Optica AppUcata,Fol. No.2, 1982
Numerical analysis of the aberration for selected
examples of holographic lenses on non-plane substrates
Andrzej Kije k
In s titu te of P h y sics, T ech n ical U n iv e rsity of W ro cła w , W y b rz e ż e W y sp ia ń sk ie g o x 7 , 5 0 - 3 7 0 W ro cla w , P olan d .
In th is p a p e r th e ap p licab ility of th e jformulae d escrib ing th e coefficien ts of th ird o rd e r a b e rra tio n in an alysis of th e a b e rra tio n valu es is show n fo r ch o sen e x a m p le s of th e h olograp hic lenses p rod u ced on n on -plan e s u b stra te s. T h e in flu ence of p a rticu la r p a ra m e te rs of th e h olograp hic sy ste m on th e re a l v a lu e of a b e rra tio n is show n. The re latio n describing th e sp h ero -ch ro m atic a b e rra tio n is d erived an d its exem plified v alu es ca lcu la te d .
1 . Introduction
In the paper [1] the formulae for coefficients of third order aberration for ho lograms produced on the surfaces of rotational symmetry of second order have been derived. In this work the applicability of these formulae in analysis of the aberration values for chosen examples of holographic lenses is shown. The examination of the influence of parameters of holographic system on the real aberration value for plane holograms may be found in the works [2, 3]. The purpose of this work is to suggest such a method of analysis for holograms pro-duced^on non-plane substrate.
2 . Coefficients of third order aberrations
Let us consider the hologram produced on the surface 8 of rotation sym m etry
Geometry of the system is presented in Fig. 1. The notations :
P ( x ,y ,z ) — point hologram,
— radius of hologram curvature at given point, — point light sources
— distance of the source Q from the hologram
— distance of the source Q from the point P ,
— angle created by the B a segment from the y-z plane,
— angle created by the projection of the B q segment on the y-z
plane from the x-z plane. Q ( ® q l V q j Zq
Zq ra aa Pa
The point Q may be determined in the x , y , z space by finding three parameters: Ra, aq1 pq. Depending on whether the recording or reconstruction of the holo
gram is concerned the point Q may denote:
0 — object,
B — reference-wave source, C — reconstructing-wave source,
O' — image obtained.
The conditions determining the position of the reconstructed images will take the following forms [1]:
( l + e ) z 0, 1 ± J1 1 \ 1 + s
qR 0> R C * * \ R 0 R r ) Q ’ zc , I' *0 *R X]
, R o
sina0, = sin aa
(sin a0 — sin
aR) ,
cos aQ. sin pQ, = cos a0 sin/?c ± (cos ao sin P o ~ C0B an sin /?B) .
(2a) (2b)
Numerical analysis of the aberration ... 181 The total wave aberration may be written in the form
A 0 = 2n
~XT l s (a?2 +
y* + z*)S -
— (a?2 + y2 + 2z*)
x № +
yCv) + ( x * A x+ y*Av+
a ^ A j j.(3>
The formulae determining the coefficients of particular aberrations take, in turn, the forms:
Ox = ( i - M J sm ac sm a0 Rq R% 1 1 \ 2 ( 1 + e) r % «O' K *S>) Q B 3o. zc 4 / 4 4 VI .K - B&. -1-
J J ’
>' 4. „
jj sina0 sinaB ^1 l -Bo ■B*J
1 ± /*l zo
_ M l \-®o (4>r zc Bm.aQ «o,sin «o' , i/s0 sina0 zRBmaR \\
L b% B l. ±/<ll k K /J
Cv =
cosaa 8in/3c cosa0,sin/?0,
-R2 R ) ± /*
‘'C "O ' \ " o
cosa^sin/Sjj \ 1 + e T %C9Sac sin/3a cosa0,sin/?0,20.
R? R,(5a>
z0cos a0 sin/?0 2Bcos Ojr sin/3B" BL
■ * »
-J ’
sin2a0 sin2a0, /sin2a0 sin2ai2
Rr Rn> ± P\ B 0
Rcos2ac sin2/?a sin2a0,sin2jff0.
' (
cos2a0 sin2/S0 cos2aKsin2/3i2
"Rsinac cosac sin/S0 sin a0,cosa0,sin/30,
sina0 cosa0 sin/20
R ,
sin a^cos a^sin aR
10 "JB
In these formulae the parameter e defines the asphericity and the parameter ^ is a ratio of the reconstructing and recording wavelengths.
3 . Influence of the holographic system param eters on the aberration value
L et us discuss the case of point hologram produced in the following way: the object is located at a distance B 0 on the 2-axis, while the sources of reference andjreconstrueting waves are at infinity. The image is then loaded with spherical aberration only. Thus, after some rearrangements the coefficient of spherical aberration may be written as follows
F 1 2(l+«) , (1+ tf
U s
1 r Q*Ko (7)As it may be easily seen the influence of the value of the aspherisation parame ter on value 8 is insignificant. The value of the sum 8 has been examined as
a function of the wavelength A', i.e., of the value of p. The table gives the values
of the sum 8 in both millimeters and wavelength units for the selected values
of fiy i.e., for different values of A'. It may be seen that at this type of holograms
the value of 8 is relatively great for all p =£ 1, and that it increases very rapidly
with the increasing values of fi. D ep end ence of th e sum 8 upon th e ligh t w av e le n g th used in re co n stru ctio n
V- X’ 1 0 - 3 m m 8 1 0 ~ 4m m 8 A 1 0 .6 3 2 8 0 0 1.2 0 .7 5 9 0 .0 4 0 .0 0 6 3 1 .5 0 .9 4 9 0 .1 5 0 .0 2 3 7 1 .7 1 .0 8 8 0 .2 6 0 .0 4 2 5 2 1 .2 6 5 0 .9 6 0 .1 5 1 7 3 1 .8 9 8 2 .1 6 0 .3 4 1 3 3 .3 2 .0 8 8 2 .9 1 0 .4 2 5
How great is, then, the admissible value of the difference between the wa velengths of the recording and reconstructing waves, which still does not dis turb the imaging quality? To answer this question the Rayleigh criterion for admissible value of spherical aberration at the hologram aperture edge has been applied [4 ]:
M « C ,ri = * 4 ' (8)
After exploiting the former formulae the numerical calculations show that the admissible wavelength difference is of order of simple nm which in the case of this type of simple holograms offers no possibility of practical application.
Numerical analysis of the aberration ... 183
Let us now consider the real value of particular aberrations. By using the formula of eikonal [1] we may find the values of the transversal aberration com-ponents [5]: 8E (9) i x = SE (10) If, to simplify the calculations, we assume the rotational symmetry of the system and restrict the discussion to the x-z plane, the particular components of the
transversal aberration components will be expressed as follows: — transversal spherical aberration
d x ' = - t tx * + y*+z*)x'R0.S , (11)
— transversal coma
dx' = - * ( 3 0 a + y2 + sa)12o,Cx . (12)
Since the field curvature does not appear in this approach it should be introduced artificially. In order to calculate the astigmatism the method of calculating the meridional and sagittal curvatures given by Nowak [6] have been exploited
A. = K m K 8 = z0>, Rq,A.x , ' (13)
There appear the problems of parameters of the system used in the process of recording and reconstruction as well as their influence on the transversal spheri cal aberration. The dependence of spherical aberration upon the dimensions of the aperture located in the hologram plane is shown in Fig. 2. The value of aberration in the wavelength units is marked on the ordinate axis, while the aperture dimension in millimeters is marked on the abscissa axis. A distinct increase of the spherical aberration with the increase of the aperture is visible. The dependence of the spherical aberration upon the curvature radius of the hologram substrate is very interesting. I t has been presented in Fig. 3, where the aberration value (in mm) is marked on the abscissa axis and the holo gram curvature (also in mm) - on the ordinate axis. I t may be noticed that for small radius- highly curved surface - the values of aberration is great. With the increasing curvature radius the value of aberration decreases tending to zero for q-+oo. In all the above examples we used a point source of light of
the 0.6328 *10-3 mm wavelength. The dependences presented are characteristic of an arbitrary distance between the object and hologram vertex. The calcula tions have been carried out for three different values of B Q. For each of them the
respective shapes of the curves are not subject to change (see Figs. 2 and 3). However, the absolute values of aberration suffer from essential changes. The latter are great for the objects positioned close to hologram and diminish
with the increasing distance B 0 . Great values of these differences necessitated
the usage of the logarithmic scales on the ordinate axis in Figs. 2 and 3.
So far, the value of spherical aberration has been examined. Now, the object 0 ( B o , aQ, p0) is located outside the axis at the x-z plane, then all the
th e a p e rtu re
F ig . 3. D ependence of tra n s v e rsa l spt’e rica l a b e rra tio n upon th e h o lo g ram c u rv a tu re rad iu s
three aberrations appear. The coefficient of spherical aberration is described by the formula (4), while the coefficients of coma and astigmatism are the follow ing: Cx = 1 ) sinaG B 0 l + s . \
---sina0 ,
Q I A x = - 1 ) sin2a0 Bq (14) (15) The real values of transversal aberrations have been calculated as a function of the field angle a0 , i.e., as a function of the object distance from the 2-axis. A graph presented in Fig. 4 is based on the formulae (4)-(6) and (11)-(13). The value of the angle aQ is marked on the abscissa, while the aberrations (inmms) are marked on the ordinate. I t may be seen that the spherical aberration does not depend upon the value of the field angle and is constant. The value of coma increases with the increase of field angle, while that of astigmatism is
Numerical analyst* of the aberration . . . 185
proportional to square of the sine of this angle. Thus, the basic properties of particular aberrations connected with the choice of Seidel variables have been preserved.
F ig . 4. D ep end ence of th e a b e rra tio n upon th e field an gle
F ig . 5. D ependence of th e sphero- ch ro m a tic ab e rra tio n upon th e w avelen gth difference fo r th e ligh t used in re co n stru ctio n
4 . Spkeromatic aberration
The till now considerations were limited to the monochromatic case. Now, let us get rid of this assumption.
The formula (11) determining the value of third order spherical aberration may be written in the equivalent form
d S' = W zq'Sj. (16)
The coefficient S2 for the case of the hologram considered is described by the
formula (4). If we change the wavelength of the light used to hologram recon struction the spherochromatic aberration appears, the latter being the difference of third order spherical aberration for given wavelengths
S' = W A iB tr B j) = - - B o '( ^ ) ^ r t ) ] · (17) Let us consider the hologram produced due to the interference of the wave coming from the point-object wave source located on the axis and the plane reference wave of X0 wavelength. This hologram will be reconstructed by a plane
wave of X wavelength. The position of the image is determined by the depend
R ° - ± r + K B * ° r - i o ) ’ (18>
where the coefficient K = (1 -f e) Iq . The snm Sj is expressed as follows:
(19) Substitution of the formulae (18), (19) to (17) and suitable transformations yield the formula for spherochromatic hologram aberrration
[U o
W ■®0' (^2) ) ( , № <y{K)-*iR<y(Xx) -2 2T a0 -BoI 1
, = + iri2o(A :- x0) - x2+ k r0 & - x0)<
A0 -So /a; + i; + js:i2o(a; + a; - 2 i0)i
r M *
;___ _ \ / _ l 4 - ^ - fAI >(^i—^o)/\-Ko JKo / J4
+ K R 0(X1- X 0)(
(21)The dependence of spherochromatic aberration upon the difference AX'
= Xx — X2 for three values of the aperture diaphragm - given in the graph - is
presented in Fig. 5. The numerical calculations were carried out for hologram produced on a meniscus lens. The increase in spherochromatic aberration is nonuniform, being initially slow it decreases with the increasing difference AX'.
An increase of the aperture sizes also results in very high value of this aberration.
5 . Concluding rem arks
When comparing the obtained results with those for plane holograms given in works [2, 3] we see some differences, which are mainly due to the fact that in the case of non-plane hologram the imaging quality is usually worse. For the single hologram the wavelength of the light used to reconstruction practically cannot be changed. When both the aperture and field angles increase the imaging quality worsens very seriously. The application of strongly curved surfaces is not recommended either. Imaging quality may be improved by the appli cation of various holograms and only the combination of several holograms may have a practical application.
Numerical analysis of the aberration ... 187 References
[1 ] Ga j M ., Kijek A ., O p tica A p p lica ta 1 0 (1 9 8 0 ), 3 4 1 . [2 ] LattaJ .N ., A op l. O pt. 10(1 9 7 1 ), 5 9 9 .
[3] Latta J . N ., A ppl. O pt. 10 (1 9 7 1 ), 6 0 9 .
[ 4 ] BuynovG .I ., GizatulinR .K ., Mustafin E .S ., O p t. i S p ek tr. X X X I V (1 9 7 3 ), 7 6 8 . [5 ] Bo bn M ., Wo l f E ., Principles of Optics, P e rg a m o n P re s s, N ew Y o r k 1 9 6 4 ,
[6 ] Nowak J . , O p tica A p p lica ta 1 0 (1 9 8 0 ), 2 4 6 .
РесеШИ Уипе 26, 1981 Численный анализ величины аберраций избранных примеров голографических линз на неплоских основаниях Показана возможность применения формул, описывающих коэффициенты аберрации третьег- порядка для анализа величины аберрации избранных примеров голографических линз, создава емых на неплоских основаниях. Показана степень влияния отдельных параметров голографичес кой системы на действительную величину аберрации. Выведена зависимость, описывающая сфероо» хроматическую аберрацию и вычислены её примерные значения.