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Academic year: 2021



Pełen tekst


Strona 1 z 7



Drogi uczniu,

Gratulacje! Witaj na III etapie konkursu. Przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję i postaraj się prawidłowo odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania.

1. Arkusz liczy 7 stron i zawiera 7 zadań.

2. Przed rozpoczęciem pracy sprawdź, czy Twój test jest kompletny. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś je Komisji Konkursowej.

3. Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.

4. Odpowiedzi wpisuj czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem lub piórem.

5. Dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzję odpowiedzi.

6. Nie używaj korektora. Jeśli się pomylisz, przekreśl błędną odpowiedź i wpisz poprawną.

7. Oceniane będą tylko odpowiedzi, które zostały umieszczone w miejscu do tego wyznaczonym.

8. Przy każdym zadaniu podano maksymalną liczbę punktów możliwą do uzyskania za jego rozwiązanie.

Pracuj samodzielnie


Czas pracy:

90 minut

Liczba punktów możliwych do uzyskania:



Kod ucznia

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Dzień Miesiąc Rok

pieczątka WKK



Strona 2 z 7 Zadanie 1. Przeczytałeś/łaś lekturę obowiązkową “The Piped Piper of Hamelin” zgodnie z regulaminem konkursu, przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl odpowiednią odpowiedź -TRUE (prawda)- FALSE (fałsz) (0-6 punktów).

1. The Pied Piper did not live in Hamelin.


2. The Mayor of Hamelin kept his promise.


3. The Pied Piper played a guitar.


4. The cats killed all the rats.


5. The Piper asked for one thousand pieces of gold.


6. The pupils did not follow the Pied Piper.


Zadanie 2. Z podanych elementów ułóż zdania twierdzące lub pytające (0-6 punktów).

1. car/is/as/ours/modern/their/as


2. more/cinema/is/than/popular/theatre


3. how/the/horses/there/many/on/are/farm/?


4. did/which/pet/they/take/?


5. this/could/table/we/at/sit/?


6. they/why/early/usually/do/leave/so/?



Strona 3 z 7 Zadanie 3 . Przekształć zdania, wykorzystując podane elementy. (0-5 punktów)

1. He says, “I'm tired”.

He says ____________________________________________________________

2. People send postcards every Christmas.


3. You needn't wait for me.

You don't___________________________________________________________

4. Smoking isn't allowed here.


5. He is not a doctor. He won't help you.

If he_______________________________________________________________

Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst w pytaniach poniżej wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub C, tylko jedna odpowiedź jest poprawna. (0-6 punktów)

Tornadoes are an example of just how unpredictable and destructive the weather can be. The winds of a tornado are the (1)...violent that occur on the earth, reaching speeds of up to 300 mph.

(2)...year, in spring and summer, hundreds of tornadoes cause millions of pounds's worth of (3)…...

For those who might find (4)...caught in a tornado, there are some common safety (5)...

to follow. Firstly, if you are outside and in an open area, lie down and cover your head with your hands for protection. Secondly, if the smallest room (6)...the house and find shelter under a large piece of furniture or cover yourself with a heavy blanket. Thirdly, if you are in a school or shopping center, make your way to the lowest level of the building, but avoid large, open spaces like gymnasiums. Finally, never ever try to outrun a tornado!

1. A most B many C much

2. A Per B A C Each

3. A damage B harm C danger

4. A theirs B themselves C them

5. A rules B orders C laws

6. A at B from C of


Strona 4 z 7 Zadanie 5. Odpowiedz na pytania zakreślając A, B, C lub D (0-10 punktów).

1. What is the most traditional Christmas dish in England?

A. Turkey B. Goose C. Chicken D. Lamb

2. What is the busiest airport in the UK?

A. Gatwick B. Standsted C. Heathrow D. Luton

3. Who is the patron saint of Scotland?

A. St.Patrick B. St.Andrew C. St.David D. St.George

4. What is the capital of Ireland?

A. Belfast B. Cardiff C. Dublin D. Glasgow

5. Who normally lives in White House?

A. The Prime Minister B. The Queen C.The Prince of Wales D. The President of the USA

6. What is the common name of New York city?

A. Yellow Pear B. Big Apple C. Red Apple D. Green Pear

7. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on...

A. 7th January B.17th March C.7th July D.17th November

8. Where do the Beatles come from?

A. Brighton B. Liverpool C. London D. Cambridge

9. What is a black cab?

A. a house B.a hamburger C. a bus D.a taxi

10. A red dragon is the symbol of....?

A. England B.Scotland C.Ireland. D.Wales


Strona 5 z 7 Zadanie 6. Połącz wyrazy/wyrażenia od 1-15 z charakterystycznymi dla nich odpowiednikami a-o (0-15 punktów).

1. Boxing Day _________ a. Auld Lang Syne

2. bank holiday weekends__________ b. brussel sprouts

3. Christmas dinner_________ c. eggs

4. Christmas lights__________ d. fireworks

5. Christmas stockings_________ e. hot cross buns

6. Easter_________ f. marriage

7. April the first________ g. Oxford Street

8. Good Friday________ h. pancakes

9. Gretna Green________ i. poppies

10. Guy Fawkes_________ j. principal boy

11. Halloween__________ k. Santa Claus

12. New Year__________ l. traffic jams

13. pantomime_________ m. jokes

14. Remembrance Sunday_________ n. trick or treat

15. Shrove Tuesday____________ o. winter sales

Zadanie 7. Przeczytaj tekst, zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź a, b, lub c. (0-4 punkty).

The Miracle of Poinsettia- A Mexican Christmas Legend

In a small village in Mexico, many people believe that a miracle happened.

On Christmas Eve, in the year 1834, people in the village were bringing gifts to the church altar.

Maria, a poor peasant girl, had no gift. She stood outside the church watching others as they entered with their gifts.

A lady passed by with a big bunch of flowers in her arms. As she walked, a leaf fell and landed at Maria's feet. She picked it up and thought, “I will take this leaf and it will be my gift”.

Maria picked up the leaf, entered the church, and carefully placed the leaf on the altar. There was a gasp from the others who had seen Maria pick up the leaf. For as her fingers separated, Maria was holding a beautiful flower. The beautiful bloom was shaped like a star with bright red leaves.

Word of miracle spread quickly through the village. The gift of Poinsettia came to be known as

“The Flower of the Holy Night.” Since that time, many houses in Mexico display the Poinsettia at Christmas time. They believe that the beautiful plant brings a blessing that will last all year.


Strona 6 z 7 1. What do people continue to believe about the Poinsettia?

a. that the plant brings blessing that last all year b. that you will have bad luck if you pick a leaf c. that the leaves will turn to red flowers

2. What kind of story is this?

a. a play b. a legend c. a news report

3. When did this story take place?

a. On Christmas Eve b. On Christmas Day c. On New Year's Day

4. Who is the main character in this story?

a. the flower lady b. the priest c. Maria


Strona 7 z 7 Brudnopis


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