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A revision of the fluxoturbidite concept based on type examples in the Polish Carpathian Flysch


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V, Я —Д/2: 3—44 K ra k ó w 1981

Andrzej Śl ą c z k a, Sam Th o m p s o n III



(PL I—VI and 15 Figs.)

R ewizja pojęcia jluksoturbidyt, w oparciu o przykłady z polskich K a rp a t fliszowych

(PI. I—VI i 15 fig.)

Andrzej S ł ą c z k a , S a m T h o m p s o n III: A revision of th e flu xotu rb id ite concept based on tyjpe exam p les in the P olish Gaxpajfchiiam Flysch. Ann. Soc. GeoL Poloniae, 51— 1/2: 3— 44, 1981. Kraików.

A b s t r a c t : A flu xotu rb id ite is redefined as th e depositional product of com posite sedim ent, gravity flow , w ith a gravity grain flo w (or related type) in th e low er part and a turbidity flow in the upper part. A m odel of a com plete flu xotu rb id ite (FT) bed is constructed; it consists o f a 5 m com posite bed of conglom erate and san dston e w ith a th in m udstone at th e top. The low er (F) part is gen erally m assive (internal lam ination is absent) w ith coarser grains dispersed am ong th e finer; th e transport m echanism is considered to be a grain flow , although som e zones m ay b e produced by liqu efied sedim ent flow . The upper (T) part is essen tially a Boum a seq u en ce (Ta to Te), and represents deposition from a turbidity flow .

Fluxoturhidites form sign ificantly coarser parts of subm arine can yon -fan de- posdtional system s th an norm al turbidites, and m ay exten d into distal parts of th e fan. Fluxoturbidites gen erally are cleaner sandstones and conglom erates, and constitute better reservoir objectives in petroleum exploration th an norm al tu r­

bidites w hich g en erally are muddy.

K e y w o r d s : fluxoturbidite, fluxotu rb id ite m odel, gravity flow , flysch, Carpathians

Andrzej S ł ą c z k a : In stytu t N auk G eologicznych, U n iw ersytet Jagielloński, ul. O leandry 2a, 30-30063 Kraków, (Poland)

Sam T h o m p s o n III: N ew M exico Bureau of M ines and M ineral Resources.

Socorro, N ew M exico 87801, USA m anuscript received: M ay 1980


accepted, July, 1980


— 4 —

T r e ś ć : B adania typow ych osadów flu k soturbidytow ych polskich Karpat flisz o ­ w y ch w sk azu ją, że (tworzenie się law ie fluksoturbidytow ych było w y n ik iem złożo­

n ego procesu sedym entacyjnego rozpoczynającego się potokami piaszczystym i, a kończącego się norm alnym i prądami zaw iesin ow ym i. Zaproponowany został k o n ­ cepcyjny m odel pełnego fluksoturbidytu. Osady fluksoturbidytow e są charaktery­

styczn e dla proksym alnych części stożków podm orskich, a niekiedy budują praw ie ca łe stożki turbidytow e.


A fter th e concept of fluxoturbidite was introduced by Dzulynski, Ksiqzkiewicz, and K uenen (1959), m any w orkers recognized deposits of a sim ilar type associated w ith norm al turbidites in several deep- m arine basins around the world. In general, fluxoturbidites are cha­

racterized by thick beds (several m eters) of sandstone and conglomerate th a t tend to be nongraded and lacking in in tern al stratification (at least in the low er part), in contrast to the norm al turbidites th a t are graded and contain a sequence of internal layers defined in the model of Bouma (1962).

F or m an y units of flysch in th e C arpathian M ountains of Poland, Dzulynski and others (1959) listed several different examples of fluxo­

turbidites. The mechanism of sedim entary tran sp o rt was inferred tp be interm ediate betw een subm arine slum ping-sliding and tu rb id ity flow, b u t several processes were implied. The fluxoturbidites in the Istebna Beds were described in detail by U nrug (1963), and the sedim entary processes w ere interpreted; th a t paper rem ains one of the best docu­

m entations of the fluxoturbidite concept in the type area.

Some geologists, for exam ple W alker (1967, 1970), recom mend th a t th e term “flu x o tu rb id ite” should be abandoned and th a t the concept be incorporated into “proxim al tu rb id ite ”. Not all agree, for exam ple Schlager W. and Schlager M. (1973); and some would keep the te rm b u t m odify th e concept of the sedim entary mechanism, for exam ple C arter (1975). In this paper, we w ill review these concepts and p ro ­ blems, and propose revisions.

In addition to the significance of fluxoturbidites in sedimentology, we are also concerned w ith th e ir im portance in the exploration and developm ent of petroleum resources in deep-m arine basins. The rese r­

voir quality of the cleaner sandstones and conglomerates in flu x o ­ turbidites tends to be m uch b e tte r th a n th a t of norm al turbidites. In Poland, the fluxoturbidite reservoirs have produced up to 3,900 barrels of oil per day, averaging 300 to 400 barrels p e r day, w hereas those in norm al tu rb id ites usually produce 10 barrels p er day or less. Con­

trastin g ra te s of petroleum production also are reported in o th er basins.

We plan to discuss this subject fu rth e r in a subsequent paper.


— 5 —

A t Sl^czka’s invitation, Thompson m ade th ree vacation trip s to Po­

land to see w ith him several of the typical exam ples of fluxoturbidites in th e C arpathian Flysch. Based on the first two reconnaissance trips in 1972 and 1973, a prelim inary model for fluxoturbidites was presented at the International Congress of Sedim entology in Nice (Slqczka and Thompson, 1975). D uring the th ird trip in 1977, the key exposures w ere described in detail and the im proved model of the present paper w as developed.

We are indebted to m any geologists whose w ork and guidance have facilitated our stu d y of fluxoturbidites. Only a few of them are m en­

tioned specifically in this brief paper. Expecially we are g ratefu l to S. Dzulyriski and R. U nrug for th e ir stim ulating discussions and th e ir suggestions for im proving the first d ra ft of th e m anuscript. We regret the passing of Ph. H. Kuenen, who was one of the greatest advocates of the fluxoturbidite concept.


The A lpine-C arpathian m ountain chain passes through the so uthern­

most p a rt of Poland. As is characteristic of th e rest of the chain, the tectonic style of th e Polish C arpathian M ountains consists of nappe stru ctu re s (Fig. 1) developed during E arly to Middle Miocene tim e.

From south to n o rth the m ain nappes in the outer p a rt of the Polish Carpathians are: Magura, Silesian, sub-Silesian, and Skole.

!9°E 2 0 ° E 2I°E 2 2 ° E 2 3 °E

Fig. 1. Tectonic sketch m ap of th e Carpathian M ountains in the southern part of Polaindi. Tectonic units are: 1 — Tatra, 2 — P od h ale Flysch, 3 — pHeniny klippen belt, 4 — M agura nappe, 5 — Fore-M agura nappe (Dukla), 6 — S ilesian nappe, 7 — su b -S ilesia n nappe, 8 — Skole nappe, 9 — M iocene and younger

foreland beds. (Modified from K siążkiew icz, 1962)

Fig. 1. Szkic tektoniczny Karpat: 1 — Taitry, 2 — Flisz podhalański, 3 — P ie ­ niński Pas Skałkow y, 4 — Płaszczowiiina magurska, 5 — Jednostka przedm agurska i dukielska, 6 — Płaszczowiina śląska, 7 — Jednostka podśląska, 8 — P łaszczo- w ina skolska, 9 — Przedgórze Karpat. (W oparciu o pracę Książkiewiicz 1962)


The O u ter C arpathians are built of flysch sequences totaling n early 6000 m in thickness and ranging in age from latest Jurassic to E arly Miocene. P aleobathym etric depths generally range from 200 to 600 m (Książkiewicz, 1975). These sequences consist of norm al turbidites, fluxo- turbidites, and other deep-m arine deposits (Fig. 2). Three flysch fo r­

m ations w ith abundant fluxoturbidites are th e L ow er Istebna Beds (Upper Senonian) (Fig. 3a, b), Ciężkowice Sandstone (Paleocene-Lower Eocene) (Fig. 4), and Krosno Beds (Oligocene).

More detailed tre a tm e n t of the geology of the Polish C arpathian M ountains is given by Książkiewicz (1962, 1963, 1968) and others.

IOOO -i m

0 -


J u r a s s i c

Lower Krosno

F C i ę ż k o w i c e

Lower I s t e b n a

Lower L go ta

1 2 - - - 3

■ 1 0 11 12 _J---I—

t-. \ J —L-- 16 F-17



A lthough the te rm f l u x o t u r b i d i t e was first published by K uenen (1958, p. 332), the original definition of th e concept is given by Dżułyński, Książkiewicz, and K uenen (1959, p. 1114):

“A different ty p e of sedim entation is encountered am idst norm al tu rb id ites in m any places. In th is type the grain size is large and the beds tend to be less m uddy. The bedding is thick and ra th e r irregular, and th e shales betw een are silty to sandy and th in or even absent.

C urrent sole m arkings are scarce, load casting is m ore common, and coarse cu rren t bedding of som ew hat variable direction is encountered.

Indications of slum ping are found, and grading is absent, repetitive, irregular, or even inverted, and irre g u lar lenses of coarser grain occur inside the beds. These sandstones m ay occur as large lenses betw een norm al flysch or shales. In other cases th e m aterial or th e direction of supply contrast w ith those of the norm al surrounding flysch of the same age”.

"Because characteristics of deposition from tu rb id ity cu rren ts appear to be m ixed w ith evidence for sliding, we p re fe r to call this kind of bed a «fluxoturbidite»”.

“We suggest th a t th e cause for this abnorm al type of flysch can be eith er a deepening of the basin and steepening of the slope, or a quick­

ening of the supply, or a change in position of the supply, for instance th e building of a new d e lta ”.

“B ut w hatever th e cause, the mode of tran sp o rtatio n has changed.

Instead of a w ell-m ixed tu rb u le n t tu rb id ity c u rre n t carrying alm ost

Fig. 2. Schem atic stratigraphic colum n of th e S ilesia n nappe. Sedim entary units are:, 1 — Low er C ieszyn Beds, 2 — C ieszyn Limestan.es, 3 — U pper C ieszyn Beds, 4 — Grodiischt Beds, 5 — W ierzow ice Shales, 6 — Low er Lgota Beds, 7 — U pper Lgota Beds, 8 — radiolarite beds (and red mudsitanes), 9 — Godula Beds, 10 — Low er Isitebna Beds, 11 — Upper Istebna Beds, 12 — C iężkow ice Sandstones, 13 — H ieroglyphic Beds, 14 — Mendlite Beds, 15 — Krosno Beds — thdck sandstones, 16 — K rosno Beds — thinner sandstones and m udstones, 17 —

U nits containing fiuxotu rb id ites

Fttg. 2. Schem atyczna kolum na stratygraficzna jednostki śląskiej. 1 — Łupki cie­

szyń sk ie dolne, 2 — W apienie cieszyńskie, 3 — W arstw y cieszyńsk ie górne, 4 — W arstw y grodziskie, 5 — Łupka wńerzowskie, 6 — W arstw y lgockie dolne, 7 — W arstw y lgockie górne, 8 — W arstw y radiolarytow e z czerw onym i łupkam i, 9 — W arstw y godulskie, 10 — Warsitwy istebmiańskae dolne, 11 — W arstw y isteb n iań sk ie górne, 12 — P iask ow ce ciężkowickiie, 13 — W arstw y hieroglifow e, 14 — W arstw y m en ilitow e, 15 — W arstw y krośnieńskie — litofacja grub oław i- cow ych piaskow ców , 16 — W arstw y krośnieńskie — Litofacja p iask ow ców średnio- ć aienkoław icow ych oraz łupków , 17 — Odcinki profilu zaw ierające flu k so-

turb id yty


— 8 —

2 g ~ ) 3 f ^ 5 ^ 6

M ? < tID > 8 Trmr9 — ► io U / 12 ® (j

Pig. 3a. Paleogeographie m ap of the Low er Istebna Beds (Upper Senonian).

Sym bols are: 1 — sandstone and conglom erate (turbidites and fluxcrturbidiites), 2 — sandstone, 3 — sandstone and m udstone, 4 — red m udstone, 5 — calcareous red m udstone, 6 — subm arine fain, 7 — subm arine m udflow , 8 — p ositive e le ­ m ents, 9 — northern border of geocyncline, 10 — paleocurrent directions, 11 — present northern lim it o f Carpathian M ountains, 12 — location of Pig. 3b, 13 — locality num bers from Fig. 5. (PaLinspastic reconstruction m odified from K siąż-

kiew icz, 1962, sheeit 7)

Fig. 3a. Szkdc paleogeograficzny basenu K arpat fliszow ych w czasie sedym entacji w arstw istebniańskich dolnych (sanon górny). 1 — P iask ow ce i zlepieńce (turbi- d yty i fluksoturbidyty), 2 — Piaskow ce, 3 — P iask ow ce i m ułow ce, 4 — p str e łupka, 5 — P stre m argle, 6 — P odm orskie stożki, 7 — S p ływ y m ułow cow e, 8 — Obszary w ypiętrzone, kordyliery, 9 — P ółnocna granica geosynkliny, 10 — K ie­

runki paleotransporitu, 11 — W spółczesna granica północna orogenu karpackiego, 12 — P ołożen ie fig. 3b, 13 — N um eracja opisyw anych odsłonięć, patrz fig. 5

(rekonstrukcja oparta na K siążkiew icz 1962, częściow o zm ieniona)

th e entire load in suspension, one can imagine a tu rb id ity cu rren t in which m ost of the sand and gravel moves in a w ate ry slide along the base. The c u rre n t is too poor in clay to raise this load in suspension, and the slope is too steep for the load to come to rest u n til it has spread out in a la y e r”.

“A tru e tu rb id ity cu rren t can be likened to a d ry avalanche, and a norm al slum p is the equivalent of a w et avalanche rem aining in contact w ith the ground. We believe th a t an interm ediate type of


— 9 —


m 1 0 0 0 t •=-

5 0 0 -

^ 2 m u s

ftig. 3b. P aleogeographic cross section of the L ow er Istebna Beds iin th e Silesian Basin. Sym bols are: 1 — calcareous m udstone faoies, 2 — m udstone and sh aly facies, 3 — sandstone — conglom erate facies Kturbidites and fluxoturbidites).

N ote that the san dstone-conglom erate facies contact w ith th e m udstone and shaly facies wiiithouit an in tervenin g sandstone ("distal”) facies

Fig. 3b. Przekrój paleogeograficzny (schem atyczny) w arstw istebniańskiich dolnych.

1 — Facja m arglista, 2 — Facja łupkow a i m ułow cow a, 3 — Facja piask ow cow o- zlepieńcow a (turbidyty i fluksoturbidyty). Zwraca u w agę bezpośredni kontakt lateraln y facji piaskow cow o-zlepieńcow ej z facją m ułow cow o-łupkow ą, a brak

dysitalnej facji piaskow cow ej

O 25 5 0k m

» *

Fig. 4. Paleogeographic map of the C iężkow ice Sandstones (Upper P aleocene to L ow er Eocene). Sym bols are sam e as for Fti.g. 3a. (Palinspastic reconstruction

m odified from K siążkiew icz, 1962, sheet 9)

Fig, 4. Szkic paleogeograficany basenu Karpat fliszow ych w czasie sedym entacji piaskow ców ciężkow ickich. O bjaśnienia jak w fiig. 3b. (rekonstrukcja oparta na

K siążkiew icz 1962, częściow o zm ieniona)


— 10 —

m ovem ent is also possible and suggest th a t the resulting deposit be called a flu x o tu rb id ite”.

The first quoted p arag rap h above describes so clearly w h at a fluxo­

turbidite looks like th a t no illustration is needed to visualize it; how ever, th e “indications of slum ping” are not clear. Nevertheless, w ith th is description m an y subsequent w orkers have been able to recognize fluxo­

tu rb id ite in o th er deep-m arine basins.

The other quoted paragraphs discuss the processes th a t produce fluxoturbidites. T hat discussion was adequate for its time, b u t con-?

sidering m ore recent advances in sedimentology some p arts are now out dated. In the sam e pap er (p. 1095), they used the te rm “slum ping”

in a general sense approxim ately synonym ous w ith “subm arine sliding”, and considered “subaqueous m udflow s” as “slum ps” and m ud “slides”.

These im precise usages have caused some com munication problem s w ith subsequent workers.

Some additional rem ark s m ay help in understanding th e ir conceptual fram ew ork. In th a t paper, th e y w ere discussing m ainly turbidites in flysch, paleogeography, and paleocurrent directions; the fluxoturbidite discussion w as only a m inor subject. Indeed, th e y noted th a t th e m ost im portant ty p e of flysch consists of norm al turbidites, and the abnorm al, subordinate ty p e called “flu x o tu rb id ite” comprises only 15% of th e thickness and less of the areal ex ten t of the C arpathian Flysch. A ppar­

en tly “slu m p ” deposits w ere considered as com prising an even less common ty p e of abnorm al flysch. T hat usage of “flu x o tu rb id ite” as a type of flysch, r a th e r th a n as only an individual deposit in a flysch sequence, has also caused problems.

These few problem s w ith the original concept resu lt from the lack of an explicit definition. Although the general description of a fluxo­

tu rb id ite bed is adequate fo r recognition, specific descriptions and illustrations of type exam ples are needed to determ ine the range of diagnostic characteristics so th a t a model and a m ore rigorous definition m ay be form ulated.


Dżułyński and others (1959, p. 1095) listed the Ciężkowice Sandstone, th e Istebna Beds, and the low er p a rt of the Lgota Sandstone as con­

taining the m ost representative exam ples of fluxoturbidites. They also listed the G rodischt Sandstone, Pasierbiec Sandstone, low er p a rt of th e Krosno Beds, and some p a rts of the M agura Sandstone as interm ediates betw een exam ples of turbidites and fluxoturbidites. They did not de­

scribe or illu strate details of sedim entary stru ctu res at specific loca­



— 11 —

U nrug (1963) provided th e first detailed sedimentologic analysis of typical exam ples of fluxoturbidites in his paper on the Istebna Beds;

he presented several line draw ings and photographs of the sedim entary structures. He sum m arized (p. 86):

“F luxoturbidite deposits are characterized by lenticular shapes of beds, coarseness of d e trita l m aterial, great thickness of beds, low pelite content, prevalence of sym m etrical, m ultiple, and discontinuous grading over other types of bedding, and occurrence of non-graded beds, traces of strong erosion, lack of sole m arkings, and poor developm ent of pelitic sediments. Occurrence of arm ored shale balls arranged in reg u lar layers p arallel to the bedding planes w ithin sandstone beds points out to the transition of sand flows into tu rb id ity c u rre n ts”.

He introduced (p. 64) th e concept th a t fluxoturbidites are th e deposits of “sand flows”, b u t also considered the process as an interm ediate type of mass m ovem ent betw een tru e slum ps and tu rb id ity currents after Dzulyriski and others (1959). L a te r (Unrug, 1965) he added the observations th a t Polish fluxoturbidites are form ed during tim es of rapidly rising cordilleras both on the m argins and w ith in the geo­

synclinal troughs, th a t steep slopes on th e flanks of the cordilleras provided the setting for the initiation of th e sand flows, and th a t fluxo­

tu rb id ites m ay be d istrib u ted in subm arine fans extending across the basin; th a t is, th e y are not only confined to the “p roxim al” p arts of fans.


F rom the m an y localities w here fluxoturbidites have been identified by M. Książkiewicz and others w orking th e Polish C arpathian Flysch, we have chosen some of th e b e tte r exposed ones in the stratigraphic u nits listed by D żułyński and others (1959) as type exam ples (see lo­

cation map, Fig. 5, and Table 1). Instead of the Lgota Beds, we have chosen the low er p a rt of th e Krosno Beds as it is a th ic k er and more w idely exposed u n it w ith m any good exam ples of fluxoturbidites (Dżu­

łyński and Slączka, 1959), and the dominance of sandstone provides a contrast w ith th e Istebna Beds and Ciężkowice Sandstone w hich are m ore conglomeratic. In addition to the representative stratigraphic distribution, we have also attem pted to space the localities geographic­

ally, and provide the distribution of fluxoturbidites w ith in th e sub­

m arine canyon-fan systems.

F or th e exam ples, we are presenting colum nar sections of the sequences of sedim entary structures, cross sections of th e bedding relationships, and photographs of significant features. Because o u r w ork


— 12 —

Table 1. Main type examples of fluxoturbidites (see locality numbers on Fig. 5)

Loc.No. Name . Stratigraphic Unit

Roznow Lower Istebna Beds

('.'Rawsh-noove") Upper Cretaceous,

63 km‘ SE of Senonian

Krakow* near Roznow Lake

Mucharz ("Mu-hazgh") 40 kra SW of Krakow, on Skawa River

Lower Istebna Beds Upper Cretaceous,



Principal type example of fluxoturbidite. Zones of gravel segregations and mudstone clasts die out laterally within grain-flow deposits, which are gradational with overlying turbidites.

Good exposure in quarry.

Channel deposits of conglomerate; sandstones from margin "slumped"

(by fall or slide) into flows. Good exposure N in stream cut.

Ciężkowice ("Chairn-skow- veet-sah") 80 km SE of Krakow

Odrzykon ("Awd-gee- cawn") 14 5 km SE of Krakow

Ciężkowice Sandstone Paleocene to Lower


Ciężkowice Sandstone Paleocene to Lower


Zones of gravel segrega­

tions above dispersed gravels in grain-flow deposits. Channels with trough laminae; some horizontal lamination.

Fair to good exposure in park.

Zones of gravel segrega­

tions up to 20 cm thick.

Fair exposure at castle.

Koniakow ("Cawn-ee-ak- ov") 85 km SW of Krakow


("Poh-lahn-ah") 175 km SE of Krakow

Krosno Beds Lower Oligocene

Krosno Beds Lower Oligocene

Grain-flow deposit gradationally overlain by complete turbidite sequence. Good exposure in quarry.

Massive (debris?) flow deposit is gradational with overlying

turbidite. Good to fair exposure in quarry .

is of a reconnaissance nature, only macroscopic observations generally w ere made; m ore detailed sedimentological investigations could provide additional docum entation.

Descriptions and interpretations of the turbidites encountered in these sections follow the Ta to Te model of Bouma (1962). G rain-flow deposits (Middleton and Southard, 1977, p. 8.4—8.6) are recognized as conglomerates or sandstones th a t are associated w ith turbidites, b ut are generally w ithout grading, in te rn a l stratification, or a m ud m atrix.


— 13 —

IS^E 20°E 21°E 22°E 23°E

Fig. 5. L ocation map of typ e exam p les of Jluxoturbidites. Locality num bers, 1 — Rożnów, 2 — M ucharz, 3 — Ciężkowice, 4 — Odrzykoń, 5 — K oniaków , 6 — Polana, 7 — Borzęta, 8 — M uchówka, 9 — T ylm anow a, 10 — Kom ańcza,

11 — S leszow ice

Fig. 5. Mapa lokalizacji opisyw anych fluksoturbidytów . 1 — Rożnów, 2 — M u­

charz, 3 — Ciężkowice, 4 — Odrzykoń, 5 — K oniaków , 6 — Polana, 7 — B o­

rzęta, 8 — M uchówka, 9 — Tylm anow a, 10 — Komańcza, .11 — Sles^owdce

Bedding and lam ination description follows the system of Campbell (1967). In terp re tatio n of horizontal, current-ripple, and tro u g h lam ina­

tion produced by m igrating bed form s is based on H arm s (1975).

R o ż n ó w (Loc. 1; Fig. 6; PI. I; PL II, Fig. 1)

S. Dżułyński inform ed us th a t the Rożnów locality is the principal type exam ple w here the fluxoturbidite concept was originally developed.

U nrug (1963) described and illustrated m any of the sedim entary fea­

tures. This long abandoned q u arry near Rożnów Lake contains some of the best exposure of fluxoturbidites seen in our study.

Two thick beds (Fig. 6a, 0.00 to 2.73 m and 2.73 to 6.47 m) contain grain-flow deposits (F) w ith zones of m udstone clasts and segregations of gravel, and upw ard transitions into turbidites (Ta to Tc). On the basis of such observations, we w ill propose la te r th a t a fluxoturbidite be considered as a composite bed of a grain-flow or related deposit and a tu rb id ity -c u rren t deposit.

In th e grain-flow deposits, pebbles of igneous or m etam orphic rock generally are dispersed evenly through ithe sand m atrix, b u t locally they m ay be found in clast-supported clusters. M udstone clasts sank w ithin each flow to form a zone on top of a surface of density contrast, in some cases m ark ed by the transitional contact of sandstone above


— 14 —

С с RЧ- с°Е M l

Lithdogic Column






5 3 2


SS above ,

t o m f e r a i o S W ? ISSIde

SS:n o g ra v e l;s a n d (1 0 0 % ), m g m ax ;so m e partings of m udstone, carbonaceous m aterial; horizontal la m r

^ S S : as below, but graded nation

indefinite surface

S S : gen. no g ravel, few MS clasts in lo w e r p a rt;sa n d (100%l vcg m ax, eg m odal, no grading,larger gruins dispersed,

no internal stratification

ТЬДс Tb Та-"

3.72 3A2 3.17.



o . \ a 0Г9 '0'



О■o l О• о pr -У-,- 2.43226,


1.46 1.26

0 5 6 0 5 0

о О о ООО о * о *о *о о*



Zone of MS clasts, max 50cm long/16cm wide, various orientations inSS; base of density contrast o f S$/CGL;zone disappears to S COL: gravel(6 0 4 ), 5mm max, hints of segregation; sand (40%)matrix SS . gravel segregations in low er part,poorly graded in uPP®|'Qrj CGL-.gravel (80%), 8mm max, 2mm mode, dispersed in sand m atrix,

^5harp,erosional surface, load features 3 to 4cm convex top

l deep, flam e structures _ . .___

: NSS. hor, laminae; to S unit thins to21cm,with wedging and ripple laminae T/w H O T^^m t^ae^Sx^cm ^m bde 0,5cm thick,carbonaceous

m aterial along laminae

S S ’.gravel (10 %*). small pebbles in segregated xonei leu them lcm thick; sand(90%-)Jvf- vcg, in zones 2 to3cm thick

Zone of MS clasts, max 30cm long, various orientations, 'mSS SS: mudstone clasts, max 20cm long,5 cm wide, scattered;sand

(100 %■)■■ vf to vcg; no grading or internal stratification Zone of MS clasts,5 cm long, in SS

SS: gravel (10% + 1, 4m m m ax.,in segregated lones few mm thick, sand (90 % - ): vf to vcg

sharp, erosional surface, load features 5 cm wide, 4cm deep MS and CGL below

Hig. 6a. C olum nar section a/t R ożnów (Loc. 1) of Low er Istebna beds (Upper Cretaceous). T w o flu xotu rb id ite beds sh ow m any characteristic features. T hin zones of g ravel segregations occur in the gra in -flo w deposits. M udstone clasits gen erally appear to b e confined to zones m arking boundaries of density contrast w ith in the flo w s. The tops of the gra in -flo w deposits (F) are gradational w ith th e overlying turbidriity-current deposits (Ta- in terv a ls are thin). Sym bols are

th e sam e kim. th e follow ing colum nar secltions

Fig. 6a. P ro fil odsłonięcia w arstw isfcebniańskich dolnych w R ożnow ie (lok. 1).

Obie ła w ice flu k soturbidytów w ykazują liczne cechy charakterystyczne. C ienkie strefy segregacji żw irow ej w idoczne są w osadach potoków piaszczystych. Klasity m uł owe ow e zw iązane są zw yk le zie strefam i granic gęstościow ych w obrębie prą­

du. Osady potoków piaszczystych ,(F) przechodzą stopniow o ku górze w osady prądów zaw iesin ow ych (in terw ał Ta jest cienki). Sym b ole na w szystkich załączo­

nych kolum nach są rtakiie sam e



& " ■=«= ^.=0° Speciol Symbols:

VJJh Rippl« lamination Ł —sl Horizontal lamination

(both in sondston*)


CGL*Congtomerarte ss-

Sandstone 2-: Ms-


& Mudstone chut

Armored rruJbatl j Ripple lamriation -^r; Urite I Horizontal lam. -n.


' surface . Definite

sirfloc® ___ Indefinite sgrfaw

kiteiprvtation: Tb-e • tirbkfity ■ current deposit F>9vi~flow (or related) deposit

Fig. 6b. Cross section, north-souith, of quarry w a ll at Rożnów. Fig. 6a is located on le ft side. Principal bedding surfaces occur at 0.00 m, 2.73 m, and 6.47 m.

Lateral variability w ith in beds is show n. In low er bed (0.00 to 2.73 m) are lenses and load pockeits o f gravel in gradn-flow deposits. Zones of gravel segre­

gations and m udatooe clasts die out laterally. C onglom erate at base of upper bed thickens locally w ith a con vex top indicating a buildup over a sligh tly higher part of th e bottom . Sym bols gen erally are th e sam e as th o se used in

colum nar sections; special sym bols are indicated Fig. 6b. Przekrój północ-południe kam ieniołom u w R ożnowie.

Fig. 6a. reprezentuje lew ą część przekroju. G łów ne pow ierzchnie uławicenda w y ­ stępują na poziom ach 0.0 m, 2.73 m, i 6.47 m. W idoczna jest pozioma zm ienność w obrębie ław ic. W dolnej ław icy (0.00—2.73) w idoczne są soczew k i żw irów w osadach potoków piaszczystych. S trefy segregacji żw irów i k la stó w m ułow co- w ych lateralnie w yk lin o w u ją się. Zlepieńce w dolnej częśai w yższej ła w icy lok al­

n ie zw iększają m iąższość, ich w ypu k ła górna pow ierzchnia w skazuje na nad­

budow ę. Sym bole są ogólnie tak ie sam e jak w profilach, sym bole odm ienne są objaśnione obok rysunku


— 16 —

and conglomerate below. Thin sheets of gravel segregations are found w ithin th e sandstones and m ay be th e resu lt of liquefied flow. Both the zones of m udstone clasts and th e gravel segregations die out la te ­ rally, so th e y do not represent norm al layers of bedding or lam ination.


Covered by stream deposits (som e S3 to E in stream ) revel' mg; no grading or in tern al stratification

rface 3

SS: gravel (10 %-),2gpnirpxydis^r2e»dj5mm mode; sand (9 0 % )mg;

, SS:.no , definite si

fto gradinc .indefinite surface

.'—CGL, .-as below but with armored m udballatbase

Indefinite ---te surface , . ,

' Hffig n o r n q \ a»tГо!Ш са1?Ь1ПГТ1 moae'9 rea*® 10 *°P 50c*11 M n u p - jL * g ra v e ft7 O “/0 2cm m o d e ; sorid [3 0 % )л о gra d in g

^definite irregular surface,bat not erosional

C G L : gra ve l (7 0 % ),2 0 c m т а и , 6cm m ode of m etam orphic rockt, rare L i,3 c m m ode o f q u a rtz ; hints o f imbrication, 10* т а к Inct.. aligned p a r a lle l to ctahfiol axis (N17E1 in lo w e r p art, tra n * v e r s e (N 9 0 E )4 n u p p e r p a r t ,

p a le o e u rre n t t o N N E ; s a n d (30%) in r re trix ; n o g ra d ln fio r In te rn a l

s t r a t if ic a t io n .

sheb-p eration su rface,uneven channels and p ockets,axes trend N E - S W C G L : os below , g ra v e l 1cm m a x ,g r a d in g a t top

indefinite su rfa c e , th o rp elsewhere

C G L: gravel (7 0 % ), 3 cm m ax, 1cm mode; sand (3 0 % ) in m a trix ; no mud; d efin ite g ra d in g , no in tern al s tra tific a tio n

sharp, uneven surface,erosional scours over 10 cm in relief SS : eg to veg, no visible grading

covered by soil and vegetation (m ore SS below )

Fig. 7a, Colum nar section at Mucharz (Loc. 2) o f Low er Istebna Beds (Upper Cretaceous). From 0.00 to 0.60 m is the upper, truncated pant of a flu xotu rb id ite bed. From 0.60 to 3.70 m, and 3.70 to 4.35 m are tw o, thick, norm al turbidite beds (Ta). From 4.35 m fto 8Л8 m is a seq u en ce of flu xotu rb id ite beds (F) w ith th e upper (T) parts m issing. The d efin ite stratification surfaces at 6.25, 6.65, and 8.08 m are depositional discontinuities w ith no evid en ce of erosion; possibly ithey m ay be lam ination surfaces w ith in a com plex flu xotu rb id ite bed. The in d efin ite surfaces at 7.45 and 7.65 m are recognized by graiin-size contrasts, but show no evidence o f depositional discontinuity; th ey are interpreted as boundaries

produced by internal variations of grain concentrations w ith in the flo w Fig. 7a. P rofil odsłonięcia w arstw listebmiańskich dolnych w Mucharzu (lok. 2).

Odcinek 0.00— 0.60 m reprezentuje górną, częściow o zerodowaną część ła w icy fluksoturbidytow ej. Odcinek od 0.60 do 4.35 obejm uje d w ie grube ław ice n or­

m alnych turbidytów . Od 4.35 do 8.18 m w y stęp u je serlia ław ic fluksoturbidytów (F) z brakującym i w yższym i partiam i (T). W yraźne pow ierzchnie u w arstw ienia na poziom ach 6.25, 6.65 i 8.08 m reprezentują strefy nieciągłości jednak bez śla ­ dów erozji; m ogą one być pow ierzchniam i lam in w obrębie jednej złożonej ła ­ w icy fluksoturbidytu. N iew yraźne pow ierzchnie na poziom ie 7.45 i 7.65 m są zw iązane ze zm ianą w ielkości ziarn; P ow ierzchnie te są interp retow an e jako

granice spow odow ane zróżnicow aną koncentracją ziarn w prądzie


— 17 —

M. Książkiewicz inform ed us th a t the locality on the Skaw a River is one of th e m ain exam ples th a t he, S. Dżułyński, and Ph. H. K uenen

M u c h a r z (Loc. 2; Fig. 7; PI. II, Fig. 2; PI. III, Fig. 1)

1 L 1 1 <

Fig. 7b. Cross section, south—southw est — north — northeast, ait Mucharz. S tru c­

tural dip is 40° south. Bedding surfaces at 0,60, 4.35, 6.25, 6.65, and 8.08 m above base of colum nar section are labelled

Fig. 7b. Przekrój SSW — NNE odsłonięcia w M ucharzu. Upad w a rstw 40° ku S.

G ranice w a rstw na poziom ach 0.60, 4.35, 6.25, 6.65 i 8.08


Figs, 7a , fc


Fig. 7c. Cross section, east—w est, v ie w dowindip, at Mucharz. Figs. 7a, b are located near m iddle. Surface at 4.35 m is base of flu xotu rb id ite channel, buit

m uch o f th e relief and irregularity ds the result of loading

Fig. 7c. Praekrój E—W odsłonięcia w Mucharzu. Przekrój poprzedni (fiig. 7b) 1 kolum na <fig. 7a) odpow iadają częśai centralnej. P ow ierzchnia 4.35 jest dnem

kanału częściow o zm ieniona w efek cie w ystępow an ia pogrązów

studied during th e developm ent of the fluxoturbidite concept. Although w e did not find com plete fluxoturbidite (FT) beds here, we did see some im portant relationships w ithin sequences of grain-flow (F) depo­

sits. This section is in one of the coarsest facies of fluxoturbidites;

m any beds contain 50% to 70% gravel.

N orm al tu rb id ites are present w ithin the m ain exposure and in nearb y outcrops. In grain-flow deposits, elongate pebbles tend to be

2 — R o czn ik P T G 51/1—2


— 18 —

oriented p arallel to the flow direction, and flat ones tend to be im b ri­

cated to dip upcurrent. This fabric indicates deposition from a clast dispersion, w ith no bed-load rolling (Walker, 1975, p. 146).

No sh e ar surfaces of sliding (or slumping) were recognized, b u t th e presence of sandstone boulders suggests erosion into subjacent tu rb id ites and falling or sliding of blocks into th e flow. One exposure indicated breaking and sliding of sandstone blocks into a mudflow. These features


2 £ -Дч- с Я c о о E a.£

• 0 ł-H

э 1 3 1

|х ,

Lithologic Column


9.43 F ?


О О О О О ' о/ О О'*

О ’ О О О О 0.0 О О

О . Ó О . О

о ’ О о о

Та ТЬ Та

6 3 3 6.18^1


Та 465 -3.75

О О О О О О О О* О . О 'О ’ О ■

у о ; ? ^


О о о о о о

Q 80- 0.00

О О О О О О о о о о о о

о о о о о о

* о • о • 6 • о*

о ' О ' о *0*0

о * о • о •9

.Presen t erosion surface

C G L gravel (5 0% \ in segregaded zones; sand {50У,}/

as below ; p oo rly ex p o sed .sh arp , uneven su rfa ce

SS ; sand (1 0 0 % ) 1mm m ax, hint of grading, nonlam inate J CGL: gravel (10 % -) 1c m max y g raded ;sand (90% la s above;

no internal stratification

"sharp, uneven surface with flam e structures

S S ig rq ve l flO%-) in basal 43cm,1cm m «,5m m modal,with normal inverse, and lateral grading;sand (90/£■*),2mm max grading up to 0.1mm max; non laminated in lower part, larrtinated .sharp sJFV<5%® witR'rrlinor ^o^onM m of section present toN),flute

cast hdicating paleocurrent to NNE . . . .

SS sand (Ю О ^ С И т т m at, (may hate mud m atr i x), g rad. e d, I a пф 0,5 tolcm thick in lower part, 2to3mm in upper part

SS: no gravel,sand (1 0 0 % ): 1mm max, nint of gradrg/nonlarrinatec sharp surface, no evident erosion,armored mud balls occur locally

below surface (down to 20cm)

CGL: gravel (2 0 % ),as below, long axes geahorizontaI,some inclined to SSW an d NNVVgravel in segregated zones 5cm max thick­

ness, disappear laterally;sand ( 80 % ), -as before,butlm m max in upper 9 0 cm ,3 0 cm zones betw een grgvel segrega .indefinite fla t surface tions, some h o rizo n tal lam eLlae

CGL:gravBl (50%+) , 1.5cm max, 27m m mode, dispersed in sd,not g"aded,not segregated'sand (50^-), 2mm max, m atrix ---— --- --- in о mual Covered below

Fig. 8a. Colum nar section at S ow a in C iężkow ice area (Loc. 3) of C iężkow ice Sandstone (Paleocene to Low er Eocene). From 0.00 to 2.90 m is th e upper part a fluxoturbidite bed. T he basal exp osu re from 0.00 to 0.80 m is a conglom erate w ith gravel dispersed through the sand m atrix. The overlying in terval from 0.80 rto 2.90 m is a conglom erate w ith gravel segregations and some horizontal lam ellae in the upper part that have d iffu se boundaries. Three normal turbidite beds are present b etw een 2.90 and 7.43 m. At the top of (the sequence, from 7.43 to 9.43 m, is the low er part of a possible fluxoturbddite bed, but iit is

poorly exposed

Fig. 8a. P rofil piaskow ców ciężkowictoich w skałce Sow a. Skam ieniałe m iasto koło C iężkowic. Odcinek 0.00—2.90 m reprezentuje górną część ław icy flu k so - turbidytu. Część dolną (od 0.00 do 0.80 m) stanow i zlepieniec z rozproszonymi dużym i ziarnam i kwarcu w m atrix piaszczystym . Interw ał w yższy (0.80—2.90 m) to zlepfieniec z poziom am i żw irow ym i, a w wyższej części horyzontalnie lam ino­

w any. W in terw ale 2.90—7.43 m w ystępu ją trzy ła w ice norm alnych turbidytów . Górną część profilu stanow i doLna część ła w icy przypuszczalnie fluksoturbidy-

tow ej


— 19 —

m ay have suggested th e process interm ediate betw een “slum ping” and norm al tu rb id ity currents proposed by Dzulynski and others (1959) for th e deposition of fluxoturbidites.

Fig. 8b. Block diagram , v ie w southeast, at Sow a. Fig. 8a is located on right side. S everal beds are truncated by erosion surfaces of m oderate relief. (Modified

from Koszarski, 1956, 1963)

Fig. 8b. B lok diagram skałki Sow a, w idok ku SE. Zwraca uw agę ścinanie ław ic przez pow ierzchnie erozyjne (wg K oszarski 1956, 1963, nieco zm ienione)

On the colum nar section (Fig. 7a) at 6.25 m above the base, a bedding surface separates a low er conglom erate from an u p per one w ith a sm aller modal size of gravel clasts. The surface is irre g u la r and no erosion is evident (PI. Ill, Fig. 1). A pparently, th e u p p er bed was de­

posited from a low er velocity flow th a t eith er was incapable of eroding coarser m aterial in the substratum , or was dum ped so rapidly th a t there was insufficient tim e to erode the irre g u la r surface.



— 20 —

In the national p ark , Skam ieniałe Miasto, are exposures of the Cięż­

kowice Sandstone a t its type locality. This form ation was recognized as one of th e m ain exam ples of fluxoturbidites (Dżułyński and others,


A t Sowa, in the m iddle of the park, is one of the best exposed sedi­

m e n tary sequences (Fig. 8a, b; PL VI, Fig. 2). Some of the sedim entary stru ctu re s w ere described and illu strated previously by Koszarski (1956, 1963). The base of the lowest grain-flow deposit is not exposed, b u t th e lowest exposed p a rt is massive conglom erate wiith dispersed pebbles (0.00 to 0.80 m). N ext above (0.80 to 2.90 m) is a conglom erate w ith gravel and sand segregations, and th in horizontal lam ellae (Fig. 8c) w ith diffuse boundaries th a t m ay also be products of liquefied flow, or m ay be products of lam ellar flow shearing, o r m ay be crude lam ination developed d u rin g a brief tractional phase prior to deposition. No erosion

C i ę ż k o w i c e (Loc. 3; Fig. 8; PI. III, Fig. 2; PL IV; PI. VI, Fig. 2)

Fig. 8c. Cross section, north w est—southeast, of prom inent exp osu re at Ratusz an Ciężkowtice area. Structural dip is about 12° south. On left (northwest) are ,two thick flu xotu rb id ite beds com posed m a in ly of m a ssiv e san dston e w ith d i­

spersed pebbles. Ait top of low er bed are erosional channels filled w ith trough lam inae, dmdacatimg associated traction currents. Largest trough is 4 m w id e and 1 m deep. On right, relationships in low er part are questionable because of weafthering and vegetation cover, but in upper part ab ove a basal conglom erate

is a sandstone w ith lam ination

Fig. 8c. Przekrój NW—SE skałki Ratusz. Skam ieniałe M iasto koło Ciężkowic.

Upad około 12° ku S. Po lew ej d w ie grube ła w ic e flu k soturbidytów reprezento­

w anych g łów n ie przez m asyw n e piask ow ce z rozproszonym i żw iram i. Na granicy ławtic obecne są k an ały erozyjne w yp ełn ion e piaskow cam i skośnie w arstw o w a­

nym i, co w sk azu je na obecność prądów (trakcyjnych. N ajw ięk szy kanał posiada szerokość 4 m, a głębokość 1 m


— 21 —

is evident at the top of th e grain-flow deposit in th e line of section (2.90 m, Fig. 8a), b u t erosional rem nants are seen to th e n o rth east (Fig. 8b).


Fig. 8d. Cross section, sou th w est—northeast, on southeast side of exp osu re at R atusz. Trough and horizontal Iamimaitdom are present. Foresets in troughs in ­

dicate a paleocurrent to SW. Sm all fau lt com plicates relationships

Fig, 8d, Przekrój SW— NE (ścianka SE) skałki R atusz. W idoczne lam inow anie h o­

ryzontalne i skośne. To ostatnie w sk azu je na kierunek paleoprądu ku SW. Zwraca u w agą częściow e zróżnicow anie struktur po obu stronach n iew ielk iej d yslokacji

A t Ratusz, in th e southw estern p a rt of th e national park, is a compli­

cated exposure of probable g rain flow and other deposits (Fig. 8c, 8d;

PI. VI, Fig. 2). Channels w ith trough lam inae are seen at th e tops of some grain-flow beds (PI. IV) and probably w ere produced by traction currents. A transverse view of the troughs (Fig. 8d) shows foresets indicating a paleocurrent to the southw est. To explain th e troughs, Książkiewicz (1975, p. 320, 349) postulated a filling of the basin up to n ear wave base so th a t the stru ctu re s could be form ed in shallow w ater.

A lthough unusual, large channels w ith tro u g h lam inae have been reported in other deep-m arine basins, and we see no need for shallow­


Above the troughs, exposed in cliffs, are probable horizontal lam inae th a t m ay have been produced by traction cu rren ts developed in over- bank areas, or during the latest stages of channel filling, or a fte r th e channels w ere buried. In a m ore accessible exposure tow ard the south­

east, sim ilar featu re s appear to be horizontal lam ellae or segregations of fine sand w ithin conglomeratic sandstones.

F a rth e r southeast are exposures of red pelagic m udstones overlying the Ciężkowice sandstones. These pelagites support th e in te rp retatio n of deep-m arine deposition.


— 22 —

On the n o rth side of the castle, Odrzykoń, is another w ell-know n exposure of Ciężkowice w ith fluxoturbidites. G rain-flow deposits (Fig, 9, 0.00 to 2.20 m) pass upw ard into tu rb id ites (2.20 to 4.50 m) w ith m ultiple grading. A conglom erate wedge, w ith gravel up to 1.5 cm in diam eter,

O d r z y k o ń (Loc. 4; Fig. 9)

4> d

gLrthologic Colimn


7 2 5 F ?


O k j Ta-



5,75 о d 6 6 o'o

ООО ООО о о о о

2,90 2,20


... о • “ .• О ... * . 0 . .

' 'О * * * 4 •

о ■ • О • * о

• 'О • • о * * ■

. о • 1 О . ■ » О

Т~ о . . о . -

О ■ о * •

• о • • <а • « i

О * . о - ■ о *

- - о • ♦ о • • о . . о • • о

• • о • • о - ■

о * * О • • о *

- • о • * о ■ о * • о - - о

• - о • • о • о . , о . -

CG L above in castle w all

sharp, erosion surface, minor relief

SS: (no gravel),sand as below,no internal structure (about 5 m to W see channel 1m deep with trough lam in ae)

sharp surface

OGL . gravel (AO%),zones 20cm max, thick, gravel segregations;

sand (6 0 2 ),zones 25cm max thick; no internal stratification sharp, erosion surface

, S S : minor gravel sand as below; C G L ip wedgej 1,5cm max,not graded xou sharp,erosion sa’rTace', load features with 10cm relief

CGL-. gravel (3 0 % to 10% at top^ 4m m max, 3m m modal,graded;

sand (ТОУгЗОХ) , 2 mm to 1 m m max, graded; no internal stratificcr

. indefinite surface ^Ю*"1

CGL-, gravel ( 30?» to 10 % a t top)7 to 5mmmaj.1albac,qrade«J1sand (70/i to 90/2 2 to 1mm m ax at top; no internal stratification

-indefinite surface,gradational boundary

CGL'. grovel (3 0 % ) H em max, 5 m m m od al, nongraded, dispersed pebbles, not oriented; sand (7 0 % ),

2m m m ax, 1mm m odal, m atrix o f egl; no internal stratification

covered by soil and vegetation

Fig. 9. Colum nar section at Odrzykoń (Loc. 4) ot C iężkow ice Sandstone (Paleocene to L ow er Eocene). Low er flu xotu rb id ite bed (0.00 ito 4.50 m) contains tw o in ter­

v a ls of Ta-. W edge and trough lam inae are seen in upper beds

Fig. 9. P rofil p iask ow ców ciężkow ickich w odsłonięciu pod zam kiem w Odrzy- koniu. D olna ła w ica fluksoturbidytow a (0.00—4.50 m) zaw iera dw a in terw ały Ta.

W ystępują k anały erozyjne ii w y k lin o w y w a n ie się ław ic

m ay be a grain-flow deposit (F?) scoured into a norm al tu rb id ite (Ta, 4.50 to 4.75 m). G ravel segregations up to 20 cm th ick are p resen t in a higher grain-flow bed (4.75 to 5.75 m). The sandstone above contains channels 1 m deep w ith trough lam inae indicating deposition from associated traction currents.

To the south east in the national park, Prządki, are additional expo­

sures of massive sandstones and conglomerates several m eters thick which show no grading or in ternal stratification. These rocks probably are grain-flow deposits, b u t exposure quality is only fair and no t u r ­ bidites were recognized in th a t area.


— 23 —

In th e q u arry a t this locality is one of th e best exposures of a fluxo- tu rb id ite sandstone bed, w ith grain-flow deposits gradationally overlain by a complete tu rb id ite sequence (Fig. 10a). A t th e base of the m ain bed (0.00 to 0.20 m) is a sandstone w ith hints of grain segregations;

the transitional boundary above is not a bedding surface, b u t is uneven K o n i a k ó w (Loc. 5; Fig. 10; PI. V)




c Lithologic -3 ColumnE








SS-. as below, coarser, no internal stratification sharp erosion surface , ,

^“ MS: deeply weathered, dork gray

^ S S - as below, horizontal laminae .

SS : as below, Cj 1mm max grain size, current ripple laminae S S #. as belcrvy Q5mm max grain size, horizontal laminae

■definite lamination surface

T a - SS ; as below, but decrease in max grain size to 0,5mm, graded,inc.in mica,no internal stratification

620 ... indefinite surface, g ra d a tio n a l

SS: as below (no grave I), grain segregations, no internal stratification

3.20 *—1_. indefinite su rface, gradational . ^ o. . •

* • Q • « ... ..

.SS). Q ^ «

0 . 2 0 j ^ 0.00

SS : gravel (10%), 5mm max decreasing to 3 mm at top, dispersed; mudstone clasts 20cm to 5cmgen.max,

1,5 Cm modal some inclined to SE, sand (9 0 % ); 1mm max, no internal stratification

indefinite surface, uneven as result of loading, gradational

:___SS (1QQ%).0'5mrri rTvax.3^njey eg aticnsini<M'ef- part_________________

sharp, flat erosion surface

MS,SS b e lo w (r a r m a l t’jrb;dites

Fig. 10a. Columnar sectio n at K oniaków (Loc. 5) of Krosno Beds (Lower Oligo- cene). B est typ e ex a m p le of a flu xotu rb id ite bed that is dom inantly sandstone (0.00 to 11.20 m). In upper part (6.20 to 11.20 m) is a com plete turbidite sequence

of Boum a (1962) from T a- (no erosional base) to Te

Fig. 10a. P ro fil w a rstw krośnieńskich z kam ieniołom u w K on iak ow ie (lok. 5).

N ajlepszy przykład ła w ic y fluksoturbidytu składającego się głów n ie z piasku (0.00—11,20 m). W częśai w yższej (6.20— 11.20 m) wysitępuje ław ica turbidytow a

z w szy stk im i interw ałam i Boum y (1962) od Ta do Te


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On the grounds of the above criteria – not sharp yet but already giving orientation – one may try to distinguish the concept of a dilemma from other practical problems. Thanks

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