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Covid 19 and the Future of the Global Cities


Academic year: 2023

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Krakowska Akademia

im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego

Karta przedmiotu

obowiązuje studentów, którzy rozpoczęli studia w roku akademickim 2020/2021 WydziałPrawa, Administracji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych

Kierunek studiów: Stosunki międzynarodowe 2019,2020 Profil: Ogólnoakademicki

Forma studiów: Stacjonarne Kod kierunku: SM 2019,20

Stopień studiów: I

Specjalności: ścieżka specjalizacyjna International Business

1 Przedmiot

Nazwa przedmiotu Covid 19 and the Future of the Global Cities

Kod przedmiotu WPAISM SM 2019,20A1S B1 20/21

Kategoria przedmiotu Przedmioty kierunkowe

Liczba punktów ECTS 3

Język wykładowy angielski

2 Forma zajęć, liczba godzin w planie studiów

Semestr W C K S La I E Wa Le

4 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0

Legenda: W — WykładC — Ćwiczenia/ JęzykiK — KonwersatoriumS — SeminariumLa — LabolatoriumI — InneE — E-LearningWa — WarsztatyLe — Lektorat


Cel 1 Cities are engines of growth: they create jobs and alleviate poverty. The impact of the present global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic is still evolving and is multi-dimensional, combining health, economic and social crisis. The intention of this comparative course is to understand how the societies and economies of global cities have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and how and why the effects may have differed between cities. The course will inform about the role of big cities in the contemporary world, and how policy can support their recovery. Several global cities will be analyzed to look at the impact of Covid-19 on the societies and economies, including London, New York, Paris, Seoul, Sydney, Rotterdam, Helsinki, and others.

Cel 2 The role of the students will involve analyzing data on standard economic indicators (productivity, employ- ment, etc.) alongside indicators of people and institution behavior (commuting patterns, online work, decreased activity in city centers) for each city to draw out differences across locations. The message of this course is that with less commuting and clearer skies, the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to rethink our cities and that national governments need to work together with city administrations and people to form good policies.

4 Wymagania wstępne

1 Knowledge of English and basic knowledge of political science and international relations

5 Modułowe efekty kształcenia

MW1 The course adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary international relations and proposes to examine the main issues of global developments determined by the Covid-19 pandemics.

MU2 The theoretical approach to the study of global development is combined with an analysis of the tendencies in politics, economy, and social relations provoked by the recent pandemics. The idea of the course is to provide the students with methods of dealing with keys issues in global development in a time of critical phenomenon.

Big cities that are engines of growth are in the center of the discourse.

MK3 This course will provide a framework for analysis and a better understanding of the basic issues in the global development caused by the COVID-19 pandemics. The outbreak of this disease is an unprecedented example of how fast an infectious disease can spread around the globe (especially in urban areas) and the enormous impact it causes on public health and socio-economic activities. The fault lines of inequity and poverty have been vividly exposed and have deepened with the economic impact of the pandemic. Graduates of this course will be prepared to examine the basic problems of the current situation to be well-prepared to seek jobs at institutions that deal with these problems.

6 Treści programowe


Lp Tematyka zajęć Liczba godzin

Opis szczegółowy bloków tematycznych

K1 The role of big cities in the modern world (the engine of growth and

civilizational development). 2

K2 What is Smart City? (Smart City Strategic Framework - the cases of Sydney

and Helsinki in 2020). 4


Big Cities and the spreading of COVID-19 (will coronavirus cause a big city exodus?) - the case of New York City). Decreased activity in city centers (the

problem of empty spaces and the example of Copenhagen).



The spread of COVID-19 versus Smart City. The changing role of the IoT in the Covid-19 world (developing and deploying sensors for a range of smart cities

applications). Using the fourth space to help cities cope with Covid-19.

4 K5 Working from home: productivity, and innovation. Technology advancements

with the emergence of 5G. The future of offices and office work. 4 K6 What will come next in the area of Digital Customer Experience? Privacy

versus data access. 4

Strona 2/5



Lp Tematyka zajęć Liczba godzin

Opis szczegółowy bloków tematycznych

K7 Changes to commuting and housing markets. Covid-19 and travel patterns.

Directions of internal migrations. The case of India’s cities and Cairo. 2 K8 Are big cities more vulnerable to pandemics? The case of Brazilian cities and

perspectives from the Asia Pacific. 2


Longer-term urban adaptation. Covid-19 as a catalyst for change. Challenges and chances (ecology, inequalities, health service, cultural institutions). Will

Covid-19 make smart cities smarter than ever?


Razem 30

7 Metody dydaktyczne

M6. E-learning

8 Obciążenie pracą studenta

Forma aktywności

Średnia liczba godzin na zrealizowanie

aktywności Godziny kontaktowe z nauczycielem akademickim, w tym:

Godziny wynikające z planu studiów 30

Konsultacje przedmiotowe 0

Egzaminy i zaliczenia w sesji 0

Godziny bez udziału nauczyciela akademickiego wynikające z nakładu pracy studenta, w tym:

Przygotowanie się do zajęć, w tym studiowanie zalecanej literatury 20

Opracowanie wyników 0

Przygotowanie raportu, projektu, prezentacji, dyskusji 25

Sumaryczna liczba godzin dla przedmiotu wynikająca z

całego nakładu pracy studenta 75

Sumaryczna liczba punktów ECTS dla przedmiotu 3

9 Metody oceny

Online learning by MSTeam Ocena podsumowująca P11. Aktywność na zajęciach I1. Presentation of reports

Warunki zaliczenia przedmiotu

1 Active participation in the preparation of reports and their presentation via MSTeams during online classes.

Prepare and write at least half of all reports.

Kryteria oceny

Na ocenę 3

Active participation in the preparation of reports and their presentation via MSTeams during online classes. Prepare and write at least half of all reports for a satisfactory assessment.


Na ocenę 3.5

Active participation in the preparation of reports and their presentation via MSTeams during online classes. Prepare and write at least half of all reports for a good assessment.

Na ocenę 4

Active participation in the preparation of reports and their presentation via MSTeams during online classes. Prepare and write all reports for a satisfactory assessment.

Na ocenę 4.5

Active participation in the preparation of reports and their presentation via MSTeams during online classes. Prepare and write all reports for a good assessment.

Na ocenę 5

Active participation in the preparation of reports and their presentation via MSTeams during online classes. Prepare and write at least all reports for a very good assessment.

10 Macierz realizacji przedmiotu

Modułowe efekty kształcenia dla


Odniesienie do efektów kierunkowych

Treści programowe Metody

dydaktyczne Sposoby oceny

MW1 EUK6_W1,

EUK6_W2 K1 M6 P11, I1

MU1 EUK6_U1, EUK6_U2 K2, K3, K4, K5, K6,

K7, K8, K9 M6 P11, I1



K1, K2, K3, K4, K5,

K6, K7, K8, K9 M6 P11, I1

11 Wykaz literatury

Literatura podstawowa:

[1] Caogemini Research Institute — Perspectives from our Asia Pacific Junior Talents, Paris, 2020, Caoge- mini Research Institute [https://www.capgemini.com/research/]

[2] H. Overman, M. Nathan — Will coronavirus cause a big city exodus ?, London, 2020, LSE [https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/12/10/will- coronavirus-cause-a-big-city-exodus/]

Literatura uzupełniająca:

[1] Abha Joshi-Ghani — How COVID-19 will impact our cities in the long term, Davos, 2020, World Economic Forum [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/what-will-our-cities-look-like-after-covid-19/]

Publikacje/prace zbiorowe:

[1] Key policy responses from the OECD — OECD (red.) , Paris, 2020 [https://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/en/policy- responses]

12 Informacje o nauczycielach akademickich

Oboba odpowiedzialna za kartę

prof. zw. dr hab. Jerzy Zdanowski (kontakt: jerzyzda@gmail.com)


Oboby prowadzące przedmiot

prof. zw. dr hab. Jerzy Zdanowski (kontakt: jerzyzda@gmail.com)


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