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1. Nazwa przedmiotu/modułu: Prawo spółek


Academic year: 2021

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1. Nazwa przedmiotu/modułu: Prawo spółek

2. Nazwa porzedmiotu/modułu w języku angielskim: Company law


Jednostka prowadząca przedmiot: Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics Institute of Civil Law

4. Kod przedmiotu/modułu: CL

5. Rodzaj przedmiotu/modułu: Erasmus

6. Kierunek studiów: Law

7. Poziom studiów: Master's degree

8. Rok studiów: 2017/2018

9. Semestr: winter


Forma zajęć i liczba godzin: Written form and individual conversation, the number of hours according to the program

11. Imię, nazwisko, tytuł/stopień naukowy osoby/osób prowadzących zajęcia:

prof. Robert Stefanicki


Wymagania wstępne w zakresie:

Zrealizowanych przedmiotów:

Fundamental knowledge of civil and commercial law

Wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych dla przedmiotu/modułu:

Knowledge of civil, commercial and private law and acquired skills and competences in presenting legal problems and legal inferences



The subject matter is the analysis of selected national company law institutions, which were transposed (by implementing directives) or directly introduced (by direct application of regulations) EU standards. This is reflected in the broad context of contract and competition law. Student, through analysis of basic theoretical and practical issues related to company law, has the knowledge enabling identification of sources of law and definition criteria for the distinction of the agreements in business (knowledge). The ability to practice

the acquired knowledge is expressed in the assessment and comparison of individual companies (skills) and in the form of arguments and counter arguments for the choice of particular forms of activity (competences).



ZAKŁADANE EFEKTY KSZTAŁCENIA (W - wiedza, U - umiejętności, K - kompetencje społeczne) W Student deepens the knowledge of economic and commercial law

W Listener broadens the ability of proposing and arguing to justify the choice of forms K_U Student conducts activities aimed at efficient and competent problem solving with particular emphasis on legal arguments, acquired knowledge

K_U Listener uses jurisprudence, literature on legal dogmatism, law theory, information gathered in databases, uses a formal legal workshop

K_U Student takes theoretical knowledge to analyze various legal phenomena by appropriately selecting methods of analysis and formulating their own opinions

(The above-mentioned effects on selected issues realized within the course)


TREŚCI PROGRAMOWE: (The points do not reflect the number of hours) 1. Sources of law. The relation of the law k.s.h. to other acts. National law and EU law 2. Scope of aplications of norms k.s.h. Examples of agreements in contract law

3. Key concepts. Company agreement. Rule of majority rule. Parent and related company 4. Competence of the shareholders meeting (shareholders)

5. Company law - Dispute over the interpretation of the term "business interest"

6. Company law - the role of corporate governance

7. Requirements for certain financial institutions and public companies 8. Civil liability of members of corporate executives - Insurance (D&O)

9. Organizational-legal forms of the company in the scope of performing legal professions 10. Competition, consumer and company law. Private enforcement of competition law



Literatura Podstawowa: Source texts 1 B. Hannigan, Company law, Oxford University Press 2016

2 S. Griffin, Company law : fundamental principles, Longman, 2000

3 A. Horvath, J. Villafranco, Consumer protection law developments, ABA 2009 (as far as available) Literatura Uzupełniająca:

1 K.R.Abbott, N. Pendlebury, Business Law, last edition, London 2 R.W.Emerson, Business Law, last edition, New York

3 Merriam-Webster`ś Dictionary of Law, Springfield


W.J.Katner (red.), Prawo handlowe, Warszawa 2016; M. Modrzejewska, J. Okolski (red.), Prawo handlowe, Warszawa 2015; A. Kidyba, Prawo handlowe, Warszawa 2017; A. Koch, J. Napierała (red.), Prawo spółek handlowych, Warszawa 2015

17. Język wykładowy: English


Obciążenie pracą studenta

Forma aktywności studenta Średnia liczba godzin na

zrealizowanie aktywności

Godziny zajęć dydaktycznych zgodnie z planem studiów 30

Praca własna studenta 150

Suma Godzin 180

Liczba punktów ECTS 4-6

Sugerowana liczba punktów ECTS Min / Max

Sylabus został zatwierdzony przez: Data zatwierdzenia:



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