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Superconducting contacts to a two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructures


Academic year: 2021

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I<.-M.€I. Lenssen, h4. Matters, C.J.P.M. Harmans, J.E. Mooij Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics,

P.O. Box 5046, 2600 G A Del€t, The Netherlands M.R. Leys, W. van der Vleuten, J.H. Wolter

Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics, P.O. Box 513, 5600 RIB Eindlioven, The Netherlands



Recently we succeeded in making super-

conducting contacts of pin-scale t,o the t~~,o-dimeiisional electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructures, in combi- nation with gate structures. The contacts produced by this method are highly transmissive down to very low t8ein- peratures. We present the first preliminary results of the resistance measurements a t T=80 niI<. These give clear ev- idence for the occurrence of Andreev reflectmion. Moreover a strong influence of the gate voltsage on the d V / d I - V - curves has been observed, which proves t,he essent,ial role of the semiconductor.


Since the idea of a Josephson field-effect transist,or or

superconducting transistor wa.s described by T.D. Cla.rk et, al. [l], the interest for this device has been growing. It, is based on the proxiinitmy coupling of t.wo superconduct.ing electrodes [2], connected by a. semiconductor. The super- current which can flow through the device ca.n be niodu- lated by varying the electron density wi t.11 a. ga.te volta.ge.

The devices realized until now [3,4,5,6,7,8] a.re all 01,-

erating in the dirty limit, where t,he elect,roii t,ransport is diffusive. Very different and new effects are expected in the clean limit, where the electron transport. is plmse co- herent. Only recently the ava.ilability of very high mobility two-dimensional semiconductors and the sta.te of microfa.1~- rication techniques make it possible t,o a.chieve t,liis limit,. This has resulted in a. renewed interest, i n this subject, bot,li theoretically and experinient,aIly.

In this paper we will first discuss some a.spect,s of t,he theory for this new class of superconducting devices. In the third section the fabrica.tion of tlie samples is discussed, followed by the results of the first nieawremeiits i n section IV.


A superconducting weak link consists of a coiiducting material (metal or semiconductor), denoted by N , bet,\reen two superconducting regions S. If there is a good electrical contact a t the SN-interfaces, Cooper-pairs can “diffuse”

Manuscript received August, 24, 1992

into the N-region, which results in a finite order param- eter. This means that a supercurrent can flow through

a semiconductor, if tlie distance L between the supercon- ducting regions is small enough, i.e. of the order of the normal coherence length

where D is the electron diffusion constant and


the Boltzmann constant. This formula is valid in the dirty limit I,


L (I, is the elastic mean free path).

Recently it has been predicted that the critical super- current is quantized in tlie ballistic regime [9,10]. It would he int,eresting to test this with a quantum point contact bet ween t8wo ballistically connected superconducting elec- t,rodes.

An other process which can occur in SNS-systems is Andreev-reflection [11,12]. An electron in the N-region with an excitation energy E smaller than the supercon- cluct,ing gap A cannot enter the superconductor, because 110 excitation states are available. The electron will be reflected as a hole with excitation energy -E in exactly the opposite direction with respect t o the incoming elec- tron, while a Cooper-pair is created in the superconductor. Since the incoming electron (hole) and the reflected hole (electron) contribute both t o a current in the same direc- t,ion, Andreev-reflection gives rise t o an excess current and reduces the interface resistance [13]. In SNS-junctions mul- tiple Andreev-reflection can take place, if L is sufficiently small. This will result in changes in the

tance a t voltages corresponding t o submu

(2A/17 with n integer).

The probability of Andreev-reflection is determined strongly by the transmission of the NS-interface. In partic- ular at interfaces with semiconductors the Schottky-barrier can int,rocluce normal reflection and reduce this probability signifi can t>ly.

Especially in the clean limit Andreev-reflection is

a very powerful concept for describing multiprobe SNS- systems, because it is easily incorporated in a generalized Lantlauer-But,tiker formalism [14,15]. New effects are ex- pected i n t,liis ballistic regime, because of the phase coher- ence of the electrons. For example, because an electron which was reflected a t one NS-interface can undergo the



c c

I V 0 0.1 0.2

145 ' ' ' I " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' " " ' ' I ' ' " I ' ' * ' I ' " " ' " ' ' " ' -0.2 -0.1

Figure 1: Layout of the centre of the sample; the dashed lines are the boundaries of the etched mesa, the blaclc areas are gold layers, the two rectangles are the Sn/Ti-contacts

Figure 2: The differential resistance as function of the volt- age at diKerent temperatures (V, = 0 V)

marker search. The achieved relative alignment turned out

to I,e better reversed reflection process a t the other NS-interface, a pe-

riodic motion can arise. This will result i n quantization of the energy levels of the excitations a n d will lead to a Josephson current [ 16,171.

3o nm.

The most important process steps are preparing gold markers, mesa-etching for device isolation, Sn/Ti- metallization and diffusion for the actual contacts and ,411-metallization. In this first sample there are gates at the sides of the S-contacts to confine the area where the fsui~er-)current can flow. The distance between the con- 111. SAMPLE FABRICATION

To study the transport in the clean, ballist.ic regime the condition



L should be fulfilled. hloreover L should be large enough tao put, split#-ga.te st,ruct,ures between the superconducting cont~a.ct~s. T1ia.t. ineans





10-6m. Beca.use of the h r g e nioI>ilit,y pe

of the two-dimensional electron ga.s (2DEG), combined with the excellent gating properties ~a.As/AIGa.As-lict.ero- structures are preferred. Moreover the Feriiii-wa.velengt,li is rather large, which facilitates t,he study of qua.iit,uin er-

fects (XF M 50 nm). The ma.terial we used for the first, t.est.s

had the following propert,ies: p e = 42 ni2/Vs and electron density ne




1015 resulting i n 1, = 4 / [ i i i and

<N = 2.7 p m at T = 80 mI<. The ma.t,erial wa.s grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy a.nd consist,s of a. GaAs-sul,st,ra.te with a 4 p m undoped Ga.As-layer, a. 20 nm unclopetl Alo,33Gao.67As-spacer, a. 40 nm n-doped A10,&a.0.,;;.i\s- layer and an 18 nm undoped Ga.As-caplayer.

Fabricating a clem, supercontlucting, oliniic conba.ct,

to the PDEG, situa.ted 80 nm below t,he surface, is a ma- jor problem. Dry etching, t,o bring t,he metallic contact, closer t o the 2DEG by removing t,he t,opla.yer, will da.mage the material over considerable dist,ances


100 n m ) n e a r

the etched surfa.ces. T1ia.t is why we h a v e chosen a. dirii-

sion process. Details of the fabricat,ion will be pul~lishetl elsewhere, so here we only give a. sliort, oiit,line.

The layout of the sa.mple is slioivii in figure 1. Ikcaiise

of the required resolution we used elect,roii beam lit,liogra- phy. To align all the processing steps (one et,ching and t i p to three metallization steps) we 1ia.d t,o use especially pre- pared gold markers. The a~lignment. wa.8 done by a.iit,oma tic

\ L I

t,act,s was defined litl~ographically as L = 1000 nm, the con-

tact width is 10 pin. Four separated larger contacts were

added, t,o enable tests (e.g. quantum Hall-measurement to test two-dimensionality). The measurements were per- formed i l ~ a dilution refrigerator at T % 80 mK. The resis-

tances were measured by a current-biased ac lock-in tech- nique as well by dc methods.


The results of the differential resistance measure-

ments a t different temperatures are presented in figure 2. Because of bonding problems the measurements on this sample were done in a three-terminal configuration. The estimated series resistance is 100-150 R . A low resistance region exists around zero-voltage, flanked by two peaks. It has been checked by measuring the two contacts sep- arately using the larger contacts, that this is not only a feaiure of a single contact. At first glance these measure-

ments could be explained by the flow of a supercurrent i n the system, taking into account a constant series re- sistance. However the series resistance turned out to be influenced by applying a gate voltage. Nevertheless the

shape is typical for Andreev-reflection in NS-structures. The voltage where the jump in resistance occurs should

correspond w i t h 2A. In the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk-

motlcl [In] the resistance below the jump should be half the rcsistanre above it ( i n the clean case). This yields a series resistance of 139


The corresponding gap is 9 ,ueV at

T=80 nil<, which is possible for Ti. Moreover the typical


1963 This is in agreement with the critical temperature of Ti

(T, % 0.4 K). No evidence for inultiple Andreev-reflectmion

was found; perhaps the mobility of the 2DEG was not) high enough to measure this.

At large negative gate-voltages V, the resistance dip disappears completely. This remarkable effect. is not* very well understood yet, but it proves that the semiconductor plays an essential role in the origin of the peal; struct,ure.


The process of Sn/Ti-diff~sion provides low- resistance (highly transmissive) contacts to the 2DEG in GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructures. At temperatures down to

80 mI< the resistance stays very low. The temperature a n d

gate-voltage dependence of the dV/dI-I/-curves show t Ililt

Andreev-reflection must take place in the sample. The measurements suggest that Ti is the relevant supercoii- ductor and not Sn. The fact that the bottom of the low resistance region is very flat and does not show a peal; near V = 0 V means that the transmission of the NS-interface is very close to 1. Therefore these superconducting con- tacts seem to be very suitable to study SNS-junctions in the clean limit.


We would like to thank the Delft Institut,e of RIicro- electronics and Submicron Technology for t,he use of their facilities. This research was financially supported by t,he Dutch Foundation for Fundament,al Research on Rilatt,er

(S ticht ing F .O


M .)



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