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British Chemical and Physiological Abstracts. B. Applied Chemistry, Foreword


Academic year: 2022

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Section “ A ” of th e ab stra cts, dealing w ith pure chem istry an d physiology, will be issued to Fellows o f the Chemical Society an d o ther subscribers a t th e end of each m onth, in three separate sections : A., I, General, Physical, an d Inorganic Chem istry an d G eochem istry; A., I I , Organic C hem istry; A., I l l , Physiology an d B iochem istry. E ach section will be p aginated separately and have its own m onthly au th o r index.

Section “ B ,” covering applied chem istry, will appear a t th e end of each m onth, a n d will be circulated w ith th e Transactions of the Society of Chemical Industry to m em bers of th a t Society an d to special subscribers.

The price of th e “ A ” a b stra cts is £6 per annum , including jo in t Index, or £2 5s. for section A., I or A., I I , an d £3 5s. for A., I I I . T he price of th e “ B ” abstracts is £4 per annum , including jo in t Index.

Fellows of th e Chemical Society m ay o b tain th e “ B ” ab stra cts for £1 15s. 0d., w hilst Members of the Society of Chemical In d u stry m ay obtain th e “ A ” ab stra cts for £2 15s. Od. All these prices are post free.

[The yearly m em bership subscriptions are £3 Os. Od. in th e case of th e Chemical Society an d £2 10s. Od.

in th e case of th e Society of Chemical In d u stry .] Copies of “ A ” or “ B ” ab stra cts prin ted on one side of th e paper, an d suitable for filing purposes, m ay be obtained a t reasonable charges.

T he general basis of classification adopted in th e various sections is p rin te d below. F o r th e guidance of readers of “ A ” ab stracts, it should be pointed ou t th a t ab stracts of analytical papers m ay be found n o t only a t th e end of each section as ta b u la te d below, b u t sometimes also, w hen th e analytical m ethod described has a very specialised object, in th e body of th e section, according to th e m aterial w ith which th e analytical m ethod deals.

In order to facilitate reference to th e “ A ” ab stracts, th e appropriate num ber an d letter (i c, iv d, etc.), as shown in th e accom panying statem en t, will be p rin ted a t th e to p of each page on which th e respective ab stra c ts appear.


I. General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. m .

Crystal Structure.



X - R a y exam ination.

. ' (6) C rystal m odels. X - R a y results for elem ents and com-

(а) A tom ic spectra. Infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X -ra y pounds. E lectron diffraction.

emission and absorption spectra, Zeem an and S tark


M agnetic and electrical properties of crystals : piezo- ... ,ec:t8v Com pton effect. _ _ ele ctricity ; m agn etostriction; H a ll e ffe c t; B ark- (б) E lectrical prop erties: Ionisation potentials of atom s, hausen e ffe c t; tribo-electricity.

photo-electric and therm ionic effects. M) O ptical properties. R o ta to ry dispersion.

(c) Properties of electrons, positrons, and gaseous ions. (e) Com pressibility. Tensile strength. P la sticity.

. T M agnetic properties. R am sau er effect. (f) Mesomorphic s ta te ; a llo tro p y; m onotropy.



) Isotopes— atom ic w eights.

(e) R ad io active processes. N eutrons. iv .

P hysical Properties o f P u re Substances


not included above).

(/) O ther sub-atom ic processes. A rtificial rad io activity.


M olecular w eigh ts.

N uclear chem istry. Cosmic rays. (&) E lectrical constants : Conductance, supercondu ctivity, (:7) Theories of atom ic structu re and sub-atom ic m echanism . therm oelectric power, ligh t-sensitivity, etc. M agnetic


A tom ic dimensions (except in solid state). susceptibility. Sonic properties.


M olecular Structure.

_ (d) T h e ^ S ^ ' s : Specific h eats, h e at of change o f (a) M olecular spectra : Em ission and absorption spectra of state, boiling points, freezing p oints, transition points,

organic and inorganic substances. Fluorescence, (e) Chemical constants.

lum inescence, and phosphorescence. R am an effect. (J) Pressures and volum es : D en sity, vap o u r pressure, co- (o) Ionisation p otentials. Photo-electric effect w ith com- efficient o f expansion, equations of state, th eory of

pounds. R ectifiers. corresponding states, critical state. H eat-conduc-

(c) C o n d u ctivity. D ielectric constants. D ipole m om ent. tiv ity . Therm al accom m odation. Joule—Thomson

E leetrets. effect.


M olecular volum es. Com pressibility.

(e) O ptical properties : _ M olecular refraction, dispersion,


V is c o s ity ; flu id ity ; p lasticity.

ro ta to ry dispersion, op tical a c tiv ity , m agnetic


Diffusion, rotation. K e rr effect.


Theories o f m olecular stru ctu re. V alen cy, secondary v .

Solutions and M ixtu res.

valen cy, including co-ordination, electronic and m ag-


Gaseous m ixtures, liquid m ixtures (excluding dilu te netie theories, constitutional foimuUe of inorganic solutions), solid solutions (including alloys), p ro p e rty - substances. D euterium and its com pounds. com position curves,

(17) M olecular sizes and forces. Surface tension. Mole- (6) M iscibility of liquids and of solids. S olu b ility of gases

cu lar beam . Parach or. and solids in liquids.


Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n a n d Ar r a n g e m e n t o f Ab s t r a c t s.

(c) D istrib u tio n phenom ena : P a rtitio n , ab so rp tion , a d so rp ­ tion, surface film s, su rface en erg y, m em b ran e effects.

(d) D ilu te so lu tio n s: (i) N on -electrolytio so lu tio n s; (ii) Solution s o f electrolytes. C o llig a tive p ro p ertie s;

n on -collig ative properties.

(e) D isperse system s. P rep a ra tio n a n d p ro p erties of su s­

pensions, em ulsions, sm okos, foam s, sols, gels, jellies.

C oagulation , p ep tisa tio n , agoing, catap ho resis, im ­ b ib itio n , etc.

v i. K in e tic Theory. Therm odynam ics.

(а) E q u ilib riu m iii hom ogeneous sy ste m s; equilibrium , dissociation, ion isation c on stan ts, a c t iv it y coefficients, etc.

(б) E q u ilib riu m in heterogeneous s y s te m s ; uni- a n d m u lti- com ponent s y s te m s ; phase rule.

(c) T herm och em istry.

v ii. Electrochem istry.

(а) E lec tric a l con d u ctan ce.

(б) T ra n sp o rt phonom ena.

(c) E lectro d e a n d diffusion p o te n tia ls; e.m .f., con cen ­ tratio n cells, etc.

(d) P o larisatio n , o v erv o lta g e, p a ss iv ity , e tc.

(e) A p p licatio n of electrochem ical m ethods.

v in . Reactions.

(а) V e lo c ity stu d ies in (i) H om ogen eous sy ste m s; (ii) H etorogeneous system s.

(б) C atalysed reaction s : (i) a n d (ii) a s ab o v e . (cj E lectro d e reaction s.

(d) Ph otoch em ical reactions.

. (e) Irra d ia te d reaction s.

IX . N e w or Im proved M ethods o j P rep a rin g Substances (a r ­ r a n g e d a c c o r d in g t o p e r io d ic ta b le ) e tc .

x . A n a ly sis.

x i . A p p a ra tu s.

x i i . Lecture E xp e rim e n ts a n d H istorical.

xiii. Geochemistry.

I I . Organic Chemistry.

x i v . A lip h a tic .

(а) H yd rocarbo n s and th eir halogen, n itro-, a n d nitroso- d eriv a tives.

(б) A lcohols. E th ers. A lk y l salts. S ulp h ur com pounds, in clu din g sulphonic acids.

(c) A cid s. T hio- and sulpho-acids.

(d) A ld eh yd es. A ld o xim es.

(e) K e to n e s and diketon es. ICotoxim es.

{/) Sugars, glucosides, a n d carb oh yd rates.

(?) A m ines. A m ino-alcohols. A m in o-acid s. C yano-acids, thiocyan o-acids. A m in o-ald eh yd es a n d -ketones.

(h) A m ides (including cyan ic, c ya n u ric, a n d th io cy an ic acids).

(t) N itriles, carbylam ines, m etallic cyan id es.

(j) A m idoxim es, im ino-ethers.

(k) D iazo-com pounds.

(I) Phosphorus, arsenic, an tim on y, boron, silicon, etc. com ­ pounds.

(m) A liphatic organo-m etallic com pounds.

B.— APPLIED I . G eneral; P la n t; M achinery.

I I . F u e l; G a s; T a r ; M ineral Oils.

I I I . Organic Interm ediates.

I V . D yestu fis.

V . F ib res; T ex tile s; Cellulose; Paper.

V I . B leach in g; D y ein g ; P rin tin g ; Finishing.

V I I . A c id s; A lk a lis; S alts; N on-M etallic Elem ents.

\ I I I . G la s s ; Ceram ics.

I X . B uild ing M aterials.

X . M etals; M etallurgy, including E lectro m etallu rgy.

X I . E lectro techm cs.

X I I . F a t s ; O ils; W axes.

x v . H om ocyclic.

{a) H y d ro carb o n s C „H 2„ to C„Hiw-«> a n d th eir halogen, nitroso-, and n itro -d eriv a tiv es. Sulphonio acids.

(6) H y d ro ca rb o n s C„H2n-8 to C „H 2„_4 a n d d e riv a tiv e s.

(cj A m in es. In clu d es a n ilid es of a lip h a tic a cid s, carb- am ides, carb am ates, a n d sulphon ic a cid s. D iam in es a n d p olyam in es.


A zo xy -co m p o u n d s.

(e) A zo - ,,

(/) H y d razo - ,, (g) D iazo - „ (h) D iazoam in o- ,,

(i) P h en o ls a n d th eir su b stitu tio n p r o d u c t s ; phen ol e th e r s ; a m in o p h en o ls; th io p h e n o ls; su lp h id e s; sulphonic acid s.

(j) A lc o h o ls; am in o-alcoh ols; d i- a n d tr i-a ry lc a rb in o ls a n d th eir d e r iv a tiv e s ; sterols.

(k) C a rb o x y lic a cid s; in clu d es n itrile s o f th e resp ective acid s, am ides, a n d h y d r a z id e s ; su b stitu tio n p ro d u ct s.

(I) A ld e h yd e s a n d th eir d e riv a tive s.

(m) K e to n e s „ „

(n ) Q u inon es; ben zoq uin on e, n ap h th aq u in on e, an th ra - quinone, a n d oth o rs; th eir su b stitu tio n d eriv a tive s.

(0) T orpenes.

x v i . M iscellaneous unclassifiable substances.

x v i i . H eterocyclic etc.

(a) O x y g e n rin g com pounds.

(b) S u lp h u r rin g com pounds.

(cj C om pound s con tain in g b o th 0 a n d S rings.


N itro g en rin g com poun ds : one N .

(e) „ „ „ m oro th an one N .

(/) R in g s con tain in g 0 a n d N , S a n d N , e tc.

(</) A lk a lo id s.

(h.) O rgan o-m etallic com pounds.

(1) P rotein s.

x v m . A n a ly sis.

I I I . Physiology and Biochemistry.

x i x . (a) H isto lo g y . (&) B lo o d and lym ph . (cj V a sc u la r system .


R e sp iratio n and blo od gases.

(e) M usclo.

(/) N e rv o u s system . (g) S p ecial senses.

(h ) D u ctless glands, e xclu d in g gonads.

(j) R ep ro d u ction , h e red ity , and exp erim en tal em b ryolo g y.

(k ) D ig e stiv e system . (I) L iv o r a n d bile.

(m) K id n e y a n d urine.

(n) O ther organs and tissu es; bod y-flu ids. T u m o u rs.

(o) N u tritio n a n d vitam in s.

{p) M etabolism , goneral and sp ecial.

(5) P h arm a co lo g y a n d to xico lo g y . (rj In d u stria l p h y sio lo g y and hyg ien e.

(s) R adiatio n s.

(t) P h y sic a l a n d collo id al c h em istry.

(u) E n zym es.

(v ) M icrobiological and im m un olo gical c h em istry . {w ) P la n t p h y sio lo g y .

(x ) P la n t con stitu en ts.

ly) A p p a ra tu s and a n a ly tic a l m eth od s.


X I I I . P la s tic s ; R e sin s ; P a in ts ; C oa tin g C om positions.

X I V . In d ia-ru b b e r; G u tta -P e rc h a . X V . L e a t h e r ; G lue.

X V I . A g ricu ltu re .

X V I I . S u g a rs ; S ta rch e s; G um s.

X V in . F erm e n tatio n In d ustries.

X I X . F o o d s.

X X . M ed icin al S u b sta n ces; E sse n tia l O ils.

X X I . P h o to g rap h ic M aterials a n d Processes.

X X I I . E x p lo s iv e s ; M atch es.

X X I I I . S a n ita tio n ; W a te r P u rifica tio n .


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