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Anniversary Conference: University – Philosophy as the Foundation of Knowledge, Action and Ethos


Academic year: 2021

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Anniversary Conference: University – Philosophy as the Foundation of

Knowledge, Action and Ethos

Łódź, June 11–13, 2015

Conference participants

Professors (left to right i. a.): G. Malinowski, A. M. Kaniowski Cancelar R. Majda, J. Czelakowski, M. Kozłowski, P. Simons and A. Brożek


Prof. Ryszard Panasiuk’s lecture


... and prof. James E. McGuire

Gala reception for conference attendees. Biedermann Palace (right to left Professors: J. Woleński, U. Żegleń, M. Gensler, P. Łukowski M. Nowak, K. Misiuna, dr K. Bednarska, dr K. de Lazari-Radek, P. Simons


Prof. Elżbieta Jung (Pro-Dean for Research) greets all participants (left to right Professors: A. M. Kaniowski, G. Skirbekk, pr. A. Szostek

dr R. Trypuz…)

Last photograph, after some participants had left. In the middle of the photo (i. a.) Professors (left to right): J. Kaczmarek, M. Kwietniewska, E. Jung,

T. Gerstenkorn, M. Gensler, R. Kleszcz, J. Czelakowski, A. Indrzejczak and students


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