behaviour of the'
ship equipped with each of the four tank installations
under different service conditions. The basic data' for
the tank action when subject to a rolling motion are
* Publication 36 of the Shipbuilding Laboratory, Technological
University, Deift.
Four passiveroll damping tank systems will be comparedfor one and thesame ship. In this part lof the report a method of calcu-lation is checked with the results of model experiments.
In part H (to be published) the actual comparison will be made by means of calculated predictions for various conditions of loading. Thetank data have been determined by bench tests; the results arepresented here
The method of prediction turns out to be areasonable basis for acomparative study and allows a comparison for additional loading conditions.
known by experiment and provide an
adequatestarting-point for further calculatións. The only uncertainty
in-volved is the response of the tanks to the other motions
of the ship, in particular to the swaying motion. The
input of ship and sea data into the motion problem,
however, is more liable to violate the assumptions
necessary for the calculations. With this in mind the
report 'is split up into two parts, having the following
Part I. This report presents and compares the cal
culated and experimental results and assesses the limits
of the validity of the prediction. As no further model
tests Were to be carried out the method of prediction
had to be justified, using the available ship model
Part II. This part of the report will present the
com-puted predictionsin an extended comparison. Although
it was intended beforehand that the tanks would
occupy an equal amount of space within the ship 'the
original designs showed unsatisfactory differences in
this respect. To eliminate this influence in the extended
study the'dimensi'ons of the tanks will be changed' in the
fore and aft direction, so that they effectively produce
an equal loss in cubic capacity. As the amount of water
'in the tanks is different the loss in dead weight is not
equal'. The cross-section of the tanks is essentially
un-changed and since the water flow in the tanks can be
considered as two-dimensional, this 'adjustment does
not introduce any new aspect in the tank action. The
tanks thus adapted are thought to be installed in the
ship and her predicted performance at sea will be
compared for several service coñditiöns.
For 'further information about passive tank systems
reference is' made to earlier publications ['1], [2] and
- 74.52
Fig. I Longitudinal section of ship with position of roll damping 'tanks;
2 The ship data and the condition of loading
The ship fòr which the tanks are designed is a
cargo-liner of the "Straat H"-class of the Royal Interocean
Lines. The selected loading conditión corresponds
closely to the fully loaded ship, leaving port. The
par-ticulars are listed in table L A longitudinal section of
the ship is shown in figure L
Table I.
Ship particulars without roll damping tank
The tabulated values have been used, however, as they
dO not play an important role in a comparative
An important, but unknown quantity is the damping
of the 'hull against rolling. From an extinction curve
and some tests in regular beam waves the model values
could be derived. The analysis showed an extremely low
non-dimensional damping coefficient v, 'increasing
about linearly with roll amplitude /a. This means that
the damping in the equation of motion consists
essen-tially of a 'linear and a quadratic term, 'but they may
be reasonably replaced by anequivalent linear damping
term. The values obtained apply to the model without
bilge keels and without forward speed. Due to scale
effects and the speed of the vessel' it is doubted whether
these values are representative for the ship at sea.
Moreover it is not unlikely that a part of the'coupling
effects between the ship's roll and sway motions will be
taken into account by an adjustment of the roll
damp-ing. If so y4, has become dependent upon the position
of the centre of gravity as well. For all these reasons a
definite valúe for the hull damping is not specified.
'For the purpose of cômparison the damping coefficient
used in the calculations is chosen in such a way as to
fit the experimental resUlts.
3 The tank installations
The position of the tanks in the ship is indicated in
figure I. The various installations themselves :'are'shown
in figure 2 through 5. Table Ii summarizes several tank
'it is not the intention of this report to discuss the
various tank designs themselves 'in detail. Therefore
only some explanatory notes' will be made; Thó
per-forated plates at the si'des of tank I serve as a kind of
wave breaker to decrease the noise level and the lashing
of the water against the shell and the deck. They do not
influence the damping -action of the system. In tank II
By these data the transverse radius- of gyration
isestablished as k4, = 7.35 m = O.334B, using the
well-known formula
This value is rather low and it seems therefore that the
stated rolling period and metacentric 'height are not
too well in agreement. Using a more general value
k4,= '0.38B =' 8.36 m leads to
T4,, = 18.2 sec withGM = 0.85 m, or to GM = 1.10 m with T4, = 16 sec.
Length between perpendiculars Lp,, = 146;49m
Breadth, moulded
B = 2200rn
'Depth to úpper deck
D = 13.00m
Draught forward
T1 =
941 rnDraught aft Ta 9.85rn
Draught, mean
Tm =
9;63rnDisphìement, moulded V
= 1840rn'
Displacement'inciuding hull insea-water of y = 1.025 tIm' 18962 t
Block coefficient 0596
Prismatic coefficient'
Waterline coefficient 0.742 Midship section coefficient 0.986 Centre' of gravity above keelKG = 8.30m
Centre of buoyancy above keel KB 5.27 m Metacentric height GM = 0.85 rnNatural rolling period T4, 16 sec Natural roll frequency w4, 0.393 sec-'
Table H. Particulars of the various tank installations
FR96 00 lOO
/ /_'-B
Fig 4 Tank III
Fig. 3 Tank II Fig 5 Tank -IV
Tank IITank II
TankIVActual tank volume in m3 219 221 205 220
Volume occupied between end bulkheads of tanks in m3 219 (notapplicablò) 277 248
Tank length in m 1.90- 9.00 2.40 2.15
Tank breadth mm 22MO 22.00 22.00 22.00
Water weightiñ tons 64M 118.4 115 1022
Water weight relative to displacement in % 0 34 0 63 0 61 0 54
GM-reduction in rn 0.18 0.34 022 - 0.31 PERFORATED PLATE 'IIIWtLNUECK I -. O N 3.50 6 09
i A 22.00E
-0.935_f -_=9_TANI<DECK2jrrr_== -070-
- Igl
r-0.53 070 TANKTOP I 1320 I . LO A 22.00the "funnels" provide the free access of air to the
reservoirs. If not, the air column would be compressed
and would influence the water motion. In actual
application the funnels may be replaced by a tube
interconnecting the tops of the two reservoirs or by
some other arrangement. The air valve of system III
acts as a passive control device. The top of each
reser-voir is connected with a central air channel in which
the valve is placed. The cross-sections of the air
openings and channel should remain the same but
the construction and location of the arrangement can
be adjusted to the considered application. System IV
has air tubes to all the tanks at both sides open to
the air.
4 The bench tests
The tank models were subjected to a forced harmonic
rolling motion about an axis positioned at the ship's
centre of gravity, with an amplitude of 0.0333, 0.0667
and 0.10 radians, respectively (1.9; 3.8 and 5.7 deg.).
A photograph showing the tank oscillator is shown in
figure 6. The model scale was 1: 16. The rolling period
was amply varied from 1.9 sec to 12.6 sec for the model,
corresponding to from 7.7 sec to 50.3 sec for the ship.
Fig. 6 Tank oscillator
The moments, which the moving water mass exerted
on the tanks were measured. They are presented in the
appendix in the form of the non-dimensional amplitude
Pa and the phase difference with the rolling motion s.
Due to the essentially different configuration of tank IL
the Pa-Values cannot be compared directly in
magni-tude. The shape of the curves and the phase relations
are indicative for the performance of all tanks,
how-ever. For convenience the actual model measurements
are also presented in dimensional form in the tables
A.I through A.IV of the appendix.
The results of the bench tests show distinct differences
in character between the various designs. This point
can be illustrated by regarding figure A.1 through A.4.
The damping component of the tank moment is
Kta sin c, so both magnitude and phase lag contribute
to the ultimate effect. In general a large damping
moment is preferred over a certain frequency range at
both sides of roll resonance to make the roll response
curve as flat as possible. This frequency range extends
at least from 0.70w, to 1.25w4,, that is from w =
0.275 sec1 to about w = 0.50 sec' full
scale or
w = 1.1 to 2.0 sec' model scale. Preferably this range
must still be a little wider as the tank adds a degree of
freedom to the system ship plus tank so that a distinct
resonance point may not be present any more.
From the above it will be clear that the Kta and
e,-curves should be reasonably flat in the considered
range. The phase curves of the systems I and III do not
differ appreciably in slope but those of system II and
IV are substantially steeper. As far as the moment
amplitudes are concerned tank I shows the least
varia-tion. As an example in table III the ratio of the
maxi-mum and minimaxi-mum K0 and the difference of maximaxi-mum
and minimum e in the interval w = 1.0 to 2.0sec'
(model values) are presented for & = 0.10.
Table Ill. Variation Of Kia and e, for & = 0.10 in the
range from w = 1.0 sec_t to w = 2.0 sec1,
model frequencies
Of course these variations influence the character of
the K,,, sin e, components greatly as shown in figure
A.5 of the appendix for a roll amplitude 4,, = 0.10.
For tank I the curve is bell-shaped, while the other
three curves are more or less triangular in form. Of
course with a triangle the same required base can be
covered by making it high enough. In terms of the
problem under consideration this means by increasing
the tank dimensions and/or the water mass for these
tanks. If this is accepted deliberately the points
dis-cussed here are only differences in character between
the various systems, which need not necessarily lead to
large differences in effectiveness. A quantitative
com-parison is postponed until part II of the report as
discussed in the introduction.
In fact the basic principle of system IV is the same
as that of system I. They differ, however, in the
re-stricted height and in the rising bottom of each tank.
Tank system I 11III
IV (Kta)max 1.23 7Odeg 1.56 136 deg 1.77 92deg 1.41 111 deg (Kta)min (Ct)max(Ct)minThis causes a rather steep decrease in Kta and increase
, where the water motion is hampered at the higher
frequencies óf motion. For tank lithe height of the
reservoirs is also rather limited. It turned out that the
water surface reached the top of the tank at roll angles
of about 5 deg. That is the reason why the moment
amplitude in figure A.2 does not increase much more
d'a =0.10. In system ill the natural frequency of
the air valve is so high that it may be considered to
react statically to the load of air pressure and gravity.
It accomplishes a flatter phase curve, especially at the
smaller roll angles. It turned out that its effect nearly
disappeared at
d'a = 0.10.5 The prediction of the rolling of the ship with and
without tank
Still it
is not possible to handle the true motion
of a ship in an arbitrary seaway. This is largely due to
a lack of knowledge about the various motions
in-volved and their mutual coupling effects. It can be
made plausible that the general state of motion of a
ship with six degrees of freedom may be split up into
two independent groups, namely the symmetric motions
heave, pitch and surge and the asymmetric motioñs
roll, sway and yaw. As this report deals with rolling
the discussion will be restricted to the second group.
Usually the rolling motion is from necessity sttdied
alone, as if the ship is a one degree of freedom system,
since the mutual influences with swaying and yawing
are not known. Probably the yaw effects into roll will
not be of primary importance, so that it woUld suffice
for the, time being to consider the combined sWayiòg
and rolling for a really reliable roll prediction. This
statement is certainly valid when only beam seas are
considered. Unfortunately it is not even possible to
start from this principle. The inaccuracies resulting
from a still further simplification to pure rolling may
differ from ship to ship and with a certain ship from
one condition to another. This will be immediately
clear when it is recollected that by definition swaying
is a translatory motion of the centre of gravity and
rolling is a rotation about a longitudinal axis through
this point. Thus the coupling effects depend on the
positiòn of G with respect to the water surface.
The influence of the other shipmotions on the tank
action is unknown as well. In this respect the influence
of yawing will be analogous to that of swaying, and of
pitching to that ofheaving. It can be understood that
the symmetric vertical motion will only be of minor
importance so that only the horizontal swaying would
have to be considered. But, as stated, the influence is
By necessity, therefore, the analysis and prediction
has to be made for a pure rolling motion in beam seas
The validity of the simplifications Will be investigated
with the aid of the model experiments in waves in
sec-tion 6 and 7.
The equation of motion for the rolling ship without
tank is given by
(1)For the ship with tank the tank moment has to be
I6+N +R44'
(2)Here I, is the mass moment of inertia about the rolling
axis, including hydrodynamic effects, N4, the damping
coefficient of the hull against rolling and R4, the restoringcoefficient or the stability moment per radian of heel.
In the right hand side K is the wave excited moment
and K, the tank moment. R4, and 14, are constants,
known by the loading condition and roll' period; N4,
is an estimated constant.
The magnitude of the exciting moment K in
relative-ly long waves may be approximated by
Ca_o2z.Ig (3)
where c
'is the surface wave slope, which is equal to
In the exponential factor, which accOunts for
the decrease in Wave slope with depth under water, the
effective depth
Zeis taken equal to half the draught.
The magnitude and phase of the tank moment K1
are knoWn by the bench tests for three amplitudes of
motion As K is not linear in
d'athe equation (2) has
become non-linear as well and the solution has to be
found by iteration. For d'a -
d'a =0667 and:
d'a =0.10 rad the experimental results are put into
the equation, which is solved for
d'a.From the resulting
values of
d'athe correct solution is obtained by
qua-dratic interpolation. It is clear that this method will
only be reliable as long as the ultimate rolling angies
remain between the two limits of the input values of
d'a' so for' 1.9 deg
< d'a <
5.7 deg. A slight
extrapola-tion will not affect the results much so that the method
may be considered to be valid between about 1.5 deg
and 7.5 deg. Outside this range the computations fail.
Of course this does not apply to the ship without tank,
for equation (1) is linear throughout.
The predicted and measured roll response
6.1 The experimental programmeThe tests with the ship model at the N.S.M.B.
con-sisted of oscillation tests by rotating weights, tests in
regular beam waves, tests in irregular beam waves and
tests in regular quartering waves. Of each series the.
model without and with the various tanks was
inves-tigated. The tank models were constructed completely
separately and were made interchangeable, so after a
test the tank was just replaced by another one and the
test repeated. In this way it was achieved that the
measurements for the different tank systems were
obtained under identical circumstances and at the same
setting of the wave generator. The model scale was
For comparison between calculation and experiment
the irregular beam wavesand the quartering waves are
not used, the reasons being as follows.
In the irregular beam waves the roll spectrum and
the wave spectrum were measured. The roll response
functión obtained from these data differed greatly from
the directly measured response in regular beam waves,
even for the ship without a tank. This may be partly
due to the time interval used in digitizing the records
and to the analysis procedure which involves a
smooth-ing process, but this does not account for the large
differènces. Since the exact circumstances and an
adequate explanation cannot be recovered these test
results are left out of the comparison.
The quartering waves.came in under 60 degrees. They
cover only a narrow frequency range about resonance
and the measured roll angles may be strongly affected
by the characteristics of the automatic pilot, used to
keep the model on its-track under the towing carriage.
Therefore the results .of these tests are of a very
restricted value, not only in an absolute way, but even
for mutual compar.ison. Neither can a computation be
made in quarteriñg waves dUe to. the difficulties'
ex-plained in section 5.
The oscillation testsThe model was forcibly oscillated in still water by
rotàting weights. In the centre pläne of the model two
contra-rotating vertical rods were installed, each
carry-iñg two weights at opposite sides of 'the rod and
sym-metrical with respect to the centre of gravity. Thus a
purely centrifugal roll moment was produced, Without
any parasitic force. When the hypothesis is accepted
that the wave exciting moment in beam waves is
proportional to the wave slope the above oscillation
corresponds to pure rolling in beam waves of constant
height and varying length. The equivalent wave height
is 1.4-m füll scale.
The prediction is calculated accordingly by the
equa-tion (2)
J6-+N,q+R,,çb =K+K,
(2)or formulated differently
V4,.- + l+ = S1fl
- .K1.
± - sin(ofl+c) (4)
R4,in which
= 0.393 sec1
y4, = 0.05 and 0.10
R4, = AGM
K0, R4, R4,The exponential factor is taken equal to i becausé
there are no waves añd consequently no decreasing
wave slope. Kta and -e
are known by the bench tests.
The equation (4) is solved for 4a and
The results
of the prediction, together with the measured points
are presented in figure 7. At the low frequency side the
roll angles were so small that the prediction failed for
the rolling with tank by reasons explained in section 5,
the curves are shown as far'as the calculations were
possible.The agreement between theoretical prediction and
experiment is good, especially when one considers that
the accuracy of roll angle measurements is not much
greater than ± 0.5 degree Apparently v = 0.05 has
to be selected for .the damping regarding the rolling of
the ship without tank.
6.3 The tests in regular beam waves
The basic' series of tests was conducted in waves
cor-responding to a constant height of 3.30 m aild lengths
between 200 and 550 m, both full scale values. Besides,
for a length of 310m the wave height was varied. The
vessel had no forward speed.
The prediction is found by solving the same
equa-tion (4), but now the exponential decrease in wave
slope is taken into account by replacing a by
WCae'_c2Tl29 g
For the damping coefficient y4, again two values were
selected: 0.05 and 0.10. The rolling of the ship without
tank is given in figure 8. The results with tanks are
presented in figures 9 and 10 for the smaller and figures
11 and 12 for the larger t',. In those figures three curves
are drawn. The middle one applies to the basic wave
amplitude of Ca = 1.665 m For the other curves is
Ca = 0.550 m and
= 2.305 m respectively. The
avail-able experimental points are plotted as well. The
smallest wave height may be regarded as indicative for
a light sea condition, while the largest corresponds to a
rather severe .sea.
lt can be seen that for the ship without a tank and
with tank I v = 0.10 provides better results, while for
the other tanks y4, = 0.05 gives a better relationbetween
prediction and experiment. The agreement is quite
reasonable, considering the general state of knowledge
as discussed in section 5. For tank I it is even quite
good with v = 0.10. The fact that one tank system
apparently fits the mathematicäl model in this case
better than another cannot be explained rationally. It
must be attributed to differences in the complex whole
of interrelated modes of motion and tank performance
But in añy event the trends of the computations are
fully confirmed by the experiments. Quantitatively they
are not too far off,, except at the peak values for tank II
and IV; the predictións 'here are always loWer than the
experimental results.
It is not unlikely that part of the discrepancies at the
low frequency side with tank III in figure lOare caused
by scale effects. The air duct of system III, constructed
on a 1:40 scale, may have influenced the ship model
experiments unfavourably. This may especially be true
where the air movements are small, that is for small
rolling angles 'at low frequencies of motion.
The computed curves are stopped again where the
prediction failed to give results.
Discussion and conclusions
The moments, which the tanks exert on the rolling
ship, are measured in bench tests. They reveal
systems which, however, need' not lead to large
differences in effectiveness. The characteristics are
discussed in section 4 of this report.
Of the model experiments the forced oscillation
tests correspond best with the 'mathematical model
used for the predictions. The agreement between
experiments and calculations is good for all tanks
(figure 7). As damping coefficient y4, = 0.05 has to
be seleéted.
The model experiments in' waves can only approx
imately be represented by themathematical model.
This is due to the complex and unknown relations
of the other modes of motion with roll and with the
tank performance., Apparently a part of this effect
i's taken into account by increasing the damping of
the hull with respect to the oscillation tests from
y4, = 0.05 to 0.10 (figure 8). The agreement between
experiments and calculations is good for the ship
without tank (fi'gure 8) and with tank I (figure 11),
'and quite reasonable with tank III (figure 12). The
trends of the 'experiments with tank Il and IV are
fully predicted, but t'he peak values are rather off
(figures 11 and 12). The predictions in these cases
are always lower than the experiments. Of course
the deviations 'become larger when the wave 'height
increases.The theoretical method is considered to be sffi
ciently supported' by the model experiments to serve
as á reasonable basis for a comparative study of
the various tank systems. Characteristic phenomena
are predicted correctly. In aquantitativecomparison
it will certainly show up large differences between
the tanks. To small differences in result no great
significance may be attached, however It seems
that the calculations underestimate the rolling with
tank II or IV in action.
The value of the predictions is a comparative and
not an absolute one. For the latter case the
hypo-thetical condition of linear, pure. rolling in
long-crested 'beam waves is too rough an approximation
of reality
The mutual comparison of the various systems is
postponed to part II of the report. As stated in the
introduction undesirable differences exist in tank
dimensions, which should be corrected first. Then
other conditions of loading will be considered as
well with the same tank installation.
8 Acknowledgement
The willingness of six Dutch Shipping Companies to
make the results of the model tests available to the
Research Centre is gratefully acknowledged The author
is also indebted to the N.S.'M.B. for their cooperation'
in furnishing the original experimental data and in
assisting him to analyse some peculiarities.
1. STIGTER, C., The performance of U-tanks as a passive miti-rolling device, Report 81 S of the Netherlands Ship Re-search Centre TNO, February 1966.
Z BOSCH, J. J. VAN DENand J. H. VUGTS, Roll damping by free surface tanks, 'Report 83 S of the Netherlands Ship
Re-search Centre TNO, April 1966.
3. BOOTSMA,J. and J. J.VANDEÑ BOSCH, On the efficacy of two different roll damping tanks, RepOrt 97 S of the Nether-lands Ship Research Centre T.NO, July '1967.
0.1 WITHOUT calcutaion TANK V= 0.1.0 005. s experiment ,Iit ¡
s sr
1 \
, s-..
J s / o s 203
w se c.-1Fig. 7 Comparison ofcalculated and measured rolling of the model during scillatiön tests. (full scale values)
de g.i
o 5 4a OE 5t
oo25 deg. 20 i 5
caLculation V 010 10:05.
experiment = 167m 0 0102
:03 0.4 0.5 .0.601
sec.1Fig 8
Comparison of calcùlàted and measuredlrolling of themodel without tank in regularbeam waves. (full scale values).deg.
o 15l'o
sec.1Fig. 9 Comparison ofcalculatedand measured rlling,of thernodól withtank I and II in.regular beamwaves; v1j O.05
(full scale values)
WITH calculation
V 005 = 2.31 m 167m 055m -o experiment ' ''Io
o e:
-m 167m '0 55 mWITHTAÑK fi
o Q55deg. 15
Fig. 10 Comparisonofcalculatedand measuredrolling ofthemodelwithtank III and IVinregularbeath'waves;.v = 0:05.
(full scale values)
2 0.1 w06
sec115 deg.
15 10f
oFig. 11 Comparison of calculated and' measured'rollingof themodeiwith tank!: and H in regu1ar1bearnwaves;v =0.10. (full scale values)
- calcuLation
V =40.10 a = 2.31 m 167m 0:55m o experimeñt e e OE o S 0 =2.31m 167m 5mWITH TANK
--o o - - -o e o 0.102
0.7 - U). sec:1deg. it 15 OE 10 5 .0 15 10 o -
calculation. 1 V,= 0105 ' = 2.31 m 167m 055m. o experiment o e o s e, s,eeee
167m 0,55rnìWITH TANK
' . . o,.0
s e e =2.31 mj(N
1'.67m 055m. OE 0:1 0.2 0.3: 0.405
0:7 (L) sec.Fig 12 Comparison of.calculated and measured rolling ofthe model with tank Ill and LV in regularbeam waves; v = OElO. (full: scale, values)
Table All Tank II.
Results of the bench tests
(model values, scale i :16)
Table AI Tank L
& = 0.0667
& = 0.10
w w"b/gKgcose KtaSIfl l000FLa Ktacost Kgasin e Kta
t KtaCOSt KtaSIfl Kg 1000/ea .etsec'
kgm kgm kgm-
grad. kgm kgm kgm-
grad. kgm kgm kgm grad.O50 0.1872 1.77
1.77 5.73 1.2 ! 3.71 -0.01 3.71 12.00 0.2 4.66-0.49
4.69 15A4 6.0075 02808
211 68118
409 132295
1558 111100 03744
287 928 187 377-191
423 1366 269 445-213
493 1592 256125 04680
305 984 453 291-303
150 1356 461 361-331
1583 424150 05616
296 955 709 165-369
404 1307 642 229-413
175 06552 -028
276 893 959 029-369
370 1196 855 082-429
437 1412 79200 07488 -162
219 707 1379-075
341 1103 1027-045
1299 964225 08424 -110
110 35517741 -210
290937 1364
366 1181 1175250 09360 -068
077 2181790' -143
143 463 1768-226
267 863 1478275 10296 -044
0 044 143 1800-094
094 302 1786-138
139 448 1751 3.00 1;1231-0.28
. 0' 0.28 0.91 180.0 -0.61-0.02
1.96 177.6-0.86
0.86 2.78. 175.9 3h25 1.2168-0.23
0 0.23 0:74 180.0-0.33
-0.01 Ó.33 1.05 177.9-0.51'.
005 0.51 '1.65 174.3a00333
W W"J'l)) KgaCOS cg Ktsin Cg Kga IOOO
K,cos KgaSIfl Cg Kta'°00/-a - Ct
KtaCOS S KgaSIfl 6g1ta
kgm kgrn kgm-
grad. kgm kgm kgm-
grad. kgm kgm kgm-
grad.0:50 0.1872 310
3.10 2.12 1.7 6.42-0.26
6.42 439 2.4 '9.14-0.84
9.18 6.2852
075 02808'
377 25846
767 52463
1158-140 1167
100 03744
581 397 120 854-315
910 622 202 915-378
990 677 22125 04680
780 528 484 635-719
959 656 486 680-647
938 642 43 1.50 0:5616-2i4
735 5O3 107:0 0.21-9.12
9.13 ' 6.24 88.6 1.49-931
943 6.45 80.91 1.75 0.6552'-4.55
-'1.17 4.70 3.22 1656-5.76
7h46 5.10 140.5-3.81
8:51 5.82 116.6 200 0.7488 247 0h05 Z47 1.69 1788 4.20 062424
298 171.6 5.87 2.31 6.31 4.31 158.5. 2.25 0.8424 144 1104 h44 1199 1814 2.60 005 2.60 1.78 178.9 394 008 394 2.70 178.81 2.50 119360 -1191 1107 091 1162 184.5-1.80
1103 1.80 1.23 180.9-2:61
1102 , 2.61 1.79 180.6 2.75 1.0296 -1159 0.07 0.59 1140 186:5 -'1.23 1103 1.23 0:84 181.4-1.73
0iO3 . 1.73 1.18 '180.7:300 11231
003 035 024 1855-083
005 083 057 1834-115
003 115 078 1807 3.25 1.2168 -.1124 0.01 0.24 0;17 1828-0:49
0:00 0.49 .0.33 180.0-0.71
1100 0.71 0.49 180.01Table kill
Tank HI.Table AIV Tank IV.
wVb/gKcos S KSIfl
Ka l000aua S KgCOSc KtaSIfl SK
1000fa 5t Kg,COS st KtaSIfl Kg, 1000/Aat
kgm kgm kgm-
grad. kgm kgm kgm grad. kgm kgni kgm-
grad.050 01872
171 438 144 350-068
357 914 110 550-107
560 1425 110 0.75 0.2808 177-0.67
1.89 4.85 20.7 3.73-1.27
394 10.10 18.8 5.84-2.15
6.23 H 1596 202--1.00 0.3744 2.01-1.16
2.32 594 30.0 3.93-2.34
4.57 11.72 308 5.48-4.32
6.98 17.90 38.2 1.25 0.4680 1.86 -2h06 2.77 7.11 47.8 3.13-4.20
5.23 1342 53.3 3.Ó2-6.14
6.84 L 17.54 638 50 0.561663
3.12 8.01 7&3 0.53-4.98
5.00 12.83 83.9 0.31-6.03
6.04 15.44 87.0 ..75 0.6552-1.13
2.54 6.52 116.5-1.63
4.11 10.53 113.4-1.80
502 12.87 111.0 2.00 0.7488-1.26
1.57 4O3 143.1 -2.11 i-2.07
2:96 7.58 135.6-2.57
-3.01 3.96 10.16 130.5 2.25 0.8424-0.85
0.93 2.39 156.4-1.70
1.97 506 149.2-2.35
2.90 7.42 144.4 2.50 0:9360-0.58
0.60 1.54 1614-1.22
1.29 3.31 160.6-L83
2.01 5.16 155.6 2.75 1.0296-0.36
0.36 0.93 1687-0.80
0.82 2.10 167.1-1.23
1.30 3.33 160.8 3.00 1.1231'-0.20
0.21 0.53 164.1-0.47
0;49 1.26 1'62.2-0.76
0.78 2.01 165.2 3.25 1.2168-0.13
0.43 0.11 159.4-0.28
0:32 0.82 153.2-0.39
4a =
0.0333& =
OJOw wVb/gKcoss KgaSlfl S K 1000j1ta 5 KgaCOSt KtaSIfl S,
1O0OUa 5t K0coss KeaSIfl 5t Ks,, '0O°Pa 5tsec'
.- kgm kgm kgm-
grad kgm kgm kgm-
grad kgm kgrn kgm-
grad0.50 0.1872 2.61
-20 262
7.49 4.4 5.87-37
588 1682 16 ¡ 7.64-1.35
7.75 22.19 10.0 0.75 0.2808 3.23-0.30
124 928 5:2 6,29 -1.31' 6h42 18.39 1.1.8 7.18-2.57
7.63 21.83 19.1 00 0.3744 4.16-1.25
4.34 12.43. 16.8 577-153
676 19.35 31.5 620-4.57
7.71 22.06 36.4 .25 0.4680 3.46-3.58
498 1425 46.0 4h01-577
702 20.09 55.2 4;44-656
7.92 22.67 56.0150 05616 -067
540 1546 971-143
-686, 701'
2005 1018 055-774
776 2220 860 1.75 0.6552-3.86
423 12:11 155.8'-3.94
545 16.16 134.2 H -181-5:94
7.10 20.31 122.7 2.00 0.7488-2.89
s-0.42, 291 8.34 171.8-172
-3.01 5.58 15.97 147.3 2.25 08424-1.54
0.06 1.54 4.39, 182.2-3.12
.121 9.20 166.2-3.59
-'1.93' 4.08 11.67 151.7 2.50 0.9360-0.96
0.07 0296 2.75 184:2-214
-0:01 2.14 6.13 1794 -2:91-0.86
3.04 8.69: 163.7 2.75 1.0296-042
0.06 0:62 1.7.7 185.2 -'1.33 0:05 1.33 3:80 182.0-2.16
2.17 6.20, 1.75,8 3.OÓ , 1.1231-0.43'
0:43 1.23 1866-0.98
0.02 0.98 2.79 181.0-1.59
140 4.57 1,74.6 3.25 1.2168-0.28
0.03 0:29 081 186.0 -0.62. 0.04 0.62i.8
0' 1.01 2.90 180:0t
0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0 -180 degrees E -90TANK I
15 0.0333 0.1000Fig. A. i Nondimensional amplitude and phase of tank moment for tank I; measured by bench tests.
05 10 15
0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 -180 degrees E -90 05 P1.0 0a 0.0333 = 0.0667 = 01000 wVTh
Fig. A. I Nondimensional amplitude and phase of tank moment for tank II; measured by bench tests.
Ra 0.015 0.010 0.005 0 C -90 o 0a = 0.0333 D 0.0667
Fig. A.3 NondimensionaUamplitude and phaseof tank moment for tank III; measûredbij'bench tests. 15
05 10 1.5
0.5 10
0.020 0015 0.010 0.005 0TANK &
05 10 w\T 15 05 10wV7
TANK05 10' wVB7 1.5
Fig. A.5 Comparisonof quadrature componentsof tank moment for q = 0.10. kgt.m 9 B 7 _lKtsin Et 5 L 3' 2 U
M = engineering department S = shipbuilding department
C corrosion and antifouling department i S The determination of the natural frequencies of ship vibrations
(Dutch). H. E. Jaeger, 1950. 37 M Propeller excited vibratory forces in the shaft of a single screwtanker. J. D. van Manen and R. Wereldsrna, 1960. 3 S Practicalpossibilities of constructional applications of aluminium
alloys to ship construction. H. E. Jaeger, 1951. 38 S Beamknees and other bracketed connections. H. E. Jaeger andJ. J. W. Nibbering, 1961. 4 S Corrugation of bottom shell plating in ships with all-welded or
partially welded bottoms (Dutch). H. E. Jaeger and H. A. Ver- 39 M Crankshaft coupled free torsional-axial vibrations of a ship'spropulsion system. D. van Dort and N. J. Visser, 1963. beek, 1951. 40 S On the longitudinal reduction factor for the added mass of vi-5 S Standard-recommendations for measured mile and endurance
trials of sea-going ships (Dutch). J. W. Bonebakker, W. J. Muller brating ships with rectangular cross-section. W. P. A. Joosen andL A. Sparenberg, 1961. and E. J. Diehl, 1952. 41 S Stresses in flat propeller blade models determined by the moiré-6 S Some tests on stayed and unstayed masts and a comparison of method. F. K. Ligtenberg, 1962.
experimental results and calculated stresses (Dutch). A. Verduin
and B. Burghgraef, 1952. 42 S Application of modern digital computers in naval-architecture.H. J. Zunderdorp, 1962. 7 M Cylinder wear in marine dieselenginès (Dutch) H. Visser, l952 43 C Raft trials and ships' trials with some underwater paintsystems.
8 M Analysis and testing of lubricating oils (DUtch). R. N. M. A. P. de Wolf and A. M. van Londen, 1962.
Malotaux and J. G. Smit, 1953. 44 S Some acoustical propertiesof ships with respect to noise control.
Stability experiments on models of Dutch and French standard- Part. I. J. H. Janssen, 1962. ized lifeboats. H. E. Jaeger, J. W. Bonebakker and J. Pereboom,in collaboration with A. Audigé, 1952.
45 S Someacoustical propertiesof ships with respect to noise control Part II. J. H. Janssen, 1962.
On collecting ship service performance data and their analysis.J. W. Bonebakker, 1953. 46 C An investigation into the influence of the method of applicationon the behaviour of anti-corrosive paint systems in seawater. 1 1 M The use of three-phase current for auxiliary purposes (Dútch). A. M. van Londen, 1962.
J. C. G. van Wijk, 1953. 47 C Results of an inquiry into the condition of ships' hulls in relation
Noise and noise abatement in marine engine rooms (Dutch). to fouling and corrosion. H. C. Ekama, A. M. van Londen and Technisch-Physische Dienst TNO-TH, 1953. P. de Wolf, l9621 3 M Investigation of cylinder wear in diesel engines by means of
labo-ratory machines (Dutch). H. Visser, 1954. 48 C Investigations into the use of the wheel-abrator for removingrust and millscale from shipbuilding steeF(Dutch). Interim report. I 4 M The purification of heavy fuel oil for diesel engines (Dutch). J. Remmelts and L. D. B. van den Burg, 1962.
A. Bremer, 1953. 49 S Distribution of damping and added mass along the length of a
I 5 S Investigations of the stress distribution in corrugated bulkheads shipmodel. J. Gerritsrna and W. Beukelman, 1963. with vertical troughs. H. E. Jaeger, B. Burghgraef and I. van der
Ham, 1954. 50 S The influence of a bulbous bow on the motions and the propul-sion in longitudinal waves. J. Gerritsrna andW. Beukelman, 1963. 16 M Analysis and testing oflubricating oils Ii (Dutch). R. N. M. A.
Malotaux and J. B. Zabel, 1956. 51 M Stress measurements on a propeller blade of a 42,000 ton tankeron full scale. R. Wereldsma, 1964. 17 M The application of new physical methods in the examination of
lubricating oils. R. N. M. A. Malotaux and F. van Zeggeren, 1957. 52 C Comparative investigations on the surface preparation of ship-building steel by usingwheelabrators and the application of shop-18 M Considerations on the application of three phase current on board coats. H. C. Ekama, A. M. van Londen and J. Remmelts, 1963.
ships for auxiliary purposes espacially with regard to fault pro- 53 S The braking of large vessels. H. E. Jaeger, 1963. tection, with a survey of winch drives recently applied on board
of these ships and their influence on the generating capacity
(Dutch). J. C. G. van Wijk, 1957.
54 C A study of ship bottom paints in particular pertaining to the
behaviour and action of anti-fouling paints A. M. van Lönden, 1963.
19 M Crankcase explosions (Dutch) J. H. Minkhorst, 1957 55 S Fatigue of ship structures. J. J. W. Nibbering, 1963. 20 S An analysis of the application of aluminium alloys in ships'
structures. Suggestions about the riveting between steel and 56 C The possibilities of exposure of anti-fouling paints in Curaçao,Dutch Lesser Antilles, P. de Wolfand M. Meuter-Schriel, 1963. aluminium alloy ships' structures. H. E. Jaeger, 1955. 57 M Determination of the dynamic properties and propeller excited 21 S On stress calculations in helicoidal shells and propeller blades.
J. W. Cohen, 1955. vibrations of a special ship stern arrangement. R. Wereldsma,1964.
22 S Some notes on the calculation of pitching and heaving in
longi-tudinal waves. J. Gerritsma, 1955. 58 S Numerical calculation of vertical hull ''ibrations of ships bydiscretizing the vibration system. J. de Vries, 1964. Second series of stability experiments on models of lifeboats. B.
Burghgraef, 1956.
59 M Controllable pitch propellers, their suitability and economy for large sea-going ships propelled by conventional, directly coupled
24 M Outside corrosion of and slagformation on tubes in oil-fired engines. C. Kapsenberg, 1964.
boilers (Dutch). W. J. Taat, 1957. 60 5 Natural frequencies of free vertical ship vibrations. C. B. Vreug-25 S Experimental determination of damping, added mass and added denhil, 1964.
mass moment of inertia of a shipmodel. J. Gerritsma, 1957. 61 S The distribution of the hydrodynamic forces on a heaving and 26 M Noise measurements and noise reduction in ships. G. J. van Os
and B. van Steenbrugge, 1957. pitching shipmodel in still water. J. Gerritsma and W. Beukelman,1964.
27 S Initial metacentric height of small seagoing ships and the
in-accuracy and unreliability of calculated curves of righting levers. 62 C The mode of action of anti-fouling paints: Interaction betweenanti-fouling paints and sea water. A. M. van Londen, 1964. J. W. Bonebakker, 1957. 63 M Corrosion in exhaust driven turbochargers on marine diesel
28 M Influence of piston temperature on piston fouling and pistonring
wear in diesel engines using residual fuels. H. Visser, 1959. engines using heavy fuels. R. W. Stuart Michell and V. A. Ogale,1965. 29 M The influence of hysteresis on the value of the modulus of
rigid-ity of steel. A. Hoppe and A. M. Hens, 1959.
64 C Barnacle fouling on aged anti-fouling paints; a survey of pertinent literature and some recent observations. P. de Wolf, 1964. 30S An experimental analysis of shipmotions in longitudinal regular
waves. J. Gerritsma, 1958 65 S The lateral damping and added mass of a horizontally oscillatingshipmodel. G. van Leeuwen, 1964. 31 M Model tests concerning damping coefficient and the increase in
the moment of inertia due to entrained water of ship's propellers. 66 S Investigations into the strenght of ships' derricks. Part I. F. X. PSoejadi, 1965. N. J. Visser, 1960. 67 S Heat-transfer in cargotanks of a 50,000 DWT tanker. D. J. van 32 S The effect of a keel on the rolling characteristics of a ship. der Heeden and L. L. Mulder, 1965.
J. Gerritsma, 1959. 68 M Guide to the application of Method for calculation of cylinder 33 M The application of new physical methods in the examination of liner temperatures in diesel engines. H. W. van Tijen, 1965.
lubricatingoils (Contin. of report 17M). R. N. M. A. Malotaux
and F. van Zeggeren, 1960. 69 M Stress measurements on a propeller model for a 42,000 DWTtanker. R. Wereldsrna, 1965. 34 S Acoustical principles in ship design. L H. Janssen, 1959. 70 M Experiments on vibrating propeller models. R. Wereldsma, 1965. 35 s Shipmotions in longitudinal waves. J. Gerritsma, 1960. 71 S Research on bulbous bow ships. Part II. A. Still water perfor-36 s Experimental determination of bending moments for three
w. p. A. van Lammeren and F. V. A. Pangalila, 1965. 73 S Stress and strain distribution in a vertically corrugated bulkhead.
H. E. Jaeger and P. A. van Katwijk, 1965.
74 5 Research on bulbous bow ships. Part. l.A. Still water investiga-tions into bulbous bow forms for a fast cargo liner. W. P. A. van Lammeren and R. Wahab, 1965.
75 S Hull vibrations of the cargo-passenger motor ship "Oranje
Nassau". W. van Horssen, 1965.
76 S Research on bulbous bow ships. Part I.E. Thebehaviour ofa fast cargoliner with a conventionaland with a bulbous bow in a
sea-way R Wahab, 1965.
77 M Comparative shipboard measurements of surface temperatures
and surface corrosion in air cooled and water cooled turbine
outlet casings of-exhaust driven marine diesel engine turbochar-gers. R. W. Stuart Mitchell and V. A. Ogale, 1965.
78 M Stern tube vibration measurements of a cargo ship with special afterbody. R. Wereldsma, 1965.
79 C The pre-treatment of ship plates: A comparative Investigation on some pre-treatment methods in use in the shipbuilding indtis-try. A. M. van Londen, 1965.
80C The pre-treatment of ship plates: A practical investigation into the infiùence of different working procedures in over-coating zinc rich epoxy-resin based pre-construction primers. A. M. van Londen and W. Mulder, 1965.
81 S The performance of U-tanks as a passive anti-rolling device. C. Stigter, 1966.
82 S Low-cycle fatigue of steel structures. J. J. W. Nibbering and
J. van Lint, 1966.
83 S Roll damping by free surface tanks. J. J. van den Bosch and J. H. Vugts, :1966.
84 S Behaviour of a ship in a seaway. J; Gerritsma, 1966.
85 S Brittle fracture of full scale structures damaged by fatigue. J. J. W. Nibbering, J. van Lint and R. T. van Leeuwen, 1966. 86 M Theoretical evaluation of heat transfer in dry cargo ship's tanks
using thermal oil asaheat transfer medium. D. J. van der Heeden, 1966.
87 S Model experiments on sound transmission from engineroom to accommodàtion in motorships. J. H. Janssen, 1966.
88 5 Pitch and heave with fixed and controlled bow fins. J. H. Vugts, 1966.
89 S Estimation of the natural frequencies of a ship's double bottom by means of a sandwich theory. S. Hyla rides, 1967.
90 S Computation of pitch and heave motions for arbitrary ship forms. W. E. Smith, 1967.
91 M Corrosion in exhaust driven turbochargers on marine diesel en-gines using heavy fuels. R. W. Stuart Mitchell, A. J. M. S. van Montfoort and V. A. Ogale, 1967.
92 M Residual fuel treatment on board ship. Part II. Comparative
cylinder wear measurements on a laboratory diesel engine using filtered or centrifuged residual fuel. A. de Mooy, M. Verwoest and G. G. van der Meûlen, 1967.
93 C Cost relations of the treatments of ship hulls and the fuel con-sumption of ships. H. J. Lageveen-van Kuijk, 1967.
94 C Optimum conditions for blast cleaning of steel plate. J. Remmelts, 1967.
95 M Residual fuel treatment on board ship. Part i. The effect of cen-trifuging, filtering and homogenizing on the unsolubles inresidual fuel. M. Verwoest and F. J. Colon, 1967.
96 5 Analysis of the modified strip theory for the calculation of ship motions and wave bending moments. J. Gerritsma and W. Beu-kelman, 1967.
97 S On the efficacy of two different roll-damping tanks. J Bootsma and J. J. van den Bosch, 1967.
98 S Equation of motion coefficients for a pitching and heaving des-troyer model. W. E. Smith, 1967.
99 S The manoeuvrability of ships on a straight course. J. P. Hooft, 1967.
IOOS Amidships forces and moments-on a C» = 0.80 "Series 60"
model in waves from various directions. R. Wahab. l-967. 101 C Optimum conditions for blast cleaning of steel plate. Conclusion.
J. Remmelts, 1967.
those of calculations according to published formulae. N. J. Visser, 1967.
103 M The axial stiffnessof marine diesel engine crankshafts. Part Il. Theory and results of scalemodel measurements- andcomparison
with published formulae. C A. M. van der Linden, 1967. 104 M Marine diesel engine exhaust noise. Parti. A mathematical model.
J 1-L Janssen, 1967.
105 M Marine diesel engine exhaust noise. Part II. Scale models of
exhaust systems. J. Buiten and J. I-E. Janssen, 1968.
106 M Marine diesel engine exhaust noise. Part. HE. Exhaust sound
criteria for bridge wings. J. H. Janssen en J. Buiten. 1967.
107 S Ship vibration analysis by finite element technique. Part. 1.
Geñeral review and application to simple structures, statically loaded, S. Hylarides, 1967.
108 M Marine refrigeration engineering. Part. I. Testing of a
decentraI-ised refrigerating installations J. A. Knobbout and R. W. J. Kouffeld. 1967.
109 S A comparative study on four different passive roll damping tanks. Part I. J. H. Vugts, 1968.
1-10-S Strain, stress and flexure of two corrugated and one plane
bulk-head subjected to a lateral, distributed load. H. E. Jaeger and
P. A. van Katwijk, 1968.
111 M Experimental evaluation of heat transfer in a dry-cargo ships' tank, using thermal oil as a heat transfer medium. D. J. van der Heeden, 1968.
112 S The hydrodynamic coefficients for swaying, heaving and rolling cylinders in a free surface. J. H. Vugts. 1968.
113 M Marine refrigeration engineering. Part lt. Some results of te c
a decentralised marine refrigerating unit with R 502. J. A. h bout and C. B. Colenbrander, 1968.
I M Report on the use of heavy fuel oil in the tanker "Auricula" of
the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company (-Dutch). 1950.
2 S Ship speeds over the measured mile (Dutch). W. H. C. E. Rösingh,
3 S On voyage logs of sea-going ships and their analysis (Dutch). J. W. Bonebakkerand J. Gerritsma, 1952.
4 S Analysis of model -experiments, trial and service performance data of a single-screw tanker. J. W. Bonebakker, 1954. 5 S Determination of the dimensions of panels subjected to water
pressure only or to a combination of water pressure and edge
compression (Dutch). H. E. Jaeger, 1954.
6 S Approximative calculation of the effect of free surfaces on trans-verse stability (Dutch). L. P. Herfst, l956
7 S On the calculation of stresses in a stayed mast. B. Burghgraef, 1956
8S Simply supported rectangular plates subjected to the combined
action of a uniformly distributed lateral load and compressive
forces in the middle plane. B. Burghgraef, 1958.
9 C Reviewofthe investigations into the prevention of corrosion and fouling of ships' hulls (Dutch). H. C. Ekama, 1962.
10S/M Condensed report of a design study for a 53,000 DWT-
-nuclear powered tanker. Dutch International Team (D.I.T.)
directed by A. M. Fabery de Jonge, 1963.
li C Investigations into the use of some shipbottom paints, based on
scarcely saponifiable vehicles (Dutch). A. M. van Londen and P. de Wolf, 1964.
12 C The pre-treatment of ship plates: The treatmentofwelded joints
prior to painting (Dutch). A. M. van Londen and W. Mulder,
13 C Corrosion, ship bottom paints (Dutch). H. C. Ekama, 1966.
14 S Human reaction to shipboard vibration, a study of existing lite-rature (Dutch). W. ten Cate, 1966.
15 M Refrigerated containerized transport (Dutch). J. A. Knobbout,
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