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The combined influence of paste volume and volumetric water-to- powder ratio on robustness of fresh self-compacting concrete


Academic year: 2021

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The Combined Influence of Paste Volume and Volumetric

Water-to-Powder Ratio on Robustness of Fresh Self-Compacting Concrete

Farid V a n Der V u r s t ^ Steffen Grünewald^, Dimitri Feys^ and Geert De S d i u t t e r *

•'Ph.D. student, Ghent University

^Postdoctoral researcher, Ghent University and Delft University of T e c h n o l o g y ^Assistant Professor Materials Engineering, Missouri University of Science and T e c h n o l o g y

"•Full Professor Concrete Technology, Ghent University

A b s t r a c t : In order to avoid durability problems caused by an inadequate consolidation of concrete, self-compacting concrete (SCC) has been developed. T h e m i x design of S C C aims at balancing a m i n i m u m flowability allowing air bubbles to e s c a p e and a m a x i m u m flowability in order to avoid segregation. B e c a u s e of the higher d e m a n d s on mix design and additional requirements related to casting, SCC mixtures are in general more sensitive to small variations in its mix composition c o m p a r e d to conventional vibrated concrete. Besides improving the robustness of S C C with admixtures like Viscosity-Modifying Agents ( V M A s ) , it is also important to find out w h y certain mixtures are m o r e robust than others. This paper investigates the influence of the paste v o l u m e and the water-to-powder ratio (volumetric) on the robustness of fresh S C C mixtures. Nine S C C mixtures with a paste v o l u m e of 350, 375, and 4 0 0 l/m^ and a volumetric water-to-powder ratio of 0.75, 0.90, and 1.05 were subjected to a variation of ±8 l/m^ water. T h e robustness of the produced mixtures w a s quantified measuring the slump flow, V-funnel time, L-box ratio, and sieve stability.

K e y w o r d s : R o b u s t n e s s , Self-Compacting Concrete, Rheoiogy, Paste V o l u m e , W a t e r - t o - P o w d e r ratio

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

1.1. Self-compacting concrete

After investigating m a n y durability problems of post-war J a p a n e s e concrete structures, O k a m u r a and his t e a m found that a majority of problems originated in a poor consolidation of concrete during the casting process. A s a solution to avoid similar problems, a new type of concrete w a s developed for which external vibration w a s no longer needed to assure a good compactation: self-compacting concrete (SCC) [ 1 , 2]. In order to c o m b i n e sufficient fluidity - allowing air-bubbles to e s c a p e and complete f o r m w o r k filling - and sufficient stability to avoid segregation, the high fluidity concrete contains higher powder content c o m p a r e d to conventional vibrated concrete, superplasticizer(s), and s o m e t i m e s a viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA). However, because the target range for sufficient fluidity, sufficient segregation resistance, and to avoid an excessive stickiness is m u c h smaller than the o p t i m u m range of conventional vibrated concrete, self-compacting mixtures are generally more sensitive to small variations in the mix proportions, materials properties, and casting circumstances.

T o counter this larger sensitivity to small variations, also referred to as reduced robustness, a more severe quality control and better trained workers are needed. T h e use of SCC is nowadays still limited to cases w h e r e all conditions are well-controlled and situations in which an external compaction w o u l d cause great difficulties. T o facilitate the use of S C C in general and especially for applications with specific requirements for fresh concrete, it is necessary to investigate the origin of the robustness of concrete.

1.2. The origin of tfie robustness

Although m a n y parameters such as material characteristics [3-11], temperature [12-14], and shear history [15-18] affect the fresh behaviour of self-compacting concrete, most robustness studies focus on the influence of small changes in the material proportions [ 1 1 , 19-42]. Of all changes in material proportions, inaccuracies in the water amount are responsible for the largest variations of the fresh behaviour of S C C [43, 4 4 ] . Therefore, many studies on the robustness of fresh S C C focus on the influence of small variations of the water content (± 5 to 10 l/m^). According to t h e s e publications, the sensitivity to small variations of the water content decreases as:


• A surplus of fine aggregates is included in the aggregates grading curve, preventing the coarse aggregates from becoming dominant [ 1 9 - 2 1 , 45].

© T h e powder content increases [20, 2 1 , 23].

e Part of the c e m e n t is substituted by silica f u m e or fly ash [22, 24]. • A V M A is a d d e d to the mixture [20, 28-39, 46].

• Certain types of superplasticizers are used [25-27].

• Opposing conclusions are drawn about the influence of the cement and water-to-powder ratio [19, 38]

T h e m e c h a n i s m s and combination of influences of the powder content, the water-to-powder ratio, mineral additions a n d admixtures on the robustness are still u n k n o w n . S o m e authors indicate the importance of the paste volume, the paste density, and the paste viscosity [20, 2 1 , 2 3 ] , while others focus on t h e excess water in the concrete mix design [38] or m a k e a link between the thixotropy and robustness [47, 4 8 ] . This paper attempts to determine the causes behind the influence of paste v o l u m e and volumetric water-to-powder ratio on the robustness of S C C .

2. E x p e r i m e n t a l w o r k

2.1. Materials and mixing sequence

All mixtures are m a d e with the s a m e raw materials: R h i n e s a n d 0/5, river gravel 2/8 a n d 8/16 (with a d e n s i t y of r e s p e c t i v e l y 2630 kg/m^, 2670 k g / m ^ and 2660 kg/m'), Portland c e m e n t C E M I 52.5 N (with a d e n s i t y of 3126 kg/m^ a n d a B l a i n e f i n e n e s s of 370 m^/kg), l i m e s t o n e filler (with a

d e n s i t y of 2685 kg/m^ a n d a s p e c i f i c s u r f a c e a r e a of 424 m^/kg, b a s e d on the particle s i z e distribution), a n d a P C E s u p e r p l a s t i c i s e r with a s o l i d content of 3 5 % . T h e grading c u r v e of the

a g g r e g a t e s is illustrated in

Figure 1 and the chemical composition of the c e m e n t as determined by an X R F analysis is given in Table 1. After premixing the cement, filler, and dry aggregates for o n e minute in a planetary pan mixer, water w a s added t o t h e mixer and mixing continued for another minute. Finally, the superplasticizer w a s a d d e d and the concrete w a s mixed for two more minutes.

T a b l e 1. C h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n of the c e m e n t F i g u r e 1. G r a d i n g c u r v e of the a g g r e g a t e s Cement [%] CaO 62.30 Si02 18.77 AI2O3 6.00 Fe203 4.06 MgO 1.07 K2O 0.58 Na20 0.51 CO2 0.60 SO3 3.35 CP 0.067 L.O.I. 1.82 Insoluble rest 0.41 2.2. Mixture compositions

T h e robustness of nine SCC mixtures w a s determined by measuring the slump flow, V-funnel time, L-box ratio, sieve stability, air content a n d density of the mixtures subjected to a variation of +8 l/m^ water. T h e mixtures, given in Table 2, have different paste v o l u m e s (350, 375, and 400 l/m^) and volumetric water-to-powder ratios (0.75, 0.90, and 1.05), keeping the water-to-cement ratio constant. T h e s e paste v o l u m e s and volumetric water-to-powder ratio's correspond with the 2 0 % , 5 0 % , and 8 0 % fractals of a database summarizing the properties of SCC mixes used in more than 175 papers [49,


50]. T h e superplasticizer d o s a g e w a s always determined such that the Sieve Stability Index (S.S.I., tested according to EN 12350-11) o f t h e reference mixture is b e t w e e n 8 and 1 2 % .

T a b l e 2: Mix proportions of reference S C C m i x e s

Paste volume / water-to-powder ratio (by volume) [l/m»] / [-] Sand 0/5 [kg/mT Gravel 2/8 [kg/m=] Gravel 8/16 [kg/m=] Cement 152 N [kg/m=] Limeston e filler [kg/m=] Water [kg/m=] S P dosage [l/mT ' ! ( ) ( ) / O . / f ) HOO 279 /HiO 312 346 171 3.31 4 0 0 / 0 . 9 0 800 279 459 344 269 189 •AM) 4 0 0 / 1 . 0 5 800 279 459 373 204 205 1.95 3 7 5 / 0 . 7 5 835 291 478 292 324 161 3.95 3 7 5 / 0 . 9 0 835 291 478 323 252 178 2.80 3 7 5 / 1.05 035 291 478 349 191 192 2.00 3 5 0 / 0 . 7 5 869 303 498 273 302 150 5.31 3 5 0 / 0 . 9 0 869 303 498 301 236 166 3.63 3 5 0 / 1.05 869 303 498 326 178 179 2.38 3. E x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s

Table 3 and Table 4 s u m m a r i z e the fresh properties of the nine reference mixtures. In Table 4, for each workability test, the values for the reference mixtures are listed together with the c h a n g e of the test response per liter w a t e r of the parameter (eg. A S F / 1 6 l/m^) and the ratio of the interval divided by the m e a n value (eg. A S F / SFref). All workability tests except the L-box ratio gave a good picture of the impact of fluctuations of the water content on the fresh behaviour of the mixtures.

T a b l e 3: F r e s h state properties of nine r e f e r e n c e S C C m i x e s

Paste volume /

water-to-powder Slump flow V-funnel

time L-box ratio S.S.I. Density Air content ratio V-funnel time [l/m'] / [-] [mm] [s] [•] [%] [kg/mT [%] 4 0 0 / 0 . 7 5 673 13.7 0.02 9.4 2475 2.5 4 0 0 / 0 . 9 0 680 6.3 0.85 12.2 2369 1.6 4 0 0 / 1.05 688 3.5 0.83 12.0 2369 1.2 3 7 5 / 0 . 7 5 705 17.6 0.96 11.2 2394 1.9 3 7 5 / 0 . 9 0 680 8.0 0.91 10.1 2375 1.8 3 7 5 / 1.05 680 4.0 0.86 12.3 2372 1.4 3 5 0 / 0 . 7 5 865 15.9 1.00 10.5 2406 0.9 3 5 0 / 0 . 9 0 750 10.5 0.98 9.4 2375 1.5 3 5 0 / 1.05 675 5.3 0.80 0.0 2369 T a b l e 4: T h e r o b u s t n e s s of nine S C C m i x e s 400 / 4 0 0 / 4 0 0 / 375/ 375/ 3 7 5 / 350/ 350/ 350/

O.y;; 0.0(i 1.05 0.7!; 0.90 1 .OG 0.7!) 0.90 ' 1 M

Slump flow [mm] 673 680


705 6 8 0



750 675

A S F 260 163 210 155 138 133 90 130 148 A S F / 1 6 l/m= 16.3 10.2 13.1 9.7 8.6 8.3 5.6 8.1 9.2 A S F / SFref 0.39 0.24 0.31 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.10 0.17 0.22 V-funnel time [s] 13.7 6.3 3.5 17.6 8.0 4.0 15.9 10.5 5.3 A V F 11.4 3.8 3.8 18.4 5.4 2.2 21.8 5.4 2.8 A V F / 1 6 l/m^ 0.71 0.24 0.24 1.15 0.34 0.14 1.36 0.34 0.18 A V F / VFref 0.83 0.60 1.07 1.04 0.68 0.56 1.37 0.51 0.53 L-box ratio [-] 0.82 0.85 0.83 0.96 0.91 0.86 1.00 0.98 0.8 A L B 0.78 0.19 0.35 0.06 0.27 0.15 0.02 0.02 0.19 A L B / 1 6 l/m^ 0.049 0.012 0.022 0.004 0.017 0.009 0.001 0.002 0.012 A L B / LBref 0.95 0.22 0.41 0.06 0.29 0.17 0.02 0.02 0.23 S.S.I. [%] 9.4 12.2 12.0 11.2 10.1 12.3 10.5 9.4 8.0 A S S I 16.7 8.1 12.9 13.8 8.0 8.4 9.1 4.5 5.0 A S S I / 1 6 1 / m ' 1.04 0.51 0.80 0.86 0.50 0.52 0.57 0.28 0.31


A S S I / SSIref 1.77 0.67 1.08 I 1.23 0.80 0.68 I 0.87 0.48 0.63 3.1. Variations of ttie slump flow

Because t h e superplasticizer d o s a g e w a s always adjusted in order to have a S.S.I, of 1 0 % ± 2 % , the slump flow of the nine mixtures is not related to their paste volume or water-to-powder ratio (Table 3). However, as s h o w n in T a b l e 4 a n d Figure 2, t h e sensitivity of the s l u m p flow to c h a n g e s in t h e water content d e p e n d s on t h e paste v o l u m e : t h e robustness of the flow decreases as t h e paste v o l u m e increases. Table 4 s h o w s that the water-to-powder ratio of the mixtures has no clear influence o n t h e robustness o f t h e slump flow.

Vw / Vp = 0.75 1000 900 E E ^ 800 _o a 700 E 600 500 . . . A . . PV = 350 PV = 375 — . - - 1 — . - - 1 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [i/m^]

XO F i g u r e 2 a : Influence of the p a s t e v o l u m e o n the s l u m p flow Vw / Vp = 0.9 1000 ^ 900 E 800 a 700 E 600 500 • • < • • • PV = 350 PV = 375 • PV = 400 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 10

Figure 2b; Influence of the paste v o l u m e on the slump flow Vw / Vp = 1.05 1000 • • • • • • PV = 350 PV = 375 PV = 400 a 700


^ 600 500 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] W Vpaste = 350 l / m ' :«) S 25 (1) 1 2 0




10 5 0 W/P = 0.75 W/P = 0.90 W/P = 1.05 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 10 F i g u r e 3 a : Influence of the v o l u m e t r i c w a t e r to-powder ratio o n the V-funnel time

3S 30 2 25 tu






10 5 0 - ^ - W / P = 0.75 Vpaste = 375 l / m ' - « - w / P = 0.90 " - < • - W / P = 1.05 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 10 F i g u r e 3b: Influence of the v o l u m e t r i c w a t e r to-powder ratio o n the V-funnel time

Vpaste = 400 l / m ' 35 30 25 ' 20 (li r: 15 10 > 5 0 •W/P = 0.75 • W / P = 0 . 9 0 •W/P = 1.05 •10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 10


water-the s l u m p flow to-powder ratio on the V-funnel time

3.2. Variations of ttie V-funnel time

W h e n the paste v o l u m e increases, the V-funnel time of the mixtures decreases slightly (about 3 sec difference between 350 and 400 l / m ' for the s a m e watertopowder ratio); the sensitivity of the V -funnel time to variations in the water content also s e e m s to be independent of the paste v o l u m e of the mixture. Mixtures with a higher w a t e r - t o - p o w d e r ratio have a significant lower V-funnel time than mixtures with a lower powder ratio (see Tables 3 and 4 ) . Especially, mixtures with a water-to-powder ratio of 0.75 are very sensitive to a decrease in the water content, making t h e m very sticky and not easy to process. T h e robustness determined by changes in the V-funnel time therefore increases w h e n the water-to-powder ratio increases (Figure 3).

3.3. Variations of the L-box ratio

Table 4 reveals no clear influence of the test responses on the L-box ratio results. T h e results are also difficult to interpret because of the poor flowability of the mixtures with 8 l/m^ less water, a paste v o l u m e of 400 l / m ' and volumetric water-to-powder ratios of 0.75 and 1.00, which have a slump flow of respectively 525 and 515 m m .

3.4. Variations of the sieve stability

A s s h o w n in Table 4 and Figure 4, an increase in the paste v o l u m e increases the sensitivity of the S.S.I, to variations in the water content. T h e paste v o l u m e has a larger effect than changes in the water-to-powder ratio. 20 LS ..^ 10 'A V w / Vp = 0.75 ••A«« PV = 350 PV= 375 PV = 400 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 10 20 Vw / Vp = 0.9 ! • • PV = 350 I - PV = 375 I— PV = 400 -10 -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 10 F i g u r e 4 a : Influence of the p a s t e v o l u m e on the s i e v e stability

Figure 4b: Influence of the p a s t e v o l u m e on the s i e v e stability


V w / V p = 1.05 P V = 3 5 0 P V = 3 7 5 PV = 400 -:i.o -5 0 5 Water variation [l/m'] 4.

F i g u r e 4 c : Influence of the paste v o l u m e on the s i e v e stability D i s c u s s i o n of i n f l u e n c e p a r a m e t e r s

Mixtures w e r e designed to show a specific level of sieve stability, regardless of the fluidity of the mixture. A s static segregation must be avoided in all cases, the S.S.I, w a s c h o s e n as "reference mix design parameter". T h e conclusions of this study may therefore deviate f r o m other results in literature. 4.1. Workability tests for the robustness

Variations induced by c h a n g e s in the water content affect the filling ability, the passing ability, a n d the segregation resistance and may result in a rejected mixture. Because a lack of robustness of an S C C mixture is most often not caused by the three key characteristics of SCC at the s a m e time, it is not evident to grasp the variations of the slump flow, V-funnel time, L-box ratio, and sieve stability index into o n e global 'robustness value'. A better approach is to j u d g e robustness of each mixture based on its most critical parameter: a poor flowability or a too viscous and sticky mixture w h e n the mixture contains 8 l / m ' less water; or a severe segregation of the coarse aggregates or e x t r e m e bleeding occurring w h e n 8 l / m ' w a t e r in excess is a d d e d to the mixture.

1000 900 800 | - 7 0 0 600 500 i •



10 20 30 V-funnel time [s] 40 E n l a r g e m e n t of boxed area: 800 o 700 n 600 20 V-funnel time [s]

F i g u r e 5: T h e r o b u s t n e s s of all mixtures illustrated in a workability box 4.2. Influence of the paste volume

W h e n the paste v o l u m e increases, the robustness to variations in t h e water content of the slump flow and S.S.I, decreases while the sensitivity of the V-funnel time is constant (Table 4 and Figure 3 to 5). A s s h o w n in Figure 5, the S C C mixtures with a higher paste v o l u m e (full lines) have a lower slump


flow to achieve similar stability and are thus more sensitive to a poor flowability w h e n the water d o s a g e is decreased by 8 l / m ' or have a more than proportional increase in S.S.I, w h e n 8 l / m ' water is added to the mixture.

4.3. Influence of the volumetric water-to-powder ratio

T h e robustness determined by changes in the V-funnel time increases w h e n the w a t e r - t o - p o w d e r ratio increases (Table 4, Figure 3, and Figure 5, lines with circles). Because the superplasticizer d o s a g e added to tlie mixtures decreases with a higher water-to-powder ratio to achieve similar stability, the resulting effect on the sensitivity of the slump flow a n d S.S.I, is rather limited. Mixtures with a higher water-to-powder ratio have a lower plastic viscosity, making them more dependent on the yield stress to assure a stable mix design. Therefore, the robustness of these mixtures should be assured by increasing the aggregates v o l u m e and thus reducing the paste v o l u m e . W h e n the water-to-powder ratio of a mixture is rather low, the plastic viscosity might b e c o m e too high w h e n reducing water by 8 l / m ' and the robustness should be guaranteed by a larger paste v o l u m e . T h e paste v o l u m e , however, should also not be too high, since this increases the sensitivity of the slump flow of the mixture.

5. R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s

Every application of S C C imposes specific d e m a n d s towards the mix design of t h e concrete [24]. In order to c o m b i n e specific workability d e m a n d s with a sufficient robustness, the following is r e c o m m e n d e d regarding the paste v o l u m e and water-to-powder v o l u m e combination while assuming the stability o f t h e mixture, s u m m a r i z e d in Table 5.

T a b l e 5: T h e r e c o m m e n d e d p a s t e v o l u m e and water-to-powder ratio d e p e n d e d o n the application

Application R e c o m m e n d e d p a s t e v o l u m e R e c o m m e n d e d volumetric water-to-powder ratio Large horizontal e l e m e n t s

(floors and plates) Low High

Long horizontal e l e m e n t s

(reinforced beams) Low Intermediate

Long vertical e l e m e n t s

(walls) Intermediate Low

Slender vertical e l e m e n t s

(columns) High Low

5.1. Large horizontal elements (floors and plates)

T o facilitate the casting of large horizontal elements, S C C mixtures with high volumetric water-to-powder ratios should be used. Because the stability of such a mixture is provided by its high yield stress, the robustness can be improved by decreasing the paste v o l u m e o f t h e mixture.

5.2. Long horizontal elements (reinforced beams)

A slow, but far flowing S C C mixture with a low paste volume and low water-to-paste ratio should be applied. In such a mixture, the stability is achieved by the high plastic viscosity. W i t h a sufficiently high but not too high volumetric water-to-powder ratio, the needed robustness concerning c h a n g e s in the water content is a c h i e v e d .

5.3. Long vertical elements (walls)

In order to flow slowly a n d without segregation in between the reinforcement of long vertical elements, mixtures should have a low yield stress and a high plastic viscosity for its segregation resistance. T h e high plastic viscosity can be achieved with a low volumetric water-to-powder ratio. A m a x i m u m robustness is achieved by a higher paste v o l u m e , which should not be too high preventing the yield stress from becoming d o m i n a n t and thus increasing the sensitivity to an too low flowability.


5.4. Slender vertical elements (columns)

In c o l u m n s and slender walls, the mixture should have a high plastic viscosity and without specific d e m a n d s towards the yield stress. Because the stability to segregation can be provided by a combination of an intermediate plastic viscosity and yield stress, the mixture needs a low volumetric water-to-powder ratio to obtain the required plastic viscosity and a relatively high paste volume.

6. C o n c l u s i o n s

A n experimental program including nine S C C mix compositions with different paste v o l u m e s and volumetric water-to-powder ratio's demonstrates that the robustness of S C C should be tested with several workability parameters in order to determine the most critical parameter of the mixture for a specific application. B e c a u s e the L-box ratio does not always provide clear trends, the analysis in this experimental p r o g r a m is based on the slump flow, V-funnel, and sieve stability m e a s u r e m e n t s . For all mixtures, the superplasticizer d o s a g e w a s adjusted to achieve a specific stability level (S.S.I. = 10±2%).

T h e robustness o f t h e s l u m p flow increases w h e n the paste v o l u m e decreases, because mixtures with a lower paste v o l u m e d e p e n d mainly on their larger aggregate v o l u m e in order to obtain sufficient segregation resistance. T h e paste v o l u m e only has a minor influence on the V-funnel time and its sensitivity. A lower volumetric water-to-powder ratio increases the V-funnel t i m e and increases the risk for the mixture of becoming too viscous w h e n a small decrease of t h e water content occurs. T h e limited influence of the water-to-powder ratio on variations of the slump flow is probably caused by the lower superplasticizer d o s a g e of the mixtures with a higher water-to-powder ratio.

7. A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

T h e authors w o u l d like to thank the Science Foundation Flanders ( F W O ) for their financial support, and T o m Stulemeijer a n d Nathan L a m p e n s for their assistance during the experimental work.

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[26] Bosiljkov V B , Gasperic N, Zevnik L. New type of superplasticizer for S C C mixtures with increased robustness. In: Roussel N, Bessaies H, eds. 7th International RILEM Symposium on

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27^^ Biennial National Conference of the

Concrete Institute of Australia in conjunction with

the 69^" RILEM Week



30 August - 2 Septembei

Melbourne, Australia

construction innovations:


Chair's Preface

The proceedings contain 171 papers across 14 themes. All the papers included in the

proceedings have been selected on the basis of least two peer reviews which were

provided by independent reviewers (referees), who were experts in the subject field

of the paper. We are grateful to the independent reviewers for their time and effort

in reviewing the papers and providing reviews in a timely manner.

Professor Jay Sanjayan

Swinburne University of Technology

Conference Chair

Concrete 2015

Proceedings o f t h e 27"" Biennial National Conference o f t h e Concrete Institute of Australia in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h e 6 9 t h RILEM W e e k

" C o n s t r u c t i o n I n n o v a t i o n s , Research into Practice" 30 August - 2 S e p t e m b e r 2015, M e l b o u r n e , Australia

Published by t h e Concrete I n s t i t u t e of Australia

Suite 4 0 1 , Level 4 , 53 W a l k e r Street, N o r t h Sydney NSW 2060, Australia Tel: (02) 9955 1744

Fax: (02) 9966 1 8 7 1

Email: a d m i n @ c o n c r e t e i n s t i t u t e . c o m . a u

Publication Date: 30 August 2015


Table of C o n t e n t s Keynote Presentations

Ultra High Performance Ductile Concrete: The Delivery from Research into Practice 1 Stephen Foster and Yen Lei Voo

Low Carbon Emission Geopolymer Concrete: from Research into Practice 12 Jannie S.J. van Deventer and John L. Provis

Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete - from Theoretical Background and

Experimental Characteristics to Practical Prediction Models 13 Harald S. Müller Raphael Breiner and Vladislav Kvitsel

Construction Methods

Concrete Hinges at Legacy Way 33 Peter Boesch, Chin Cheah and Peter Miller

Challenges, Opportunities and Design Impacts for Different Construction Methods

on Curtis Island LNG Jetties 44 Jesper Jensen and Peter Kastrup

A Bond-Slip Modelling Approach for the Transfer Length of Pre-tensioned Concrete 55 Rik Steensels, Lucie Vandewalle and Hervé Degée

Design for Construction Cockburn Gateway Stage 3 Case Study 63 Bassam Matty

An Innovative Solution for Temporary Movement Joints in Concrete Floors 73 Lance Rogers

Officer South Sewage Pumping Station - A Diaphragm Walling Case Study 83 Marc Peril and Jaya Weerasinghe

Expansion and Mechanical Properties of Reactive Concrete incorporating Fused 94 Thamer Kubat, Ahmad Shayan and Riadh Al-Mahaidi

Construction 3D Printing 101 Laurie Edwards, Camille Holt, Louise Keyte, and Redmond Lloyd

The Appplication of Scattering-filing Stone Concrete on Highway Pavement 111 Weiguo Shen, Xing Cheng, Liu Cao, Xinling Li, Chaochao Li and Guiming Wang

Preparation and Application of 3D Printing Materials in Construction 118 Xiqiang Lin, Tao Zhang, Liang Huo, Guoyou Li, Nan Zhang, Baohua Wang


Repair and Retrofitting

The restoration and repairs of the Sir William Goodman Bridge designed by

Sir John Monash, Adelaide 128 John Woodside and Leo Noicos

Condition Assessment and Structural Repair Solutions for the Renovation of the

Sheraton Hotel at Doha, Qatar 138 Satyajit Datar and Sajeev Kumar Krishnan

Adelaide Railway Station Fagade Conservation Works Structural Engineering Aspects 147 David Kennedy

A Variety of Remediation, Maintenance and Serviceability in its 15 Year Life 152 Peter Kastrup and Andrew Turnbull

Design of FRP retrofitted concrete structures using AS5100 Part 8 151 Binh Pham

Investigation of Corrosion, Repair Assessment and Quality Assurance of a Basement subject to Saline Water Ingress

Jonathon Dyson, Marton Marosszeky and Frank Papworth


Experimental Study on Anchorage Behaviour of the CFRP Grid in Mortar Bo Wang, Kimitaka Uji, Junlei Zhang, Atsushi Ueno, Kentaro Ohno and Tran Vu


Influence of Fiber Net Reinforced Mortar Repair Coating on the Crack Opening Resistance of Concrete

Yoshinori Kitsutaka and Yukihiro Oyama


Performance of Fire-damaged Concrete Members Strengthened with NSM Laminates Embedded in Epoxy Adhesive

Awad Jadooe, Riadh Al-Mahaidi and Kamiran Abdouka


Behavior of Squat Columns Strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Concrete Jacket Reza Hassanii and Minoru Kunieda


Failure Mode and Risk Analysis

A Review of Limit State Design Principles and Practice Douglas Jenkins


Fasteners to Concrete: Failures and Solutions D. J. Heath, E. F. Gad and J. Lee


AEFAC Anchor Installer Certification Program Jessey Lee, David Heath and Emad Gad


Guide to Seismic Design 8i Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Australia Scott Munter, John Woodside and Peter McBean


s t r u c t u r e s R e s e a r c h and Applications

Assessment of the Performance of a 24 Year Old Coating Applied to Concrete Bridge

Piers Since Construction in a Saline Tidal Environment 259 Fred Andrews-Phaedonos, Ahmad Shayan and Aimin Xu

Behaviour of Concrete Filled Steel Stub Columns During and After Fire Exposure 268 Zhong Tao, Xing-Qiang Wang, Tian-Yi Song and Lin-Hai Han

Dynamic Performance Criteria for Suspended Courts at the National Tennis Centre 278 Mark Sheldon and Benjamin Delaney

Flexural Response of GFRP-Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Beams 287 Ginghis B. Maranan, Allan C. Manalo, Warna Karunasena, Brahim Benmokrane and

Priyan Mendis

An Experimental Study on the Long-Term Behaviour of Simply-Supported and

Continuous Reinforced Concrete Slabs 297 Md Mahfuzur Rahman, Gianluca Ranzi, Daniel Dias-da-Costa, Arnaud Castel and

Raymond Ian Gilbert

Influence of environmental temperature and moisture conditions on the fatigue

resistance of concrete 307 Yasuhiro Koda, Shohei Minakawa and Ichiro Iwaki

An Approach for the Quantification of Ductility and Robustness of Reinforced

Concrete Beams and Slabs 313 R. Ian Gilbert, Stephen Foster and Ankit Agarwal

Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of shear-critical prestressed

and reinforced concrete beams 322 Kristof De Wilder, Guido De Roeck and Lucie Vandewalle

Development of a New Design Expression for the In-Plane Shear Capacity of the

Partially Grouted Concrete Masonry Walls. 332 Thangarajah Janaraj and Manicka Dhanasekar

Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members Using a Discrete

Crack Approach 343 D. Dias-da-Costa, L. Godinho and G. Ranzi

In-Plane Behavior of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Walls 353 Reza Hassanii

Concrete Slab and Footing Systems for Large Industrial Buildings. A Critical Overview of Current Design Methods for Reactive Clay Sites

Anthony J Davis and Brian Ims


Fibres F R P R e s e a r c h and Applications

Creep of Cracked Polymer Fiber Reinforced Concrete 373 Rutger Vrijdaghs, Lucie Vandewalle and Marco di Prisco

Using FRP as Reinforcement in Precast Concrete Panels for Soil-Concrete Bridges 382 Sameh Salib

Torsional Strengthening of Concrete Members Using Near-Surface Mounted CFRP

Composites 390 G. Al-Bayati, R. Al-Mahaidi and Robin Kalfat

Flexural Testing of Concrete Filled Fibre Reinforced Polymer Tubes (CFFT) with and

without Internal Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement 400 Qasim S. Khan, Josiah S. Strong, M. Neaz Sheikh and M.N.S. Hadi

Durability Study of Textile Fibre Reinforcement 408 Natalie Williams Portal, Nelson Silva, Katarina Malaga, Urs Mueller, Peter Billberg

Mechanical Properties and Post-crack Behaviours of Recycled PP Fibre Reinforced

Concrete 414 Shi Yin, Rabin Tuladhar, Tony Collister, Mark Combe and Nagaratnam Sivakugan

A Novel Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Spandrel Cladding Panel 422 Raafat El-Hacha, David Pesta, Gamal Ghoneim and Don Zakariasen

Upgrading the Dundas Point Boardwalk, Applecross with the use of GFRP Bar

Reinforced Concrete Columns and Footings 433 Joel Brown

A Design Methodology for Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs-on-grade 443 Ravindra Gettu and Sunitha K Nayar

FRP Anchors for FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures: Numerical Modelling 453 Scott T. Smith, Jia-Qi Yang and Zhen-yu Wang

Joint Free Restrained Slabs - SFRC combined with mesh 459 Alan Ross

Concrete Materials and Performance

Neutron Pair Distribution Function Analysis of Synthetic Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate 471 Claire E. White

Using Conventional Materials as Concrete Confinement 476 Hua Zhao and Muhammad N.S. Hadi

Behaviour of Crumb Rubber Concrete Columns under Seismic Loading 482 Osama Youssf, Mohamed A. EIGawady, Julie E. Mills, Xing Ma and Tom Benn

Sulfate Resistance Testing in Germany - Critical Review Johannes Haufe, Anya Vollpracht and Wolfgang Brameshuber


Linking New Australian Alkali Silica Reactivity Tests to World-Wide Performance Paul Rocker, James Mohammadi, Vute Sirivivatnanon and Warren South


Mechanical Properties of Mortar with Oil Contaminated Sand 514 Rajab M. Abousnina, Allan Manalo and Weena Lokuge

Investigation into the Structural Properties of an Innovative Modified Concrete 523 Negin Sharifi and Bijan Samali

Twisted Steel Micro-Reinforcement: Proactive Micro-Composite Concrete

Reinforcement 533 Luke Pinkerton, Kevin Fuller and Jeff Novak

Design of UHPFRC Mixtures to be used in Structures Subjected to Impact Loads 543 Michael F. Petrou, Konstantinos G. Trezos and Anna L. Mina

Effect Rubberised Aggregates from Tyres on the Engineering Performance of 552 M. Sonebi, R. Summerville and S. Taylor

The Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures and Low Water to Cement Ratio in

Concrete for Immobilizing Cesium, Sodium and Iodide from Radioactive Waste 559 Irfan Prasetia and Kazuyuki Torii

Challenges contemporizing Australian Standards: Supplementary Cementitious 568 Craig Heidrich

Effects of Chemical Admixtures and Aggregate Particles on Spatial Distribution of

Cement Particles and Capillary Pores in Mortars 578 Takuma Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Igarashi

The Effect of Type of Fly Ash on Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete 586 M.P.C.M.Gunasekara, David W.Law and Sujeeva Setunge

Towards a More Sustainable Australian Cement and Concrete Industry 596 James Mohammadi, Warren South and Des Chalmers

Steel, Concrete or Plastic? Support your Reinforcement! 604 Scott Munter and Mark Turner

Performance of Architectural Concrete: New Approach 611 Vyacheslav Falikman, Vyacheslav Deniskin and Alexander Vainer

Torsional Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Sections 619 Douglas Anabalon

Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Polymer

Matrix 630 Wahid Ferdous, Allan Manalo, Thiru Aravinthan and Gerard Van Erp

Self-healing of Cementitious Composites via Coated Magnesium Oxide/Silica Fume

Based Pellets 637 Rami Alghamri and Abir Al-Tabbaa

Impact of Pore Structure of Lightweight Aggregates on Internal Curing 646 Pietro Lura, Mateusz Wyrzykowski, Sadegh Ghourchian, Sakprayut Sinthupinyo and


Reinforcing ordinary Portland Cement Mortar using Carbon Nanotubes Shu Jian Chen, Xiang Yu Li, Tong Bo Sui and Wen Hui Duan


The Significance of the Alkali Aggregate Reactivity Provisions in the VicRoads

Structural Concrete Specification Section 610 657 Fred Andrews-Phaedonos, Ahmad Shayan and Aimin Xu

Long-term Experiments of Composite Slabs Using Recycled Coarse Aggregate 669 Qinghe Wang, Gianluca Ranz, Yue Ceng and Yuyin Wang

Implications of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction for three Concrete Bridges 679 Ahmad Shayan, Aimin Xu and Fred Andrews-Phaedonos

Effectiveness of Traditional and Alternative Supplementary Cementitious Materials in

Mitigating Alkali-Silica Reactivity 694 Daniel Pospischil, Vute Sirivivatnanon, Uthayakumar Sivathasan and Kevin Cheney

The Use of Reaction Kinetics in Classifying Alkali Silica Reactivity Potential of 704 Bob Bornstein, David Hocking, Johwelvic Bacolod and Vute Sirivivatnanon

Fresh and Early-Age Properties of Cement Pastes and Mortars Blended with Nickel 712 Muhammad Ashiqur Rahman, Prabir Kumar Sarker and Faiz Ahmed Shaikh

Thermo-mechanical Behaviour of Epoxy Based Polymer Matrix 720 Wahid Ferdous, Allan Manalo, Thiru Aravinthan and Gerard Van Erp

Development of an Acid Resistant Concrete 727 Shamila Saiek, Bijan Samali, Vute Sirivivatnanon and Georgius Adam

Effect of the Chemical Composition of Building Materials on Algal Biofouling 735 Philippe Grosseau, Estelle Dalod, Alexandre Covin, Christine Lors, René Guyonnet

and Denis Damidot

Expansive Behavior of Mortars - Containing Surf Clam Shell Powder at Early Age 745 Akio Watanabe, Kazumi Hirokawa and Takashi Kondo

The use of Cementitious Coatings to Reinstate Low Nominal Cover on Reinforced

Concrete Structures 751 Neil Wilds

Behavior of Concrete after Exposure to Elevated Temperatures 761 Yaman S. S. Al-Kamaki, Riadh Al-Mahaidi and Ian Bennetts

A Discussion on Service Life Prediction of Fly Ash Concrete Structures based on

DuraCrete Methodology 770 Zhuqing Yu and Guang Ye

Effect of Combined Fibres on Fire Resistance of Large Specimens 779 Youngsun Heo and Byungyeol Min

Mechanical Properties of Fibre Reinforced High Volume Fly Ash Concretes Yashar Shafaei, Faiz Shaikh, Prabir Sarker and Salim Barbhuiya


Admixtures and Polymers

Improving ttie Rtieoiogy of tHigh Strengtti, very tow W/C Ratio Concrete. 799 Gary Boon and Tony Thomas

The Effects of Superabsorbent Potymers on the Water Vapour Sorption Properties of

Cementitious [Materials 805 D.Snoect<, L.F.Velasco, A.I^ignon, C.Ven/aet, S.Van Vtierberghe, P.Dubruel,

P.Lodewycl<x and N.De Betie

Benefits of Water-Resisting Admixtures to Watertight Concrete 814 I^ohammadreza Hassani, Kirt< Vessalas, Dal<sh Baweja and Zoe Schmidt

The Effect on Expansion of Wrapping Concrete Prisms with Cloth Saturated with

Alt<ali Hydroxide 822 Yasutal<a Sagawa, Kazuo Yamada, Shoichi Ogawa, Yuichiro Kawabata and Masahiro


Innovations in Admixtures for Piling Concrete 832 Bruno D'Souza and Hairul Sarwono

Properties of Ultra-tightweight Concrete based on Protein and Surfactant foaming Age 837 Patrick Hartwich, Thomas Adams, Ali Shams, Anya Vollpracht and Wolfgang


Effect of Guar Gum Derivatives on Fresh State Properties of Portland Cement-Based

Mortars 848 Alexandre Covin, Marie-Claude Bartholin, Barbara Biasotti, Max Giudici, Valentina

Langella and Philippe Grosseau

The Effect of Superplasticisers and Viscosity Modifiers on the Rheological Properties

of Super Workable Concrete 858 Greg Langton and Gary Boon

Durability a n d Serviceability

Concrete Durability Performance Testing - The Approach Adopted in a Concrete

Institute of Australia Recommended Practice 864 W. Green and F. Papworth

A Discussion on the Autogenous Shrinkage Interpretation from the Experimental

Shrinkage Measurement Based on the Australian Testing Procedure AS1012.13 875 William A. Thomas, James Mohammadi and Warren South

Performance Test for Hydrophobic Impregnations for Protection against Chloride

Ingress in Concrete 884 Nelson Silva, Elisabeth Helsing, Katarina Malaga, Eva Rodum, Minna Torl<keli and

Arvid HejII

Durability of Concrete Caissons Made in Floating Docks 894 Jose Vera-Agullo, Francisco Manuel Castro-Visos, Francisco Javier Larraz-Bordanaba,

Claudio Troncone-Cusati, Juan Pedro Asencio-Varela, Nelson Silva, Urs Mueller and Katarina Malaga


Prescriptive versus Performance-based Design Approaclies for Concrete Durability 904 Hans Beushausen, Mark Alexander, Manuel Wieland and Stefan Linsel

Durability Performance of Crystalline-Modified Concrete Exposed to Severe Environmf 914 Farhad Nabavi

ISO 16204 and the Correct Solution to Fick 924 Norwood Harrison

K-value for Carbonation of Concretes with Supplementary Cementitious Materials 931 Christina Nobis and Anya Vollpracht

Feasibility of Digital Image Correlation Technique to Determine Mechanical

Properties of Corroded Steel Rebars 939 Ranjitha Rajagopal, Sameer Sharma, Radhakrishna G. Pillai and Sankara J.

Determination of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of Concrete: Comparison of Bulk

Diffusion and Electrical Field Method 950 Aimin Xu and Ahmad Shayan

Frost Test and the Significant Influence of Small Amounts of Ions Dissolved in

Surface Water 960 Max J. Setzer

Durability Planning - a Formalised Approach in Concrete Institute of Australia

Recommended Practice 970 Rodney Paull and Frank Papworth

Time-dependent Stiffness of Concrete Members under Cyclic Loading 980 Angus Murray, Raymond Ian Gilbert and Arnaud Castel

Role of Ettringite in Expansion and Cracking Potential in Steam Cured Precast

Concrete Elements 990 Johnson Mak, Paul Thomas, Kirk Vessalas and Daksh Baweja

Improved Sustainability by Design for Concrete Durability 996 R. Doug Hooton

Exp-Ref: A Simple, Realistic and Robust Method to Assess Service Life of Reinforced

Concrete Structures 1006 Roberto Torrent

Durability Assessment of Concrete Immersed Tube Tunnel in Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Sea Link Project

Kefei Li, Quanwang Li, Pianpian Wang and Zhihong Fan


Geopolymers a n d Non-traditional Binder Concrete

Effect of MgO Incorporation on the Structure of Synthetic All<ali-activated Calcium

Aluminosilicate Binders 1026 Brant Walkley, Rackel San Nicolas, Susan A. Bernal, John L. Provis and Jannie van


Use of Geopolymer Concrete in Column Applications 1033 Weena Lokuge, Jay Sanjayan and Sujeeva Setunge

Influence of Matrix Related Parameters on Strain Hardening Behavior of Engineered

Geopolymer Composite (EGG) 1041 Behzad Nematollahi, Jay Sanjayan and Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh

EFC Geopolymer Concrete Aircraft Pavements at Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport 1051 Tom Glasby, John Day, Russell Genrich and James Aldred

On Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete and its Behaviour at Elevated Temperature 1060 Tian Sing Ng, Stephen J. Foster and Samantha Milojevic

Development of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Blended Geopolymer for use in Concrete 1070 Deepika S, Madhuri G, Bahurudeen A and Manu Santhanam

Behaviour of Granulated Lead Smelter Slag-Based Geopolymer Concrete 1080 M. Albitar, M.S. Mohamed Ali, P. Visintin and M. Drechsler

Influence of Binder on Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates in Geopolymer Concrete 1089 Chandani Tennakoon, Ahmad Shayan and Jay G. Sanjayan

Rheological Properties of Sodium Carbonate Alkali-Activated Fly Ash/Slag pastes

with Different Superplasticisers 1105 Ahmed Abdalqader and Abir Al-Tabbaa

Direct Electric Curing of Alkali-Activated Concretes. Preliminary Study 1116 Maxim Kovtun, Julia Shekhovtsova and Elsabe Kearsley

Investigation on Engineering Properties of Powder-activated Geopolymer Concrete 1125 Kamal Neupane, Daksh Baweja, Rijun Shrestha, Des Chalmers and Paul Kidd

Alkali-Activated Foamed Concrete 1139 Elsabe Kearsley and Maxim Kovtun

Alternative Concrete Materials from Industrial Waste 1146 Valle Chozas, Ignacio del Vai, José Vera and liiigo Larraza

Progress Towards a Handbook for Geopolymer Concrete

Marita Allan Bemdt, Jay Sanjayan, Stephen Foster, Arnaud Castel, Pathmanatham

Rajeev and Craig Heidrich 1156

Development of Low Shrinkage Water Repelling Foamed Concrete 1166 Kai Tai Wan, Honggang Zhu, Binmeng Chen and Chuanlin Hu

A Resistivity-Based Approach to Indicate Chloride Permeability of Geopolymer 1172 Amin Noushini and Arnaud Castel

Chloride induced Corrosion of reinforcing bars in Geopolymer concrete 1182 M. Babaee and A. Castel


s t r u c t u r a l Monitoring and A s s e s s m e n t

Evaluation of the Level of Damage of Concretes Affected by Expansive Reactions at Meso and Microstructural Scale. Relationship between Alkali-aggregate Reaction and

Internal Sulfate Attack 1197 Esperanza Menéndez, Ricardo Garcia Roves and Nicanor Prendes

The Impacts of Temperature and Salinity Variance on Service Life Modeling as a

Result of Climate Change. 1207 Andrew Hunting, Sujeeva Setunge and David Law

In situ and Laboratory Testing of Different Repair Materials. 1217 Lukovic, M., Gellweiler, W.A., Sierra Beltran, M.G., Blom, C.B.M., Savija, B., Zanten,

van, D.C. Schlangen, E., Ye, G. and Taffijn, E.

Acid-soluble and Water-soluble Chloride - Testing Proficiency and Specification 1225 Warren South, Tony Thomas and Vute Sirivivatnanon

Integrated Fracture-based Model for the Analysis of Cracked Reinforced Concrete

Beams 1233 Tahreer M. Fayyad and Janet M. Lees

Predicting Fire Induced Spalling in Concrete Structural Elements 1243 James M. de Burgh, Stephen J. Foster and Hamid R. Valipour

In-situ Concrete Strength Assessment based on Ultrasonic (UPV), Rebound, Cores

and the SONREB Method 1253 Frank Papworth, David Corbett, Reuben Barnes, Joseph Wyche and Jonathon Dyson

Full Scale Concentric Punching Shear Testing of Two-way Floor with Bonded

Post-tensioning and Studrails 1263 Fariborz Moeinaddini, Kamiran Abdouka and Andrew Barraclough

Experimental Study on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Strain Measurement of

RC Portal Frame 1273 Fang-Yao Yeh, Kuo-Chun Chang and Wen-Cheng Liao

E a r l y - a g e C o n c r e t e a n d Cracking

Temperature Monitoring of Concrete Elements for Insitu Strength Measurement and

Prevention of Damage from Heat of Hydration 1284 Reuben Barnes, Frank Papworth, William Ward and Jim O'Daniel

The Role of Dilation in Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete 1295 Suhaila Mattar and R.S. Al-Rawi

High-absorptive Normal-weight Aggregates used as Internal Curing Agent 1305 Pericles A. Sawa and Michael F. Petrou

Tensile Properties of Early-Age Concrete 1314 Duy NGUYEN and Vinh T.N. DAO

Experimental Study of Creep and Shrinkage in Early-age Concrete Inamullah Khan, Angus Murray, Arnaud Castel and Raymond Ian Gilbert


Self-Compacting C o n c r e t e

The Combined Influence of Paste Volume and Volumetric Water-to-Powder Ratio on

Robustness of Fresh Self-Compacting Concrete 1335 Farid Van Der Vurst, Steffen Grünewald, Dimitri Feys and Geert De Schutter

Instantaneous and Time-Dependent Behaviour of Reinforced Self-Compacting

Concrete Slabs 1345 Farhad Aslani, Shami Nejadi and Bijan Samali

Foam Concrete-aerogel Composite for Thermal Insulation in Lightweight Sandwich

Facade Elements 1355 Nelson Silva, Urs Mueller, Katarina Malaga, Per Hallingberg and Christer Cederqvist


Prefabricating in Unusual Environments 1364 Marco Menegotto and Luciano Marcaccioli

Paddington Rail Station 1374 George Jones

PCI Design Awards Program 1382 Jason Krohn, Daniel Roman and Karia Vazquez

Sustainability of Structures with Precast Elements 1391 D. Fernandez-Ordóiiez, B. Gonzalez-Rodrigo, J. Ramirez and R. Valdivielso

Major Projects C a s e S t u d i e s

Christchurch Art Gallery Foundation Strengthening and Building Re-Level 1400 James OGrady, William Lindsay and Russell Deller

Design of Berthing Dolphins on Curtis Island LNG Jetties 1408 Jesper Jensen, Peter Kastrup and Matt Hodder

Lady Cilento Children's Hospital 1418 Ken Gallie and Darryl Feodoroff

Documentation of Bridge Deck Construction Using Industrially Produced Internally

Cured, High Performance Concrete 1430 Timothy J. Barrett Albert E. Miller and W. Jason Weiss


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