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Eustachy Tyszkiewicz, 19th-Century Archaeologist and Antiquary. On his Approach to the History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania


Academic year: 2021

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Leszek Zasztow t (Poland)

E U S T A C H Y T Y S Z K IE W IC Z , 1 9 T H -C E N T U R Y A R C H A E O L O G IS T A N D A N T IQ U A R Y . O N H IS A P P R O A C H T O T H E H IS T O R Y



To p resent the com plex personality o f Eustachy T y szkiew icz is a chal­ lenging task, considering his fam ily background and the historical context o f his native land. Born in 1814 in Lohojsk, a small town ow ned by his fam ily since 1517 in the district o f B orysow , governorship o f M insk (the present capital o f Belarus), T yszkiew icz was a son o f Pius and A ugusta m aiden nam e countess Plater. References to his fam ily ’s ancient roots w ere found in m any records concerning the history o f G rand D uchy o f Lithuania. The fam ily was one o f the oldest gentry o f lithuano-ruthenian origin in the G rand D u c h y .1 The Duchy covered the territory o f present-day L ithu an ia and B elarus. A fter 1795, follow ing the third partition o f the P olish-L ithua- nian C om m onw ealth, it becam e a p art o f the R ussian E m pire. As befitted upper-class children o f that tim e, T yszkiew icz w as educated at hom e. H e acquired extensive know ledge, especially in history and archaeology, and did so by self-instruction. On com pleting his secondary education at a M insk gram m ar-school in 1831, T yszkiew icz w orked till 1835 in the Im perial P u b ­ lic Library o f St. Petersburg. Then he settled in V ilna and started archaeo­ logical excavations in various parts o f the country.2

His career grew successfully, in the professional and the social plane. Results o f his archaeological explorations were first published in 1842.3 A year later he was elected chief deputy by gentry o f the B orysow d istrict (the so-called „nobility m arshal”) and - in 1847 - honorary supervisor o f the M insk gram m ar-school (since 1840 he w as already honorary supervisor o f the Borysow district schools). In addition to his research and social activities, Tyszkiew icz took to w riting literature but, in spite o f m any works published


32 Leszek Zasztowt

in 1840s and later, fiction had never becom e his priority interest.4 In the late 1840s and in the 1850s T yszkiew icz published a num ber o f works deal­ ing with the history o f ancient Lithuania in its historical borders (contem ­ porary territory o f L ithuania and Belarus). M any o f these papers d ealt with the history o f the Borysow district and w ith the archaeological expeditions on territories o f the form er G rand D uchy, others were m onographs o f source character. Som e o f those works were distinguished for their rem arkable re ­ flection on the situation of European archaeology.5 C ollecting ancient relicts o f the past - a fairly typical activity for upper-class E uropeans at the tim e - led him to organizing an archaeological „C om m ission” and a m useum in Vilna. T hat happened finally in 1855, but it all started m uch earlier.

The idea was born in 1847, when T yszkiew icz m oved his collection of antiquities to Vilna, with the intention to open it to the public. D espite m any visits to St. Petersburg and even with the unofficial consent o f E m peror N icholas I, he could not get official blessing for his project.6 T y szk iew icz’s endeavours to launch the com m ission and m useum won a lot o f sym pathy in St. Petersburg. Russian aristocrats, C abinet m inisters such as D im itr B lu­ dov, Sergius Stroganov, M odest Korff, Sergius U varov, E vgraf K ovalevski and m any others supported his efforts. Y et, because o f the restrictive political clim ate ruling in the Russian Em pire during the last decade o f the reign o f N icholas I, even first-rate connections w ith leading C zarist officials in P e ­ tersburg and V ilna were not enough.7

The political clim ate in Russia changed with the accession to the throne o f A lexander II and the so-called „Post-Sebastopol S pring” , caused by the defeat in Crim ean war. At the beginning o f 1855 the m useum and com ­ m ission w ere set up, under the w ardship o f the V ilna E ducation D istrict B oard and, personally, o f V ladim ir N azim ow , the new general-governor o f V ilna province.


Perm ission for opening the m useum was necessarily tightly linked with the official line of politics o f imperial Russia. T herefore T yszkiew icz was, in a sense, obliged to present the history o f G rand Duchy o f L ithuania with a strong pro-Slavonic sentim ent, and to stress the Russian (i.e., B elarussian) origin o f the country. He fulfilled an order in the m useum regulations, which w ere w ritten with a strong pan-Slavic attitude and w ith a curtsy to P eters­ burg. T he m ain purpose o f the m useum was „collecting and saving the an ­ tiquities o f the w hole province” . As „the best part o f them is o f Slavonic character” , thus nearly all objects, collected and transferred to the m useum , are of „Slavic origin” .8

T yszkiew icz had to prove his loyalty to the throne. On the other hand, it seems that he accepted, in a narrow sense, som e of those pan-S lavic ideas. In this respect he was not an exception am ong the landlords and the upper


class o f the „W estern G ubernias” who were keen on finding a m odus vivendi with the R ussian authorities.9 T yszkiew icz knew that the language o f all docum ents o f the G rand Duchy till the 15th— 16th century w as „old-Sla- vonic” : very sim ilar to contem porary B elarussian, and that the O rthodox church had a very strong im pact on the early history o f ancient Lithuania. B eing conscious o f those peculiarities, it w as easier to accept the R ussian point o f view , at least partially.

T he latter h a lf o f the 1850s was the best period in the history o f the V ilna institution. The m useum was visited tw ice by the E m pero r A lexander II, once by the G rand D uchess H elen, G rand D ukes M ichael N icolaievich and A lexander Charles. The exposition was also accepted by m em bers o f the C abinet: Count D im itr Bludov, the Prim e M inister, the m inisters o f p ub ­ lic education A vraam N orov and E v g raf K ovalevski. By the end o f 1858, the M useum had 11,000 visitors every y e a r.10 T he collection started to be the largest in the w hole „W estern R egion” o f the Em pire. The quality and unique value o f all objects gathered in the m useum started to be fam ous not only in R ussia but also all-over Central E u ro p e .11

T he January uprising of 1863, w hich was in fact a w ar betw een R ussia and the form er citizens o f Polish-L ithuanian C om m onw ealth, ended that ex ­ ceptional situation. T here was no question o f Polish-R ussian flirtations or reconciliation. The W estern G ubernias o f the E m pire had to be treated as ancient R ussian territories. Any record that could supply evidence o f the Polish or Lithuanian influence on the history o f that region had to be elim i­ n a te d .12 T yszkiew icz found him self in a very uncom fortable situation. T he m ain objection, w hich he vigorously rejected, was that the M useum o f A n­ tiquities in V ilna had been created as a Polish one. T he R ussian elem ents in the history o f the „W estern Region” , the C zarist authorities claim ed, were not enough ex p o sed .13 T yszkiew icz decided to resign the post o f the P re si­ dent o f the A rchaeographical C om m ission - and the honorary m useum super­ visor. B ut before all that happened he prepared h im self to give a detailed description o f the reasons o f his resignation. T yszkiew icz w anted to explain why it w ould be im possible to agree with the politics o f the com m ission, dom inated by Russian top officials, and driven by a tight anti-Polish and anti-L ithuanian sentim ent.


In his protest against the line o f the com m ission, driven by its pro-R us- sian m ajority, T yszkiew icz gave a detailed description o f his approach to the history o f G rand Duchy o f Lithuania. The m ain point o f his explanation was that the so-called historical Lithuania was created as a m ulti-national state, in w hich influences o f all nations living on its territory m ingled. T h ere­ fore it is im possible to present ju st one nation, the B elorussians fo r exam ple (treated by the Czarist authorities as R ussians) or the Poles - as the one and


34 Leszek Zasztowt

only developing pow er in the country’s history. In a paper addressed to the G overnor-G eneral o f V ilna province he w rote that at the beginning o f the m u seu m ’s activity the main rule of his approach to the history o f the G rand D uchy was „no religious or class or national differentiation o f the past” .14 T hat attitude o f m ind helped to establish open and efficient relationships w ith all researchers in Central Europe: in Russia, East Prussia, and A ustria- H ungary.

To the charge that the m useum had a pro-Polish ch aracter T yszkiew icz relied there was no sufficient know ledge to separate the national elem ents in the political history o f Lithuania and Lithuanian R u s’. There was not enough source evidence to interpret all „that was purely local as Polish he­ ritage” . 15 H e underlined that the political élite o f the country did not com e to Lithuania from the K ingdom o f Poland. T he lords o f G rand Duchy took precautions against the influx o f persons from abroad, especially to take official posts. T hat practice, Tyszkiew icz argued, cam e m ostly from a fear o f losing privileges.

The adoption of the Polish language by the upper classes o f G rand D uchy was an after-effect o f the Polish-Lithuanian union o f 1413 (H orodło), confirm ed by the union o f 1569 in Lublin. T hat Polish dom ination, in T y sz ­ kiew icz’s opinion, was tem porary, even though it lingered on for five cen ­ tu rie s.16

There is m uch evidence to show that T yszkiew icz form ulated his op i­ nions under the overw helm ing pressure o f the political circum stances o f the defeat o f the 1863 Polish-Lithuanian uprising against Russia. D efending his m ulti-national approach to history T yszkiew icz sought to explain his position and, at the sam e tim e, not to offend the C zarist officials. On the other hand, he tried to paint a rosy picture of the co un try’s m ulti-national and m ulti­ cultural history which he thought could change or soften the attitude o f the C zarist bureaucracy.

On an exam ple o f the history o f Vilna, the Lithuanian capital, T y szk ie­ w icz attem pted to show the m ixture o f influences - at the tim e o f the w ars o f P eter the G reat with Carl o f Sweden and A lexander I with N apoleon. T he m onum ents o f those events were very valuable not only to historians but also because o f their great artistic v alu e.17

Com ing to a m ore specific subject, i.e. the M useum o f A ntiquities, T y sz ­ kiew icz expressed his strong objection to the rem oval o f m any first-rank exhibits. H e stressed that the only reason for that unprofessional elim ination, in fact „censorship”, was that the nam es o f historic personages or artists ended with „ski.” But the exhibition was reduced not only in its „Polish departm ent.” M uch the sam e was true o f its L ithuanian and B elorussian ^sections. T here was no trace o f the writings by A dam M ickiew icz and L u d ­ w ik K ondratow icz (W ładysław Syrokom la), no paintings by Jan Darnel, Jan R ustem or Franciszek Sm uglew icz, no Codex D iplom aticus Regni Poloniae


et M agni Ducatus Lithuaniae by M aciej D ogiel, and even no p o rtrait o f the great chancellor o f the G rand Duchy Lew Sapieha, the strongest supporter o f the O rthodox religion in Lithuania. No professor o f V ilna A cadem y and U niversity were m entioned in the m useum exhibition, nor w ere the historic personages o f M aryna M niszech (w ife o f D em etrius the False), B arb ara R ad ­ ziw iłłów na (wife o f Sigism und A ugustus) and K arol R adziw iłł „P anie K o­ chanku” . 18

T he m essage from the governm ent was exactly opposite to the m useum fo u n d er’s expectations. T he authorities decided that the M useum o f A n tiq­ uities in V ilna m ust no longer exist. T yszkiew icz found it im possible to abdicate the historic tradition in favour o f the official political line o f G reat Russia. His protest, am ong other things, could only hasten the decision to suppress the muse.um.


A fter leaving the post o f President o f the A rchaeographic C om m ission in 1865, T yszkiew icz m oved to BirZe, a small town o f his fam ily estate. He continued his research till 1873, published som e significant w orks on the history o f archaeology in Lithuania, on the history o f Birże m anor, and he released an edition of sources and a num ism atic c a talo g u e.19 H is scientific position, especially in Central European circles, was unim paired. Since 1858 T yszkiew icz was an honorary m em ber o f the Im perial A cadem y o f Sciences in Petersburg, m em ber o f the Im perial R ussian A rchaeological Society (since 1851), o f the Im perial Archaeological Society o f M oscow (since 1865) and o f the Im perial Society o f History and A ntiquities in O dessa (since 1 8 7 1).20 H e was also elected to the Royal Society of N orthern A ntiquarians in C op en­ hagen, the Royal A cadem y in Stockholm , the Scientific Societies in Cracow and M ainz, the Society o f Friends o f Sciences o f Poznań, to the Society o f Baltic Provinces H istory in Riga and the Serbian M atica in B autzen (Bu- dysin).

From the standpoint o f national consciousness, T yszkiew icz w as a rep ­ resentative o f the local élite (so called „Locals” - K rajow cy) w ho strove to bind together all currents of the country - ethnic, religious and national. T hough educated in a Polish environm ent and considering him self a Pole, he could feel as a local Lithuanian or B elarussian. T hese two nations were, som etim es, m uch closer to his heart than the Poles from W arsaw or Poznań. In the political notions, Tyszkiew cz was a typical conservative w ith a strong pro-R ussian sentim ent. But there w ere lim its to his R usophilism . He could not accept a destruction o f tradition - the tradition o f the P olish-L ithuanian C om m onw ealth and the G rand Duchy itself. T herefore T y szk iew icz’s view s could be also considered as those o f an ancient, even feudal, landlord or noblem an. In this respect he was very sim ilar to m any o f his relatives and com patriots o f the form er G rand D uchy.21


36 Leszek Zasztowt

As to the professional background T yszkiew icz was tighty linked to the Polish intellectual élite o f the time. He expressed his „P olish-L ithuanian” position in 1842, in his inscription in the personal diary of A leksander Tyszyń- ski, a renow ed W arsaw writer, philosopher and literature historian. The text o f the inscription runs as follows:

N ic Ci Szanowny Ziomku, równego tak pięknemu zbiorow i zdań i myśli, napisać nie potrafię. Z pow ołania Starożytnik, nie posiadam daru krasom ów- stwa, wyrażenia moje są tak niekształtne, jak kurhan w śród głuchych lasów Litwy, a m yśl tak uboga, ja k szkielet w nim odkryty. W odgrzebyw aniu p a ­ m iątek świetnej przeszłości naszej sam ej tylko szukam praw dy, śm iało j ą objaw iać możemy, bo ona nas nigdy zarum ienić nie potrafi. M y p o d tym względem od wielu ludów szczęśliw si jesteśm y. Wasze usiłow ania Bracia Nadwiślańscy, ku jednem u z nami celowi dzielnie postępują, poznanie bliższe Waszego grona i pra c Waszych niewygasłą chwilowego pobytu m ego z Wami zostanie mi pamiątką, a te kilka słów skreślone życzliw ą Ci Szanowny Ziomku ręką, niech będą dalszą rękojm ią szczerej i niezmiennej ku Wam życzliw ości. Eustachy Tyszkiewicz22 ■


1 F. M. S o b i e s z c z a ń s k i , Tyszkiewiczowie, [in:] Encyklopedia Powszechna S. O rgelbranda. W ars­ zawa. 1867, vol. 25, 860-864; A. J e l s k i , Łohojsk, [in:] Słownik Geograficzny Królewstwa Polskiego (Geogra­

p h ica l D ictionary o f Polish Kingdom), W arszaw a, 1884, vol. 5. 683. This is confirm ed by lates source editions: Lithuanian M etrica (1427-1506), book o f inscription 5. Vilnius, 1993, 223 -2 2 5 (about the Lew T yszkiew icz

deputation o f 1504 to M hendli Kherei, the Czar o f the Great Horde in Perekopa); M etryka litewska. R ejestry

p odym nego W ilekiego Księstw a Litewskiego. W ojewództwo w ileńskie 1690 r. (Lithuanian M etrica. The hearth- tax register o f the Vilna province. 1690). ed. A. R a c h u b a , W arszaw a, 1989, 70 (Benedykt T yszkiew icz),

133, 197, 236, 269 (Jerzy Tyszkiew icz); U rzędnicy centralni i dygnitarze W ielkiego Księstw a Litew skiego

X IV -X V III wieku. Spisy (State and high rank officials o f the G rand D uchy o f Lithuania, l4 th -I R th c. Register),

ed. H. L u 1 e w i c z , A. R a c h u b a , Kórnik, 1994, 245-246.

2 S. K r z y ż a n o w s k i , Eustachy hrabia Tyszkiew icz i je g o praca, Lwów, 1873; S. K u n a s i e w i c z ,

Eustachy hrabia Tyszkiewicz., Lwów, 1874; K W ó y c i e k i , Tyszkiwicz E„ [in:] E ncyklopedia P owszechna S. O rgelbranda, vol. 25: 1867, 864-865; K. W. W ó y c i e k i , „Tyszkiew icz hr E .” , Kłosy, vol. 2, 1866, 497;

A. H. K i r k o r , Przechadzki p o Wilnie, W ilno, 1859; „T yszkiew icz hr E .” , Tygodnik Ilustrow any, 1873 (seria 2), vol. 12, 133, 154, 163; Biblioteka Warszawska, 1X62, vol. 2. 5 6 X -573; „Tyszkiewicz. E. (1814-1X 73)",

Kurier W arszawski, 1873, No. 185, 1 ; „Tyszkiew icz E ”, P am iętnik W ileński, London, 1972, 421; A. S t r z e m -

b o s z , „Tyszkiew iczow ie” , Spotkania z Zabytkam i, 1994, No. 12, 6 -9 ; A. Ś n i e ż k o , Tyszkiew icz E„ [in :]

Słow nik Pracow ników K siążki Polskiej (D ictionary o f Polish B ook Staff), vol. I, 9 1 9 -9 2 0 ; G. z G i i n t e r ó w

P u z y n i n a , W Wilnie i w dworach litewskich (Ii i Vilna a n d in Lithanian m anors), W ilno, 1929, 268; W.

L e d n i c k i . P am iętniki (M émoires), London, 1962, vol. I, 76.

' E. T y s z k i e w i c z , Rzut oka na żrzódla archeologii krajow ej / . . . / (/I glim pse u t the sources o f local

archaeology), W ilno, 1842, See: A. A b r a m o w i c z , Wiek archeologii. Problem y polskiej archeologii d zie­ w iętnastowiecznej (Century o f Archaeology. Problems o f Polish 19th c. archaeology). W arszaw a, 1967, 5 8 -5 9 ;

M. S t o l z m a n , O w ileńskiej inteligencji m iędzypow staniow ej (1X30-1X63) (On intellectuals o f Vilna, 1X30-

1X63), [in:] Inteligencja polska X IX i X X w. (Polish Intelligentsia, I9 th -2 0 th c.), ed. R. C z e p u 1i s - R a s -

t e n i s , W arszaw a, 1983. 44—48; S t o l z m a n , Nigdy o d ciebie m iasto... D zieje kultury wileńskiej lat międz.y-

pow staniow ych (1X32-1X63) (N ever from you the town... H istory o f Culture o f Vilna, 1X32-1X63), Olsztyn,

1987, 5 5 -5 7 , 9 6 -9 7 ; R. R i m a n t i e n ć , Akinens am żius Lietuvoje (The Stone A ge o f Lithuania), V ilnius, 1984, 5; E. G r i g a l a v i ë i e n é , Zalvario ir ankstyvusis geleżies am żius Liteuvoje (The Bronze a n d Early

Iron A ge o f Lithuania). Vilnius, 1995, 8.

4 E. T y s z k i e w i c z , Pan Clioroszcza. Obrazek z. przeszłości (Mr. Choroszcza, a picture fro m the


Ba-chstriim, opowiadanie (F. Bachstróm, a story), W ilno, 1863; I d e m , Obrazy dom ow ego p o ży cia na Litwie (P ictures o f the dom estic life in Lithuania), W arszaw a 1865.

5 As was the case w ith The L etters fro m S w eden: E. T y s z k i e w i c z , L isty z.e Szw ecji {Letters fro m

Sweden), vol. 1-2, W ilno, 1846; J. K o s t r z e w s k i , D zieje p o lskich badań preh isto ryczn ych (H istory o f the Polish prehistoric research), Kraków, 1948, 9; T y s z k i e w i c z , O pisanie pow iatu B orysow skiego p o d wzglę­ dem statystycznym , geognostycznym , historycznym , gospodarczym , przem ysłow o-handlow ym i lekarskim [...] (D escription o f the B orysow district regarding its statistics, geognosy, history, econom y, industry, trade a n d m edicine), W ilno, 1847; I d e m , Badania archeologiczne n a d zabytkam i przedm iotów sztuki, rzem io sł w daw nej Litwie i Rusi litewskiej (Archaeological research on the antique objects o f arts a n d cruft o f a n cien t Lithuania a n d Lithuanian R u s ’), W ilno, 1850; I d e m , Rachunki podskarbstw u litew skiego (A ccountancy scores o f the Lithuanian treasurery), W ilno, 1855; I d e m , Trofea Szw edzkie (Swedish spoils o f war), W ilno, 1856; Idem, H istoryczna wiadom ość o zgrom adzeniach i fu n d a cja ch m ęskich i żeńskich rzym sko-katolickich klasztorów w diecezji wileńskiej (H istorical inform ation on the congregations a n d fo u n d a tio n s o f the R om an Catholic con­ vents in Vilna diocese), W ilno, 1858.

6 BN - Biblioteka N arodow a w W arszaw ie, Z biory Specjalne (N ational L ibrary in W arsaw , Special Records), M ateriały do M uzeum Starożytności Eustachego T yszkiew icza w W ilnie (E. T y szk iew iczs’ papers on M useum o f Antiquities in Vilna), IV. 7826, 1. 1.

7 BN, ibidem , 1. 1-2, 6; R. M i e n i c k i , W ileńska Kom isja A rcheologiczna (1 8 6 4 -1 9 1 5 ) (The Vilna Archaeographic C om m ission, W ilno, 1925, 7; A b r a m o w i c z , op.cit., 99ff; J. K o s t r z e w s k i , op.cit.,

12ff; M. F. C h a r t a n o w i c z , G. K a r c z m a r z , „K om isje archeograficzne i archeologiczne w ileńskie w latach 1842-1915” (A rchaegraphical and archaeological com m issions o f V ilna in 1842-1915), K w artulnik H is­

torii N auki i Techniki ( The H istory o f Science a n d Technology Q uarterly), 1988, 961 ff; E. A l e k s a n d ­

r a v i ć i u s , Kulturnis sajudis Lietuvoje 1X31-1863 metais. O rganizaciniai kulturos ugdym o aspectai (Lithua­

nian cultural m ovem ent 1831-1863), V ilnius 1989, 49ff; A. S t r z e m b o s z , „T yszkiew iczow ie” , Spotkania z. Zabytkam i, 1994, No. 12, 6 -9 ; E. A l e k s a n d r a v i c i u s , A. K u l a k a u s k a s , Caru valdiioje. Lietuva X IX am ziuje (U nder the rule o fZ u r . Lithuania in 19th c.), V ilnius, 1996, 2 4 8-255.

* BN, op.cit., 1. 4.

y For the Slavophils and the pan-Slavonic m ovem ent see: J. R ó z i e w i c z , P olsko-rosyjskie pow iązania

naukow e (17 2 5 -1 9 1 8 ) (Polish-Russian scientific relationships), W roclaw , 1984, 105-148; A. W a l i c k i , W kręgu konserw atywnej utopii. Struktura i przem iany rosyjskiego slow ianojilstw u (In a circle o f the conservative utopia. Structure a n d transform ations o f Russian Slavophilism ), W arszaw a, 1964; A. G l e a s o n , European a n d M uscovite. Ivan K ireevsky and the origin o f Slavophilism , C am bridge M ass., 1972; P. K. C h r i s t o f f , An introduction to nineteenth-century Russian Slavophilism . A study in ideas, vol. I, A. S. X om jakov, S.

Gravenhage, 1961; vol. 2, I. V. Kireevskij, The H ague, 1972. 1(1 BN, op.cit., 1. 5 -6 .

11 F. R a d z i s z e w s k i , W iadom ość historyczno-statystyczna o znakom itych bibliotekach i archiw ach

publicznych i pryw atnych [...] (H istorical and statistic inform ation on the unique pu b lic a n d p riv a t libraries and archives), Kraków, 1875, 113-114; W. W i 11 y g , E x-libris' y bibliotek polskich X V II i X V III v. („ E x -lib r is” in Polish libraries o f 17th a n d 18th c.), W arszaw a, 1907, vol. 2, 171-172; E. C h w a l e w i k , Z b io ry [...] (Polish collections), W arszaw a-K raków 1927, vol. 2 , 4 7 5 -4 8 1 ; E. P a w ł o w i c z , „B iblioteka hr. T yszkiew ic­

zów w W ilnie” (Library o f the T yszkiew icz fam ily in Vilna), Kw artulnik H istoryczny, 1894, vol. 8, No. I, 6 7 -7 1 ; V. K i s a r a u s k a s , Lietuvos knygos zenklai (Signs o f the Lithuanian books), V ilnius, 1984, 127-128.

12 J. T. F l y n n , „U varov and the «W estern Provinces»: a study o f R ussia’s Polish problem ” , The

Slavonic a n d East European Review, 1986, No. 64 (April), 2 1 2 -236; N. D a v i e s , H eart o f Europe: a short history o f Poland, O xford-N ew York, 1986, 163; D. B e a u v o i s , P olacy na Ukrainie 1831 -1 8 6 3 : Szlachta polska na Wołyniu, Podolu i K ijów szczytnie (Poles in the Ukraine, 1831-1863: Polish n obility in the Volhynia, Podolia, a n d the Kiev Provinces), Paris, 1987; Franch version: I d e m , Le Noble, le S e l f et le Reviz.or 1 8 3 2 - 1863, Paris, 1984; and the latest work o f this author, about the situation after the January uprising: I d e m , La bataille de la terre en Ukraine, 1863-1914. Les P oltm ais et les conflits socio-ethniques, L ille, 1993.

13 BN, IV, 7826, 1. 8. 14 Ibidem, 1. 5-6.

15 Ibidem, 1. 7. W. Lednicki w rote that the m ain purpose o f T yszkiew icz’s activity w as to underline the Polish character o f Vilna, what in the context o f his own papers seem s to m ake nonsense. See: Lednicki, op.cit., 76.

16 Ibidem. 17 Ibidem.


38 Leszek Zasztowt

18 Ibidem.

IJ E. T y s z k i e w i c z , O kurhanach na Litw ie i Rusi zachodniej ( On B arrow s in Lithuania and the

western R u s ’), Berlin, 1868; Idem, BirZ.e. R zut oku na p rzeszło ść miasta, zam ku i ordynacji (B irże. A glim ps on a history o f the town, castel a n d estate), Petersburg, 1869; I d e m , Źrz.ódia do dziejów K urlandyi i Sem igulij z czasów Karolu Królewicza Polskiego, Księcia Saskiego z autentycznych korrespondencyi ogłoszone (R ecords o f the C ourlund a n d Sem igaliu history, bused on the genuine correspondence fro m the tim es o f Charles - the Polish R oyul Prince u n d the Duke o f Sachsen), Kraków, 1870; Idem, Sam m lung von M eduillen, welche sich a u f die Geschichte d er L änder und Städte d er ehem aligen R epublik Polen bez.eihen und von ihrer erdten Teilung bis zum Tode des Kaisers N icolaus I. geprägt sind 1772-1855. Riga, 1871; I d e m , Archeologia na Litw ie (Archaeology in Lithuania), Kraków, 1872; I d e m , Groby rodziny Tyszkiew iczów (The Tyszkiewicz, fa m ily tombs). W arszaw a, 1873.

2(1 J. R ó z i e w i c z , op.cit., 308; M. M. B l o m b e r g o w a , P olscy członkow ie rosyjskich towarzystw

archeologicznych 1839-1914 (Polish m em bers o f the Russian A rchaeological Societies), W roclaw , 1988, 128-


21 J. B a r d a c h , «G aw ędy» Waleriana M eysztowicza. P rzyczynek do dziejów m entalności feudulno-kon-

serw atyw nej («Stories» o f W alerian Meysztowicz.. A contribution to history o f the conservative-feudal mentality),

[in:] I d e m , O daw nej i niedawnej Litwie (On Lithuania. Pust a n d Present), Poznan, 1988, 3 2 7 -3 5 2 ; I d e m ,

P olacy litew scy a inne nurody Litw y historycznej. Próba unuUzy system ow ej (Lithuanian Poles und other nations o f the historical Lithuania. An attem pt to the system analysis), [in:] Belarus, Lithuania. Poland, Ukraine. The Foundations o f historical and cultural traditions in East C entral Europe, ed. J. K t o c z o w s k i , Lublin-

Rom e, 1994, 361-386; B a r d a c h , W ieloszczeblowu św iadom ość narodow a na ziem iach litewsko-ruskich R zec­

zypospolitej w X V II-X X w. (M ultistage national consciousness on the Eastern territories o f Polish-Lithuanian Com m onwealth in I7 th -2 0 tli c.), [in:] P am iętnik X V Powszechnego Zjazdu H istoryków P olskich (D iary o f the 15th G eneral Congress o f Polish Historians), vol. I, part 1, ed. J. S t a s z e w s k i , G dańsk-Toruń, 1995, 25 -3 8 .

22 Imionnik A. Tyszyńskiego (A. Tyszyiiski’s personal dairy), BN, Special Records, I. 8856, 1. 157. A bout Tyszyński see: A. W a l i c k i , Ruch filozoficzny lat czterdziestych (Philosophical m ovem ent in 1840s), [in:] S. B o r z y m , H. F l o r y ń s k a , B. S k a r g a , A. W a l i c k i , Z arys dziejów filo zo fii p o lsk ie j 1815-1918), W arszaw a, 1983, 9 9 -101.


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