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"Michael I. Rostovtzeff", C. В. Welles, "Architects and Craftsmen in History - Festschrift f. Abbot Payson Usher" : [recenzja]


Academic year: 2021

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С. В. W e l l e s , Michael I. Rostovtzeff (Architects and Craftsmen in History — Festschrift f Abbot Pay son Usher, 55—73).

С. B. W e l l e s , Bibliography — M. Rostovtzeff (Historia V, 3 [Sept. 1956] 358—381).

P. B u r e t h , Bibliographie de Paul Collart (1878—1946) (Chron. d'Egypte X X X I No. 61 [1956] 152—173).

F. D ö l g e r , Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen (Byz. Ztschr. 50 [1957] 204—306).

The "Zeitschrift" gives on p. 301 ff. a bibliography of papyro-logical juristic literature concerning the Byzantine period.

H. B r a u n e r t , Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der juristischen Papyrus-forschung (Die Griechischen Urkunden) — (Ztschr. f. vgl. Rw. 60

[1957] 117—183).

In this article the author gives an excellent survey of the pa-pyri published in the last ten years. Noteworthy is the collection of laws and ordinances in the Ptolemaic, and the imperial consti-tutions in the Roman period. The discussion of the single papyri is preceded by interesting remarks on the archives containing lar-ger bodies of documents.

J. Simon, Bibliographie copte 9 (Orientalia 26 [1957] 117—139). The author gives here a bibliography of papyrological editions and monographs (pp. 127—8). He quotes the papyri published by C r a w f o r d , G e r s t i n g e r , Musurillo and the SB (Kiessling) as well as the monographs by S t e i n w e n t e r , Till, T a u b e n s c h l a g ; finally the surveys by Gundel, K l o t z , M o n t e v e c c h i .

У. K o r o sec, Dos hethittische Recht in seiner Stellung zwischen Osten und Westen (repr. from Süd—Ost—Forschungen Bd. X V 1956).

In this interesting study the author puts the question whether the Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Hittite legal systems


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