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Formation and ripening of alginate-like exopolymer gel layers during and after membrane filtration


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Delft University of Technology

Formation and ripening of alginate-like exopolymer gel layers during and after membrane


Pfaff, N. M.; Kleijn, J. Mieke; van Loosdrecht, Mark C.M.; Kemperman, Antoine J.B.



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Water Research

Citation (APA)

Pfaff, N. M., Kleijn, J. M., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M., & Kemperman, A. J. B. (2021). Formation and ripening

of alginate-like exopolymer gel layers during and after membrane filtration. Water Research, 195, 10.

[116959]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.116959

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Water Research 195 (2021) 116959





































a TNW Applied Sciences, TU Delft, Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ Delft, The Netherlands

b Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, Wageningen University, Helix, 124, Stippenweg 4, 6708 WE Wageningen, The Netherlands c Wetsus, European Center of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, Oostergoweg 9, 8911 MA Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

d Membrane Science and Technology cluster, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mesa + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217,

7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands












Article history:

Received 21 October 2020 Revised 17 February 2021 Accepted 19 February 2021 Available online 23 February 2021


Extracellular polymeric substances Calcium-binding

Hydrogel Donnan potential Biofilm









ThepropertiesofbiofilmEPSaredeterminedbythemultipleinteractionsbetweenitsconstituentsand thesurroundingenvironment.BecauseofthehighcomplexityofbiofilmEPS,itsconstituents’ character-isationisstillfarfromthorough,andidentificationoftheseinteractionscannotbedoneyet.Therefore, weusegelsofbacterialalginate-likeexopolysaccharides(ALEs)asamodelcomponentforbiofilmEPSin thiswork.ThesegelshavebeenexaminedfortheircohesivepropertiesasafunctionofCaCl2 andKCl

concentration.Hereto,ALEgellayerswereformedonmembranesbydead-endfiltrationofALEsolutions. AccumulationofthecationsCa2+andK+inthegelscouldbewellpredictedfromaDonnanequilibrium

model basedonthefixednegativechargesinthe ALE.Thissuggeststhatthere isnospecificbinding ofCa2+ tothe ALEand thatonthetimescale oftheexperiments,theCa2+ ionscan distributefreely

overthegeland thesurroundingsolution.TheconcentrationoffixednegativechargesintheALEwas estimatedaround1mmol/gVSS(volatilesuspendedsolids,organicmass)fromtheDonnanequilibrium. Moreover,anaccumulation ofH+ waspredicted.Gels withmoreCaCl

2 inthesupernatantweremore


inthenetworkcrosslinking.Itishypothesisedthatthismechanismlatertransitionsintoarearrangement oftheALEmolecules,whicheventuallyleadstoafibrousnetworkstructurewithlargevoids.

© 2021TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

The integrity of biofilms, also when exposed to harsh clean-ing attempts, has been assigned to their polymeric matrix (Seviour et al., 2019). The matrixis often alsoreferred to as ex-tracellular polymeric substances(EPS). It hasbeen found to con-sist of a complex mixture of biopolymers, such as polysaccha-rides and proteins, complemented by lipids, humic substances and eDNA. The EPS matrix has been described as a physically crosslinkedhydrogel(Seviouretal., 2009),inreferencetoits abil-itytoincorporateupto99%waterwhileprovidingalasting poly-mericnetworkstructure.Incontrasttochemicallycrosslinked net-works, the crosslinks in physically linked networks are provided bynon-covalentinteractions.Theseareparticularlyelectrostatic

in-∗Corresponding author: Hauffstr. 18, 34125 Kassel, Germany

E-mail addresses: n.dietrich@tudelft.nl , n.m.pfaff@gmail.com , natascha.m.pfaff@gmail.com (N.-M. Pfaff), M.C.M.vanLoosdrecht@tudelft.nl (M.C.M. van Loosdrecht).

teractions,hydrophobicinteractions,H-bondingandvan-der-Waals forces,andentanglements. Theyare reversible. Essential parame-tersof hydrogelsare their degree of crosslinking,determined for examplebythenumberofchargesonthepolymers,their interac-tionwithcounter-ions,andtheirhydrophilicity(Ganjietal.,2010). Theinterplayofforcesfollowingfromtheseparametersdetermines thestateofswellingofthehydrogelundersteady-stateconditions (Bajpai,2001)andtheirpotentialforwaterstorage.

The swelling state has been identified as a crucial parame-ter with regards to adhesion, mechanical strength, permeability and degradation behaviour of hydrogels (Davidovich-Pinhas and Bianco-Peled,2010).Thesepropertiesalsohavebeenusedto char-acterisebiofilms.Adhesionandmechanicalstrengthhavebeen cor-related with fouling potential (Li and Elimelech, 2004) and suc-cess of cleaning strategies (Safari et al., 2015). The increase of hydraulic resistance resulting frombiofouling on membranes has beenlabelledasahuge impedimentformembranefiltration sys-tems (Flemming, 2020). It strikes, therefore, that the number of studiesaboutswellingofbiofilmsandEPSisminorsofar.Changes



inswellingbehaviourofEPShavebeendescribedasafunctionof pH forEPSextractedfromactivatedsludgeaswellasforEPS ex-tractedfromdifferentbacterialcultures(Radchenkovaetal.,2018). Tounderstandthemolecularinteractionsandallocatefunctions to molecules orfunctional groups, simplification of the EPS ma-trixisnecessary.Apromisingmodelarealginate-likeexopolymers (ALE), which are identified as crucial structural EPS components (Lin et al., 2010). Like the well-characterised and often used al-ginate extracted frombrown algae, gel-formation withCa2+ ions

has been observed (Felz et al., 2020a). A full chemical analysis of ALEis still pending (Seviour etal., 2019). Still, it wasused in thisworkasasimpleapproximationforthecomplexityofbiofilm EPS.Ca2+ availabilityhasbeenidentifiedasanessentialfactorfor

biofilmstability(Körstgensetal.,2001)andhasbeenshownto in-duce crosslinking of ALE. Therefore,the effectofvariations inits concentration wasinvestigatedinthisstudyaswell.Based onthe impact of monovalent ions (Wang and Spencer, 1998) and ionic strength (van den Brink et al., 2009) on the structurally similar Ca-alginategels,KClwaschosenasasecond ioniccomponent. Ca-ALE gel layers were produced on membranes in dead-end filtra-tionmode.Althoughusuallymembranefiltrationoperatesin cross-flow mode,dead-endfiltrationwaschosensincethismethodwas found toproduce sufficientlythick filmsto investigateusingOCT, and to focus on the cohesive forces of the bulk ALE gel. From the swelling behaviour of the obtainedthick ALE layers, conclu-sionsweredrawnonthebindingbehaviourofALEinthe network-formation ofEPS, witha particularfocus onthe interaction with Ca2+. The final composition (density, ions) and cake layer

resis-tances of the gel layers were correlated with the availability of Ca2+andK+andthesolutions’ionicstrength.Furthermore,thegel

layers’ ripeningwasobserved for12days.The resultswere anal-ysedbasedontheDonnanequilibrium.

2. Materialsandmethods

ALEgel layers cross-linked withCa2+ wereproduced by

pres-sure driven dead-end filtration inthe presence ofCaCl2 and KCl.

Theirswellingbehaviourwasobservedforuptotwoweeks. Even-tually,theircompositionwasdeterminedandinterpreted.

2.1. ALEextractionandcharacterisation

Thealginate-likeexopolymersusedinthisstudywereextracted from Nereda® sludge, collected from the wastewater treatment plantinGarmerwolde,theNetherlands(describedbyPronketal., 2015).AcombinationofaddedNa2CO3,sonication,andhigh



Granuleswerecollectedbydecanting.About150gofwet gran-ules (20 gdryweight)were mixedwith1 Ldemineralisedwater and10gNa2CO3 (VWR,TheNetherlands),resultingina1%(m/v)

carbonatesolution.ThemixturewashomogenisedwithaBranson Sonifier250for5minat70%(of 200W)inpulsedmode. Over-heatingofthesolutionwaspreventedusinganicebath.The mix-ture wasthenheatedto 80˚C andvigorouslystirredfor30 min. After centrifugation (Allegra X-12R Centrifuge, Beckman Coulter, 20 min, 3750 rpm), the supernatant wasacidified with1 M hy-drochloric acid(Merck Millipore, Germany)to a final pH 2- 2.5. The solution was centrifuged again(20 min, 3750 rpm), andthe pelletwasstoredat-80˚Cuntilfurtheruse.Itishereafterreferred toasALE.

After extraction, theALEwastested forits gel-formingability withCaCl2 (Felzetal., 2016). The acidicpelletwasdissolved and

neutralised with1M NaOH(MerckMillipore,Germany).Dropsof the neutralALE were dripped into a 2.5 % (m/v)CaCl2 solution.

Gelling wasconsidered successfulifgel beads could be observed inthesolution.

ThedryandorganicmassesoftheALEextractweredetermined in triplicate. Samples were weighed into dry porcelain crucibles (msample)andheatedto105°Cfor24h.Afterwards,thedrysample

weight(total suspendedsolids,TSS)wasdetermined.After subse-quentheatingto550°Cfor2hours,theash’smasswasmeasured (mash). Theorganic mass (VSS) wasdefined asthe difference


2.2. Experiments

ExperimentswereperformedwithtwodifferentALE concentra-tions.Gellayerswith60mg/Land45mMionicstrengthwere ob-served forstructuralchangeswithOCT over fivedays.Duplets of layerswith1mMCaCl2/42mM KCl,3mMCaCl2/36mMKCland



Gellayers with120mg/LALEstayedstructurallyuniformover thewholeobservationperiodandwere usedtocalculateion dis-tributions. An overview of their ionic combinations is given in

Table1.Foreachioncombination,three feedsolutions were pro-duced,each splitover twomembranes.While twoofthe gel lay-ers were directly analysed for their composition, quadruplets of each combinationwere observed fortwo weeksconcerning their swellingbehaviour(storageat4°Ctoretardmicrobialgrowth).

Afurthertestontheinfluenceofthesupernatantcomposition ontheswellingstatewasdonewiththeunderlinedcombinations inTable 1.Threegel layers were preparedwith3mM CaCl2 and

6 mM KCl. One sample (F) was directly transferred to a storage solutionwith12mMCaCl2and6mMKCl,theothertwo(ablank

andthetestgellayer“L”)wereobservedfortwodaysinthe corre-spondingstoragesolution.Aftertwodays,sampleLwasalso trans-ferred to a storage solution with 12 mM CaCl2 and 6 mM KCl,

andthethicknessesofallgellayerswererecordedforanotherfive days.

EspeciallyincaseofthedivalentCa2+ ion, asignificant

differ-encebetweenthenominalconcentrationci andtheeffective activ-ityai wasexpected. ApplyinganextendedDebye-Hückelequation thatconsidersionsizes(Kielland,1937),theactivitycoefficients



weredeterminedasafunctionoftheionicstrengthI,thevalence zi andthehydratedradiusri oftheions.



i = −B· z 2 i · √ I 1+ri· C· √ I (1)

Inwaterat25°C,thevaluesforBandCareB=0.51M−0.5 and C=3.3M−0.5nm−1 (HamerandWu,1972).Thehydratedradiifor therelevantionsweretakenas0.3nmforK+ andCl−,0.6nmfor Ca2+,and0.9nm forH+ (Kielland, 1937).The activitycoefficients

calculatedforthesolutionsofTable1canbefoundinthe support-inginformation(SI),TablesF.

2.3. Modelgellayerproduction

ALEcakelayerswerepreparedbypressure-drivendead-end fil-trationoffeedsolutionsthroughultrafiltrationmembranes(UP150, polyethersulfone (PES), 150 kDa cut-off, Microdyn Nadir, Wies-baden,Germany).The compositions ofthe various feed solutions appliedarespecifiedinsection2.2.

For a total volume of 2 L feed solution, the frozen ALE was neutralisedwith0.1MNaOH(MerckMillipore,Germany)and dis-solvedin1Ldemineralisedwaterbystirringandheatingto40˚C for1hour.CaCl2•2H2O(VWR,theNetherlands)andKCl(VWR,

Bel-gium)were dissolved in 500 mLdemineralisedwater. Both solu-tions were combined slowlyand understirring, andthe mixture


N.-M. Pfaff, J.M. Kleijn, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht et al. Water Research 195 (2021) 116959

Table 1

Overview of ionic compositions of gel layers. The numbers indicate the ionic strength of the feed solutions. The underlined combinations were subsequently used for testing the reversibility of swelling.

CaCl 2 [mM] → KCl [mM] ↓ 0 1 3 6 8 12 14 24 24 mM - - 42 mM - - - 15 - - 24 mM 33 mM - - - 6 6 mM - 15 mM 24 mM 30 mM 42 mM - 0 - 3 mM 9 mM 18 mM 24 mM - 42 mM

wasfilledupto2Lwithdemineralisedwater.Theionic composi-tionwascheckedwithionchromatography(IC,MetrohmCompact IC761).500mLofstoragesolutionswerepreparedforeach exper-iment,withthecorrespondingcompositionofCaCl2 andKCl.

Themembraneswerecutintocircleswithadiameterof7.5cm and immersed in demineralised water for 1 hour. They were mounted atthebottom of450mLstainlesssteeldead-end filtra-tioncells.Forthefiltration,twocellswereconnectedinparallelto a10Lpressurevesselthatcontainedthefeedsolution.

2.3.1. Filtrationandcakelayerresistance

Duringfiltrations,thefeedpressurewassetto1± 0.1bar.The actualpressure(pa)wasrecordedalongsidethemassofthefiltered


appliedinthecells.Allfiltrationswereperformedatroom temper-ature,23.9± 0.7°C.Initially,theclean waterflux wasdetermined forall membranesbyfiltration of750mLofdemineralisedwater at1bar.Then,2LoftheALEfeedsolutionwereaddedtothe pres-surevesselandfilteredthroughthetwomembranes,until600mL were filteredthrougheachcell.Filtrationtookbetween18and20 hours. The membranes with the model gel layers were removed and stored at 4°C in Petri dishes submerged in the correspond-ing storage solutions. Betweenexperiments, the cells andtubing werecleanedwith1%NaOClandrinsedwithdemineralisedwater. Thedensityofwaterwasapproximatedas


H2O = 1g/mLforthe

courseoftheexperiments,inordertotranslatetheloggeddataof filteredmassofwatermf attimettothefilteredvolumeofwater


Thetransmembranepressure(TMP)wasapproximatedwiththe loggedappliedpressurepa.Thetotalresistanceofthefiltration Rf




H2O: Rf







H2O· J





Subtractionofthemembraneresistance(calculated fromclean waterflux)fromthetotalresistanceprovidedthecakelayer resis-tance,Rcl.

Tocharacterisethegellayers,theaveragecakelayerresistance overthelasthourpriortoterminationofthefiltrationwas consid-ered. Incombinationwiththe organicmassVSS peractive mem-braneareaAm (38.5cm2),thespecificcakeresistance




2.4. Observationandanalysisofthemodelgellayers

AGanymedeSD-OCT(ThorLabs,Dachau,Germany)wasusedin combinationwiththeThorImage® Softwaretoobtaininformation oneachsample’sstructureandthickness(h).Becausethegellayers consistedformorethan90% ofwater,therefractiveindexof wa-ter at25°Cof1.33 wasused.Gel layerthicknesseswereobserved overup totwoweeks.Thegellayers werealsovisuallyinspected for accumulation ofbacteria using an Olympus BX40 witha 40x magnificationobjective.

After the observationperiod, excesswater wasremoved from the gel layers by gently tapping it off the perpendicular

mem-brane onto a paper towel.The membranewas puton the paper for10 s.Next,the ALEgel layers were scratchedfromthe mem-branes.TheirTSSandVSSwere determined accordingtothe pro-cedure described in section 2.1. Considering these amounts sta-ble over the observation period, thisdata wasused to calculate thespecific cake resistance


m aswell astheorganic mass




vari-able.The ashremaining afterTSS determinationwasdissolved in 69%HNO3(VWR,France),heatingupinamicrowaveoven(Ethos

EASY Advanced Microwave Digestion System, Milestone, Sorisole, Italy)with1500 mWto 200°Cwithin 15 min,and200°C for an-other15min.TheamountsofCa2+andK+inthegellayers(m


were determined usinginductively coupled plasmaoptical emis-sionspectroscopy (ICP-OES,Perkin Elmer,type Optima 5300DV). The molar concentration was calculated for the different ions in referencetotheoriginalALEgellayervolume.

2.5. Electro-chemicalinterpretation

Forthe interpretation ofthe results, thesystem isconsidered as two compartments: the gel layer (compartment 1) and the supernatant (compartment 2) (Fig. 1). The gel is fully penetra-ble for water and all ions contained in the system (Ca2+, K+,

Cl−, H+, OH−). In addition, the gel layer is considered to con-tainfixednegativecharges,includingcarboxylicacidsandsulfated glycosaminoglycans-likepolymers(Felzetal.,2020b).

2.5.1. Electroneutrality

Electroneutralitydemands that within each compartment, the chargesarebalanced.

 i zi· ci, 2 = 0. (3)  i zi · ci, 1 − Z = 0 (4)

i are the ions specified above, Z isthe concentration of fixed negativechargesinthegel.In theexperiments,theionic compo-sitionin thesupernatant wasconsideredcontrolled and constant duetoitssubstantialvolumetricexcesscomparedtothegellayers. Theconcentrationsassumedare,therefore,thoseshowninTable1, completedwithanegligibleconcentrationof10−4mMforbothH+ andOH− (pH7).

2.5.2. Donnanequilibrium

The Donnan potential describes the electrical potential differ-encebetween two compartmentsdue to theuneven distribution ofionsasaresultoftheexistenceoffixedchargesinoneofthem (here inthe ALE). Following fromthe Nernst equation, it can be calculatedasfollows EDonnan=


2 = RT zi · F · ln


ai, 2 ai, 1



Asbefore,compartment1representsthegelphaseand2stands forthesolution.




Fig. 1. Schematic display of the two phases in the system: the ALE gel (1) and the supernatant (2). The ions need to balance the fixed negative charges on the ALE polymers.

ai, 1 andai ,2 theactivities ofioni inthe two compartments,zi is

thevalencyoftheion,Rthegasconstant,Ttheabsolute tempera-ture,andFtheFaradayconstant.

Assuming that there are no specific interactions, the Donnan potential applies toall ionsinthesystem. EquatingEq.5for dif-ferentionsi=jandi=kgives:

aj, 2 aj, 1

1 zj =

ak, 2 ak, 1}

1 zk . (6)

Eq. 6 enables calculating the distribution of a non-quantified ion(likeH+)fromthedetermineddistributionofanotherion(like Ca2+).

2.5.3. Osmoticpressure

As a consequence of fixed negative charges (as found in the ALE),anuneveniondistributionbetweengelandsupernatantcan beestablished,asdescribedabove.Thiscausesanosmoticpressure differencebetweenthegellayersandthesupernatant.Theosmotic pressure

in each of thecompartments can be calculated from theionicconcentrationsusingthevan’tHoff equation:

= RT· i

ci (7)

Inequilibrium,thegelnetworkwithstandstheosmoticpressure difference between the gel layer and the supernatant. Therefore, thisdifferencecanindicatethestrengthofthenetwork.

3. Results

3.1. Cakelayerresistance

The development of cake layer resistance during filtration is showninFig.2forarepresentativeexperiment(6mMCaCl2/6mM


obtained.Suchshapeoftheresistancedevelopmentiscommonfor foulingexperiments(Listiarinietal.,2009).Theslightconcave cur-vaturesuggeststhatthecakelayersinthisworkwerecompressed duringformation(RoordaandvanderGraaf,2001).

The specificcakelayer resistance


m wascalculatedusingthe

VSS determined directlyafter filtration. The resultsare shown in the bubble chart of Fig. 3. Differences between the tested ionic compositions were small. Only with increasing CaCl2 content, a

slight increasein thespecific cakelayer resistancewasobserved. AsystematiceffectofKClwasnotfound.

Fig. 2. Development of cake layer resistance throughout filtration, including a trend line for the data above 400 mL. Data is shown for 120 mg/mL ALE, 6 mM CaCl 2 /6 mM KCl. Data points indicate the averaged resistance over 10 min.

3.2. Composition

3.2.1. Swellingbehaviourafterpreparation

Comparing gel layers analysed directly after production with thoseexaminedafter12 daysshowednosignificant differencesin VSScontent.Nomicrobialgrowthwasobservedonthe12daysold gellayers.TheamountofALEwasconsideredconstantduringthe observationperiod.

Itwasexpectedthatafterthefiltration,thegellayerswould ad-justtotheremovaloftheappliedpressurebyswellingand even-tuallyreachanequilibriumthickness.Thishydrogel-likebehaviour hasbeenobservedforalginategellayersundersimilarconditions (Davidovich-PinhasandBianco-Peled,2010).Theequilibrationtook a long time, though (see Fig. 4). In a prolonged observation pe-riod,poresappearedinsome gels,asrevealedby OCT,whichwill be discussed insection 3.4.Forall gel layers, an initially fast in-creaseinthicknesswasobserved, followedby a periodofslower


N.-M. Pfaff, J.M. Kleijn, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht et al. Water Research 195 (2021) 116959

Fig. 3. Bubble chart of the final specific cake layer resistance [10 15 m/kg] of the ALE gel layers as a function of CaCl

2 and KCl concentrations of the solution. The bubble diameter indicates the specific cake layer resistance. Complete data, including standard deviations, are in the SI, Table E .

Fig. 4. VSS density ρVSS as a function of time after formation of ALE gel layers with A) only CaCl 2 , B) constant KCl, C) constant CaCl 2 , and D) constant ionic strength. The error bars indicate the standard deviation over 4 samples.

increase. The thicknesswasconvertedinto VSSdensity





VSS asa functionoftime is showninFig.4 for


The densityof gel layers withconstant CaCl2 and varyingKCl

concentrations in the supernatant as the only variable showed fairlyidenticalbehaviour(Fig.4C).Incontrast,anincreaseinCaCl2


An exception from this observation was found at CaCl2

concen-trations above 8 mM CaCl2: the density and swelling behaviour

didnotdepend onCaCl2 concentrationanymore (Fig. 4A)oronly

slightly(Fig.3B),suggestingsaturation.Slightlysmallerdifferences in VSSdensity were observed between the sampleswith 3 mM, 6mM and8 mM CaCl2 shown inFig.4D(with varying KCl



Table 2

Estimation of osmotic pressure difference [Pa] between the ALE gel layers and the supernatant concentration after 12 days of storage, as calculated by the experimentally determined concentrations of Ca 2+ and K + . Errors concern the standard deviation over four samples.

Ca 2+ [mM] → K + [mM] 1 3 6 8 12 14 24 - - 43.2 ± 25.5 - - - 15 - 0.3 ± 1.4 25.0 ± 18.6 - - - 6 - 18.4 ± 5.4 47.3 ± 7.1 48.9 ± 6.8 59.1 ± 14.7 - 0 29.3 ± 6.8 23.8 ± 4.0 51.4 ± 6.4 67.2 ± 7.0 - 72.7 ± 14.4 Table 3

Osmotic pressure [Pa] in the ALE gel layers transferred to supernatant with higher CaCl 2 concentration. Analysis after 7 days. As a reference, the data for the blank after 12 days is shown as well. Errors concern the standard deviation over four samples, where applicable.

storage time

low blank:3 mM CaCl 2 6 mM KCl

Produced:3 mM CaCl 2 6 mM KCl After 2 days:12 mM CaCl 2 6 mM KCl

Produced:3 mM CaCl 2 6 mM KCl Stored:12 mM CaCl 2 6 mM KCl high blank:12 mM CaCl 2 6 mM KCl 7 d 33.1 46.6 65.8 - 12 d 18.4 ± 5.4 - - 59.1 ± 14.7

KClconcentration).Theinfluence ofCaCl2 concentrationappeared

tobemuchmoresignificant,though. 3.2.2. Iondistribution

Ca2+ and K+ both accumulatedin thegel layers (the

concen-trations are summarised in the SI in Tables A and B). While for Ca2+ the concentration found inside the gels initially was up to

25timesthat inthesupernatant,withamaximumof4timesthe supernatantconcentration theaccumulationofK+ inside thegels wasmuchmoremoderate.AsfortheVSSdensities,adecreaseover timewasobserved.

Alltypesofsmallions,providedthattheywerenotirreversibly bound tothegelonthetimescaleoftheexperiments,would dis-tribute overthe two compartmentsaccordingto the Donnan po-tential(cf.section 2.5.1).Whethertheions indeeddistributed ac-cording toa Donnan equilibrium, waschecked by comparingthe Donnan potential values calculated from both the distributions of K+ ions and Ca2+ ions (SI, Tables H and J). All values were

found between −10 mV and −40 mV, in the range where pas-sively established potentials in biological systems were expected (Sperelakis, 2012). The reasonable agreementbetween the values calculatedfromthedistributionsofCa2+andK+suggeststhatboth

typesofionscouldfreelymovebetweenthetwocompartmentson thetimescaleoftheexperiments.

WithEq.6theH+activitiesinsidethegellayerswereestimated from the Ca2+ activities, considering the supernatant H+ activity

wasconstantataH ≈ 10−4 mM(pH7).Thecalculationspredicta

slightdecreaseofpHinsidethegellayerstopH6.6-6.8. Based on the Donnan equilibrium and electro-neutrality re-quirement,theconcentrationoffixedchargesZintheALEwas es-timated usingEq.4.Forthecalculations, itwasassumedthatthe contribution ofcations other thanCa2+ andK+ tothe

neutralisa-tionofZwasnegligibleandthatCl− (SI,TablesG)wasthe domi-nantanioninthesystem.Anaveragevalueof1.05± 0.20mmol/g VSSwasobtained(datainSI,TablesK).

3.2.3. Osmoticpressure(networkstrength)

Because of their very low molar concentrations, the ALE molecules as well as H+ andOH− hardly contributedto the os-motic pressuredifferenceandonlyCa2+,K+andClwere

consid-ered. Theresultingvaluesfor

,calculatedwithEq.7,areshown in Table2 andTable 3.After preparationof thegel layers, water flewinsidethegellayerstominimisetheosmoticpressure differ-enceandcausedswelling.Atsomepoint,furtherswellingwas pre-ventedbytheopposingelasticforceoftheALEnetwork.In equilib-rium,theosmoticpressuredifferenceis,therefore,anindicatorfor


concentrationinthesupernatant,thenetworkstrengthslightly in-creased. This indicates that Ca2+ was involved in crosslinking of


3.3. ReversibilityofswellingbyincreasingtheCa2 +concentration To differentiate between the influence of CaCl2 available

dur-ing filtration and CaCl2 available during the swelling, an

exper-iment with a change in CaCl2 concentration during storage was

performed.Gel layerswere producedwithalow calcium concen-tration (3 mMCaCl2,6mM KCl), andthen transferred tostorage


KCl)directly(sampleF)andaftertwo days(sampleL).The devel-opmentoftheirVSSdensityintimeisshowninFig.5,compared toalow blank,preparedandstoredwith3mMCaCl2/6mMKCl.



Already after 3 minutes, sampleF had a higher density than those stored in the low CaCl2 solution (Fig. 5B). The highblank

wasatthis momentstill much denser. After 30min, thedensity ofsampleFequalledthatofthehighblank.Inthelongerterm,it evenseemedtoreachaslightlyhigherdensitythanthis.

AftertransferringsampleLtoahighcalciumconcentration so-lution,compactionoftheALEgellayerwasobservedwithinafew minutes (Fig. 5C). Thisprocess continued forabout6 h.Then an apparent steady-state wasreachedthat lasted forthe restof the observation period (Fig. 5A). The density achieved by this com-paction stayed below those ofthe highblank andsample F. The swelling was, therefore, described as partly reversible. Similarly, theCa2+contentperVSSinthetransferredgellayersdidnot


Inaccordancewiththedensitydata,theosmoticpressuredata for the reversibility experiment (Table 3) showed a clear hierar-chyinnetworkstrengthincreasingfromthelowblankviatheone transferredto12mMCaCl2after2daystotheonedirectlystored


daysofstorageinthelowconcentration solution,waspartly irre-versible.

3.4. Additionalripening

The experiments described in section 3.2 were limited to 12 daysbecause that wasfoundto be theperiod overwhich all gel layers kept their macroscopicintegrity, whichwasa requirement to calculate andcompare the densities. When storedfor a more


N.-M. Pfaff, J.M. Kleijn, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht et al. Water Research 195 (2021) 116959

Fig. 5. Comparison of the swelling behaviour of gel layers produced with 3 mM CaCl2 and 6 mM KCl and subsequently stored in 12 mM CaCl2/6 mM KCl (high calcium, sample F, + ) and 3 mM CaCl2/6 mM KCl for two days and then transferred to 12 mM CaCl2/6 mM KCl (low calcium, sample L, x). For comparison, blanks produced and stored with either high (circle) or low (diamond) calcium concentration are shown. A) shows the whole range of the experiment, B) zoomed in on the first two days and C) zoomed in on the swelling after transfer to the higher calcium concentration after two days. Since those were single experiments, the error bars show the standard deviation over 4 samples only for the high blank.

extendedperiod,orwithlessoptimisedconcentrationsofALEand ions, initially voidswere observed inthe gel layers.Eventually, a fibrous networkdeveloped.Thisdevelopmentisillustrated bythe optical coherencetomography(OCT) picturesinFig.6forgel lay-ersproducedwith60mg/LALEand45mMionicstrength30min afterproduction,after3daysandafter5days.

The usedOCT systemhada resolutioninthe rangeof10 μm, meaningthatporescouldonlybedetectedassoonastheyreached thissizeinbothdimensions.Itseemslikelythatthesepores devel-opedonamicro-scalebeforestructuralchangescouldbeobserved withtheOCT.Structural rearrangementsintheALEnetworkwere considered themajorcausefortheobservedslowswellingofthe gel layers described insections 3.1-3.3. Increasingthe resolution, forexample,bytakingSEMpicturesonstabilisedsamples,may re-vealsuchchangesonthemicrostructurelevel.

4. Discussion

Thegellayers’compositionandappearanceresultfromthe bal-ances betweenelectrostatic interactions inthe gel, osmotic pres-suredifferencesbetweenthegelandtheoutsidesolution,andthe ability ofthe gel networkto withstandswelling by waterintake. Thesemechanismsarediscussedbelow.

4.1. Iondistribution

While the high specificity and chelating nature of the Ca2+

crosslinksinalginateare wellknown,thepresentresultsindicate nospecific(irreversible)bindingofCa2+toALE.Therefore,itis

ex-pectedthatCa2+ canbe easilyremoved, forexample,by dilution,

orreplacedbyotherions.Basedonthisstudy’sresults,other diva-lentcationsareprobablyalsoabletoinducethecrosslinking. For-mationofstablegelswithcomparableelasticpropertieshasindeed beenconfirmedwithawholerangeofdivalentcations(Felzetal., 2020a).Toidentifythe(non)specificityofthoseinteractions, com-positionanalysislikedoneinthisstudycanbeused.Thedifference withalginate in binding maybe explainedby thefinding that a significant amountof thechargedgroups inALEis sulfaterather thancarboxylate(Felzetal.,2020b).

Basedonelectro-neutralityandtheDonnanpotential,the num-ber ofnegativechargesin theALEwascalculated as1.05 ± 0.20 mmol/g VSS. One Ca2+ cation could neutralise two negative

chargesintheory,sothisvalueiswell inlinewiththe measured Ca2+ concentrationsintheALEgellayers of200 -700


mol per

g VSS(SI, Fig.A). Itshould benoted, however,that followingthe Donnan potential also Cl− distributed over gel layer and


Fig. 6. Ripening of ALE gel layers observed by OCT over 5 days. The images show an ALE gel made from a solution of 60 mg/L ALE and 45 mM ionic strength. Note the changed composition in comparison with the measurements described earlier, which accelerated the ripening process.

natant.Asaconsequence,notevery Ca2+ ioninsidethegellayers


The pKa values of the carboxylate groups of mannuronic and

guluronic acidwere found at3.38 and3.65(Draget etal., 1994). These groups are all negatively charged at pH 7 and thus con-tributedtoZintheALEgellayers.Sulfatesarestrongacids,so neg-ativelychargedindependentlyofpH.Therefore,thecurrent exper-imentsandcalculationsdidnotidentifywhatgroupsofALEwere involved incrosslinking. Onthebasis offurther chemical charac-terisation of ALE, experiments in which the pH is varied can be usefulfordeeperinsight.

4.1.1. CorrelationbetweenCa2+ content,densityandstrengthofthe


With increasing CaCl2 concentration in the supernatant, the

ALE gel layers asprepared in thiswork were found denser until a plateau was reached around 8 mM Ca2+ (Fig. 4). Such

corre-lation has beenstudied intensively for alginategels ( Davidovich-Pinhas and Bianco-Peled, 2010) and has been explained with a higher number of crosslinks with increasing Ca2+ concentration.


denserfilms(GoodeandAllen,2011;Körstgensetal.,2001). Thiswork shows,inaddition,acorrelation betweenCa2+

con-tent anddensityandthe networkstrength(cf. section3.2.3).The supernatant’sionic compositiondefinedthe ionconcentration in-side the gels(given the fixed amount of charges ofthe ALE per g VSS)andthus the osmoticpressure difference (section 2.5). At the same time, the network strength determined the maximum amount of water that could be taken up to reduce the osmotic pressure difference. Apparently,over time thismaximumamount increased,associatedwithaslowbutirreversibleweakeningofthe network structure(as showninTable3,further discussionofthe reversibilityinsection4.3).Themechanismsbehindthiseffectare probablyrelatedtotheslowstructuralrearrangementresultingin voidformation(Fig.6)andrequirefurtherinvestigation.

4.2. HydraulicresistanceofALEgellayers

A positive correlation between EPS density and hydraulic re-sistance ofbiofilms has been postulated before (Desmond et al., 2018; Jafari et al., 2018). Also, the Ca2+ concentration in ALE

films has been correlated to flux decline in membrane filtration (Herzbergetal., 2009). Thisgoesalong withthefinding that the

specific cake layer resistance of the ALE gel layers in this work slightly increased with supernatant CaCl2 concentration (Fig. 3).

In this context, it attractedattention that while the VSSdensity reached a maximum around 110 mg/cm3, the specific resistance

stillslightlyincreased(e.g.between8mMCaCl2and14mMCaCl2, Fig.3).Thedifferencesinrelationtothestandarddeviations(cf.SI, TableE)weresosmall,however,thatnofurtherconclusionscould bedrawnfromthesedata.

4.3. Compressibility,relaxationandripening

Compressibility,asobservedfortheALEgellayersinthiswork, isafeatureofbiofilmsthathasbeeninvestigatedforseveralyears (Jafari et al., 2018), andthat has alsobeen usedasan indication fortheviscoelastic behaviour ofbiofilms(Safari etal., 2015). The relaxationof biofilmsaftercompression has beendescribedwith thehelpofMaxwellsprings(Jonesetal.,2011;Safarietal.,2015), asan approximately exponentialprocess. In ourexperiments, re-laxation wasexpected as soon as the filtration pressure was re-leased.Duetoexperimentalrestrictions,thechangesinthe thick-nessoftheALEgellayersinthisstudywereonlyrecordedfromca. 3minutesafterpressurerelease.Therefore,aquantitativeanalysis of thecollected data appeared unreliable. For accurate collection andanalysisof relaxationdata toextract characteristic viscoelas-ticdata,systemswithcontrollablecompressionandinstantaneous observationofthestressandstrainareneeded. Suchexperiments willalsobeofinteresttodistinguishbetweencross-linkedgel lay-ersandnon-cross-linked cakelayers.Also, theinfluenceof differ-entgelproductionprocedurescouldbeinterestinginthisregard.

Interestingobservations inthisstudywere the long continua-tion of the swelling (Fig. 4), and the eventual development of a fibre-like ALE network (Fig. 6). Fibrous structures have been ob-served in biofilm matrices (Romero et al., 2010) and are usually attributedto amyloids. The present studysuggests that ALE also forms such fibres, in accordance with previous work (Lin et al., 2018). The observation that the swelling process wasonly partly reversible(section3.3)indicates thata slowmolecular rearrange-mentstartedwiththeinitialformationofmicroscopicvoidsinthe structure (cf. Jafari et al., 2018) right when the pressure was re-leased. Because the network hadstarted to be weakened by the voids(cf.Table3,section4.1.1),neitherthedensitynortheosmotic pressuredifferenceofgellayersdirectlystoredinthehigherCaCl2


Fi-N.-M. Pfaff, J.M. Kleijn, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht et al. Water Research 195 (2021) 116959

brousstructuresandadecreaseindensityoverlongertimescales (between 7 and12 days) were especially found inthe gel layers that werepreparedwithandstoredatthelowerCaCl2

concentra-tions (1and3mM).Apparently, fibreformationwaspreventedor delayedbyCa2+crosslinksinthenetwork.

AccordingtoDesmondetal.(Desmondetal.,2018b), compres-sioncausedby filtrationpressure isreversibleforstructurally ho-mogeneous biofilms and irreversible for films with a heteroge-neousstructure.Thisworksupportsthisfinding,showingthat net-works withvoidswere weaker than morehomogenous networks withoutvoids.

4.4. Outlook

This work provides valuable insight into the interaction be-tween ALE and Ca2+ in the presence of K+ and Cl. As a next

step, theinfluence ofCa2+ content ofALEgelson their

mechan-icalpropertiessuchasmodulus,strengthandadhesionwillbe in-vestigated.Whileacloserlookontheswellingbehaviourcanbea start,e.g.byobservationinthefiltrationcellduringfiltration, pos-siblyalsounderapplicationofdifferentpressures,determiningthe gels’viscoelasticpropertiesbyrheologicalmeasurementswill pro-vide quantitativedata.Thiswillmakeitpossibletolinkthe com-positiontomechanicalpropertiesofthegellayers andwillbethe subjectofaforthcomingpaper.

The systemof ALE andspecific ions still represents a simpli-fied modelfor theEPS matrixof biofilms.The modelcan be ex-tended by addingotherkinds ofmolecules,such aspeptides, hu-mic acidsandeDNA,toeventuallygetclosetorealbiofilms’ com-plexity. Evaluating the interactions within the ALE network, also beyondelectrostaticones,withaddedcompounds,andbasedona better chemicalcharacterisationofALEandEPScanleadthepath towards understanding the cohesive forcesof biofilms.Thisis an importantsteptowardstailoredcleaningstrategies.

5. Conclusions

– ThedensityandnetworkstrengthofALEgellayersdependon crosslinkingwithamultivalentcationlikeCa2+.

– Ca-ALEgellayersproducedonamembranebydead-end filtra-tionswell,afterpressurerelease,forupto12days.Thisprocess isaccompaniedbyaweakeningofthestructureandispartially irreversible.Oneofthemechanismsbehinditisaslow molec-ularrearrangementofALE, culminating inthedevelopmentof afibrousstructure.

– Theaccumulationofcations,includingCa2+,overaCa-ALEgel

andits supernatant, canbe describedasaresultof aDonnan potentialinducedbythefixedchargesontheextracellular poly-mers. Thisindicatesthat nospecificbindingisinvolvedinthe physicalcrosslinkingofALEgellayersbyCa2+.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


Thisworkwasperformedinthecooperationframeworkof Wet-sus, European Centre Of Excellence For Sustainable Water Tech-nology (www.wetsus.nl). Wetsus is funded by the Dutch Min-istry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Infrastructure and En-vironment, the European Union Regional Development Fund, the Province of Fryslân, andtheNorthernNetherlands Provinces.The authors wouldlike to thankthe members ofthe research theme “Biofilms” forfruitfuldiscussionsandfinancialsupport.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.116959.


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