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Sharp switching of the magnetization in Fe1/4TaS


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Sharp switching of the magnetization in Fe




E. Morosan,1,*H. W. Zandbergen,2Lu Li,3Minhyea Lee,3J. G. Checkelsky,3M. Heinrich,4 T. Siegrist,4N. P. Ong,3and R. J. Cava1

1Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA

2National Centre for HREM, Department of Nanoscience, Delft Institute of Technology, Al Delft, The Netherlands 3Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA

4Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974, USA

共Received 20 October 2006; revised manuscript received 29 December 2006; published 1 March 2007兲 Anisotropic magnetotransport measurements are reported on Fe1/4TaS2 single crystals grown by vapor

transport. Both the magnetization and resistivity are extremely anisotropic, with the magnetic moments aligned parallel to the c crystallographic direction. Fe1/4TaS2orders ferromagnetically below TC= 160 K and displays

very sharp hysteresis loops in the ordered state for Hc. The corresponding magnetoresistance is negative, and it qualitatively reproduces the features observed in the M共H兲 data by showing a sharp drop around the critical field Hsfor the moment reversal. The magnetization switching time shows an unusual increase with increasing

temperature. For field applied within the ab plane, the magnetization remains small and linear in field up to 5 T, and the magnetoresistance is positive and quadratic in field, with no visible hysteresis. The squareness of the Hc M共H兲 loops and the high critical field for the magnetization switch 共Hs= 3.7 T at T = 2 K兲 allow us to classify Fe1/4TaS2as a strong ferromagnet.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.104401 PACS number共s兲: 75.60.⫺d, 75.30.Gw, 75.47.⫺m


Transition-metal dichalcogenides, in their various poly-typic forms, cover a wide spectrum of physical properties: insulators 共HfS2兲, semiconductors 关MoS2, MX2 共M =Pt, Pd and X = S, Se兲兴, semimetals 共WTe2, TcS2兲, or metals 共NbS2, VSe2兲.1 The strong anisotropy inherent to their low dimen-sionality often leads to charge-density wave 共CDW兲 transitions.2 Superconductivity also appears and competes with the CDW state in a number of these materials.2–5 Inter-calation of atoms and molecules between the MX2 layers of the transition-metal dichalcogenides leads to significant changes in their physical properties: the superconducting transition temperature changes as many MS2compounds are intercalated with organic molecules6or with Na or K atoms,7 or even if the intercalated compounds are further hydrated.8 Cu intercalation of TiSe2leads to superconductivity.9 Long-range magnetic order occurs in many cases when NbS2and TaS2 are intercalated with 3d-transition metals共T兲.10–12 The structural and magnetic properties of TxMX2depend strongly on the amount of intercalant x.13–15

In FexTaS2, ordered superlattices of the intercalated ions form for x = 1 / 4 or 1 / 3, giving rise to superstructures with


= 2a0 and a


3a0, respectively, where a0 is the basic hexagonal lattice parameter of the TaS2array. The ferromag-netic ordering temperature共TC兲 changes in a nonmonotonic

manner for 0.20艋x艋0.34.13 The Weiss temperature de-creases with increasing x, followed by a change of the mag-netic interactions from ferromagmag-netic共0.20艋x艋0.4兲 to an-tiferromagnetic 共0.40⬍x兲.15 Fe

1/3TaS2 orders ferromag-netically around 35 K, and TCwould be expected to decrease

in the less concentrated Fe1/4TaS2 compound. However, the ferromagnetic ordering temperature in the latter is almost five times larger, around 160 K. No systematic study of the magnetic and transport properties has been performed on these compounds.

Here, we report a detailed study of the anisotropic mag-netotransport properties of Fe1/4TaS2 single crystals, with emphasis on their unusual field dependence; previously ported properties are elaborated. The magnetization and re-sistivity are extremely anisotropic, with the easy axis parallel to the c crystallographic direction共perpendicular to the TaS2 planes兲. Below the ferromagnetic ordering temperature, the

Hc M共H兲 curves display a very sharp hysteresis loop, even

at temperatures greater than half of TC. The abrupt change in

the direction of the moments is reflected in the transverse

Hc magnetoresistance data, which show a sharp drop at

approximately the same field values as the magnetization data. In contrast, the Hab共H兲 isotherms are quadratic in

field and show no hysteresis.



temperature in an opened container. Characterization of the crystals by energy dispersive x-ray analysis and single-crystal x-ray analysis showed that no iodine was incorpo-rated in the lattice.

X-ray diffraction measurements were employed to char-acterize the samples. Room temperature data were recorded on a Bruker D8 diffractometer using Cu K␣ radiation and a graphite diffracted beam monochromator共Bruker D8 Focus兲. Electron diffraction was performed at room temperature with a Philips CM200ST-FEG electron microscope, operated at 300 kV. Single-crystal diffraction data were collected using an Oxford Diffraction Xcalibur 2 single-crystal diffracto-meter equipped with a charge coupled device and graphite monochromated Mo K␣ radiation. The data were analyzed using theNRCVAXsoftware.16–18

Magnetization measurements as a function of temperature and applied field M共H,T兲 were performed in a Quantum De-sign MPMS superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer 共T=1.8–350 K, H=5.5 T兲. Anisotropic re-sistivity ␳共T,H兲 measurements with current parallel to the

ab plane were taken in a Quantum Design PPMS using a

standard four-probe technique. The time dependence of the switching field was measured using a thin copper wire pickup coil; the output voltage signal was amplified with PAR 113 preamplifier and then recorded with a digital oscilloscope.


Single-crystal x-ray diffraction measurements were per-formed on a crystal with dimensions of 0.06⫻0.06 ⫻0.01 mm3. The Fe

1/4TaS2 data were consistent with the reported 2H-TaS2-type structure.15 In the 2H polymorphic form of TaS2, the Ta atoms are in a trigonal prismatic coor-dination with the chalcogens. The single-crystal x-ray struc-ture analysis on Fe1/4TaS2 showed that this basic crystal structure is preserved, with the Fe ions intercalated in an ordered fashion in the octahedral sites between the TaS2 lay-ers关Fig.1共a兲兴. Fe1/4TaS2is thus isostructural to MnTa4S8.19 The refined structural parameters are presented in TableI.20 Electron diffraction on Fe1/4TaS2 shows the presence of re-flections corresponding to the basic trigonal structure and also the 2a superstructure reflections关Fig.1共b兲兴. This obser-vation, together with the single-crystal structure refinement, reflects the fact that the Fe sublattice is ordered in the layer between the TaS2 planes. The electron-diffraction patterns with the c* axis in the diffraction plane 关Fig.1共c兲兴 showed many crystallites that have strong streaking of the superre-flections along c*, indicating that the Fe is well ordered in the plane, but that in some cases stacking of the planes along c is correlated only over finite distances. Crystallites with super-reflections with no streaking were also observed, in which case the superstructure was 2a, c. The crystal used for single-crystal x-ray structural refinement showed an ordered super-structure.

Figure2 shows the anisotropic inverse susceptibility data of Fe1/4TaS2, in an applied field H = 0.01 T, after the diamag-netic contributions ␹0 have been subtracted for each field orientation. The ␹0 values, determined by fitting the direct

susceptibility data 共inset in Fig. 2兲 to a Curie-Weiss law ␹共T兲=␹0+ C /共T−C兲 above ⬃160 K, are ␹0= −5 ⫻10−4emu/共mol Fe兲 and −4⫻10−3emu/共mol Fe兲 for Hc and Hab, respectively. The high-temperature inverse

sus-ceptibilities are linear in temperature, confirming the Curie-Weiss behavior. When the field is applied perpendicular to the hexagonal plates共Hc兲, a linear fit of the 共␹−␹0兲−1data 共full squares in Fig.2兲 for T⬎200 K yields a Weiss tempera-FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 The crystal structure of Fe1/4TaS2.

Electron-diffraction patterns of the Fe1/4TaS2reciprocal lattice共b兲 along the共001兲 direction and 共c兲 perpendicular to the 共001兲 direc-tion. The basic trigonal structure and the 2a superstructure reflec-tions seen in共b兲, with the supercell outlined and the unit cell indi-cated. In共c兲 strong streaking of the superreflections along c*can be


ture␪c= 162 K, and an effective moment␮eff


= 5.03␮B. For

the other field orientation共Hab, full triangles in Fig.2兲, the analogous parameters are␪ab= 108 K and␮eff


= 5.12␮B.

Af-ter the subtraction of the diamagnetic contribution for each direction, the anisotropic magnetic susceptibilities ⌬␹=␹ −␹0 can be used to estimate the average susceptibility␹ave =共2⌬␹ab+⌬␹c兲/3. As expected, the inverse average

suscep-tibility␹ave−1 共open circles in Fig.2兲 is linear at high tempera-tures, and a linear fit yields a Weiss temperature ␪ave = 135 K and an effective moment␮effave= 5.01␮B. All

suscep-tibility data are consistent with high-spin Fe2+共5D4

configu-ration, for which an effective moment ␮eff= 4.90␮B is

ex-pected. The inverse susceptibility curves allow an estimate of the anisotropy of the paramagnetic susceptibility as ␹c/␹ab

⬇6 at T=170 K, a temperature just above where magnetic ordering is apparent.

The temperature-dependent magnetization of Fe1/4TaS2in the ordered state is also highly anisotropic, as evidenced by comparing the Hc data 关Fig. 3共a兲兴 with similar

meas-urements for Hab, displayed in Fig. 3共b兲. When the temperature is lowered, ferromagnetic ordering occurs around TC= 160 K. For the lowest measured magnetic field

共H=0.01 T兲, a sharp increase of the Hc magnetization is

observed just below TC关Fig.3共a兲兴; rounding of the transition near the ordering temperature is observed upon increasing

the applied field, as expected for ferromagnets due to spin fluctuations close to TC. Cooling below 155 K results in a

different magnetization behavior depending on whether the data were collected upon zero-field cooling共ZFC兲 关full sym-bols in Fig.3共a兲兴 or field cooling 共FC兲 关open symbols in Fig. 3共a兲兴. The FC curve increases and plateaus around 22 ⫻103emu mol−1 Fe⬇3.9

B per Fe for H艌0.5 T. This magnetization value corresponds to the saturated moment

␮sat= 4.0␮B expected for Fe2+ at high fields and low

tem-peratures. Conversely, for the lowest applied field, H = 0.01 T, the magnetization is not fully saturated, resulting in a much smaller FC value at low temperatures, as can be seen in Fig.3共a兲. The ZFC magnetization has a local maximum at the irreversibility temperature Tirr= 155 K, which displays a strong field dependence and is reduced to about 7 K at our maximum applied field共H=5.5 T兲. For Hab, the

magneti-zation behavior is similar to that for Hc; the most notable

differences are the much smaller overall magnetization val-ues for field applied within the ab plane and also the much weaker field dependence 共Tirr⬇140 K for H=1.5 T兲 of the irreversibility temperature Tirr. This is expected for the “hard” direction of the applied field in a strong ferromagnet. TABLE I. Crystal structure parameters for Fe1/4TaS2, space

group P63/ mmc, a = 6.6141共15兲 Å, c=12.154共3兲 Å, 共No. 194兲, Z = 2, RF= 0.037, Rw= 0.043共773 independent reflections, 411

reflec-tions used关I⬎2.5␴共I兲兴, 19 parameters兲.

Atom x y z Biso Ta共1兲 0.495 07共6兲 0.504 93 3 / 4 0.520共16兲 Ta共2兲 0 0 1 / 4 0.511共19兲 Fe 0 0 0 1.07共8兲 S共1兲 2 / 3 1 / 3 0.119 1共4兲 0.64共8兲 S共2兲 0.831 77共25兲 0.168 23 0.622 33共2兲 0.57共6兲

FIG. 2. Inverse anisotropic susceptibilities at H = 0.01 T 共full symbols兲, after subtraction of the temperature-independent contri-bution␹0in each measured direction. The open symbols represent

the inverse average susceptibility 1 /␹ave, where ␹ave=共2⌬␹ab

+⌬␹c兲/3 and ⌬␹=␹−␹0.The solid lines are linear fits to the inverse Curie-Weiss law. Inset: Anisotropic H = 0.01 T susceptibility data.


Also, a small kink is noticeable at 40 K关Fig.3共b兲, inset兴, and it may be intrinsic to the spin system of Fe1/4TaS2 or due to the presence of a very small amount of FexTaS2, x⫽1/4 in the crystal used for this measurement.

A remarkable behavior of the magnetization is observed in the measurements of M共H兲. At T=2 K 共Fig.4兲 the strong anisotropy inferred from the magnetic susceptibility is con-firmed. The Hab magnetization is very low 关Mab共5.5 T兲

⬍0.25␮B per Fe兴 and linear up to the maximum applied field. The Hc magnetization saturates around 4B per Fe, displaying a very sharp hysteresis loop共⌬H⬍0.01 T, where ⌬H is the measured width of the transition兲. This is the mani-festation of a very strong ferromagnet with a threshold field

Hs⬇3.7 T and a nearly field-independent magnetization of

±4␮B, the full saturated moment of Fe2+. As Fig.5 shows, the hysteresis loops remain sharp throughout the ordered state 共T⬍160 K兲. This suggests that the crystal may be a nearly single-domain ferromagnet for H⬍Hs and H⬎Hs,

and that rapid switching of the orientation of the spins occurs at the threshold field Hs. The very small difference in the T

= 2 K saturation magnetization after the first hysteresis cycle could be a consequence of a small initial misalignment of the sample, corrected by the magnetic torque which orients the

thin plate exactly perpendicular to the field, as H is cycled between −5.5 and 5.5 T.

The spontaneous magnetization Ms, determined by

ex-trapolating the high-field magnetization to H = 0, and the critical field values, taken as the H⬎0 field values where the

M共H兲 curves intercept the M =0 axis, are shown in Fig.6as a function of temperature. The reduced spontaneous magne-tization ms共T兲=Ms共T兲/Ms共0兲 关symbols in Fig. 6共a兲兴 is best

described by

ms共t兲 = 关1 − st3/2−共1 − s兲t5/2兴␤, t = T/TC.

The above equation was proposed21,22 such that, at low temperatures 共t→0兲, it obeys Bloch’s T3/2 power law and, around the Curie temperature 共t→1兲, it describes the ex-pected critical behavior of the Heisenberg model,23 m


=关1−t兴1/3 when = 1 / 3. The solid line in Fig. 6共a兲 corre-sponds to the fit using the above equation with s = 0.26 and

␤⬇0.349. The critical exponent␤determined from our data is intermediate between the value expected for metallic fer-romagnets, ␤= 1 / 3, and the three-dimensional Heisenberg value often observed for magnetic insulators, ␤= 0.369.24 The threshold field Hs关Fig.6共b兲兴 decreases with increasing

FIG. 4. T = 2 K M共H兲 curves for Hc 共triangles兲 and Hab 共crosses兲.

FIG. 5.共Color online兲 Hc M共H兲 loops at T=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, and 200 K.

FIG. 6. 共a兲 Reduced spontaneous magnetization m = Ms共T兲/Ms共0兲 vs t=T/TC 共full symbols兲 and the fit to m共t兲=关1 − st3/2−共1−s兲t5/2兴␤共solid line兲. 共b兲 Hc Hs-T phase diagram on a


temperature from Hs共2 K兲⬇3.7 T to less than 0.05 T, just

below TC. When plotted as ln共Hs兲 vs T, an approximately

linear behavior is observed at low temperatures, yielding a “Debye-like” temperature dependence, Hs共T兲⬀e−aT, over

much of the temperature range.

The observed sharp M共H兲 loops suggest that the switch-ing of the magnetic moment at Hs may be quite rapid.

De-pending on the sample size and domain structure, switching times in ferromagnets have been observed to range from a few nanoseconds in ferromagnetic films25 to a few millisec-onds in hard bulk magnets26 and usually increase slowly on cooling. The switching time is expected to be dependent on how fast the extra energy created by the moment flipping gets damped by the eddy currents and can be converted to heat.27,28

Here, we measure the switching time of Fe1/4TaS2by re-cording the electromotive force 共EMF兲 generated on a pickup coil around the crystal during the switching of the magnetic moments’ orientation. As the applied magnetic field is swept slowly and passes the threshold field Hs, the sudden

reversal of magnetic moment leads to a fast change of mag-netic flux inside the pickup coil; in turn, this induces a pulse of EMF voltage due to the Faraday effect. We measure the EMF pulse around the positive and negative switching fields

Hs by sweeping the field both up and down. Figure 7共a兲

displays a typical pulse signal at T = 4.4 K. For H→Hs关full

symbols in Fig.7共a兲兴, the flux changing rate first accelerates, reaches the terminal rate, fluctuates, and finally falls off. The fine structure at the top of the pulse suggests that on the time scale of these measurements, the domain-wall motion is not uniform. However, this behavior is not accidental, as indi-cated by the fact that the pulse for the opposite field orien-tation共open symbols, H→−Hs兲 shows the same features. It

may be that the macroscopic crystal consists of multiple do-mains in which the domain-wall motion occurs at slightly different speeds. A distribution of defects within a single domain can also cause the domain-wall speed to be different in different regions of the macroscopic crystal, causing the kinds of features observed.

We define the pulse width␶ as the interval between the moments when the pulse signal becomes less than 10% of the maximum at each temperature, as indicated in Fig.7共a兲, and take that as the switching time for the bulk sample. Mea-surements at temperatures between 4.4 and 18 K allow us to study the temperature dependence of the pulse width. Figure 7共b兲 shows the pulse signal at various representative tem-peratures. The resulting temperature dependence of the switching time is plotted in Fig.8. Surprisingly, the domain switching time decreases on cooling by a factor of approxi-mately 10 as the temperature decreases from 18 to 4 K. The behavior is approximately linear in this temperature range. As shown below, the resistivity␳共T兲 is virtually constant in this temperature range, suggesting that the eddy currents can-not be the major factor in determining the switching time.

The zero-field temperature dependence of the resistivity in the basal plane of Fe1/4TaS2is shown in Fig.9. At room temperature, the resistivity is metallic, around 50␮⍀ cm. As the temperature is decreased, the resistivity shows weak lin-ear temperature dependence above TC. This is followed by a

drastic decrease of the resistivity in the ferromagnetic state due to loss of spin-disorder scattering. This behavior is very similar to what has been previously reported for FexTaS2, x = 0.28,13a composition close to our x =1


Anisotropic magnetotransport measurements were also performed. Due to the thin-plate geometry of the crystals, these measurements were restricted to transverse magnetore-sistance, with current flowing within the ab plane and the field perpendicular to the current, Hab or Hc. Quadratic

field dependence of the low-temperature transverse magne-toresistance with both applied field and current in the basal plane 共Hab, i⬜H兲 is observed 关Fig. 10共a兲兴 up to H=5 T,

FIG. 7.共Color online兲 共a兲 Example of a EMF pulse signal pro-portional to d⌽/dt for T=4.4 K. ⌽ is the magnetic flux inside the coil and is given by⌽=␮0共H+M兲·nS, where S in the cross section of the coil and n is the number of turns. The upper共lower兲 curve— closed 共open兲 symbols—corresponds to measurements around Hs ⬎0共⬎0兲. 共b兲 EMF signal of Fe1/4TaS2at T = 4.4, 5.0, 5.7, 6.0, 8.0,


with no apparent irreversibility. However, when field is ap-plied in the other orientation共Hc, iab兲, the

magnetoresis-tance qualitatively reproduces the features observed in the

M共H兲 data 关Fig. 10共b兲兴. As the magnetic field is increased

from 0 up to ⬃2 T at T=6 K, the magnetoresistance 共full symbols兲 remains nearly unchanged, corresponding to the zero-magnetization region on the virgin M共H兲 curve 共open symbols兲. Increasing the field beyond 2 T results in a rapid decrease of the magnetoresistance, consistent with the align-ment of the magnetic domains and reflected in the corre-sponding region of the magnetization curve. It is surprising that even after the magnetization reaches its saturation value around H = 3 T, the magnetoresistance continues to decrease almost linearly with field up to the maximum applied field of 5 T, though at a slower rate than before the domain reorien-tation. When the field is next decreased, ␳共H兲 follows the same nearly linear dependence; moreover, this trend contin-ues when the field direction is reversed, and is followed by a sharp drop in resistivity around the same negative field value, where the magnetization switches direction. Further varying the field between −5 and 5 T yields an almost sym-metric␳共H兲 curve, in good agreement with the magnetization loop at the same temperature共T=6 K兲. Minor misalignment of the current contacts or small torque on the sample during

the field sweep could account for the slight␳共H兲 asymmetry. The qualitative field dependence of␳ reflects the proper-ties of the magnetic state inferred from the M共T,H兲 data 共i.e., the magnetic moments order ferromagnetically along the c axis兲. Consequently, the spin scattering increases for fields applied along the hard direction共Hab兲, leading to a

magnetoresistance quadratically increasing with H 关Fig. 10共a兲兴. For field applied in the “easy” direction 共Hc兲,

in-creasing applied magnetic fields align the magnetic moments in the ferromagnetic state; this results in loss of spin-disorder scattering, and thus a decreasing 共negative兲 magnetoresis-tance关full symbols in Fig. 10共b兲兴. A sudden enhanced mag-netoresistance occurs when the magnetization changes direc-tion at Hs, and this can be attributed to the domain

reorientation parallel to the direction of the field. The cause of the decrease in magnetoresistance subsequent to the do-main reorientation redo-mains an open question, particularly since M共H⬎Hs兲 is virtually constant.


Fe1/4TaS2is a member of the series of intercalated layered dichalcogenides, MxTaS2. Various amounts of transition metal can be intercalated between the TaS2 layers, yielding either ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic ordering in the re-spective compounds. The x = 1 / 4 and 1 / 3 compositions are the two ordered structures in this class of materials, and Fe1/3TaS2 shows ferromagnetic ordering at a TC much

smaller than the less concentrated Fe1/4TaS2 compound. A FIG. 8. The temperature dependence of the pulse width␶

共sym-bols兲, with the dotted line emphasizing the almost linear increase of ␶ with temperature.

FIG. 9. Zero-field temperature-dependent resistivity of Fe1/4TaS2for iab.

FIG. 10.共Color online兲 共a兲 Transverse magnetoresistance ⌬␳/␳0

共symbols兲 for Hab and i⬜H, with the dotted line emphasizing the quadratic field behavior of ␳ab. 共b兲 T=6 K Hc magnetization


detailed characterization of the anisotropic magnetic and transport properties of the latter compound reveals even more intriguing properties: a collective reorientation of the magnetic moments occurs at a high field value共H=3.7 T at

T = 2 K兲, allowing the classification of Fe1/4TaS2as a strong ferromagnet.共Demagnetizing effects can be considerable for

Hc in the thin-plate geometry of these crystals. We estimate

the demagnetizing field to be around 0.7 T. Consequently, the effective field at which the switching occurs is still quite high, around 3.0 T.兲 The squareness of the hysteresis loop, calculated as the ratio of the applied field, where M is re-duced to 10% of M共H=0兲, to the threshold field Hs, is larger

than 0.9 throughout the ferromagnetic state. This is compa-rable to the squareness of the M共H兲 loops of strong perma-nent magnets关e.g., SmCo5 共Ref. 29兲 or Nd-Fe-B 共Ref. 30兲兴 based on the shape of the magnetization curves. A sharp magnetization switch is observed in a single particle of SmCo5 共diameter ⬃5␮m兲 subjected to thermal and chemi-cal treatments. In Fe1/4TaS2, sharp magnetization reorienta-tion 共⌬H⬍0.01 T兲 is observed in as-grown macroscopic crystals and is independent of the sample size. Neither opti-mal SmCo5 nor Nd-Fe-B shows a collective switch of the magnetization orientation like Fe1/4TaS2, as their M共H兲 loops are more rounded, or display two or more steps. We surmise that the crystallographic short-range order along c in Fe1/4TaS2might facilitate the rapid switch of the magnetiza-tion direcmagnetiza-tion at Hs. Fe1/4TaS2has a Curie temperature TCof

160 K, much smaller than that of SmCo5 共TC⬇950 K兲 or

Nd-Fe-B 共TC⬇600 K兲 but still fairly accessible. Although

the energy product 共BH兲max for Fe1/4TaS2 is less than 1 MGOe, 20–50 times smaller than that of the well-known permanent magnets, the high threshold field of the Fe-intercalated dichalcogenide material renders it as a stable, strong ferromagnet and a potential candidate for applications at low temperatures.

A question that remains unelucidated with regard to the sharp magnetization switch in Fe1/4TaS2 concerns the tem-perature dependence of the switching field Hsshown in Fig.

6共b兲. Additional studies of the time dependence of the switching field Hs at low temperatures, together with Hall

effect and angular dependent magnetoresistance measurements,31are currently under way; these are expected to shed more light on the unusual magnetic behavior ob-served in Fe1/4TaS2. Finally, it would be interesting to clarify whether these unusual magnetic properties are indeed corre-lated with the crystallographic disorder along the c axis. To this end, measurements of the crystal structure and physical properties of Fe1/4TaS2 with structural long-range order along c, if possible, would be desirable.


This research was supported primarily by the U.S. DOE-BES solid state chemistry program and, in part, by the U.S. NSF MRSEC program Grant No. DMR 0213706.

*Email address: emorosan@princeton.edu

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