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My dear Parishioners, Friends of our Parish, Brothers and Sisters, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit


Academic year: 2022

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Sacred Heart Parish


My dear Parishioners, Friends of our Parish, Brothers and Sisters,

It is oftentimes good to stand before a mystery of life and ponder it. Today we stand before the profound mystery of God: One God, three Persons; a mystery people have pondered since the beginning of time. Because God has been and should be a big part of our lives, we should ponder the mystery of God so as to understand God a little better, to be in awe, and to celebrate more profoundly the God we worship, love, listen to, desire to be with, and try to be like.

We come to understand that when we make these statements about God, we are making statements about our own lives. We exist because God exists. There is no life apart from God. The eternal God made us to have eternal life. His Spirit within us destines us for eternity. We are to strive to be holy as God is holy. God has empowered us to do good. We know what is good because God shares His wisdom with us. God commands us to love. He made us to love, to sacrifice, to be merciful and compassionate, to serve, and bless others. As love abounds in the Holy Trinity, so too, must love bind us as the Body of Christ, as one people before God. Yes, the mystery of our lives lies within the mystery of God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…

Last Sunday, June 5th we hosted our Archbishop, Cardinal Blase Cupich. It was a great opportunity for us to personally meet him at Sacred Heart. I would like to once again heartily thank all of you for the wonderful celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Sacred Heart Parish. It was a unique event and I hope that the memory of it will remain with us for many years.

Our Jubilee celebration was a beautiful time, very spiritual and joyful. This is why I’d like to thank Deacon Tom & Linda, Deacon Nick, Liz, Rita, Piotr, Nancy, Beth & Paul, Father Dave, John & Sue, the choirs, Guitar Ensemble, Voices of Praise, Highlanders choirs: Mali Ślebodni, Jawory, Mali Hyrni, lectors and altar servers for a beautifully prepared Jubilee liturgy.

Holy Name Society donated a beautiful Jubilee Chalice, which was blessed by the Cardinal during the Mass. It will be used on special occasions.

I’d like to thank Sacred Heart Parish organizations: Holy Name, CCW, Polish Club, Knights of Columbus, Religious Education, Lovin Links, Fun Club, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Respect Life, also Highlanders and Zbigniew Herbert School of Polish Language and Culture communities’ representatives for a beautiful entrance procession with banners.

And I’m sure that you will agree with me that our church looks splendid! The decorations are outstanding. I’d like to thank Mike Lundberg and his wife Wendy, our Maintenance Department, and all those who worked with Mike. Also I’d like to thank Zibi Printing for donating the beautiful church banner and decals for our church windows.

Thank you very much to everyone who took part in our Jubilee Banquet in the Camelot Banquet Hall. Very special thanks to Deacon Tom & Linda, Bogumiła & Brigid. Thanks to Nick and Maureen for a successful raffle. I know a lot of people wanted to be with us on Sunday afternoon but couldn't for various reasons. Thank you all very much.

This Sunday is the last Sunday when Father Dave will celebrate the Eucharist as an Associate Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish. Beginning in July, he will start working in another parish. I would like to thank Fr. Dave for his five years at Sacred Heart, for his zealous priesthood service, for celebrating Holy Masses, for his sacramental service, and especially for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Father Dave – may God bless you at your new assignment. Godspeed!

As you know, Father Dave asked not to arrange any reception for him, and I am asking you to support him with your prayers. Thank you.

“Like the church that inspires it, the spirit and validity of the parish lie not in its buildings – beautiful though they may be – but in every person who has been, or is, or will be part of it.”

The church, parish is more than buildings. Sacred Heart is people who for 150 years have gathered to build, organize, serve and – especially to pray.

Sacred Heart Parish in Palos Hills is you. My Brothers and Sisters, you are, we are, part of the beautiful history of Sacred Heart Parish!

I wish you all a wonderful Sunday rest and a great week. I remember you in my everyday prayers, and I ask you to pray for me too, please. May God reward you all the good that you do for Sacred Heart Parish.

With prayer, Fr. Jacek


Drodzy Parafianie, Przyjaciele naszej Parafii, Bracia i Siostry,

Czasem dobrze jest stanąć przed zagadnieniem tajemnicą życia i pomyśleć. Dzisiaj przed nami głęboka tajemnica Boga: Jeden Bóg, Trzy Osoby – tajemnica… Ponieważ Bóg był i powinien być dużą częścią naszego życia, powinniśmy zastanowić się nad Jego tajemnicą, aby choć trochę lepiej Go zrozumieć, Boga, którego czcimy,

kochamy, którego słuchamy, na którego wzór i podobieństwo jesteśmy stworzeni.

Zadając pytania doświadczamy czegoś ciekawego, że kiedy wypowiadamy te stwierdzenia na temat Boga, to wypowiadamy się także na temat naszego własnego życia. Istniejemy, ponieważ istnieje Bóg. Nie ma życia bez Boga.

Wieczny Bóg dał nam życie wieczne. Jego tchnienie w nas, dusza nieśmiertelna, jest pierwiastkiem wieczności. Mamy starać się być świętymi, tak jak Bóg jest święty. Bóg dał nam siłę do czynienia dobra. Wiemy, co jest dobre, ponieważ Bóg dzieli się z nami swoją mądrością. Bóg nakazuje nam kochać. Sprawił, żebyśmy kochali, poświęcali się, byli miłosierni i współczujący, byśmy służyli i błogosławili innym. Jak miłość obfituje w Trójcy Świętej, tak też miłość musi wiązać nas jako Ciało Chrystusa, jako jeden lud przed Bogiem. Tak, tajemnica naszego życia tkwi w tajemnicy Boga.

Chwała Ojcu i Synowi i Duchowi Świętemu…

W minioną niedzielę 5 czerwca gościliśmy naszego Arcybiskupa Kardynała Blasé Cupicha.

Była to dla nas świetna okazja, aby spotkać się z nim osobiście. Chciałbym jeszcze raz

serdecznie podziękować wszystkim Wam za wspaniałe obchody 150-lecia Parafii Najświętszego Serca. Było to wyjątkowe wydarzenie i mam nadzieję, że pamięć o nim pozostanie z nami na długie lata.

Nasza uroczystość jubileuszowa była pięknym czasem, bardzo duchowym i radosnym.

Dlatego dziękuję Deacon Tom & Linda, Deacon Nick, Liz, Rita, Piotr, Nancy, Beth & Paul, Father Dave, John & Sue, chórom, Guitar Ensemble, Voices of Praise, chórom góralskim: Mali Ślebodni, Jawory, Mali Hyrni, lektorzy i

ministranci na pięknie przygotowaną liturgię jubileuszową. Holy Name Society podarowało piękny Jubileuszowy Kielich, który został pobłogosławiony przez Kardynała podczas Mszy Świętej. Będzie on używany przy szczególnych okazjach.

Serdecznie dziękuję organizacjom parafialnym, które wzięły udział w pięknej procesji z sztandarami: Holy Name Society, CCW, Klub Polski, Rycerze Kolumba, Program Nauczania Religii, Lovin Links, Fun Club, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Ochorna Życia. Bardzo gorąco dziękuję za obecność pośród nas vice-prezesowi Związku Podhalan w Ameryce Północnej Janowi Królowi wraz z przedstawicielami Kół Góralskich oraz Szkole Języka i Kultury Polskiej im. Zbigniewa Herberta.

Jestem pewien, że podobnie jak i jam, uważacie, że nasz kościół wygląda wspaniale! Dziękuję Mike'owi Lundbergowi i jego żonie Wendy oraz wszystkim, którzy z nimi pracowali. Chciałbym również podziękować firmie Zibi Printing za przygotowanie i donację pięknego banneru jubileuszowego, który jest w kościele oraz jubileuszowe logo, które widzicie ponad drzwiami wejściowymi do kościoła.

Bardzo dziękuję wszystkim, którzy wzięli udział w naszym Bankiecie Jubileuszowym w Sali Bankietowej Camelot.

Bardzo szczególne podziękowania dla Diakona Toma i Lindy, Bogumiły i Brigid. Dziękuję Nickowi i Maureen za udaną loterię. Wiem, że wiele osób chciało być z nami w niedzielne popołudnie, ale z różnych powodów nie mogło.

Bardzo wam wszystkim dziękuję.

Ta niedziela jest ostatnią niedzielą, kiedy Ksiądz Dave celebruje Eucharystię jako wikariusz parafii Najświętszego Serca. Od lipca rozpocznie pracę w innej parafii. Chciałbym podziękować ks. Davidowi za pięć lat spędzonych w naszej parafii, za gorliwą posługę kapłańską, odprawianie Mszy Świętych, za posługę sakramentalną, a zwłaszcza za sprawowanie sakramentu pojednania.

Księże Dawidzie – niech Bóg Ci błogosławi w nowej parafii. Życzenia powodzenia!

Jak wiecie, ksiądz Dave prosił, aby nie urządzać mu żadnego przyjęcia, dlatego proszę was przede wszystkim o wsparcie go modlitwą. Dziękuję Wam serdecznie.

„Podobnie jak kościół, który inspiruje – duch i ważność parafii tkwi nie w jej budynkach – choć mogą one być piękne – ale w każdej osobie, która była, jest lub będzie jej częścią”.

Kościół, parafia to więcej niż budynki. Parafia Najświętszego Serca to ludzie, którzy od 150 lat gromadzą się, aby budować, organizować, służyć i – w sposób szczególny, aby się modlić.

Parafia Najświętszego Serca w Palos Hills to Wy! Moi Bracia i Siostry, Wy jesteście częścią pięknej historii parafii Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w Palos Hills!

Życzę wszystkim wspaniałego niedzielnego wypoczynku i wspaniałego tygodnia. Wspominam Was w moich codziennych modlitwach i proszę Was również o modlitwę za mnie. Niech Bóg wynagrodzi Wam każde dobro, które czynicie dla parafii Najświętszego Serca.

Z modlitwą, Ks. Jacek


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Page Five

Don’t forget to return the Baby Bottles NEXT WEEKEND, Father’s Day, June 18th & 19th.


With Heartfelt Appreciation! The Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee.


THIS WEEKEND JUNE 11 & 12, 2022

This is the Only Annual Collection for RETIRED Priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

The success of this campaign means more than words can express to ailing, elderly priests who sometimes must wonder if they are forgotten.

Considering all the causes you are asked to support, we have been pleasantly surprised by the results of the first two yearly appeals for our retired priests. We underestimated how much a priest must have meant to you throughout your life and how much their extended “tour of duty” during this priest shortage has served the life of the Church especially on weekends or when you need a priest. A second collection will be taken THIS weekend to help support the needs of the retired priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The money raised from this collection will be used to supplement the health care, prescription drug coverage and nursing home care for the priests who, even in their retirement, continue to aid and inspire the people they serve. We Need Each Other Now!

The Knights of Columbus would like to thank those people who donated to our blood drive held May 26th.

Your valuable donations contributed to 17 donations. These were divided into red cells, plasma, and platelets which will be transfused to 51 people.

Versiti was impressed with our turn out.

Future plans to set up another Blood Drive are being worked on.

Let’s continue to Celebrate!

Sacred Heart Parish 150



Starting the weekend of June 18


& 19


and continuing through the month of June, Thermal Travel Tumblers beautifully imprinted with our 150


Anniversary logo will be available for sale in the Narthex before and after each Mass.

Treat yourself to a new travel tumbler or makes a wonderful gift for only $20.00.

The Holy Name will meet on Monday, June 20th at 6:30pm. Join them for their —

GREAT ANNUAL COOKOUT/PICNIC Since this is a time to relax and enjoy

yourself, there will not be a meeting. There will be a grilled meal outside (weather permitting), followed by fun and games (bags, horseshoes, poker, etc.).

Not a member? Come anyway; this is a good

time to meet new friends!


Page Six

Please remember to pray for the following:




(The sister-in-law of Rita Zimmermann)

We especially pray for their souls and for all the

souls of the faithful departed.


All parents having a child in the near future are asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the baptismal preparation class before making ar- rangements for the Baptism. The Class is held in the Minis- try Center building (Formation Room). Please call the of- fice to make arrangements 708.974.3336, Press 0.

The next Class is scheduled for Tuesday,

JUNE 28, 2022 ~ 7:00PM

Katecheza przed Chrztem , CZERWOEC 28, 2022, Wtorek ~ 7:00PM Jeżeli w najbliższym czasie planujecie chrzest swojego dziecka to prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem parafialnym 708-974-3336, wew 0. Ponadto zapraszamy rodziców oraz chrzestnych na katechezę przygotowującą do tego ważnego wydarzenia. Katecheza jest prowadzone w języku angielskim.




There is a promise of marriage between:



Laura Barajas, Steve Schanz, Joe Potocki, Larry Herm, Jr., William Budig,

Franciszak Kojs, Gus & Rose Anagnost, Enza Droel, Joe & Vita Latorre, Rueben & Irene Dommer,

Don Lasica, Robbie Lasica, Max Lasica,

Eugene Marcin, Phil Piekarz, Theresa McCasland, Frank Schourek, Nancy Montgomery, Kathy Smith, Jean Cikowski, Pete Perisin, Suzanne Varkalis, Roseann Kobal, Joseph Price, Katie Riley,

Mary Burkey, Sandy Garbauski, Kateri Garbauski, Carol Hannon, Leah Banda, Bill Kovacic,

Walter Kolinski, Carol Barnum, Arlene O’Connor, Agnes Zarack, Lisa Sanders, Priscilla Rian,

Lisa Marie Rentas, Marie Casper, James Carroll, Lynn LaRocco, Mona Krankavitch, Lori Blankenship, Henry Zurek, Ramona Borre, Ashley Juline Nordin, Linda Dotson, Jason Graham, Ginny Bartalf,

Kandy Carmen, Linda Hahn, Rich Sparks, Mary Fox, and Georganne Sedor.

Hospital Visits

If you or a loved one is admitted to an area hos- pital and would like to receive a visit from our parish, please contact one of our priests, or call Elizabeth at ext.


You can also request to have either your name if you are sick or the name of a rel- ative to be printed in our bulletin

“Pray for the Sick.”


The Sacred Heart Queen of Peace Prayer Group has resumed their weekly meetings.

Why not come and join them as they meet every Tuesday evening at

6:00 pm in church.

This group is devoted to

prayer and dedication to our

Blessed Mother Mary.


Page Seven

Saturday, June 11

7:30 AM – Poor Souls in Purgatory

4:30 PM – Fred E. Werner, Jr., Rose Carroll, Kevin Henry, Thomas Siemeck Leo & Lorraine Konieczka, Special Intention for William Budig Sunday, June 12

8:00 AM – Sacred Heart Parishioners

10:00 AM – Michael Hill, Charles Kevin O’Neil, Jacek & Karolina Tocze, Annie Thorpe (1st Anniversary), Janina Brania (3rd Anniversary), Ludwika Toczek (12th Anniversary), Healing Intention for Steve Schanz

Special Intention for Barbara & Janusz Frankowicz (50th Wedding Anniversary) Special Intention for David & Geraldine Cody (56th Wedding Anniversary)

12:00 PM (Polish) – Mirosława Szwab, Andrzej Haberny, Stanisław Dunajczan, Stanisław Krzystanek, Maria Bonna (1st Anniversary), Danuta Madej (6th Anniversary),

Jacenty Krzysiak, Mariola Krzystanek-Siudak, Grazyna Maliszewska, Anton Bolcarovic, Jan Komperda

Special Intention for Barbara & Janusz Frankowicz (50th Wedding Anniversary) Special Intention for Maria & Jan Pytyl (56th Wedding Anniversary)

Special Intention for Janina (80th Birthday) Monday, June 13 – Don Lambrigger

Tuesday, June 14 – Sacred Heart Benefactors Wednesday, June 15 – Clifton Young

Thursday, June 16 – Poor Souls in Purgatory

Friday, June 17 – Willard T. James (4th Anniversary) Saturday, June 18

7:30 AM – Poor Souls in Purgatory

4:30 PM – Alice C. Kisala, Edward Cavato, Wladyslaw Kopec, Antoni Tutak, Michael Doorhy, Thomas Siameck

Healing Intention for Steve Schanz, Healing Intention for William Budig Sunday, June 19

8:00 AM – Michael Doorhy, Andrew Burns, Bill Pergl, William Pergel, David Balster Chet Procanin, George Barnum, Sr., Andrzej Byrdak (9th Anniversary) Special Intention for Master Sergeant Justin Nolan, U.S.M.C.

10:00 AM – Leo Konieczka, Donato Rita, Andrew Jankowicz, Sr., Norman Rakowski

Rich LaRocco, Bill Housey, Sr., Thomas Siemeck, Michael Doorhy, Ralph Vari, George Beris,

Martha Marcin, Bruno Pamulak, Clara Kozubowski, Leo A. Gannon, Edward & Laverne Silekis, Ann Renee Thorpe (1st Anniversary),

Special Intention for Jeff P. Brody, Special Intention for Michael J. Getches Special Intention for Andy Jankowicz, Jr., Special Intention for Daniel LaRocco Special Intention for John B. Essex, Special Intention for Raymond Zurek Special Intention for the Brody Fathers, Special Intention for Our Servicemen Healing Intention for Steve Schanz, Sacred Heart Parishioners

12:00 PM (Polish) – Mirosława Szwab, Władysława Wach, Genowefa Frankowicz, Michael Doorhy Stanisław Dunajczan, Philip Gorczyca, Józefa Gala, Jan Komperda, Franciszek, Walenty, and Agnieszka Zygmunt, Special Intention for Tadeusz Mazurek Special Intention for Baby Domink Pawlik

Mass intentions need to be secured 1-2 weeks in advance.


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Page Nine

Rules for Split the Pot:

1. Only registered parishioners are eligible to win this weekly drawing. If you are not registered with our parish, please come to our administrative office and we will be happy to register you into Sacred Heart Parish.

2. You must play to win. In addition to your regular weekly offering of at least five dollars, the cost of a split the pot entry for any given week’s drawing is also five dollars. (There are separate envelopes for split the pot). All monies for split the pot will be set aside until there is a winner.

3.There may not be a winner every week. Each week, a name is drawn from our entire, (whether they participate in the split the pot or not) parishioner file. If the name drawn participated in that week’s split the pot drawing, they will win the split the pot prize.

4. If the name drawn from our entire parishioner file did not participate in split the pot that week, the money will be rolled over to increase the next week’s jackpot.

Thank you for your continued generosity! Emmett Williamson, Business Manager

NOTE: For those using the extra Split the Pot envelopes provided in back of church; please be sure to put your name and/ or Envelope ID number. These envelopes are not preprinted, so we have no idea who you are. Also, please DO NOT USE ANOTHER PERSON’S PREPRINTED ENVELOPE.


PLEASE, PLEASE! We have not been able to contact many parishioners because

they no longer have a land line and switched to a cell phone.

We still have your old number on our records.

If you have a new number you can write it on your Split the Pot envelope or you can call us at 708 974.3336 or email us at: parishmail@sacredheartpalos.org.

Split the Pot Drawing for the weekend of JUNE 5, 2022.


I.D. card #4310 was pulled — It was eligible to win.




Page Ten


Page Eleven


Page Twelve

Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin.

I am patronizing your business because of it!

Giving Thanks When You Shop

Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through their participation, our parish receives our weekly bulletin free of charge. Please cut out the thank you below and present it the next time you patronize one of our advertisers.


Rev. Jacek Wrona, Pastor Rev. David Straub, Associate Pastor

Deacons: Dominic Andriacchi and Thomas Rzendzian

Weekend Ministry: Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M. Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Patrick M. Tucker

Pastoral Associate, Elizabeth Droel

Director of Religious Education: Elizabeth Mikula R.E. Office in Moscow Center 708 974-3900, Ex 229 ~ FAX: 708 974-3922 Directors of Music: John and Sue O’Keefe


Business Manager, Emmett Williamson Business Staff, Beth Mikula

Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz Receptionist: Steve Schanz Administrative Office: 708 974.3336, Press 0

Anointing of the Sick: Every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass or by specific arrangement of priest.

Baptism (in Polish) First and third Sunday of each month at 12 Noon Mass (Maximum four allowed), and 1:30pm. (Maximum six allowed). Baptism (in English) 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm (Maximum of six). Baptismal Preparation Class is monthly. Baptism is set-up following completion of the class. Call 708.974.3336 Press 0, to make arrangements for Baptism.

Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:15 -4:00 PM or appointment. Instruction in Catholic Faith call Ministry Office.

Marriages: Friday 4:00PM, Saturday 12:00PM and 2:00 PM. Pre-Marriage instructions required. Arrange- ments should be made, according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. Dates and times not set at initial phone call, but must be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon.

Sacred Heart Parish provides a safe and easy way to donate automatically to our parish. It is called E-Giving, also referred to as electronic giving. It is easy to sign up and provides our parish with a steady stream of income, even if you are unable to attend Mass because of vacation or other obligations. You have the option to give weekly, biweekly, monthly, or even make a one-time donation.

You can have the donation withdrawn directly from a checking or savings account or by credit card. You have the option of donating to Sundays, Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, second collections and even special campaigns like our 150th Anniversary Celebration.

Follow the prompts on our website under Donations.


Sacred Heart Ministry Center, 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465

MASS: Saturday: 4:30 PM. English /Sunday: 8:00AM & 10:00AM English and 12 Noon Polish Weekdays: 9:00AM - Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 7:30AM. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment.

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10AM to 6:00PM. Closed Weekend Telephone: (708) 974-3336 FAX (708) 974-3556 .



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