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“It is always possible to go further, deeper in the space and in the moment, deeper in one`s own breath.” 64. Sketching various scenery compositions accompanied by feelings and
13 razem ze Mszą i Graduałem 165 , offertoria zachowane w Bibliotece Kapitul- nej 166 we Wrocławiu (op. 25) zszyte razem ze mszami op. 24 167 , offertorium Expactans expactavi
8 Ernst & Young Business Advisory, Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Strategia rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce do 2020 roku – drugi wariant. Raport
(Podług niem.). Janiszewski Józef, ks., Opiekun Boży, „Gazeta Polska”, r. Janiszewski Józef, ks., Pieśń na cześć błogosławionego Jakuba Strepy, arcybiskupa lwowskiego w
The model represents a quadruped by means of two physically-unconnected SLIP models, composed in a way that the overall behavior simulates different quadrupedal gaits and
This paper aims at examining the prognostic accuracy of a suspended sediment transport model, by acknowledging the uncertainty in parameter space through equifinality and by test-
This Adaptation Planning Support Toolbox was developed to provide urban planners, landscape architects, civil engineers and local stakeholders and decision makers with
The software for forved oscillation model tests (10) comes in sequence after the programs ensuring data acquisition, which are two types: acquisition and registration of