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The banking sector in the context of Poland's integration in the EU


Academic year: 2021

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A R G U M E N TA OECONOM ICA No 1-2(6)- 1998 PI.. ISSN 1233-5835


Andrzej Gospodarowicz*



In th e paper there are discussed problem s concerning the adjusting processes in our banking secto r in the co n tex t o f Poland’s adherence to E uropean structures. In the introduction an attention is paid to th e negotiations currently ongoing betw een the experts from Poland and from the EU, during which several sections o f the EU law are exam ined. T he results of these negotiations will determine the pace o f o u r integration in the EU. The next section presents the scope and the object o f the adjusting processes o ccurring in the Polish banking sector. T h ey generally reduce to the th ree groups o f problems, that are: 1) defining the position of a central b an k within a state structure, its aim s, conditions and possibilities o f effective functioning; 2) harmonizing banking law and supervisory security regulations in conditions o f liberalizing flow of capital and increased possibilities of supplying transborder services; 3) increasing th e effectiveness, efficiency and security o f the banking sector. At the p resen t stage o f realizing the ad justing processes the actions undertaken in th e area of the third group o f problem s are of key im portance fo r constructing in Poland a modem banking system comparable to the banking systems functioning in th e E U countries. The third part o f the p ap er deals with this group o f problem s.


O n 1 February 1994 the form al association b etw e en the Polish Republic a n d the E uropean Union and its m em ber states came into force. Shortly afterw ards, on 5 A pril 1994, Poland m ade an official application to become a m em ber o f the E U . A t present our country, together with o th er six selected countries, is a ca n d id a te for EU m em bership, and the official negotiations leading to adm ission began this year.

D uring the period from 27 April to 17 July 1998 E U and Polish experts review ed nine sections of the EU law s and assessed the compatibility of Polish State regulations with them. They dealt with the following areas: science and research, telecommunications and inform ation technologies, education and schooling, culture, audio-visual policy, industrial policy, joint foreign policy and security, company law, consum er and health protection, fishery, and statistics.

» D ep artm en t o f C om puter M e th o d s in Management, W ro cław U niv ersity o f E conom ics; e-m ail gospodar@ m anager.ae.w roc.pi


This a u tu m n further negotiations w ill take place, d e a lin g w ith further 19 aspects o f E U law s including th o se extrem ely co n tro v e rsial fo r us like the u nrestricted flo w o f goods, a g ric u ltu re and environm ental p ro tectio n . With reference to ev e ry act of the E U law contained in th e so -c alle d A list, therefore co m p u lso ry , Poland w ill h a v e to declare w h e th e r th e introduction of any o f su c h law s and their im plem entation:

1) will n o t create any problems,

2) w ill c reate some technical problem s which can be re so lv ed quickly, 3) will create a problem difficult enough to warrant the necessity to discuss it bilaterally.

It is difficult to say how long these negotiations will take. Undoubtedly, their positive outcom e will be a decisive factor in setting the date for Poland to join the EU. The final result will also depend on the political will o f the E U member states, the state of Poland’s adjustment to the EU laws, and the acceptance of our membership by the majority of the Polish population.

The re su lts o f the latest opinion p o lls in Poland show a sig n ifican t fall in the a c cep tan c e o f P oland’s EU m em b ersh ip . A year ago it w as still at 70%, now it is 5 8 % . A ll the serious a n a ly se s show explicitly th a t e n try to the EU will bring P o la n d enormous b e n e fits in economic, p o litic a l and civiliza- tional term s. T h e re is not a b e tte r fu tu re prospect fo r th e developm ent and m odernization o f the Polish ec o n o m y other than in te g ra tio n with the countries o f w estern and central E u ro p e . Here we have a u n iq u e chance to establish o u r p la c e in Europe in a perm an en t and e ffe c tiv e w ay and create the co n d itio n s fo r successful lo n g -term developm ent.

We can a ssu m e that the latest p o litic a l and financial c r is is in R ussia will weaken the ac tiv ities of those o p p o sin g Polish in te g ra tio n . Poland is not threatened b y the Russian crisis b ec au se in recent fe w y ea rs our main trading p a rtn e rs are the m em ber sta te s of the EU. It w as a result of im plem enting a few years ago a com m ercial part o f th e E U liberalizing Polish in d u stria l exports to the m e m b e r states. H ow ever, I think also that the sp ec ia list econom ic press sh o u ld becom e more a c tiv e a t this point and show clea rly th e potential benefits re su ltin g from P olish m em b ersh ip while at same tim e p re sen tin g the costs in v o lv e d and ways to lim it them .

As I h av e alread y m entioned, th e pace of our in te g ra tio n in the EU will also d epend on the degree of ad v a n cem en t in the p ro c esses o f adjustm ent to EU re g u la tio n s w ithin all sectors o f the economy. T h e lis t o f necessary moves is ra th e r extensive, th e re fo re in iny lecture I w ould like to concentrate on the most sig n ific a n t adjustm ents in th e P o lish banking sector.



A significant part o f th e recom m endations re la te d to the fu n c tio n in g o f th e b a n k in g sector in P o la n d is contained in th e a b o v e m entioned E u ro p e a n U n io n act which P oland sig n e d on 16 D ecem b er 1991. A t their b asis th e re is th e so-called S econd B a n k in g D irective a c c e p te d by EU co u n trie s in 1989. Its main p ro v isio n s re la te to the in tro d u c tio n o f a p rin c ip le o f fre e d o m in supplying b a n k in g services and e s ta b lis h in g branches o f b a n k s in o th e r m em ber states a n d a uniform b a n k in g licence en ab lin g th e fu n c tio n in g of banks in th e whole of EU te rrito ry . By signing th e E U c o n v e n tio n , the P olish sid e undertook to fu lfil se v e ra l obligations a ls o in th e b an k in g sector. T h e y are related m o stly to harm onizing b ro a d ly u n d e rs to o d banking law s w ith EU standards. It im p lie s not ju st a im in g at c o m p a tib ility of P olish re g u la tio n s with th e E u ro p e a n s coun terp arts, b u t a ls o th e acceptance o f a c e rta in way of creatin g la w s, interpreting th em an d c o n tro llin g their im p le m e n tatio n . These u n d e rta k in g s should be fu lfille d d u rin g a ten-year tran sitio n p erio d (starting fro m 1 F ebruary 1994).

T h e Maastricht Treaty th at came into force o n 1 November 1993 also d ictates the scope of adjustm ent procedures. It d efin e d the principles o f the functioning of the hom ogenous internal market an d the freedom of capital and la b o u r flow; it also announced the creation o f a m onetary union based on th e E u ro p ean Central bank and a common currency - th e euro.

T h e expectations in re la tio n to the countries a p p ly in g for m em b ersh ip o f th e E U w ere stated in a d e ta ile d way in the s o -c a lle d W hite Book a p p ro v e d by an E U conference w h ic h took place on 2 6 - 2 7 Ju n e 1995. T h e is s u e s c o n n e c te d with banking a re contained in the a p p e n d ix to this d o c u m e n t, c o n c e n tra tin g on re g u la tio n s and undertakings a c c e p te d as an in teg ral p a rt o f a prop erly functioning b a n k in g sector. T hey a r e divided into tw o g ro u p s a n d in ten d ed to be im p le m e n te d in two su b se q u e n t stages, w ithout h o w e v e r o u tlin in g the tim etable o r th e order of the a d ju s tm e n t procedures. T h e f ir s t p h a s e deals with m atters re la tin g to the e s ta b lis h in g o f banks and e n s u rin g th e stab ility of the b a n k in g sector, the s e c o n d concentrates on th e s tre n g th e n in g of p re c a u tio n a ry m easures in o rd e r to com ply w ith in te rn a tio n a l standards.

T h o se three docum ents d efin e the basic scope an d subject of the ad ju stm en t p ro c esses that should be introduced into the P olish banking sector. T hey re la te to th re e main issues (D aniluk 1996):

1. Defining the positio n o f a central bank w ith in a state structure, its aim s, co n d itio n s and possibilities o f effective functioning;


conditions o f liberalizing flow o f capital and increased possibilities of supplying tran sb o rd er services;

3. Increasin g the effectiveness, efficiency and security o f the banking sector.

In accordance with EU regulations the fundamental duty o f central banks is to maintain stability of prices; this aim should be realized in conditions of independence, and with explicit ban on financing the deficits o f the public sector.

D efining th e new position o f th e Polish N ational B a n k (NBP), in agreem ent w ith EU regulations w a s largely influenced b y the relevant articles o f th e n ew constitution and th e D ecree on the N B P, w h ich came into force on 1 Ja n u a ry 1998. The a p p ro p ria te statutory re g u la tio n s allow ed for:

- creating th e Monetary Policy C ouncil and Banking S upervisory Board, - lim iting th e powers of the chairm an of NBP and tran sferrin g them to its board w hich is responsible to the M onetary Policy Council,

- closer co-operation between N B P and the state, esp ecially the Finance Ministry responsible for the m ajor p art of governmental econom ic policy, including ban k in g sector policy.

The M o netary Policy Council is, alongside the chairman an d the board, the third organ o f the Polish National B ank. Its role is not advisory, but decisional, and it has a m onopoly on decision-m aking in the matters o f m onetary policy. The main task o f the council is to m aintain the m acroeconom ic equilibrium, in particular through reducing inflation, extending the convertibility of the Zloty and increasing Poland’s credibility in international transactions. Its effec­ tiveness should contribute to an increase in the autonomy o f the NBP and an improvement o f credibility of m onetary policy. The rational definition of the parameters and instruments of such a policy of the C ouncil w ill create the conditions fo r P oland’s integration in th e European M onetary U nion.

Also th e creation of the B anking Supervisory B oard, m ade up of the representatives o f institutions responsible for the functioning o f various parts of the financial m arket, financial and m onetary policies, created the premise for the integration o f financial regulations and supervision in conditions of overlapping activities of the various p arts o f the financial sector.

An im portant part of the issues o f the adjustment of the P olish banking sector relates to the harmonization of banking law and the supervisory security regulations. One should stress that according to E U rules the harmonization o f the law does not equal its unification since every country is presented with certain aims which have to be reached, but is left with the freedom o f choice of the right procedure.

The security regulations issued by the organs of the E U aim at establishing minimum standards helping to restrict excessively risky ac tiv ities of financial institutions and to increase the levels o f security and stability in the banking,


insurance and stock market sectors of the member countries. The existence o f such norm s is a necessary condition for the correct functioning o f a homogenous m arket of financial services.

T h e introduction o f the n e w banking law on 1 J a n u a ry 1998, and s e v e ra l e x e c u tiv e decrees to it re s u lte d in significant p ro g r e s s in the process o f th e h a rm o n iz a tio n of law and se c u rity m easures. P o la n d im plem ented to a la rg e d e g re e in its regulations th e E uropean stan d ard s co n c ern in g the term s o f is s u in g o f banking lic e n c e s, determ ining th e le v e l o f co ncentration o f b a n k in g risk, m easures p re v e n tin g money la u n d e rin g , ways of c a lc u la tin g the c o e ffic ie n t of solvency, a system for in su rin g b a n k deposits, a d ju s tin g th e a c co u n tin g system a n d principles o f b o o k k e e p in g . Som e P o lis h re g u la tio n s set more s trin g e n t requirem ents th an th e E U norm s, for e x a m p le th e n o rm s o f acceptable c r e d it concentration a n d th e system of m e a su re s u se d to calculate a c o e ffic ie n t o f solvency.

T h e realization of the first two groups o f issu es connected w ith th e ad ju stm en t processes o f the banking sector to E U requirem ents rem ains th e responsibility of the state authorities and the NBP. A s previously suggested, th eir im plem entation is runn in g smoothly and sh o u ld be accomplished in th e n ear future.

A m ore complex situation remains in the third group o f these issues, those relating to the increase of efficiency, effectiveness and security of the banking sector. The relevant steps and procedures must be taken by the w hole of the banking sector and should be aimed at increasing the standards of management, strategic planning and m aking decision on restructuring and consolidation. A s their result there should be a rapid progress in technology and education, the standardization of banking products and a steady developm ent of financial services offered, as well as im provem ent in their performance. The present initiatives undertaken in this area o f issues have a paramount im portance for the creation o f a modem banking system in P oland, comparable with the banking system in the E U countries. I shall return to this problem in the final part o f my lecture.


To start with I would like to briefly characterize the present day banking system in Poland. This will allow for a more precise presentation o f proceedings necessary to im prove the effectiveness, efficiency and security o f comm ercial banks.

T h e Polish banking sec to r is among the m o st dynam ically d ev e lo p in g b ra n ch es o f our economy. A nyone who has k n o w led g e o f Polish banking te n years ago and the present sta te can confirm the p ro g ress amounting to at le a st


one generation in terms of banking procedures and technologies. However, the distance d iv id in g Polish banks from th e developed m arket econom ies is still significant. C om paring them one should point out the follow ing aspects (Jaworski, 1998; Kosiński 1998):

1. L ow am ounts of capital o f P o lish banks; among the 1,000 biggest banks in the w orld as far as their capital is concerned, there are only four Polish banks: B ank H andlow y S.A., PeKaO G roup S.A., BGZ S.A. a n d PK O BP, all of them far from the top;

2. In the ranking published by “T he Banker” am ong the 500 biggest European b an k s there are only 13 P olish ones; as the h ig h est G roup PeKaO S.A. ranking 131, second Bank H andlow y (158);

3. An im portant feature of the Polish banking sec to r is its low productivity; th e ratio of costs to revenue in 1997 was in P o la n d 0.84 and in the EU 0.69;

4. T he unfavourable relation betw een the costs o f la b o u r and value of assets; in the case o f Polish banks in 1997 it amounted to 1.29% and in the EU countries it w as much lover, e.g. in F ran ce 0.78%, Germany 0.80% ;

5. W eakness o f distribution netw ork o f banking services; in Poland the number o f b an k branches per 10,000 population is a few tim es lo w er than in the EU, although recently there has been som e improvement. In 1997 the number of branches o f the 15 largest banks grew by 15%, however the sta ff numbers are still excessive: in Poland it is on average 70 employees, w hile in A ustria 15 and in Sweden 11;

6. T h e m ajority of Polish banks lack modern com puter system allowing improving the quality of services rendered and ensuring effectiv e strategic and operational planning. The banks also lack efficient means e n a b lin g the current monitoring o f profitability of particular products and setting n egotiable limits;

7. T h ere is a shortage of specialized banking in Poland - banks are mostly commercial an d o f a general nature. T h e EU countries h ave apart from such banks several institutions specializing in particular banking services.

In o u tlin in g th e characteristics o f b an k s present in th e P o lis h m arket one should a lso to u c h upon foreign b an k s. D iscussing th e la tte r can be problem atic a s there are varying d e fin itio n s even o f th e term “foreign bank” . A c c o rd in g to article 4 o f th e B anking Law it d e s c rib e s banks with head o ffic es ab ro ad . O wnership c a p ita l o f banks so d e fin e d co n stitu te 15% of the o w n e rsh ip capital o f the P o lish banking sec to r. T h e General Inspectorate o f B anking S upervision w hen publishing d a ta re la te d to banks with a m a jo rity share of foreign c a p ita l, includes in th is g ro u p banks with foreign in v e stm e n t exceeding 50% o f ca p ita l. Foreign b a n k s d efin e d in such a way had in M arch 1998 16.3% o f a sse ts and 23.3% o f o w n e rsh ip capital in the P o lish b an k in g sector.


S u ch a definition of a foreign bank does not allow fo r the situation when several m edium -size foreign investors ow n jointly over 50% o f the bank’s shares. If w e accept such a broad definition, according to which a foreign bank is any bank w ith m ore than a 50% share of foreign owners, then foreign capital in the Polish banking sector amounts to around 40% o f the share capital o f commercial banks. T his indicator is frequently quoted in evaluating the position o f foreign banks. Bearing in m ind the value of foreign involvement some bankers, som e banking experts an d politicians maintain that the Polish banking sector is already in foreign possession.

It see m s that a p e rc e n tile share of foreign c a p ita l in the banking s e c to r d o es n o t constitute a su ffic ie n t criterion for e v a lu a tin g w hether the s e c to r re ta in s th e national c h a ra c te r and remains ab le to m e e t national p rio ritie s , an d i f it allow s Poland to p u rs u e an independent ec o n o m ic policy. S u ch a n a n a ly s is should also in clu d e o th e r ch aracteristics, lik e fo r exam ple the s h a r e o f fo re ig n banks in the a sse ts o f the banking sec to r. It is im portant w h e th e r b a n k s w ith a m ajority o f fo re ig n capital retain th e fu n c tio n s of a b an k , th e s o -c a lle d good citizen, o r b e c o m e the instrum ent o f strategy for the w h o le g ro u p o f foreign investors. O n e should also c o n s id e r the status and p a r t p la y e d by Polish m anagem ent in such banks.

D isc u ssio n about th e p la c e and role p la y e d by the foreign b a n k s , p a rtic u la rly in recent tim e s, has a grow ing te n d e n c y to stress d a n g e rs a r is in g from their ex iste n c e ra th e r that the p o s itiv e side. U ndoubtedly in e v a lu a tin g the situation o n e sh o u ld conduct a th o ro u g h and honest a n a ly s is an d c o n s id e r all the im p o rta n t aspects of it.

T ak in g into consideration the above m entioned m ain weaknesses o f th e b an k in g sector in Poland I w ould like to present h e re som e initiatives w h ich should be introduced in o rd er to raise its effectiveness, efficiency and security. T hey relate to the following issues:

1. A considerable strengthening of the capital o f Polish banks through, on one hand, their privatization, and on the other, by th e significant decrease in tax atio n and reserve requirem ents;

2. Increasing the co m p etitiv en ess of P o lis h banks through th e ir c o n so lid a tio n , low ering c o s ts , im proved m an ag e m en t;

3. Increased investm ent in com puter and telecom m unication systems; 4. Rationalizing the state and structure of w orkforce.

T h e condition of development of the banking system is its further privatization. The com plete privatization o f the Polish banking sector seems to be beyond discussion as only a totally private bank is able to locate financial means on the basis of purely economic criteria. Further privatization w ith the participation of foreign capital in indispensable since Poland does not have sufficient own capital. A lso the considerable presence of financial institutions on the Warsaw Stock E xchange should be taken into consideration.


The issues related to the state budget w ill continue to in flu en c e the decisions about the w ay o f privatizing Polish banks. The final evaluation o f the positive and negative results of the privatization of the banking sec to r w ill be possible after some years. However we should remember the already existing serious investors w ho fully appreciate the value o f Polish banks and are prepared to secure an effectiv e program for their developm ent.

In the n ex t few months there w ill take place a privatization o f three banks which jo in tly ow n 25.7% of the assets o f the Polish banking sector, i.e. Group PeKaO S.A., B an k Przem ysłowo-Handlowy from Kraków an d B ank Zachodni from W rocław. T heir privatization w ill largely determine th e shape of Polish banking for th e next few years.

The strengthening of the capital o f P olish banks can also succeed through a reduction in tax burden and the rate o f legal reserve. It w ould b e useful in such a case to intro d u ce tax relief for b anks on profits directed to increase their ownership cap ital. The lowering o f reserve requirements w o u ld result in the lowering o f interest rate charged by commercial banks, an d perhaps also increase th eir profitability. The best solution from the p oint o f view of banks would be also the change of tax regulations to treat the to tal o f appropriated reserves as co sts o f obtaining incom e. A t present, the introduction of the proposed chan g es in the taxation is no t likely, mainly due to th e state of public expenditure: it w ould result in a significant fall in tax revenue incom e.

The effectiveness and efficiency o f the banking sec to r can be greatly improved through its consolidation, low ering operational c o sts and improved management. Consolidation is usually understood as a m erger, take-over or co­ operation o f tw o or more banks in order to m aintain o r increase their com petitiveness. It is assisted by privatization. The grow ing com petition among European and Am erican banks resu lted in a recent w ave o f mergers. The liberalization o f Polish currency law s and the full opening o f our country in 1999 for fo reig n banks and increasing competition w ill defin itely speed up changes in th e banking sector. T here should be a concerted effo rt to create in Poland in the n ex t few years two to th ree strong financial gro u p s offering a full range o f serv ices in all the areas o f the financial market co n tro lled by domestic capital. Such consolidation could b e aided by the take-over, within the privatization process, of some still state-ow ned banks by th e banks with a majority stake o f Polish capital. In th is way there could be created a part of Polish banking system sufficiently stro n g to compete with fo reig n banks.

The necessary condition enabling P olish banks to com pete effectively is to rationalize th e ir operational costs. It is particularly im portant n o w when there is a definite d ow nw ard trend in net p ro fit margins. In 1997, d e sp ite the fact that the majority o f banks recorded profits, their general p ro fitability fell in comparison to the previous year. T his w as caused by grow ing operational costs,


n am ely higher costs o f m aintaining their b ra n ch es, staff rem uneration, p u rc h asin g new computer system s, high legal reserv es and premium paid in to the B a n k Guarantee Fund.

In th e situation of fa ilin g n e t profit m argins, p a rtic u la r im portance re s ts on th e issu e of correct m an ag em en t of bank ris k s , m eaning the u se o f a d v a n c e d m ethods of a p p ra isa l and control o f th e r is k based on the a c c e p te d q u a n tita tiv e methods aid ed b y com puter tech n o lo g y . A lso there sh o u ld b e im p le m e n te d some o rg a n iz a tio n a l changes at th e b a sis of which th e re a re p ro f it ce n tres built around b a s ic groups of p ro d u c ts, clien ts, or the lo c a tio n o f t h e i r users.

In P o lish conditions th e im provem ent of the q u a lity o f services re n d e re d re m a in s o f param ount im p o rtan ce . This can b e achieved through th e e x te n d e d application o f c o m p u te r and telec o m m u n ica tio n system s. B a n k s s h o u ld o ffer more and c h e a p e r services based on elec tro n ic banking, b o th fo r in d iv id u a ls and c o m p a n ie s. Every bank s h o u ld possess an in te g ra te d in fo rm a tio n system in c lu d in g all its branches. T h is w ould allow lo w e r u n it c o sts o f particular banking p ro d u c ts and better a n d m o re effective d e c is io n ­ m a k in g at all m anagem ent lev els. The delays in im plem enting c o m p u te r sy ste m s in Polish banking c o u ld be its chance to m a k e a leap re ach in g f o r th e w o r ld ’s latest te c h n o lo g ic a l solutions.

T h e last group o f issu e s related to in c re a s in g th e effectiveness a n d e ffic ie n c y of Polish banks is related to the ra tio n a liz a tio n of the sta te a n d s tru c tu re o f the w orkforce. A t present 33% o f b a n k staff are u n iv e rs ity g ra d u a te s , 58% c o m p le te d secondary e d u c a tio n ; such a s tru c tu re c o rre sp o n d s with the p re s e n t level of develo p m en t in P olish banking. In th e n e a r fu tu re , due to the w id e r application o f c o m p u te r technologies, th e n u m b e r o f simple ro u tin e operatio n s will fa ll. A t the same tim e n e w ly in tro d u c e d banking p ro d u c ts w ill require h igher q u a lific a tio n s on the p a r t o f th e p e rso n n e l offering th em . It w ill require c h a n g e s in the staff p ro fe ssio n a l stru c tu re , which can be conducted through tra n s fe rs , changes in j o b d e s c rip tio n and directing s ta f f developm ent. O u r banks still su ffer h ig h le v e ls o f fluctuation a m o n g the best qualified p e rso n n e l; their le a v in g is u s u a lly a big loss for th e ir em ployers. T herefore sp e c ia l program sh o u ld b e c r e a te d giving them o p p o rtu n itie s of further p ro fe s s io n a l developm ent a n d o ff e rin g earnings co m p atib le w ith their abilities.

It should be m entioned th a t Polish banks em ploy a high number o f B ritish p e o p le o f Polish origin. B anks should actively seek highly-qualified staff a m o n g P o lish communities abroad w h ich would accelerate ac cess to the most ad v a n ced b a n k in g technology for our banks.


The issues related to the state budget will continue to in flu en c e the decisions about the w ay o f privatizing Polish banks. The final evaluation o f the positive and negative results of the privatization o f the banking sec to r w ill be possible after som e years. However we should remember the already existing serious investors w ho fully appreciate the value o f Polish banks an d are prepared to secure an effectiv e program for their developm ent.

In the n ex t few months there will take place a privatization o f three banks which jo in tly ow n 25.7% of the assets o f the Polish banking sector, i.e. Group PeKaO S .A ., B ank Przemysłowo-Handlowy from Kraków an d B ank Zachodni from W rocław . Their privatization w ill largely determine th e shape of Polish banking fo r the next few years.

The strengthening of the capital o f Polish banks can also succeed through a reduction in tax burden and the rate o f legal reserve. It w ould b e useful in such a case to introduce tax relief for banks on profits directed to increase their ownership cap ital. The lowering o f reserve requirements w o u ld result in the lowering o f interest rate charged by commercial banks, and perhaps also increase th e ir profitability. The best solution from the p o in t o f view of banks would be also the change of tax regulations to treat the to tal o f appropriated reserves as co sts of obtaining incom e. At present, the introduction of the proposed chan g es in the taxation is no t likely, mainly due to the state of public expenditure: it would result in a significant fall in tax revenue incom e.

The effectiveness and efficiency o f the banking sec to r can be greatly improved through its consolidation, low ering operational co sts and improved management. Consolidation is usually understood as a m erger, take-over or co­ operation o f tw o or more banks in order to m aintain o r increase their com petitiveness. It is assisted by privatization. The grow ing com petition among European and American banks resulted in a recent w ave o f mergers. The liberalization o f Polish currency law s and the full opening o f our country in 1999 for fo reig n banks and increasing competition w ill definitely speed up changes in th e banking sector. T here should be a concerted effo rt to create in Poland in th e next few years two to th ree strong financial g ro u p s offering a full range o f services in all the areas o f the financial market c o n tro lled by domestic capital. S u ch consolidation could b e aided by the take-over, within the privatization process, of some still state-ow ned banks by th e banks with a majority stake o f Polish capital. In th is way there could be created a part of Polish bank in g system sufficiently strong to compete with fo reig n banks.

The necessary condition enabling P olish banks to com p ete effectively is to rationalize th e ir operational costs. It is particularly im portant n o w when there is a definite dow nw ard trend in net p ro fit margins. In 1997, d e sp ite the fact that the m ajority o f banks recorded profits, their general profitability fell in comparison to the previous year. T his w as caused by grow ing operational costs,


nam ely higher costs o f m aintaining their b ra n ch es, staff rem uneration, pu rc h asin g new com puter system s, high legal re serv es and premium paid in to the B an k Guarantee Fund.

In th e situation o f fa ilin g n et profit m argins, p a rtic u la r im portance re s ts on th e issue of co rrect m anagem ent of b an k ris k s , m eaning the u s e o f a d v a n c e d methods o f a p p ra isa l and control o f th e ris k based on the a c c e p te d q u a n tita tiv e methods aid e d by com puter tech n o lo g y . A lso there sh o u ld b e im p le m e n te d some o rg a n iz a tio n a l changes at th e b asis of which th e re a re p ro f it centres built aro u n d b a sic groups o f p ro d u c ts , clients, or the lo c a tio n o f th e ir users.

In P o lish conditions th e im provem ent o f th e q u a lity o f services re n d e re d re m a in s of param ount im portance. This ca n b e achieved through th e e x te n d e d application o f c o m p u te r and tele c o m m u n ic a tio n system s. B a n k s s h o u ld offer more and c h e a p e r services based on electronic banking, b o th fo r in d iv id u als and c o m p a n ie s. Every bank s h o u ld possess an in te g ra te d in fo rm a tio n system in c lu d in g all its branches. T h is w ould allow lo w e r u n it c o sts o f particular b a n k in g prod u cts and b e tte r a n d m ore effective d e c is io n ­ m a k in g at all m anagem ent levels. The d elay s in im plem enting c o m p u te r sy ste m s in Polish b an k in g c o u ld be its ch an ce to m ake a leap re a c h in g fo r th e w o r ld ’s latest te c h n o lo g ic a l solutions.

T h e last group o f issu e s related to in c re a s in g the effectiveness a n d e ffic ie n c y of Polish b an k s is related to the ra tio n a liz a tio n of the sta te a n d s tru c tu re of the w o rk fo rce . A t present 33% o f b a n k staff are u n iv e rs ity g ra d u a te s , 58% c o m p le te d secondary e d u c a tio n ; such a s tru c tu re c o rre sp o n d s with the p re s e n t level of d ev e lo p m e n t in Polish banking. In th e n e a r fu tu re, due to the w id e r application o f c o m p u te r technologies, th e n u m b e r o f simple ro u tin e operations w ill fa ll. A t the same tim e n e w ly in tro d u c e d banking p ro d u c ts w ill require h ig h e r q u alifica tio n s on the p a r t o f th e p erso n n el offering th e m . It will require c h a n g e s in the staff p ro fe s s io n a l s tru c tu re , which can b e conducted through tra n sfe rs, changes in j o b d e s c rip tio n and d irec tin g s ta ff developm ent. O u r banks still su ffe r h ig h le v e ls o f fluctuation a m o n g the best q u alified p erso n n el; their le a v in g is u s u a lly a big loss for th e ir em ployers. T h erefo re sp ec ia l program s h o u ld b e c r e a te d giving them o p p o rtu n itie s of further p ro fe ssio n a l d evelopm ent a n d o ffe rin g earnings c o m p a tib le w ith their ab ilities.

It should be m entioned th at Polish banks em ploy a high number o f B ritish p e o p le o f Polish origin. B an k s should actively seek highly-qualified staff a m o n g P o lish communities abroad w hich would accelerate access to the most ad v an ced b a n k in g technology for o u r banks.



The P o lish banking sector fa ces p o sitiv e developm ent persp ectiv es. The adjustm ent p ro c esses connected w ith our future m em b ersh ip in the EU are conducted in th e banking secto r in a satisfactory way. U ndo u b ted ly it is strongly in flu e n c e d by pressures o f com petition, new c a p ita l and organi­ zational so lu tio n s. The Polish b a n k in g market becom es m o re open as we im plem ent o u r obligations from th e agreem ent with th e O E C D and the EU. All these w ill contribute to the sp e e d y introduction to P o lis h banking of the tendencies e x is tin g in the w orld fin a n c ia l markets.

N aturally there remain some dangers to the realization o f the adjustment processes. I th in k however that they w ill be noticed in good tim e by the state and banking authorities as well as the banking world, and th e right measures to counteract n egative aspects will be introduced.


D aniluk, D. (1 9 9 6 ): P o lski system b a n k o w y a regulacje Unii E u r o p e js k ie j - zakres, przed m io t

i tem po p r o c e s ó w dostosowaw czych w ś w ie tle postanow ień Układu E u ro p e jskieg o [The Polish B anking S y s te m a n d the E U R eg u la tio n s - Scope, Subject a n d P a c e o f the Adjustm ent P rocesses in th e L ight o f the EU D irectives], NBP, Departament A n a liz i B adań, Warszawa.

Jaworski, W. L. (1 9 9 8 ): B a n ki p o lsk ie - s z a n s e na d alsze d zia ła n ie [ P o lis h B a n k s - C hances

o f F u rth er A ctivity ], “Bank i Kredyt” no. 5.

Kosiński, B. (1 9 9 8 ): B anki zagraniczne w p o ls k im sektorze ba n ko w ym [F oreign Banks in the


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