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Verkennende studie naar een containerterminal concept voor het behandelen van 8000 TEU schepen (summary)


Academic year: 2021

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Delft University of Technology

Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Transport Technology

M.C. Broer Verkennende studie naar een containerterminal concept voor het behandelen van 8000 TEU schepen (3 dln. waarvan ‚‚n schetsboek).

Masters thesis, Report 97.3.TT.4849, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

This report desribes an exploratory study concerning a new container terminal concept to handle large container vessels with a capacity of 8000 containers within 24 hours. This new concept is necessary to anticipate to the growing sizes of the vessels and the allied large container flows among vessel and terminal. Nowadays the handling capacity of the terminals is insufficient and should be increased by improving the transportation system from the stack to the cranes and by increasing the capacity of the cranes.

The implementation of buffersystems between stack en cranes in combination with a new AGV system is contemplated in order to realize a container flow with fewer interruptions. Proposals are given for the buffer system and the AGV system in relation to the technical designs and feasibility.

Furthermore, an investigation has been executed to expand the capacity of the crane. This appears to be possible by adapting the crane design in which a trolley provides the transport of containers between a hoisting system operating above the ship and a hoisting system above the quay.

According to this study it appears to be possible to handle these very large container vessels within 24 hours. A further elaboration of the technical aspects is necessary. In order to assess all the operational aspects, particularly the handling capacities, supplementary simulation studies are required.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)


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