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Academic year: 2022



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“Thank you Woman who are mothers!

You have sheltered human beings within yourselves in a unique experience of joy and travail.

This experience makes you.. the one who is the anchors as the child makes its way along the journey of life”

Saint John Paul II


BAYONNE, NEW JERSEY 201-339-2079

Sunday, May 8, 2022



Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. (except Lent Season)

Register by calling the rectory.


Daily from Monday to Friday after morning Masses (by request) Saturday after 9:30AM Mass


Arrangement must be made with one of the priests at least 6 months before the date of the wedding. Con- firm desired date at the church before making other

arrangements. At least one of the engaged persons (or their parents) must be a registered and active pa- rishioner of St. John Paul II Parish. Weddings are not

scheduled on Sunday.


Please call the Rectory.


(RCIA) The RCIA is the process the Church uses to form and inform those who want to “inquire” about the Catholic faith. This process is for those who have never been baptized, baptized adults needing Confir-

mation and Holy Eucharist, and those of other faiths who feel called to become Catholic. For more infor-

mation please call the Parish Office @ 201-339-2070 1. Wszelkie zaświadczenia stwierdzające że dana osoba jest wierząca i praktykująca a tym samym, że może być Rodzicem Chrzestnym, Świadkiem do

Sakramentu Bierzmowania

(oraz inne zaświadczenia) będą wydawane w kancelarii parafialnej po trzech miesiącach

przynależenia do wspólnoty parafialnej i wywiązaniu się z powziętych zobowiązań wobec


2. Wszyscy katolicy z naszej parafii, mają obowiązek uczestniczenia w niedzielnych i świątecznych Mszach św. oraz wspierania swojej

parafii poprzez składanie ofiar na kościół.

Status parafianina/parafianki Parafii Jana Pawla II otrzymuje osoba, która ma ukończony 21 rok życia i niezależnie od tego, czy zamieszkuje z rodzicami

czy też samotnie, podlega zobowiązaniom wynikającym z przynależności do rodziny


3. Rodziny, które zmieniły adres zamieszkania, proszone są o poinformowanie kancelarii parafialnej,

w celu aktualizacji danych adresowych.


Chrzty odbywają się w soboty i niedziele.

Rejestracja w kancelarii parafialnej.


Od poniedziałku do piątku po porannych Mszach św. (na życzenie) w sobotę po porannej

Mszy Św. o godzinie 9:30 ŚLUBY:

Narzeczeni powinni zgłosić się do księdza na 6 miesięcyprzed datą planowanego ślubu.

Prosimy potwierdzić datę w kościele przed podjęci- em innych ustaleń. Przynajmniej jedno z narzec- zonych (lub ich rodzice) musi być zarejestrowanym i

aktywnym parafianinem św Jana Pawła II.

Śluby nie odbywają się w niedzielę.


Prosimy zadzwonić do kancelarii parafialnej.


The purpose of a sponsor certificate is for the individual (sponsor) to aid the candidate in leading a

Christian life in a manner that faithfully fulfills the obligations of Catholic faith. To do this, the individual

must be living the Catholic faith. The certificate is a sworn statement that attest you are actively attending

mass, practice the catholic faith, and have received Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. Therefore, if you are not a registered parishioner of this parish, you

will not be able to be a sponsor. If you wish to become a parishioner, then you must register and wait

a three-month period before we give you the certificate.

Completing the Sacraments in this parish does not qualify you to receive a sponsor certificate.


UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Call the rectory to update your contact information such

as address, apt/fl., phone and email to prevent mailing errors or not receiving your envelopes. Thank you.


SATURDAY, May 7, 2022

4:30 PM Mass for All Mothers, Grandmothers &

Godmothers, Living & Deceased SUNDAY, May 8, 2022

7:30 AM ; 8:30 AM ; 9:45 AM ; 11:00 AM:

12:30 PM Masses for All Mothers, Grandmothers & Godmothers, Living & Deceased MONDAY, May 9, 2022

8:00 AM + Stanislaw Skibniewski (Wife & Children) 9:30 AM + Lenny Bajor (Choir) TUESDAY, May 10, 2022

8:00 AM + Alfred Kolakowski (brother & family) 9:30 AM + Deacon Don Rogozenski

(mom & family)

6:00 PM + Joseph Guadaitis, Sr.

(daughter & grandchildren) WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2022 8:00 AM ++ Stefania & Paweł Ziętek

(Córka Waleria z rodziną)

9:30 AM + Eleanor Posluszny - 4th Anniversary in Heaven (Husband John)

THURSDAY, May 12, 2022

9:30 AM + Fran Mescavage (Pat Suckiel) 6:00 PM + Zofia Zielinski (Córki z rodzinami) FRIDAY, May 13, 2022

8:00 AM ++ Janina & Edward Chorosz (Borawski Family)

9:30 AM 50th Wedding Anniversary Blessings for Helena & Ronald Venner (Family) SATURDAY, May 14, 2022

8:00 AM For Parishioners 9:30 AM + Catherine Mayo

4:30 PM + Irene Mages (Family)

SUNDAY, May 15, 2022

7:30 AM ++ Margaret M. & George T. Knoop (Daughter Audrey)

8:30 AM + Vito Totino

(Ms. Anna Maria Totino & family) 9:45 AM Collective Mass (see page 6)

11:00 AM ++ Zofia Zielinski, Zofia Szczesniak &

Zofia Borawski (Rodzina) 12:30 PM + Francesca Lentini

(Rachel DellaRosa, daughter)

Spiritual Offering May 8-14, 2022


++ Elvira & Giuseppe Ciraco (Daughter Maria) ALTAR BREAD AND WINE

++ Aftanski & Sulzynski Families (Love Louis III, John, Mark & Families)

INFANT OF PRAGUE CANDLE + Margaret M. Knoop (Daughter Audrey)

SACRED HEART CANDLE Special Intensions DIVINE MERCY CANDLE + Genevieve Roszkowski (Daughter Eileen)

BLESSED MOTHER CANDLE + Estelle Judowski (Daughter Justine) O.L . OF CZESTOCHOWA CANDLE 50th Wedding Anniversary Blessings for Helena &

Ronald Venner (Family) ST. ANNE CANDLE

God Rest + B & + GM (love Clarke & Stella) ST. ANTHONY CANDLE

+ Waclawa Lapkiewicz (Granddaughter Pat Suckiel) ST. FRANCIS CANDLE

Blessings for Robert & Colette Aucoin on your First Communion ( The Holt Family)

ST. JOHN PAUL II CANDLE + Patricia Sigmund - Budzeleski (Cindy)

ST. JOSEPH CANDLE + Jean McKee (Daughter Pat Suckiel)


In Thanksgiving for + Maryellen A. Spall (Love the U. Crew)

ST. STANISLAUS CANDLE Birthday Blessings for Mr. John Dearborn

(Kenneth & Olivia Klim) ST. THERESA CANDLE

Birthday Blessings for Barbara Kaszubski (Pat Suckiel) O. L. OF THE ASSUMPTION CANDLE Blessings for Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, MFVA

(The Holt Family)


May 1, 2022

Regular: $4,681.00 Second Collection: $2,581.00


Total: $8,671.00 We thank all our parishioners for their generous support of our parish! Bóg Zapłać!

Grazie mille!

A special Thank you to those who faithfully send in their envelopes each week

through the mail.

Saturday - Sunday, May 7-8, 2022 Air Conditioning Collection Monday, May 9, 2022

Mass book open - 9:30 AM (Parish Center) Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Eucharistic Adoration -

After 9:30 AM Mass to 5:00 PM Friday, May 13, 2022

Confirmation Celebration Saturday - Sunday, May 14 - 15, 2022

Catholic Home Mission Appeal



We welcome into the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Baptism:

Maria Lynn East Daughter of Joanna & Gerald

Edward James Ortiz Son of Jose & Lauren Zofia Swierzbinski Daughter of Ewelina & Piotr


Our parish church is totally dependent upon your finan- cial support and generosity. Without your generosity we as a parish church could not function. Unfortunately, it takes money and we must pay the bills like any other household. The only difference is

that we are much, much bigger.

Please be generous with God’s given treasure in supporting your parish church. Please consider tithing

(5% of your income) if you have not done so in the past.

The Good Lord rewards you for your generosity and sacrifice.

Monday, May 9 Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 42:3a

Gospel: John 10:1-10 Tuesday May 10 Acts 11:19-26; Psalm 117:1a

Gospel: John 10:22-30 Wednesday, May 11 Act 12:24-13:5a; Psalm 67:4

Gospel: John 12:44-50 Thursday, May 12 Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 89:2

Gospel: John 13:16-20 Friday, May 13 Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2:7bc

Gospel: John 14:1-6 Saturday, May 14 Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Psalm 113:8

Gospel: John 15:9-17 The 2023 Mass Book will be

open on

Monday, May 9th at 9:30 AM.

Intentions will be taken at the Parish Center

from 9:30-3:00. (Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 PM) (The Center will open at 7:00 AM.)

May: The Month of Mary During the month of May, we honor

our Blessed Mother.

There will be special Devotions.

Blessed Mother’s Altar traditionally has been decorated by parishioners.

This year, just like last year, we open the dedication of the flowers

to others.

The Altar needs arrangements each week: $60 each.


May is the month of Mary

We have Marian Devotions each week.

English language devotions take place after 6:00 PM Tuesday


Polish Language devotions take place after 6:00 PM Thursday Mass

and on Sunday at 3:00 PM

w języku angielskim - wtorki po Mszy św. o 6:00 PM.

w języku polskim - czwartki po Mszy św. o 6:00 PM oraz

niedziele o 3:00 PM.

There will be rosary prayer in Italian every Day (Monday-Friday) at 1:30 PM including Wednesday during Adoration

of The Blessed Sacrament SANTO ROSARIO nella lingua

Italiana - da Lunedi al Venerdi alle ore 1:30 PM

OUR LADY OF FATIMA DEVOTION We invite you to our monthly devotion to Our Lady

of Fatima with procession and Rosary (in three languages).

Due to Confirmation Ceremony in our Parish which will take place on Friday May 13, 2022 the devotion to Our Lady of Fatima will be on Tuesday,

May 17, 2022 after Holy Mass at 6:00 PM.


FATIMSKIEJ Zapraszamy wszystkich na

nabożeństwo fatimskie popłączone z procesją i różańcem

(w trzech językach) Ponieważ w tym roku sakrament bierzmowania w naszej parafii odbędzie się

w piątek 13 maja 2022, nabożeństwo do Matki Bożej Fatimskiej odbędzie się we wtorek 17 maja

2022 po wieczornej Mszy św. o godz. 6:00 PM


Vi invitiamo alla devozione mensile della Madonna di Fatima e al Santo Rosario (in tre

lingue). A causa di Sacramento della Conferma- zione che avra luogo nella nostra parocchia Venerdi

13 Maggio 2022, la devozione viene celebrata Martedi, 17 di Maggio 2022, dopo la Santa Messa

alle ore 6:00 PM.

Flowers for Blessed Mother’s Altar

May 8, 2022

Were donated for the intentions:

1. Blessings for Sienna Rose Casasnovas on her First Holy

Communion (Love Grammy & Grampy)

2. In Loving Memory of Staniasława Szpała (Córka Marysia z rodziną)

3. Health & Healing Blessings for the Pinto Family (Veronique)

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Seniors will have their meeting on Tuesday, May 17 at 12:00 PM.

All are welcome.

St. John Paul II Society will be holding their last meeting before summer on

Thursday, May 12, at 6:30 pm.

The Rosary Society’s end of the year meeting will be on Sunday May 22 at Noon in the Parish Center.

Coffee and cake will be served. Anyone wishing to join the Rosary Society is welcome to attend.


The 2022 Annual Appeal

We invite all members of our parish community to join in support of our annual appeal. Our parish

goal is $33,802.00.

You can submit your AA pledge envelope dur- ing Mass or bring it to the rectory office, prayerfully consider your gift decision. Those who wish to pay by credit card or electronic funds transfer may en-

ter your gift online https://www.rcan.org/sharing

In order to reach our goal the minimum offering is $35 per family, however, please consider making

a bigger donation.

Trwa coroczny Apel Arcybiskupa. Każda Parafia ma do zebrania wyznaczoną sumę pieniędzy. Parafii Św. Jana Pawła II w tym roku wyznaczono sumę

$33,802.00. Fundusze te mają na celu wsparcie wszelkich programów dobroczynnych prow-

adzonych przez Archidiecezję Newark.

Więcej informacji związanych z tym apelem można uzyskać na stronie: www.rcan.org

Teraz bardziej niż kiedykolwiek, zwłaszcza w czasie kryzysu zdrowotnego, nasze posługi

i programy potrzebują waszego wsparcia.

Aby zebrać sumę w całości minimalna ofiara nod każdej rodziny to $35.

Jednak prosimy o rozważenie zaofiarowania większej sumy.

Jeżeli każda rodzina wspomoże to dzieło odpowiemy na apel-prośbę Księdza Kardynała.

1. +Arlene Cox

2. ++ Styles & Myers Families 3. + Horacio Medrano

4. + Felicita Medrano

5. + Manuel De Jesus Alberto 6. + Luis H. Alberto

7. + William Brunner

8. + David Peters (Blasa Family)

9. + Lucy Chiaravalloti (Nephew Anthony) 10. + Anne Nierstadt (Dr. Danuta Silber)

11. + Theresa Caputo (Nancy Piarulli & Richard Delikat)

12. + Nina Gonzales (Aunt Vitina)

13. + Theresa Caputo (Catherine Cerbone) 14. + Maria Casais (Dina Lago)

15. + Carlos Jaime (Torres family & brothers & sisters)

16. + Dino Giacopelli (Sister in - law Lucia Spano & family) 17. + Elizabeth Judowski (Jill Finnegan) 18. + Józef Rogala (Budny family)

19. + Vincenzo Domenico Bonetti (Wroblewski family)

20. + Barbara Prokop ( Andrew J. Merkovsky) 21. ++ Medero Family (Margaret Dobrowolska) 22. + Marianne Wegrzynski (Gosia Lyp)

For Collective Mass Na Mszę Zbiorową May 15, 2022 at 9:45 AM


Dear Parishioners recently we received an alert for some parishioners that they received message from Fr. Zenon asking for help, requesting money

This is a scam!

Fr. Zenon never sends such messages, either by phone or via e - mail.

Do not respond to these messages, we suggest you call police.


Drodzy Parafianie, ostatnio dzwonicie do nas, ponieważ niektórzy z was otrzymoują wiadomość

od ks. Zenona, że potrzebuje pomocy.

To jest oszustwo!

Ksiądz Zenon do nikogo nie wysyłał podobnych wiadomości czy na telefon czy przez email.

Prosimy nie odpowiadać na podobe informacje, radzimy powiadomić policję.



by the love of our

Blessed Mother

Mother’s Day 2022

Niech Pan Bóg Błogosławi wszystkim Mamom, a zmarłe niech obdarzy łaską


Dziękuję Ci Boże Ojcze za moją Mamę.

Za jej pomoc i dobroć, za to kochające mnie serce, dziękuję Ci Boże.

Błogosław ją nieustannie; obdarzaj zdrowiem i licznymi powodami do

radości. Pomagaj jej wykonywać obowiązki, dodawaj sił w pokonywaniu


Niech w każdej chwili ma w Tobie oparcie, niechaj doświadcza Twojej miłości. Błogosław Boże mojej Matce.

Najświętsza Matko Chrystusowa.

In celebration of Mother's Day, we offer our best wishes to all mothers.

With thankful prayer and blessing, we embrace all mothers both in the physical and spiritual dimensions of

this wonderful gift and vocation.

Thank you for your hard work, love and inspiration.

May the Good Lord gifts you with graces needed, and Mary holds you

close to her maternal heart.

Fr. Zenon and Fr. Lukasz


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