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Jennifer Lopez - Limitless (piosenka z filmu 'Teraz albo nigdy') tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Jennifer Lopez, Limitless (piosenka z filmu 'Teraz albo nigdy')

i couldn’t fight anymore and i wouldn’t lie anymore

and all of the truths that I couldn’t ignore I wouldn’t fight in this war

No /10x no crying No /10x no crying No /10x

I told myself I had to be a different someone in order to win at a war

I had already won

i’d given up on the saying I’ll never give up

but look at me now look at me

I’m limitless /2x look at me now look at me I’m limitless /2x

I am a woman who roars nobody opened my door

I am a woman saying I want more so give me what I’m asking for No /10x

no crying No /10x

I told myself I had to be a different someone in order to win at a war

I had already won

i’d given up on the saying I’ll never give up

but look at me now look at me

I’m limitless /2x look at me now look at me I’m limitless /2x

Jennifer Lopez - Limitless (piosenka z filmu 'Teraz albo nigdy') w Teksciory.pl


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