Editoriał Board.
Zygmunt Bodnar — Chairman, Miron
Gaj, Bedřich Havelka, Roman In
garden, Bohdan Karczewski, Joachim
Kiebe, Jan Matysiak, Maksymilian
Pluta, Zbigniew Puzewicz, Antoni So-
jecki, Szczepan Szczeniowski, Bogu
sława Trzebiatowska
— Ireneusz Wilk
Editorial Office.
Institute o f Physics, Technical Uni
versity o f Wrocław, 50-370 Wrocław,
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, Poland.
Technical University o f Wrocław (Połi-
technika Wrocławska) 50-370 Wrocław,
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, Połand.
In addition to larger original papers brief reports will be published of the authors' own research work. The reports should be sent out according to the above guide lines.
The Editorial Board invites the readers to send over any remarks or observations referring to the publications which will appear in the Optica Applicata. The correspondence of essential importance will be published in a separate column dealing with letters to the Editor.
Review of matter
Application of the diffraction theory quantum optics, problems in radiation coher ence, light sources, holography and its application, scientific photography, methods of image reconstruction, optical application o f Fourier transforms, theory of optical system, criteria of optical image evaluation, optical materials, technology of manufactur ing optical elements, asheric optics, optical properties of solids and thin films, lasers and their application, photo- and radiometry, problems in spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, optical data processing, optical measurements, fibre optics, optical instrumentation, inter ferometry, microscopy, non-visible optics, automation of optical computing, optoelec tronics, colorimetry, optical detectors, elip- sometry and photoelasticity.
Yu. N. DEMSYUK, Holographic art with recording in three-dimensional media on the basis of Lippman photographic p l a t e s ... 49 E. IDCZAK, K. ŻUKOWSKA, Ellipsometric examinations
of thin ytterbium oxide layers on chromium . . . . 55
J . JANTA, M. M iL E R , R. VRABEC, Radial vibrations of piezoceramics resonators investigated by holographic interferom etry... 59 B. OLEŚ, A. K isiE L , Ni-Ge Schottky diodes in application
to the electroreflectance m easurem ents... 65 A. ROMANOWSKI, Coma and anticoma of
deflecting-focu-sing unit in scanning m ic ro sc o p e ... 69 V. SocHOR, Lasers and their application in optoelectronics 79
Letters to the Editor
A. B uD ZIA K , L. FRASIŃSKI, W. KĘDZIERSKI, A. M A R CHEWKA, Holographic determination of rocky sample deformation caused by external f o r c e s ... 85