Public speaking training in front of an imaginary or virtual audience: A randomized
controlled trial
Kang, N.; Ding, D.; Hartanto, D.; Brinkman, W.P.; Neerincx, M.A.
Publication date
Document Version
Final published version
Published in
annual review of cybertherapy and telemedicine
Citation (APA)
Kang, N., Ding, D., Hartanto, D., Brinkman, W. P., & Neerincx, M. A. (2019). Public speaking training in front
of an imaginary or virtual audience: A randomized controlled trial. annual review of cybertherapy and
telemedicine, 17, 89-97.
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Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2019 89
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
TNO Perceptual and Cognitive Systems, Netherlands
n =
2. Method
Kang et al./ Public Speaking Training in Front of an Imaginary or Virtual Audience: A randomized controlled trial
2.2 Measures
Presentation Performance (PP)
Personal report of confidence as a speaker (PRCS)
Length of answers (LA)
Presence response (PR)
Heart rate (HR)
Subjective unit of discomfort (SUD)
Utility questionnaire (UQ)
Self-efficacy (SE)
2.3 Procedure and apparatus
M =
. SD = .
Kang et al./ Public Speaking Training in Front of an Imaginary or Virtual Audience: A randomized controlled trial
3. Data preparation and analysis
α = .
α =
3.1. Results.
F( ,
) =
p < .
F( , ) = .
p = .
p < .
F( . , . ) = .
p < .
F( . , . ) = .
p = .
p < .
p < .
p < .
Kang et al./ Public Speaking Training in Front of an Imaginary or Virtual Audience: A randomized controlled trial 95 Table 1. r p < . p < .
F( , ) = .
p = .
F( ,
) =
p = .
F( , ) = .
p = .
F( , ) = .
p = .
F( . , . ) = .
p < .
F( , ) = .
p < .
F( , ) = .
p < .
F( . , . ) = .
p < .
F( , ) =
p < .
4. Conclusions and discussion
5. References
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Kang et al./ Public Speaking Training in Front of an Imaginary or Virtual Audience: A randomized controlled trial
Communication Research Reports 15
Cyberpsychology & behavior 8
Journal of anxiety disorders 22
Computers in Human Behavior 34 CyberPsychology & Behavior 9
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems
Behavior modification 33 Communication Quarterly 54
Communication Education 64
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25 Self-efficacy: The exercise of control
Attention and effort
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 4 Computers in Human Behavior 55
Learning assessment techniques: A handbook for college faculty Insight vs. desensitization in psychotherapy: An experiment in anxiety reduction
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 104 PloS one 7 CyberPsychology & Behavior 5 The practice of behavior therapy
Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents 5
Journal of educational psychology 103
Educational psychologist 41