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On the conjugacy of homeomorphisms of unit interval


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Séria I : P R A C E M A TEM A TY CZ N E X I X (1977)

Ed w ard S4SIADA and Paw ed Ja r e k (Torun)

On the conjugacy of homeomorphisms of unit interval

Introduction. Homeomorphisms xx and r2 of unit interval I = [0,1]

are said to be conjugate, if there exists a homeomorphism or of I such that axx = r 2cr (write rx ry r2 or, shortly, xx ~ r2).

Conjugacy is an equivalence relation on the group H (I) of all homeomorphisms of I.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the equivalence classes under this relation, that is to formulate necessary and. sufficient con­

ditions for homeomorphism r, and r2 to be conjugate.

It is well known that every homeomorphism of I is a monotonie function, thus the group H (I) may be decomposed into disjoint subsets H (I) ^ H x u H 2, where H x is the set of all increasing, and H 2 the set of all decreasing homeomorphisms.

Recall some elementary properties:

(1) E x is a normal subgroup of E (I), (2) r *€H x for any XeE(I),

(3) rx ~ r2 and хх* Е { implies r%^E i for i = 1 , 2 . Let F (r) be the set of all fixpoints of r, that is

F(x) = {æel: x{æ) ==&},

(4) F(x) is a closed subset of I, containing 0 and 1 iff x c E x and card F (r) = 1 iff x e E 2.

(5) If reH x, then for any x e l the sequence {rn(a»)}n_1A... is conver­

gent to a fixpoint of r. ;

(6) If x e E x, then F (xn) = F(x) for any n Ф 0.

(7) If xeff2, then F { т2и+1) = F(x) for any n and F ix 2,4) = F (x 2) for any n Ф 0.

Let Х€Лг. Then x eF {x 2) iff x(x)eF{т2). 0



I. Conjugacy of increasing homeomorphisms. Let F be a closed subset of I, containing 0 and 1. The open set I \ F is a (finit or countable) sum of pairwise disjoint open intervals (av,b v) (veN(F)). Denote L {F )

= and B (F ) = {bP}veN(F). Let lF : L ( F ) ^ { 0 , 1} be an arbi­

trary 0-1-value function on L (F ). Then a function rF : B (F )-+ {0 ,1 } may be defined by formula tf(Pv) — 1 lF (aP).

Let F x and F 2 be closed subsets of I, containing 0 and 1 and let lF : L(jFT1)-?-{0,1} and Zpy L ( F 2)~>{0, 1} be 0-1-value functions. The pairs (F x, lFi) and (F 2, lF ) are said to be equivalent, if there exists a homeomorphism cr of I such, that

1° a {F x) = F 2;

2° lFl(ap) = l Fz(o{aP)) {v e N iF J) if аеН г (i.e., if a {L {F x)) = L {F 2)), lFx{av) = rF2(a(aP)) (v eF fëi)) if aeH 2 (i.e., if a{L{Fx)} = B ( F 2)).

If these conditions are fulfilled, then write (F x, lFi) ~ (F 2, lF ) or shortly, {F x, lFl) ~ (F 2, lFi).

Relation ^ defined above is of course an equivalence relation on the set of all pairs (F , I f ).

Now, let Tcjffi and let I \ F ( r ) = ( J (ap,bp). We shall write L(x) veN(r)

(resp. E(r)) instead of L[F(x)) (resp. B(F{x))).

Whence L(x) = K } veiv(T), B(x) = {&,}„ciV(T).

Define lr: L (r)-> {0 ,1 ) as follows:

lr{aP) J 0 if x(x) < x for all xe(av, bp), l l if x < x ( x ) for all хе(ал,Ър).

Function lr is well defined, since r has no fixpoints in (ap, bv).

Observe, that

(9) lr(av) — 0 iff lim tn(x) — aP and lim x~n(x) = bp

fl—XX) n —>oo

for any xe(aP, bp), lx{ap) = 1 iff lim rw(a?) = bP and И т т -И,(а?) = av

0 0 f l- V O O

for any X€(ap, bp).

Th e o r e m 1. Let x 1,x 2cH1. Then xx~ x2 iff ( F (xx), lX])~ (F(x2), lxJ . P ro of. 1. Assume x1~ x 2. Take X€F{xx). Then we have a{x)

= a{xx{x)) — х2{а(х)), whence o(x)eF(x2). Similarly if y eP (r2), then a~1(y)eF(x1). Thus a{F(xx)) = F (x 2). Suppose aeH x. Then ^(^(r!))

= L {r 2). Take aPeL(x1) and suppose lt (ap) = 0. Then xx(x) < x for any xe(aP,b v), whence x2(o(x)) = a{xx(x)) < a{x), that is r2( y ) < y for any y €(a(ap), <j(bp)). Thus l4 (a{ap)) = 0 .

It may be similarly proved, that Ц(а„) = 1 implies lX2{a{av)) — 1.

Therefore (F(xx), ZTJ ~ (F {r2), ZTj .


Conjugacy o f homeomorpMsms 367

The proof is similar provided aeH 2.

2. Assume (F(xx), Ц) ~ (F (t2), ZTJ.

We shall construct a homeomorphism q oî I such, that qxxx2q. Suppose a e S x (the proof is similar provided aeH 2). Let I \ F ( x x) —

= U iaviK)- Then I \ F { x 2) = U (a {av)i First we shall con­

vex^ T j) veN(t j)

struct (for any V€N(xx)) homeomorphism

qv: (av,b v)^ [a {a v), a{bv))

such, that qvxx(x) = x2gv(x) for any xe(av, bv). Suppose lTl(av) = 1 (the construction is similar if lr {av) = 0). Fixing a point xve(av, bv) we have in view of (9):

(10) (av,b v) = ( J [т?(а?,), + 0O t“+1(®,)],

n = — o o

+ o o

(o{av), a{bv)) = ( J [r£(<r(a>,)), xl+l(a{xv))\.

n = — oo

Let [xv, xx(xv)]-> [a(xv), x2(o(xv))\ be a homeomorphism such that Xv(xv) = a(xv) (Av may be for example a linear mapping). Put

qv(x) = x2l vx fn(x) if X€[xy (xv), Xi+1(xv)~\.

It is easily seen, that gv has the desired properties.

Now, define q: I->1 as follows:

q(x) f o(x) l QV{X)

if X€F(xx),

if xe(av, bv) {veN{ X X) ) . It is evident that q is a homeomorphism of I and qxx = x2q.

The proof is completed.

Now we shall formulate some corollaries.

Corollab y 1. Given any closed subset F of I containing 0 and 1 and any 0-1-value function lF : L (F )-> {0 ,1 } there exists a homeomorphism xeHx such that F = F(x) and lF = lT.

P roof. The statement is obvious.

Co r o l l a r y 2. Let xx, x2eHx and F (x x) = F (x 2) = { 0 , 1 } . Then xx ~ r 2.

P roof. It is easily seen, that [F{xx), У ~ [F(x2) ,l T2], the state­

ment follows thus from Theorem 1.

Co r o lla r y 3. Let xeHx. Then x ~ xn for any n ^ l .

P ro of. We have F(x) = F {x n) as stated in (6). Furthermore, if x < x(x) (resp. x(x) < x), then x < xn(x) (resp. xn(x) < x) and therefore lt = l . Thus the statement follows again from Theorem 1.


Co r o l l a r y 4. For any t e R 1 and any n Ф 0 there exists aeH x such that r = an.

P roof. Assume n > 1. Then т ~ tn, whence there exists qcH (I) such that Qt = rn q. Therefore r = q^ t71 q = (f>_1 vq)71. Put a = q~1xq. The case n < 0 follows therefore by the obvious equality an = (o,“ 1)"re.

II. Conjugacy of decreasing homeomorphisms. Let F be a closed subset of I containing 0 and 1 and let x0<=F. F will be called œ0-symmetric if there exists a homeomorphism a of I such, that:

1° a is decreasing, 2° a(x0) = xQ, 3° a (F) = F ,

4° or2(a?) = x for any xeF.

E e m ark . If a has properties 1°, 2° and 3°, then we may define another homeomorphism a with properties 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° as follows:

\a{x) if x e [0 .x 0], a(x) = 1

[or"1 (x) if #e[a?0, l ] .

Let F be a;0-symmetric, F 0 = F n [0, x0] and [0, x0] \ F 0 = U (av, bv) and let a establishes the avsymmetry of F . n(F)


F = F 0kja (F 0), F 0n a ( F 0) = {xQ}, [x0, l]\< r(F 0) = I J (a(bv), a(av)),


^ iF ) = {ог(&у)}уеЛг(^> >

R (F) = {bv}vejy(F) v {o(av)}veN(F) .

In this case the 0-1-value function lF : L (F )-> {0 ,1 } is said to be sym­

metric, if lF (av) = rF {o{av)) for any veN(F).

Let F { be ^-symmetric and lF.: L (F {) ^ { 0 ,1 } symmetric 0-1-value functions (i = 1,2).

The triples (F 1,x 1, l Fi) and (F 2,x2,If ) are called equivalent, if there exists a homeomorphism q of I such that:

q(F x) = F 2,

q{xx) = x 2,

3° lFl{%) = ^ 2(еЮ ) if q[L {F x)) = L { F 2), that is, if qcH 1, Ц К ) = » ’r , ( e M if e(£(#i)) = ЩЯ1*), i-e., if q*H 2.

If such q exists, then write (Fx, xx, lFi) ~ (F 2, x2, lF ) or, shortly, (Fx, xx, lFl) ~ (F 2, x2 , Ц ).


Conjugacy o f homeomorphisms 369

Relation ^ defined above is an equivalence relation on the set of all triples ( F ,x 0, lF).

Eow, let reJT2 and let xx be the unique fixpoint of r. It is easy to see that F ( r 2) is «^-symmetric (indeed, r establishes the symmetry, cf.

(8)) and lr2 is symmetric too.

Th e o r e m 2. Let rx, x 2e H 2. Then xx ^ r 2 iff (F(xf), xT , 12) ^

~ (-F(rf), * Г2, О)-

P roof. 1. Assume r1r^’ x2. Then x2x~ x l and evidently

2. Assume

(F{rl),a>Ti, l z ) ~ (F(rt), æT2

№ ) , ,*2 (F(rl),œ T2

We shall construct homeomorphism q of I such that qxx= r2 q. Assume a is increasing (the proof is similar provided a is decreasing).

Let F x = F(rl) n [0 , <ctl], F 2 = F { r 22)n [0, xX2] and [ 0 ,x Xl\ \ F x = U ((*v,K). Then a ( F x) = F z, [0, xTJ \ F 2 = U ( * ( « ,) , <r(h)).

veN( t j ) veiV (ri)

We shall construct (for any veN(xx)) homeomorphism

qv: (av, bv)u{xx{hv), гг(а9))-+(о(а,), <r(&„))u (r2(cr (&„)), x2(o{avj))

such that Qvxx{æ) = x2qv{x) for any xe(av, bv)u(xx(bv), xx(av)). Suppose 12{av) = 1 (the construction is similar if 1 2(av) = 0). Fixing a point

ri Ti

xve(av,b v), we have in view of (9):

+ 00

{ч(Ю , *>(».))


= U (*»)],

72, a s — OO


((т(а„), or(6,)) = U [rf(or(a!j), t f +2(<r(®,))], 72= —00

+ 00

(r3((7(6v)), r2((T(^))) = (J [rf+1(<r(av)), x f ^(a?,))]

Let Av: [xv, x?(av)]-*[<r(®,), т2((т(а;,))] be a homeomorphism such that Xv(xv) = a(xv) (A„ may be for example linear mapping).


qv{og) I x f Xvx f2n{x) if

\xln~ 4 vx f2n+l {x) if

X€[xln (xv), x\n+2(xv)], x * \ x f + l{xv), rf-^a?,)].


It is easy to check that qv has the desired properties.

Now define q: I - > I as follows:


f a{œ) if x e F x, x2a t f l (x) if x e r^ F f),

Qv{æ) - if xe{av, b ju f a f i,) , тх(а,)) (геЖ Ы ), It is evident that q is a homeomorphism of I and qtxt2q. The proof is completed.

E em ark . Observe that homeomorphism q constructed above is increasing. But if a is decreasing, then the construction, described in proof of Theorem 2 leeds again to a decreasing homeomorphism q such that t2. However, in this case we may take homeomorphism a = r2a instead of a. It is easy to see that a establishes again equivalence between the triples (F (т \),х г , l 2) and {F(t^),xT , l 2) and a is increasing.

V 1 T1 V 2 T2

So we have proved:

Co r o l l a r y 5. I f rx, т2е Я 2 and rx ~ r 2, then there exists д е Н г such that r1r^J r2.

Co r o l l a r y 6. Given any triple (F , xQ, lF) composed of x0-symmetric closed subset F of I containing 0 and 1 and symmetric 0-1-value function

lF: L (F )-^ {0 , 1}, there exists t e H 2 such that x0 = xz, F — F ( r2), lF = lT . P roof. Let [0 ,x o] \ F = U (av,b v) and let a establishes a?0-sym-


metry of F . Let A„: [a(bv), a(av)]-^[av, bv] be linear mapping such that Xv{a{av)) = av. A„ is a decreasing function, thus A'(a?) < 0. Let qv: [av, &„]->•

->[cr(6J, <y(av)] be a homeomorphism such that Qv(av) = a(av) and q'{x)

< 0 if lF (av) = 0, q'{x) > 0 if lF

r : I - ^ I as follows:

K ) = 1 for any xe[av, bv] . Now define

a(x) if x * F , x = • Qv(x) if § W 1_1 « * ъI---1

A(®) if xe[a(bv), <r(a,)];

r is evidently a decreasing homeomorphism of I, r(x0) = x0 and F F (t2).

If xe(av,b v), then we have r 2(x) — Avqv{x) and {r2(x))" = K (qv(x))q'v'(x).

Whence, if lF(av) = 0, then (r2(a?)),/ > 0 for any xe(av, bv) and therefore r 2(x) < x for xe(av, bv), that is lz2(av) = 0. If lF {av) = 1, then (r2(a?))" < 0 and r 2(x) > x for any xe(aP, bv), whence lr2{av) = 1. Now it follows from inequalities r 2(x) < x resp. r 2(x) > x for xe(av, bv), that F ( r 2) <= F , and thus F ( r 2) = F.

Co r o l l a r y 7. Let reH 2. Then t ~ t2w_1 for any n ^ l .


Conjugacy o f homéomorphisme 371

P roof. We have r 2eHx, thus, in view of Corollary 3, F (т2) = F ( ^ 2n~l)) and 12 = ?T2(2n-i)> Furthermore xx = x^n_v Thus the conjugacy x ^ r2”-1 follows from Theorem 2.

Co ro l l a ry 8 . For any reH 2 and any integer n there exists oeH2

such that r = cr2n-1.

P roof. Is similar to that of Corollary 4.

We shall finish our considerations with an example of homeomor- phisms xx, r2eH2 such that x\ ~ %\ but xx op x2.

Let F = (0, f , l } u { l jn, n = 3 , 4 , . . . } u { l —1 /n, n = 3 , 4 , . . . } and x0 = F is closed a?0-symmetric subset of I containing 0 and 1. Define two 0-1-value functions l{: L (F )-+ {0,1 } (г = 1 , 2 ) .

Observe that it sufficies to define li on left borders of components of I \ F contained in [0, •£], that is on the points an = 1/n (n = 3, 4, ...).


0 if n II

1 if n = 2&+1;

1 if n = 2 fc, 0 if n = 2ft+ 1 .

There exists, by Corollary 6, homeomorphisms xx, x2e H 2 such that

*rt = h ЩА) = Р , 1 2 = 1 { (i = 1 , 2 ) .

We shall show, that xx r2. Assume, in contrary, that xx ~ r2 and let homeomorphism a establishes the conjugacy, that is oxx = x2a. In view of Corollary 5, a may be chosen increasing.

Now, it must be <r(|) = ^, but this is impossible, since 12{\) = 1

and Z 2(з) = 0. Tl


We shall show, that x2x *^2 *

Let q be an increasing homeomorphism of I such that q (1 jn) = 1 J(n -f 1), e ( l — l/(w+l)) = 1 — ljn (n = 2, 3, ...). Then q(F) = F and lx = l 2Q, whence, in view of Theorem 1, x\ ~ r 2.


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