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View of Ewangelia Judasza. Materiały bibliograficzne


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Materiały bibliograficzne


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Katowice 2008, Księgarnia św. Jacka.

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Codex Tchacos. Texte und Analysen, ed. J. Brankaer – H.-G. Bethge, Berlin 2007,

Walter de Gruyter.

Ewangelia Judasza, wstęp, tłum. z koptyjskiego i komentarz W. Myszor, SACh SN 3,

Katowice 2006, Księgarnia św. Jacka.

The Gospel of Judas: Together with the Letter of Peter to Philip, James, and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos. Critical Edition, Coptic text edited by R. Kasser

– G. Wurst, Introductions, Translations, and Notes by R. Kasser – M. Meyer – G. Wurst – F. Gaudard, Washington 2007, National Geographic Society.

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures. The International Edition, ed. M. Meyer, New York

2007, HarperOne.


Adamson G., Fate Indelible. The Gospel of Judas and Horoscopic Astrology, w: The

Codex Judas Papers, s. 305-324.

Bosson N., L’„Évangile de Judas”: notes linguistiques et stylistiques, w: The Codex

Judas Papers, s. 3-22.

Brankaer J., Whose Savior. Salvation, Damnation and the Race of Adam in the Gospel

of Judas, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 387-412.

DeConick A., The Thirteenth Apostle. What the Gospel of Judas Really Says. London – New York 2007, Continuum.

DeConick A.D., After the „Gospel of Judas”: Reassesing what we have known to

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Berg – A. Kotzé – T. Nicklas – M. Scopello, Leiden 2011, Brill, 627-661. DeConick A.D., Apostles as Archons. The Fight for Authority and the Emergence of

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Say?, w: The Gospel of Judas in Context, s. 239-264.

Dubois J.D., L’„Évangile de Judas” et la tradition basilidienne, w: The Gospel of

Judas in Context, s. 145-154.

Dunderberg I., Judas’ Anger and the Perfect Human, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 201-221.

Emmel S., The Presuppositions and the Purpose of the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The

Gospel of Judas in Context, s. 33-39.

Förster N., The Star of Judas in the Gospel of Judas, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 325-336.

Frank W., The Gospel of Judas: Its Polemic, its Exegesis, and its Place in Church

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Franzmann M., Judas as an Abraham Figure in the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The Gospel

of Judas in Context, s. 113-121.

Funk W.P., The Significance of the Tchacos Codex for Understanding the First

Apoc-alypse of James, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 509-533.

Gathercole S., Paradise, Kingdom and the Thirteenth Aeon in the Gospel of Judas, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 479-499.

Grosso M., Three Days and Eight Days. Chronology in the Gospel of Judas, w: The

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Kerchove van der A., La maison, l’autel et les sacrifices: quelques remarques sur

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s. 311-329.

Kim S., The „Gospel of Judas” and the Stars, w: The Gospel of Judas in Context, s. 293-309.

King K., Martyrdom and Its Discontents in the Tchacos Codex, w: The Codex Judas

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Lewis N.D., Fate and the Wandering Stars. The Jewish Apocalyptic Roots of the

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Logan A., The Tchacos Codex: Another Documents of the Gnostics?, w: The Codex

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Lona H., Judasz Iskariota. Legenda i prawda. Judasz w Ewangeliach i w „Ewangelii

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Luttikhuizen G., Sethianer?, ZACh 13 (2009) 76-86.

Mahé J.P., Mise en scène et effets dramatiques dans l’„Évangile de Judas”, w: The

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Marjanen A., The Seven Women Disciples. In the Two Verson of the First Apocalypse

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Meyer M., Interpreting Judas: Ten Passages in the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The Gospel

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Meyer M., The Tchakos Fragments of the Gospel of Judas. Paper presented at the

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histoire. Quelques remarques et réflexions, w: The Gospel of Judas in Context,

s. 135-143.

Montserrat-Torrents J., La cosmologie de l’„Évangile de Judas”, w: The Gospel of

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Most G., The Judas of the Gospels and the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The Gospel of Judas

in Context, s. 69-80.

Myszor W., Chrystologia gnostyków: podstawowe problemy, w: tenże, Gnostycyzm

i teologia Ireneusza z Lyonu. Zagadnienia wybrane, SACh SN 11, Katowice

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Myszor W., Jezus w „Ewangelii Judasza”, w: tenże, Gnostycyzm i teologia Ireneusza

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Nagel P., Das Evangelium des Judas – zwei Jahre später, ZNW 100 (2009) 101-138. Nagel P., Das Evangelium des Judas, ZNW 98 (2007) 213-276.

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2011, Brill, 547-565.

Oort van J., Irenaeus on the „Gospel of Judas”. An Analysis of the Evidence in

Con-text, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 43-56.

Os von B., Stop Sacrificing! The metaphor of sacrifice in the „Gospel of Judas”, w:

The Codex Judas Papers, s. 367-386.

Pagels E. – King K., Das Evangelium des Verräters. Judas und der Kampf um das

wahre Christentums, transl. R. Seuss, München 2008, C.H. Beck.

Pagels E., Baptism in the „Gospel of Judas”. A Priliminary Inquiry. w: The Codex

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Pagels E., Ewangelie gnostyckie, tłum. I. Szuwalska, Wrocław 2007, Purana.

Paichaud L.C., What is the Advantage (Gos. Jud. 46.16) Text, Context, Intertext, w:

The Codex Judas Papers, s. 437-452.

Painchaud L., Polemical aspects of the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The Gospel of Judas in

Context, s. 171-186.

Pearson B.A., Judas Iscariot in the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 137-152.


Petersen T., From Perplexity to Salvation: The „Gospel of Judas” Read in Light of

Platonic Didactic Strategies. w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 413-434.

Piovanelli P., Rabbi Yehuda versus Judas Iscariot. The „Gospel of Judas” and

Apoc-ryphal Passion Stories, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 223-239.

Plisch U.K., Judasevangelium und Judasgedicht, w: Jesus in apokryphen

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Pouderon B., Judas, l’homme double. Recherches sur les archétypes du disciple qui

trahit Jésus dans l’„Évangile de Judas”, w: The Gospel of Judas in Context,

s. 81-95.

Pratscher W., Judas Iskariot im Neuen Testament und im Judasevangelium, „Novum Testamentum” 52 (2010) 1-23.

Robinson J.M., Questions about the Tcachos Codex, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 547-556.

Robinson J.M., Tajemnica Judasza. Historia niezrozumianego ucznia i jego

zagin-ionej ewangelii, tłum. J. Slawik, Warszawa 2006, Nadir Media Lazar.

Robinson J.M., The Sources of the „Gospel of Judas”, w: The Gospel of Judas in

Context, s. 59-67.

Rouwhorst G., The „Gospel of Judas” and Early Christian Eucharisty, w: In Search

of Truth: Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism. Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty, ed. J. van den Berg – A. Kotzé – T. Nicklas – M. Scopello,

Leiden 2011, Brill, 611-625.

Rubio F.B., Lauthing at Judas. Conflicting Interpretations of a New Gnostic Gospel, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 153-180.

Rubio F.B., L’ambiguité du rire dans l’„Évangile de Judas”: les limites d’une

„Um-wertung” gnostique, w: The Gospel of Judas in Context, s. 331-359.

Scopello M., Les anges dans l’„Évangile de Judas”: aperçu préliminaire, w: Pensée

grecque et sagesse d’Orient. Hommage à Michel Tardieu, ed. M.A. Amir-Moezzi

– J.D. Dubois – C. Jullien – F. Jullien, Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses 142, Turnhout 2009, Brepols, 589-598.

Scopello M., Motifs et expressions mystiques dans l’„Évangile de Judas”, w: In

Search of Truth: Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism. Studies for Jo-hannes van Oort at Sixty, ed. J. van den Berg – A. Kotzé – T. Nicklas – M.

Sco-pello, Leiden 2011, Brill, 593-609.

Scopello M., Traditions angélologiques et mystique juive dans l’„Évangile de

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Schenke-Robinson G., The Gospel of Judas in Light of the New Testament and Early

Christianity, ZACh 13 (2009) 98-107.

Schenke-Robinson G., The Gospel of Judas. Its Protagonist, its Composition, and its

Community, w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 75-94.

Schenke-Robinson G., The Relationship of the Gospel of Judas to the New Testament


Schmid H., Eucharistie und Opfer. Das „Evangelium des Judas” im Kontext von

Eu-charistideutungen des zweiten Jahrhundert, „Early Christianity” 3 (2012) 85-108.

Schwartz J.K., Die Kultpolemik im „Evangelium des Judas”, „Early Christianity” 3/1 (2012) 59-84.

Sullivan K., You will become the Thirteenth. The Identity of Judas in the „Gospel of

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The Codex Judas Papers: Proceedings ot the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex (Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 13th-16th 2008), ed. A.D.

DeCon-ick, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 71, Leiden – Boston 2009.

The Gospel of Judas in Context, Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (Paris, Sorbonne, October 27th-28th, 2006), ed. M. Scopello,

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Thomassen E., Is Judas Really the Hero of the „Gospel of Judas”?, w: The Gospel of

Judas in Context, s. 157-170.

Turner J., The Place of the „Gospel of Judas” in Sethian Tradition. w: The Gospel of

Judas in Context, s. 187-237.

Turner J.D., The sethian Myth in the „Gospel of Judas”. Soteriology or Demonology? w: The Codex Judas Papers, s. 95-133.

Vliet van der J., Judas and the Stars. Philological Notes on the newly published

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Williams F., The Gospel of Judas: Its Polemic, its Exegesis, and its Place in Church

History, VigCh 62 (2008) 371-403.

Wurst G., Addenda et Corrigenda to the Critical Edition of the Gospel of Judas, w:

The Codex Judas Papers, s. 503-507.

zebrał i opracował ks. Wincenty Myszor – Katowice, UŚ



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