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Structure and properties of CeRhSn : a valence fluctuating system


Academic year: 2022

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K . Łą t k a, M . Ra m s

M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University Reymonta 4, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

R . K m i e ć , R . K r u k , A .W . P a c y n a H. Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics

Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, Poland T . S c h m i d t , G . K o t z y b a , R . P o t t g e n

Institut fur Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universitat Munster Wilhelm-Klemm-Strasse 8, 48149 Munster, Germany


Institut fur Anorganische Chemie und Strukturchemie, Lehrstuhl II H. Heine Universitat Dusseldorf, Universitatsstr. 1, 40225, Dusseldorf, Germany

(Received July 10, 2002)

X ray diffraction studies have been performed on a CeRhSn single crystal and its anomalous unit-cell volume was confirmed. This, together with tem­

perature dependence of magnetic susceptibility indicate valence-fluctuating behaviour of Ce ions. Band structure calculations support such a be­

haviour. Anomalous value of the quadrupole interaction constant derived from 119Sn Mossbauer spectroscopy is observed. Ac and dc magnetic sus­

ceptibility investigations as well as preliminary resistivity measurements ev­

idence th at this compound does not order magnetically down to 2 K, but one of our samples is superconducting with a transition tem perature of 6.5 K.

PACS numbers: 75.20.Hr, 74.70.-b, 82.80.Ej

1. Introduction

C erium based te rn a ry com pounds C eT X (T tra n sitio n m etal, X p-elem ent) show m any interesting physical properties such as th e Kondo effect, valence fluctuations, heavy ferm ion behaviour or different types of m agnetic order­

* Presented at the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, (SCES02), Cracow, Poland, July 10-13, 2002.



ing, which depend on th e degree of th e hybridisation betw een 4 / electrons w ith th e conduction electrons


For exam ple, CeR hSb and CeR hA s were found to be Kondo sem iconductors [1,2] and sim ultaneously th e first com­

p ound has a m ixed valence character. Valence in stability was also discovered for C eR hP [2] and C eR hln [3].

T he title com pound was first rep o rted by R outsi et a l, [5], however, their lattice p aram eters are not correct and m agnetic susceptibility m easurem ents shown up to 120 K led only to a conclusion th a t Curie-Weiss behaviour is not observed. Recent m easurem ents showed th a t lattice p aram eters of CeRhSn differ significantly from th e plot of th e cell volumes for th e whole series of R E R hSn stannides [6] and a deviation of th e cerium com pound from th e usual lanthan ide contraction is clearly observed.

In th is work new X ray investigations carried out on a CeR hSn single crystal are presented to g ether w ith th e results of ac and dc m agnetic suscep­

tib ility and 119Sn M ossbauer spectroscopy m easurem ents perform ed in the te m p e ra tu re range from 2 K to 300 K on a polycrvstalline sample.

2. Experimental results and discussion

C eR hSn was prepared by reaction of th e elem ents in a sealed tan ta lu m tu b e in a high-frequency furnace. T he stru c tu re was refined from single crys­

ta l X ray diffraction d ata: ZrNiAl type, space group P 6 2 m , a = 745.8(1), c = 408.62(9) pm , w R 2 = 0.0379, for 354 F 2 values and 14 variable param ­ eters. Refinem ent of th e occupancy p aram eters revealed full occupancy of all four atom ic positions w ithin one sta n d a rd deviation. No deviation from th e ideal com position is observed.

T he present single cry stal stu d y [6] confirmed th e values of th e lattice p aram eters derived in our recent investigations [7] on powder sam ples, re­

vealing th a t th ey are indeed different from those given by R outsi et al., [5].

T h e course of th e cell volumes now unam biguously indicates th e m ixed va­

lent behaviour of th e cerium atom s. T h e CeR hSn s tru c tu re contains two crystallographicallv different rhodium sites which b o th have a tricap p ed trigonal prism atic coordination: [R M S ^ C e s] and [Rh2SngCe3]. Together th e rhodium and tin atom s build a three-dim ensional polvanion in which th e cerium atom s fill d isto rted hexagonal channels.

T he M ossbauer spectroscopic investigations employing th e 119Sn 23.875 keV tran sitio n were carried out in th e tem p e ra tu re range 2 to 300 K. In accordance w ith th e non-cubic sym m etry (m 2 m ) of th e tin sites, all recorded sp e ctra show only pure q uadrupole splitting, and can be easily fitted w ith a single com ponent confirming high p u rity and hom ogeneity of our sam ­ ple. T h e isom er shift 5;s(4.2iF ) = 1.82(1) m m /s (in respect to B a119SnC>3

source) is in th e lim it of error equal to th e value obtained a t room tem ­


p e ra tu re 5;S(2 9 3 K ) = 1.81(1) m m /s being typical and com parable to the values m easured in o th er R E R hSn stannides and m ost generally tin inter- m etallics (7] (and references therein). T h e quadrupole interaction constant A Eq = eQVzz(2.1 K ) = 1.10(1) m m /s does not change rem arkably as a func­

tion of tem p e ra tu re b u t is clearly higher th a n observed in oth er m em bers of th e R E R hSn fam ily (7] indicating an anom alous ch aracter for CeRhSn.

T his resembles th e situ atio n found for th e antiferrom agnetic heavy ferm ion stan n id e CeAgSn against a background of th e REA gSn series [4].

Fig. 1 shows th e tem p e ra tu re dependence of th e inverse dc m agnetic sus­

ceptibility m easured by m eans of SQUID m agnetom eter, in an applied field of 1 kOe. No phase tra n sitio n of m agnetic origin was detected down to 2 K.

Above 120 K th e tem p e ra tu re dependence of th e m agnetic susceptibility can be described by a m odified C urie-W eiss law in th e form: y = x o + C / ( T —&p) where y o is th e tem p e ra tu re independent term . T he least squares refinem ent

Fig. 1. Magnetic dc-susceptibility of CeRhSn in H = 1000 Oe. The solid line is the Curie-Weiss fit in the tem perature range 120-300K (see text).

results in p,eg = 1.30/rB/Ce ion, highly negative &p = ^ 7 0 K evidencing an­

tiferrom agnetic correlations, and relatively big yo = 0.87 x l t T 3 em u/m ole which is com parable to th e values obtained for valence fluctuating C eR hP (1.30 x l t T 3 em u/m ole) (2] or C eR hln (1.13 x


em u/m ole) [3]. T he derived effective m agnetic m om ent is significantly reduced in com parison w ith th e theoretical value for a free Ce3+ ion = 2.54/t b, giving another hint for an interm ediate valence behaviour of cerium . Since th e m agnetic m om ent of tetravalent cerium is zero, so th en th e observed reduction of the m agnetic m om ent could be explained in a n a tu ra l way by fractional occu­

p atio n of 4 / ° (Ce4+) and 4 / 1 (Ce3+) states. In this context th e Sales and W ohlleben (SW ) phenom enological IC F-m odel (8] was considered. However, it was found out th a t such a m odel does n ot fit properly our susceptibil­

ity d a ta . T h e reason is th a t for a negative excitation energy E x , th e SW


form ula [8] gives only a small reduction of th e effective m agnetic m om ent of cerium a t high tem p e ra tu re i.e. n eg = 6 /72.54/ t b = 2.35/ t b while for positive E x th e resulting x (T ) function has a broad m axim um which is not observed experim entally. T he observed reduction of th e effective m agnetic m om ent is too strong to be explained by crystalline field effects.

Electronic ban d stru c tu re calculations, carried o ut using th e T B -LM TO [9]

and W IE N 2k [10] program packages, confirm th e m etallic ch aracter of CeR hSn. Spin polarized calculations resulted in no m agnetically ordered ground s ta te for th e Ce 4 / shell. Even forcing th e m agnetic Ce3+ con­

figuration using th e fixed-spin m etho d showed no energy gain com pared w ith th e nonm agnetic Ce4+. T hus b o th sta te s ap pear to be energetically equivalent, which reflects th e valence fluctu ating behaviour of CeR hSn. T he chemical bonding analysis shows strong R h -S n bonding w ithin th e [RhSn]4- polvanion.

Below Tq = 6.5 K one of two our sam ples undergoes a superconducting tra n sitio n as docum ented in Fig. 2 by a sudden diam agnetic drop of th e dc susceptibility m easured in a m agnetic field of 3.6 Oe after cooling th e sam ple in zero m agnetic field (ZFC). A t th e sam e te m p e ra tu re a fall of resistivity is observed. T he resistivity does not decrease to zero, b u t it m ay be a result of weak superconducting links betw een superconducting grains, since th e m easurem ent was done using a pellet obtained by pressing powder m aterial.

Fig. 2. Left: dc-susceptibility of our CeRhSn sample measured in H = 3.6 Oe after zero field cooling. Resistivity measured on the pressed powder pellet is also shown.

Right: real y ' and imaginary y" parts of the zero field ac magnetic susceptibility for CeRhSn.

T he tran sitio n into th e superconducting s ta te is also confirmed by th e characteristic hysteresis loop below Tq (not shown) as well as by th e onset of th e diam agnetic signal in y ' a t T = 6.6 K associated w ith th e m axim um of y " (Fig. 2) and th e d istinct m axim um of th e th ird harm onic (not displayed


here) observed close to th e tra n sitio n tem p e ra tu re . T he superconducting fraction was estim ated from m agnetic m easurem ents (w ithout tak ing into account th e dem agnetization factor) to be ab o u t 10%.

3. Conclusions

X-rays, ac and dc m agnetic susceptibility m easurem ents, su p p o rt anom a­

lous behaviour of CeR hSn associated w ith valence fluctuation. It was shown th a t th e Sales-W ohlleben IC F m odel is n o t adequate to describe th e tem p er­

a tu re dependence of th e m agnetic susceptibility. A superconducting tra n ­ sition was detected for one CeR hSn sam ple b u t fu rth e r investigations are needed to recognise th e origin of th is superconducting sta te .


fl) S.K. Malik, D.T. Adroja, Phys. Rev. B43, 6277 (1991).

(2] T. Sasakawa et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, L267 (2002).

(3] D.T. Adroja et al, Phys. Rev. B39, 4831 (1989).

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(6] T. Schmidt, R. Pottgen, K. Łątka, R. Kmieć, R. Kruk, AAV. Pacyna, M. Rams, to be published.

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