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Klucz odpowiedzi do konkursu przedmiotowego z języka angielskiego dla gimnazjów


Academic year: 2021

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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2009/2010

Klucz odpowiedzi do konkursu przedmiotowego z języka angielskiego dla gimnazjów


Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź przyznajemy 1 punkt.

Wyjątek stanowi zadanie 2, w którym przyznajemy 2 punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź

Odpowiedzi nie mogą zawierać błędów w pisowni.

Dopuszcza się inne akceptowalne wersje rozwiązań.

Zadanie 1 SŁUCHANIE Część A

1. G 2. B 3. W 4. G 5. W 6. G


Wallace and Gromit were created by Nick Park. His animated films introduce audiences to a hilarious new world of discovery and invention seen through the eyes of the two main characters. Wallace and Gromit are both extremely likeable and they have quite a lot in common considering that one is a man and the other a dog. They are both fond of food. Wallace`s favourite is cheese and Gromit`s cornflakes, and they both love a nice cup of tea. Wallace is very skilled at inventing things, although his inventions are not always successful, and Nick Park`s stories are usually based on one of his latest inventions, like a rocket to the moon. Gromit`s hobbies are quite different. He likes knitting and reading the newspaper. As far as personality goes, Wallace is good natured, although he is perhaps a little over-optimistic. Gromit, on the other hand, is sensitive, intelligent and resourceful.

Część B

1. F (their annual picnic holiday)

2. F (their love of a certain food, cheese)

3. F (they made their own rocket to take them there)


5. F ( they were unable to decide) 6. F (they made the caretaker angry) 7. T


In their first adventure on film, Wallace and his sophisticated dog Gromit were trying to decide where to go for their annual picnic holiday. As far as food goes, cheese is Wallace`s speciality – so it didn`t take them long to make up their minds. Wallace`s skill at inventing things and Gromit`s hard work meant that they were soon blasting off in a home-made rocket and heading for the moon, which they were convinced was made of cheese.

They landed successfully and began to eat a hearty meal of the moon`s surface but they were unable to decide what kind of cheese the moon was made of.

During their moon-tasting expedition, they came across what looked like a small cooker. It turned out to be the moon`s resident caretaker. The caretaker was understandably angry at the way Wallace and Gromit were taking cheese from the moon, but, in the conflict that followed, Wallace and Gromit accidentally helped the caretaker to fulfil his greatest dream. He had always wanted to ski and, as the home-made rocket took off, with the caretaker still holding onto it, two pieces of metal came off in the caretaker`s hands. The caretaker made them into a pair of skis and was skiing happily over the mountains of the moon as the rocket took the two heroes back to earth.

Zadanie 2 ( 2 punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź) 1. A

2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B Zadanie 3

1. B 8. C 2. D 9. D 3. C 10. A 4. A

5. B 6. C 7. B


Zadanie 4 1. with 2. with 3. from / to 4. in, on 5. to 6. in 7. on 8. to, for 9. on 10. at Zadanie 5

1. me to visit him 2. hasn`t been 3. the least 4. had known 5. she was doing 6. big enough 7. you went home 8. You can`t have seen

9. knows nothing / doesn`t know anything 10. Not at all / Don`t mention it.

11. others / the others 12. yesterday`s

13. Whatever

14. anybody who knows / speaks both Russian and Chinese Zadanie 6

1. haven`t written 11. told 2. have been 12. moved 3. had 13. come

4. haven`t done 14. will be staying / am staying 5. have stopped 15. will be going / am going 6. am waiting

7. have changed 8. live

9. decided

10. has become/is becoming


1. unleaded 2. unforgettable 3. laughter 4. software 5. musician 6. depth 7. reliable 8. carelessly 9. southern 10. prediction Zadanie 8

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F 11. T 12. T Zadanie 9

1st Monday in September Labor Day 4th Thursday in November Thanksgiving

December 26th Boxing Day

March 17th St. Patrick`s day

November 5th Guy Fawkes Day

4th Monday in May Memorial day

July 4th Independence Day

The Sunday closest to November 11th Remembrance (Poppy) Day


Zadanie 10 1. Cathedral 2. Museum 3. Dome 4. Gallery 5. London 6. Circus 7. Parliament 8. Museum 9. State 10. Bridge Zadanie 11

1. f 2. e 3. h 4. a 5. i 6. g 7. j 8. b 9. c 10. d


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