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Contents of The Naval Architect, 1971


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A P R I L 1971

J o u r n a l o f t h e R o y a l Institution of Naval A r c h i t e c t s

Published quarterly in January, A p r i l , July and October by the R I N A , 10 Llpper Belgrave Street, London S W 1 .

T e l e p h o n e : 01 235 4622/3 T e l e g r a m s : Sinai, L o n d o n , S W 1 . Printed by U n w i n Brothers Limited W o k i n g and L o n d o n

Editor: R. F. Burnett, B.Sc.

e O N T E N T S ^

Letter from the Rt. Hon. Viscount Simon, C.M.G.,

President of the RINA 2 Editorial comments 3


Some impressions of British s h i p b u i l d i n g

-Sir William Swallow discusses faults and remedies 5 Structural design considerations of the latest Overseas Containers

ships, including a discussion of whipping problems 7 Automatic vertical welding on the b e r t h

-Work done on processes and welding rigs at BSRA 11 Salvaging the 127-year old steamship 'Great Britain' from the

Falkland Islands 13

O p i n i o n s expressed In this j o u r n a l are t h o s e of individual authors and should not necessarily be taken as t h o s e of t h e i n s t i t u t i o n .

T h e Editor will consider any written requests to reproduce articles and Illus-trations appearing In t h i s j o u r n a l . S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S : Single copy £3.50 ($8.50) One year £12.00 ($29.00) Free t o members o f t h e I n s t i t u t i o n . S H O R T E R A R T I C L E S A N D R E G U L A R F E A T U R E S

Nuclear ship symposium to be held at Hamburg Wave-excited vibration damper developed at NPL Report of the RINA symposium on offshore drilling rigs Book Reviews

RINA Affairs—including summaries of the Spring Meeting papers for 1971

CEl News


(with discussions and authors' replies)

HMCS Bras d'Or—a 200 ton Open Ocean Hydrofoil Ship, by M. C. Eames, B.Sc, M.Eng., and E. A . Jones, C E n g . The Stopping of Large Tankers and the Feasibility of Using Auxiliary Braking Devices,

by D. Clarke, B.Sc.(Eng.), D.L.C. and F. Wellman, B.Sc. Wave Excited Main Hull Vibration in Large Tankers and Bulk Carriers, by R. A . Goodman, B.Sc. 15 16 17 18 19 21 111 139 167 A P R I L 1971 1




JULY 1971 N o . 2

J o u r n a l o f t h e R o y a l Institution of Naval A r c h i t e c t s

Published quarterly In January, A p r i l , July and October by the R I N A , 10 Upper Belgrave Street, L o n d o n S W I .

T e l e p h o n e : 01 235 4622/3

T e l e g r a m s : Slnal, London, S W 1 X 8BQ. Printed by U n w i n Brothers Limited W o k i n g and L o n d o n

Editor: R. F. Burnett, B.Sc.

O p i n i o n s expressed In t h i s journal are t h o s e of Individual authors and should not necessarily be taken as t h o s e of the I n s t i t u t i o n .

T h e Editor will consider any written requests t o reproduce articles and illus-t r a illus-t i o n s appearing In illus-this j o u r n a l .

S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S : Single copy £3.50 ($8.50) One year £12.00 ($29.00)

Free to members of the I n s t i t u t i o n .

Message from Sir Alfred Sims, K.C.B,, O.B.E,, R.C.N.C.

President of the RINA 22 Editorial comments 23

Main articles

The application of rotating cylinders to ship manoeuvring—

NPL experiments in revolutionary rudder designs 27 The evolution of manned submersibles—including a discussion

on propulsion, ballast and trim 31 Inert gas systems—recommendations, costs and their operation 34

Shorter articles and regular features

Quarterly News Review 24 Can the RINA survive alone? 25 The pattern of world shipbuilding 26 Forthcoming Technical Meetings 30

Book Reviews 36 RINA Affairs 37 CEl News 41


(with discussions and authors' replies)

Boundary Layer Additives to reduce Ship Resistance,

by H. J . S. Canham, C E n g . , J. P. Catchpole, Ph.D., C E n g . ,

A.M.I.Ch.E., and R. F. Long, Ph.D., A.R.I.C. 187 Metrication in Ship Research and Design,

by J. A . H. Paffett, C E n g . , R.C.N.C. 215 Wheelhouse and Bridge Design—A Shipbuilder's Appraisal,

by G. R. Wilkinson, B.Sc, C E n g . 237




OCTOBER 1971 N o . 3

J o u r n a l of the R o y a l Institution of Naval A r c h i t e c t s

Published quarterly In January, A p r i l , July and October by the R I N A , 10 Upper Belgrave Street, L o n d o n S W 1 X 8BQ. T e l e p h o n e : 01 235 4622/3 T e l e g r a m s ; S l n a l , L o n d o n . P r i n t e d by U n w i n Brothers Limited W o k i n g and L o n d o n Editor: R. F. Burnett, B.Sc. O p i n i o n s expressed In t h i s j o u r n a l are t h o s e of Individual authors and should not necessarily be taken as t h o s e of the I n s t i t u t i o n .

T h e Editor will c o n s i d e r any written requests to reproduce articles and Illus-t r a Illus-t i o n s appearing In Illus-t h i s j o u r n a l . A d v e r t i s e m e n t D e p a r t m e n t : ' T h e Naval A r c h i t e c t ' Peter Peregrrnus Ltd., PO Box 8, Southgate House, Stevenage, Herts, S G I 1HQ S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S : Single copy £3.50 ($8.50) One year £12.00 ($29.00)

Free to members of the Institution.


Editorial comments 43

Main articles

A vast Atlantic container service takes shape 46

Undercover shipbuilding on the Clyde 48 Why analyse voyage data?

by J. R. Scott, B.Sc, F.lnst.P., F.R.I.N.A., F.S.S., F.R.Met.S.,

C E n g . 50 Is there a future for the giant submarine oil tanker? 52

The other Eden 55

Shorter articles and regular features

Quarterly News Review 44 Development of a 425 000 ton dwt tanker restricted draught 51

A fast prototype self-righting lifeboat for the RNLI 54

Book Reviews 62 CEl News 63

R I N A Affairs


Evening and Spring Meetings 57 New papers for written discussion 57 Length of technical papers restricted 58 President's invitation to younger members 58

Branch news and meetings 59 Report on the Small Craft Symposium 60

RINA Publications: Supplementary Papers (Vol. 113) 64


(with discussions and authors' replies) The Steamship 'Great Britain',

by E. C. B. Corlett, M A , PhD. 411 Technical Development in the Fishing Industry—the Work of

the White Fish Authority,

by G. C. Eddie, B.Sc, C E n g . , F.1.Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E., M.lnst.R. 439 Carriage of Bulk Grain without Temporary Fittings,

by J. E. Tope. 457


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