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Personality traits and types of behaviour and feelings at work of military officers in Poland


Academic year: 2021

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Current Issues o f Psychosomatics. Theory and Practice A. Ratajska, M. A. Basińska (2011)(eds.)

Małgorzata Anna Basińska1

D epartm ent of Psychology, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz Anna Dreas

Personality traits and types of behaviour and

feelings at w ork of m ilitary officers in Poland


The Five Factor M odel of Personality was isolated from three diverse fields o f research and provides an answer to the question of how individuals behave in particular situations. The five features include: Neuroticism , Extraver­ sion, O penness to experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Each o f the above m entioned factors describes a bigger num ber of detailed traits w hich can be grouped into five categories know n as Big Five (Pervin, John,

1997; Strelau, 2000).

Neuroticism is a dim ension that increases the risk of behavioural devia­ tion. The Big Five M odel presents it as a feature of norm al personality. Six formally included ingredients o f this trait are: anxiety, angry hostility, depres­ sion, vulnerability, impulsiveness and self-consciousness. Extraversion according to R.R. McCreae and P.T. Costa, Jr. (2005) is limited to sociability and includes six additional traits, which are: gregariousness, warmth, assertiveness, activity, excitement-seeking and positive emotions. Openness to experience out of the five dimensions is the trait that relates strongest to intellectual features. This trait is also connected to creative thinking. Six components of this dimension are: fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas and values. Agreeableness describes ways o f adaptation by the individual. Features evaluated in this scale include:


Małgorzata Anna Basińska, A nna Dreas

trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, m odesty and tender-m ind- edness. Conscientiousness reflects the degree of involvement and persistence in target realisation. This scale includes: competence, order, dutifulness, achieve­ m ent = striving and self-discipline (Zawadzki et a l, 1998; McCreae, Costa, 2005). According to R.R. M cCreae and RT. Costa, Jr. (2005), personality traits are a dem onstration of hum an biology rather than a result of life experience. This paper discusses the im portance o f personality features to describing and predicting h um an behaviour and to the ability to adapt to our surroundings.

The im portance o f personality traits for adaptation

A persons traits o f personality and strategies they use to cope with stress are related. N euroticism is linked with higher regression, difficulties in decision making, fantasy escaping, angry hostility and self-incrim ination. W hen this is com bined with introversion, this describes a type С personality which is linked with autoim m une disorders. Extraversion is correlated with optim ism and rational behaviour.

A link betw een extraversion and neuroticism m ay describe a type A person­ ality w hich relates to goal aspiration u n d er tim e pressure. In these cases, functioning in a stressful environm ent m ay increase the risk o f cardiac diseases (Zawadzki et a i, 1998).

H igh agreeableness points at a tendency to self-sacrifice. O penness to experi­ ence is positively correlated w ith coping by hu m our but negatively with coping through faith (Zawadzki et a l, 1998).

Personality traits have a huge im pact on job selection, job perform ance and the level o f job satisfaction experienced by employees (Pervin, 2002). For example, neuroticism has a negative im pact on job satisfaction (Zawadzki et a l, 1998).

Research in this field indicates, that perception of potential work develop­ m ent in the workplace is lower for individuals who display m ore neurotic traits and less conscientiousness. In contrast, lack of support from workplace organi­ sation and deviance in social and em otional relationships between collaborators are strongly related to employees with low agreeableness (Colbert et a l, 2004). Personality features affect not only job satisfaction but also predict w ork perfor­ mance. Individuals displaying high conscientiousness, but with no in terp er­ sonal skills tend to not m ake effective employees. But high conscientiousness in connection with high agreeableness has a significant im pact on job perfor­ m ance, especially in w ork involving cooperation with people (W itt et a l, 2002). Similar findings (Hogan, Holland, 2003) indicate that all Big Five dim ensions categorise individuals’ job perform ance.

Studies of m anagerial representatives of a big com pany (M orrison, 1997) has shown th at participants w ith type A of behaviour, despite extraversion and


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

willingness to be with people, were less agreeable, less conscientious in task perform ance and had a negative approach to others. Furtherm ore, overall well­ being and internal locus of control am ong m anagers were negatively correlated with neuroticism . This relations suggests that the Big Five m odel of personality dictates not only general well-being but also the m echanism of functioning and creating various deviations.

Functioning at work

W ork is defined as advisable and deliberate hum an activity connected with m odification and adaptation of surrounding reality (Sztumski, 1999; Stępień, 2000). W ork plays an im portant role in hum an life, affecting on social, behav­ ioural, em otional and personality areas. Job satisfaction follows from the fact that w ork meets the needs connected with particular expectations and helps to hold and develop self-esteem (Baran, 1999). In contrast to job satisfac­ tion, certain aspects or types of work m ay lead to of dissatisfaction. It appears that w ork satisfaction vs. dissatisfaction m ay be related to personality traits (Z im m erm an et a l, 2004). Currently, the m ost com m on risk factors o f deviant behaviour connected with functioning at w ork are: workaholism (work addic­ tion), m obbing and burnout.

The problem of b u rn o u t has become a m ore com m on phenom enon which affects a large num ber o f professionals. Currently, the m ost popular defini­ tion o f burnout belongs to M ashlah where she describes it as a syndrom e o f em otional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced sense o f personal accom plishm ent which can affect individuals w orking with people (as in: Tucholska, 2001, p. 304). The conditions and m echanism s of bu rn o u t are not so simple to specify. Factors that both can lead to and prevent burn ou t are present in interaction. These include both the qualities specific to the indvidual and the positive or negative properties of the workplace. Stress itself and the characteristics of the w ork environm ent are n o t enough to explain burnout (Tucholska, 2003; Sęk, 2004). It seems that significant factors that affect burnout lie in the specific o f individual traits and properties of a person.

Behaviours and feelings connected with work

It is know n that b u rn ou t does n ot affect all individuals. It depends on the individ- uals approach to their w ork requirem ents and the steps which are taken as a result of an existing evaluation of the situation and feelings connected with work. In relation to that, researchers considered if it is possible to describe advantageous and disadvantageous types o f behaviour in the workplace


Małgorzata A nna Basińska, Anna Dreas

in the face o f growing w ork requirem ents. In response to that, U. Schaar- schm idt and A. Fisher (1996) established a m odel of types of behaviour and feelings in a workplace and an assessment tool. The authors, focusing ont the individual, described the resources o f an individual in the context o f coping with w ork requirem ents. Particularly, they have focused on a person’s behaviour and the actions w hich are taken by an individual as a consequence o f evalua­ tion o f the existing w ork situation (as in: Rongińska, Gaida, 2001). U. Schaar- schm idt and A. Fisher (1996) characterized feelings and behaviours at work in three functioning areas:

1. Professional engagement, which includes: subjective m eaning o f work in persons life, professional ambitions, willingness to engage in task perform ance, aspiring to perfection, ability to hold ones distance and ability to relax after w ork hours.

1. Psychical resistance and problem atic situations fighting strategies which includes following scales: tendency to give up in the face of failure, offen­ sive strategy of problem solving, internal stillness and internal balance. 2. Em otional attitude towards work: sense of w ork success, general life

satisfaction, sense o f support from others (as in: Rogińska, Gaida, 2001). Intensity analysis o f the above m entioned dim ensions and th eir correla­ tion dem onstrated four types o f behaviour and feelings related with work:

Type G - healthy type. The m ain m easure o f this type is configura­ tion of w ork engagem ent dimensions: high work ambitions in connection with m oderate energetic effort. Psychical resistance signifies in a tendency to be reserved, low inclination to give up in face of the failure, as well as a tendency to use offensive strategies o f problem solving and internal psychical comfort. High value of w ork success, life satisfaction and social support complete the picture of a healthy type G (as in: Rongińska, Gaida, 2001).

Type S - economical type. W ork attitude is reflected in nam e of this type. Individuals are characterised by a subjective low m eaning of work, small work ambitions, relatively low willingness to m ake effort and a lack for tendency for perfection in task perform ance. The overriding trait that distinguishes type S from other types is a tendency to m aintain distance from w ork problems. Relatively small abandonm ent in relation with small engagm ent suggests that economical behaviour is not an effect o f neglecting duties. People w ith type S behaviour show a positive attitude towards professional roles, w hich reflects their sense of life satisfaction and high internal balance. Type S people have a m oderate sense of w ork perform ance and their optim istic life attitude m ay indicate that the origins of their life satisfaction are situations not related with w ork (after: Rongińska, Gaida, 2001). Those individuals also appear to be highly useful in extreme situations e.g. lifeguard professions etc., because they are


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

able to m aintain necessary cautiousness and use energy resources appropriate to the tasks. Both type G and type S indicate a healthy, positive work approach.

Type A - risk type (overloaded). The prim e characteristics of this behav­ ioural pattern are high work engagement, high m eaning of work in a persons life and perfection in task perform ance. Particularly hazardous is the low ability to m aintain distance from w ork responsibilities. Type A individuals can not stay loose, they have difficulty relaxing in tim e not related to work. A ddition­ ally, the com position of overloaded type A combines poor psychical resistance, a sense of lack o f psychological com fort and an intensified tendency to quit in the face o f the failure. Conscientiousness, precision and perfectionism are basic com ponents of people with type A behaviour. Life dissatisfaction for those individuals and a lack of sense of social support result in them experiencing negative emotions. Variance between w ork input and expected rem unera­ tion m ay cause so - called gratification austerity, which leads towards higher risk of psychosomatic disorders.

Type В - bu rn o ut type. Is characterised by very low work im portance, low stress resistance along with a small ability to m aintain distance and give up in the face of difficult situations as well as a small sense of internal balance and harmony. There is an affinity between type В and type S in the extent o f low subjective w ork im portance, though bu rn o u t type in contrast to economical type, has a low ability to m aintain distance. This incapacity is a reason for work overload and constant internal anxiety. Decrease of m otivation increases psychical resistance and the predom inance of negative emotions. People with type В behaviour display predictors of burn o u t syndrome.

There are some com m on attributes am ong type A and type В behaviour, such as: decreased ability to m aintain distance from occupational problems, strong tendency to quit in a face of the failure, lack of em otional resistance or lack of a sense of social support. The m ost significant behavioural varia­ tion between individuals characterised by those types, and which allows us to classify them differently, is visible in excessive (type A) or decreased (type B) work engagem ent (as in: Rongińska, Gaida, 2001). Both of these patterns are w orth noting as they should be handled as a risk types. These patterns of feeling and behaviour related to w ork represent a severe risk for the m ental health o f the individual.

Functioning at work of military officers

M ilitary service is based on strictly specified dependences and official relations between superiors and subordinates. This limits a wide range of individual capabilities, especially opportunities to apply coping m echanism s by officers


Małgorzata Anna Basińska, Anna Dreas

in a tight spot. The stereotypical image of a m ilitary officer as a m entally firm, individual who does not experience problem s does not allow them to let off steam / stress connected with work, w hich m ay lead to future deviance (Florkowski, 2000).

The w ork of soldiers combines m any specific stressors e.g. operating in changing atm osphere/conditions, necessity of rigor submissions and lim ita­ tions, w orking in psychologically hard recurring situations, non rhythm ical tasks or m onotony o f activities, lack of a sense of stability, poor accom m oda­ tion conditions in barracks and m ilitary training ground, contact with toxic substances. Elim ination of these stressors is impossible in a army, m eaning that technical knowledge and m ilitary experience are no t enough, but accurate description of the personality predispositions and interpersonal skills of all officers are also im portant (Bartkowiak, 1997; Florkowski, 2000).

In m ilitary professions adaptation skills in changing life conditions and the necessity of rules and norm s submission play a huge role. This suggests that personality traits m ay have a significant impact on the adaptation o f an individual for m ilitary work, especially these days when socio-economical changes in our country set lots of new targets for this occupational group.

Aim and hypothesis.The purpose o f this study was to establish a relation between the personality traits of m ilitary officers and the types of behaviour and feelings they use at work. In accordance with the theoretical prem ises presented in the first p art of this paper, the problem can be phrased in this question: what relation occurs between personality traits and types of behaviour and feelings at w ork in a group o f m ilitary officers. To attem pt to answer the stated question it is hypothesised that - personality traits are related to types of behaviour and feelings at w ork in a group of m ilitary officers.

In accordance with our scientific question and hypothesis the following variables were established. Independent variables are personality traits: n eu ro ti­ cism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientious­ ness. Types o f behaviour and feelings related with w ork constitute dependent variables: type G (healthy), type S (economical), type A (risk - overloaded), type В (burnout) and contained feelings (11) putted in three functioning areas.

Materials and m ethods

Participants form ed a group of 112 m ilitary officers, employed in Bydgoszcz’s and W arsaw’s m ilitary unit. The sample was hom ogenous in gender and educa­ tion - all participants were graduate males. Internal diversity of the sample


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

was in age, m ilitary range and length of professional experience (5 to 40 years of m ilitary services; M=13,45; SD=10,4). The age of m ilitary officers ranged from 24 to 62 years old (M=33,7; SD = 10,4).

To verify the hypothesis two assessment tools were used to m easure person­ ality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings connected with work.

1. To assess personality traits the R.R. M cCreae and RT. Costa, Jr. NEO-FFI Personality Inventory was used, based on the Big Five theory. This assess­ m ent tool was developed through years of research on the universality of h um an personality traits and was intended to be used as a versatile and m ulticultural assessor o f the m ost m ajor dim ensions of p erson­ ality. R.R. M cCreae and P.T. Costa, Jr. m odel describes the five dim en­ sions. Neuroticism describes em otional stability versus lack of emotional stability towards surrounding reality. Extraversion reflects the quality and num ber o f social interactions, capability to experience positive em otions, and level of life activity. Openness to experience describes the tendency to seek new life experiences and their positive gratifica­ tion. Agreeableness is a scale reflecting positive versus negative attitudes towards people. Conscientiousness states the degree of engagem ent and persistence in task perform ance. The described assessment tool meets psychom etric criteria (Zawadzki et a l, 1998).

2. As a m easure o f types and feelings connected with work the M odel of Behaviour and W ork Related Feelings AVEM (Arbeitzbezogens Verhaltens und Errlebenm uster) o f U. Schaarschm idt and A. Fischer was used (Schaarschm idt, Fischer, 1996; Rongińska, Gaida, 2001). The purpose of the AVEM questionnaire is to m easure individual hum an resources in a context o f coping with work situation require­ ments. In a practical sense this inventory enable us to determ ine m odels (types) o f behaviour w hich are favourable for individuals’ m ental health and shows the causes o f health risks.

The AVEM questionnaire consist of 66 statements expressed in sentences. Each o f the sentences is evaluated by the participant in 5-degree scale in accord­ ance w ith his feelings and experiences. This inventory describes the feelings and experiences of participants in three functioning areas, derived from factor analysis:

I. W ork engagement: 1. Subjective m eaning of work 2. Professionals am bitions 3. Readiness to engage 4. Perfection aspiration 5. Distance holding from work.

II. Psychical resistance and problem atic situation fighting strategies: 1. Tendency to quit in the face o f failure 2. Offensive strategies of problem solving 3. Internal calm and balance.


Małgorzata Anna Basińska, Anna Dreas

III.Em otional attitude towards work: 1. Sense of w ork success 2. Life satis­ faction 3. Sense o f social support

Data clustering conducted on a sample o f 1589 people enabled the authors to derive 4 solid types o f behaviour and feelings connected with work: Type G - Healthy, Type S - Economical, Type A - Risk (overloaded), Type В - B urnout (Rongińska, Gaida, 2001).

The AVEM Inventory is a tool o f high reliability (for scales of Polish adapta­ tion o f this inventory internal consistency estim ated alfa Cronbach were 0,70 to 0,83 and Sperman-Brown 0,70-0,83).


Average results from each of the inventories are presented below. Outcomes of the NEO - FFI Inventory will be presented as norm alized results according to sten score, while the findings of the AVEM inventory are recorded as raw score.

Analysis of average results in a group o f military officers

The outcomes indicate that participants are less likely to experience negative em otions such as anger, dissatisfaction or guilt (Neuroticism scale). M ilitary officers displayed slightly higher extraversion: they are m ore cheerful, optim istic, active, and display a m ore positive attitude towards people. Furtherm ore, they were com m itted and persistent in task perform ance (table 1).

In accordance with intensification analysis of the obtained results from the AVEM scales, participants were classified into four types of behaviour related w ith w ork (table 2).

Table 1. Average sten score obtained in NEO-FFI questionnaire in a group of m ilitary officers (n=112)

N E O -F FI dim ensions M ean for stens SD

Neuroticism 4,23 1,79

Extraversion 6,56 1,71

Openness to experience 5,36 1,78

Agreeableness 5,73 1,87


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

Table 2. Types of behavior - row score means and standard deviation o f m ilitary officers (n= l 12)

AVEM - Types o f b ehavior M ean SD Type healthy - G 0,34 0,34 Type economical - S 0,29 0,34 Type of risk - A 0,22 0,30 Type burnout - В 0,13 0,26

In the experimental group the largest groups of participants were type G - healthy and S type - eco­ nomical of work behaviour. Military officers significantly rarely displayed type A - overloaded, and were least often type В - burnout. The obtained results suggest that soldiers are most often function­ ing at work in a health beneficial mode.

C orrelation analysis between personality traits and types of behaviour and feelings connected with w ork in a group o f m ilitary officers

This stage of the outcom es analysis was to state the relationship between respective personality features: Neuroticism , Extraversion, Openness to Experi­ ence, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness and three areas of functioning at work: Work engagement, Psychical resistance and problematic situations fighting strategies and Emotional attitude towards work requirements and types of behav­ iour at work: Type G, Type S, Type A, Type B. To estimate this relationship the coefficient correlation of rank order R-Spearman was used, because of a lack o f norm al distribution in the dependent variables as well as a lack o f a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables, m aking it inappropriate to use standard param etric tests.

Personality traits o f military officers and work engagement

Soldiers characterized with a high level of neuroticism appear to have diffi­ culties m aintaining distance from work m atters and work related problems while soldiers with high extraversion displayed higher m eaningfulness of work, which results in a bigger propensity to develop their professional role and increase individual input in task perform ance.

Officers who were open to experience showed higher w ork ambitions, while m ore agreeable soldiers showed greater capability of m aintaining distance from w ork related problems and matters. M ilitary officers with higher conscientious­ ness displayed bigger job ambitions, willingness to become involved with work related issues and perfectionism in perform ed responsibilities (table 3).


Małgorzata Anna Basińska, Anna Dreas

Table 3. R -Spearman, correlation between personality traits and AVEM - W ork engage­ m ent in a group of m ilitary officers (n = l 12)

AVEM N eu ro ticism E xtraversion

O pen n ess to ex p e ri­ ence A greeable­ ness C o n scio u s­ ness Subjective mean­ ing of work 0,14 0,06 0,09 -0,15 0,16 Professional am­ bitions -0,07 0,23* 0,23* -0,03 0,29* Readiness to en­ gage 0,03 0,21 0,14 -0,13 0,30* Perfection aspira­ tions -0,07 0,17 0,17 -0,15 0,42** Distance holding towards work -0,23* 0,10 -0,06 0,25 -0,15 *p<,05; **p<,01

Personality traits of military officers and psychical resistance and problematic situations coping strategies

Soldiers who are highly neurotic displayed less initiative w hen confronted with work related problems, furtherm ore they display a tendency to give up in the face o f failure and appeared to be less emotionally stable. In contrast, extraverted individuals were m ore internally balanced and m uch m ore likely to make an effort and use initiative w hen occupational problem s occurred w ithout giving up in the face o f failure. O penness to experience and consci­ entiousness caused soldiers to respond m ore actively w hen work related diffi­ culties appear and use initiative to solve problems, furtherm ore they were less likely to give up in the face o f a failure. Individuals who displayed high agreea­ bleness showed m ore em otional stability (table 4).

Personality traits of military officers and emotional attitude towards work The higher the level of neuroticism the lower the satisfaction from job perfor­ m ance and the lower the general life satisfaction was experienced by soldiers. Furtherm ore, high neuroticism decreased a sense o f support from oth er people and society. Extraverted soldiers experienced greater satisfaction of w ork perfor­ m ance and greater life satisfaction, whereas individuals with higher agreeable­ ness felt m ore support from others. Conscientiousness in m ilitary officers led


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

Table 4. R -Spearm an - correlation between personality traits and AVEM - Psychical resistance and problematic situations fighting strategies in a group of military officers (n=112)

AVEM Neuroticism Extraversion Openness to experience Agreeable­ ness Conscious­ ness Resign tendency in a face of failure 0,55** -0,34* -0,25* -0,11 -0,30* Offensive strate­ gies of problem solving -0,43** 0,50** 0,20* 0,07 0,49**

Internal calm and

balance -0,33* 0,24* 0,12 0,32* 0,13

*p<0,05; **p<0,01

to greater satisfaction from w ork success, while openness to experience and an em otional attitude tow ard work are unrelated (table 5).

Personality traits of military officers and types of behaviour at work

A high level o f neuroticism was correlated with risk type A - overloaded and В type - burnout o f w ork behaviour am ong professional soldiers. F urther­ m ore neuroticism was negatively related with functioning at work accordingly w ith healthy G type o f behaviour. Soldiers with high extraversion functioned at w ork correspondingly with healthy type - G and were less likely to be type

Table 5. R-Spearm an - correlation between personality traits and AVEM - Emotional attitude towards work in a group o f m ilitary officers (n = l 12)

AVEM Neuroticism Extraversion Openness to experience Agreeable­ ness Conscious­ ness Sense of work success -0,23* 0,40** 0,14 0,08 0,23*

General life satis­

faction -0,45** 0,39** 0,11 0,12 0,13

Sense of support

from the others -0,37* 0,15 0,02 0,28 0,14


Małgorzata A nna Basińska, Anna Dreas

S - economical, A - overloaded and В - burnout. The m ore open to experi­ ence officers were the m ore often they functioned according to type G - healthy of behaviour and less often with type В - bu rn o ut of w ork behaviour. Soldiers who scored high on agreeableness m ost often functioned at w ork accordingly to type S - economical of behaviour and less often to type В - bu rn o u t and type A - overloaded. M ilitary officers w ith a high level of conscientiousness behaved at w ork appropriately with the healthy G - type and rarely with bu rn o u t type - В and economical type - S of behaviour (table 6).

Table 6. R -S p earm a n - c o rrela tio n betw een p erso n a lity traits an d AVEM - types o f beh av io r at w o rk in a gro u p o f m ilita ry officers ( n = l 12)

AVEM N euroticism E xtraver­ sion O pen n ess toexperi-ence A greeable­ ness C o n scio u s­ ness Type healthy - G -0,41** 0,40** 0,28* 0,14 0,27* Type economical - S -0,13 -0,19* -0,16 0,22* -0,29* Type of risk - A О * -0,21* -0,05 -0,20* 0,07 Type burnout - В 0,40** -0,42** -0,23* -0,20* -0,27* *p<0,05; **p<0,01

These findings corroborate the earlier stated hypothesis: personality traits and types o f behaviour and w ork related feelings are connected.

D iscussion

Personality traits affect functioning at w ork o f m ilitary officers. The obtained results enable us to state th at the background o f the workplace environm ent and job specification are no t the only variables which influence functioning at work. This study highlights the im portance of personality traits as a resource for assigning job - related activities.

N euroticism affects on job satisfaction (Davis, 2003. The percep­ tion of perform ed w ork am ong individuals w ith high neuroticism is negative, which results in low job satisfaction and low life satisfaction in a m ore global context (Judge et a l, 2002; C olbert et a l, 2004; N eubert, 2004). Furtherm ore, neuroticism has an im pact on job perform ance and w ork - related problem


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

solving strategies. The findings in this study indicate that officers who scored high on neuroticism had poorer job perform ance and in stressful and problem ­ atic situations more often back off from activities avoiding confrontation. Similar implications can be found in a num ber o f other studies (Starowicz, 2003; Neubert, 2004). O n account of the tendency to give up o f neurotic individuals and their passive attitude towards encountering difficulties, they are less likely to be effec­ tive in m anagerial positions. Studies of Asiatic troops revealed that neuroticism is negatively correlated with leadership abilities (Neubert, 2004). It is worth noting that neuroticism is linked with a poor ability to m aintain distance from w ork - related problem s which implies a lack o f internal stability and anxiety. Incapability of coping with job - related stress predisposes those individuals to burnout. Studies conducted in a group of nurses, doctors and teachers corroborates that high neuroticism has a disadvantageous im pact on behav­ iour and feelings related w ith w ork (Muszalska, 2005; Sobczak, 2005; Basińska, Andruszkiewicz, 2010).

Extraversion plays an im portant role in occupational functioning. Mostly it allow individuals to be effective at coping with stress and work - related difficul­ ties (Starowicz, 2003; Kasprzak, Bańka, 2004). Extroverted individuals display high efficacy and enterprise in dealing with job - related problems. It is because when faced with problem atic situation they use active operations focused on particular targets instead of avoiding obstacles (Kasprzak, Bańka, 2003; Staro­ wicz, 2003). This study has also shown that extraversion as a factor o f person­ ality increase work engagem ent and m inim ises the tendency to give up in the face of failure. Despite failures in problem solving they consistently and persistently seek solutions. Courage and vigour in activities result in positive w ork effects which lead to satisfaction. A sense o f w ork success and assertive­ ness of m ilitary officers who scored high on extraversion imply internal balance and em otional stability as well as general life satisfaction. Prior studies (Barrick et a l, 1991; N eubert, 2004) confirm extroverted individuals are very effective in leadership roles. Finally, this study shows that extraversion has a benefi­ cial im pact on functioning at work, increasing the tendency to act accordingly w ith healthy type - G of w ork behaviour and decreasing the likelihood o f type overloaded - A and burnout type - B. This paper’s results support prior studies on functioning at work (Muszalska, 2003; Sobczak, 2005; Basińska, A ndruszk­ iewicz, 2010).

O f the five personality dim ensions openness to experience has the lowest relation with functioning at work am ong officers. This finding m ay be owing to the m ultidim ensional m eanning o f this scale. The authors of the Big Five suggested that this dim ension is inchoate so it is necessary to keep cautious­ ness during interpretation (McCrae, Costa, 2005). Furtherm ore, the work


Małgorzata Anna Basińska, A nna Dreas

specification o f m ilitary officers requires acting accordingly w hith definite rules and upholding principles which excludes bringing in innovative ideas (Florkowski, 2000). Similar results have been obtained in a group of teachers where high openness to experience was not always beneficial w hen required to follow a specified curriculum (Sobczak, 2005). However, officers who display higher openness to experience are m ore ambitious in their professional goals, and in the face of failure use m ore offensive strategies of problem solving instead o f giving up. This study confirms that soldiers who are open to experience are m ore likely to function in accordance with healthy type - G of behaviour.

Agreeableness affects the ability to m aintain distance from work - related problems. Agreeable individuals are less likely to experience stress connected with their perform ed profession (D udek et a l, 2001). Furtherm ore a high level of this dim ension is com bined with job satisfaction (Judge et a l, 2002; Davis, 2003; N eubert, 2004). Because these individuals are kind-hearted and courteous they are m ore likely to be good team players which may lead to higher job perform ance. A lthough agreeableness is positively correlated with w orking with a team, it is negatively correlated with being a leader where rivalry is needed m ore than cooperative behaviour (Neubert, 2004). Agreeable officers are m ore cooperative in professional roles which can increase their sense o f support from other people, signifying internal balance and general life satisfaction. Thanks to an ability to m aintain distance from occupational problem s agreeable officers are less affected by the m ental costs related with failure, w hich makes them less likely to behave as burno u t type - В and overloaded type - A. Similar findings were obtained in a group o f nurses where high agreeableness was positively correlated with healthy type - G and negatively with burno ut - В type o f work behaviour (Basińska, Andruszkiewicz, Grabowska, 2011). Studies o f teachers indicate th at increased agreeableness reduces the likelihood o f b u rn o u t type o f behaviour at work - В (Sobczak, 2005).

O ut of the five factors in the model, conscientiousness has the greaters im pact on job perform ance (Barrick et a l, 1991; Kasprzak, 2000; Thoresen et a l, 2004). It appears that individuals w ith an adequate degree of respon­ sibility for the perform ed task and a conscientious attitude towards reaching their targets m ore often succeed at w ork (Strzalecki, Czolak, 2005). A sense o f w ork success am ong highly conscientious individuals increases w ork satis­ faction resulting in increased professional m otivation (Judge et a l, 2002; Davis, 2003; N eubert, 2004). Studies o f m ilitary officers have shown that conscien­ tiousness is related with higher w ork engagem ent and bigger w ork ambitions. Furtherm ore, intensification of this trait is positively correlated w ith offen­ sive strategies o f problem solving and negatively w ith a tendency to give up in the face o f failure. This indicates that individuals who are m ore conscientious


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

are m ore effective in coping w ith w ork - related problem s, as they are m ore likely to take the initiative to solve it. Effective problem m anaging in a profes­ sional field decreases negative stress results, and the positive effects o f consistent w ork result in job success, which affects the general life satisfaction of these individuals. The results obtained in this paper have shown that conscientious­ ness has a beneficial im pact on w ork functioning as it is related to type healthy G o f behaviour and decreases the likelihood o f bu rn o u t type - В of w ork behav­ iour. This study’s findings support the reports of form er research on samples of nurses and teachers (Sobczak, 2005; Basińska, Andruszkiewicz, 2010).

The obtained results have indicated that all personality traits are related with particular behaviour in a workplace. Only neuroticism appears to be a disadvan­ tageous feature for healthy w ork functioning in the studied group. The rem aining Big Five traits are generally favourable for healthy w ork functioning. Therefore, the results highlight the im portance of particular personality traits for selec­ tion o f m ore or less effective stress coping strategies in a workplace. Awareness o f these correlations will allow adequate program s and training to be created. The purpose o f these program s w ould be to highlight m ore effective coping strategies in stressful situations for those soldiers who are less effective in these situations, and to sustain and encourage these behaviours in those soldiers who are already using them.

C onclusions

Analysis o f the obtained results allow us to state the following conclusions; 1. Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings at w ork are related


a. N eurotic individuals: characterised by a lower capability of m aintaining distance from w ork related issues (job - related activities), appear to have a greater tendency to give up in face o f the failure, less often use offen­ sive strategies of problem solving, display lower em otional stability, have a lower sense of work success, are rather unsatisfied in life and feel lower support from other people which is why those individuals are less likely to behave at w ork accordingly w ith type G - healthy and m ore likely with the type A - overloaded and type В - burnout.

b. Extraverted individuals: are m ore ambitious and engaged in job - related activities, apply m ore offensive strategies o f problem solving w ithout tendency to quit in the face o f failure, display greater life satisfaction and internal balance. Furtherm ore, they exhibit a greater sense of work


Małgorzata Anna Basińska, Anna Dreas

success which implies acting accordingly with type G - healthy of behav­ iour and show less tendency to function in accordance w ith the other of three types: economical - S, overloaded - A and burno ut - B.

c. O pen to experience individuals: characterized by bigger w ork aspira­ tions lack o f a tendency to give up in the face of failure which m inim izes the likelihood o f type В - bu rn o ut and is m ore in line with type G - healthy of behaviour at work.

d. Agreeable individuals: show m ore capability to m aintain distance from w ork related issues, higher internal balance and a larger sense o f support from other people which is related to type S - economical o f behaviour at work. Therefore, type A - overloaded and type В - bu rnou t of work behaviour are less related to individuals who are m ore agreeable.

e. Conscientious individuals: are m ore ambitious, perfectionist and engaged in job - related m atters, m ore often apply offensive strategies o f problem s solving w ithout a tendency to give up in the face o f failure. They appear to be satisfied in life which suggests behaviour in accord­ ance with type G - healthy and less with type S - economical and type В - bu rnou t at work.

2. The correlation between personality traits and subjective m eaning o f w ork is statistically invalid.


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Cechy są podstawowymi kom ponentam i osobowości i predyktoram i zachowania ludzi w różnych sytuacjach, włączając także sytuacje w pracy. Wypalenie, które jest szczególnym typem zachowania w pracy, jawi się raczej jako skutek stresu, który nie został zmodyfikowany przez strategie radzenia sobie, niż bezpośrednia konsekwencja stresu zawodowego. Jednak stres wraz z cechami środowiska nie jest wystarczający, by wyjaśnić wypalenie w pracy. To wskazuje, że zm ienne osobowościowe i strategie radzenia sobie m ogą być znaczącymi czynnikami, które wpływają na funkcjonowanie zawodowe. Ten artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczące związku m iędzy cechami osobowości a funkcjonowaniem w pracy na różne sposoby.


Personality traits and types o f behaviour and feelings

Uczestnikami badania była grupa 112 żołnierzy zawodowych. Próbka była hom ogen­ iczna w zakresie płci i wykształcenia - wszyscy uczestnicy byli mężczyznami z wyższym wykształceniem. W iek oficerów wynosił od 24 do 62 lat.

W celu weryfikacji postawionych hipotez zastosowana dwa narzędzia: do oszacowania cech osobowości NEO-FFI Inwentarz Osobowości R.R. McCrae i P.T. Costy, a do oceny typów przeżyć i zachowań związanych z pracą Inwentarz AVEM U. Schaarschmidta i A. Fischera.

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