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Past Simple or Present Perfect


Academic year: 2022

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Past Simple or Present Perfect

Circle the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1. Mark ……… visited his grandmother. She’s fine.

a) has b) - c)have

2. We ………. to the cinema last Sunday.

a) have been b) went c) have gone

3. My parents ………. had an accident. They are still in a hospital.

a) has b) - c) have

4. I ………. a few good films on TV lately.

a) saw b) seen c) have seen

5. …………. you been to the USA?

a) Are b) Did c) Have

6. …………. he cut his finger? There is some blood on his T-shirt.

a) Did b) Has c) Have

7. They ………….. lost all their money. They’re penniless!

a) - b) did c) have

8. My grandmother ………. died in 1999.

a) have b) has c) –

9. We ……….. met 4 years ago. After 2 years of going out we got married.

a) – b) have c) didn’t

10. ……… your brother drunk all the juice? There is nothing left in the cartoon.

a) Have b) Has c) Did

Answers: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8c, 9a, 10c Punktacja: 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź.


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