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British Chemical and Physiological Abstracts. B. Applied Chemistry, September


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I n te r p o la tio n sc h e d u le fo r c h e m ic a l e n g in e e r­

in g c a lc u la tio n s . D . S. Da v i s (Chem. Met. Eng., 1938, 45, 383, 388).—A tabular m ethod is suggested which simplifies th e application of the L a Grange formula to the interpolation between experimental data, and a worked example is given. F . J . B.

C a lc u la tio n of h e a t of c h e m ic a l r e a c tio n s a s a fu n d a m e n ta l fa c to r in p la n n in g of c h e m ic a l a p p a r a tu s . A. G. Ka s a t k i n and A. N. Pl a n o v s k i

(Prom. Org. Chem., 1938, 5, 346—350).—Methods of calculating heats of reaction from a knowledge of the structure of the substrates are described. R. T.

I n d u s t r i a l a p p lic a tio n s of s u p e rso n ic v ib ra tio n s . H. Fr e u n d l i c h (Trans. In st. Chem.

Eng., 1937,15, 223—232).—Supersonics produced by either piezo-electric crystals or m agnetostriction can be employed for under-w ater signalling, segregation of dispersoids, emulsification in liquid b u t not in gaseous media, hquefaction of thixotropic gels,

sterilisation, etc. F . J . B.

S p e c tro sc o p y i n in d u s tr y . G . II. Ha r r is o n

(J. Franklin In st., 1938, 226, 1—17).—A general survey of the field of application of various types of instrum ents and the results obtained. N. M. B.

H e a t l o s s e s i n b o i l e r f u r n a c e s . P . Ja r r i e r

(Chaleur et Ind., 1938, 19, 207—215).—Possible sources of loss are analysed, and factors affecting the efficiency of tho boiler discussed. R. B. C.

H e a t t r a n s f e r to s m a ll p a r tic le s b y n a tu r a l co n v ectio n . P. Me y e r (Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1937, 15, 127— 130).—The heat transfer by natural convection across the surfaces of small particles can be predicted approx. from the curve connecting logjo (hL/k) and log, 0 (L3p2g^0c/[ik), established for long cylinders, if suitable vals. for L can be enumerated.

The calc, figure for the ra te of heat transfer in spray- drying is ~50,000 B .Th.U ./hr./sq. ft., and it is estim ated th a t a tem p. ~2000° F . would be required to obtain such a ra te by radiation alone. F. J . B.

H e a t tr a n s f e r in r e c u p e r a to r s . H . L. Re a d (Chem. Met. Eng., 1938, 45, 359—361).— Curves are given connecting the overall ra te of heat transfer with the wall thickness of a recuperator tube under standard conditions. I t is implied th a t under these conditions the heat transfer is greater with a thick-walled SiC tube than with a thin-walled m etal tube. F . J . B.

E ffe c t of s u p e r h e a te d s te a m on b e a t tr a n s f e r in h e a t e x c h a n g e rs . H. Cl a a s s e n (W arme, 1938, 61,246—247, 254—255).—Tests w ith an experimental evaporator tube through which steam a t 325° was

passed a t 20—80 m./sec. parallel with the cooling- H 20 are discussed. Jaco b ’s heat-transfer d ata could not be directly apphed to a full-scale plant.

R . B. C.

M o is tu re m o v e m e n ts in m a te r ia ls d u rin g d ry in g . 0 . Kr i s c h e r (Z. Ver. deut. Ing., 1938, 82, 373—378).-—A sim ilarity between m oisture move­

ments in porous m aterials and heat conduction suggests the establishm ent of a coeff. of moisture conductivity analogous to the coeff. of therm al conductivity. From theoretical considerations and experimental d ata a theory of capillary action is developed. Moisture distribution is represented by capillary forces in a nest of tubes of steadily increasing diameter. A coeff. of m oisture conductivity can exist only in the case of horizontal moisture move­

ment. I t depends on tho capillary distribution curve, tem p., and H 20 content. R . B. C.

C o m p a ris o n of je t- o r d is c - a to m is e r s . B.

Th o m a s (Seifens.-Ztg., 1938, 65, 147— 148, 176—

177).—The mode of action of th e rotating-disc and air-jet types of atomisers for the spray-drying of, e.g., soap powders is com pared; despite th e h higher power consumption in large units, th e latter ty p e is preferred as giving the more thorough drying and

crystallisation. E. L.

R e fr ig e ra tin g in s ta lla tio n s . I I . C o m p re s s io n s y s te m . J . J. Pi q u e (Dairy Ind., 1938, 3, 208—

213).—The closed-circuit compression system and its units are described. Temp, and pressures for

■working with N H S and C 02 are given. W. L. D.

C o m p a ris o n of c o s ts of h e a t s u p p ly b y e le c tro d e b o ile r o r b y coke b o ile r to th e s a m e g r o u p of b u ild in g s . S. L. Sm i t h and C. H. La n d e r (J.

In st. Fuel, 1938,11, 383—393).—Tests on a group of buildings having a total vol. ~ 1 ,760,000 cu. ft., ex­

tending over several working years, have shown th a t with an electrode boiler and therm al storage plant, using electricity a t 0-205 d. per unit, the to tal annual running costs am ount to £2813, whereas with au to ­ m atic coke-fired boilers, burning coke a t 32/6 per ton, the annual costs are £1095. These costs include fuel, low-tension current, labour, m aintenance, and insurance. W ith capital and depreciation charges added they become £4253 and £2535, respectively.

A. B. M.

R e a c tio n s in th e c o m b u s tio n c h a m b e r of a b o ile r w ith c h a in - g ra te f irin g a n d t h e i r m o d i­

fic a tio n b y m e a n s of s e c o n d a ry a i r . A. R . Ma y e r

(Feuerungstech., 1938, 26, 148— 150).— I t is shown by analyses of gas samples taken from num erous positions in th e combustion chamber th a t conditions therein are unsatisfactory with a grate load of 80—



90 kg./sq. m ./hr., corresponding with 75% of the normal boiler capacity. The gas composition can be made uniform throughout the chamber by introducing secondary ah , which also accelerates the combustion of the gases. Complete combustion can be obtained by suitable adjustm ent of the quantity and velocity of the secondary air, thus affording a means of controlling combustion and increasing the efficiency of the combustion chamber. R. B. C.

[B o iler] in s u la tio n c o m p u ta tio n s . E. Pe i t e r

and M. J . Fi s h (Combustion, 1938, 9, No. 11, 31—34).

—A m ethod of com putation for determining the insulation required for the vertical walls of boilers is presented, With examples. R. B. C.

W a te r t r e a t m e n t a n d b o ile r m a in te n a n c e . F. J . Ma t t h e w s (Eng. Boiler House Rev., 1938, 52, 4r—7, 11).—Current practice in the conditioning of boiler feed-H20 and the removal of boiler scale is

reviewed. R. B. C.

W a te r-so fte n in g p la n t d e s ig n . W. H. Kn o x

(Proc. Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., 1938, 64, 875—885):—A

discussion. R. B. C.

B o ile r w a te r t r e a tm e n t. M e th o d s fo r p r e ­ v e n tin g [steel] e m b r ittle m e n t. F. G. St r a u b

and T. A. Br a d b u r y (Mech. Eng., 1938, 60, 371—

376).—To determ ine the em brittling tendency of samples of boiler H 20 , boiler m etal under a strain of 40,000 lb./sq. in. is subjected to the action of the sample a t a given te m p .; th e -tim e required for breakdown is taken as a measure of em brittling tendency. Test d ata obtained with various types of H 20 are discussed. Up to 250 lb./sq. in. the NaCl content of the H 20 should bo > 0-0 times and tho Na2S 0 4 content >1-Q times the to tal alkalinity. At higher pressures the ratios of S 0 4" and Cl' to alkalinity and the R ,0 3/S i0 2 ratio appear to be im portant in preventing em brittlem ent. R. B. C.

W a te r-s o fte n in g m a te r ia ls of z e o litic ty p e . I.

S. Na g a i (.1. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jap a n , 1938, 41, 105—

106b).—Materials were prepared b y heating (fusing) various m ixtures of p o tte r’s clay of pegm atite origin (Si02 76-8, A120 3 15-2, F e20 3 0-6, CaO -j- MgO trace, loss on ignition 3-4, R 20 4% ) w ith N a2C 03 a t 1000—

1300° for 90—-120 min., cooling, crushing, and auto- claving with live steam (150—1521; approx. 5 atm .).

Undissolved grains had N a ,0 : A1.,03 : S i0 2 : H ,0 ratio of 1-06—-1-09 : 1 : 3-65—-3-76 : 4-13—4-49. " Their properties were compared with those of commercial H 20 softeners and filter sands. I . C. R.

C a rb o n a c e o u s z e o lite s—a n ad v a n c e in b o ile r fe e d -w a te r c o n d itio n in g . H. L. T i g e r (Trans.

Artier. Soc. Mech. Eng., 1938, 6 0 , 315—325).—The applications of Zeo-Karb, a zeolite obtained by treating coal, lignite, or wood with fuming H 2S 0 4, C1S03H, S 0 3, etc., are described. In addition to the normal base-exchange reactions, Zeo-Karb will effect exchange of H ‘ for other cations. By utilising this property it is possible to remove the to tal solids from hard H 20 . Tables' show the com parative costs of softening H 20 by Zeo-Karb and by other methods.

R . B. C.

A p p lic a tio n s of c a rb o n a c e o u s z e o lite s to w a te r - s o fte n in g . S. B. Ap p l e b a u m (J. Amer. W ater

W orks Assoc., 1938, 3 0 , 947—978).—Siliceous “ base- exchange ” zeolites contain a large am ount of S i0 2.

The new carbonaceous zeolites {e.g., Zeo-Karb, Catex, etc.) of black, hard, granular appearance consist m ainly of C and are m anufactured from coal etc. by treatm en t w ith H 2S 0 4, S 0 3, etc., and contain only small am ounts of S i0 2. They can be used as

“ N a exchangers ” for removal of Ca, Mg, etc. (5000—

8000 grains of CaC03 per cu. ft.) and regenerated by NaCl (0-35—0-5 lb. of NaCl per 1000 grains of CaC03 removed) and are applicable for Iow ^h, corrosive H 20 , high-Fe and low-Si02 waters, and where space is limited. They can be used also as “ H exchangers ” and regenerated with H 2S 0 4 (2-25—3 lb. of H 2S 0 4 per cu. ft.), th e H C 03' of Ca, Mg, a n d N a being converted into C 02, which can be removed by cold degasification or open heating, thereby producing H 20 of th e lowest total solids, tho lowest alkalinity, an d the lowest C 02 content in generated steam . The uses of “ H exchanger ” for H 20-softening, boiler-feed treatm ent, N a2C 03 removal from municipal supplies, recarbon- ation of CaO-treated H 20 , ice an d carbonated beverage m anufacture arc discussed, and practical examples are given. Anion removal for elimination of Cl' and S 0 4" is discussed. O. M.

N o m o g ra m fo r e v a lu a tio n of [b o ile r fe e d -]

w a te r a n a ly s is . S. L. F o k k e m a (W arme,; 1938,

6 1 , 369—371).—A nomogram for determining

N aH C 03, NaOH, N a2C 03, and the N a no. is given.

R . B. C.

E c o n o m ic a l s te a m d riv e s fo r a u x ilia ry e q u ip ­ m e n t in c h e m ic a l p la n ts . F . J . V o n a c h e n

(Ind. Eng. Chem., 1938, 3 0 , 773—776).—Calculations of all-in power costs show th a t where exhaust steam cam be profitably used the steam engine is much more economical th an are motors driven by purchased

current. C.T.

E q u a tio n of s ta te fo r s te a m . J . J u z a (Engineer­

ing, 1938, 1 4 6 , 1—3, 34—36).—The enth alp y (total heat) and sp. heat of H 20 and steam were measured over the range 50—550° and the equation of state was recalc, in the form : v — I lT /p — [a0 + a^-pjlO6) + a2(p]IQ6)4 -j- a3(^/106)18], where v0 = th e sp. vol. in cu. m ./kg.' and a0, a v a2, and a3 are functions of T . From this an equation for i, th e enthalpy, in term s of p and T is derived. L , the enthalpy a t 0°, was determ ined as 597-7 LT. kg:-cal./kg. Following this;

th e T functions were obtained graphically, the relationships, however, involving 2 or 3 terms.

Comparisons of computed vals. w ith observed d ata are given. Similar comparisons are m ade for sp.

heats in which the range of uncertainty is within

± 1 % . Finally, tables of com puted vals. for i and

sp. vol. are given. C. T.

C ru s h in g a n d g rin d in g . J . Gross (U.S. Bur.

Mines, 1938, Bull. 402,143 pp.).—Using th e dissolution m ethod to determ ine th e surfaces of broken m aterials and th e drop-wt. m ethod of crushing w ithout friction, it is shown th a t th e energy absprbed in crushing is directly oc the new surface produced. The produc­

tion of m aterial finer th a n the specified requirem ent is regarded as inefficient grinding,.and th e investigation on this basis of a p lan t consisting of coarse- and fine- grinding units w ith appropriate classifiers is reported;


Cl. I .—G EN ER A L; PLA N T; MACHINERY. 993 The use of the scleroscope for the determ ination of

th e relative grindability of a m aterial is shown to be feasible. “ Nozzle ” crushing and “ explosive sh atter­

ing ” are shown to be possible m ethods of producing fine m aterial with th e min. of undesirable undersize.

The effects of mill speed, pulp d, ball size, ball load, and pulp charge on useful efficiency, production of fine m aterial, Fe wear, type of m aterial <400-mesh, and retu rn load are reported for an experimental 12 x 16-in. ball mill equipped w ith a differential integrating power recording device. F . J . B.

D e te rm in a tio n of g rin d a b ility of m a te r ia ls . W. Gr u n d e r(Z. Ver. deut. Ing. Beih. Verfahrenstech., 1938, 17—23).—By means of a cone mill coupled to an electrodynam om eter a pow er-tim e diagram is obtained. D ata for the work required to grind various m aterials from one size to another arc given.

R. B. C.

“ A p p a re n t " d e n s ity o£ p o w d e re d p ro d u c ts . F. Ma r t i n (Compt. rend. X V II Cong. Chim. Ind., 1937, 231—235).—Bulk vol. is a function chiefly of grain shape, texture, and degree of subsidence. From apparent sp. vol. measurements on inorg. salts and oxides, m ax., min., and m ean vols. are distinguished and empirically related, to yield criteria useful in commercial specification, sampling, and packing.

I. McA.

R e la tiv e d is tr ib u tio n c u rv e fo r e v a lu a tio n of sieve a n a ly s is . F . Mo g e n s e n (Jernkont. Ann., 1938,122,59—83).—The theory of sieving is discussed m athem atically. D istribution curves for m aterials crushed by various methods .are given. M. H. M. A.

F i l t r a t i o n : a c c u ra c y of p re d ic tio n of p la n t o p e ra tio n f r o m t e s t d a ta . E. L. McMi l l e n and H. A. W e b b e r (Trans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1938,

3 4 , 213—241).—-The consts. in R u th ’s filtration equations were calc, from the results of small-scale, const.-pressure investigations of given sludges and filter media. The equations employing these consts.

were then used to predict the operation of a variety of large-scale commercial plants. The actual results are shown to be in substantial agreem ent with the

predictions. F . J. B.

In te r p r e ta tio n of c o n s ta n t-r a te filtra tio n d a ta . C. F . Bo n i l l a (Trans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1938,

3 4 , 243—250).—Gilliland’s modification of Lewis’

and R u th ’s formulae are transposed into forms which are convenient for the interpretation of the results of filtration a t const, rate. Charts are provided to facilitate the evaluation of certain of the consts.

F. J . B.

F lu id flow th r o u g h g r a n u la r b e d s . P. C.

Ca r m a n (Trans. In st. Chem. Eng., 1937, 15, 150—

166).—All the quoted experim ental results can be correlated reasonably well by the curve connecting log (AP.j.eS/Zpi^Sj) and log {cufrfi), over a range of the latter from 0-01—10,000. Kozeny has provided a theoretical basis for this correlation in the streamline region .and his equation is valid within 20% for the scanty results available for all shapes of particles. I t is argued th a t flow in granular beds is closely analogous to th a t in curved pipes. F . J . B.

F lo w p h e n o m e n a in liq u id s a n d liq u id s u s ­ p e n s io n s . E. G. R i c h a r d s o n (J. Oil Col. Chem.

Assoc., 1938, 2 1 , 215—236).—A lecture. E. S. H.

M e th o d of g ra p h ic a l c o m p u ta tio n of c o m p le x d is tilla tio n s y s te m s . P. M e y e r (Trans. In st.

Chem. Eng., 1937, 1 5 , 209—222).—B y plotting the log of the ratio of th e am ount of a component found in the residue to th e am ount of th a t component originally present in the m ixture, against the log of the ratio of the m olal concn. of this component in the vapour phase and in the liquid phase when these are in equilibrium, a m aster curve is derived, which is apphcable to all cases of distillation by suitable variation of th e numerical scales. Such curves may be used for the interpretation of laboratory-scale investigations and for translating these into plant

scale. F . J . B.

F lo o d in g v elo cities in p a c k e d c o lu m n s . T. K . S h e r w o o d , G. H . S h i p l e y , and F . A. L. H o l l o w a y

(Ind. Eng. Chem., 1938, 3 0 , 765—769).—D ata are given showing the influence of gas d and liquid t] on the flooding velocity of a small Raschig-ring, experi­

m ental column. The surface tension of th e liquid has little effect. Good correlation is obtained with th e results of other workers on large columns. Stacked rings require higher flooding velocities th an dum ped

rings. E. G. H .

N o m e n c la tu re fo r m e th o d s of e x tra c tio n . I I . A. W. J . M a y e r (Chem. W eekblad, 1938, 3 5 , 527—

534 ; cf. B., 1934, 914).—A review of the British and American technical literature on extraction processes indicates th a t the nom enclature is inconsistent. A draft classification is proposed and definitions are given for elem entary, multiple, interm ittent, non- interm ittent, batch, and continuous processes, and extraction systems employing countercurrent or counterfloW, parallel current or parallel flow;, cross­

stream and gradually proceeding processes. S. C.

A d s o rp tio n , a b s o r p tio n , a n d c o n d e n s a tio n in re c o v e ry of so lv e n ts . C. A. B u l k e l e y (Chem.

Met. Eng., 1938, 4 5 , 300—305).—These different m ethods of removing vapours from gases are discussed and the advantages of each indicated. V.p. of a no.

of liquids a t varying tem p, are given. D. K. M.

R eco v e ry of so lv e n ts . R . B lu m a (Rev. Gen.

Mat. P last., 1937,1 3 , 240—244, 278—281; 1938,1 4 , 95—98).—A review of literature and plant.

F. McK.

T e c h n iq u e of a n tifre e z e te s tin g . K. H . H o o v e r

and F . E. D o l i a n (Ind. Eng. Chem. [Anal.], 1938,1 0 ,

293—297).—The technique of testing th e properties im parted to an antifreezing solution by certain modi­

fying agents is described. The equipm ent required for prelim inary corrosion studies a n d also for testing in th e laboratory under conditions duplicating those found in an autom obile cooling system are described and illustrated. Storage and foaming tests, and attack on rubber by the antifreeze solution, are

discussed. L. S. T.

V is c o s ity -te m p e r a tu re c h a r t w ith fix e d g u id e s fo r th e h e ig h t of th e v isc o s ity -p o le a n d th e d ire c ­ tio n c o n s ta n ts . L. Ub b e l o h d e an d Ke m m l e r

(Oel u. Kohle, 1938, 14, 541—544).



O p e ra tin g c h a r a c te r is tic s of p a c k e d c o lu m n s . I . N e w m e th o d of c o r r e la tin g g a s - a b s o r p tio n d a ta . C.: C. Fu r n a s and F . Be l l i n g e r (Trans.

Amer. Inst. Chem. Eng., 193S, 34, 251—286).—

Rasphig rings | in. and 1 in. in diam eter and 1-in.

Berl saddles were used to provide 10 ft. of packing iii a 12-in. internal diam eter column built of steel pipe.

Suitable tappings were p rovided a t 2-ft. intervals for gas and liquid samples and tem p, measurements.

Air containing up to 25% o f C 02 was blown upwards through th e packing and scrubbed by the downward flow of a solution of Na2C 03 and N aH C 03. The am ount of hquid distributed on tho surface of the packing, the pressure drop, and the am ount of adsorp­

tion were ascertained. The coeffs. of absorption were correlated by analogy with the Chilton-Colburn trea tm e n t of heat transfer. The coeff. of absorption for the gas film hag a negligible effect except for low gas flows, very high liquor rates, or large-sized pack­

ing. F . J . B .

A b s o rp tio n of g a s e s to f o r m c h e m ic a l c o m ­ p o u n d s , A. H. 0 . Jo h n s o n (Trans. In st. Chem.

Eng., 1937, 15, 253—254).—A grid-packcd tower of 1 sq. ft. cross-sectional area, packed to a depth of 3 ft. 6 in. w ith grids consisting of 16—20-gauge Cu strip 1 in. deep and spaced f in., shows complete removal of 0-1% S 0 2 from 12,500 cu. ft. per hr. of gas with a flow of 5 gals, of 2 |% Na,CO, solution

per min. F . J . B.

S im p le device f o r m a in ta in in g c o n s ta n t p r e s ­ s u r e in g a s - c o n s u m in g p ro c e s s e s . K . Sc h w a b e

and La g a l l y (Chem. F abr., 1938, 11, 139— 140).—

An apparatus for autom atically m aintaining a const, pressure in reactions involving gases is described.

R . S .B . C a ta ly tic g a s r e a c tio n s . H . Do h s e (Chem.

F abr., 1938, 11, 133— 139).—A review of technical

m ethods. R. S. B.

C a ta ly s is c o s ts d e te r m in e e c o n o m y in c o n ta c t p ro c e s s e s . H. W. Ma h r (Chem. Met. Eng., 1938, 45, 313—317).—Methods for determ ining the com­

parative costs for different catalysts used for the same purpose are given and their use is illustrated by

hypothetical examples. D. K . M.

D ire c t-re a d in g a ir-v e lo c ity m e te r . An o n.

(Metro-Vickers Gaz., 1938, 17, 284— 288).—The Alnor velom eter is described. R . B. C.

D u s t s e p a r a tio n [fro m g a s e s ] b y m e a n s of c e n tr ifu g a l p u r if ie r s . E. Fe t f e l (Forsch. Geb.

Ingenieurw., 1938, 9, 68—81).—The action of cyclones and their dimensions have so far been considered only empirically. A theory of purifier action based on the assum ption of a sink-vortex flow, i.e., the super­

position of the flow due to a sink, or th a t of a potential vortex in the whirling chamber, is developed. Tests on mbdel separators and on working constructions prove the appropriateness of the m ethods o f calculation adopted and of the corresponding design measures.

R. B. C.

A p p lia n c e s fo r re m o v in g d u s t f r o m in d u s tr ia l s m o k e , v a n En g e l e n, Da u b r e s s e, Le b e n s, Mo r i s s e a u x, a n d Vi n<j o t t e (A nn. M in. Belg., 1937, 38, 1139— 1209).—D escrip tio n s are g iv e n of tests

carried out by a Belgian Governm ent Commission with various types of dedusting apparatus. Special attentio n is paid to sampling orifices. I t is concluded th a t present m ethods for determ ining th e efficiency of dedusting p lan t an d du st in flue gases are cum ber­

some and inaccurate. R. B. C.

S o n ic flo c c u la to r a s a fu m e s e t t l e r : th e o r y a n d p ra c tic e . H. W. S t. Cl a i r (U.S. Bur. Mines, 1938, R ept; Invest. 3400, 51—64).:—An experim ental sonic flocculator for aerosols is described and a theor­

etical investigation m ade of the m otion of th e p a r­

ticles. The sound field acts by setting up attractiv e and repulsive forces between th e particles.

S. J . K.

N o m o g r a m m e th o d of h u m id ity c o n tro l.

R. G . Ba t e s o n (Engineering, 1938, 146, 57).—A nomogram between dry- and wet-bulb tem p, is arranged on a circular arc. The two therm om eters operate an arm and a pen and the straight edge join­

ing th e points and cutting the hum idity scale opens a

steam valve as required. 0. I.

P r o b le m s of lu b ric a tio n . I. H . J. Ni c h o l s o n.

I I . J . W . Wa rd r o p (J. Soc. Dyers and Col., 1938, 54,301—304,305—309).—Discussions, particularly in

relation to textiles. R. J . W. R.

G a s e q u ilib ria .—See I I . [F u rn a c e ] r e f r a c t ­ o rie s .—See V III. A n n e a lin g .—Seo X.

Pa t e n t s.

F u rn a c e . L . V. An d r e w s and G. A. Re h m,

Assrs. to Ri l e y St o k e r Co r p. (TLS.P. 2,075,419, 30.3.37. Appl., 2.4.35).—In a pulverised-fuel furnace of the slag-tap type the relative positions of the lower H 20-walls of the furnace an d the walls of th e slag

pool are claimed. B .M .V .

F u rn a c e . E . G . Gr e e n, Assr. to Li b b e y- Ow e n s- Fo r d Gl a s s Co. (U.S.P. 2,077,169, 13.4.37. Appl., 5.7.34).—The arch of, a fuel p o rt is composed of re­

fractory blocks suspended by m etal members, which

are adjustable. B. M. V.

M e a n s f o r h e a tin g fu rn a c e s . El e c t r i c Fu r­ n a c e Co. (B.P. 485,654, 22.10.36. U.S., 26.10.35).—

In a furnace for h eat-treatm ent in a protective atm ., combustion tubes taking th e place of th e more usual electric resistors are described. The tubes have two co-axial walls and m ay be U-shaped. Fuel and in ­ sufficient a h are supplied to th e annular space from one end and secondary air to the inner tubo (which is perforated) from both ends. B. M. V.

T u n n e l o v en s. Gi b b o n s Br o s., Lt d., an d E . W.

Ed w a r d s (B .P . 486,628, 4.6.37).—An anti-convection curtain near the outlet end is produced b y deriving air from suitable pockets outside other parts of th e tunnel and from the outlet antecham ber and injecting it into th e cooling zone. B . M. V.

H e a t- tr e a tin g fu rn a c e a n d m e th o d of h e a t- t r e a tin g . L . N. Da v i s, Assr. to Do u g l a s Ai r c r a f t Co., In c. (U.S.P. 2,075,929, 6.4.37. Appl., 3.2.36).—

The electric heaters are baffled off from the goods chamber and each heater is controlled by a switch operated by a separate thermocouple placed so as to cause very uniform heating. Besides th e convexion


Cl. I,G E N E R A L ; PLA N T; M ACHINERY. 995 circulation by : the heater.?, forced circulation is

provided embodying electrically controlled valvos, mainly to take oare of irregularity due to presence of

a door. B. M. V.

F ir in g , r o a s tin g , a n d s in te r in g m a te r ia l of a ll k in d s . G. Po l y s i u s A.-G. (B.P. 485,839, 11.11.37. Ger., 9.12.30).—A t the feed end of a calcin­

ing furnace is a gasrpermeable conveyor for'the moist fe e d ; p a rt of the ho t gases from th e kiln aro passed directly and downwards through the later p art of the conveyor, and the rem ainder of th e gases preheat air which is passed downwards through the earlier p a rt of the conveyor to effect pre-drying.

A p p a r a tu s fo r [h ig h - te m p e r a tu r e ] tr e a t m e n t of m a te r ia ls . J . W, We i t z e nk o r n (U.S.P.

2,074,819, 23.3.37. Appl,,, 2.5.33).—An arc furnace jn which the m aterial is poured through, or caused to approach and be melted by, the arc is described.

B. M. V.

H e a tin g of b u lk m a te r ia l. F . Kr u p p A.-G.

(B.P. 487,106, 5.8.37. Ger., 24.8,36).—The m aterial is placed on an oscillating table (of m etal lined with refractory material) and is heated from above by stationary metal-cased flues, the jo in t between the fixed and moving parts being made bv sand or liquid

seals. v B. M. V.

(A, C) F urnace for, (B, c) m eth od of, h eatin g flu id s, (a, b) L, A. Mb k l l r, (c) W. H. Mi n k e m a,

Assrs. to (a— c) Un i v e r s a l Oi l Pr o d u c t sCo. (U.S.P.

2,076,854—6, 13.4.37. Appl., [a] 17.4.31, [b] 2.7.34, [o] 8.6.33. Ronewed [a] 10.1.36, [c] 11.9.36).—

Furnaces for heating the fluid (e.g., oil) in tubes arranged in radiation and convection zones are described : (a) the course of th e oil is changed with change of grade; (b, c) two furnaces are arranged adjacent and one furnace heating hght oil can borrow a few tubes from the other heating heavy oil.

B. M. V.

H e a tin g , co o lin g , o r d r y in g c y lin d e rs. W. G.

an d F . R. Sim o n(B.P,486,447,2.12.36).—Construction of a hollow cylinder with tu b e coils cast in the outor

wall is described. B. M. V.

H e a te d d r u m s s u ita b le , e .g ., f o r u se in p a p e r - m a k in g a n d te x tile p ro c e s s in g , fo r c a le n d e rin g , d ry in g , a n d th e lik e . W. W. Sp o o n e r (B.P.

485,919, 26.8.36).—Nozzles for causing impingement of a heating/cooling fluid bn th e inside of a shell of a rotary drum are described. . B. M. V.

M e th o d of u tilis a tio n of m o lte n m a te r ia l a s h e a t- tr a n s f e r r in g m e d iu m . M. H. Ar v e s o n,

Assr. to St a n d a r d Oi l Co. (In d i a n a) (U .S .P .

2,074,529, 23.3.37. Appl., 3.1.35).—A pparatus utilis­

ing normally solid, H.jO-sol. salts for heating oil is shut down by discontinuing the flow of oil and the prim ary supply of hoat, allowing th e fused salt to cool as much as is safe w ithout solidification, and then lowering the f.p. by injection of steam or an aq.

solution of a substance (e.g., N H 3) th a t will preferably also reduce corrosion by rem oval of Cl'. B. M. V.

C o n tin u o u s h e a t e x c h a n g e b e tw e e n a con­

d e n s in g v a p o u r a n d a Uqruid. G.S. P. d eBe t h u n e

(U;S.P. 2,077,227, 13.4.37. Appl., 10.8.34).—In the

heating of a liquid (H20 ) by injected vapours (steam) the H 20 is whirled by a centrifugal runner and th e steam adm itted tlirough a nozzle in opposition to the flow of H 20 ; th e la tte r has such im pact th a t th e outlet pressuro of the steam nozzle is > the crit. expansion pressure (0-57 of the inlet pressure), whereby a high temp, of, condensation is obtained. B. M. V.

H e a t e x c h a n g e r. W. L . De Ba u p re (U .S .P .

2,075,511, 30.3.37. Appl., 17.1.36).—An interchanger for low-temp. cbrrosive conditions comprises a steel outer shell, Cu lining, bronze end-pieces, and Cu tubes, fused joints being used where Convenient!

B. M. V.

H e a t-e x c h a n g e d evice. W . No b l e, Assr. to

Su l l i v a n Ma c h i n e r y Co. (U .S .P . 2,074,967, 23.3.37.

Appl., 15.6.34).—A fluid (at least p artly gaseous) is cooled by sprayed-in liquid and the m ixture passed to a stationary centrifugal or like ty pe o f separator, the flow through which is controlled to have a const, separating effect irrespective of the ra te o f flow.

B. M. V.

A u to m a tic t e m p e r a tu r e re g u la tio n of co n ­ ta c t m a s s e s . T . B . Pr i c k e t t, Assr. to Ho u d r y Pr o c e s s Co r p. (U.S.P. 2,073,650, 16.3.37. Appl., 27.8.35).—During regeneration of a carbonised contact mas3 the preheating of the regenerating fluid (air), its vol., and, later, the vol. of th e cold inert diluent gas are controlled by the tem p, of th e contact mass.

B. M. V.

T e m p e r a tu r e - in d ic a tin g a n d - r e g u la tin g a p p a r a tu s . H. Mo r e a u (B.P. 486,762, 6:11.36.

F r., 6.11.35).-—Means for using an indicating pointer as a relay are described. B. M. V.

T h e r m o s ta ts . M. Ga u l and M. Go l d s c h m i d t

(B.P. 486,659, 5.11.36).—The apparatu s comprises two th ru st rods in line, a therm ostatic expanding element between them , a multiple steep-pitch thread on one of them , and a rotary valve. B. M. V.

M e th o d of fo rx n in g [h e a t-]in s u la tin g m a te r ia l.

A. H . Fr e n c h, Assr. to A. E. St a l e y Ma n u f g. Co.

(U.S.P. 2,076,078, 6.4.37. Appl., 24.4.35).—R ock­

wool fibre, for use in places so hot th a t a starch binder would perish, is bound w ith a m ixture of (1) inorg.

m aterial, non-adhesive until fused, e.g., borax or m etaphosphates,, and (2) a tem porary org. binder.

B. M. V.

P r o d u c tio n of h e a t- in s u la tin g s tr u c t u r e . 0 . A.

La b u s and W. J . Mo h r, Assrs. to Un i v e r s a l In s u l­ a t i o nCo. (U.S.P. 2,076,898,13.4.37. Appl., 28.3.35).

—On a ho t metallic or other base (the article to be insulated) is sprayed a m ixture of N a silicate binder and plastic expanded vermiculite to form a th in layer, and on th a t is applied a thicker layer of a m ixture of raw and plastic expanded vermiculite.

B. M. V.

C o oling to w e r. L . T . Ma r t (U .S .P . 2,078,089, 20.4.37. Appl., ,18.9.35).—In a tow er suitable for restricted situations, air is forced down a central small draught tower, and th en passes up counter to

H gO sprays in the main tower, B . M . V .

C o o lin g of liq u id s , e s p e c ia lly fo r re m o v a l of p a ra ffin [w ax ] fr o m m in e r a l o ils. Rh b i n- m e t a l l- Bo r s ig A.-G. We r k Bo r s i g Be r l i n- Te g e l,



and H . Suss (B.P. 485,847, 10.1.38).—A no. of vertical, rotating cylinders arranged around a common axis are cooled by evaporation of a refrigerant inside them and are, submerged in th e oil under treatm ent, the wax being removed by a brush or scraper rotating

a t a different speed. B. M. V.

D ry in g a p p a r a tu s . J . Cr i t e s and R . P . O ’Ma r a,

Assrs. to Ra y j i o n d Br o s. Im p a c t Pu l v e r i z e r Co.

(U.S.P. 2,075,506, 30.3.37. Appl., 13.6.35).—Very wet m aterial (sewage sludge or th e like) is dried by ho t gases in a tower, in a horizontal conduit with agitators, and in a disintegrator, in succession, the flow of gases being concurrent and the gases themselves being h o tter in the tower th an the m aterial of con­

struction of the disintegrator would resist.

B..M. V.

D ry in g o f m a te r ia l. J . B. Vo s k a m p (U.S.P.

2,077,346,13.4.37. Appl., 29.6.34).—H o t gases, above the ignition point of the grass or other comminuted m aterial to be dried, are introduced into the bottom of a tower divided into com partm ents which expand upwardly. The very wet m aterial is also introduced low down and is no t dam aged owing to the H aO present; as it becomes dry it becomes lighter and is conveyed upwards to other com partm ents, the lifting effect being increased if necessary by circulation of ex tra gases by an external fan. A t the top the flow is reduced to a speed incapable of lifting anything.

B. M. V.

D ry e r. G. C . Ch a p m a n (U.S.P. 2,077,615,20.4.37.

Appl., 19.6.36).—A tower for rice or the like contains a no. of sloping screens arranged in cascade, their average slope being adjustable; th ey are also oscillated about their pivots. The drying air is passed

upwards. B. M. V.

D ry e r. E. R. Za d e m a c h, Assr. to H. O. Bo e h m e,

E. R. Za d e m a c h, and A. C. No l t e (Me t a l w a s h Ma c h i n e r y Co.) (U.S.P. 2,073,669, 16.3.37. Appl., 9.1.30. Renewed 21.8.34).—Metallic articles are con­

veyed by an endless conveyor in opposite directions through two drying chambers abreast. Air is caused to impinge a t high velocity on the articles from a no.

of jets, some of which are supplied with ho t air and th e remainder w ith relatively cold air, in variable

proportions. B . M . V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r d r y in g s a n d o r s im ila r g r a n u la r o r p u lv e ru le n t m a te r ia ls . J. W. At h e y (B.P.

487,268, 23.2.37).—A vertical furnace is placed in a frusto-conical hopper and nearly closcs th e lower, small end thereof, leaving an annular slit through which dry m aterial trickles out. B. M. V.

D e h y d ra tin g a p p a r a tu s . G. D. Ar n o ld (U.S.P.

2,076,873, 13.4.37. A ppl., 9.9.35).—A lterations are m ade to th e d ry e r described in U.S.P. 1,9S8,677 (B., 1935, 1073) to p re v e n t lodgem ent an d scorching of

strin g y m aterials. B. M. V.

C oolin g a n d a b s o r p tio n to w e r. M. A. Kn i g h t

and F. M. Kl e i n (U.S.P. 2,074,551, 23.3.37. Appl., 29.1.3).—A tower is constructed of interfitting sections of refractory m aterial embodying flat, horizontal, stoneware cooling coils. B . M, V.

N e u tr a lis in g a n d in s u la tin g r e f r ig e r a n t. J . M.

Hi l l, Assr. to H . S . Na r t e n and R. V.‘ St o n e (U.S.P.

2,072,367, 2.3.37. Appl., 14.5.34).—10-5% aq. NaCl containing 3-3% of powdered charcoal (fineness stated), with or w ithout glycerin 10 an d/or m ineral wool or kapok 10 w t.-% , is claimed for use either as a circulating hquid for refrigerating systems or, frozen solid, in place of ice as a refrigerant. L. C. M.

G rin d in g o r d is in te g r a tin g m a c h in e s . C. W.

Yo u n g (B.P. 486,423, 2.10.36).—The fluid-borne m aterial is directed a t high speed against an abrading wheel driven in the opposite dhection, th e angle of im pact being approx. 165°. B. M. V.

G rin d in g m a t e r ia ls of a ll k in d s . F . Kr u p p Gr u s o n w e r k A .- G . (B.P. 485,969, 3.9.37. G e r .,

15.10.36).—A n o . o f t r o u g h s a r e a r r a n g e d a b r e a s t a n d t r a n s v e r s e l y o f t h e g e n e r a l f lo w o f m a t e r i a l ; t h e y a r e s u b j e c t e d t o e l l i p t i c a l o r c i r c u l a r m o t i o n i n a v e r t i c a l p l a n e t o c r e a t e f o r w a r d m o t i o n a s w e ll a s r a t t l i n g a b o u t o f t h e m a t e r i a l . T h e c o m m o n r i d g e b e t w e e n a n y t w o t r o u g h s is e x t e n d e d u p w a r d s a t a n i n c l i n a t i o n , a s a s c r e e n t o r e t a i n o v e r s i z e a n d a n y h e a v y g r i n d i n g

m e d i a . B. M . V.

P u lv e ris in g m ill. E. G. Ba i l e y, P . R. Ca s s i d y,

and R. M. Ha r d g r o v e, Assrs. to Ba b c o c k & Wi l c o x

Co. (U.S.P. 2,076,288, 6.4.37. Appl., 16.11.31).—

A pparatus of th e two-high, ball-race type operated with outw ard flow through the upper ring and inw ard through th e lower is described. B . M. V.

D is in te g ra tin g a p p a r a tu s . Co m p, d e s Ch a r- b o n s e t Br i q u e t t e s d e Bl a n z y e t d e l’Ou e s t

(B.P. 485,803, 10.4.37. Ger., 8.5.36).—Coal or the like is broken b y th e descent o f picks while upon a table which is oscillated synchronously with the picks to give a conveying motion. B . M . V .

J e t p u lv e ris e r s . E . B. My e r s (B.P. 487,025, 2.11.37. U.S., 5.11.36).—M o t i v e g a s i s c a u s e d t o c o n v e r g e a t a n a n g l e >5° a n d t h e m a t e r i a l i s s u p p l i e d a x i a l l y t h e r e t o ( p r e f e r a b l y a ls o i n a n a n n u l a r j e t ) a t

50—100 l b . / s q . i n . B. M . V.

C o m b in e d c r u s h e r a n d s c re e n . O. J. Mous-

s e t t e, sen. (U.S.P. 2,074,233,16.3.37. Appl., 22.7.35).

—Crushing is effected in a double-conical drum within which is a pair of conical, heavy rolling masses. From th e crushing chamber a p o rt and passages lead to a surrounding short cylindrical screen, th e oversize returning through th e same port. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r s c re e n in g g r a n u la te d co ke, s to n e , a n d lik e m a te r ia l. M. Th o m p s o n a n d W.

He l e y (B.P. 486,436, 2.12.36).—A n o . o f s c r e e n s a r e p i v o t e d c e n t r a l l y a n d a r e r o c k e d s o t h a t o v e r s i z e is

t r a n s f e r r e d f r o m o n e t o t h e n e x t e v e n t h o u g h a l l a r e a p p r o x . o n t h e s a m e l e v e l. B .M .V .

S e p a r a tio n of m ix e d m a te r ia ls . S. D. Po l l i t t,

and Bi r t l e y Co., Lt d. ( B . P . 487,228, 11.12.36).—

The m aterials are throw n off th e end of a conveyor and are obstructed or n o t by a door which is regulated b y an electrical contact device under which the pieces have previously passed. The claims relate to the electro-magnetic operation of the door. B . M. V.

S ep a ration of so lid m a teria ls of different sp ecific g ra v itie s. A. Pe a r s o n, and Hu n t i n g­ t o n, He b e r l e i n& Co., Lt d. ( B . P . 486,771,8.12.36).- To a vessel operating by th e sink-and-float method


Cl. I . —G EN E R A L ; PLA N T; MACHINERY. 997 the heavy hquid is adm itted a t a no. of points which

are a t different levels (all below th a t of the feed) and are distributed horizontally so th a t a slight uniform upward current of liquid is produced. B. M. V.

M e c h a n is m fo r s e p a r a tin g in te r m ix e d d iv id ed m a te r ia ls . R. Pe a l e, Assr. to Pe a l e- D a v i s Co.

(U.S.P. 2,076,915, 13.4.37. Appl., 16.9.27. Renewed 2.5.35).—Longitudinally shaking, air-pervious separ­

ating tables for m aterials having small difference in d and large difference in size are described.

B. M. V.

S e p a r a to r . V. M. Py a t t (U.S.P. 2,074,515, 23.3.37. Appl., 11.8.34).—For the separation of Au from black sand or tho like, a screen, or a superposed series of screens of graduated mesh, is/are suspended b y links and reciprocated in the direction of slope by a simple crank and connecting rod, combined with which is either a side shake or a horizontal rotary

motion. B .M .V .

M ix e r. G. S. P. d e Be t h u n e (U.S.P. 2,077,226, 13.4.37. Appl., 2.12.32).—The form of the mixing chambers and radial stirrers of apparatus as described in U.S.P. 1,727,753 (B., 1930, 2) is exactly specified;

the mixing m ay comprise stages of comparatively tranquil, very turbulent, and tranquil agitation in successive com partments. B. M. V.

M ix e r. W. M. Ry a n and J . W. Bo l d, Assrs.

to Ry a n Co f f e e Co r p. (U.S.P. 2,076,163, 6.4.37.

Appl., 6.5.33).—A double-conical or like drum with mixing blades is charged a t one end and discharged a t the other, the latter process being effected by tilting the axis. N on-rotating outlet and inlet devices are sealed against the drum, and beyond them are shoots which telescope to allow for the tilting.

B. M. V.

M ix in g m a c h in e . E. Dy c k e r h o f f (B.P.

486,610, 18.12.36. Ger., 17.11.36).—Mixing forks are oscillated in planes transverse to the general flow (their path being shown as kidney-shaped); the container is inclined to the direction of flow and is oscillated in th a t direction. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r m ix in g m a te r ia ls . W. C. An d­ e r s o n, Assr. to W. H . Br o o k s (U.S.P. 2,077,088, 13.4.37. Appl., 24.8.36).—A rotating cylindrical drum contains a no. (2) of screens which are V-shaped longitudinally and extend inwards from the circum­

ference bu t not radially. B. M. V.

M ix in g of d u s t-lik e o r p u lv e ru le n t m a te r ia l.

G. Po l y s i u s A.-G. (B.P. 487,136, 11.1.38. Ger., 9.2.37).—Outside a large mixing chamber are elevating pipes operated by compressed air, discharging into the upper p art of the chamber and drawing from several

lower levels. " B. M. V.

C e n tra l m ix in g p la n t. J . F. Ro b b (U.S.P.

2,073,652, 16.3.37. Appl., 12.3.36).—A pparatus for proportioning and mixing concrete etc. is described, each constituent being weighed. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r e le c tric a lly m e a s u r in g g ra in size ra n g e . A. E. O ’De l l. From Ha a r d t & Co.

A.-G. (B.P. 487,232, 14.12.36).—The particles are suspended in a liquid of different dielectric const, (e) and of sufficiently high d and 7) to give a convenient

rate of settling, and e of the settling pulp is measured continuously or a t frequent intervals. The test electrodes m ay be either vertical or h orizontal; in the la tte r case th e upper one is a grid. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r s e p a ra tio n of w a te r a n d s a lts fr o m s te a m . Sc h m i d ts c h e He i s s d a m p f- Ge s.m.b. H . (B.P. 485,840, 15.11.37. Ger., 19.11.36).

The steam is subjected to a strong glow discharge, whereby th e suspended liquid and solid particles are projected on to a wall or H 20 surface, th a t surface being preferably cooled by steam or H 20 (or compound of the latter) only slightly cooler th an the d irty steam.

B. M. V.

C o oling of h e a tin g /c o o lin g co ils fo r a d s o r p ­ tio n a p p a r a tu s w ith a lte r n a te o p e ra tio n .

Ca r b o- No r i t Un i o n Ve r w a l t u n g s - Ge s.m.b.H .

(B.P. 485,985, 3.11.37. Ger., 3.11.36).—A t the completion of on-stream, steam is adm itted to the cooling coil from above, and when it becomes visible in a sight glass a t the lower end of the coil th e steam is directed to pass through the C or other adsorbent mass. W hen steam-flushing is finished, the cool gas to be stripped is again passed through the m ass; this causes condensation in the coil and the vac. produced autom aticallv causes cold H „ 0 to be switched through

the coil. B. M. V.

M e c h a n is m fo r c le a n in g o r s c r a p in g s e d i­

m e n ta tio n ta n k s o r lik e c o n ta in e rs . Do r r- Ol i v e r Co., Lt d., and A . S . Lo w e (B.P. 486,927, 9.12.36).—Means for lifting and renewing scraping chains are described, the chains being preferably ordinary tension chains and the bottom of the tan k

steeply inclined. B. M. V.

[S an d ] filte r. E. L. Pf l a n z (U.S.P. 2,075,300, 30.3.37. Appl., 25.1.34).—Perm anently half-sub­

merged elements of meshwork afford ex tra filtering surface, the course of the d irty H 20 being in through the upper p art and out into the undisturbed sand through the lower part. The same elements are used for washing th e foul sand, high-pressure H 20 being injected into the interior in such q uantity th a t the sand is disturbed and distended practically to cover

the elements. B. M. V.

S ieves o r s tr a in in g d ev ices. W. E. Pr e s c o t t, Ba k e r, Pe r k i n s, Lt d., and An c. Et a b l. A . Sa v y, Je a n j e a n & Co. ( B . P . 486,875, 10.12.36).—A

corrugated bed is m ade up of a no. of troughs abreast, the slots between the top edges forming the apertures.

B. M. V.

F ilte r s . T . W. La n g l e y, and Te c a l e m i t, Lt d.

(B.P. 486,602, 9.12.36).—The filter comprises a bag helically coiled together with spacers. The claims relate to the autom atic provision of a by-pass when

the filter is choked. B. M. V.

F ilte r . E. J . Ko s e r (U.S.P. 2,073,991, 16.3.37.

Appl., 9.6.36).—A disc of filter cloth is sandwiched between discs of wire mesh and is further supported on the outlet side by a g rid ; on the inlet side the prefilt (e.g., H 20 in a main) is spread by a baffle to prevent direct impingement. B. M. V.

F ilte r in g dev ices. H . Re e v e, An g e l& Co., Lt d.,

and A . E. Sq u i r e (B.P. 487,333,17.12.36).—A conical laboratory filter is formed from paper slightly > a



semi-circle, various methods of securing the seam

being claimed. B. M. V.

F ilte r s o r s t r a in e r s . J. Zw ic k y' (B.P. 487,164, 15.12.36).—Fine gauze is placed between closely fitting perforated m etal cylinders and is tensioned on the inner cylinder by a rod pressed into a longitu­

dinal recess. B. M. V.

L iq u id f ilte rs . Soc. An o n. Sayara(B.P. 486,397, 2.11.37. Italy , 14.5.37).—A pile filter is composed of alternate larger discs and smaller discs with scraping blades, and the sets are relatively angularly movable

for cleaning. B. M. V.

S h e e t filte r. G. H. Se i t z (U.S.P. 2,076,049, 6.4.37. Appl., 14.11.36. Ger., 22.3.32).—A press on th e plate-and-frame principle with external lugs forming passages for prefilt and filtrate is described.

B. M. V.

F ilte r . W. U. Vi n t o n (U.S.P. 2,076,104, 6.4.37.

Appl., 15.7.33).—F ilter cakes are formed on both internal surfaces of wedge-shaped chambers, a no. of which are assembled radially in a skeleton drum, which is rotated step by step, the dumping position being the lowest.1 Prior to discharge, each filter element is subjected to external air pressure which distends the walls of filter medium towards each other, presses out remaining liquid to approx. const, dryness, and makes one cake of two, which comes cleanly away on account of its tapered shape.

B. M. Y.

F ilte r in g m e th o d a n d c lo th fo r m ilk . C . Co o p e r,

Assr. t o Pe p p e r e l l Ma n u f g. Co. (U.S.P. 2,076,980, 13.4.37. Appl., 13.3.35).—A fabric of long yarn fibres h as the ends of the fibres extending beyond tho weave, and the nap is laid down in m atted condition on the average parallel to the plane of the fabric, to form a filter medium especially suitable for pasteurised

milk. B. M. V.

R o t a r y ’ [ d r u m ] filte r . A. J . Ba r n e b l, Assr.

to Sw e n s o n Ev a p o r a t o r Co. (U.S.P. 2,076,611, 13.4.37. Appl., 27.6.35).—-Especially for a filter which is operated with a pre-coat of filter aid which is not removed, a knife is rigidly supported a t a fixed distance from the drum and is immediately preceded by a weighted smoothing device which applies pressure

to the cake. B. M. V.

P o r o u s [filte r] b o d y . H. Bu c h l o h, Assr. to P e n -C h lo r, In c . (U.S.P. 2,077,512, 20.4.37. Appl., 7.7.34. Ger., 12.7.33).—A porous filter is composed of (1) inorg. solid inert m aterial (pumice, ceramic m atter, or quartz), (2) liquid-to-plastio phenol-CH20

“ A ” condensation product, (3) a hardening agent (H2C20 4, reactive m etal oxide, P h S 0 2Cl, or p- CgH4Me*S02Cl), the shaped masses being self-hardening within 24 hr. a t room tem p. B. M. V.

R eco v e ry of fib re s a n d o th e r flo a ta b le m a t e r ­ ia ls f r o m liq u id s . Wa t f o r d En g. Wo r k s, Lt d.,

and J . Pa r a m o r(B.P. 485,791,23.2.37).—In apparatus in which the fibres etc. and adhering air bubbles are sucked from the surface of the liquid while under vac., a barom etric column is inserted to protect the vac.

pum p from liquid and the pum p is kept primed with

clean H 20 . B. M. V.

I n t e r m i t t e n t d riv in g m e c h a n is m esp e cially fo r f ilte rin g o r th ic k e n in g a p p a r a tu s . H . T.

Du r a n t (B.P. 487,351,. 12.2.37).—B y means of reversing'gear an a tte m p t is made to cause cake form­

atio n on a ro tary drum during a larger proportion of tim e than usual, in spite of retaining the usual submergence of about 160°. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r c le a n in g filte r e le m e n ts o r u n i t s . H . J . McDe v i t t (B.P. 487,040, 15.1.38).—The units are cleaned by compressed air and a suitable liquid while in an enclosed container. B. M. V.

M e th o d of re v iv ify in g [filte r] clay . R. A.

Ca r l e t o n, Assr. to Na t. El e c t r i c He a t i n g Co., In c. (U.S.P. 2,074,456, 23.3.37. Appl., 16.4.32).—

F ilter clay is continuously purified by the method described in B .P. 397,666 (B., 1933,896). B. M. V.

F lo ta tio n a p p a r a tu s . M. Kr a u t, Assr. to Pa n- Am e rI En g. Co r p., Lt d. (U.S.P. 2,074,403, 23.3.37.

Appl., 17.9.35. Can., 1.10,34).—A form of aerating and lifting rotor for the apparatus described in B.P.

448,852 (B., 1937, 53) is claimed. B. M. V.

S e p a r a tio n of m a te r ia l. C. H . Sh e p h e r d

(U.S.P. 2,073,952, 16.3.37. Appl., 21.9.34).—A pulp of H 20 , gangue, and heavy m etals (e.g., Au or the like, probably in p a rt so fine as to perm it Brownian move­

ment) is injected a t an interm ediate level into a mass of H g; after rising out of the expanded p a rt of the Hg the H ,0-g an g u e stream is reduced in velocity so th a t it would n o t entrain particles of Au of reasonable size, and the stream then passes through a glass tube in which it is subjected to an electric current.

B. M. V.

S e p a r a tin g a n d c la s s ify in g a p p a r a tu s . W. P.

L A E S c n , Assr. to H . Wi l l s (U.S.P. 2,075,731, 30.3.37.

Appl., 11.5.33).—F or the separation of Au from ore pulp and the like a table formed with depressions is given a circular shaking m otion and the tailings aro re­

treated in an attached pan. B. M. V.

S iev es of a p p r o x im a te ly c ir c u la r c ro s s -s e c tio n , p a r tic u la r ly f o r c e n trifu g a l e x tr a c to r s a n d s i m il a r a p p a r a t u s . Co m p. Oo n t x n e n t a l e f o u r l’Ex p l o i t. d e s Br e v e t s In d u s t r i e l s ( B . P . 486,186, 15.10.37. Belg., 23.10.36).—-Means for spacing the circumferential wires of a basket are claimed.

B. M .V . C e n trifu g a l m a c h in e s . Wa t s o n, La i d l a w &

Co., Lt d., and H. Wa t t (B.P. 486,524, 3.12.36).—

The centrifuge is direct-driven by an electric or H 20 m otor (above) through a flexible coupling.

B. M. V.

C e n trifu g a l s e p a r a to r s . H. H. Lo g a n (B.P.

486.828.30.7.37. U.S., 31.7.36).—A no. of superposed rotors are spun by the fluids being separated, the general flow of the main fluid (gas) being straight on upwards, and the im purity (liquid) is flung off skirts

surrounding the rotors. B. M. V.

C e n trifu g a l e x tr a c to r m a c h in e . J . J. Ne u m a n

(U.S.P. 2,077,053, 13.4.37. Appl., 10.10.35).—A plough for th e discharge Of centrifuged sugar is reciprocated by an electric m otor the speed of which is electrically controlled b y the speed of th e centrifugal

basket. B. M . V.


Powiązane dokumenty

S. Preparation of anhydrous perborates. During both stages dry inert gases m ay be passed over the material, and the tem perature during the second stage may be increased

sisting of Na sulphonates in a polymerised hydrocarbon, the latter being obtained in a preceding operation of the process and returned after treatment with acid and

mined satisfactorily, however, in the standard method for determining ash content. The decolorising power of the char varies inversely with the size of the grains,

G ases from therm al decom position of common com bustible m aterials. The burning of cellulose produces gases containing toxic concns. Of the textiles used for

N. liquor, gas, and benzine condensed from the gas are given for 3 kinds of lignite distilled a t various temp., with and without steam. The products resulting from

sulphate. The presence of the nitrite is shown to be responsible for inaccuracies in the thiosulphate titratio n for copper. Decomposition of the nitrite

phide]. — An historical survey is made of the development of the process for the removal of hydrogen sulphide from crude gas by means of iron oxide in box purifiers,

A further sample (100 c.c.) is twice extracted w ith calcium chloride solution in a separating funnel, the extracted alcohol determined by distillation, and the residual