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Kurs Physics of Sustainability (Fizyka Zrównoważonego Rozwoju)


Academic year: 2021

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Kurs Physics of Sustainability (Fizyka Zrównoważonego Rozwoju)

Below is a proposal for a new course (or cycle of seminars) that can be taught at UKSW, and which encompasses several areas of science to create an interdisciplinary offering, with potential for both research and teaching components. I present motivation and main topics envisioned for the course/seminars.

Physics of Sustainability is gaining significance around the world. Leading higher education institutions such as Cambridge, England, already have made investments in both teaching and research for this area. Many other universities are in the process of either designing separate courses or programs on Physics of Sustainability, including University of Florida, or

incorporating the theme of Sustainability into existing Physics programs and courses.

The later approach does not require a major shift in a curriculum since Sustainability spans almost all areas of physics. Basic physics concepts and laws can be taught by studying the main concepts and models of Sustainability. Thermodynamics, which is often considered as not an exciting and somewhat outdated subfield of physics, can be taught studying modern models of global warming and renewable energy thus focusing on current themes of interest. Main topics of Sustainability, such as energy generation, energy conversion, transformation or storage provide excellent examples of applicability of other areas of physics, including mechanics, optics, electricity, and modern materials physics.

Sustainability has the potential and role of integrating many areas of human knowledge and activities, such as natural sciences (including physics), social sciences, economics, law, and politics. For instance, in USA there is a sharp division between those believing and those disbelieving in the central role of human activities affecting global warming. This division tends to be based on political affiliation, rather than on physical models or facts.

One of the goals of the teaching program is building a sufficient understanding of the involved themes, such that a student completing the Physics of Sustainability course can make a critical judgment on various claims, for example made by media or politicians, regarding climate warming, feasibility of replacing conventional or nuclear energy by renewable energies (solar, wind, hydro), economics and limits of different recycling methods, waste-to-energy

perspectives, etc. In fact, physics of sustainability should play an important role in shaping environmental policies and laws.

UKSW is ideally suited to become the leader of the broader field of Physics in Sustainability in Poland, because of the versatile scope and character of the University, university that pursues the interdisciplinary teaching focus and interdependence between physical and social/law sciences, and because of its central location allowing interactions between different types of social groups involved in sustainability decisions – such as scientists, entrepreneurs, legislators and politicians.


Kurs Physics of Sustainability (Fizyka Zrównoważonego Rozwoju)

I recommend that UKSW makes a rapid move into this promising field, by benefiting from international resources and knowledge, and positions UKSW as the leading institution not only in Poland but also outside the country. I suggest that the course or cycle of seminars on Physics of Sustainability be offered and conducted in English. It is a new field with most of teaching resources available essentially in English only. This approach provides an added benefit of giving students exposure to international materials and discussion in English.

I will be happy to discuss further the proposed program approach and am opened to suggestions. Leading themes will include, the following topics:

 Thermodynamics of the environment

 Models of global warming

 Different types of renewable energies and interdependence between them

 Modern technologies of energy production, conversion, transportation and storage

 Recycling and waste-to-energy technologies

 Economic barriers in sustainability

I would be excited to contribute to developing and conducting such a teaching program for UKSW. My expertise lies in the areas of Physics of thermodynamics, energy materials, energy conversion and transport.

Bohdan Andraka, Ph.D.

Department of Physics University of Florida andraka@phys.ufl.edu +1 (352) 213-3900


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