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Subject Index


Academic year: 2021

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Subject Index

10 m deep building pit 111

3D modelling 904 acceptable risk 50 aerial photographs 797 Afsluitdijk 509 ambiguity 898 anomaly detection 400 approximations 470 assessment and management of natural

hazards 559 β-factor 389 back-analysis 394 backward(s) erosion 849, 215 Bayesian 933, 939 Bayesian updating 861, 958 bearing capacity 371, 670, 689, 821, 828, 958 bearing failure 377 bedding 797 bedding attitude 797 bedrock map 178 bending moments 634 bentonite 608 berms 855 Bloemendalerpolder 621, 628, 634 bored pile 300 breach flow 522 breaching parameters 841

bridge approach structure 602, 614

bridge foundation 545

building information model 917

building pit 608, 973

canal system 117

capacity 275

case history 320

case study(ies) 150, 745

cast in-situ piles 597

centrifuge 347

centrifuge model tests 353

characteristic values 496 CIRIA C517 482 clay 634 cluster analysis 898 CMP-MVS code 785 code calibration 50, 431 code caribration 340 coefficient of variation 165, 496 cohesion 973 collocation based stochastic response

surface method (CSRSM) 306

Combined Pile-Raft Foundation 76

communication 123, 739

compensation grouting 111

comprehensive evaluation 457

concrete flow 608

conditional random fields 445

cone penetration test 165, 898

consequence 699 consequence of failure 489 consolidation 394, 614 contact dynamics 699 contract(s) 16, 275 contracting 129 contractual issues 590 copulas 237 correlation 237 cost(s) 123, 855 cost-benefit analysis 256 coupling method 227 CPTU 910 crosshole tomography 898

crushed rock ring 389

D-wall 577 d70 215 dam failure 551 dam safety 551 DBFM contracts 770 debris flow 540 deep excavation 639 deep foundations 664 delay 123 delta area 139 deposition 540 design 482, 855, 873, 967 design approaches 464 deterioration model 413 deterministic 716 dewatering 973, 984 diaphragm walls 93, 144, 400, 608 differential settlement 602, 614 digital photogrammetry 785

digital terrain model 785

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dike(s) 215, 516, 528

dike breaching 841

dike safety 924

direct shear testing 808

disaster characteristics 457

disaster prevention 457

discontinuous deformation analysis 227

discrete failure 677

dispersive clay 535

displacement hazard curve 221

dumping modes 306

Dutch design codes 867

dyke 364

dynamic axle load 243

dynamics 191

earth-fill dam 334

earthquakes 815

economic design 973

economically attractive design 984

effective random dimension 3

empirical models 841 engineering geology 540 EOLE 445 EPS Geofoam 602 Eurocode 489 Eurocode 7 464, 482, 496, 657, 689, 967

evaluation settlement models 628

excavation 36, 590

excavation and monitoring 577

existing structures 389

expansion optimal linear estimation

method (EOLE) 328

exploratory soil investigation 191

factor of safety 439, 722 failure 745 failure costs 990 failure envelopes 293 failure mode(s) 50, 522 failure process 227 failure surface 716 FE analysis 117 field monitoring 36 field tests 165

finite difference method 371

finite element analysis 293

finite element method (FEM) 227, 464, 509,

639, 716

finite element modeling 377

finite elements 389, 677, 704, 958 flood defences 237, 522 flood defenses 50 flood protection 924 flood risk 50, 528, 551, 841, 924 flood safety 516 flow sliding 522 focal element 203 footing 828 FORM 300 foundation design 419 foundation reliability 23 fragility curves 528 frequentist 933

full-scale loading tests 313

full-scale test 608

full scale trial pit installation 577

gasworks 590 GBInSAR 803 Geo Risk Management (GeoRM) 16, 123,

135, 150, 967 Geo-communication 111 Geo-database 178 Geo-Impuls 16, 111, 123, 129, 135, 144, 150, 590, 597, 608, 621, 628, 634, 752, 765, 904, 973, 990 Geo-Impuls program 621, 628, 634 geologic profiles 159 geological faults 159 geology 904 geomorphic features 879 geophysics 889 geostatistical analysis 910 geostatistics 334, 889 geosynthetics 431

geotechnical baseline report 129

geotechnical education 135

geotechnical engineering 269, 383

geotechnical investigation 203

geotechnical properties 945

geotechnical risk 535, 739, 752

geotechnical risk management

(Geo-RM) 123, 752, 765, 990

geotechnical risk management and

risk communication 559

geotechnical risks 111

geotechnical site characterisation 23

geotechnical uncertainties 407

geotechnics 889 GeoTOP 904

GIS 797, 952

grain size distribution 215

ground deformation 105

ground freezing 583

groundwater drawdown 256


groundwater modelling 583

guideline 967

hazard assessment 540

hazard levels 759

heave 861 Hermite polynomial chaos expansion 184

heterogeneity 677, 924

heterogeneous slope 730

Hoek-Brown failure criterion 670

hydraulic conductivity 683

hydrological disasters 503

hydrological risks 583

hydropower underground cavern group 645

imprecise interval analysis 383

imprecise probabilistic analysis 269

in-situ load test 76

inclinometer measurements 634

independent peer review 76

infinite slope 439

infrastructure 16

Ingelsberg landslide 803

integral risk management 770

internal erosion 849

irregular sampling pattern 159

ISO2394:2015-Annex D 3

jointed rock mass 227

kriging 23, 178 land-use 779 landslide 99, 699, 797, 803 landslide dam 551 landslides 250 landslides susceptibility 779

lateral soil displacements 634

laterally loaded pile(s) 634, 657

leakage 583 levee(s) 50, 215, 509, 861, 867, 879

levee safety 568, 873

levee safety inspection 873

life cycle 855

life-cycle cost 413

limestone 973, 984

limit analysis 263

limit equilibrium method 716

limit state 476

limit state design 287, 407, 710

limit-state method 377

liquefaction 522 lithology 779 load and resistance factor design

(LRFD) 3, 287, 340, 821

load and resistance factors 287

long continuous structure 117

long slope 677

long term monitoring 621

lower-bound 722 management of geotechnical risks 904

management process-models 979

MASW 178 measurements 939 measures 93

measuring passive resistance 984

meta-modelling 445 microzonation 178 MLIT 873 model error 431 model uncertainty 722 modelling 191 models 889 monitoring 93, 105, 545, 759, 803, 973, 984, 990

monitoring and observational method 150

Monte Carlo (MC) analyses 431

Monte Carlo method 917

Monte Carlo simulation(s) 117, 209, 328,

371, 419, 710

MPS method 347

multi-criteria decision aid 419

multi-objective 394

multi-objective optimization 419

natural hazards 503

near surface disposal 425

NEN8707 389

non-destructive techniques 597

non-intrusive reliability analysis 184

nonlinear 347 numerical analysis 482 numerical solution 791 observational 275 observational approach 939 observational method 76, 545, 967, 973, 979, 984, 990 occurrence probability 945 offshore 23

offshore design codes 821

offshore geohazards 815 offshore geotechnics 293 optimization 394, 855 organization 967 overconsolidated clay 577 parameter estimation 834 partial factor(s) 364, 431, 470 passive resistance 973 peat 634 percussion drilling 917


permeability 973 phreatic surface 509 pile foundation 340 pile reliability 664 pile resistance 470 pile systems 664 piled embankments 431 pinhole test 535 pipelines 867 piping 215, 237, 568, 849, 855, 861, 873 piping investigation 683

plastic shear zone 377

pore pressures 577 prediction 898 premature failure 358 prior knowledge 945 probabilistic 716, 898 probabilistic analysis(es) 670, 710, 770, 855 probabilistic approach 221 probabilistic characterization 945

probabilistic site characterization 172

probability 828

probability distribution 689, 730

probability of failure 313

probable maximum loss 451

procurement 979 project management 123 projectile penetration 516 props 482 proven strength 389 pumping test 583 quality control 400, 597

quantifying geotechnical uncertainty 904

Quantile Value Method 3

Quantitative Risk Assessment 516

quarry backfill 808

quay walls 407

rainfall-induced landslide(s) 439, 791 random field(s) 23, 209, 281, 328, 689,

704, 834, 958

random rainfall simulation 439

random set theory 639

random sets 203

regression analysis 172

regression model 945

reinforced soil walls 287

reinforcement 608 reliability 50, 407, 677, 722, 803, 821,

861, 879, 933, 958 reliability analysis 36, 287, 306, 568, 657,

730, 808

reliability and risk analysis of

geotechnical structures 559

reliability assessment 528

reliability based approach 320

reliability based design 496

reliability calibration 470 reliability index 300, 689 reliability-based design 313 relief pile 602 relief wells 855 repeatability test 808 reputation 123 resilience 61 response surface 568 retaining wall 489 RFEM 704 risk(s) 306, 407, 739 risk allocation 129, 759 risk analysis 551, 815 risk appetite 759 risk assessment 105, 150, 250, 256, 425, 645, 699 risk communication 990 risk document 150 risk evolution 144 risk management 61, 99, 129, 144, 191, 275, 400, 745, 759 risk management and communication 590

risk maps 197 risk mitigation 645 risk profile 973 risk screening 939 risk visualization 61 roadway settlements 165 rock mechanics 670

rock surface model 917

rotational pile 340

safe bearing capacity 377

safety 489

safety assessment 522

safety assessment model 306

safety standards 50 safety zones 867 sampling strategy 834 sand boils 215 scale of fluctuation 172, 834 scenarios 924 schematization 924 seepage 215, 849 seepage failure 568 seepage stability 873


seismic risk analysis 451

seismic risk management 117

seismic slope stability 221

self-organizing inversion 898

Sellmeijer 237

semi-probabilistic assessment 867

serviceability limit state (SLS) 313, 464

settlement(s) 275, 394, 545

sewerage renewal 197

shaft resistance 300

shallow covers 791

shallow foundation 545, 821

shear wave velocity 178

sheet-pile wall 745 silty soil 958 site investigation 172, 933 site measurements 215 skirted foundation 293 sleeve friction 898 slope failure 250, 347, 353 slope morphometry 779 slope reliability 184 slope safety 99 slope stability 36, 263, 281, 704, 716, 808

slope stability analysis 710

slope stability assessment 364

slope stability model 952

slopes 657 soft clay 614 soft soil(s) 476, 634 software 263 soil classification 910 soil erosion 551

soil related risks 93

soil spatial variability 371, 710

soil treatment 535

soil variability 165

soundings density 203

sparse polynomial chaos

expansion(s) 445, 670 spatial accuracy 785 spatial variability 159, 172, 178, 184, 215, 281, 293, 328, 334, 445, 657, 670, 683, 722, 730, 828, 834 SPT 178 stability 389, 489 static liquefaction 320 statistical analysis 340, 503, 568 statistical uncertainty 933

steel strip walls 287

stochastic 924

stochastic fields 371

stochastic finite element method 184

stochastic process 413 stochastic seepage 683 strain measurements 984 stratigraphic setting 791 strength degradation 358 strength reduction 263 strip footing 328

structure from motion techniques 785

structures 407

strut forces 984

submarine landslides 815

subset simulation 439

subset simulation approach 328

subsidence 256 subsurface 924 sustainability 139 SWCC 281

Swedish weight sounding 334

swell 577

system failure probability 209

system redundancy 664 system reliability 664 test embankments 621, 628 thermal erosion 583 time-dependent reliability 358 track degradation 243 track geometry 243 track settlement 243 travel distance 250 tunnel project 61 tunnel structure 413 tunneling 105 ultimate limit state (ULS) 328, 464

uncertainty(ies) 23, 36, 269, 281, 347, 353, 383, 739, 855, 952, 979

uncertainty analysis 425, 645

uncertainty soil conditions 973

underground car park 93

underground space 457

underseepage 879

undrained shear strength 476

unexploded ordnance 191

uniform level of reliability 3

unsaturated flow 439

uplift 197, 855

upper and lower probabilities 203

urban groundwater management 139

value of information analysis 256

variability 23

variation in soil conditions 973


virtual design and construction (VDC) 765

VisualSfM code 785

vulnerability 61

water pressure measurements 984

water supply system 451

water tightness 583

waterbalance measuring system 111

wave overtopping 509

weak layer 730

Wenchuan earthquake 250

wheel out-of-roundness 243

wind turbines 516

world war two 191
