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Plant biomass a renewable energy source


Academic year: 2022

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Plant biomass – a renewable energy source

Educational subject description sheet

Basic information

Field of study Food safety Speciality -


The Faculty of Biology and Animal Science Study level

First-cycle (engineer) programme Study form


Education profile General academic

Education cycle 2021/22

Subject code

WBiHZBBZS.I4B.0228.21 Lecture languages Polish

Mandatory optional Block

major subjects Disciplines

Animal husbandry and fishery

Subject related to scientific research Yes

Subject shaping practical skills No

Teacher responsible for the subject

Marcin Kozak

Other teachers conducting classes

Marcin Kozak, Anna Wondołowska-Grabowska


Semester 3 Examination

graded credit

Activities and hours

lecture: 15, laboratory classes: 15

Number of ECTS points 2.0


C1 Informing students using plant biomass as a renewable energy source (RES).


2 / 6 Subject's learning outcomes

Code Outcomes in terms of Effects Examination methods

Knowledge – Student knows and understands:

W1 Students have a general competence in field

production of crops and in raw plant materials. BZ_P6S_WG01 written credit


Students have a competence in energy crop field management and the influence of energy crops on

agricultural environment the most important crops. BZ_P6S_WG04 written credit Skills – Student can:

U1 Students have skills in gathering information,

recognizing and evaluating crop species. BZ_P6S_UW01 project U2 Students have skills for preparing a written project of

energy crop management technology. BZ_P6S_UW03 project

Social competences – Student is ready to:

K1 Students are aware of the responsibility for the

decisions they have made BZ_P6S_KR08 project

Balance of ECTS points

Activity form Activity hours*

lecture 15

laboratory classes 15

project preparation 20

lesson preparation 10

Student workload Hours


ECTS 2.0

Workload involving teacher Hours



Practical workload Hours



* hour means 45 minutes

Study content

No. Course content Activities



1. Energy policy in 21th c. Secure energy. Energy consumpion. World energy resources. (1 h).

2. Characteristics of renewable and nonrenewable energy sources Renewable energy sources in the UE's and Poland's energy policy. (1 h).

3. Environmental factors that affect quantity and quality of the obtained plant biomass (1 h).

4 and 5. Biomass energy. Energia biomasy. Biomass energy resources and their distribution. Wood. Straw. Possible uses. Production and demand for agricultural and non-agricultural use. Possibilities of the use of straw (2 h.).

6. The volume and importance of bio-ethanol production in Poland and in the world, raw materials for bio-ethanol production (1 hr.).

7 and 8. Potato - economic importance and possibilities of use for the production of bio-ethanol. Climate and soil requirements. Agro-technology. Forecrop and farming. Fertilization. Seed potato and planting. Plant care. Harvest (2 hrs.).

9 and 10. The volume and importance of biodiesel production in Poland and worldwide. Raw materials for biodiesel production, technological processes.

Production of fuel briquettes. Oilseed plants. Rape - the economic importance and the possibility of use of bio-diesel and fuel biomass. Climate and soil requirements climatic and soil. Agricultural. Forecrop and farming. Fertilization. Seed and sowing. Plant care. Harvest (2 hrs.).

11, 12, 13 and 14. Perennial energy crops: osier, Virginia mallow, multiflora rose.

Perennial grasses: Miscanthus giganteus and prairie cordgrass . The economic importance and the possibilities of using biomass for heating. Climate and soil requirements. Agrotechnology. Forecrop and farming. Fertilization. Seedlings, seeds. Plant care. Harvest (4 hrs.).

15. The importance and prospects of development of biogas plants. Raw materials and basic processes in biogas production. Biogas plants in Poland (1 hr.).



4 / 6


1. Introduction, definitions of agricultural and energy terms, botanical and agricultural classification of crops used for energy purposes (1 hr.).

2. Learning methods of measuring biomass moisture with use of a moisture analyzer. Performing analysis of the dry matter content in the fresh plant material intended for energy purposes. Understanding the relationship between moisture content of the obtained biomass and its calorific value (1 hr.).

3, 4. Potato as raw material for bio-ethanol production. Chemical composition. The energy value of the crop. Characteristics of environmental factors. Data collection to develop a project of eco-friendly growing of potato, students' individual work (determination of the average weight of seed potato, calculation of seed potato rate per unit area, planning fertilizing routines, estimating plant protection products and the demand for agricultural equipment and machines (2 hrs.).

5, 6. Rape as a raw material for production of bio-diesel and fuel briquettes. The chemical composition and possible uses. Energy value of the crop. Characteristics of environmental factors. Data collection for a project on how to develop eco- friendly technology of growing rape; students' individual work (calculation of the needed seed rate per unit area, planning fertilizing routines, estimating pest and weed control, and demand for agricultural equipment and machines (2 hrs.) 7 and 8. Osier and Miscanthus giganteus as energy resources. The chemical composition and possible uses. The energy value of the crop. Characteristics of environmental factors. Collecting data for a project on how to develop

technologies for growing willow or miscanthus, the students' individual work (calculation of sowing rate per unit area, planning fertilizing routines, estimating pest and weed control, and the demand for agricultural equipment and machines (2 hrs.).

9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Dividing students into project teams. Giving design objectives for the project. Conducting the projects on organization and technology of the assumed energy crops plantation (6 hrs.).

15. Receiving credit reports on the implementation of individual projects. Problem analysis and discussion. Final completion of the course (1 hr.).

laboratory classes

Course advanced

Teaching methods:

project-based learning (PBL), lecture, classes

Activities Examination methods Percentage in subject assessment

lecture written credit 20.00%

laboratory classes project 80.00%

Entry requirements

Biology (secondary school level)




Buzar M., Galek R., Góra J., Grzyś E., Hurej M., Kotecki A., Kozak M., Piszcz U., Pląskowska E., Pusz W., Sawicka- 1.

Sienkiewicz E., Spiak Z., Szlachta J., Twardowski J., Zalewski D., Zbroszczyk T., Zdrojewski Z.: Uprawa miskanta olbrzymiego. Energetyczne i pozaenergetyczne możliwości wykorzystania słomy. Monografia. Pod. red. A. Koteckiego.

Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu 2010.

Bocian P., Golec T., Rakowski J.: Nowoczesne technologie pozyskiwania i energetycznego wykorzystania biomasy. BiOB, 2.

Warszawa, 2010.

Gradziuk P., Grzybek A., Kowalczyk K., Kościk B.: Biopaliwa. Wieś Jutra, Warszawa, 2003.


Stolarski M., J.: Agrotechniczne i ekonomiczne aspekty produkcji biomasy wierzby krzewiastej (Salix spp.) jako surowca 4.

energetycznego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, 2009.


https://epodreczniki.pl/a/zrodla-energii-w-polsce/DZ9m3Dvd0 1.

Burczyk B.: Biomasa – surowiec do syntez chemicznych i produkcji paliw. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2.



6 / 6 Effects

Code Content

BZ_P6S_KR08 Absolwent jest gotów do ponoszenia społecznej, zawodowej i etycznej odpowiedzialności za kształtowanie i stan środowiska naturalnego, dobrostan zwierząt oraz produkcję bezpiecznej żywności, przemyślanego i świadomego inicjowania działań na rzecz interesu publicznego w zakresie bezpieczeństwa żywności.

BZ_P6S_UW01 Absolwent potrafi wyszukiwać, analizować i wykorzystywać potrzebne informacje pochodzące z dokumentacji zootechnicznej, technologicznej, agrotechnicznej


Absolwent potrafi zaplanować oraz przeprowadzić, z wykorzystaniem standardowych technik i narzędzi, pod kierunkiem opiekuna, proste zadania badawcze, eksperymenty lub prace projektowe dotyczące w szczególności zagadnień bezpieczeństwa żywności i prawidłowo interpretuje rezultaty oraz wyciąga wnioski

BZ_P6S_WG01 Absolwent zna i rozumie w stopniu zaawansowanym zagadnienia z zakresu biologii mikroorganizmów, roślin i zwierząt oraz zależności zachodzące między nimi

BZ_P6S_WG04 Absolwent zna i rozumie w stopniu zaawansowanym zagadnienia na temat surowców i produktów pochodzenia zwierzęcego i roślinnego oraz procesów ich produkcji


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