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Kuratorium Oświaty w Lublinie


Academic year: 2021

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Kuratorium Oświaty w Lublinie



ROK SZKOLNY 2015/2016 ETAP OKRĘGOWY Instrukcja dla ucznia

1. Zestaw konkursowy zawiera 7 zadań.

2. Przed rozpoczęciem pracy sprawdź, czy zestaw zadań jest kompletny.

3. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś je Komisji Konkursowej.

4. Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.

5. Odpowiedzi wpisuj na arkuszu w miejscach do tego wyznaczonych.

6. Pisz czytelnie, czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem/piórem.

7. Wszelkie notatki możesz sporządzać w brudnopisie, który nie będzie oceniany.

8. Obok każdego zadania podana jest maksymalna liczba punktów, którą można uzyskać za jego rozwiązanie.

9. Staraj się nie popełniać błędów przy udzielaniu

odpowiedzi, ale jeśli się pomylisz, błędne zapisy wyraźnie przekreśl.

10. Nie używaj korektora.

Pracuj samodzielnie.


Czas pracy:

90 minut

Liczba punktów możliwych do uzyskania: 40 Do następnego etapu zakwalifikujesz się, jeżeli uzyskasz co najmniej 32 punkty.

Wypełnia komisja konkursowa


zadania 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Razem

Liczba punktów

Liczba punktów po weryfikacji



Task 1. Wybierz jedną z podanych możliwości tak, aby otrzymać zdanie gramatycznie poprawne. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

1. …... you going to buy Tom a present ? A. Will B. Are C. Can

2. Did Andy …... his last holidays in Spain ? A. spends B. spend C. spent

3. Mark …... to the sports centre twice a week.

A. go B. goes C. is going

4. What …... you doing when the robbers broke into the house ? A. are B. were C. was

5. …... you know Mary's parents ?

A. Does B. Do C. Are 6. I …... my dad's laptop.

A. use never B. am never using C. never use

7. I'm sure this notebook is …... .

A. her B. hers C. she's 8. There …... twenty mistakes in my test last week.

A. were B. are C. is 9. …... trainers are these ?

A. Who B. Who's C. Whose 10. Derek and …... friends started a new pop group.

A. his B. him C. he's

11. I haven't got …... money.

A. some B. any C. no

12. There's …... honey in the jar.

A. a lot of B. many C. much 13. You …... open this envelope!

A. mustn't B. haven't to C. doesn't have to

14. I'm afraid we have …... to eat in the house.

A. no one B. no C. nothing 15. Who …... the answer to my question?

A. does know B. knows C. know 16. Look! She …... .

A. sings B. is singing C. sang

17. Andrew usually does his tests …... than me.


A. badder B. worse C. more badly 18. …... you go to the cinema last weekend ?

A. Did B. Will C. Do 19. Are there …... people on the platform ?

A. a B. many C. much 20. I …... in this school for five years.

A. am B. were C. have been

…... / 10 points

Task 2. Uzupełnij zdania wybranym czasownikiem i wpisz go w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Simple lub Present Continuous tak, by otrzymać spójny, logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst. Dwa czasowniki są podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do kontekstu.

rain look go give shine not rain sit visit take send write (2x) eat like

Hello Nick,

We're in Scotland! We don't usually come to Scotland on holiday, but we're having a really good time here. The sun (1.) …... now, so Mum and Dad (2.)…... ice cream in a cafe. My sister (3.)…... postcards and I (4.)…... in an internet cafe just round the corner.

It often (5.)…... in Scotland, but it (6.)…... today.

When we are on holiday we always (7.)…... to a different place every day and we (8.)…... old castles, famous buildings or historic places. Dad usually

(9.)…... photos of everything and Mum always (10.)…... a diary.

I (11.)…... you some photographs with this email and I hope you

(12.)…... them.

…….. / 6 points


Task 3. Z podanych możliwości wybierz jedną tak, aby otrzymać prawdziwą informację.

Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa.

1. The capital of Canada is ………. .

A. Toronto B. Ottawa C. Vancouver 2. Loch Ness is in ……….. .

A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 3. The president of the USA lives in the ………. .

A. White House B. Statue of Liberty C. Buckingham Palace

4. The symbol of Scotland is a …... .

A. daffodil B. thistle C. shamrock 5. The Union Jack is the national ………. of Great Britain.

A. motto B. capital C. flag

………. /2 points

Task 4. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami wybranymi spośród podanych. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

It was a cold, rainy night and Mr Dooley was walking home (1.) …... work. He didn't have his umbrella (2.) …... him so he got wet.

Suddenly, he saw a big, beautiful castle in front of him. He decided to go (3.) …... and wait until the storm stopped. The door (4.) …... open, so he quickly went in. He looked (5.) …...

but there was no one there.

Mr Dooley was very tired now. „Perhaps I (6.) …... sleep here for a (7.) …... minutes,” he

thought. (8.) …... he woke up, it was already morning. He got up to (9.) …... but then he saw breakfast on the table next (10.) …... him and he ate it all.

1. A. of B. from C. for 2. A. with B. behind C. inside 3. A. outside B. into C. inside 4. A. were B. was C. will 5. A. everyone B. everywhere C. anywhere 6. A. was B. have C. can 7. A. few B. some C. lost 8. A. Until B. When C. While 9. A. leave B. left C. leaving 10. A. to B. of C. with


………. / 3 points Task 5. Uzupełnij tekst wpisując w każdą lukę tylko jeden wyraz tak, aby powstała spójna i logiczna wypowiedź.

I had to go to school again today. Boring! We had (1.) …... History exam in the

morning. Boring! When I came home (2.) …... the afternoon, I had pasta for lunch.

Boring! Then I had to (3.) …... all my homework for the next day. Boring!

I (4.) …... very tired by nine o'clock and I wanted to go to bed. Mum said I had to

(5.) …... a shower first. Boring! It's ten o'clock now and I'm writing in my diary.

Boring! I don't think this was a very interesting day!

…… / 5 points

Task 6. Wybierz jedną z podanych możliwości A, B lub C tak, aby otrzymać prawidłową reakcję.

1. Hi, Jude. How are you?

A. Nice to meet you. B. Not bad. C. That's right.

2. Is there a post office near here?

A. That's right. B. No there aren't any. C. Yes, it's over there.

3. What's up?

A. Sorry! B. Not really. C. Not much.

4. Where's Mark from?

A. Italian B. In the garden. C. The UK.

5. Can I come to the cinema with you?

A. In the evening. B. Of course. C. I can't.

6. Can I help you?

A. Here you are. B. No, I can't. C. Yes, I'm looking for a toilet.

7. What does she look like?

A. She's kind and a bit shy. B. She's tall and slim. C. It's OK, I guess.

8. What's the matter with Tom?

A. He's a musician. B. He's good at this. C. He's got a sore throat.

9. What are you going to do?

A. You're kidding. B. I haven't got a clue. C. To school.

10. Here's your notebook.

A. Thank you. B. I don't know. C. You're welcome.


……. / 5 points Task 7. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst, następnie wykonaj zadania 7 A. i 7 B.

One day, Phileas Fogg, a rich Englishman, was having tea with his friends. One of his friends said, “If someone wanted to go round the world, they'd need three months.”

Fogg had a different idea.“Fast ships and trains mean you can travel quickly. If you set off today, you could travel round the world in 80 days.”

“Impossible!” they said.

“Allright”, said Fogg, “If I go round the world in 80 days, will you give me 20,000 pounds? Today it's Wednesday, 2nd October. I will be back on Saturday, 21st December, at 8.45 in the evening. If I'm not back by then, the 20,000 pounds will be yours, gentlemen.” Fogg's friends agreed to the bet.

Fogg set off for Paris with his butler, Passepartout, which means “he can go anywhere”.

“If my master asked me to travel round the world in a balloon, I'd go,” he said.

First, they travelled to Egypt, India and Honk Kong. They travelled by train and by ship. They walked and they even rode an elephant. They had a lot of adventures. They saved a princess' life. But

everywhere they went a strange detective, Mr Fix, followed them.

One day, Fix told Passepartout a secret. “Phileas Fogg is a robber. He has stolen 50,000 pounds. If I catch him, I'll get 2,000 pounds reward. If you help me, I'll give you 1,000 pounds.”

7 A. Odpowiedz pełnymi zdaniami na pytania.

1. Who is Phileas Fogg?


2. What is he going to do?


3. How long will the journey last?


4. How much will he win if he succeeds?


5. Which countries does he visit?



6. Who is Mr Fix?


7. What does Fix say to Fogg's servant?


…... / 7 points

7 B. Połącz wyrazy 1 – 7 z objaśnieniami A – G.

1. reward A. to start a journey

2. bet B. to return from a journey 3. set off C. to say 'yes, I will do it'

4. agree D. something we don't want other people to know 5. a secret E. to predict what will happen and win money 6. be back F. a daughter of a king and queen

7. princess G. money you get for helping somebody

1. ….. 2. ….. 3. …... 4. …... 5. ….. 6. …... 7. …...

………. / 2 points


Total score ………. / 40 points




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