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Programowane doradztwo nawozowe w Polsce


Academic year: 2021

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In stitu te of S o il S c ien ce and C u ltiv a tio n of P la n ts at P u ła w y


The program m ed advisory system of fertilization, worked out by the Institute of Soil Science and C ultivation of Plants, is one of the forms of fertilizing recom mendations realized in Poland. The hitherto methods of im parting knowledge in this domain proved to be, on the whole, satisfactory ; nevertheless, they showed some negative features, to which the following could be assigned :

— concentration of attention on the fertilization of particular crops, disregarding the whole crop rotation,

— insatisfactory consideration of the fact th a t n u trien t elements b rought into soil in great am ounts accum ulate in it and show a definite residual effect,

— relatively little diferentiation of recommended fertilizer rates depending on soil, climatic and agronomic conditions,

— a lack of possibility of intoducting preferences into the system resulting from the plan assumptions at lim ited allocation in relation to the fertilizer quota demand.

In order to elim inate the above shortcomings, the advisory system has been worked out w ith application of an electronic digital machine.


The program m ed advisory system of fertilization was worked out by stages, in particular :

— definition of principles of establishing fertilizer rates on the basis of the total knowledge concerning fertilization, gathered and processed in this aspect,


— working out and launching program s of the fertilizing advisory system use of the Odra-1325 electronic digital machine.

All works on the above system were carried out in the period 1973-1976 and concerned also the development of the m ethod and way of its extension, in particular :

— choice of territo rial units, which will deal w ith the extension of this system,

— training of w orkers in these units on demands put by the above system,

— ensuring efficient and tim ely collection of data, m aterial and form al control of the respective documents and practical use of the calculated rates of nu trien t elements.

In order to obtain an advice, a user fills up respective documents (plant-and-field cards) and sends them to the com putation centre. The inform ation recorded in the above documents constitutes ready data for system (Fig. 1).

I n p u t d a t a f o r t h e s y s t e m . They are presented in an enclosed plant-and-field card. They consist of inform ation about crop (species, variety, foreseen yields, forecrop) and soil (type and kind of soil, its agricultural usefulness complex, content of nutrients in it). These are the data necessary for detailed calculation of fertilizer rates and beeing generally available, their supply do not exceed possibilities of a private peasant farm.

On the basis of supplied input data from the plant-and-field card as well as of the data rem aining in the com puter’s memory, the system perform s calculations of the N, P, K, Ca and Mg rates [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The basis for determ ining the m agnitude of nitrogen rates constitute results of the exact field experim ents on fertilization efficiency. For setting up the table of data the docum entation of results of several teen thousand experim ents carried out in the period of last Jl 0—flL 2 years has been accumulated. The calculations were perform ed on the basis of m ultiple regression method, while assuming as a dependent variable yield increm ents obtained under the effect of definite nitrogen rates, and as independent variables — the m agnitude of nitrogen fertilizer rates, soil quality, estim ated according to the soil-plant complexes, precipi­ tations in the growing season and forecrop of the crop examined, eva­ luated in scores of the scale, content of available phosphorus and potas­ sium in soil and its reaction (pH).

The nitrogen rates for particular crops determ ined by means of the regression equations, have been put together in tables for definite intervals of climate and soil conditions.

The following factors are taken into consideration in the system for determ ining the nitrogen rates : soil conditions — according to groups of complexes, climatic conditions — according to belonging of the


respect-Advisory system of fertilization in Poland 275

Plant-and-field card

Fig. 1 . P la n t-a n d -field card

ive district to definite climatic zones for particular crops, forecrop — according to assignment of a given forecrop to the respective forecrop group, variety — from inform ation of the user.

The program chooses two rates : one for application in case of favou­ rable m oisture conditions of soil after w inter period, another — for unfavourable m oisture conditions.


The m agnitude of phosphorus and potassium rates is determ ined on the basis of a simplified balance of these elements. In the balance, on the side of expendes, - the amounts of these elements taken w ith crop yields and of phosphorus and potassium supplem ents for the soil fe rti­ lity im provem ent are presented. On the side of receipts, the phosphorus and potassium am ounts supplied in the form of organic fertilizers are put. The phosphorus and potassium rates are calculated for the whole crop rotation in accordance w ith their uptake by particular crops at consideration of the supplem ent for the fertility im provement.

The phosphorus and potassium uptake by plants is calculated on the basis of the table of Po05 and K 20 uptake coefficients and crop yields

given by user, whereas the phosphorus and potassium supplem ents — on the basis of the regression equation.

The respective form ulae are as follows : for phosphorus :

ÿ — 0 . 4 1 2 3 5 9 — 0 . 1 0 4 7 7 6 X i + 0 . 0 1 5 8 9 0 £ 2 + 0 . 0 0 7 3 3 1 х з

for potassium :

y = 1. 663763 -0.215452x1-0.039177x2+0.008846x3 w here :

y — recommended grow th rate of the soil abundance in potassium and phosphorus,

x 1 — soil complex,

x 2 — initial phosphorus and potassium content in soil, x3 — supplem ent for the soil fertility improvement.

The grow th rate of soil abundance is a variable value, which can be determ ined depending on the disposable quota of phosphorus and potas­ sium fertilizers. At present the soil abundance grow th rate is established in such a way th a t soil w ith current low abundance in a given element should attain high abundance after about 15 years, provided the farm er will observe the recommendations of the program m ed fertilizing advi­ sory system.

From the calculated total fertilizing elem ent rate the am ount of the elem ent applied in the form of farm yard m anure is subtracted.

The fertilizer rate calculated in such a way can be aplied in an integrated form (B) or . divided into appropriate rates for particu lar crops (A). This division is based on the criterion of uptake of the g iv e a elem ent and on th a t of so-called sensitiveness of plants. The higher is the plant sensitiveness index, the relatively higher p art of the total rate obtains the plant.


Advisory system of fertilization in Poland 277

The general scheme of the rate calculation of the above -elements is presented additionally on the diagram (Fig. 2)..

F ig. 2. T he g en eral sch em e of the rate c a lcu la tio n of .'the ;ab ove e lem en ts

The calcium rate m agnitude is based on hydrolytic or exchangeable acidity. In view of the fact th a t neither hydrolytic nor exchangeable acidity are in Poland determ ined on a. large scale, the relationship betw een the reaction (pH) determ ined on a large scale and th e above acidities has been established.

The derived regression equations for distinguished seven tex tu re groups enable to determ ine on the basis of reaction (pH) and hum us content the value of hydrolytic and erchangeable acidity. Since th e hum us content is not determ ined, either, on a large scale, it was


calcu-lated for soil types and kinds on the basis of the investigation results of soil profiles. For full calculation of calcium rates an upper limit, to w hich the pH should be brought in consequence of liming is still lacking. This upper lim it is defined in the program on the basis of the crops cultivated, w ith w hich a definite optim um pH corresponds. The m ean optimum pH value for all crops comprised w ith the given crop rotation determ ines the pH limit, to which the soil should be brought.

The basic calculation of calcium rate provides bringing soil to an optimum reaction, i.e. calculation of the calcium rate neded for neu trali­ zation of hydrolytic acidity w ithin the interval of the difference between the optimum and the actual pH. The rates calculated in such a way are relatively high, and it can happen th a t the disposable quota of fertilizers in a farm or region comprised w ith the advisory system would not suffice for satisfaction of optimum needs. Then on the basis of an alternatively set up program the rates are calculated according to the m inim um variants consisting in calculation of calcium rate needed for neutralization of exchangeable acidity.

Beside pure calculation variants (optimum and minimum), the pro­ gram contains also m ixed variants, when disposable calcium am ount in

a farm would exceed the needs of the m inimum variant, but cannot satisfy the needs of the optimum variant. When the am ount presented in the plant-and-field card would be insufficient for liming all fields according to the m inimum variant, the respective calculations are per­ formed by the program, beginning from fields w ith the lowest actual pH value.

The final result of functioning of the program is the prin t of fertili­ zing recom mendations (see Fig. 3). It contains pure elem ent rates for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium (in kg or q) in conversion to 1 hectare and the field area. The magnesium fertilization was conside­ red jointly w ith the calcium fertilization in view of a lack of pure forms of magnesium fertilizers. In the last column of the p rin t the calcium form is given, while regarding the magnesium calcium as a source of this elem ent for plants.

The p rin t of recommendations does not contain the forms of fertilizers nor dates and ways of their application. In this connection, a user obtains, jointly w ith the print of recommendations, an instruction on fertilizer application, in which other elements of the whole fertilization system are defined.


1. The fertilizing advisory system introduced on a large scale into practice takes into consideration the optimum distribution of disposable quota of fertilizers in Poland and when applied in a definite farm ,


I n s t i t u t e o f S o i l S c i e n c e and C u l t i v a t i o n o f P l a n t s Ins:; i t u t e o f Land Rec l amat i on and G r a s s l a n d Farming I n s t : t u t e o f ] otafco C u l t i v a t i o n

£ v s t err. : ] ro^rammed Advi sory on F e r t i l i z a t i o n

Re со ram e n d e d r a [: e z о Г f o v t i ] Farm owner: V. гг n i к R u d o l f D i s t r i c t ’ o f Kat owi ce Ku z n i a Rac i b о r sk а с cmir.une I.r~i2 i n g c o l e : !ч 420 P a t a o f c a l c u l a t i o n s : P a r c h 15» 1 9&0 Cror. F i e l d О т» о Q

Rate o f pure el ement R a : ;e o f pure e l e me n t C a l

-r o t a- F i e l d Crop k?:/ha a / a r e '■ k g / a r e a f! /- г.::: cium

ion N о.

!Io. o l c c l

ha n i t r o g . p h o s p h. p o t a s . c a l c ium n i t r o g . p h o s p h. p o t a s . с ai с ium form

1 1 Г "gar b e e t s 0 . 5 120-140 70 164 14 70 с.'"' 7 u s e f u l 1 2 Fodder summer b a r l e y 0.4 6 0 - 70 :A 81 15 2o 52 5 u s e f u l 1 p .Fodder, i n d u s t r i a l p o t a t o e s 0 . 7 70- 80 5S 144 S o 1 J1 1 4 Oats 0 . 7 6 0 - 70 yb 96 /, О 67 1 5 Fodder o e e t s 0 . 5 1 5 0 - 1 7 0 ^5 180 O"' 90 о С r :'j t—1 f o r crop r o f ; a r i Mn 2 . 8 n £ Ц "2b 572 12 T o t a l f o r fa:r:r. 2 . 8 288 125 572 12 A f tćr dry w i n с er a l o w e r , a f t e r wet w i n t e r - a h i g h e r n i t r o g e n r a t e s h o u l d be a p p l i e d

Fig. 3. T h e prin t of fertilizin g recom en d ation s

A d v is o r y sy st em of fe r ti liz a ti o n in Po la nd 2 7 9


would result in an appropriate effect of fertilizers and ensure sim ultaneo­ usly a desired soil fertility grow th rate.

2. The construction of the system enables a quick introduction of

new solutions and scientific achievem ents in the scope of fertilization into farm ing practice.

3. Making use of the above recom mendations compels users tu ru n current records on the state of particular fields (soil abundance, forecrop, organic fertilization, liming, data from the agropedological map), w hat increases accuracy of the applied fertilizer rate, even when a user would not observe the recom mendations of program m ed fertilizing advisory service.

4. The program m ed advisory sytem on fertilization covers, on the average, 300-500 thousand hectares of arable lands and perm anent grasslands of state farm s and private peasant farms, im parting over 40 thousand fertilizing advices in a year.


[1] G a j e k F., T e r e 1 а к Т., W i 1 к о s S. : P rin cip les of estab lish m en t of calcium and ca lcio -m a g n e siu m fe r tiliz e r rates. N ow e R o ln ictw o 1977, 8.

[2] F o t y m a М., P i e t r a ś В. : P rogram m ed ad v iso ry w ork on fertiliza tio n . In ­ stru k cja w d rożen iow a 58/77, P u ła w y 1977.

[3] F o t y m a М., P i e t r a ś В. : P rogram m ed ad visory w ork on fertiliza tio n . In ­ form atyk a w R oln ictw ie, W arsaw 1978. 2.

[4] F o t y m a М., K ę s i k K. : P rin cip les of esta b lish m en t of phosp h oru s fe r t ili­ zation rates. N ow e R o ln ictw o 1977. 6.

[5] F o t y m a M., P i e t r a ś В. : O p tim ization of fe rtiliza tio n of the program m ed ad visory w ork system . N ow e R o ln ictw o 1977, 5.

[6] F o t y m a M., G о s e к S. : P rin cip les of estab lish m en t of p otassiu m f e r t ili­ zation rates. N ow e R o ln ictw o 1977, 7.

171 P i e t r a ś В., K u c h a r s k a J., P i e t г u с h C. : T e ch n ico -o rg a n iza tio n a l d o cu ­ m en ta tio n of the PD M sy stem (typescript). P u ła w y 1978.


PRO G R A M O W A N E DORADZTW O NAW OZOW E W POLSCE In sty tu t U p raw y, N aw ożen ia i G leb o zn a w stw a

w P u ła w a ch S t r e s z c z e n i e

O p racow anie o b ejm u je zasady w drażania w P o lsce system u in fo rm a ty czn eg o dotyczącego doradztw a n a w o zo w eg o (dane w e jśc io w e — rys. 1 i dane w yjścio w e - - rys. 2). O becnie w P o lsce d oradztw o n a w o zo w e jest p o w szech n ie sto so w a n e. P r o f . clr. M a r i u s z F o t y m a

I n s t y t u t U p r a w y , N a w o ż e n i a i G l e b o z n a w s t w a w P u ł a w a c h


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