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"Die rechtliche Stellung der Metropolien im römischen Aegypten", E. Schönbauer, "Rivista Italiana di Epigrafia", XI, 1949, fasc. 1-4 : [recenzja]


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Share ""Die rechtliche Stellung der Metropolien im römischen Aegypten", E. Schönbauer, "Rivista Italiana di Epigrafia", XI, 1949, fasc. 1-4 : [recenzja]"


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SURVEY OF LITERATURE 1951 1932 281 from Adam to A. D. 306 —- 7 are based on Eusebius Chronicoii whom he reproduced almost verbatim.

Michael's chronicle of events from the accession of Alexander the Great contains however some material which is not in any of the surviving versions of Eusebius. To this material belongs items concerning Alexandria. As the author shows, the report is absolutely reliable. This is demonstrated by two facts: a) the division Alexandria's into five γράμματα is preserved. The use of these letters is attested from the Hellenistic age until the third century A. D., b) The list of „other quarters" corresponds in the main to what is known from other sources.

I. D. A m u s i η, К voprosu о datirovke florentijskogo papirusa. PSI X 1160 (Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 1951, 4 p. 208—219). The author studies the papyri referring to the Alexandrian βουλή (P. Lond. 1912, PSI. 1160, P. bibl. univ. Giss. 46) and asserts that the arguments usually given for the dating of PSI 1160 for the year 30 before J. C. are not conclusive. The author analyzes the terms applied in PSI 1160 and shows that these terms indicate a later date. In his view PSI 1160 and Lond 1912 should be connected. PSI 1160 is not an official document but a piece of a literary-political work from Claudius epoch, containing a narrative on the legacy of the Alexandrians to Claudius and his answer. The author points out the importance of this papyrus for the understanding of the social conditions of Alexandria.

A. B a t a i l l e , Thebes gréco-romaine [Chronique d'Egypte X X VI, №. 52 (1951) p. 325 — 353].

The evidences furnished by papyri, ostraca, inscriptions and other documents permit to establish that in the III and II cent. B. C. Thebes remained to be a grand demographic, economic and above all e religious center. As to the latter we are particularly well informed of one of the minor corporation of the Theban eccle-siastics, the choachytes. See the author's remarks on this corpora-tion p. 333, on μονόγραφο!. and άγορανόμοι p. 341, on Περί Θήβας p. 343.

Ε. S c h ö n b a u e r, Die rechtliche Stellung der Metropolien im römischen Aegypten (estr. dalla Rivista italiana di epigrafia X I , fasc. 1 — 4, Gen.—Die. 1949 pubbl. nel febraio 1951).



This is an a c c o u n t of a curious inscription f r o m E g y p t coming f r o m a metropolis, on w h i c h Adolf Wilhelm h a d a l e c t u r e in t h e A c a d e m y of V i e n n a e n t i t l e d „ D i e Gedichte des Ptolemagrios aus Panopolis" (Anz. d. öst. A k . d. Wiss. phil-hist. K l . J h g . 1948 № . 22). T h e a u t h o r assumes t h a t P t o l e m a g r i o s as f a r his origin is concerned, was an E g y p t i a n belonging in t h e έπικεκριμένοι of t h e metropolis who p r o b a b l y b y v i r t u e of an official e x a m i n a t i o n were specially f a v o u r e d a n d in c o n t r a s t t o o t h e r E g y p t i a n s were n o t m o r e consi-dered as peregrini dediticii. T h e peregrini dediticii were n o t organised in an a u t o n o m o u s c o m m u n i t y which did n o t preclude f r o m a m o n g t h e m t o rise t o a higher s t a t u s .

R i t a C a l d e r i n i , Βουλευτικά ( A e g y p t u s X X X I 1951 p . 1 — 4 1 ) . I n this article t h e a u t h o r deals w i t h t h e p r o b l e m s concerning βουλευτικά such as t h e period for which t h e βουλευταί u s e d t o be elected, t h e age a t w h i c h t h e y were eligible a n d t h e q u e s t i o n is considered w h e t h e r citizens of foreign cities can be elected t o t h e senate in a n o t h e r city.

J a c q u e s S c h w a r t z , Un préfet ď Egypte frappé de damnatio memoriae sur le règne d'Hadrien (Chronique d ' E g y p t e № . 53 (1952) p. 254 — 256).

D u r i n g e x c a v a t i o n works a t L u x o r (winter 1950 — 51) Mr. Z a k a r i a Ghoneim, t h e Chief I n s p e c t o r of t h e „Service des A n t i q u i t é s " disco-v e r e d a complete t e x t of a d e d i c a t i o n . I t was p u b l i s h e d in t h e Orien-talia (1951) p. 454 b y J e a n L e c l a n t . T h e d e d i c a t i o n b e a r s t h e d a t e of 29 T y b i of t h e 10th year of H a d r i a n t h a t is 2 4 t h J a n u -a r y 126 A. D. -a n d t h e n -a m e of t h e t h e n p r e f e c t is completely h a m m e r e d o u t . T h e a u t h o r shows, t h a t t h e „ d a m n a t i o memoriae"''' concerns t h e son of C. Vibius M a x i m u s who was t h e p r e f e c t of E g y p t b e t w e e n 124 a n d 126 A. D.

A. S t e i n , Die Präfekten von Ägypten in der römischen Kaiser-zeit B e r n 1950.

T h e a u t h o r gives in this work a list of p r e f e c t s since A u g u s t u s till Diocletian. T o this is a d d e d a well i n f o r m a t i v e m a t e r i a l on t h e i r office, their careers, t h e i r t e r m of office a n d their l a t e r life. N o t e -w o r t h y are also his r e m a r k s on t h e d e p u t y - p r e f e c t s a n d their


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