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ed Heart Parish Sacr MASS: Reconciliation: Office Hours: Telephone:


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Sacr ed Heart Parish

MASS: Saturday: 4:30 PM. English Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 AM in English & 12 Noon in Polish Weekdays: 9:00AM - Monday, Wednesday, Friday / 7:30AM. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment.

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 10AM til 6:00PM. Closed Saturday & Sunday Sacred Heart Ministry Center, 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465

Telephone: (708) 974-3336 FAX: (708) 974-3556

email: parishmail@sacredheartpalos.org / Parish website: www.sacredheartpalos.org


Page Two February 28, 2021

(A continuation from last week’s bulletin)


“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18) Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

2. Hope as “living water” enabling us to continue our journey.

The Samaritan woman at the well, whom Jesus asks for a drink, does not understand what he means when he says that he can offer her “living water” (Jn 4:10). Naturally, she thinks that he is referring to material water, but Jesus is speaking of the Holy Spirit whom he will give in abundance through the paschal mystery, bestowing a hope that does not disappoint. Jesus had already spoken of this hope when, in telling of his passion and death, he said that he would “be raised on the third day” (Mt20:19). Jesus was speaking of the future opened up by the Father’s mercy. Hoping with him and because of him means believing that history does not end with our mistakes, our violence and injustice, or the sin that crucifies Love. It means receiving from his open heart the Father’s forgiveness.

In these times of trouble, when everything seems fragile and uncertain, it may appear challenging to speak of hope. Yet Lent is precisely the season of hope, when we turn back to God who patiently continues to care for his creation which we have often mistreated (cf. Laudato Si’, 32-33; 43-44). Saint Paul urges us to place our hope in reconciliation: “Be reconciled to God” (2 Cor5:20). By receiving forgiveness in the sacrament that lies at the heart of our process of conversion, we in turn can spread forgiveness to others.

Having received forgiveness ourselves, we can offer it through our willingness to enter into attentive dialogue with others and to give comfort to those experiencing sorrow and pain. God’s forgiveness, offered also through our words and actions, enables us to experience an Easter of fraternity.

In Lent, may we be increasingly concerned with “speaking words of comfort, strength, consolation and encouragement, and not words that demean, sadden, anger or show scorn” (Fratelli Tutti, 223). In order to give hope to others, it is sometimes enough simply to be kind, to be “willing to set everything else aside in order to show interest, to give the gift of a smile, to speak a word of encouragement, to listen amid general indifference” (ibid., 224).

Through recollection and silent prayer, hope is given to us as inspiration and interior light, illuminating the challenges and choices we face in our mission. Hence the need to pray (cf. Mt 6:6) and, in secret, to encounter the Father of tender love.

To experience Lent in hope entails growing in the realization that, in Jesus Christ, we are witnesses of new times, in which God is “making all things new” (cf. Rev 21:1-6). It means receiving the hope of Christ, who gave his life on the cross and was raised by God on the third day, and always being “prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls [us] to account for the hope that is in [us]” (1 Pet 3:15).


Page Three

3. Love, following in the footsteps of Christ, in concern and compassion for all, is the highest expression of our faith and hope.

Love rejoices in seeing others grow. Hence it suffers when others are anguished, lonely, sick, homeless, despised or in need. Love is a leap of the heart; it brings us out of ourselves and creates bonds of sharing and communion.

“‘Social love’ makes it possible to advance towards a civilization of love, to which all of us can feel called. With its impulse to universality, love is capable of building a new world. No mere sentiment, it is the best means of discovering effective paths of development for everyone” (Fratelli Tutti, 183).

Love is a gift that gives meaning to our lives. It enables us to view those in need as members of our own family, as friends, brothers or sisters. A small amount, if given with love, never ends, but becomes a source of life and happiness. Such was the case with the jar of meal and jug of oil of the widow of Zarephath, who offered a cake of bread to the prophet Elijah (cf. 1 Kings17:7-16); it was also the case with the loaves blessed, broken and given by Jesus to the disciples to distribute to the crowd (cf. Mk 6:30-44).

Such is the case too with our almsgiving, whether small or large, when offered with joy and simplicity.

To experience Lent with love means caring for those who suffer or feel abandoned and fearful because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In these days of deep uncertainty about the future, let us keep in mind the Lord’s word to his Servant, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you” (Is 43:1). In our charity, may we speak words of reassurance and help others to realize that God loves them as sons and daughters. “Only a gaze transformed by charity can enable the dignity of others to be recognized and, as a consequence, the poor to be acknowledged and valued in their dignity, respected in their identity and culture, and thus truly integrated into society” (Fratelli Tutti, 187).

Dear brothers and sisters, every moment of our lives is a time for believing, hoping and loving. The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods, helps us – as communities and as individuals – to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit and the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father.

May Mary, Mother of the Saviour, ever faithful at the foot of the cross and in the heart of the Church, sustain us with her loving presence. May the blessing of the risen Lord accompany all of us on our journey towards the light of Easter.



Page Four


„Oto idziemy do Jerozolimy…” (Mt 20, 18) Wielki Post: czas na odnowę wiary, nadziei i miłości

Drodzy bracia i siostry,

2. Nadzieja jako “żywa woda”, która pozwala nam kontynuować naszą podróż.

Samarytanka, którą Jezus prosi, aby dała Mu się napić przy studni, nie pojmuje, kiedy mówi On, iż może ofiarować jej „żywą wodę” (J 4, 10). Na początku myśli ona naturalnie o zwykłej wodzie, Jezus natomiast ma na myśli Ducha Świętego, którego da w obfitości w Tajemnicy Paschalnej i który obdarowuje nas niezawodną nadzieją. Już w zapowiedzi swojej męki i śmierci Jezus zwiastuje nadzieję, gdy mówi: „a trzeciego dnia zmartwychwstanie” (Mt 20, 19). Jezus mówi nam o przyszłości otwartej na oścież przez miłosierdzie Ojca. Mieć nadzieję z Nim i dzięki Niemu, to wierzyć, że historia nie kończy się na naszych błędach, na naszej przemocy i niesprawiedliwości oraz na grzechu, który Miłość przybija do krzyża. Oznacza to czerpanie ojcowskiego przebaczenia z Jego otwartego serca.

W obecnym kontekście niepokoju, w którym żyjemy i w którym wszystko wydaje się kruche i niepewne, mówienie o nadziei może wydawać się prowokacją. Czas Wielkiego Postu jest jednak po to, aby z nadzieją zwrócić nasze spojrzenie ku cierpliwości Boga, który nadal troszczy się o swoje stworzenie, podczas gdy my często traktowaliśmy je źle (por. Enc. Laudato si’, 32-33.43-44). Jest to nadzieja na pojednanie, do którego św. Paweł gorąco nas wzywa: „pojednajcie się z Bogiem” (2 Kor 5, 20).

Otrzymując przebaczenie w Sakramencie, który znajduje się w samym centrum naszego procesu nawrócenia, stajemy się z kolei krzewicielami przebaczenia: otrzymawszy je sami, możemy je ofiarować innym poprzez zdolność do prowadzenia troskliwego dialogu i przyjmowania postawy, która daje pociechę poranionym. Boże przebaczenie, także poprzez nasze słowa i gesty, pozwala nam przeżywać Wielkanoc braterstwa.

W Wielkim Poście bądźmy bardziej czujni, aby używać „słów otuchy, które koją, umacniają, dają pociechę, które pobudzają, a nie słów, które poniżają, zasmucają, drażnią, gardzą” (Enc. Fratelli tutti, 223). Czasami, by dać nadzieję, wystarczy być „człowiekiem uprzejmym, który odkłada na bok swoje lęki i pośpiech, aby zwrócić na kogoś uwagę, aby podarować uśmiech, aby powiedzieć słowo, które by dodało otuchy, aby umożliwić przestrzeń słuchania pośród wielkiej obojętności” (tamże, 224). W skupieniu i cichej modlitwie, nadzieja jest nam dana jako natchnienie i wewnętrzne światło, które oświeca wyzwania i wybory związane z naszym powołaniem: dlatego istotne jest, aby zebrać się w sobie do modlitwy (por. Mt 6, 6) i spotkać w ukryciu Ojca czułości.

Przeżywać Wielki Post z nadzieją oznacza mieć świadomość, że w Jezusie Chrystusie jesteśmy świadkami nowego czasu, w którym Bóg „czyni wszystko nowym” (por. Ap 21, 1-6). Oznacza, że mamy udział w nadziei Chrystusa, który oddaje swoje życie na krzyżu i którego Bóg wskrzesza trzeciego dnia,

„zawsze gotowi do obrony wobec każdego, kto domaga się od [nas] uzasadnienia tej nadziei, która w [nas]

jest” (1 P 3, 15).


Page Five

3. Miłość, przeżywana jako naśladowanie Chrystusa, z uwagą i współczuciem dla każdego, jest najwyższym wyrazem naszej wiary i nadziei.

Miłość cieszy się, widząc kiedy inny wzrasta. Oto, dlaczego cierpi, gdy bliźni jest w udręce: samotny, chory, bezdomny, pogardzany, w potrzebie... Miłość jest porywem serca, który sprawia, że przekraczamy samych siebie i który stwarza więź wzajemnego dzielenia się i komunii. „Zaczynając od «miłości społecznej», można podążać w kierunku cywilizacji miłości, do której wszyscy możemy czuć się powołani. Miłość, z jej uniwersalnym dynamizmem, może budować nowy świat, ponieważ nie jest uczuciem jałowym, ale najlepszym sposobem na osiągnięcie skutecznych dróg rozwoju dla wszystkich” (Enc. Fratelli tutti, 183).

Miłość jest darem, który nadaje sens naszemu życiu i dzięki któremu ludzi pozbawionych środków do życia uważamy za członków naszej rodziny, przyjaciół i braci. Niewiele, jeśli jest dzielone z miłością, nigdy się nie kończy, ale staje się rezerwą życia i szczęścia. Tak było z mąką i oliwą wdowy w Sarepcie, która ofiarowuje podpłomyk prorokowi Eliaszowi (por. 1 Krl 17, 7-16); oraz z bochenkami, które Jezus błogosławi, łamie i daje uczniom, aby rozdawali tłumom (por. Mk 6, 30-44). Tak dzieje się z naszą jałmużną, małą czy dużą, ofiarowaną z radością i prostotą. Przeżywanie Wielkiego Postu miłości oznacza opiekę nad tymi, którzy cierpią, są opuszczeni lub udręczeni z powodu pandemii Covid-19. W kontekście wielkiej niepewności jutra, pamiętając o słowie skierowanym przez Boga do swego Sługi: „Nie lękaj się, bo cię wykupiłem” (Iz 43, 1), ofiarujmy wraz z naszym gestem miłości słowo ufności, i sprawmy, by bliźni poczuł się kochany przez Boga jak dziecko.

„Tylko spojrzenie, którego perspektywa została przekształcona miłością, prowadzi do pojęcia godności drugiego człowieka; ubodzy są uznani i docenieni w ich niezmiernej godności, poszanowani w swoim własnym stylu i kulturze, a zatem prawdziwie włączeni w społeczeństwo” (Enc. Fratelli tutti, 187).

Drodzy bracia i siostry, każdy etap życia jest czasem wiary, nadziei i miłości. To wezwanie do przeżywania Wielkiego Postu jako drogi nawrócenia, modlitwy i dzielenia się naszymi dobrami, niech nam pomoże powrócić naszą osobistą i wspólnotową pamięcią do tej wiary, która pochodzi od żywego Chrystusa, do nadziei ożywionej tchnieniem Ducha Świętego i do miłości, której niewyczerpanym źródłem jest miłosierne serce Ojca.

Niech Maryja, Matka Zbawiciela, trwająca wiernie u stóp krzyża i w sercu Kościoła, wspiera nas swoją troskliwą obecnością, a błogosławieństwo Zmartwychwstałego niech towarzyszy nam w naszej wędrówce ku światłu Wielkiej Nocy.



Page Six


Confirmation…the sacrament of the fullness of the Spirit of Jesus…will be celebrated in our parish next Saturday, March 6, at 10:30 A.M.

Forty-four young men and women of Sacred Heart Parish will be confirmed at this time. We ask you to remember them daily in your prayers during these final days of preparation before the reception of the sacrament.


“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”

Prayer is one of the most powerful ministries available to us. Here at Sacred Heart we have (restarted) the ministry of prayer, the Ministry of Praise.

The Ministry of Praise is a spiritual ministry carried out by a group of persons who offer their

prayers, joys and sufferings to God for the wellbeing of others. Ministers of Praise pray for the sick, for the needs of our parish and the universal Church, and for special intentions. (We pray for our ministers on their birthdays, too!) Occasionally, prayers are requested according to the spirit of the liturgical season.

There are no meetings, dues or special prayers. Reflections and prayer requests are made regularly by means of a “praiseletter.” “Membership” is open to all adult parishioners, especially to the elderly, sick, disa- bled, homebound, or nursing home residents—any who wish to commit themselves to daily prayer.

Ministers of Praise have contributed much to the spiritual growth of our parish family. Their prayers and sup- port are a source of strength and blessings for all of us.

If you wish to join in this ministry of prayer and praise, please fill out the form below, and drop it off at church or mail it to the Ministry Center. Or email or call Elizabeth, and indicate your interest in joining this ministry.

Sacred Heart Ministry of Praise Attn: Elizabeth Droel 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465,

—or—droel@sacredheartpalos.org (708) 974 3336 extension 250


I wish to join the Sacred Heart Ministry of Praise.

Name: ____________________________________ Birthday: (Month)_________________ (Day) _______

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________ This is my: Cell Number Home Number (circle one)

E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________

[ ] Please send “praiseletters” to my mailing address.

[ ] I prefer to receive “praiseletters” via email.


Page Seven


The Institute for Diaconal Studies (IDS) invites all men who feel the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit to attend an Exploring the Diaconate session. It is a time to pray, discuss, and learn more about the discernment process and the formation program that aspirants and candidates pursue. Please join us, with your wives, if married, as we explore the potential of a vocation, engage in dialogue and pray in search of the next step. All are welcome to attend any of the sessions.


Contact Sr. Caroline Onuoha, DMMM (847) 837-4563 or conuoha@usml.edu For more information contact Deacon Bob Puhala,

bpuhala@usml.edu or 847.837.4564 or visit us at

www.usml.edu. Application Deadline for the 2021–2022 Aspirancy Path is June 1, 2021

Thursday Evenings

March 4 , March 11, March 18, March 25 April 8 , April 15 April 22, April 29

7:30-8:30PM via Zoom


Page Eight

Saturday, February 27

7:30 AM – All Souls in Purgatory 4:30 PM – Pat Duhig, Lorraine Bischoff

Living and Deceased Members of the Charles Roth Family Healing Intention for Tim Hastings

Healing Intentions for Kate Townsend

Sunday, February 28

8:00 AM – Jozefa Tan Opalinski, Maria Tozef Kula, Józef Antoni Gacek Living and Deceased Members of the Morgan and Lawson Families

Living and Deceased Members of the Troy, Bolbat, and Spalla Families Special Intention for Danny & Kelli Lasica and Family

10:00 AM – Frank Tranchida, Mate Covic, Donald Jankowski, Daniel O’Keefe, Michael & Kerry Hill Healing Intention for William Budig

Healing Intention for Tim Hastings

12:00 PM – Irena Habina, Mirosława Szwab, Katarzyna Bobak, Józef Leja

Krystyna Pacanowska, Teresa Stefanska, Maria Magdon, Teofil & Franciszka Trzaskus Nadine Powers, Stanisław & Stanisława Trzaskus

Monday, March 1 – Mary Miedlar, Helen Hartig Tuesday, March 2 – Sacred Heart Parishioners Wednesday, March 3 – Kalina Lytell-Drost Thursday, March 4 –

Friday, March 5 – Edward & Helen Pietryla Saturday, March 6

7:30 AM – For Our Sacred Heart Benefactors

4:30 PM – Gertrude Walsh, Ann Burke, Beverly Guzy, Frank P. Holban, Edward & Laverne Silekis Special Intention for Kristen & Bradlee Khaner, Benefactors of Sacred Heart

Sunday, March 7

8:00 AM – Mary Ann Popelka, George M. Popelka, Sr., Sr. Juanita Regine Ujcik, O.S.F., Lillian Richards Anthony Keorkunian, Sarkis Keorkunian, Nancy Pablo Romero, Sacred Heart Parishioners Living and Deceased Members of the Troy, Bolbat, and Spalla Families

10:00 AM – Dorothy Lavery, Jan Kula, John & Bonnie Keane Special Intention for Robbie & Sasa Lasica and Family

12:00 PM – Gerald Domovich, Irena Habina, Mirosława Szwab, Romualda Jezierkowska

Katarzyna Bobak, Józef Leja, John & Lilia Navratil, Czesław Wojas (10th Anniversary) Special Intention for Sarah & J.J. Swiatkowski and Family


Page Nine



In the past, we have

automatically sent out year- end tax statements for anyone who contributed over $250. Due to the new IRS Tax Changes, it is likely that more people will be using the standard deduction and will not be itemizing.

In an effort to save money on postage, we have decided not to automatically send out charitable contribution letters. We will be happy to provide these letters upon request.

Please call the Parish Office to request a statement (708) 974-3336, Press 0.

Thank you again for your generous support.

Any questions about your statement please call Ginny at 708 974.3336, Ex 211.



All parents having a child in the near future are asked

to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the baptismal preparation class before making arrangements for the Baptism. The Class is held in the Ministry Center building (Formation Room). Please call the Ministry Center office to make arrangements for Baptism by calling 708.974.3336, press 0.

The next Class is scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 2021, at 7:00pm.

Katecheza przed Chrztem , Marzec 23, LUTY ~ 7:00PM Jeżeli w najbliższym czasie planujecie chrzest swojego dziecka to prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem parafialnym 708

-974-3336, wew. 0. Ponadto zapraszamy rodziców oraz chrzestnych na katechezę przygotowującą do tego ważnego wydarzenia. Katecheza jest prowadzone w języku angielskim.

Laura Barajas, Joe Potocki, Larry Herm, Jr., Franciszak Kojs, Kathy & Ed Brzezinski,

William Budig, Sandy Garbauski, Kateri Garbauski, Robbie Lasica, Connie Jasik, Clifton Young,

Ronalie Murawski, Eugene & Martha Marcin, Harold Miller, Marlene Thometz, Melanie Bergado, Don C. White, Carol Ann Olsen, Elizabeth Piwowar, Evelyn Foran, Eddy Mckendrick, Verna Cavato, Frank Souza, Mary Ann Rodda, Sharon Arnett, Phil Piekarz, Doris Konieczka, Mary Anna Gercius, Elizabeth Mitchell, Leo Gannon, Florence Gaetano, Maria Libront, Marlene Hebert, Angelo Tuzio, Ken Jankist, Betty Murray, Valeria Pawlowski, Fr. Andrew Zbeeb, Steve Marz, Laura Valdez, Rosemary & Richard Krankavitch, Frank Edwards, Kate Townsend, Maria Libront, Larry Konieczka, Mary Cailles, Florence Sartori, John Martin, Nancy Neary, Pete Perisin,and Melissa Rivette.

Your prayers are requested for the following:






The brother of Laureen Valiquet LORRAINE BISCHOFF The sister of Ginny Jankowicz

Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed.


Page Ten

Dear Parishioners,

Thank you for your generous support for our Split the Pot fundraising efforts. We are seeing more support of this effort as the weeks roll on. However, it is becoming more difficult every week to keep track of donations. Many of you are sending one check in and asking us to spread the Split the Pot donations over several future weeks’ drawings. Other times the instructions are not specific enough and we have to track down your intentions. Since the winner must give to Split the Pot and make a regular donation to qualify to win, it is imperative that we are able to determine this at the time of the drawing. We are also receiving entries through the post office, sometimes these are late entries that do not qualify because we have drawn the number before receiving the envelopes. . We are doing our best and are committed to being transparent.

These exceptions are causing problems, so, if at all possible please send in one envelope and one check (cash) specifically for Split the Pot in the week it is drawn.

Thank you for your continued generosity and understanding.

Emmett Williamson, Business Manager

Split The Pot Drawing for the Weekend of

FEBRUARY 21, 2021

The card I.D. #209 was pulled.

(Not eligible; did not participate in Split the Pot)



FEBRUARY 20 & 21, 2021

Sunday Budgeted Collection $13,500.00

Sunday & Holy Day $12,869.00

YTD weekly budget SURPLUS 3,886.00

God Bless You and Thank You!

Beth Mikula & Emmett Williamson Business Office

Sacred Heart Parish provides a safe and easy way to donate automatically to our parish. It is called E-Giving, also referred to as electronic giving. It is easy to sign up and provides our parish with a steady stream of income, even if you are unable to attend mass because of vacation or other obligations. You have the option to give weekly, biweekly, monthly, or even make a one- time donation.

You can have the donation withdrawn directly from a checking or savings account or by credit card. You have the option of donating to Sundays, Holy Days,

Christmas, Easter, second collections and even special campaigns like our 150th Anniversary Celebration.

Follow the prompts on our website under donations.



Page Eleven


11 DAYS: OCTOBER 18 – 28, 2021




TOUR INCLUDES: Roundtrip air from Chicago, first class/select hotels, most meals, comprehensive sightseeing with a professional English speaking guide, all admission fees, porterage, hotel service charges and much more!!

For a Brochure and More Information:

Please contact Fr. Jacek Wrona:

Tel: (708) 974-3336 jawrona@archchicago.org





Page Twelve

The brick orders that have been gathered during this last wave, December 2019 through November 2020 have finally been installed. They were delayed due to the Covid pandemic. Starting in December 2020, Wave 5 orders are now being accepted and we are hoping for a Spring installation.


Much has happened in these past several months with so many limitations, you may not have been able to attend such momentous occasions as a special birthday, baptism, graduation, wedding or the funeral of a loved one.

January is a special month to remember those loved ones that are gone but are not forgotten, why not honor their memory for the 2021 New Year by creating a brick for them in our

memorial gardens.

What better way to begin the New Year by giving thanks to God or to those who have made a special im- pact in your life


Brochures containing all the information you need to order a memory brick are available at the Parish Office or on

the website page at

https://sacredheartpalos.org/memorial-gardens/paver- brick-forms/

Completed forms with payments can be can be mailed to or dropped off at the parish office or placed in the drop box (located in the wall outside of the parish office). Please write

Pavers on the envelope. Completed forms without payment can be sent to pit guy8245 gmail.com but will not be fully processed without payment. Verification of design will be sent via email address.

Note that all the bricks in a phase are processed at the same time after the cut-off date and not individually.

Thanks - Paul Mikula


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