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Improving HEINEKEN’s export transport(modality choices Creating)insight and continuity in the transport modality decision-making process (summary)


Academic year: 2021

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This!research!focuses!on!improving!the!transport!modality!decisionRmaking!process!of!HEINEKEN!NV.! More! specifically,! this! research! focuses! on! optimizing! the! transport! from! HEINEKEN! Nederland! Supply!to!European!markets!from!the!perspective!of!HEINEKEN!NV.!


A! large! part! of! the! export! transport! from! HEINEKEN! Nederland! Supply! to! European! markets! is! organised! by! truck! transport,! while! often! intermodal! transport! is! possible,! more! environmental! friendly! and! economically! feasible.! This! observation! was! the! incentive! to! start! this! research.! Investigating!the!current!transport!situation!led!to!the!following!problem!statement:!


The$current$mode$choice$in$transport$from$HNS$to$markets$within$Europe$is$made$with$a$strong$focus$ on$ costs.$ Other$ criteria$ are$ evaluated$ during$ the$ decision=making$ process,$ but$ only$ on$ basis$ of$ experience$and$with$limited$information$about$their$consequences$in$the$overall$distribution$process.$


During! this! research! many! affected! and! involved! stakeholders! were! interviewed.! These! interviews! provided!detailed!information!about!the!current!decisionRmaking!process,!logistical!consequences!of! modality! choices! and! important! transportRrelated! criteria.! The! detailed! description! of! the! current! transportRdecision!making!process!has!been!analysed!and!a!preferred!future!situation!was!proposed! that!is!in!line!with!the!objective!of!this!research:!


Improve$ the$ decision=making$ process$ regarding$ export$ transport$ from$ HNS$ to$ European$ markets.$ Ensuring$ continuity$ and$ transparency$ in$ the$ decision=making$ process$ by$ the$ establishment$ of$ a$ quantified$ and$ presentable$ comparison$ between$ various$ transport$ modality$ options$ and$ their$ logistical$consequences$in$the$warehouses$of$HNS.$


The!preferred!future!situation!includes!all!stakeholders!of!the!current!situation.!The!decisionRmaking! is! performed! by! the! same! persons.! However,! the! decision! makers! are! supported! by! a! developed! decisionRsupport! tool.! This! decisionRsupport! tool! has! been! developed! for! HEINEKEN! in! Excel! Visual! Basic.! The! tool! plots! the! performance! of! available! transport! options! using! a! weighted! summation! multiRcriteria! analysis.! The! transport! options! are! compared! on! three! important! criteria:! costs,! CO2!

emissions!and!transit!time.!These!are!all!quantified!criteria.! !

Costs!include!the!costs!of!transport,!but!also!include!logistical!consequences!at!the!warehouses!of! HEINEKEN! Nederland! Supply.! A! modality! choice! can! significantly! influence! the! logistical! costs,! therefore! costs! are! analysed! from! a! broader! perspective.! CO2! emissions! are! related! to! transport!


optimizing! transport! choices.! A! low! transit! time! is! important! to! ensure! the! freshness! of! the! beer.! Furthermore,!a!low!transit!time!is!favourable!when!unRforecasted!peaks!in!consumption!cause!high! demand!peaks.! ! The!interviewed!stakeholders!have!given!their!opinion!about!the!importance!of!these!criteria!using! the!Analytic!Hierarchy!Process.!(Saaty, 1987)!The!weights!that!apply!to!the!criteria!were!derived!from! the!input!of!all!stakeholders.!With!this!method!a!HEINEKEN!NV!perspective!has!been!approached.! !

The! objective! of! this! research! was! reached! through! the! development! of! a! weighted! summation! multiRcriteria!analysis!decision!support!tool.!The!decision!support!tool!delivers!a!quick!overview!of! the! performance! of! transport! options! on! important! criteria.! Hence,! opportunities! are! more! easily! identified! and! decisions! are! based! on! quantified! criteria.! In! this! way! continuity! is! ensured! and! transparency!is!obtained.!


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