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Academic year: 2021

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Na starcie otrzymujesz od pulę 112 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz dodatkowy 1 punkt, za błędną zabieramy 1 punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno wykorzystywać słowników, notatek, podręczników i innych pomocy naukowych. Sprawdź czy test jest obustronnie zadrukowany. Zgłaszaj wszelkie nieprawidłowości.

O szczegółach i wydarzeniach konkursu czytaj na stronie www.jersz.pl i fb.com/LowcyTalentowJersz. Wyniki konkursu będą dostępne 6 tygodni po konkursie. Spróbuj swoich sił w konkursie English Ace 2017.

Życzymy sukcesów i zapraszamy do testu konkursowego English High Flier!

1. If you feel … , why not try one of our tasty snacks?

A) gracious B) exclusive C) peckish D) flawless

2. If you wish to observe a snake, you need to keep your eyes … .

A) wide open B) peeled C) tabs on D) intrepid

3. Which word suits best the collocations?

A nasty … A heavy … A streaming …

A) illness B) health C) coma D) cold

4. Henry is a bit tired now but after a nap he will be … .

A) full of beans B) a butter-fingers C) a piece of cake D) on cloud nine 5. I prefer jogging ….

A) than hiking B) to hike C) from hike D) to hiking

6. She likes Shakespeare and Chaucer. Joyce and Ionesco are not her … .

A) cup of tea B) strong suit C) kettle of fish D) pet peeve 7. Which of these would you find in a newspaper?

A) headline B) obituary C) editorial D) caption

8. - You mustn’t tell a soul.

- OK, … .

A) my lips are sealed B) the more the merrier

C) flattery will get you nowhere D) this one is on the house 9. - Listen, I’ve got some news!

- ….

A) I’m afraid I haven’t a clue. B) I’m all ears. C) A little bird told me. D) Back to square one.

10. - I thought you were going to marry Jim.

- …

A) Well, I’m having second thoughts. B) Yes, by the skin of my teeth.

C) It’s on the tip of my tongue. D) It takes all sorts.

11. Let’s make a … effort to meet all our deadlines at the end of the month.

A) determined B) concerted C) joint D) hard

12. I … the report by next Monday.

A) will completed B) will have completed C) can have completed D) had completed 13. I enjoy taking the kids to the park. = The kids enjoy … to the park.

A) having taken them B) when they are taken C) being taken D) were taken


PG 2,3,4



Arkusz testowy zawiera informacje prawnie chronione

do momentu rozpoczęcia konkursu.


14. How many … were there on Monday?

A) passer-by B) passer-bys C) passer-bies D) passers-by 15. Which sentence is correct?

A) There were plenty of hotels to choose from. B) I’ve given the problem much thought.

C) We’ve got plenty time left. D) Much of the forest was destroyed in the fire.

16. Mum was pleased … the results of the exam.

A) for B) at C) with D) about

17. I carried the knife carefully … cut myself.

A) in order not to B) so as not to C) to not D) not to 18. Hot … the night air was, they slept soundly.

A) despite B) as C) although D) though

19. Which of these words have the same vowel sound?

A) crow - eyebrow B) sew – go C) read - dead D) caught – lot 20. Which sentence is correct?

A) I thought it a waste of money to throw away the food. B) I felt confident to pass my driving test.

C) Applications have risen this year by as many as 50%. D) The door opened and in we went.

21. A bangi is …

A) a Maori way of cooking. B) cooking meat on hot stones.

C) a fish from New Zealand. D) an Australian tree.

22. Which sentence about Australia is not true?

A) It has less people than Poland. B) Only five countries in the world are larger than Australia.

C) There are mountains in south-west Australia. D) Half of the country is desert.

23. The tuatara …

A) is a bird that cannot fly but is very good at climbing. B) is one of the oldest types of animal in the world.

C) is very rare – there are only 60 of them alive in the world today. D) has a third ‘eye’ on the top of its head.

24. Which sentence is true?

A) After 1945 Australian government realized that Australia needed people and they opened the country to immigrants.

B) Britain sent convicts to the USA first but after the American War of Independence they started sending convicts to Australia.

C) In 1918 the six Australian states – New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, and Tasmania – became one country.

D) Lots of people came to Australia in the 19th century to look for gold.

25. Which sentence about Uluru is true?

A) It is called Ayers Rock. B) It is in the middle of the desert south-west of Alice Springs.

C) It is 60 million years old. D) It is a special place for Aborigines.

26. Peter Jackson …

A) is the most famous Australian. B) is the most famous New Zealander.

C) made the three films of The Lord of the Rings. D) is an athlete.

27. Which sentence is correct?

A) Sydney’s harbour is one of the biggest natural harbours in the world.

B) Melbourne was the capital of Australia.

C) You can still find stilt houses in Brisbane. D) There are no tall buildings in Darwin.

28. Which tourist attraction will you find in New Zealand?

A) Lake Eyre B) the opals of Coober Pedy where people live in holes dug out of the rock C) the Bungle Bungle Range with orange and black round hills D) the Todd River Regatta




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